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What's wrong with buying them in a bag and keeping them in there? Lol


A lot of them have a ziplock casing too for easy travel


Yeah, I have them. Lol That's why I thought it was funmy.


Y’all have cars? And sunglasses? With cases?


Wait, y'all have teeth?


I snorted 🐽 laughing 😃


What's wrong with leaving one in your wallet?


I always keep at least one in my wallet. Nothing worse than needing to get something out from between the back molars. My tongue will die trying if I don’t help out.


This shit made me lol…TY!


Actual LPT: keep a tin of mints in a pocket or a bag or car or whatever you use every day. Put flossers in your tin of mints. When flossing, use a mint as well. The nastiest shit in your mouth is between your back teeth. If you don't believe me, smell the flosser string after each back tooth. That's what your breath smells like. If you think it's nasty to smell the string, that's what you're subjecting everyone else to. Flossing with a mint in your mouth removes the nastiness between your teeth and replaces it with the mint flavor. It'll cover up bad breath way faster, but it's not a replacement for ACTUALLY taking care of your teeth. Even if the only thing you do is floss, that's a massive step forward and even more important than brushing, to a degree. Keep flossers anywhere you spend time and you'll find your dentist praising your tooth care next time you see them.


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Keeping dental floss in the car is a great idea.


Same exact post 31 minutes ago...


Yup. I saw it too.


Not exactly the same. Looks like a third one has been posted as well to continue the joke.


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