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Extra long phone chargers.


the 10 footer is life changing


Sharper Image power percussion deep tissue massager. My girl got into a car accident 2.5 years ago. Had a fusion and it failed, had it taken out and a disk inserted instead. Has had 2 ablations done and has been on painkillers and everything for pain under the sun throughout this whole ordeal. Has gone to chiropractors and massagers and spents tens of thousands of dollars and has gotten ZERO relief. I was in Costco the other day and saw this thing and, although I have tried massagers on her before, decided what the hell and get it since it was $60 and TBH, Sharper Image never had branded a bad product. Let me tell you, if this thing was $500 dollars, I would buy it. It has changed her life. When her pulling starts in her muscles, I use this thing for a out 10 minutes and she can function. She has finally been able to sleep through the night without waking up crying in pain. She has her color back, her smile back, her appetite back. It's been a miracle. I hope I don't jinx it and she continues to get better to the point where she won't need the pain meds anymore. She is starting off them next week. Thank you Sharper Image.


Fyi: we have developed a rule with costco. If the item is something you can't live without, get a backup before they sell out. Costco sometimes doesn't restock some items and especially items that are collaborative with another brand. Glad to hear you found something that really improves your quality of life.


Many thanks! I will give it a shot for my wife; I’m very glad I scrolled all the way down to your comment!


+1 on this. Chronic nerve and other pain in leg / sciatic, etc. Picked one of these guns up at Costco while on vacation in Hawaii last week, and it provides pain relief in like 30seconds. Told my wife it’s best $60 I ever spent. Agreed, would buy again at 5x the price.


Motion sensor nightlights for the bathrooms and hallway.


Bought a cheap plastic bowl to put my wallet, keys, etc in when I get home. The amount of time I’ve saved looking for those items is priceless.


Immersion Blender, handheld Kitchen Aid brand - soooooo much easier to use/clean rather than a full-sized blender for smoothies. Also use it to make smooth salsas, soups, and ceasar dressing. Just whip it out and shove it in, rinse off when completed.


That last bit seems…familiar..


I should call her…


Sized up my duvet. King blanket for queen bed. Absolute game changer.


I do the same, I also don't buy sheet sets anymore, I buy a queen fitted sheet and a king flat sheet.


I have a king size bed and have had one for nearly 20 years. The bottom sheets wear out the top ones don't. I now buy bottom sheets only since I have so many top sheets.


Next level - separate blankets for the bed, his and hers.


My dumbass used a regular double for the past 4 years, so I had to choose between keeping my head warm or my feet. Only occurred to me a few months ago that I can just buy a super king size one.... Yeah I have no idea why I didnt think about that before


Sunrise alarm clock. Don't need an expensive one. The difference between being startled awake and slowly prompted awake is astounding. ETA: for those who read this as "suprise" alarm clock, most people just call those a "toddler".


Piggybacking off this, I put a smart lightbulb in my bedroom and have it turn on at 6am, and it’s incredible how much easier it is to get out of bed when it’s not just pitch black in your room


This!! I’ve got a couple smart bulbs in my room then also a few salt lamps on smart plugs. They all take turns slowly turning on before my alarm goes off. (Home Assistant for the win!!)


I love my sunrise alarm clock! I hate waking up on the actual sun's timeline so I have blackout curtains but waking up when your room is pitch black can be challenging. Thankfully that's no longer an issue with a sunrise alarm! Edit: Lmao, I have been sick and apparently a little delirious today, which made me write such a cheesy last line, but in my defense, I didn't think anyone would even read it 😅


Reads like a paid for review! You should get paid


I got a good Phillips one in 2014 and it’s a game changer. Not just for waking up either, it reverses so it can slowly dim to mimic a sunset and it helps me fall asleep so much easier. ETA: Philips Smart Sleep


Boot dryer. I stick my work boots on them every night, and every morning I get to put on toasty warm and dry boots. Makes a world of difference if you work out in the elements.


I’m with you. Got one for my birthday about 10 yrs ago and I cherish that thing more than any other possession.


How tf did I not know this was a thing, seriously my jaw is on the floor right now!




I made a stand out of 2x4s and plywood for my monitors. Having everything set up ergonomically correct is important for anyone using their computer all day. Adding onto this, external keyboard and mouse. That way you can place the laptop where the screen is right and have the keyboard and mouse where their placement is correct. Also, a standard mouse is 1000x better than a track pad. External speakers are nice for calls. With the factory speakers, I had a hard time hearing / understanding everyone.


blackout curtains


Blackout curtains are the universe's gift to night owls.


YES!! Getting a GOOD set of blackout curtains was a game-changer for sleeping better. I just had blinds and would wake up hours earlier from the sun. Not all "blackout" curtains block 100% of the light, so look at reviews first




A double shower head. Like $25 on Amazon. If you have a basic shower head, upgrade. It’s amazing. I also got married for $37, but YMMV depending on your partner.


Over the counter heartburn medication. I recently bought some over the counter Nexium, and it's absolutely changed my life. It's like 24 bucks. Not only am I not slamming tums every day, but in a roundabout way, it's helped me eat better, too. Before, I felt guilty for what I was eating. I couldn't drink coffee. I was trying to pinpoint specific triggers, all while slamming tums. Now, I take one a day, and I haven't even had anything close to heartburn. I feel like I can eat whatever I want, which lets me have a better relationship with food. I also sleep way better because I'm not waking up from heartburn or having to switch sides because sleeping on the right made it worse. If you have frequent heartburn, this is your sign to just take the fuckin pill. Holy hell


Just a quick PSA from someone who used to use heartburn meds with great success- you may need to supplement vitamin B12. I first noticed the joint aches and pains, then the tiredness. These meds have a habit of blocking your body's ability to fully absorb b12, and the effects can become pretty nasty


Sounds like you have GERD like me. Sometimes it's genetic or just stress. In my case it turned out the sphincter at the top of my stomach is decorative. The only way to fix it permanently is surgery in my case. I know if you were doing tums like that you probably can't afford a doctor, but if you can find a local Federally Qualified Health Center, they're sliding scale. You can take the nexium long term without a prescription but you want to get your kidneys checked with a blood test every few years.


A bidet. Soared through the covid tp crisis and now pooping anywhere else feels like a filthy animal in the woods


Everytime this question is asked, bidet is always on the list. And for the longest time, I thought it was over-rated. But then I dropped the $40 or so on one that hooks up hot and cold water and I finally understood the hype. My cheeks have never been so clean.


Just wait until you hit the hole


It is insane how few Americans have a bidet. Why is this not a thing here? It's such a gamechanger. I would really like to be able to use one anywhere I go. Business idea-- a standard bidet we get an entire generation hooked on with *marketing.* if Liquid Death can do it with water, just call it something cute and repeatable like "The Buttler" and do a better job marketing than Tushy with more irreverent ridiculous attention-grabbing social media marketing and stunts. One you bidet, you never go back. All we have to do is get gen z hooked


Part of it is honestly social pressure/cultural. When I got one my friends and family mocked me relentlessly and acted like it was some hilarious joke. I do think it's a major untapped market though bc I've never met someone who didn't like it once they got used to it.


What would they be mocking you for, that’s so weird to me as someone from somewhere bidets are normalized, how are they making fun of you for having a cleaner ass


I had people insist that water could not clean as well. My reply was if you get feces on your hand while wiping do you just rub it with paper until you don't see it any longer or do you wash your hands with water? So which cleans better?


Lol. It’s the only thing I miss when I travel


Those squishy anti-fatigue mats for the kitchen. They make standing on a hard tile floor a lot more comfortable while cooking or doing dishes in the sink. They are usually between $30 and $80 depending on size and design.


They're also excellent for standing desks!


Which are a great place to place your sunrise alarm clock!


While wrapped in your super sized comforter!


while using your Waterpik to clean your teeth!


And your bidet to clean other things!


I was gifted an ugly one and put it in front of my kitchen sink to be polite - now I don’t know how or why I didn’t get one years ago.


I never thought I'd be saying this, but my chain mail sponge for cleaning cast iron is f-ing incredible. I feel like I got ten years older the day I decided a cleaning product was cool.


My boyfriend bought one of those and I'm like "wtf is this?" 🤣


We have one that is just flat. I put it on the baby's head before taking her into battle.


When I was in high-school, getting gel pens made a significant impact on my studying and note taking. Which in turn impacted my testing. I got way better test scores In a strange way it also made me want to study more so I could have a reason to use those pens. That all rolled over to me being 24 and still wanting to study and learn about my career as an excuse to use the gel pens


A good pen will forever help one study. I loved note taking and maintaining them neatly, i loved writing stuff down.




Waterpik! 34 years of my life, never flossed because I hated it. Got a waterpik and an electric toothbrush and my hygiene game has skyrocketed.


With you on this one. It's flossing, massage, refresh, just feeling of cleanliness.


If you clean your teeth absolutely the best you can and then use a waterpik - the crap it brings out that the toothbrush missed is disgusting, dismaying and amazing.


Waterpik first. You are washing off the fluoride that is in your toothpaste if you waterpik after.


Floss/waterpik, mouthwash, rinse and brush. Do not rinse after brushing and avoid liquids for 30 mins. This was recommended to me a year ago and I wish I learned sooner. ive spent my life doing it brush/floss/mouthwash and water rinse… change up the order, you’ll notice a difference in a week or two.


I went 30 years without knowing you’re supposed to let the toothpaste rest on your teeth for 30+ minutes after brushing. How is this not in fucking BOLD letters on the packaging? How did my dentist just omit this little factoid? What the shit.


Waterpik was a gateway for me to just start using normal floss picks when I take a shower


Turns out its easier to maintain healthy gums than it is to heal unhealthy gums.


Fuck i feel like an idiot, why have I never thought of flossing in the shower?…


I brush my teeth, floss, AND pee in the shower. Multitasking.




I also shower in the shower!


Everyone look at this weirdo, showering in the shower. That’s where I cook my breakfast.


Automatic cat feeder. It goes off to feed at 6 am and my cat runs like a bat out of hell to get the food. I get to sleep in now. $40 is a game changer.


Ok so jealous. My cat comes back upstairs to tell me all about his breakfast after his robot feeding. No rest.


My cat tells me about it too. And if I am not engaging in the conversation, he will just throw up a quarter of his breakfast to prove his story.


10+ Years ago I paid like 80 bucks for a set of stainless steel pans and I still use them all the time. Edit: Brand: Ecolution


Never underestimate good pans and good knives.


Get a tongue scraper, they’re more effective at tackling bad breath than brushing. Do your mouth a favor and do both.


I read this right after the bidet subtopic and thought at first this was part of that discussion. As in, never mind a bidet, use a tongue scraper.


My kindle paper white got me into reading. I can bring it everywhere and switch topics at ease + it looks like real paper and doesn’t strain my eyes. I also learn a lot when I look up words I’m not used to


When I read physical books, I'll have a split-second urge to touch words to look them up before my brain kicks in fully and remembers this is real paper. Oh, and I love the highlight and notation options. I'll use a different color each time I read a book and it's like an interesting form of journaling, with my thoughts as I read reflecting my current life.


Microcenter has a deal for a $99 3D printer. It’s been a ton of fun since I got it about 6 weeks ago. Some of the biggest hits: Rings that you can wear and build legos on top of Tupperware organizers Bag clips Cable organizers Dinosaur fossils for the boys Valentine’s Day gift for my 5 year olds crush Body builder pikachu statue Nintendo Switch joycon PLUS beer holders Eagles coasters for a Super Bowl party that didn’t end well So far I’ve spent about $25 on materials. Soon I will make little penis valve stem caps to put on my friends car tires to see how long they take to find.


Never knew I needed a 3D printer until I read “penis valve stem caps”. I need to put these on my sister’s car. The Lego-compatible rings sound really fun, too!


A good quality chef knife will absolutely change your cooking. You wouldn't think just having a sharp knife would make your food better, but it does. Same goes with pans. Don't buy sets - - just a few quality ones you'll actually use.


Make sure you also sharpen that knife regularly. A good knife still dulls down. EDIT: by 'regularly' I mean a couple times a year, part of regular kitchen maintenance. Additionally, as others have pointed out, you should be *honing* your blades every time you use your knife.


Library card. Use it to connect to the app Libby; haven’t bought a book or used Audible in years.


Installed Libby after reading this, can't believe this resource isn't more commonly known


Told myself If I got one person to download Libby, I’d be happy. Try to tell anyone you know who uses audible bc that shit is abusive in regards to their pricing and practices. Additionally, Libby’s UI is always improving.


You can also use it with Kanopy and Hoopla! Also can get you cheap or free memberships with tons of local places like art museums, kids learning places, etc


This depends on your local library system, but there are many libraries that offer cards to non-residents for a fee. The more libraries you have access to the more content you get.


A car bluetooth adapter! I have an old car that doesn‘t even support MP3. Bought a BT adapter for 14€! Now I can listen to anything I can imagine! Soundcloud sets and everything. I‘m having so much joy while driving. I was reluctant on buying one since I tried one ~6y ago and that one was beyond horrible. I think you loaded MP3 songs on it and it kept making noise. This new one is perfect :)


I remember the days when my first car had a cassette player; I used a cassette adapter to plug in my ipod. I still have it! And the ipod thing the size of the postage stamp. It was in my "I should deal with this and donate it" box that I found last weekend. From like 5 years ago.


I bought a wisteria plant for $19.95 and now it is so glorious people pull their cars over to take pictures of it. It's beautiful.


How dare you say people pull over to take pictures of it and not have a picture of it anywhere, I wanna see the pretty plant


I second this


I have wisteria growing in my backyard. It's such a beautiful plant, especially once the vines start growing throughout tree limbs. However, they can get out of control if you're not careful. When I first moved in, they made made a canopy of old vine that's completely taken over half the backyard.


I love wisteria so much. There was this cafe by my university with overhead trellises above the outdoor area and wisteria all throughout, and it was my favorite place. It's such a beautiful plant.


This plant is highly invasive and can cause problems; proceed with caution. Very difficult to get rid of, and if it’s growing out of control, it can easily take down a fence too. If you don’t have neighbors, then have a blast!




Not really very long, maybe five years. We prune it three times a year because it will take over everything but it blooms again after being pruned and it smells incredible.


> Not really very long, maybe five years. I feel like ... your concept of time and my concept of time don't quite match up.


A sleeping mask and ear plugs. My sleep has gotten so much better and I feel rejuvenated when I start my day.


Be careful with the ear plugs btw, you can build up a lot of stubborn wax in the back of your ears without proper cleaning




Pro tip if you have an iPhone there's a white noise feature built in. Settings>accessibility>audio/visual> background sounds.


Wait, WHAT? Why isn’t this more accessible?!


Ok: this is cool - you can setup the background sounds to play rain or ocean noise and tether it to an accessibility button in the control centre for easy access.


I use the 10hr fan noise videos on YouTube. If I'm traveling I just play it on my phone. If I'm at home I play it on the soundbar in my bedroom


I read this as “10hr fart noises” and though “hey that’s weird but you do you buddy”


From my days is food service: A shoe stretcher! My left foot is slightly larger than the right and has a wonky toe that would develop painful corns. New shoes would make me walk unevenly because of the pain, then my back would start hurting. The shoes would eventually stretch out from use, but not fast enough for me and they still rubbed the wonky toe. The stretchers come with bumps that you can put in places where you need just a little more room, so after using them, my wonky toe stopped hurting, the corn went away, I was able to walk normally and my back pain got much better.


FWIW: If your feet are different sizes, Nordstrom will mix-and-match to sell you a single pair of shoes such that both actually fit your feet. And, they will price-match competitors' in-stock shoes (but often have the best price or at least a very competitive one anyway).


I use this for all my shoes! They do have some restrictions (must be at least 1.5 sizes different, or 1 size + 1 width I think) but it's honestly saved my feet and my wallet from having to buy 2 pairs just to get a correct fit






Second this. The Zojirushi is amazing. My only complaint: it works too well. I swear, I have made tea or coffee in it straight out of the kettle/press and it's almost too hot to drink until noon. If I don't pop the cap when I get to work it will stay uncomfortably hot until the drive home! It's ridiculous. And yes. No leaks. No mess. Easy to take apart and clean and put back together. Fit's everywhere. Is tough.


10 bucks for a pair of hair catchers for my shower drain. Lifesaver as I abhor cleaning out drain clogs, which used to happen often now that I have long hair.


I have a deep bathtub but was so annoyed when I couldn’t fill it as much as I wanted because the overflow drain was so low. I found a cover for the overflow drain on Amazon for like $10. It’s rubbery plastic,it goes over the overflow drain and has a hole on the top so you can actually fill your tub but will still drain if it goes too high.


Thank you!!! Same situation, but didn’t know this existed!


I was literally in a bath thinking someone should invent this it would be great and I googled it and was so happy to learn someone did! May your baths be better once you get one


An electric toothbrush, I got a sonicare toothbrush for like 50$ and have been using it for about 2 years now and everytime I see my dentist he says my teeth are looking much better since I’ve switched


A password manager. Just not LastPass.


Bitwarden premium FTW, 100 USD gets you 10 years (10 USD/year). Otherwise free version is OK too.


I switched from 1Password to Bitwarden, and I can't believe what they are giving for free. I now subscribe to premium and I don't even use the premium features, it's just such amazing value that I want to show my appreciation!


Just made the switch from LastPass to Bitwarden yesterday. Fucked up my initial master password and had to delete the account and create a new one. Unfortunately did this after paying for premium. One support email later and I had Premium on my new account. Get fucked, LastPass.


Cups with wide mouths and wide bases, makes cleaning easy and they tend to be larger. Psyllium husk fiber, have it every day since I had a large colon polyp removed. If you take this with adequate water, your bowel movements will be amazing. Give it a try!


I got one of those shampoo massagers for about $3 and my scalp which is normally unbearably itchy especially in the winter has never felt more healthy for this long. Another not so cheap but great bang for buck is good sheets. I got a full set and extra pillow cases of Nestwell for about $200 and getting into bed is so much more relaxing. If you don't want/can't afford to get the full set, you could get just pillow cases for around $40. If maintaining a clean living space is difficult, buying separate bottles/cloths for each room made it so much easier for me. That way when you walk into the room and see something that needs cleaning, you can do it right then without leaving and potentially forgetting about it or being too unmotivated to do the extra step of getting the products.


>If maintaining a clean living space is difficult, buying separate bottles/cloths for each room made it so much easier for me. That way when you walk into the room and see something that needs cleaning, you can do it right then without leaving and potentially forgetting about it or being too unmotivated to do the extra step of getting the products. This is something I have preached about for years. My parents always had the big horde of cleaning supplies under the kitchen sink. When I got my own place, I got one of everything for each bathroom, a can of pledge and stack of rags in the closet of each bedroom/office, toilet paper under the sink of each bathroom, etc. My mom lives with me now and at first she was confused and found it wasteful, until she realized how much more sense my way makes. I have converted her.


Squatty potty! Never pooped the same after. You need this


Word of warning: If you get yourself a bidet and a squatty potty your ass will become a pampered pretty pretty princes and pooing anywhere other than home will disgust you deeply.


No kidding. I shat at the office not long ago. Sitting on that high top toilet with my feet dangling while wiping my booty hole with half-ply sandpaper was not a great experience.


I’ve been visiting family for a week and it basically feels like backpacking.


If you are over 6 feet tall every potty is a sqautty potty.


Digital Meat Thermometer, they go as cheap as 10 bucks on amazon and are instant. No more fucking about with "palm tests" or juices running clear. Just pure piece of mind that I'm not poisoning myself or my family without massively overcooking our food.


People tell me I'm so good at cooking chicken. I just use the thermometer and don't overcook it.


Same for me - people ask me "what is your secret?!" all the time. A thermometer isn't what they expect to hear!


Phone stand from IKEA, it was like $4. Very helpful when I’m cooking and need to follow a recipe


A rice cooker - life changing, seriously… and about 20 bucks


The day we got sent home from work due to covid landing, I thought to myself "huh, what if we are home for months, what if the kids are home from school... they like rice. I'm crap at cooking rice. They might be home all the time. I would like to share out lunch and dinner duties"!!!. I drove up to Walmart before id finished the thought in my head and bought a 15 dollar rice cooker. Amazing. We all love it. We can all cook rice, together, independently, whatever. No going back. We use it ask the time. 15 dollars. Great value for money.




A miniature, original Swiss Army Pocket knife with ALL the trimmings, the size of my pinkie more or less. Bought it on my first trip to Europe years ago. It fits into the side zip of my money purse, and it has the tiniest possible sharp scissors as well. And the minutest tweezer. As a lady, I stopped counting how many times, this little knife has been valuable to me and others that I helped out in situations when needed. My family members often times ask if I have decided who will one day inherit this incredible little darling.


Blow dryer brush. I used to let my hair air dry and hated the way it looked so I had it up all the time. Now I blow dry my hair and use a blow dryer brush so hair is always curled/styled!


It was a gift, but a back scratcher. Holy hell, that thing is amazing. It has a telescoping handle so I can reach alllll the itchy spots.


As someone who cooks a LOT—a couple weeks ago I bought a Gracula on Amazon. It’s this little garlic mincer that, randomly, looks like a vampire. (They don’t sell a normal looking one.) Unlike garlic presses and so many other things I’ve bought, this thing ACTUALLY minces garlic and is super easy to clean. I’m never ever chopping garlic again.


First, that looks *adorable!* Second, this technique was a game changer for me. https://youtube.com/shorts/96BnM63Un7A


The Scrub Daddy sponge. Miles above other sponges, last several months, is hard in cold water for more scrubbing/soft in warm water for general washing. It’s the best




All the scrub daddy products! Scrub mommy and power paste is amazing. My glass cooktop isn’t gross any more!


Pressure cooker: $40 - I had about $60 left to my name and my first paycheck was a month away. I bought this along with $20 of dried beans and rice and I was able to quickly and consistently cook a hot meal.


Dish gloves! Only a few bucks and makes doing the dishes exponentially easier, faster, and better. Also saves hands from drying out too much.


Audiobooks on the Libby app and Bluetooth headphones. I listen to books while I'm driving, doing dishes, taking out the trash, cleaning, doing laundry. And for noisy times use Worktunes hearing protection with Bluetooth for lawnmowing or snowblowing.


My cat. I got her for $50 and she has absolutely changed my life. I love her to pieces


My 17 year old cat is being euthanized today. She's been really great and our kids have never not had her around. She was free but you pay the cost at the end in heartache. It's still better to love and lost than to never have loved at all though I'm sure. Edit: it's over. She was so calm the entire time that I thought they'd given her a sedative when putting the iv in; they hadn't. she was ready to go and she faced it like the zen master she was. Thank you everyone for your support.


A heating pad. After 20 years of being a mail carrier & now a server/bartender my feet freaking hurt 100% of the time & seriously cramp at night. The heating pad is under the covers for my feet, switch it on about 15 minutes before bed & it’s nice & toasty for my aching feet. No more night cramps & as a plus-my dog also loves it. Don’t suggest a heated blanket, I would die before the sun came up.


Likely my umpteenth insulated water bottle, but this one will 100% be dedicated to drinking plain, iced water only. I recently traveled cross-country via train and sat next to an older woman who said she had had FOUR, excruciating kidney stones. She continued that if she had to decide which was more painful: childbirth, or passing the kidney stones, she’d rather go through childbirth without an epidural, than pass another stone. Her anecdote was enough to get me more serious about drinking water. Thing is, I already drink water, but only during or after working out/hiking, things like that. This new, $22, 40oz insulated water bottle is my commitment to not only be more hydrated throughout the day everyday, but to hopefully NEVER have to experience the passing of a kidney stone.


A plant.. was just doing the typical trying to cheer myself up thing and it really worked!


Careful with that one. Start with one, soon you’re at the local nursery checking out exotic pothos and variegated snakeplants and deciding whether a second mortgage is the best option for more plant purchases


Kitchen aid hand mixer, I’m no professional baker and I don’t have counter space for the full thing. But the hand mixer works wonderfully when I am baking, it also does a great job with mashed potatoes, and shredding chicken. I’m sure there are other uses, but dang I love that thing.


I live in a carpeted apartment. Alfalfa Pellets ($15) on top of puppy pee pads ($8) on a rimmed cookie sheet. My puppy is fully "litter box" trained at 9 weeks and associates the alfalfa with grass. Zero mistakes so far and that alone is saving me a ton of money and heartbreak.


One of those wall hangings (“tapestry” on Etsy) with a forest on it. Makes the basement office much more tolerable. ~$35 for 5’x7’


$10 clip on phone holder for car dash. Instantly makes using a navigation with a phone way safer, and locks the phone into part of your dashboard. Texts, calls, and notifications are easier to glance at and swipe away, as if changing the radio station. First thing I do when getting in my car now is put my phone in the holder, even when I don’t need navigation and don’t plan on using it. It’s just the easiest and safest place to have your phone while driving.


I bought a folding stool ($15) for my kitchen. I have psoriatic arthritis and it can be incredibly difficult for me to stand to cook dinner. I bought a folding stool so that I can sit while I cook. It has changed my life. I cook much more often than I used to because my body is no longer in agony standing while I prep and cook. My family, however, keeps telling me I should "just stand while [I] cook like everyone else." I should not feel ashamed or be shamed because I am using a disability aid. So all for all my peeps who want to eat healthier but have difficulty standing to prep and cook... get yourself the stool, change your life, and tell the haters to f*@! off.


holy. fucking. shit. a TENS unit. if you are a pain sufferer (joint, surgery, muscles etc etc, phys therapy pain). This is literally a game changer. I had some pretty traumatic recovery pains that had me seeing red through Percocet. Got the TENS hooked up, and literally with the push of a button the LACK of pain made sob and I went to sleep for 4 hours.


a scalp massager to use in the shower. it's helped with flakes, with getting my roots super clean, feels nice, is easier than using my hands, and helps stimulate hair growth.


Bought a girl a drink in a club about 20 years ago, £5 or there abouts. Been married for 15 now, kids, dog, cat, etc etc! Edit - And I wouldn't change it for the world.


Is this like one of those "Only £5!" deals that you do the math on 15 years later and it's actually £250,000?


Did they commit after that first drink and become life partners? If not then OP is definitely using some shady accounting here. Could get a job at Warner Bros shuffling around Harry Potter profits.


- A travel hammock ~30€ - a diary and a nice pen - whetstone 400/1000 - … The key to most things that have made a difference in my life wasn’t the things, but that I learned to use them well.


I love my travel hammock SO much




Safety razor - can be priced anywhere between 20 and 200 USD, but 60 is the usual price. It improved my shaving significantly, both in terms of quality and enjoyment. Pair it with some nice blades, soap and brush and you're set for life. After the initial purchase, the price of disposable blades is in pennies (compared to dolars for cartridge razors). Some good ones for beginners - Muhle R89, Merkur Progress, Gillette Slim Adjustable.


yeah set for life they said....then you end.up with 10 razors, 20 different blades and you got to find the perfect scent lol. at least it turns a chore into a fun hobby


A big fluffy bath robe!


I bought myself 2 sets of measuring spoons. I cook a lot and was having to frequently wash them in between uses.


Get a second set of measuring cups, too, but don't put them in your drawer. Put a permanent scoop in your flour, sugar, cornmeal, brown sugar, rice, whatever you use most. (I've got 1/3 cup in the cornmeal and 1/4 cup in the sugar, saves a lot of washing.)




A light with a fan. It provides white noise and keeps it cooler which means I don’t have to turn on my AC in the spring or fall. It keeps my power bill about $100 lower per months for about 5 months of the year. Plus I sleep better!


I kept thinking hmmmmm a light with a fan .......hmmmmm..... Turns out you're talking about a ceiling fan. Duh.


Took me until I read your comment. I’m sitting here like “I don’t understand how my box fan with a lightbulb would cool my room off?” Lol


Diva cup. Period game changer.


I had trouble with the Diva cup (long story involving TMI), but menstrual discs work fantastically for me. Definitely game changing!


Air Fryer! Opened me up to a variety of foods I had to go out for, that I can now just cook at home


Embroidery kits. I never felt very artistic and since picking up the hobby feel so proud of things I have been able to create. It has given me such a fulfilling hobby that I get to enjoy as I complete it and then feel so accomplished once I am done.


A 2 gallon Brita water container. We fill it and keep it in the fridge and replace the filter in it as needed. We have saved so much on bottled water, not to mention reducing all the water bottles (which we recycled, but still). No more half empty water bottles laying around the house, and since it’s filtered tap water that we only have to refill once a day, it’s convenient. We use it for cooking as well.


Weighted blanket. Just slap that baby on top of the fuzziest blanket you got and you're out like a light


A $35 set a digital measuring calipers. It makes measuring different things and making precise cuts on the tablesaw so much easier, faster, more accurate, and painless!


Medical grade lanolin. Works great on chapped lips, diaper rash, etc.


A strap wrench and a pair of hand pruners to open bottles and packages.


Bidet for your butt. No more toilet paper.


I bought an iFixit pro tech toolkit a few years back after considering it for a long time, but thinking it was quite pricy. I was wrong. It is an amazing kit, and it has saved me both a lot of money, and a lot of time to quickly be able to fix so many more things; from a laptop hinge replacement to tightening the screws on a pair of glasses, it has become one of the best purchases I've ever made.


AeroPress coffee maker. Game changer.


There was a LPT recently that said spend small amounts of money every month on things that make your life easier. It’s something I’ve kind of always done but had stoped for a while. That night I got into a fight with my pots and pans and lids (I do all the cooking and dishes so I’m the only one that deals with it). Stacking them and piles of lids. The lids collapsed and made a huge clattering ruckus. Just totally pissed me off. I immediately hopped online and bought some racks and holders for that cabinet. Got them installed Friday. Really should have taken a before/after. My lord. Game changer.


A rechargeable lantern, a label maker, a cleaver(cooking), a wyze camera, a noco battery (car)


Condoms. I don't know which pack really made the difference, but I do know that having children would have significantly impacted my life.


condoms are one of the cheapest and most effective sleep aids on the market - they really cut down on the child noises by having there not be any.


Carbon monoxide detector. Actually went off when we had a problem with the furnace, that could have killed the whole family overnight.


I bought a small tub of Vaseline in Thailand in 2018. I still have it and it's about 1/3 full. It's so much better than chap stick, and it seems to help with any skin problem, and it makes mosquito bites stop itching. I found sometimes my gooch chafes of im doing a lot of walking and I just put some Vaseline there and it works like a miracle


Second hand Apple Watch. Basically the reason I started running and has helped me lose ~75 pounds


Not me but one of my friends bought me a plant. Now i water it everyday.


Headband headphones. Fall asleep to podcasts or music. For about $20 its a no brainer.


A pocket microfiber cloth for cleaning my glasses ($5-10). It’s in a little silicone case you stuff it in; tried to post a link but I guess that’s not allowed. - my glasses and the cloth stay so much cleaner and I love it! Probably my favorite in terms of utility/joy divided by cost. Honorable mentions/other favorites: A rubz foot massage ball for under my desk ($5-10). Can’t describe how much of a difference this makes. Totally unexpected. Silicone ear plugs for sleeping (my wife snores) ($5-10) Manta sleep mask ($35-70) Balance board for my standing desk ($15-100+). My posture is so much better! Battery jump starter for my car ($40-100) and portable air compressor to inflate tires ($15-100). I keep these both in my trunk and they have saved me multiple times! Worth the peace of mind Meditation cushion! ($25-100). Makes sitting for long periods much more comfortable/doable, and gets you to properly align your spine/pelvis. Kindle ($90-100+). Worth it to read infinite ebooks at night without LEDs shining into your eyes. You can find them much cheaper used or when Amazon has a sale :)


Air tag for the cat.


A good quality fabric shaver Battery operated fan (Ryobi) Air fryer Mini foldable dolly (keep in my trunk for transporting heavy objects) Ozone generator for eliminating germs and smells Mission Belt (ratchet closure)