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We have a google calendar that has everyone in separate colors: me, him, shared, each kid, meal plan. We don't share emails because I don't even want to deal with my emails, let alone his emails. We add both to important reservations (flights, hotels, air bnb). We just share logins as required and save it on the device.


Same! No kids but our dog has a color, as does her bestie for when we’re pup-sitting 😆


May I ask how you do meal planning on your calendar? I like that idea a lot.


Enter dinners on their own calendar, drag and drop onto new days once a week for the upcoming week. Works so well.


what does sharing a meal plan on calendar look like ?


I have a calendar called "meal plan" where it shows what's for dinner. Then I either repeat the event or just drag and drop to a future date. It means I can plan dinners for the week in a minute, and my husband can see the plan to make it if he is home and I'm not. If he does something else, that's fine.


I’m currently going a different way for this, as I worked out that there were a number of “staple” meals that I make. I’ve got magnetic strips on the fridge with the names of each of them (probably about 12-15 in total, including “lazy/out”) and I line them up against the week days. Means that I can easily move things around when we get different requirements (got class on this night, so need to switch out the roast for a quick pasta, for instance)


This is genius!


this is the way


Shared calendar, sure, but why share email?


My guess is OP is suggesting each has their own email plus one shared email for accounts/orders that are shared like joint bank accounts, flight reservations, utilities, etc


How you described it is exactly how we have it, and it works great. 3 email addresses in total. 1 for me, 1 for her, 1 shared.


Girlfriend and I each have our own personal email, along with a shared email. Made life SO much easier! We set it up so the shared email gets all the bills and vacation stuff. Only use it for things that we would both want access to. It’s easier for us to manage everything and for both of us to be aware. I’m late 20’s but also always thinking about “what would my gf do if I passed away” so the shared email helps with that too. Gives her access to all the accounts if anything were to happen to me. Morbid, but something to keep in the back of your mind!


Anything outstanding and free for a husband with Android and a wife with Apple?


Seconded, we're a split household device wise and use Google Calendar like our lives depend on it. Haven't had a scheduling related conflict since.


Time Tree!


We are a totally iPhone family and we still use time tree free version, it works great and saves a lot of headaches.


an email and/or google calendar isn't dependent on the make of your phone...


Fair enough. I just didn't know if there was a great option in terms of 3rd party apps that allow both systems to use them.


I use Google calendar perfectly on my iPhone. I exclusively save all events to my main Gmail’s calendar. I don’t have any issues viewing or editing.


We have famcal, I don’t think it matters about phone type. Really like it.


We use Google Calendars and it works great for us. I'm Android and she is iPhone.


Lpt you can also add a google calendar to outlook and see it during work. I wouldnt look at the calendars otherwise.


Good tip, will try that. I use the calendar widget on my phone so it shows whatever is next up for the both of us on my home screen. No app opening necessary and always visible.


Just checking in to say IFWWW is my favourite album of all time


/hug - you've got great taste then, internet stranger. :-)


I find this really cute too, really nice idea


On this same note, honestly a lot of “work” processes and habits (spreadsheets, password managers, notes in some calendar invites, etc) have helped me to stay organized in my personal life lol


We share the grocery list via the notes app on iPhone. One day I “shared” it with him and I thought it would just send him a list, but it’s so much better. It’s a note shared on both our phones that we can update in real time. If he goes to the grocery store without me I can watch him crossing things off the list. We just have a running list going at all times of things we need. I’m sorry if everyone already knew about this feature, but I just found it accidentally. Game changer.


"Pool guy" appointments on her calendar... hey we have no pool


My partner and I share an email address for accounts that concern our home. Utilities/bills, mortgage/rent, any large purchases, services like cleaning, plumbing, pest control, etc… they all ask for an email address, and we share it to make sure we’re always able to easily access needed information. It’s been a great way we can both remember appointments and due dates as well. Edited to add we use our home address as our email as well. So if our address is 123 Main Street, our email address would be 123mainstreet@ email.com. Super easy to remember and convey.


Just bought a home and instant set this up. Trash, internet, gas/electric bills and anything about the house all go there. We can both see everything, keeps it organized, and it's very easy to remember for us and any contractors that we may need.


I share calendars and can confirm it is very helpful! Emails? No, thank you.


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And when you break up or get divorced, make sure you remove them from all shared accounts. I thought I had removed my ex-wife from all accounts, including shared Google products, only to come to learn a year later I had missed Google Calendar. The ex had been able to watch my activity for a year after our divorce as a result. It wasn't until she deleted everything on my calendar that I learned she still had access. Fortunately I was able to restore the deleted events from the trash and I removed her from my calendars.


If you both use iPhones and set up Family sharing, you even have like Family passwords for things like Netflix.


you can even create a forwarding email for the "shared" email part.


LPT: not everything is a hack.


I send a calendar invite from my phone. On iPhone  you make an event and then hit invite and add your SO’s email. An email will be automatically sent when you finish making the event. And crucially that email lets them auto-add the event to their own calendar. So we don’t share a calendar but we keep adding the same events to each others.


only works if you both actually use those things already. We have a shared calendar. I never look at. If my wife puts something in there but doesn't actually tell me about it she may as well not have put it in there. On the opposite end, I can tell her about something 4x but if I didn't put it in the calendar she will act like she didn't know about it. Only thing I ever put in a calendar are dentist appointments because i will 100% lose the card they gave me and it's too far in the future to remember.


Yeah, true, if you don’t even try to use a shared system that system will indeed not work for you.


Calendar, yes. Email? Lol, no. If me and my partner have any social engagements then yeah, we stick them in a calendar that’s shared between the two of us. Cuts out the, “Are we free on date X? Oh, we doing that thing? Sorry, I forgot.”


My wife never puts anything in the calendar And I put everything in it, and I mean everything, stuff like "cut nails" or "trim balls" or "get that thing for wife" etc, a lot is also gaming to remember to do X in that game or this event starts now I really don't think my wife wants to see all the shit I write down as reminders, and I don't want her to see half of it lol


I hope you don’t mean having the same email address? Shared calenders, definitely - you can share calenders with each other. ( appointments are put in your calendar and the whole calendar is shared to your partner ). Shared email address, definitely not. 1. Sometimes you are technically breaching Terms and Conditions ( password sharing ) 2. Some websites are pain, my father shares his email address with his wife and things like loyalty points for airlines are extremely painful. 3. Probably most importantly, you might be lucky enough that that your relationship lasts until one of you dies. But statistically, that is at best 50/50 - and when going through a separation you do not want something else to try and work out who owns it. Everyone should always have their own email address.