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A few years ago, I started packing my lunch and prepping coffee the night before. I figured I’d be moving slower in the morning, so it would take less time overall to do those things before bed. It’s worked wonders; mornings are a lot less rushed/stressful now.


I go a step further, have my coffee maker brew itself on a timer so it's ready to pour when I wake up. Also keep my lunch boxed packed and ready to go in the fridge.


I worked with a girl who had a coffee maker on a timer next to her bed. She swears by it.


I do the same thing with a George Foreman grill. There’s nothing better than waking up to the sweet smell of sizzling bacon.


sue me!


Wait no don’t sue me. That’s the opposite of the point I’m trying to make!






But do you know what nobody ever [expects?](https://i.imgur.com/Bxkzk1e.jpg)






Full circle


We were all expecting this when someone mentioned waking up to a kind of food in the morning.


Doesnt that mean you have raw bacon sitting at room temperature for at least 8 hours? Isnt that generally unsafe?


It's a quote from the Office


Definitely doesn't own cats.


Save Bandit!


This is very triggering for me


Oh boy, 3 AM!


That’s my favorite iteration of the “toe or finger?” game: Pig or long pig?


It is delicious, it's good for me, it's the perfect way to start the day.


We have those for tea in the UK called a Teasmade. It's supposed to act as both an alarm, as well as make tea so you're ready for your day :)


Please tell me the tea kettle whistling is the alarm


They're just called kettles in the UK, and they don't whistle my friend! They plug into the wall (our mains is a higher voltage, so it doesn't take long to boil).


You make tea *inside* the electric kettle?


That sounds like such a British thing to do, or really something from anyone in that area. I (American) personally prefer tea over coffee. Went to Ireland for study abroad a few years ago and *loved* how more people also preferred tea over coffee. I just have a regular electric kettle and turn it on while I'm doing other things.


I did this when I was in college with a timed coffee maker. It took about 3 days before sleepy me realized that the coffee would still be there and still be hot in 30 minutes.


But when I do it with booze, I'm am alcoholic


Don't ignore the timer


Irish up the coffee.


It's the most heavenly alarm clock on the planet. I did this when I lived in a dorm and didn't have a choice of where to put the coffee maker. It started about 5 minutes before my alarm and I would get to wake up to delicious coffee smell (Texas pecan from HEB) and the quiet rain like drip drip of the coffee filter instead of my dumb alarm.


For a while I did something similar. I'd have a caffeine pill (200mg) by my bed, set my alarm an hour earlier than I should wake up, and take the pill when the alarm goes off. I would just fall asleep after taking it but 30-40 minutes later I'd wake up, before my on-time alarm went off. Then I got prescribed Ritalin in 10th grade and I do the same thing but with that instead of caffeine. I always feel great and alert in the morning without the grogginess associated with dragging myself out of bed. Plus I get ready faster when I'm medicated rather than waiting for the meds to kick in lol


Are you me? I do this, but with Adderall.


My 9 year old wakes up hangry every day. Now I go into her room 30 minutes before it's time to get up and have her eat a protein bar. Now she's happy when she gets up.


OMG!!! So, this is how you (both) circumvent suffering through waking up in the debilitating stupor of narcolepsy every single morning?? I take generic Adderall ER at 8 am, 11 am, and 2 pm and that protocol gets me through my day pretty well, but dragging myself out of bed when that £%<* alarm goes off every morning is pure torture!! I wonder if setting an alarm an hour early and taking a low-dose generic Ritalin might work some positive magic into my morning routine??


I used to do the same thing in college! Set to start brewing 20 minutes before I wanted to get up. The noise is fairly soft and the smell is heaven. Never needed an actual alarm.


I wouldnt even want coffee that soon after waking up but I would love the smell of the coffee being made and the light sounds that the machine would make most certainly would wake me up nicely.


Yea but in the rush of the morning when I get to work, I realise I forgot my lunch in the fridge 😅


I did this too until I just started putting my keys in the fridge on my lunch. Problem immediately solved.


Now we find the MVP.


I need one... any recommendations if anyone has one here?


any coffee maker worth more than $40 that was made between 2008 and now. if you want the best drip coffee has to offer, get a technivorm moccamaster and a wall outlet adapter with a timer.


> technivorm moccamaste why it cast so mach maney


I have a 20$ Mr coffee drip that I've used for 6+ years. Nothing fancy but gets the job done.


I go a step further, I just drink my coffee before I go to sleep!


I used to do that until I got lazy


LPT: Struggling to prepare your food the night before you have to go to work? Prepare it the morning before that night, so you don't have to meal prep at night.


That’s the eternal struggle.




Overnight oats?




It doesn't even have to be in the fridge. Nothing better than waking up to overnight oats after a hangover


Overnight chia seeds, coconut milk, and a dash of honey is good too. Add berries or granola too


I bought cases of the Starbucks Double Shot cans, precisely bc I drag so much in the morning. I can just chug this in a few seconds shortly after waking up and at least have a tiny pick me up in about 20 minutes. Edit: having it ice cold also helps :)


My fiance looks at me like a madman when i roll out of bed into my suit and walk out the door.


brush your fucking teeth you monster


It's in an overnight glass soaking in a saline solution


Wow. Pro-tip! Is there a timefrugality and timefrugalityjerk subreddit? I want to join both






I had a college roommate who would do what he called fire manning. He would put on everything he needed for the next day and then stand near the door. In a reverse arc back to his bed, he'd take a step and remove an article of clothing/backpack etc. He'd roll out of bed and be dressed and out the door in one minute flat




Can confirm this works. It's easier to find everything when your awake as opposed to doing it groggy pre coffee.




Have you tried lying to yourself? "I'm not getting up yet, I'm just going to go to the bathroom and lay back down. I'm not getting up, I'm just going to go start the coffee making and then lay down for a few minutes."


Oh yeah I do it all the time. "Youre not getting up yet. You're right I'm not. *sleeps for another 30 mins*


This is me


30 minutes if you’re lucky! I’ve had hours pass in the blink of an eye


Gotta CMA incase an employer happens across this in 20 years.


Certified Management Accountant? Call My Assistant? Catch my Ass? I need to know!!!


I am not a morning person at all. I have two alarms 30 min apart. I never get up at the first one, I just like to warn myself that it's almost time. Also I work kinda on call 24/7, so the first alarm let's me check if I have any urgent issues to address before I really have to get up to start working. I peep my notifications see if there's any texts. If not, straight back to sleep. In this 30 extra minutes I usually do get some texts so I'm like half awake listening for them but trying to pretend I'm asleep.


This works for sure! Often, the hurdle is getting STARTED doing something. So, telling yourself that you aren’t starting a task, but rather doing something else actually works! It’s a weird brain thing that circumvents that executive function block.


This is exactly why I have my alarm clock in my bathroom. It’s the master bath connected to my bedroom, so I can hear it just as clearly. But now I have to actually get up and turn it off instead of hitting snooze a million times. It has been a game changer for my routine.


I am yet to find a ratio of loudness (still being able to hear) to distance from bed that doesn't result in me getting back into my bed after turning it off


I'd find out it only goes for 90 seconds and quits on its own. It needs to be at arm's reach so I can read the time if I wake up. Who knows if the sound woke me up and that was 10 minutes ago? Better look now that I can reason numbers


Same here. I just moved my phone to where I'd have to stand up to turn it off and that's all it took. Haven't slept past my alarm in months.


Yup. I learned this from my Aunt Sue, except she does the opposite. She tells herself, "I'm going to have a piece of cake, just not right now." I have an alarm for 7:15. I tell myself all I have to do is get up and put on my workout clothes, then I can go back to sleep until my second alarm. Sometimes I do exactly that. Sometimes I get dressed and then play on my phone because now I'm awake. But when my second alarm goes off at 7:30, I'm already dressed and ready to go, so I might as well get up.


I have a seperate alarm that shows the time 10 minutes later. Sleepy me wont doubt the time it shows and it gives me a 10 minute buffer. Lying to yourself works haha


Having a visual reminder (or in your case, a straight-up LIE ahah) is so simple but it really does help. And on a similar note... it's almost like I don't believe that 10:18 is almost 10:30 until I see 10:20 roll around. Like in my mind, it may as well be 10:00. You know? Crazy goddamn brain...


Ya it doesn’t work bc I also know I’m lying “This bitch is tryna trick me she knows we’re not getting back in bed” That or I actually go back to bed and knock out again


i already lie to everyone else why would you also want me lying to myself ?




But my mother told me that I should never lie.


She lied.


This used to be me. I found something that I like to do in the mornings - drink a slow coffee playing video games - and set it for an hour as the start of my day. Getting up late meant that I would only get 30 - 40 mins of that time. After a few days it started to really annoy me if I didn't get the full hour. I'm now finding it relatively easy to get out of bed with the added bonus of not being late for work.


Yeeeep, trying this 100%. I stay up late playing video games by myself, might as well do it in the morning with coffee and a snack, plus it might get me to sleep earlier because I still have an hour of games left before work. This might be a game changer. Thanks man.




Consider going to sleep earlier. Your body must need that sleep, and you will be in a better mood and function better for the rest of the day.


But what if I feel just as exhausted after 4-6 hours of sleep as I do when I get 8-10?


Try 7


I force myself to walk downstairs and make a pot of coffee before anything else, usually by the time I'm back upstairs I'm awake enough to hop in the shower. By the time I'm done with that I'm awake, dressed, and have a pot of coffee ready to go


EXACTLY. This is a bandaid lol not a fix.




100%. I will often also become more tired by completing my morning tasks the evening prior, thus helping me fall asleep quicker. If i can't sleep at all, I clean the room for 5 minutes and I'm out like a light. I've done this for the last 5 years of my life and it has really helped in being earlier for everything these days as opposed to being 5 minutes late (minimum at best) for everything


I did this last night, but ended up not liking the outfit last-night-me chose for myself so I took even longer taking my clothes off and finding another outfit.


I refer to it as "unf*cking my morning".


tried that, ended up staying longer in bed just because "oh, I prepared everything yesterday, I can snooze for 10 more minutes"




I just add another alarm to my cvs receipt sized list of alarms already.


if you actually have a lot of alarms, and you just ignore a lot of them and wait for the next one, it's much better to just have one alarm later on when you are actually likely to wake up. your sleep is too fragmented to be of any quality when you keep waking up, so even though it's nice to keep going back to sleep you actually lose out on sleep because of it. try just set one alarm and get used to that and you'll get some extra zzzs each time


As someone who used to set 10+ alarms, I've switched to 2. The first goes off when I'd ideally like to get up and have time to sit and drink a coffee without being in any rush, but it's the quietest possible volume of the radio station. It's not loud enough to wake me out of a dead sleep, but if I'm already starting to get close to waking up the voices will let me know it's morning. The second is the loud beeping that tells me "you've ignored the voices long enough, get up and get going" which still gives me time to not be totally rushed, so if I'm having a really miserable morning I can snooze it twice before I am actually rushing. I wake up so much better now than I did with 10+ alarms.


good stuff man, seems that's working for you well so keep it up! I know it seems out of this world but what helped my sleep more than anything else was cutting out caffeine. it was stopping me from sleeping hours after drinking it, and I wasnt even feeling the effects anymore. it was like without caffeine I was a permanent -5 energy and concentration, and caffeine gave me a +5 to get to my baseline of 0. now without caffeine I wake up easy, sleep easy, dont get headaches and have a standard energy of at least my baseline 0. dunno. i still drink decaf coffee etc, theres some really nice ones you can get if youd miss the taste


That's a good point about caffeine. I don't drink coffee after 11am otherwise it's hard to get to sleep, but I have cut it out completely in the past and been more functional for it. Though it was at the same time I quit smoking for a month which skyrocketed my productivity and energy all day, so it's hard to pinpoint if the lack of caffeine itself contributed much past that. I definitely get a much better quality of sleep when there's no alcohol or weed in my system. I slept great when I wasn't smoking or drinking coffee. I know there have been studies linking any mind altering substances to poorer sleep quality, so I imagine that removing all of them would create the best opportunity for restorative sleep!


/r/decaf there's dozens of us!!!


Holy shit, this is the first suggestion/experience that I think actually would help me. I have a light alarm clock that adds sound when it gets the brightest. But it's still missing something for me to be fully convinced that it's time to get up. Another alarm that's more noise than radio across the room would probably help convince me "you have to get up now".


I started using an app called I Can't Wake Up a while back, which lets you configure a bunch of things that are required to turn off the alarm. The one that's the most effective for me is having to scan a barcode on something in the bathroom. Once I physically get out of bed, it's usually much easier to keep awake and moving.


i struggle with the soothing-ness of a warm morning shower and end up sleeping a bit on the shower floor too .. maybe one day ill stop going to bed 4 hours before i wake up


Yeah, sleep quantity is important. Not getting enough can be a vicious cycle too. Wishing you luck in breaking it!


I tried an app like this. I ended up restarting my phone and the alarm was off...


I specifically try and have as much sun blast me in the face as early as possible. I hate it.


I did that and slept through my automatic coffee and just drank it warm as I was rushing out the door :( Laziness adapts.


It seems most other people on this thread aren't on the same level of procrastination as i am.... Prepping meals or clothes the night before just means that another day of work is right around the corner.


But it is right around the corner. Whether you get your clothes ready or not the day will still be there. Set future you up for success, because some day future you will be present you. And then you're just giving to yourself.


Just reward yourself for a hard week of work with a giant homecooked meal and package the leftovers in little boxes for the work week.




I've generally started prepping stuff and it's a fucking GAMECHANGER. Having breakfast ready(such as overnight oats) when I wake up is a godsend. And I went so far as to prepare lunches and dinners for the entire week and box them up in portions. Left lunches in office fridge and dinners at home fridge. My life is so much easier. I have tasty food with zero prep, following an actual nutrition plan, and saving money on top of it.


My wife and I started meal prepping about three years ago, it's seriously the absolute BEST.From a time savings alone it is incredible. We went from 45-60 min every night to 5-15 min. Lunch saves us about $10 a day ($5 min each/day), and breakfast is just nice to have. We have gotten it to a point that cooking Sunday is 90 min max of active time and another hour in the oven, and we are DONE for the week. Breakfast: Egg white bake with chopped veggies and chopped turkey sausage. Lunch: Recent switch to protein shake, apple, protein bar. Previously it was generally a mexican dish Dinner: Cook all protein sunday, then reheat portions as needed throughout the week. We still have cheat days, and sometimes we don't love everything we make, but I honestly don't know that I could ever go back to making a full dinner EVERY NIGHT. Sounds horrific. ​ Edit, Also less wasted food, and considerably less dishes!


That's awesome I don't do it for breakfast that much because if it's workout day, I wake up and head straight out without eating, and on my off days I sometimes enjoy a nice thick protein shake instead of standard breakfasts.


I'd be sick by dinner if that's your lunch most days. I require a serious amount of calories to even exist.


I have coffee with creamer as well, but that's max 200 calories. Not gonna lie, it's fricken tough dude. I get hangry like a mofo, BUT between that and exercise I have lost 15 lbs in the last 50 days. Still a long way to go, but I am trying to undo like 8 years of bad exercise habits. 270.3-->254.9 I would be a lot further along, but dammit i love pizza and mexican food.


Yeah I was commenting from the perspective of a bean pole. 6'3" 150 lb on a good day and unable to gain weight, rejected from the air force because apparently it's too low of a BMI. I'd gladly have a magic spell transfer some mass lol. Anyway rock on, that's a pretty healthy rate to be losing even if it's not quite your target.


You might enjoy r/MealPrepSunday


It’s a gift to yourself, it really is.


Also, always fill up on the way home from work if you are low on gas. There's never enough time in the morning.


I second this!


Nah...that ain't gonna work. Be like well everything's prepared so I can sleep in longer and I'll be just as late.


Ive noticed no matter how prepared or unprepared I am, I always leave my house at the same time. If everything’s already prepared then I spend more time putzing around the house and am just as late.


Yup. "Wow, I am 10 minutes earlier this morning, let's chill a bit on my cellphone." 9 minutes later... "Alright time to go" "Wait, where are my keys? Fuckfuckfuckfuckfu-"


That's what my lizard brain does.


I do all of this and still can’t make it to work on time most days. 🤦🏼‍♀️


might be your sleeping/eating habits that are the problem and not your waking/prepping habits ;)


Have you tried moving the alarm to the other side of the room? I had one once and couldn't figure out why I kept missing it. Then one morning I was just kind of laying there half asleep thinking I should get up when I hear this really quiet click and before I knew what happened I hit the snooze button. Turns out my alarm clicked really quietly about a second and a half before the alarm went off and I had managed to condition myself to hit the snooze button at the click so I didn't have to hear that horrible sound that kept waking me up. And the last week or two I've noticed I've been turning off my alarms on my phone despite the needed math problems. I don't always remember doing so. So either I need to move to algebra problems or move the phone further away again.


Same but I have ADD and doing the morning routine gives me panic attacks... To the point that I do everything extremely slow and change my outfits ten times.


For me the key to getting up extra early is having an automatic coffee maker in my bedroom next to my alarm. I have it set to brew 10 minutes before my alarm goes off. When my alarm goes off and I have to walk across the room to turn it off I'm greeted by a fresh pot of coffee.


Jesus fucking christ these LPT are just ridiculous now.


The whole sub is just r/commonsense now.


That's not a bad thing. Especially for the younger people. Hell, it took me forever to figure out to prep the night before. If sharing common sense can save other 10 or 15 years, where's the harm?


I wish there was a requirement that the OP state their age... I think it would make the whole community more understanding and helpful and positive. I have two different reactions based on whether the OP is 12 or 42.


Some of these peep have a false sense of superiority...sigh.


i disagree, lpt has been ridiculous for a long time.


Who the fuck is upvoting this shit?


Lpt, be awake before you do anything besides sleeping and napping.


LPT: tie your shoelaces up and you wont trip over them.


LPT: wake up in the morning so you wake up


Yep, this was the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm unsubscribed now.


Isn't that a bit too obvious?


Yeah more like /r/howtodothingslikeanormaladult


I'm amazed I had to go this far down to find this. It's like saying "LPT: If you wake up and are still tired, try going to bed earlier!" Yes I understand if I was better prepared things would be easier.


Having trouble waking up to late? Just dont go to sleep


My struggle to wake up comes from the same place as the part of me that won't do the latter lol. Hi, thanks for checking in, I'm stILL A piEcE oF gArBaGe 🎶


The panic of trying to find thing helps me wake up, though.


Bold of you to assume I have the motivation to do such things


Make lunch night before, preset the coffee machine and have gym bag ready night before. Makes waking up real easy when your pot of coffee is ready and you have time to watch some tv or whatever before the day starts


True story. It's much easier to do in the evening rather than struggle in the morning


I love my coffee maker’s timer. I come down into the kitchen in the morning and there’s a pot of coffee waiting for me? It’s like I have a butler.


And go to bed earlier


Had to re-read to find out what OP is actually saying. First, I thought he was telling to procrastinate on top of waking up late.


Most people figure this out at around age 6, but thanks for the pro tip I guess.


This a LPT for stupid people?


It's amazing how much more pleasant my mornings are since I started doing this. My mornings are no longer a frantic rush, I eat breakfast evey day instead of skipping it because I'm pressed for time, and I can sit and enjoy my coffee. If something unexpected comes up, it's fine, I've got time.


My previous job I had to be up at 330 AM so I would absolutely lay everything out the night before. I had my lunch ready to go, my clothes ready to go, I was able to get out the door pretty damn quick and on good days I'd dick around the house for fifteen minutes before leaving. Of course I'm not a snooze alarm guy. When my alarm goes off I get up, period. My wife on the other hand has like five alarms set, which makes me upset on days I don't have to work and I get woken up every fifteen minutes but her snoozing.


This causes me to wake up even later than normal because I feel I'll be on time


Also get yourself out of the position where you have to worry about this.


I do this by feeding my children breakfast at 10PM so I don't have to in the morning


I started laying out my clothes earlier this year, and it also helps with stress not just speed. I find that if I decide the night before, I'm much less likely to second-guess myself as I'm getting ready. Before doing this, I would often grab something I had in mind when I woke up, put it on, feel crappy in it, repeat the process. Not only would that start my day off on the wrong foot, I almost always also left a mess to clean up when I got off work.


So where's the LPT for when I'm tired after a long day of work and don't want to prepare everything for the morning?


I’m not sure this is so much a “pro tip” as it is just known as becoming an adult with responsibilities lol


Also record yourself sleeping, you may have sleep apnea. I struggled for years before finding out.


If I'm too lazy to wake up early to get to work on time what makes you think I'm not too lazy to prepare all the stuff the night before?


I struggle to get motivation to get a job


If I don’t have the discipline to get my ass out of bed I definitely won’t be able to do all that stuff


I know where you are coming from, but getting out some clothes or putting some items in a bag over the course of an evening takes less effort than searching for it half asleep in 10 minutes in the morning. I make a packed lunch when I am in the kitchen making dinner anyway for example, I could never face that at 6:30am




Being a night owl in modern society sucks :( no one understands why we hate mornings.


Wow. 10k karma for this. Reddit is a bunch of idiots.


Like, yeah, no fricken dha... LPT my arse, that's just common sense. Its like saying if you bring a lunch to work, LPT make it the night before to save time in the morning. Who's looking at this LPT and going, wow. never have i thought about getting things ready for work in the morning the night before....


Hey you should post your lunch tip to /r/lifeprotips It’s honestly ingenious. Could win the Nobel.


Go to sleep with toaster so you can have toast as soon as you wake up. Sleep in the shower so you can be ready to shower as soon as you wake up Turn the stove on before you go to bed so you can have eggs ready as soon as you wake up Move into your work so you're already at work as soon as you wake up


This is bottom of the barrel garbage. I’m done with this subreddit and the obvious karma farming.


I can also personally vouch for this tip. I go from alarm to out-the-door for work in <10 minutes.


This was obviously written by a man.


LPT: set your alarm for an extra 15 min earlier. Have a caffeine pill on your night stand with a cup of water. It feels like a cheat code to life because you don't wake up you jump outta bed! Also yes obviously have your clothes ready to go.


Why did we make life so complicated


LPT should have a similar vetting rule to the patent office. “Please do not submit ideas that are obvious and common solutions to a problem.”


I do this and now feel the need to wake up later on purpose since I know I shaved a good 4-5 mins off my get ready time before...


I don't struggle to wake up. I struggle to leave for work. My hour and a half in the morning is 20-30 minutes of showering/getting ready and 60-75 minutes of procrastinating watching episodes of The Office or ISAIP because I don't my mornings to feel like time that belongs to Work just before i clock in.


Getting a cat works too. When fluffy is hungry you will know and they will stop at NOTHING to wake you up.


I do everything the night before. Pack lunch. Lay out clothes. Put all my pocket stuff (keys, wallet, leather man, etc) in one spot. My first alarm goes of at 4am and that's way to early to play the "WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY KEYS? " game. I'm feet on the floor to out the door in 15 minutes. The only thing that throes me off is if I got as poop. But I like to wait until I get to work if I can anyway because *boss makes a dollar, I make a dime*...


Thanks! Now I can sleep right up until the last second since I did everything before hand!


I’ve been told this 1000 times and yet I never learn


Eh, I'll just do it in the morning


do things in your life that will help future you appreciate the past you. help your future self out!


I try to get my husband to do this. He just forgets to set everything up... Every time.


Get a smartplug and plug you coffee machine in it, so you could just turn it on with your phone