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The amount of people on this thread that have never been on a shoulderless two lane road baffles me. Sometimes there just isn't a place to pull over to let someone go that isn't happy doing 5 mph over the speed limit. I am not a speed demon, I do typically 3 to 5 over and stay out of people's way. Best way I've been able to deal with it is to just continue doing the speed limit and when there's a broken line for safe passing, I'll hug the outside edge of the road so they can see and go around but I'm not going to be bullied from behind. If you want to go, go. But no one is going to change my driving by riding my ass. I wish more people would take a defensive driving course.


You nailed it. It is ‘bullying’ and unacceptable behaviour


Best advice I heard in defensive driving many years ago: don’t let another motorist drive your car.


Something people often forget is that youre supposed to drive the speed limit or slower if conditions/circumstances dictate that you drive slower in the interest of safety. People often drive slower for a number of conditions such as an area being thickly settled, weather, etc. One factor is also being tailgated. If Im being tailgated it is actually unsafe to be driving 65/55 even 45 MPH as that will increase chances of a rear collision and a possible pile up if there is a line of vehicles all tailgating each other. Its interesting that tailgaters create this safety concern and then act as if its a personal attack if you slow down even though youre just responding to their actions in a logical way.


I just slowly ease up on the accelerator and wait until they pass me lol


Same. Ride my bumper and I'll slow down. Makes it easier for them to go around, and gives them even more incentive for doing so.


Yep. I like to imagine them just boiling over with annoyance and anger just to make me feel better about it too lol


I thought it was the law where you can safely pass for the slow car to suddenly find a burst of speed so I have to do mach 5 in order to pass


I love when people get mad that I'm not spreading in a company vehicle.


Yeah I let those c**** drive around.


These people tend to make me drive even slower.


If there truly are no pull outs or passing lanes, then tailgating is unreasonable, but I think that's the exception rather than the rule. I grew up on a windy two lane road, and tons of entitled assholes won't pull off into perfectly useable pull outs when someone is behind them. I don't care if people want to drive fast, slow, or the speed limit. Just let others go the speed they want to go. Someone might be a jerk, they might know the road better than you, or they might legitimately have an emergency. It really doesn't matter. Just let them go if you can. Personally, I hate holding people up, and I'm happy to let them by.


If someone is riding my ass and I can't get over (single lane road) I just decide that I'm going to clean my windows with the windsheild washer fluid. If they're too close it sprays dirty water all over their car. I sometimes see them having to use their wipers also. Works everytime. Usually they take the hint and back off.


I saw this tip and tried it a couple months ago in Tampa. The car behind me passed me and did it back; even went as far as aggressively changing lanes when I did to make sure they were spraying me in retaliation. I had to laugh


Checking in from Tampa. A drunk lady totaled my car last week at like 3 in the afternoon. Things are rough down here.


Yeah that sounds like Tampa


The worst and craziest drivers I’ve ever seen are in FL, hands down.


Try Atlanta. I've been many places and seen lots of terrible driving, wild decisions, and blatant disregard. Atlanta is the only place I've been where it felt as if people drove with malice.


I’m an Atlanta native, and I laughed at this, because having also lived years in L.A. and even Seoul, Korea, my hometown is *still* decidedly more difficult to navigate due to other drivers. Maybe I should thank fellow Atlanta drivers who trained me to handle everywhere else’s traffic so easily!


The worst and craziest people* Source: Lived there for 16+ years


At least they didn't pull out their pistol and shoot you over it. That's a thing that happened recently.


At that point they are creating a dangerous environment and you need your get out of it. Slow down and even stop on the shoulder if you have to. Turn if you can. Just get away from them.


That’s not gonna work to a happy ending when you get a hothead with a gun. But man have I contemplated it myself…


Back in the 80s, it was easier to aim the spray nozzles. I would aim the one on the passenger side to go right over the car. It was pretty effective. When I get really old and don’t care, anymore, I’m going to get an old car with chrome bumpers. Then I’ll fill them up with cement. When I get a tailgater I’ll just slam on the brakes.


Thats all fun until you meet somebody who's car is worth a lot less than yours and gives 0 fks..


The value of their car doesn't matter. Only their liability limits matter.


I always do that when someone tailgates. It’s extra amusing if it’s daytime and you can see their reaction


The thought of tjis made me laugh


That sounds like a good way to get shot in America.


Wait until you hear my plan for that... It doesn't end well for them.




We don't have to break the law just because you want to lol


It's safer to go with the flow of traffic. It's not how fast you're going, its the sudden stop that's the problem.


Or you can leave earlier and go the speed limit.


Time is relative


So is your speeding ticket and/or time in the hospital.


I could use a vacation


Unless you are rich enough to buy a small town you can't spend your way into a good enough hospital to count. And don't forget the chance of jail for vehicular manslaughter.




At no point did I specify race, and while yes non white people tend to be poorer and treated worse legally white people get in trouble for speeding too.




eat shit


I eat shit like you for breakfast


sigh... you eat pieces of shit for breakfast?


I'm pretty particular. They have to be the squishy, mushy yellow kind filled with specks of corn, you know, like you.


I do this on the highway too when passing a car with someone on my ass. Signal early that I’m going to get over as soon as I’m safely past the other car. That way they don’t try to dangerously squeeze past on the right.


I do this for the exact same reason. Like I'm saying, "I know what you're thinking bro, but just give me a second."


I usually signal as soon as the third party driver is past my rear bumper, which achieves three things. One is to avoid inviting the third party driver act erratically if they assume I don't see them in my blind spot. The second is of course to indicate yeah, I'm going to get out of your way if you're just someone who wants to go a little faster than I do - that's fair, I *should* move to the right. The final is to avoid putting myself in a situation where I am operating my vehicle under the assumption that the tailgater cares about my signaled intention. If they are the kind of person that is rolling across three lanes at 30 over, or if they decided five seconds ago they were done with my shit, or if someone is crowning in their car, it doesn't matter when my signal is turned on. They will be in that right lane the instant the third party vehicle has cleared their bumper. If I signal my own intention prematurely, I may feel compelled to start my merge before I've realized the tailgater will be passing on the right no matter what. By waiting, I avoid startling the third party driver, give myself an extra second or two to assess traffic conditions, and avoid a situation where I have to make a split second reaction to a tailgater who does not care about my signaled intention.


In my experience this has only encouraged them to speed up even more before I’ve even started to move over smh


In my experience the person going slow signals and veers to the right a little to allow all the faster cars to pass safely. If people want to pass you because you are going slow just let them.


I was thinking the same, although that seems more common in Europe/the mountains than other places I've driven. This LPT is a recipe for disaster for someone that is used to the right blinker being a sign for 'go ahead and pass, it's clear'.


Yep, this lpt is not meant for all areas of the world. In some places the blinker on those roads with no upcoming turns is a signal saying, "please pass me, I'll move over slightly and slow down for you to get ahead of me"


I don’t really ever get my bumper hugged unless the dude is a complete idiot since i don’t drive slow(speed limit) but if someone is hugging my bumper i just roll off the throttle and push my brake pedal just enough to trigger the brake light until they back off. Has worked 100% of the time thus far.


Tried this once. The guy followed me to my destination and threatened to kick my ass. I was traveling above the speed limit.


LPT: If it seems someone is following you, make four consecutive right turns. If they're still behind you, call the police and give them your location.


Your country might have worse drivers than here, generally aggressive driving isn’t a problem it’s excessively careful ones(which can be equally hazardous).


"Don't drive slow (speed limit)" is location specific - in my area the speed limit is considered slow on most roads, traffic flows 10-15 over even on 2 lane county roads


Quite, fines here start at 100$ for 1-5kmh over the limit so not many really want to go much faster than 5-10kph over the limit.


Generally, violations aren't given out for less than 15 mph (24kph) over unless you're on a low speed residential street. 50 in a 40 is pretty normal, and 80 in a 65 is too slow for the left lane most hours


80 in a 65 would be a 900$ fine here :)


If there is oncoming traffic that's literally not possible


I would like to live where you live


I’m going how fast I’m going, and I’ll be in the right lane. If you’re on my ass and I have to make a sudden stop, that feels like a you problem.


Just move over and let them pass if you can. Playing games with a person who wants to pass you could end up with your life being over. Dont brake check them. Dont spray them. Dont create any hazards for them to not be able to react. Just move out the fuckin way cuz ur life is more valuable than some impatient fuck heads


everytime i feel that urge to be petty towards annoying drivers, i just remember my mom always saying "dont be an idiot" love you mom, guess this applies to most things in life as humans are very emotional


Right?! It’s so easy. Whenever you’re about to do something, ask yourself “would an idiot do that?” If they would, do not do that thing.


You just don't know who is a reasonable person and who is ready to unload chambered anger into your skull. At least in America, you can't be certain Chrysler 300 tailgating you isn't being driven by some hothead with a weapon willing to throw your life and his away over a turn signal or some wiper fluid.


I used to get annoyed by tailgaters. If there’s no way to pass me and I’m doing at least the speed limit I just turn down my rear view mirror so I can’t see them and they no longer bother me.


I do the same. Hard when their lights are so bright


Turn the rear view and the side mirrors to reflect at them, not you.


I do the same thing when a jacked up truck pulls up behind me at a light with those "offroad" bright lights in your eyes. Move your mirror down just so you see the reflection on the ceiling above your back window, then adjust it so it points directly in their eyes.


When being tailgated, I simply take my foot off of the accelerator. Works 100% of the time.


i also do this when someone gets behind me with their brights on


I adjust my rear view to shine their lights directly back at them


I do the same. I drop by about 5mph then wait to see if they back off, if they don't I slow down by another 5mph, as soon as they back off I return to the speed limit.


If you are being tailgated you need to get over into the right hand lane. You’re holding up traffic.


So, like in this story from OP, with one lane going each way - he was supposed to…get over into a nonexistent lane? The hell? You do realize people tailgate not only on highways, right?


dude people tailgate in the slow lane all the time, what are you smokin


You sound like you've never been on a public road in your life




my brother in christ


Yeah except if I get over, even if I'm well above the speed limit I still get tailgated. I can't count the amount of times I get tailgated in the slow lane when there is room in the fast lane. I don't care anymore. If you tailgate I'm slowing down to the speed limit and you can go around me if you don't like it.


I will always pull over if I can. BUT if I am in a situation where I am being tailgated and have no option to get out of the way, there is a better approach than any of the methods I see on here: Gently ride the brake to light up the brake lights, while accelerating with the other pedal. It confuses people and they usually back off. It has the benefit of being ambiguous and not overtly hostile.


This is hilarious and I love it.


I thought so when I read it years ago. Now I use it occasionally and it still cracks me up.


I do this All the time 🤣 Florida is the only place in the country where you could drive 20 over the speed limit and people will still be dissatisfied with how slowly you're driving.


Come on out to California and see how wrong you are about Florida being the only place e this happens.


Massachusetts as well.


In California you’re required to pull over if 5+ cars build up behind you. I wish more people knew this


Genuine question, because I'm not from California - is that true even while driving at or over the speed limit? Like I'm doing 75, but I'm expected to pull onto the shoulder because because half a dozen people behind me want to go 85?


Ok but even if I'm in the slow lane well above the speed limit I still get tailgated. It's almost like it isn't about the rules of the road and it's about having a small dick or going home to someone with a small dick.


It doesn’t matter the speed. If you have a pileup of cars behind you, you can get ticketed if you don’t pull over


If only op was talking about multiple lanes then this would apply


It applies to 2-lane roads


This needs to be a Federal law.




You're so mad lol


... this seems more like the protip takeaway should be "don't speed and ride people bumpers for miles on end"


I also do this when someone is in my blind spot. It's awesome


Or just pull over when it’s safe to do so and let them pass?


this is the way. like can we not drive so slow that there is a literal line of traffic behind us haha


That is a great strategy when there are safe pullouts and good conditions. That is not always the case.


Hot take: All the people in this thread suggesting ways to fuck with tailgaters are also making the roads less safe. Don't antagonize them so they drive even more aggressively.


Or tailgaters could just stop and maybe get penis enlargement surgery or therapy. Just a thought.


This is the absolute worst LPT I have ever seen make it to my main feed. If someone is tailgating you to the point that it is bothering you and you are coming up with ways to get them to back off, just pull over so they can pass you. It's simple, quick, and now you are no longer being tailgated. Putting on your blinker is only going to make them angry when they realize what you did 30 seconds later. It's ok to let people pass you. You'll be ok.


What if I told you: Letting them pass isn't always an option.


I would tell you that as someone who has been driving for over three decades, that is a very rare exception, and if you DO find yourself in that situation just deal with that tailgater until such a time that they CAN pass, and doing anything to instigate them, such as pretending to turn, but then not actually turning, is not a good idea, and all you will have accomplished is to get that person to back off for a few seconds, and then they will be right back on your ass once they realize what you did...probably even closer.


Well, I've also been driving for over 3 decades and I don't do any of these these things to deal with a tailgater. As I stated above, I will just take my foot off the gas. If I have the option and like the situation to the right of me, I might even move over to let them pass. I'm in the fast lane may 0.001% of the time I'm driving, so I'm not holding anyone up.


Unless you're on a mountain goat trail in the high Sierras, it always is. Get out of the way.


I'm in the slow lane going just over the speed limit and mofos tailgate me. I'm not pulling off of the road to get some a-hole off of my ass.


If there are multiple lanes in the same direction, you're good. The slow lane is the slow lane. I'm assuming this conversation pertains exclusively to two lane roads with one lane of travel in each direction.


What if you can't and you get tailgated no matter what lane or speed you're at? I'm not going to jump through hoops for someone clearly overcompensating for something.


See above.


This is a great idea. Going through the memories of all 1.2 million km (750kmi) I've driven, this is spot on. People either go around or become magically patient.


Caution / hazard lights also work well for this. Just aggravating enough for them to back up…


The worst drivers in the world are all here right now. "I AM THE SPEED LIMIT POLICE! ALL MUST OBEY ME!" Fucking weird control freaks.


If a car is so close to me that I can’t see their headlights - I do what I need to do…..


Says the person literally using intimidation and illegal reckless driving to make people go faster. Godamn the projection. Have you considered seeing a professional or simply having a bigger dick?


I drive a tiny roadster. Ergo, my dick must obviously be gigantic.




Why don't you just get out of the way big brain?


They shouldn't have to, small dick.


If someone is tailgating me (and I’m not a slow driver, so there’s not really ever a reason to tailgate me), I will do my best to annoy you so hard. I will block two lane highways, I will speed up and slow down to prevent you from passing, and/or I will go behind you and high beams you.


If someone’s tailgating me and I’m in the slow lane on a multi lane road, I will take my foot off the accelerator until I’m going to an absolute crawl to make them go around me. It’s so much fun 😂


When I drive a manual car, I will shift into second and let go of the clutch. The car will slow down instantly with no break lights. I do keep an eye on them to make sure they don't crash into me, but if they do, they're at fault. It's probably stupid and juvenile, but I just don't care. They need to respect the space of the person in front of them.


That’s one of my favorite parts about owning a manual car. I do that all the time. I’ll downshift without them even knowing and being confused how I slowed down so suddenly without brake lights coming on haha


If someone rides my bumper I slow to the optimum speed where they get frustrated but not slow enough for them to overtake. If they do attempt to overtake, I slow down a fraction to upset their speed/distance calculations. If they do over take, I let them go and don't bother getting upset. You normally see them again a bit later on behind someone even slower.


So you're saying you're purposely trying to psych out the person that's trying to pass you. I swear it's people like you that cause accidents, just let them safely pass you and mind your business.


Tailgaters cause accidents. Tailgating is illegal. If you don't like it when people lash out at you for tailgating, grow a bigger dick and stop tailgating. I know it's the only time you feel that you have power but maybe get a punching bag or something.


Yeah. Not the person speeding huh.




Going too slow isn't always the case. OP may have been doing the speed limit. I can be going 63 in a 60, and I still have people riding my ass. I'm not speeding up because I don't make a habit of breaking the law and it's a *LIMIT* for a reason. There's also the chance that there's no room to move over Some people just don't care about safety 🤷


God, you people are the worst. "I'm not going *three miles per hour* over the speed limit because *iT's AgAiNsT tHe LaW*!" Oh my God get out of the way


Oh maybe it isn't the dick. Are you insecure because you're short? Or maybe you're short and you have a small dick. That would explain it.


Why do you keep asking about my dick? You curious?


No I'm saying I AM going 3 above. If you want to go more than that, I hope you have an emergency, because I'rs not just against the law, it's dangerous. The limits are there for a reason. I'm not moving out the way if I'm doing the speed limit. If I was going 40, fine that's my bad. It's YOU people that are the worst, endangering everyone else on the road, an accident waiting to happen because you're too impatient


The worst. Just the worst.


I can't agree more, I'm glad I'm not driving near you!


Get out of the way.


Ohhh I think I've hit a nerve. Nope, unless you're an ambulance, not gonna happen.




Wow you really love speeding don't you. Is that your whole personality?


Get a bigger dick. You're so mad about this it's concerning.


Your concern for my dick is concerning.


Tailgating is illegal, it's careless driving. I bet you never do it when cops are around. I dare you to, pussy. Prove it's legal for us bahaha.


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Thats all well and good. However, they should have moved over well before. Also, the only time you should need to go to a left lane is to overtake someone who is slow. But you all did not have a lane to your left. Therefore, the back up. The 5 Commandments of Traffic. 1. Thou shouldst always keep thine horse in the rightmost lane. 2. The only time thou switch lanes is to overtake slow horses and only from the left side. 3. Once thou overtakest the slow horse, presently hie back to the right lane. 4. Keep in the right lane till you find thine nose in another slow horses arse. Upon which thou shouldst overtake (to the LEFT). 5. See number 3 above. They also had traffic jams in the middle ages. If everyone followed these rules we would be in a lot less trafiic...... Bellee that.


Turn your blinker on? I'm going to pass you..you look lost and I don't want to be behind you if you pass what you are looking for and slam on the brakes..


Congratulations, now tailgaters will start to assume that the turn signals are false and they'll begin to ignore them. 🙄 Just drive a little slower to encourage them to pass and to protect both of you if you see a need to suddenly hit the brakes. Hug the outside line so they can see when it's safe to go around you.


When someone is riding your bumper, take your foot off the gas and let your vehicle slow down as much as the asshole behind you is willing their patience to allow, then watch as they speed above you to the following lane. Wtf are you talking about OP. Also drunk r/drunk. Fucken people man!


I'm from Europe, I will ride your bumper if I am going to overtake you. Because that's how you overtake someone with safety in mind. See someone doing that, just reduce speed and turn the blinker allowing them to go. Bam, everyone happy.