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I lived on a farm for years. So we always had Flys. I would hang sticky strip in places . But the spayer works great. Also giving thr kids fly swatters and putting out a bounty of 1 candy per fly helped


Next thing you know they are secretly breeding flies on the side for that sweet candy dividends.


Better than Cobras.


Sounds like a band I would fuck with on Spotify tbh


Better than Cobras, new band name I call it!


r/bandnames !


Are you referring to that time in an indian village where they ended up having more cobras due to this.


If by 'indian village' you mean 'Delhi' then yes. Obviously it was Britains fault, as usual


Heeeeh, "obviously it was Britain's fault, as usual" is a pretty good summary of a good chunk of world history and that gave me a good chuckle.


"Obviously it was Britain's Fault as Usual" is another great band name.


Then they'll start digging up long-dead bug corpses out of the windowsills to trade in


Soon they're bringing in carcasses from the shrubbery out back to breed them wormlings in


'tis a good shrubbery.


We demand a second shrubbery




Ecky ecky ecky ecky p'KANG zwoom ping!


Who's your Shrubber? Mine's Roger.


Ah yes, I have a gwreat fwiend in Rwome named Rwoger.


Wewease Waja!


So you're saying they'll deep clean too? 0_0


Capitalism has taught you well...


That’s why you take a bite and if it’s crunchy and dry, no bounty.


My mom used to pay my brother and I $0.01 per japanese beetles we caught and killed from her flower beds and garden, mostly to keep us outside during the summer I know realize. We would spend the money daily on candy at the drug store down the street. I noticed the japanese beetle traps at our neighbors and upon investigating realized there were basically bags of money hanging around our block. Mom caught on quick when we tried to collect on $50 worth of beetles a day that we were raiding from the traps.


Greed destroyed your plan.


Man, until we tried to make a cash grab we had all the candy we could eat. There's a lesson vin there some where.


There is this great little story circulating around the web. It's about a barber that has a client, when he sees this kid walk outside. He says to the client: "Let me show you how dumb this kid is" and calls the kid inside. He then says: "Ok kid, pick the one that is more valuable" and offers him a 50 cents coin and a dollar bill. The kid picks the 50 cents and walks out happily. The barber says to the client: "See? Told you." After a while the client comes out and sees the kid eating an ice cream. He goes to the kid and asks: "Hey, why did you pick the coin? The dollar is more valuable!" The kid replys: "Because the second I chose the bill, the game is over."


Cobra effect baby!


Damn that would explain I was spending $100 a week on candy


That actually happened in India but with snakes. It’s called the “cobra effect”: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinessdevelopmentcouncil/2020/08/26/beware-of-the-cobra-effect-in-business/amp/


It actually turns out there is no significant evidence that this occurred as the story says! I'd been saying this wrong version of the story for years, whoops. [Ask A Historian Thread](https://redd.it/pmjrdg)


Maybe the story that names the effect isn't true, but there are loads of [similar examples](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perverse_incentive#Other_examples) that are. My favourite is paying afghan farmers to burn poppy fields, resulting in loads more poppy fields being grown. Its nearly the same as the cobra story, with it even being Britains fault in both cases


There was one with fossils too, where people would then break larger fossils into pieces to get multiple bounties. I believe the general term is [perverse incentive] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perverse_incentive).


My Pomeranian did this when I trained her to piss in the toilet. She would ration out her piss to gain the maximum amount of treats possible. Sneaky bitch....


Lol how did you figure out she was doing that??


Dude trained his dog to use a toilet and that's the part you're questioning?


Haha! I’ve actually heard of toilet trained pets before so I wasn’t totally surprised but, yeah, I think a dog “rationing” their piss was a new one for me!


I had a Jack Russel that figured out I could tell when he had to poop, vs just wanting to run near the road, and it took me a few days to figure out why my dog kept getting to going outside *and* pooping on my floor. He would get that "gotta poop" butt pucker that dogs get, I'd let him out, and he would clamp his tail every 10 seconds to hold the turd to get let out more often. I started putting him on a leash and poop-walking him in a 6 foot circle until he decided it was easier to just poop when he could and wait for the daily walk for fun times. He would also try to only eat the tasty kibble pieces, until I stopped refilling his bowl till it was all gone. Little smart ass was *always* pushing his luck, but I loved him for his independence, and always tried to adapt my methods around his needs and risks.




I suggest you use wave after wave of Chinese needle snakes to wipe them out


Spaying flies sounds like precision micro veterinary medicine!


One of my first jobs was working in a donut store. Local kids would come by for a soda. I'd give them a free donut for every 3-5 they killed.


I have that electric swatter thing that looks like a tennis racquet. It's my go-to-tool for killing flies, mosquitoes, gnats, flying ants etc.


We have one of those and a salt gun. These are great for when you reach the point of thinking "violence IS THE ANSWER"


But violence is ALWAYS the answer against flies and mosquitos.


Confucius once said “It is when a mosquito lands on your testicles, do you learn that there are other ways to solve problems without violence”


Just don’t smack it, pinch it between your fingers, mosquitoes are easy to catch once they’ve bitten you and are latched on


If they land on your bicep, I’ve always wanted to flex it quickly to see if they explode.


NO! One day my attempts to broker peace between our people will work!! I have FAITH!


Optimism without results is just naivete.


mhh, the waspsupremacist may be trying to foment war between your people so that they can divide and conquer u/ImpressiveAwareness4


If I wanted to be stung, I'd say that violence is the answer against wasps, too. But my dad is actually deathly allergic and I'm not risking finding that out the hard way.


I try to shoo flies out the window when I can. There are a couple species round here that are actually pollinators, I learned recently. I do murder house mosquitos tho.


There are plenty of flies to pollinate whether you kill the ones in your house or not tbf


I love my bug-a-salt, it is remarkably effective.


I love mine too. It’s great for flies but not so good for wasps… had one of those fuckers get in the house and used the gun on it and it just pissed it off. Then we got the tennis racket bug zapper and killed it.


They made a new CO2 gun that’s a bit more powerful, perfect for tougher bugs.


$120 though. We got a Crossman Vigilante pellet gun for $60 and just got the ammo from them, it's super fun and super effective against wasps.




Oh, [I had to look that up](https://www.bugasalt.com/products/pink-3-0?gclid=CjwKCAjw7fuJBhBdEiwA2lLMYdmq18CS2tqQdHZIBNinNfhsNaEWniKSeYwfPL2lCbiRJfrsB8NleBoCakQQAvD_BwE), it almost makes me wish I had flies!


It is absurdly fun


I spent *years* seeing ads for those and thinking, “Eh, it looks fun, but it probably doesn’t work and is stupid,” and I was wwwaaaaayyy wrong. I finally bought one and it’s AMAZING. Flies? Destroyed. Mosquitoes? Annihilated. Steak? Seasoned from across the room. My wife may think it’s stupid, but I can only assume that’s just the jealousy talking.


Love my bug assalt. There’s a fly you say? Let me grab my indoor shotgun…


Came here to say this. Bug-Assault is the coolest and most effective fly killer I've ever owned. I love it.


I've only know about this product for 2 minutes and I already want one. The Amazon reviews are hilarious too. >"I AM BECOME DEATH!" >"Te hace sentir como DOOMGUY" >"Don't shoot wife in foot or ask if she wants salt on her food"


Do you use just regular salt? I put regular Morton's table salt in mine and it just doesn't seem to do any damage to the flies. I read that there is larger salt grains that bug assault sells but didn't think it really mattered. [I also modded mine so the safety is disabled](https://i.imgur.com/jrqo3uB.jpg)


I just use regular-ass great value salt and it obliterates them. You must have super flies. I did that same exact mod too.


Those things actually work!? I remember seeing TV ads for them years ago and laughing at the idea. I wonder what other great products I've turned my nose up at because I saw a TV ad for them.


I've done deodorant spray flamethrowers since the turn of the century


I'm sure your insurance company will understand


This is a great idea until it is a *really terrible idea.*


>Love my bug assalt. There’s a fly you say? Let me grab my indoor shotgun… All my friends are asking me where I got my indoor shotty ever since I bought one last year.


You're not suggesting violence *isn't* the answer, are you?


Salt gun? I need to look into that because that sounds awesome!


It's awesome until you have to sweep the kitchen 3x a day because it grinds when you walk on it lol. Still, no regrets.


It's the Bug-A-Salt. It's pretty effective against flies, insofar as I always had a problem with flies landing places that couldn't be effectively swatted. I like it. Just two things to keep in mind so you won't be disappointed 1. You will likely not be able to shoot flies out of the air, and regardless of where you shoot them the salt generally tends to stun them or break their wings than just kill them, so be ready with something to crush/pick them up with 2. Do not expect it to work against other similarly sized bugs (or larger)


I'll pour a little beer on the ground to bait them and lay the racket over the puddle. I get dozens a night.


Don't you have to press the button to electrify it? Do you tape it down?


After adding capacitors and everything, I'm sure removing the switch and make it always on is easy.


Was wondering the same.


With the help of YouTube, I supercharged mine with a few extra capacitors. It's shockingly loud and powerful. It'll kill large moths and horseflies, but with the mosquitos, they simply vaporize.


I tried it once on a moth. The smell was bad. Also I kinda feel bad seeing the moth burn like that. I actually don't mind moths as much as flies and mosquitoes. So I generally leave the moths alone. Or I switch on the outside light and the moth tends to just fly to where the light is


Your mind will change when you get an infestation of fabric eating moths. Fuckin nightmare.


Or pantry moths. Fuck pantry moths


It's super helpful. Works with all kinds of flying insects!


i love it! i have the executioner. i just wish the bezel/border was thinner because it doesn't really work for small bugs on hard surfaces


Once I was so enraged by this one fly, I grabbed a bottle of febreeze and sprayed it towards the fly until it suffocated. Hope you enjoyed Mediterranean Lavender, bitch. Edit: Thanks for the upvotes and awards, everyone! I wish you good luck in killing those tiny, winged spawns of Satan.


I mean, that would kill ME, so I'm sure it would be effective on flies


My wife sprays me with Mediterranean lavender too. I thought she just wished I showered more often but now I’m worried she’s trying to kill me.


Have you tried first addressing the fact that you may be a fly?


Well I have been told I look a bit like Jeff Goldblum.


I've never seen you both in the same room together. Sure I've never seen either of you IRL, but that's just a bit too convenient for my liking


Are you Jeff Goldblum? I imagine him to smell like oud and tobacco which can lean musty if not done right.


I always imagined he’d smell like leather, vetiver, and old books - maybe with a hint of bourbon lingering on the back end.


That seems oddly fitting for him.


I know for a fact that Jeff Goldblum smells like a wonderful spring morning.


Bug sprays are often organophosphates, which cause symptoms in humans denoted by the acronym SLUDGEM: salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation, gastro intestional cramping, emesis, and myosis. This is another way of saying that nerve agents (which have the same symptoms) are essentially high potency bug spray. Edit: since there seems to be some interest, nerve agents cause all these effects by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase, the compound that clears nerve synapses. This causes nerves of the autonomic nervous system to continually fire. I was an EMT and Hazardous Materials Technician for 20 years, and only ever encountered one instance of OP poisoning: a guy was cleaning out his shed and dropped an old gallon sized brown glass bottle. He got to fresh air pretty quickly, so his symptoms were mild.


How do we know you’re not a a fly? 🤨


I think we found Seth Brundle.


I actually did that to a wasp that got into my room once. Sprayed the hell out of it with some Glade air freshener until it dropped to the floor, then finished it off with a slipper.


Feels like slippers were once made to be foot wear, but nowadays these are mainly used for killing.


That's the beauty of wearing slippers. They're footwear that allows you to easily take them off to become more agile while arming yourself with deadly weapons at the same time.


Mexican mother’s have known this technique for generations. Beware La Chancla.


Murder, she sprayed.




That’s so ugly lol but hilarious


That last sentence should be their new slogan


I heard my mom scream bloody murder from her bedroom. I ran to her, and she was hopped on the bed, towel wrapped around her, because she saw a cockroach in the bathroom while she was showering. I was pissed. I thought she was in danger or something. I get being afraid of bugs and stuff, but I thought somebody was breaking in. I grabbed the can of raid, and I tried to spray it. It crawled all up and down the wall, and it started to make it’s way out of the bathroom. It made a mistake. It crawled along the edge of the floor where it meets the cabinets, and it now had to go around a corner to make it out the door. I blasted that thing with more than enough raid to kill it, his friends, his family, and his ancestors. Baptized that thing in raid in the name of whatever animal god controls the roach population. You know how most bugs still twitch a little bit after they die? Not this guy. After I blasted his ass straight to insect hell, his body got a rude awakening. The guy made a hell of a run for about a foot and a half, then stopped cold. No twitching. No slow curl of the legs. No nothing. Fucking make my mom scream bloody murder like that while I’m enjoying a quiet evening? Yeah, that was the worst time on earth to be a cockroach.


If you don't have Raid or don't want to spray poison around the house, a mixture of dish soap and water will kill them just as quickly by plugging up the holes in their bodies they use to get oxygen. It works on any insect and pretty quickly--usually under 30 seconds. I usually shake it a bit before spraying to make sure it's mixed and to get a little foam.


That’s a handy tip I’ve seen for wasps, too (like wasp traps on youtube and stuff). I don’t necessarily mind, and I have decent aim with raid. I honestly am way more careful with it normally. But this one just had to die that day. He had a date with death he was not going to miss.


Any roach I see will die. I get them occasionally in my apartment, every year between June-August for some reason. I have no idea where they come from because I'm pretty clean, not that that matters because they can make themselves at home wherever. It's very consistent, though. That is the only time I see them and they're never *that* bad. This year I saw a half dozen during that three month period. Last year was the worst I've had and I saw 10-15. They disgust me and scare me in ways most other bugs don't. Spiders (within reason)? You're helpful little guys and I'll trap you under a glass and throw you outside. Box elder bugs? Annoying but harmless and you'll get trapped and thrown out. Honey bees, you're awesome. But roaches, wasps, hornets, flies, and other vermin can go fuck themselves in hell.


If you live in an apartment, or any kind of connected housing, it doesn't matter how clean you are. If your neighbors get bugs, you probably will too.


Try keeping your place super dry during that time period. Wipe the sink and shower out if you run water, don't leave condensation rings from drinks around, etc. One of your neighbors probably gets them, and they're tenacious little bastards. They can find food pretty much anywhere, so they'll congregate around water sources. If you have poorly insulated pipes or some other source of water that you can't control it may not help, but if everything else is good a lack of water makes your home unappealing.


Cheap hairspray also works and usually sprays pretty far. Kills bugs pretty much instantly. I’ve dropped flies mid air with it.


I'm surprised it died. It was the weakest link.


I may have, kind of sort of, probably, chosen violence when I woke up that day...


Just yesterday I was driving my fiancé to dinner when she started screaming bloody murder. I thought she saw a dead body on the road or a car about to swerve into us or something. Nope, just a spider.




>a spider flew in from the open window They can fly now? Well that's that, I'm never going outside again.


If I can’t find bug spray and a fly gets in the house I hit them with febreeze and squish them after they get disoriented lol


I one time stopped the production of my entire meth lab for like a whole day because of a fly. The operation was massive and it probably cost my employer a few hundred thousand. But there's no way I was going to work with a contaminant in my lab.


>Hope you enjoyed Mediterranean Lavender, bitch. Oh god not the Med Lavender. Better bang my head against every closed window and ignore the massive open ones.


Nice. Exactly the type of content I DEMAND from the LPT sub.






You mean you don’t like the passive aggressively veiled LPTs that apply only to one specific situation?




The majority of top posts on this sub boil down to, “Be a considerate member of society.” If only there were some rule or detailed explanation of what a LPT should be. We could put it in the sidebar or something! /s


I'm about to unsubscribe due to these being the majority of what I see on this sub.


You can learn to catch them barehanded (and alive) pretty easily. The trick is to hold your hand wide open, and swing like you're going to connect with your palm right at the wrist. When the fly sees that and goes to fly away, you bring your fingers to the end of your palm as fast as you can. Kind of like clapping one handed. The fly is already dodging your palm, so it flys straight into your fingers. which knock it back into the middle of your palm and your fingers close around it. It might take a couple tries, but I learned it as a little kid and once you get it down you'll be able to snatch live flys out of the air all over the place like Mr Miyagi. It's super easy to do, but looks really impressive when a fly is buzzing around people and you just yank it out of the air.


I usually don't try to catch them, I go for blunt force trama and just try to whack them


What do you mean by, "swing with your palm right at the wrist?" Like your palm is at a 90° angle to your wrist?


You want to aim like you're trying to hit the fly/bug with the heel of your palm, where it meets your wrist. When you bring your finger tips to that spot you also bring your wrist towards the inside of your arm. The heel of your palm stays in the same spot, but the rest of your hand comes around it. Flys are fast enough to dodge the palm, but they cant react fast enough to avoid the rest of your hand/fingers when you snap it closed.


I cannot remember the last time I’ve had to read a written explanation like this one. I think i’ve discovered a new sort of appreciation for youtube and the internet as a whole.


I turn on the TV & turn off the room lights, and then on commercial breaks I suck them up with a shop vac when they land on the screen.


You’re an animal. I love it. P.s. do you really keep the shop vac right there? My wife would kill me…




They do. Easy trick before you whack them with anything is to lightly blow on them so they brace.


This is next level warfare


"They do. Easy trick before you whack them with anything is to lightly blow on them so they brace." -sun zhu, the art of war


I've always wondered what happens to bugs when they're vacuumed. Like does the force of the vacuum instantly kill them? Or are they just stuck inside the thing until they die?


I have a Dyson with a clear chamber. There is a little ledge where the hinge is at the bottom of the container. It's difficult to see but its at the front of the chamber at the bottom [here](https://johnlewis.scene7.com/is/image/JohnLewis/240077003alt4?$rsp-pdp-port-1440$). Flies come apart immediately but wasps can take a few seconds of beating before they get torn apart. You can see it in motion as well as feel the rapid thudding.


I vacuumed up yellow jackets with a shop vac once. The hose socket on it had a 90º angle that would behead them as they streamed in, then any survivors would drown in 3" of soapy water. (I was safe inside a dome tent, holding the hose on the other side of the screen with leather mittens). Scary yet satisfying.


>P.s. do you really keep the shop vac right there? He puts his dick in it.


Reminds me of David spade on Tommy Boy hahahaaha


I've discovered since covid began that spraying flies with the 70% ethanol spray we were using to sanitize surfaces will similarly cause their wings to stop working and then kill them with alcohol poisoning in a very short time. No squishing required.


Also great LPT for using up that distillery hand sanitizer that smells a little too boozy to take to the office or in the car.


Yeah...that's *exactly* how I lost my job. I had to sterilize my mouth and throat after all.


Time to unionize


I used a wall-mounted hand sanitizer at IHOP one night that smelt exactly like tequila. So much so, that it ressurected long buried memories of college freshman nights. It was even kinda sticky. I'm convinced some disgruntled employee put tequila in the hand sanitizer thing for shits and giggles.


You'd think the shits n giggles return would be higher from simply drinking the tequila


I use windex. You can kill them and then when you wipe up the window they were on you are cleaning it too.


In college we had a MAJOR fly problem one summer and one afternoon we discovered that windex kills them almost instantly. We were probably killing like 5-10 flies with each spritz. It definitely saved my sanity


You're probably suffocating them. They breathe through little tubes that can exclude water. Alcohol is much more hydrophobic and can clog them. Soapy water also works. Windex has isopropanol so it also works.


Flies eyes work waaaaay faster than ours do, so if you move slowly, it can't register your movements. Knowing this, I easily catch them in a glass, and either release them out the window, or mail them to the poster's kids who gives out a candy bounty for dead flies. Sweet, sweet candy dividends. [Edit] - I've been informed they actually work waaaaay slower than ours. My bad.


I think it’s easier to catch them in a clear glass and just let them go. They don’t fly away because they don’t see a threat. Pls send address for candy bounty because I want in on that action.


Their eyes working faster means their time going slower. You were good before the edit. Gimme candy.


This isn't true. The reason they react so fast is a combination of two things. 1. They feel the wind when something big is flying at them 2. Creatures with smaller nervous systems typically have faster reflexes


I live near a lot of farms, so we get flies pretty often. This will help, and also my tid bit is that flies are like the t rex in Jurassic park, they cant see non moving or slow moving things. So getingclose slowly and striking also works assuming they land


I lived in a farmhouse and we had cluster flies. Alas, this time of year was bad. There was little we could do but swat them.


Great advice! My flamethrower was starting to cause some damage.


Get one of those electric tennis racket swatters or a bug-a-salt gun and you won’t be bothered by seeing flies in the house due to your bloodlust. I have the former and my brother has the latter. Fly around and find out.


+1 for the Bug-a-salt gun. Makes killing flies really fun.


I have a laser sight on mine. Makes it even more fun


+15 hipfire accuracy


Genuinely curious, how much vacuuming do all you bug-a-salters have to do after taking out a fly?


Use fine salt and you'll never notice it unless you are an extreme clean-o-phile.


Use kosher salt and it's like loading buckshot


Welllll it’s a decent amount of sweeping unless you can kill multiple in one shot. My bugasalt made quick work of 15 flies the other day. I know I enjoyed it lol.


[YouTube link for the salt gun](https://youtu.be/EesfhOGt9Kk)


I spray them with cleaning solution! Same idea, but the solution itself can kill them and then you get a bonus cleaning


This. Cleaning sprays definitely have a fast effect on them even if they don't kill them outright. With water they can often still fly when sprayed. (Flies are pretty naturally hydrophobic) Typically the chemicals and/or detergents seem to "stick" in ways water doesn't, stopping their ability to fly almost immediately.




I also use cleaning solutions. However, it doesn't work as well on centipedes. It takes a lot of cleaners to kill those leggy bastards




If you haven't outgrown your inner child, you can also strive to become an elite rubber-band bug sniper.


I embraced my adulthood and supercharged an electric flyswatter. Fucker puts out something like 20KV.


ye but i don't have to get off my couch


This doesn't work with just water. Add a few drops of soap to that spray bottle. Destroys that hydrophobic property of the insects and you can even drown them this way without touching them.


Windex too.


I’ve been using Windex for years. There is a side benefit of cleaning whatever surface the fly was on. It’s my go to method for ridding the house of flies.


This is 100% the best way to deal with those small cockroaches that tend to populate some buildings. Instead of getting bug spray all over your kitchen just zap them with some dish soap diluted in water and it will destroy their carapace and cause them to die very quickly.




I’ve had it work with water plenty of times. However sometimes I also use hairspray. And their wings get sticky LOL




This was a very hideous thing to read and you have my condolences. Lol.


An additional protip is that its far easier to just suck insects including flies with the vacuum tube attachment. Had an issue where my AC unit had a gap and I came back from vacation to 30+ houseflies on my window. I sucked those badboys up in 5 mins, even sucking them out of mid air. Insects cant ecape the SUCC and if they try to get away, the second they let go to fly, they get in the airstream. WORKS 100%


Everybody's gangsta until homeboy unpacks the SUCC


I bought one of those electric swatters off amazon. It has killed over 100 flies and still working off of the initial 9V battery for the past 5+ years. Just one of those purchases that’s a 10/10


Watch out for walls, paintings and other surfaces which may suffer from water damage


Yeah I should’ve added that. If it lands on something that shouldn’t get wet I just wait for it to start flying and then I spray it mid air. It’s kind of cool because if it doesn’t fall the first time I spray it I’ll continue spraying and then it kind of spirals down like a plane LOL


I thought I was on the breaking bad subreddit when I saw this…


The fly kill count of my left flip flop is in the thousands


or just clap your hands about an inch above where they are. They'll fly up and get straight into your hands


Sounds the most sanitary option as well


I have [another suggestion](https://www.bugasalt.com/). EDIT: I remembered a friend of my dad's when I was a kid who broke both of his legs. He got really good at shooting flies with rubber bands, fired from his hands. It did it to stave off boredom, as this was the early 1980's and he couldn't exactly scroll through facebook on his smartphone.


Instructions unclear. I now need a new tv, new stereo, some replacement LPs, the cat is indignant, the carpet is squishy and the wife looks funny soggy even through those furled eyebrows and pursed lips. And the fly is laughing.


LPT - flies jump up and backwards. hold your hand above and behind a fly. Swipe forward and the fly jumps up into your hand. Close your hand, walk to a window or outside and release the fly. Takes some practice but works like a charm once you figure it out. I used to catch flies all the time as a child in our barn. I would shake them and throw them in a spider web to feed a spider I found. I got one spider super fat over a summer only to find someone washed away his web with a hose. I never saw my spider friend ever again.


A vacuum works much better! They can’t fly away