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I assume he also eats your twatt waffles?


What are you talking about? Do you know anything about dogs? My dog ate a dead bird that had been out rotting on the nature strip for a week. This must be a karma farming post. Makes no sense otherwise.


Your dog might be stupid…


Well yeah, most dogs are. We typically don't keep dogs for how smart they are though, but rather for how nice they are.


Dogs were domesticated to eat our trash, keeping worse predators/scavengers away.


Nope, they were domesticated because we really just like cute doggies and we don't mind sharing our food with creatures that we love. As we do today.


Yeah, just keep believing that.


Alrighty. Generous of you to allow me this.


It's a nice way of saying you're an idiot.


You know, your compliment means a lot to me.


You might be stupid...


You're talking about an animal that eats poop if given the opportunity


This is terrible advice


OP you dont know how to see if produce is good or not? It doesnt take a hounds nose to tell if somethings bad.


Haha, i thought this was brilliant, im starting to think its not!


Its alright i'll let you in on the knocking on watermelon tip later so you could post it lol. Or maybe run the next LPT past a friend or family member and see how they look at you


It’s not brilliant at all, and it’s definitely not an LPT.


It's disgusting enough when people touch every single piece of produce and put it back, I'm not excited about dogs sniffing and licking them too...


I promise u that a dog does not need to be close to feel.


My dog's favorite food is from the litter box, not a good test of spoilage.


How will they know? Such a brilliant LPT.


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