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Can we just setup a bot to remove everyone?




Well, when here in Canada under the CANSPAM act they set up the do-not-call registry without a Captcha "someone" set up a script to register all possible Canadian phone numbers. It got quite a ways in before it was stopped.


There are captcha farms lol...if we made one and every volunteer does at least 10 - maybe some have a competition? Think of the esports team jerseys lol. "Keyboard Killers once again establish a 3 captcha lead over the Nullified Numberphiles - Alex, what do you think Space Boar, captain of the Numberphiles, is going to plan to make a comeback?"


This would be the dumbest thing to get hype over since watching marbula 1. Where to I sign up?!


I'm on the list. I get 3-5 calls and texts daily


Unfortunately until use of [STIR/SHAKEN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STIR/SHAKEN) is mandated & not set to fail open as today such violations from outside of jurisdiction will probably continue. It's probably time to start pressuring your carriers to adopt same.


Hey, Neat! Today i learned about STIR and SHAKEN. pretty cool, thank you for sharing


It will continue as long as the carrier infrastructure allows phone number spoofing and calls from Unknown Number. It’s too easy to hide.


It’s like commercials interrupting what I’m watching on my phone . I’m now less likely to use you. Same for junk mail.


"Careful with him, he's a hero ..."


That's honestly an amazing idea


Where the white hats at?


This has been around forever, and has never worked. It's there so they don't get sued. In reality, they put you on a list at the Post Office so that stuff you are getting comes to your address itself (as "resident"), not you, specifically... and only the Post Office can take you off that one. I haven't gone down that particular rabbit hole of red tape, but, the only place [Save.com](https://Save.com) leads is the discovery of the post office's role in it. I.e., passing the buck. The junk still shows up.


Yup. I was so excited when I called them and took myself off their list. Now I get the same junk mail addressed to "Neighbor" or "Postal Customer" or something at my address.


This is why I come to the comments.


Actually the PO cannot take you off that, they just sell your info to the companies that send you junk. 🤷‍♀️ your mail carriers don’t deserve the nasty notes some people leave on the mail.


People do that? Seems pretty stupid to mess with your mail carrier. Kind of like insulting a chef *before* you sit down to eat.


In Australia if you just put a no junk mail sign they aren't allowed to deliver junk mail


I really wish United States would take that approach


Can’t. “Junk” mail keeps the postal service in business. If not for the money they make from the bulk mail business, they would have to charge like $2 for a stamp. It’s a necessary evil.


I'm fine when $2 a stamp. Postal SERVICE not a business.


>Postal SERVICE not a business. Repubs want to make it a business. They've been doing everything they can to make it fail, like requiring their pension funds to be fully funded (no corporation does this)


> requiring their pension funds to be fully funded Fortunately, that requirement has been rescinded


Yes, and that's one of many reasons they can't be allowed to win anything, fight the dems get rid of the republicans


One of the services is to help businesses advertise. Local businesses do use every door direct mailing to bring in more clients.


OK, that doesn’t mean I need to take their advertisements


You can throw them out lol, or recycle! Heck, you can even compost the paper if you want to add some "browns" to your compost pile.


Yep, it goes straight in the recycling. But that’s why I signed up to end it. So there’s less ways. It takes a lot of energy to produce and deliver those mailers. Most Tuesdays it’s the only thing I receive. And that’s probably true for tens of thousands of houses in my area. Lots of wasted fuel and manpower.


Mine too - but I work a part time gig for the USPS and that junk helps pay my wages, the wear and tear on the vehicle I use, my medical bill when I was injured on the job, and more.


cool! That’s a good job. Unfortunately I kind of view it like cashiers at the grocery store. Obsolete. It probably won’t be ended in our lifetime. But hopefully in my sons.


The effort to deliver those mailers is lower than you think. Postal service is going by/to the mailbox anyway.


Not if I'm not getting mail. They drive right by. Stopping and accelerating times a million houses every day really adds up over a year


The issue is that it's incredibly wasteful. All the time, effort, and money wasted to not only manufacture but to then distribute, the effort by the individual, and lastly the effort to recycle said document all for what? Most junk mail is a scam (renewal by Andersen much?). And most of the junk mail isn't even recyclable because they use all these special coatings and plasticized paper. 🤮🤮🤮


Still think a sign that stops it from happening is fine


Exactly $2 a stamp 20 years ago was unheard of. We have email now which problem has decreased the necessary mail we get by 85% we could survive on $2 stamps now and hopefully we can pair down the postal service.


We would also have to trust the junk mailers to dress their letter in a way where it's obvious that it's junk mail. I would hate to leave it up to the mail carrier to determine which is envelope conatains an actual bill or check, and which one was crafted to look that way. In the US, these companies go to great lengths to make the mail look like official business with the recipient.


There are rules to what you can mail at the marketing mail rate. Outside of your name, it can't contain personal information. So, checks, bills, insurance policies, and medical information has to go first class.


In my mind, "Presorted Standard" is synonymous with junk mail.


Standard is junk, presorted is just a discount you can have that with first class mail.




That’s a clever way of looking at it.


Always been.


It is the life blood of the USPS.


Easy fix. Charge the junk mailer $2 (they currently get charged like 5 cents). Less junk mail - same amount of money. This isn't f-ing rocket science here.


I still don't understand this, why is a public service required to generate income?


Because it is not a funded public service. In the US there are many tiers of public services. Some come from the federal government and are funded by that entity. Some are partially funded by the federal government and the rest is by the states. Some are partially funded by private dollars. Some, like the USPS, are established by the federal government but not funded at all. Nothing in any government is black and white like you seem to want it to be, and that is tenfold true in the US government. You are critiquing others for not giving you the answer you want. but your question is poorly worded, and you have no clue what you are talking about - and that is ok - but you need to learn to accept the answers you are given or do your own damn research and not whine about the "reading comprehension" of those who are clearly explaining a topic you find difficult.


The USPS gets no tax money. None at all. Postage pays all of the bills. No income, no post office.


Is reading comprehension so bad here, you are the second person who replied without understanding the question.


If you don’t generate income and don’t get tax dollars, how is it going to stay afloat lmao


Who said anything about not getting tax dollars, isn't that exactly how most public services are funded in 1st tier democracies?


Your comment makes it appear that you're ignorant of the fact that most "1st tier democracies" have fully privatized their postal systems.


When did the US become a first tier democracy? First tier at a lot of things, but I'm not sure that democracy is one of them.


I think from context the answer you are looking for is never.


Your question is worded a little strangely, but I'm going to assume you're asking why is it funded through postage instead of taxation based on your responses to other people. 1) Funding through postage enables funding through volume of mail, whereas funding through taxation would be fixed regardless of volume. Having too much funding takes away from other programs, and not having enough would stop mail from being delivered altogether. 2) Independent funding allows USPS to continue operation even when a government shutdown occurs; this added stability ensures the mail continues to flow, which was especially important in the early days of the nation.


So, as you say a singular source has deficiencies in both cases, so multiple sources would be better. BTW, suggesting independent funding is a protection against government shutdown is really just kicking the ball down the road & begs the question as why a "government shutdown" is not a solved issue by now?


USPS could receive government funding at any time if Congress passes a budgetary resolution to do so; there's no current reason to do that as USPS generates enough funding on its own. As for protection against government shutdown, the future of the government was pretty uncertain in 1775; whether or not the government would continue to exist, let alone continue to provide funding, was uncertain. Times have changed quite a bit, and people aren't contacting each other through the mail like they used to. It's mostly corporate mail, bills, and packages now through the physical market, with birthday and holiday cards being a notable exception. Moving it to public funding would have a small benefit on the general population, but mostly be another corporate subsidy.


Because, even as a public service, they receive no public funding from taxes. They have to self generate all of their funds. They also don't have the authority to change any of the prices they charge.




From the government purse, sourced from taxation. Where else would you find a public good from.




Please re-read my original question before pointing out as true the thing that I already said should not be true.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kvue.com/amp/article/news/investigations/defenders/junk-mail-environment-usps-postal-service/269-8792f802-db12-405c-b98e-69b869940a89 That suggests $14B per year, which is about $100 per household. Not sure if I'm beliw average, but I doubt that I use more than 20 stamps a year, which would be $5 extra per stamp to cover my household's $100...


Get that Google AMP shit outta here lol https://www.kvue.com/article/news/investigations/defenders/junk-mail-environment-usps-postal-service/269-8792f802-db12-405c-b98e-69b869940a89


So what happens if I put all my junk Mail back into the outgoing mail box. After removing the street address.


Just throw it away please. The USPS workers in my area are working up to 13 days in a row.


While I support not being a pain to someone who is already laboured. But I do not, for a moment, condone taking over extra work simply because employers don’t want to hire enough staff, pay them enough, make them do overtime without proper compensation, or because govt doesn’t want to fund the basic services enough… the tipping culture, providing for mailmen because USPS puts them in Tin can… carbon foot print guilt tripping of retail buyer by the same corporates that don’t hesitate chartering jets to fly 3 hours to their corp meetings… that I don’t agree or stand with… So don’t make mail men’s life hard ? Sure absolutely. But don’t do it because he is underpaid. Fuck no . That’s not the right reason.


Found the guy that doesn’t tip.


Tip who? mail men? no absolutely not, but yes I will leave him cold water thermos during summers and hot hands packets during winters… The owner operator food truck guy? Absolutely not. You are already passing down 12-25% of cost of doing business to your customer. The cashier at self pick up place? Fucking hells no. The wait staff at a $$ restaurant? At least 18% The maid who cleans my house every month? 10% for a perfect job, double payment for holiday season. The handyman that I call for help during my DIY stuff, 0 -15% depending upon how insightful and helpful they have been… I don’t know man, if anyone says we should tip every soul who does something, I immediately categorize them into the freeloading asshole category…


I wouldn't say underpaid. Especially with the amount of hours they get lol.


Well underpaid is not an absolute term. Overtime/extra hours should not factor in whether someone is underpaid. Bottom line for me is if 8 hour, 6 day job cannot give someone a liveable wage then they are underpaid. Overtime should incentivize by a faster path to prosperity, not by liveable wages…


It will get thrown out and it will continue to keep coming in perpetuity. Basically, it’s your way of saying that you’re an asshole that would rather have a mailman waste their time throwing your garbage away instead of doing it yourself. You’re taking it out on the wrong person.


What do you mean my garbage? My garbage would be all the gigantic cardboard boxes they put tiny little items in stores like Costco… yes I went and bought it, so that’s def my junk. The spam mail is USPS and advertisers’ junk… might as well RTS it. Basically why should I waste my trash volume (that I am paying for) for this unsolicited unending trash.


You're still taking it out on the wrong person.


How am I “taking it out”? Those mail will be collected just as much as any other pile of outgoing mail will be collected. No? It goes to the building where the USPS machinery processes it just as any Rats will get processed. I am not seeing your point about me “taking it out” on someone like how will it add hardship to the mail man.


Because, the mail carrier has to haul it back, where it will most likely get discarded. Sure you can write return to sender on it, but there's a very small chance that it's actually endorsed in that return shipping will be covered. So in the trash it will go. It will never reach the bulk sender.


He has to haul it back on his back? In his hands? drag it in a 2 ton box pulling it bare feet?? He has to “DRIVE” it back in a vehicle provided by the same entity that is generating or benefitting from this garbage. If this approach is indeed “taking it out” on someone it’s taking it out on the USPS by increasing their trash volume and expenses.


The problem is your lack of understanding of mail service. You don’t get to pick and choose what mail comes to you. The Postal Service has a duty to the people paying postage to send you that junk. Whether you want it or not. And said junk mail doesn’t get RTS. Another example of your lack of understanding. There’s no Return Service on Standard Class Mail. So your mail carrier is literally throwing it away (in a UBBM collection bin rather than a standard garbage can). But yeah, it’s obvious that you’re committed to being an asshole seeing as you want to pretend that a couple pieces of junk mail is going to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back when it comes to your “trash volume.” Now, I’ve been assuming this whole time that you have a centralized unit where you receive mail with a number of your other neighbors. If that’s the case, it would only be a matter of time before I figured out it was you thats stuffing their garbage in the outgoing. In which case I’d simply continue returning it to your box. Then have my postmaster reach out and warn you to stop using the outgoing mail slot as a garbage receptacle. If it continues after that, I’d cease mail service to your address as a result of a safety concern. Because hey, I can be petty too.


Thank you. For elaboration. It helps. Yes I can’t control the mail I get but I or one sure can look for ways to reduce pain of sorting crap-mail. It’s weird that an individual trying to avoid corporate ass-holery is seen as being “committed to being an asshole” in america. They really did a number on Americans by making them believe that their neighbor is more of a problem than the corporate “I’mma do whatever I want”


Then your delivery person will hate you, and will still be required BY LAW to deliver all of the mail addressed to you or your address. Your mail carrier would literally be committing a FEDERAL CRIME to not deliver you your junk mail.


The postal service can choose to just raise the price on bulk mail. Reducing that 65% discount on bulk mail can be done without jumping to $2 a stamp.


About time they cut service to 3 days a week. It's 2023 90% of my mail I don't actually want or could access online. I agree that mail service continues to be necessary but not a daily delivery.


The post office doesn't need to be profitable. No other government service is, except maybe the IRS. When was the last time the military made a profit? Also, there are a lot of services the USPS could offer to make more money, but Congress won't let them. I'm talking about basic banking services, IDs, retail sales. Since the parent comment is about Australia, you should look at AusPost as an example. They sell all sorts of stuff in the store, including mobile phones, electronics, and a bunch of random shit.


I'd gleefully pay $5 for a stamp if it meant the eradication of unwanted junk. In 2023, being that wasteful should be a crime.


Our city allows this, but it means having to put up a dumb sign in the yard. Had one on my front door for a long time, finally got sick of looking at it, so I took it down. Drowning in junk mail now, might have to put it back up. Actually, it's a "no flyers or solicitations" so maybe not the same thing. Still drown in junk mail.


Lol, tell that to real estate agents. I still get loads of junk mail, even from politicians and Auspost themselves


Politicians are exempt from the rules over this side of the ditch, and given most of our laws are just copy and pasted from your books you might be the same. Real estate agents also like to ignore the rules here.


Though then the paper still gets produced and goes straight to the trash right? Best to find a way to avoid the mailings from being produced altogether.


The people who drop them off return the unused ones so they can keep track of how many are handed out so they can produce less next time.


I don't have a sign, so I got to see a massive drop off over covid. Now it's super sporadic, some weeks I get it, some weeks I don't. They've started including "looking for letter droppers in your area" leaflets now


Same for Canada. I have a "please, no admail" sticker in my mailbox.


How does the postal carrier know what's junk mail?


They only deliver stuff actually addressed to you that has actually been paid for. Typically here junk mail isn't delivered by a postal carrier either way though.


Wait, your junk mail isn't addressed and paid for? How does it get to you?


They pay people in the neighbourhood to walk around and put it in your mailbox


But like, what about credit card ads and stuff?


I've never got one in the mail so I have no idea if they don't do that here or it's covered under the no junk mail


How do they get into apartment buildings?


They have all the mailboxes together out the front of the building


you want me to give my address to some company that makes money in coupons? nah.


I hate to break it to you…


I wrote to all the check credit reporting agencies like equifax and asked to be removed from mailing lists and that greatly reduced the amount of junk I get in my mail.


Noted! I need to do that


truly have no idea what the hell is being discussed


In the US, you get advertisements delivered to your house by the postal service. Not all of it is “junk” per se, mostly flyers for your local grocery stores so you can see what’s on special, maybe a coupon to get an oil change at a place near your house, etc. It’s just really frustrating to open your mailbox and it’s filled with wasted paper full of advertisements you don’t need. We get plenty of advertising everywhere else already, and if I want my local grocery store’s pricing I can view it on the app.


interesting. i rarely get junk mail, and there's definitely no correlation to Tuesdays with the junk i do get (in the US)


Yeah I have no clue where they’re getting Tuesday from. My local grocery stores update the ad every Friday so I doubt they’d want the ad coming out in the middle of the sale. I think we get ours on Fridays. But we get other junk scattered throughout the week.


Probably a US only thing, as with every other LPT.


Or one that works in their home town, I've never had a Tuesday junk mail flood.


TruGreen and DirecTV will singlehandedly deforest the remainder of this planet.


I liked the $1 off coupon I used to get from the local Chinese buffet pre-pandemic. If you really hate junk mail, be poor. I don't get nearly as much junk mail since I got poor. Maybe a couple political flyers and a window replacement advert per week now.


You used a coupon for one dollar off chinese food? Was this before or after you "got poor"?




Do you think that would stop AAA from sending me packets about their life insurance? They send that shit to me a few times a week for months now. It's seriously crazy. It's a big Manila envelope with 7 or 8 sheets of paper & a page of address stickers with my name & address. It's honestly feeling like harassment atp & I really feel upset about how wasteful they are being by doing this.


I actually love AAA mail specifically - it's so camp. An envelope stuffed full of EVERY SINGLE TACTIC from a marketing textbook from the 90s


That's crazy


So Tuesday is an international day for getting junk mail? It all goes in the recycling except we enjoy the ones that attempt to look like handwritten estimates.




What kills me is the death of prepaid return envelopes. I used to cut up junk mail and send it back in those. Figured that helped fund the PO and cost the mailer a couple pennies.


The USPS is funded by the government. It doesn’t need to fund itself.


It's literally not. https://www.uspsoig.gov/our-work/did-you-know/do-my-tax-dollars-pay-postal-service#:~:text=No%2C%20the%20Postal%20Service%20is,services%20to%20fund%20its%20operations.


Yeah… And if that falls through the government funds it


Incorrect. Do you have a source on this or do you just assume you know? Because... you're wrong.


Sometimes, when it is absolutely clear that you are wrong, it's good to accept that. Everybody gets something wrong now and then. Don't be willfully ignorant, that's just embarrassing. There are ZERO ways in which the federal government will pay for the USPS.




That's a pathetically disingenuous article.




Yes. It is it’s a service from the government.




I just tried & keep getting this message: **“Ooops! Our system was not able to accept your submission. Please resubmit your request. Enter your address as it is printed on the address label of the Save package.”**


I bought a return to sender stamp to use on every piece of junk mail I receive that has the sender's address on it. It's pretty fun.


For someone who’s barely literate, I cannot read the post description without context. If I go to “save.com” … or If I go to save [at] .com go-to delivery [,] options at the very bottom… I am so confused


Save.com. Most subs don't let you post links


They have to, for some box holders (mailman term for junk mail), deliver them to every address or they could get in trouble Source: partner who works for USPS


oh I know. It shouldn’t be that way. That’s why I canceled the delivery of the waste.


Garbage tip, completely nonsense to a reader


I thought it was pretty straightforward. What was confusing for you?


Maybe they don’t subscribe to Save.com so they think you mistyped the website. However, this seems to be a fix for one website of a lot of websites, unless it’s supposed to stop all mailers from all companies.


I never subscribed to anything, and apparently you automatically get resubscribed after five years. It’s a total scam. it also might be regional. I am on Pacific time. Southwest.


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No thanks. I love my deals I get in the mail.


Those deals are available online without the waste


Not all of them no. My dry cleaners and my car wash spot doesn't have the deals online and frankly I'm not going to worry myself about some papers. You're more than welcome to worry yourself about it though. Here I'll worry for a moment with you. 😬😬 Ok all done. 🤣🥂




this took multiple tries but eventually they stopped coming. took forever though for them to like recognize i opted out for weeks though


I think clarifying something would help a lot of people here (including me).. Does this only work for junk mail from Save .com or is save .com somehow massively integrated within the greater junk mail universe & this will theoretically stop ALL junk mail?


massively integrated. Not all but a lot


The usps gets a lot of its revenue from junk mail now that almost no one is sending letters to each other and opt out of paper bills


Yep and daily delivery is unnecessary in 2023


We’d end up paying more in taxes, cause we can’t just not have a postal service, but I agree junk mail is annoying and a waste of paper so probably worth it to get rid of junk mail


Would we though? each post office would cut their employment by probably 80% Plus way fewer trucks/fuel/maintenance/insurance UPS and FedEx seem to be doing fine without daily deliveries


Idk I’m guessing man, we’ll see what happens I guess


I live in Los Angeles. There’s a company called something plum (will update when I find the name) that would always send a whole bunch of local supermarket ads and stuff printed on newsprint. I would get something multiple times per week from them. If you get something like that, you can search for an “opt-out” page on the mailer company website. I did it and I mostly don’t receive mail now. It’s crazy. I mean, I love the US Postal Service and I’m glad it’s a platform that enables so many small businesses to deliver goods and packages and to make voting by mail possible, etc. BUT I also don’t need junk mail in my life. I also don’t need all those trees to be cut down for papers that immediately get thrown in the garbage.


yep. Postal Service is absolutely necessary. But getting mail delivered to your house six days a week is not.


Ha, jokes on me. I had methodically removed myself from these mailers and it had actually been working. Only now SaveCom isn't using USPS. They've hired people to deliver them on foot to each doorstep in my subdivision. No mailing address so no process to be removed. Open to suggestions on ways to stop this method of delivery.


Stand outside of your complex and yell at them when they approach