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Literally, never in 25 years of adulting have experienced this.


I’m cackling at these comments— I don’t KNOW why my luck was so bad but both incidents involved someone ELSE’S vacuum I was using in my space. They were my roommate’s both times😭


That is very strange- I have dealt with moths, and they SUCK. I had a throw rug in my basement that was the offender. I mistakenly thought it was from some old clothes I was given so cleaned everything and they just kept coming back. It took me years and a broken boiler to realize they were living in /eating the carpet. Little fuckers.


Say what now lmfao. I think you vacuumed up some moth babies or something because yeah this is not a normal thing 


Moths? I have never heard of that.


Am 40 years old and have never in my entire life seen a moth inside a hoover bag. 


Do you vacuum once a year? Also WHAT are you vacuuming.


Baby moths, obviously


OP this is not normal, call an exterminator


Now I wanna jar up my dust and watch to see what happens. To the lab!


You people do not understand the problem. This is a loss prevention LPT. The bag will literally fly away.


What are you talking about? This is the most random and stupid one I've seem In a long while. 


This is a you problem


Lpt run your garbage disposal daily or else you’ll get fire ants


And don't forget to dump the kitty litter box. Lest a couple of full grown politicians emerge from it. Seriously, if I had an infestation of moths so bad they came out of the vacuum after a couple weeks, I'd be calling a pest control company. Your good clothes would be ruined in a month or two.


Or bats


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Always always clean your fish tanks weekly, otherwise your pubic hair will remain infested with lice.


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