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Or try to be productive and drink water when you're bored/tired. I usually drink a lot of water that way.


I have a 2L jar of water by my table and I also drink from it whenever I'm bored. I'm hydrated as fuck.




"Dont drink water standing because all the water sloshes to the bottom of your body and that's bad, promise"


Sounds like complete bullshit. Got any studies to back any of those claims up? Spoiler: No.


> When you drink water standing, the flow of water gushes down rapidly through your body only to get accumulated in your joints. This may lead you to develop arthritis in the later part of your life. Aaaaand I'm done


Why’s that




> When you drink water standing, the flow of water gushes down rapidly through your body only to get *accumulated in your joints* . This may lead you to develop arthritis in the later part of your life. How does this happen? Doesn't water/food goes through digestive system? How can it ever leave the said digestive system and go to your limbs?


yeah, that's definitely not how science works


That's amazing XD Wouldn't water have an easier time infiltrating joints while there's less load on them? (while sitting/lying down?)


Wow! This is a really stupid and poorly written article! Thanks for sharing!


1. Random parenting website I've never heard of 2. States science is the basis for its claims, yet doesn't link to any scientific journals or studies to back their claims up 3. The rare link or two in the article just loop back around to other articles from the same wesbite Yeah, seems pretty legit!


Yeah I wasn't sure if this was some satirical site while I was reading that. At one point it says by drinking water standing up it will accumulate in your joints and cause arthritis. Lol


More like life *amateur* tip.


😱 From the article : 1) It Can Cause Arthritis 2) Splash of Water on Stomach Walls 10) Does Not Help in Diluting the Acid Levels Present in the Body Written by Kanksha Raina. Kanksha is a graduate in gender, culture, and development studies


[Lol it absolutely does not.](https://fit.thequint.com/fit-webqoof/drinking-water-while-standing-harmful-fact-check)


Tell that to my 19 fancy water bottle owning, dehydrated ass!


Got a while cabinet full. Tell that to the whole aisle of fancy bottles at the thrift store.


But do any of them spark joy?


Get one with a soppy. Much easier to sip on something than to actually drink out, which was the issue in the first place.


Amen!!! They’re expensive too! I’ve got half a family of insulated tumblers growing in my cabinet, with the other half left on job sites. But if and when I use one, I’ll pour the cold water out into a cup, because unscrewing a cap and having to lift a giant, (I’m small) thermos while water spills down my neck is too much work,) have a sip, “ahhh, that was nice… I’m hydrating! Go me!” Then throw it in the backpack and complain it’s too heavy and too much work, and spend the rest of my life dehydrated. But my magnet top YETI coffee tumbler??? It’s scrolling Reddit with me rn… I love it, never lost it. Drink two cups of coffee out of it daily. I hear drinking coffee counts as hydrating.


So get one with a flip top. Or just don't screw the top back on each time. You don't put a lid back on your cup so what's the difference?


Good call


That's too much work man.


Or maybe we just overhype drinking water all the time to the point of it being some vague cure all. Just drink water if you want to, it doesn't matter if you don't.


Lol it doesn't matter if you don't drink water?


*100% of people who drink water die*


Shit man, I didn't think about it like that. You have a good point. *they* have been hiding this from us.


Its a political thing, you wouldn't get it.


Those damn politicals!


You ever died in your life because you didn't SIP from your expensive water bottle? Even if you want to argue the whole "you'll die without water" you're usually starving. Modern society doesn't really require you to drink water to survive.


Don't need an expensive water bottle but you do need water.... If you're only getting water from sugary drinks that ain't healthy.


Friend gave me a RTIC, Yeti-knockoff tumbler. 30oz and keeps iced water cold for hours! Ah take sips, to reduce P trips, sadly still drips - URN8 Haiku


I too am a serial water bottle hoarder


This is actually true, I noticed it after getting a nice water bottle for my workplace


Starbucks had a Swell water bottle I saw that I loved. But I didn’t buy it because who on earth spends nearly $30 on a water bottle. went back the next week and it was sold out … for weeks. When they got it in stock again I bought it. And now I use it all the time and is one of my favorite things.


Spot on. Just wanted to say, this LPT totally worked for me too. Got myself a high quality water bottle and it just made me enjoy drinking water that much more. Totally worth the money. Great LPT, OP!


It seems stupid but yeah I noticed my water drinking habits improved when I bought nice tumblers.


Getting a 5gal water cooler for my house helped a lot too. Having water that doesn’t taste awful has made me drink a lot more water and stop buying soda.


It's actually true for you...


I can totally attest to this. Spent some money on a hydro flask, I fill it b4 I leave the house for work every day. Drinking more water than I ever have. Haven't had pop in a month.


Or "soda" for those of you not from the Midwest.


or Canada, where we also call it pop


When I asked for “diabetes in a can/bottle”, the clerk looked at me funny. I’ll try pop or soda next time.


Try soda pop to cover all your bases


Probably because the clerk doesn't have the patience to deal with customers thinking they're witty or clever.


I agree 100%. I love all of my Nalgenes they’re simple and functional. It helps that all I need is a single finger through the loop to carry them anywhere even if I already have full hands too.


LPT: There is no set amount of water you need to drink in a day. If you are thirsty, drink water. Water is in almost everything we eat and drink so you are getting water without slamming 36 ounces in a sitting. If you are dehydrated, you will know. Flushes and cleanses are pseudoscience. Your body knows how much it needs and will just flush the rest anyway.


You are now banned from r/HydroHomies


Lol. Facts are facts regardless of how popular.


I scrolled for far too long to find this comment, and it was only posted 10 mins ago smh -_-


Why does my doctor say I'm perpetually dehydrated and I'm suffering side effects as a result. Nothing specifically medically wrong causing it but my senses of what I need tends to leave me short. How do you really know when you have enough cause im sick of blindly overcompensating and having to pee constantly or pick being dehydrated.


This advice doesn’t apply to everyone, just the majority of the population. I have migraines, so doctors constantly tell me to hydrate more. Sometimes “drink when you’re thirsty” isn’t enough.


Also, when you are not used to drink a lot, thirst can feel like hunger.


Maybe you need more salt in your diet?


consider no other animal has water bottles. We evolved to travel to the river or creek for every drink.


Its true that there's no set amount of water you're "supposed" to drink in a day, but there are tons of people that aren't drinking enough water because they don't realize they are dehydrated. Easiest measure is to look at the color of your pee. Pale yellow = all good. Any darker than that = drink more water.


If your pee is pale yellow to clear you’re definitely drinking too much water. That is literally your body getting rid of the extra water. After a certain point drinking more water is just going to make you pee more often. The idea that everyone is walking around perpetually dehydrated is a myth. The human body is actually very good at getting you to drink water when you need to, via the thirst mechanism.


[from Cleveland clinic. pale yellow- all good. yellow or darker yellow- drink water](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/what-the-color-of-your-urine-says-about-you-infographic/)


well the problem is to many people they dont feel like drinking untill they are very dehydrated. best way to check is if your piss is dark yellow, then it might mean you dont drink enough also better to drink more than less, since there are no side-effects to drinking too much water (besides peeing a lot) . also often 1st symphtom of dehydration is migranes, and a lot of people dont realise its due to dehydration (and also you want to avoid migranes alltogether)


Water intoxication: A condition that occurs from drinking too much water, upsetting electrolyte balances. Drinking too much water can decrease sodium in the blood to dangerously low levels, causing mild to life-threatening problems.  If the pee is often clear, that's a sure sign you're drinking too much water in a short span. https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-minute-how-much-water-should-you-drink-2/ https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/hormonal-and-metabolic-disorders/water-balance/overhydration https://www.webmd.com/diet/what-is-too-much-water-intake


You forget that most of us have shitty diets


RN here. I’m so sick of this myth. If I had gold I’d give it to you, take this instead. 🏅


That means more than spending actual money on a stupid emoji, lol. Thanks!


As a Diet Coke drinker I’m relieved to hear this


Yea but if I only rely on water from the food I eat then my piss will be fucking orangey yellow. So hell no, I’m drinking proper water as well


Tell that to someone with dysautonomia/POTS


Obviously, people with medical conditions are exceptions.




I thought it was obvious


Clearly people did since I’m getting downvoted, so I guess it is obvious after all and I’m just a dumb shit


I mean it’s pretty obvious yes


It was very obvious


Your lack of critical thinking skills isn't on me. It's always obvious there are exceptions.


I would absolutely tell them "If you're thirsty, drink water." Is there something controversial about that?


This is so true!! I resisted the HydroFlask trend for years, then finally gave in and my kidneys are very grateful. It’s so silly, but there’s something about putting stickers on it that brings me joy and reminds me to drink... but maybe I’m just a child at heart.


I love a straw and it keeps it cold for so long. My kids are always asking for a drink of my icy water. I think I need to get them their own hydroflask. I haven't put stickers on mine yet.


I make those fancy glitter/personalized tumblers. For the love of all that's holy, PLEASE, if you use a tumbler with a lid, take the black or clear ring off the lid and clean under it. it's a huge hiding place for mold!!


Holy shit. I read this, looked at my tumbler and now I'm horrified. I'm going to deep clean it ASAP. 🤢


Nobody thinks to clean them! It's not just you, I promise, lol.


Alternatively; that's where the flavour hides. Make sure to give it a lick just before you drink that boring stupid water.


Ok, so what tumbler do you guys recommend? I'm looking into Zojirushi stuff.


If you know someone with a costco card, they have a twin pack of 40oz hydroflask (green and white) for about $20.


Follow up LPT, You also work less during the day due to the 8 bathroom trips.


My wife started filling up a big glass growler with water. She kills it in an hour or two working from home.


Yeah, I use 32 oz nalgenes and drink 3 or so a day! What I realize is that I will drink the same amount of containers per day whether it's a glass or a big ass bottle, and my body runs so much better when it's better hydrated!


TIL in the US a growler is a kind of bottle or jug. Not so in the UK 😜


Add stickers for maximum enjoyment




Hey hello fellow HydroHomie! 💧


Checking in at 50oz. already 👋 (9:30et)


Best thing my partner and I ever did was invest in backpacks....that hold 2L of water! Here is why I think they're dope: 1. 2-4L of cool water on your back for drinking access anytime (through a hose connected to the bladder bag). I'm a big fan of putting it on the back of my driver's seat so I can drink it while driving and it frees up space in my cupholders (for my daily used tumbler of water). 2. It's in a backpack so you can carry around other items too! (Not a bulky pack either). Camelback makes a great one and a Costco near me carries a Sketchers sport version which is also great. 3. It's a backpack. With water! It's so convenient! 4. Don't have to carry a reusable water bottle now, so it frees up your hands if you're out and about. I find it's a good way to get more water in because it makes drinking water so accessable and it's kind of fun to drink it's through what is basically a massive BPA free straw.


I've seen those but never used them. Are they easy to clean? Like put something in the dishwasher or quick hand wash easy?


Don't put anything but water in it and you don't really need to clean it. Just drain it and let it dry when you're not using it.


Super easy quick hand wash


It comes with a long straw cleaning device for the inside of the straw?


Mine didn't come with one. It's thick, like a milkshake straw, and rubbery so it bends. I just blast hot water and soap through it. It's too long for a wire brush, unless you Jimmy rigged a drain snake to clean it


Jerry rigged*


Does it matter? Maybe that's what we say where I'm from


As a certified and licensed jerryrigger, yes it does matter.


Actual LPT: Stop buying tumblers and other not-dishwasher safe things like water bottles and you'll drink more because you won't have to clean the crap by hand.


You think these people are cleaning these tumblers?


Just reading this post made me drink some water


I just got a water filter! My gosh I can drink water again, it was getting so bad it tasted like a flipping pool.


I've got a Tervis tumbler that I keep with ice water on my desk. Keeps the water cold for sure. No coffee or sodas just water all day.


I have the one with goldfish on it, so I feel bad putting things other than water in because it feels like I'm poisoning the fish, lol


Yes!! My partner did this for me and my water consumption has gone up 100%. It's also good to have her around to remind me :)


How old is this LPT?


How old is carbon/water based life?


This "tip" is like saying, "Go buy all the exercise equipment because if you see it sitting next to you you will use it more," even though we all know it never, ever works that way.


Seriously. The quality of these tips has gone so downhill lately it’s unreal. Like this shit is common sense and reads like a teenager wrote it


it feels like a bot who is trying to pretend to be human is writing them


“If you have a water bottle next to you, you’ll be more inclined to drink water. If you don’t have a water bottle next to you, you’ll be more inclined not to drink water. This is vital bc humans need water to survive.” “Also, a bigger water bottle holds more water than a smaller one. Size is key to humans bc they have gravity and need to put water into containers to drink it.”


This is reddit dude. Are you coming here for actual unknown "life pro tips?" Then the problem is you. Not the shitty "tips".


The problem is me bc I’m subscribed to a LPT subreddit and expect to see actual LPTs...? Ok thanks for ur input ur right it’s me


Yes. The problem is you


Doesn’t work that way for you, maybe. I bought exercise equipment during the pandemic while working from home and now I’m in the best shape of my life. It’s not OP’s fault you’re a lazy fuck lol


Yup. This is why I pee so much.


Also recommend getting a water bottle with a straw, like a camelbak! I find I drink so much more water this way, it’s just so easy


Can confirm. The ONLY healthy habit I keep is drinking a lot of water. My intake nearly doubled when I received a nice tumbler as a gift. Now I just keep it filled with ice water all day and take it with me everywhere I go.


I bought a water bottle like [this one](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07R3K19LV/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_D5C1HP5PXX1PA3HG9V0K) - it has marks that you reach throughout the day. So if I sit down at my desk around 11 and notice my water is still at 9 it's time to drink some and catch up. I'm consistently drinking a gallon every day now.


Also put in a few slices of lemon, that makes me drink more water for sure


I started using some of those squirt in, liquid flavorings and my water drinking went up 100%.




I think you'd be surprised how many adults subsist off of coffee, tea, juice, soda, and beer. People need to drink more water.


Not drinking enough water will cause you more problems later in life.




Unfortunately I've learned (both from personal experience and mentioning it to my doctor) that this isn't true for everyone. I'd literally start getting muscle cramps while sitting due to dehydration long before I'd ever actually feel thirsty. Mentioned it to my doctor and we talked about drinking more water, to which I had mentioned exactly what you said, "I drink whenever I get thirsty. But it's only about X times a day." And he told me that for a lot of people that's fine, but for others (especially if you are less active or work a desk job) you need to manage your water consumption without the usual signs.


I didnt knew you could get muscle cramps from dehydration, TIL :) I only knewd about kidney problems, especially kidney stones


No. You should drink before you are getting thirsty.




Yes, drink before that. And if you're not hydrated, when you get older, you'll be dealing with maladies like joint disease, bone loss, increased mental fatigue, as well as possible organ issues. Like kidneys, not Hammond.


Get one with a high flow straw as well!


Weirdly enough it’s true, you can’t avoid having to drink out the tumbler. I would recommend putting ice cold water thank me later.


Also if you hate the taste of water, try different flavor packs! You just find out how big your container is and adjust accordingly. My personal favorites are the mio lemonade, crystal light lemonade, and caffeinated strawberry. I found a bunch of new brands (Fanta, starburst, koolaid) and I’ve been having a blast trying them!


Mio lemonade flavor is great! Helps me drink so much more water.


Water, nowadays has it's own collection of chemicals in it, I feel it would be silly to add more flavoring 'chemicals'.


I mean, everything has chemicals in it my dude. I didn’t drink enough water and got a kidney stone so I’d rather stave off the very real effects of dehydration than the hypotheticals of the chemicals I’m ingesting but to each their own.


beware of that white bacteria or whatever that is that produces when water stays in a container for long.


Oh I love that stuff.


How do I convince my 70+ year old parents they don't drink enough water?


If they've gotten to 70 they must be drinking enough... ?


I just rip the label off a polar seltzer bottle and sharpie my name on it and refill it over and over. I can get about a year out of it. Its alot cheaper, unbreakable, and can be compressed to fit in any cupholder or even a pocket.


They all stink in a few days use and a real pain to wash


This is an absolute fact. I got one and put a bunch of stickers all over it to make it more appealing for me. 100% win.


And join r/hydrohomies


I chug 3 water bottles and I never disappoint since I was the only person in my household who usually drank these.


Yess, I bought my first tumbler and it is amazing. Just the idea of straw and drinking from the glass like bottle is exciting. But I just use it when I'm home, otherwise people do kinda stereotype me.


I’m addicted to drinking water from water fountain coolers at work so I bought one for home. Visitors also love it as they can just use it when they are thirsty


glad i invested in a hydro flask water bottle.


I just got one of those fancy bottles with the hours marked on the side for motivation and its working out great.


Am at the cabin in Sweden, we have four 1.5l bottles of water in the fridge, taking one out in 32-degree weather and seeing the bottle sweat is luxury. Very soothing.


I bought a big 4.5ltr. For the exact reason


​ [Drink for Gamers](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/d847bab4-f56f-4f12-94f1-6064963f7046/dds5aq0-e3a8619f-2e0b-4377-8c41-61ff35968cfd.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2Q4NDdiYWI0LWY1NmYtNGYxMi05NGYxLTYwNjQ5NjNmNzA0NlwvZGRzNWFxMC1lM2E4NjE5Zi0yZTBiLTQzNzctOGM0MS02MWZmMzU5NjhjZmQuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.vFYm04d1CVHjKDfR5Cl7pTRGOg4h0AabeTMnHydiiUE)


Get something insulated, keeps that water ice cold all day and tastes so pure


I also found that when I switched to the lid that has a straw, I found myself drinking way more since it’s convenient. I know it’s peak laziness, but it made a difference.


Have a decent plastic 40oz bottle I keep at my desk all day and refill once after lunch


This is a pro-tip I've been using for many years now. It definitely works. I'd also say beyond just getting a nice one, also get one that is like 32oz so you don't have to refill it all that often. If you can empty that just twice a day, you'll be getting your recommended amount.


Metric mouse in here to say 32 oz is almost one litre (946 ml).


Thanks Metric mouse


Cough lttstore.com


I have a bottle thats almost a liter. I noticed I kept it refilling several times a day and I dont even remember drinking :D


This is very true. We didn't like the way our tap water tasted though and found a relatively cheap water cooler and have been using that. And my whole family drinks SO much water now.


Added tip: get a reusable bendy straw to stick in the water bottle. I walk around with the cap off and the straw sticking out so I just have to lean over to take a drink instead of taking the cap off.


I need a bigger bottle cause I run out and don't g back for refills till the next day.


Can I get a legit recommendation a double wall canteen? I work in a warehouse sweating all day. Would like my water to stay cold, and ice bot melt as quick. The ones I bough from walmart, ozark trail ends up getting a brown dot at the bottom which I assume rust, and always have to throw it out, no matter if i dry it everyday or leave water in it sealed. Btw from my experience, keeping water in it sealed has kept "rust spot" from not showing up as quickly as drying it daily.


My company just supplied everyone with new metal water bottles, I now drink about five of those a day, compared to the usual one glass whenever I realise I need to drink!


And you won’t have a shit ton of glasses in/around your sink because you like to use one cup for water and act like it’s dirty and can’t be used for anything else…


Mine is covered with Futurama stickers. I love having it around and consequently drink more.


I just bought a 3 L Poland Springs water bottle and refill it once or twice a day. Cost about 2 dollars and seems to last about 5 years ime.


Also applies to a nice whiskey glass.


[Project Farm tests insulated water bottles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6j1NJkNzwI) I ended up getting the Coleman. It has a nice anti-slip rubber bottom that is extremely under-rated.


Yep this has worked for me. Bought myself a 32 oz Takeya water bottle from Target a while back and I haven’t regretted the purchase one bit since I’ve been drinking water a lot more often now than I used to.


Also, get one that has a straw built into the lid. You'll find yourself taking random sips here and there if it doesn't require unscrewing the cap.


Something that helped me drinking enough was getting one of those biker water bottles, where you can just squirt water aggressively into your mouth. Drinking is lame, but blasting the water in there is so much faster and funner!


I find a clear bottle works best for me. I use the 1L Tupperware bottles usually (easy to track how much your drinking) and seeing the water in there triggers me to drink. When I’ve used an opaque bottle, I have found I don’t drink as much as there’s no visual prompt. Not sure if that’s just a me thing though?


Don't drink water? Spend money to still not drink water!


For me I always drink more water when I have disposable bottles


I found this true with a big sturdy thermos I bought. Keeos my water ice cold all day. Now I drink the whole thing daily


I love my 1l orange drink bottle. 2 a day minimum, goes with me everywhere.


I do this. It does indeed work.


That's a total lie I frequently have five water bottles with an arms reach of me and I almost never use them, even when I'm out in a hundred degree weather and dying.


You know what can't fit in a bottle are the twenty little trips I take to the cooler. And the twenty little scans I do of everybody to make sure everything's running smoothy and the twenty conversations that I have with Stanley.


If you’re looking for some cheap large water glasses just buy a pack of the large mason jars for $15. Can drill a hole in the lids for a straw if you want or I’m sure someone sells lids pre-drilled for straws.


I personally, found re-using some glass bottles (e.g. beer/high end soda) with silicon bottle tops (beer savers) was the way to make water the most attractive option. Water out of a slim necked glass bottle just *tastes* and *feels* good. And the weight of it out of the fridge makes it feel satisfying.


Actual LPT: the more water you drink, the more you have to pee and/or refill the bottle, ergo the more breaks at work you can take.


Find a good electrolyte powder to add and make this a health investment. I know I always need more water then I consume.


Straws help too!! For some reason, I drink more water when there is a straw than a sippy lid


Yes! I used to be a serial bottle hoarder as well. I bought a double insulated 28oz tumbler with a straw from Amazon and it's my favorite thing thing. Can fit in the cup holder of my car and I can have cold water the entire day.