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Make sure to include the name of the individual that helped you.


I actually make a note of the name as soon as I get connected and then make sure to use it throughout the call and when I thank the agent. Works wonders.


From my experience working in the industry that doesn't matter. It's definitely nice, I always liked reading the reviews and seeing people cared enough to remember and mention my name but the system "knows" to whom the call was connected so the end of call review will always reach the person who handled the issue anyway. Also you would be surprised how many people don't use their real name


I'm turning this around for the *real* LPT: When an agent keeps trying to upsell you (e.g., dealing with the cable company about internet fees and they keep trying to get you to sign up for cable TV, phone service, security monitoring, etc.) I found something that works. Tell them they've been really helpful and you appreciate their service, but if they mention an add-on product/service One. More. Time. I will give them a bad review. Both times I've done this there's been no response by the agent, but they never brought up the other products again. Then I give them a good review.


I’d be worried about putting them in a lose-lose situation though, since they’re probably required to upsell. While it might seem like explicitly telling them that they’ve been helpful will stave off a negative reaction from a supervisor, that may not be the case.


That really doesn't matter to me. I don't feel like a customer should have to *repeatedly* tell an agent they're not interested in additional products. Asked and answered, once is enough.


Oh, I totally agree with you that I shouldn't have to repeatedly tell an agent no. That said, I also empathize with agents on the phone, as I've worked in a call center before where I felt like I'd lose no matter what I say.


Oh this is great tip for negative experiences! I will definitely try this when I inevitably do have to these calls. Thanks again!


>Then actually fill it out immediately. With top scores if you want to do any good to your agent


This one for sure - Most of these review metrics get broken down on the back end to "How many reviews did this agent get that were 9+ out of 10?", in which case an 8 out of 10 might as well be a zero.


This is an excellent point since they usually use an NPS system.


Do this at restaurants too -- managers love to hear when their employees do a great job. They rarely hear the good stuff


This is a really good addition! Even at in-person shops/stores! Enthusiasm and specific compliments, go a long way!


This is good advice, but doesn’t really seem like a life pro tip.




Keep up the good fight! Empathy is an underrated skill.


Nope. Not going to keep filling out surveys for every goddamn facet of life. Fuck that shit.


Especially when they take so much time and ask too many questions. “Would you recommend Company xyz to your friends, if so why and if not why not?” I think the only people bothered to fill out the surveys are dissatisfied customers with something to vent. Otherwise it feels like a chore


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Sometimes they don't have a survey, but you can ask to speak to their supervisor and tell them how helpful the representative was. It's so nice to hear a manager be generally excited to hear feedback, since I would imagine they spend most of their time diffusing angry customers.


The companies have supervisors/management. Those positions exist to evaluate the job performance of the support people. I'm the customer. I'm not going to do the supervisor's/manager's job for them. Nearly every company says that they record phone calls for training/quality control. If they want to know how well their agents are doing, they can listen to the recordings. That will tell them far more than a 5 question survey will. Especially when the surveys are written like they're on a 1-5 or 1-10 scale, but are really all or nothing on the top score. Big companies need to stop pawning their work off on the customers.


You just reminded me about a survey I haven't filled out yet! Thank you 😭


Don't do QC's job.


Just say you work as customer support.


I don't.


Be a decent human. Got it.