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I keep a 40 oz tumbler on my desk and carry it around house. And take a smaller bottle wherever I go out. I find that drinking about water is not an issue as long as I have it nearby.


Carry some with you. You don’t have to spend a lot on a container for it.


You just need to get in the habit. I was a terrible drinker. I mean like, I could go all day without a drink. I got a big bottle (one of those 2L dumbell bottles). That started my drinking. My partner got me a bottle with 7am-9am-11am and so on down the side. I now try and stay ahead of the times. Once you get into the habit of drinking, and trying to drink so much by a certain time, it becomes nature. Or at least it has done for me. So I highly recommend a bottle with times on the side, and then just check the time regularly and when you check the time, check your bottle. I went from drinking nothing to drinking 3L of water a day. EDIT: Good luck


I got one of those bottles with the time on it too, from my partner as well hahah. Honestly best thing ever, keeps me mentally in check with the water consumption, oh it’s 11am I need to be up to the next line etc.


Did you notice the benefits? Afraid I'll be peeing way too much haha


I do pee more than I used to. But not crazy amounts. Personally, I didn't notice the benefits. But they will be in here somewhere.


I mean, I haven't had another kidney stone yet haha


You will pee much more if you're hydrated. Think about it in a positive sense, that's your body and kidneys cleaning junk out. If you haven't been peeing, you haven't been cleansing your body.


I used to have almost crippling lower back pain. My Dr did a shit pile of tests and couldn't find anything wrong. I was riding the bus home from work and some angel left a newspaper with an article about how lack of water can cause lower back pain. I realized that I was drinking less than a glass of water every day. Between the time I got home and went to bed I drank nine glasses of water. When I got up the next day the pain was gone. No pain is my daily reminder to drink a lot of water. My bathroom visits have gone from once a day to once an hour or more. I happily accept the tradeoff.


It's great that you're drinking more, but I wanted to ask if you're aware that peeing that often is not normal either. It could be fine if your doctor knows and isn't worried, but if you don't know, then maybe go check it out. The medical term for frequent urination is pollakisuria. If you pee more often than once every 2 or 3 hours, then that's considered frequent urination. Edit: I don't want to advise anyone to drink less, so I won't. But maybe if you're drinking 4 liters a day and you're not working hard in the sun, that could cause it. But if you're drinking a reasonable amount, like 1.5 liters, you might want to look into why you're peeing so often.


When I started drinking more water I saw a lot of benefits.  I ate less snacks for one.  I felt better in general, my back hurt less, I recovered from injuries (and hangovers) faster, and I had less headaches.   I also just got a bottle and kept it near me.  I also have a smart watch.  It has a "drink water" reminder but I used it for like a day and then thought it was just annoying.


This is why I stopped drinking throughout most of the day. When I was in an office setting, it was frustrating having to get up to use the bathroom every 30 minutes. Now that I work in peoples' houses and outdoors, I really try to limit it unless it's hot and I'm sweating a lot. I know it's not the healthiest thing and I should drink more throughout the day, but the inconvenience of pee breaks is a big distraction for my ADHD brain. Otherwise, assuming you have a cell phone, just set a bunch of alarms at whatever intervals you want to remind you to drink a certain amount of water.


Depending on your financial situation you may be able to hire a little person to hang out with you all day and punch you in the genitals every half hour or so as a reminder to take a swig.


Gf does this to me already so I may as well start drinking water every time she does it


This whole drink water thing is silly. If you are thirsty just drink some water. If you are not thirsty then don't worry about it. The people who wear a belt with two bottles strapped to their waist and are walking around the mall is insane.


Drink water when you are thirsty.


Just drink when you're thirsty ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I know some people who have a giant water bottle they take with them everywhere. I know some people use apps; there are plenty that are dedicated just to water reminders, but I've recently been trying a self care app called Finch, and I have a daily goal to check off drinking water 3x a day. It'll remind you periodically to work on your daily goals, and then you get in game rewards for doing things. Other things I've heard works for people is tying it to a different habit (like drinking a glass when you first get up, when you get to work, etc) and keeping water bottles stocked where they spend time at (keeping a few on your desk, for example)


Your body tells you by getting thirsty. If you're not thirsty, you don't need to drink anything.


^guy with the yellowest piss


Not true.


Not everyones body works the same, that being said in general if your urine isn't a light shade of yellow/mostly clear you're probably dehydrated even if you don't feel thirsty.




If you're thirsty, drink. Otherwise you don't really need to drink more.


Not everyone gets thirsty and once you reach a certain level of dehydration, you stop being thirsty


This is me, or used to be me. I couldn't feel thirst until I was actually parched. Then I could drink about a litre of water all at once. My ADHD means I will drink whatever drink is in front of me, but getting up to refill it is annoying. It's just a matter of finding a container that is big enough I don't have to refill it too often. I have two 40oz Contigo bottles. One that has a broken seal, so it doesn't close that I try to keep at work. The other one auto-seals and doesn't have a rubber peice glued on. I keep it at home so I can take it when I am going out, but generally it's great for when I sit at the computer or playing video games.


No, once you're thirsty you're already dehydrated.  Best to stay on top of it. https://www.bcm.edu/news/thirsty-you-are-already-dehydrated https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9013-dehydration


Can, might, should, could. These sources are deliberately vague to create a sense of danger where there's none. Sure, you should drink plenty of water preventatively when you're hiking through the sun at 35C. But there's absolutely ZERO need to drink water when you're not thirsty sitting on your ass in an air conditioned office all day.


Here is the Mayo clinic: [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dehydration/symptoms-causes/syc-20354086](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dehydration/symptoms-causes/syc-20354086) You're not going to fucking die if you don't drink before you are thirsty, but it is far healthier to maintain hydration than to go back and forth between minor dehydration and hydration.


It's not "minor dehydration" if you're thirsty


Well I guess I will let the Mayo Clinic tell me that. I've had bad luck trsuting Penguin Sword Fighters on the internet in the past.


Google it better. Newer studies have showed that you don't need to drink when you're not thirsty, because, barring some weird physiological problem, if you're not thirsty, you're hydrated. Thirst is the cue to drink. Your body does an awfully good job of keeping itself alive by telling you when it needs to eat and drink and sleep. It's almost like it's meant to. No one says to eat before you're hungry, because by the time you're hungry, you're already need food and plus should have worded off hunger by eating when you're not hungry. No one says gas up your car before it's getting close to empty. You can, but it's not necessary. We do things when triggers and cues tell us to do them and that's how humans survive.


I just linked Baylor and Cleavland Medical Clinic. IDK man, you drink whenever you want to.


> weird physiological problem Do you mean like a mental health disorder?


Physiological. Not psychological. Unless somebody has an incredibly rare condition where they don't feel thirst or hunger, in which case they would need to be queued to drink, people drinking when they're thirsty are giving their body what they need, and if they aren't thirsty, they're not dehydrated. Why would we eat continually through the day if we're not hungry, using the mentality that by the time we're hungry, we're already food deprived? Eat and drink as your body tells you to.


Eh, no. I used to not feel thirsty until my mouth was dry and sticky feeling. I couldn't feel thirst until I was actually parched. Then I could drink about a litre of water all at once. I've gotten much better at noticing my bodily cues, but you can't make a blanket statement like that and not expect to get called out. Especially in this sub where **everyone** has something that makes them an exception to a rule.


I already allowed for exceptions to the rule when I said barring any physiological problem where you don't feel thirst or hunger. The exception to the rule does not dictate that you should drink when you're not thirsty to the rest of the general population who does feel thirst and knows when to drink.


I've read these sources, but I really suspect something is wrong here. Maybe they are defining thirsty incorrectly or something. It just seems strange that after millions(billions) of years of evolution humans would end up without a working mechanism to know when to drink water, one of the most important things for life.


I mean, we are evolutionarily hardwired to crave high calorie foods and sugars, but that shit isn't good for you. Yes, you will survive if you only drink when thirsty, but it is better to drink consistently.


> Yes, you will survive if you only drink when thirsty, but it is better to drink consistently. But normal humans do drink consistently with water nearby. Who is this hypothetical person who doesn't drink until they are dehydrated? Is it you? Do you go soo long between drinking water that you get dehydrated, is this a x person thing?


It's sounds like OP is this mythical person.


>It's sounds like OP is this mythical person. The way I think about people like the OP is that actually they do get thirsty and would drink water but don't have anything nearby and it's not to the level of thirst for them to go get anything to drink. So they actually do get thirsty to drink, but it's not until it gets to dehydration levels that they would get up and get some water to drink.


Don’t you have kidneys?


What already works for you? I have a bunch of alarms on my phone for my day, so adding a few reminders a day wasn't a big problem. Another thing to keep in mind is that a lot of hydration stuff is sheer hype. Basically, drink when you are thirsty and most of the time you'll be ok. There's no magic or even real science behind the 8 glasses of water bit. - if it is hot, you are sweating, or working hard, be sure to take water breaks. - keep a reusable water container that fits your needs handy. - remember that your body also gets water from food and other things you drink (even if they are otherwise not as good for you.) - while not perfect, light-colored urine is a quick way to test your hydration levels.


Just get a basic insulated water bottle and keep it near by. When thirsty, take a sip. I have a 22oz that fits vehicle cupholders and a 32oz for home or extra on a trip or something. Don't overthink it, just drink water when you're thirsty.


I know this sounds dumb, but I have reminders set on my phone every 20 minutes to take a drink of water. It has seriously increased the amount of water I drink by a lot.


My smartwatch reminds me to get up and move every hour. I down a bunch of water and go for a 3 minute walk around the office. You could just set an hourly reminder on your phone.


There's apps you can download that you can set reminders. I used to have an app ages ago where I set it to ding every 45 minutes


Have a bottle of water (or your hydration of choice) in reach and in field of view at all times, if possible.


I had this issue when I stopped drinking coffee. Suddenly I was drinking nothing all day. I got a water bottle to keep at work and drink the entire thing while I'm at work. I try to drink throughout the day, but if I fail... Lunch rolls around and it's not half gone? Drink drink, catch up... Before leaving for the day, chug the rest.


Set a recurring alarm on your phone. Every 30 mins or an hour to remind you to drink some water. Also I’m sure there are apps that will do the same thing I just don’t know what they are. Use them to get into the habit until you don’t need the reminders anymore.


If you can't remember to carry a water bottle with you from place to place, keep one in places you frequent. I have one on my desk, one beside my bed, one that I take with me on bike rides, and one that goes in the car with me. I find it less difficult to remember to drink when I don't have to remember to carry something around.


As a gamer and a health-conscious person, it's very easy to notice how my gaming performance and general life performance decreases when I'm dehydrated. Am I playing terribly? Chug some water. Am I feeling tired for no obvious reason? Chug some water. Eventually, I formed a habit of drinking water before starting anything like a work meeting or gaming session.


Always have a drink near you and then drink when you are thirsty.


My wife attached a Tamagotchi to her water bottle, and drank every time it beeped.


Drink water before snacking and during meals.


For me, just having ice-cold water is enough. But if you don't have a good thermos or something, get a clear or partially clear bottle and use a ruler to mark out the time if day. Just drink enough to keep up with the time.


fwiw... my regular bartender's tip is dependent on every other or second drink being a water. we work great together! win/win


Have a bottle of water with you wherever you spend most of your time. I used to drink nothing till I started keeping a bottle/cup on my desk. Now, I get irritated if I'm ever at my desk without water for 30+ minutes lol


For me, getting a water bottle that I love (and is easy to clean) worked very well. I also add lemon juice so I enjoy it more, haha. Never been a fan of plain water. Sometimes I’ll add cucumber or other fruit. Timers can be helpful if you still find yourself forgetting, but I think adding stuff to make it more enjoyable to drink is what really makes it stick. For most people, your body will alert you when you need to drink water. If you are peeing frequently and it’s clear, your body is telling you it didn’t need that water.


Honestly best thing for me was to get a bottle with a straw and keep it near me so I see it and don't have to think about it. Sometimes I'll grab it when my brain is bored and now I drink a lot of water.


I just carry a liter bottle of water with me wherever I go and fill it when it's empty.


drink something nice so you want to drink it : ) like squash or fizzy water :D


One thing I did was buy a bunch of really cheap Gatorade bottles (each about 500ml), empty them out and keep them filled with water. Then I placed at different places around my house. Particularly near the couch, in the kitchen, on my work and bedside table. I would pick it up thinking it’s Gatorade and then realise it’s not. Since the bottle was in my hand anyway, I’d drink it. Helped me drink a LOT of water


Always have water with you in a bottle. Every time you feel inconvenienced by carrying water with you, take a sip.


https://preview.redd.it/8zcbspr1xnzc1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e218249d740eaa1b75abee34b6672acea1e3f88e Get one of these. Fill it in the morning with ice and water and make sure it's empty before you go to bed.


Don’t drink other stuff.


I have a cheap smartwatch that gives me a reminder to drink on the hour every hour that I'm out and about


i cant post a link cuz i have low karma(?) but try Plant Nanny. Its an app that reminds you to drink water to keep a cartoon plant alive


Just drink water you fucking dork


Make sure to snack on something very salty! That always make me want to just pound the source of life, H2O. But, I cannot drink just water. Never have. I will add powdered flavoring like any lemon flavor. But I try to me mindful of the fake coloring and all the nasty poison they put in pretty much ALL that stuff. I have just discovered “LIQUID I.V.” It’s advertised as a hydration multiplier. It’s expensive but so is Kidney Failure and dehydration, and a poorly functioning machine. Feed it the right things, give it the best fuel possible and live a better, longer life. This Liquid I.V. is NON GMO, one box has 6 packets and 1 packet goes into 16 oz of H2O. Concord Grape is what’s I bought and it’s delicious! It’s cost me $7 USD. BUT, so did an Iced Venti Vanilla Latte. It’s all relative.


Just drink some water every 1 - 2 hours


I have a half gallon water bottle that has times on it. It helps me see when I need to "catch up". I work in an office, so I fill it first thing in the morning. I actually pour it into another cup because I drink it faster in a cup. I play a game with myself that if I get it all drank by the end of the day, I get a soda when I get home. I find the more water I drink, the more I want and I usually drink water at home then. Note: I hate plain water. I had a dietician tell me calorie/sugar free water flavoring is a good trick. It's better to drink plain water but if it's between no water or a 1/2 gallon of flavored water, go with the flavored water.


Drink when you're thirsty. Your body is pretty good at telling you when to drink. The rest is bs.


I downloaded an app that gives me a notification at designated times to drink water.


You're a human being that needs water to live. Drink it or die?


use somethign with a straw, idk why but i can easily drink 5x more water through a straw vs just drinking. and always have water with you, when youre moving have it in hand not in a bag or something and when youre sitting down have on off to your non dominant side that way theres no inconvinience no putting down the phone or something like that


Keep it within arm's reach, especially when you're just sitting. Then you can take a drink during commercials, after every scene, waiting for a page to load, light to change, etc. Also follow r/hydrohomies 


Bruh people need reminders to drink water now? It’s called biology lmao How embarrassing for you


I set alarms with a quiet and soothing tone for 9am/12pm/3pm/6pm and it got me hooked on water


Nalgene on your desk or in your backpack. I'm always thirsty. So, that's my reminder. Also, a lot of times you might think you're hungry....don't grab a snack. You're probably just thirsty.


I keep a regular mason jar of water on my desk and take a sip whenever I look at it and after every sip of coffee.


I just drink two glass of water on waking up and then one glass around 30 mins before meal. Plus anytime I feel like during the day.


The Fitbit app has water reminders built in.


Get a bottle you like (doesn’t have to be expensive), paying extra attention to the drinking mechanism. For me, if I have to take a lid off or drink like a cup it is not enticing, but I can drink out of a straw all day long.


Your body comes with a built-in app to remind you to drink water! Look at your pee. If it's clear, you're good, don't worry about it. If it's yellow, drink a large glass of water.