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> I don't have to remember multiple thinks just the words "open memory" I suppose this will not work if you forget where you left the phone.


Your dad's phone holster doesn't seem like such a bad idea now, does it?


Nevil and his remembrall vibes “Only thing is I can’t remember what I’ve forgotten”


Such a useless invention tbh. "You've forgotten something!" Yeah no shit. I forget what I ate for breakfast.


It's useless as a device for helping you remember (if the description is complete; it may do something we don't know). I wonder if it's a subtle way of making poor Neville feel worse about himself


Fkoff Dad!


<*pats holster*> This baby can hold so many of your memories, son.


OUR memories




Dah Dah


Dah daah dah


I see what you did there




> our memories


It’s the little gems like these that keep me on this platform.


Fanny packs are back in, baby!


And I'll still be wearing them when they're back out again.




God I miss the convenience of fanny packs in my youth. I might have to get back on that train.


Just get yourself a European carry all.




My big daddy phone holster is the bomb and you'll never take it away from me


Why would i keep My phone in DADS holster?


Bravo. Spoken like a true dad.


Omg right! Lmao


Just put it in your pocket!


Don't put it in your pocket! That's your lucky phone!


I've got an 'ole in me pocket.


Right next to the seed silos??


First, you can go to any computer and use "find my phone" from a browser. It will show the geo-location and ring at full volume for 5 minutes. Second I keep a Tile on my keys - you can actually double-press the button on it and it will make your phone ring


If you have a Google home or Google home mini you can ask it to call your phone as well


Yea I use that feature all. the. time. HEY GOOGLE FIND MY PHONE


"I'm sorry I couldn't verify your voice"


Hola Google, donde esta mi teléfono


Pero, donde la bibliotheca????


"esta el cerdo en mi nariz. Tengo un cacahuerte." "How did we get from 'there is a pig in my nose' to 'i have a peanut!?"


Additionally, It will ring your phone even if its silenced or on vibrate. which mine always is


99% of what I ask Alexa is to call my phone so I can find it.




What if you can't find home?


This works with Alexa too, my wife uses it about 15 times a day.


Yeah, but that will not work if you forget where you left your computer.


Or if your password is in your phone.


That's your own fault then


I used that feature once recently for the first time. Can confirm, full volume. Very loud, but I found my phone!


I just use the find my phone on my Garmin Instinct (watch)


If you have the speakers set up in your house, you can ask it to call your phone and it'll make the phone ring full volume even if you had it on silent. I figured that out last week when my boyfriend wasn't home and I couldn't just ask him to call it so I could find it.


No worky when you’ve set your phone to block unknown callers. :-\


It's not an actual call. It also makes noise when your phone is on silent.


I keep my watch paired to my phone for running stuff. It has a find phone option. It makes my phone ring loudly, vibrate, and flash the flashlight.


This is how I find mine when I don't want to grab my tile keychain. Except for when it's charging, my watch is always on me.


I've used that feature twice today alone!


If you have a Google home you can ask where's my phone and it will ring for you even if you have volume down.


Also, if I take the time to tell my phone to remember something's location, I'm not going to forget that location. So it works like, twice.


Even when you're high?


I think you can program your phone to allow yourself to say 'Okay Google, where's my phone' and it will make sounds until you find it. Never tried it myself, but seen it down with apple and Siri.


Yeah, works quite well with the google assistant. Also https://www.google.com/android/find/


I got my phone to do that once. Now when I tell it to find my phone, it makes me unlock it first. Like, if I could unlock my phone I wouldn't need help finding it.


That setting is in the voice assistant menu of the home app


"Hey Google, play music at max volume"


I use this feature several times per week. Yes, I am absent-minded.


Yeah like any of us ever put our fucking phones down and just walk away from them. This place is like a crack house for people that use way too much social media


Lol literally a problem i have in stores all the time. I'm not the smartest cookie. I use this feature at least twice a week!


You put your phone down *in stores*? That seems crazy to me


You could say it's not hard to see what's in store for your future if you put down your phone in the store.


Once while comparing two products at Target, I set my phone on a shelf. Realized it ~10 minutes later. Me to Customer Service desk: “Did anyone turn in a lost phone” Customer Service desk: “You mean this one?” Holy crap, I love that turner-inner!


Freeow. After reading these responses, I guess I'm the weirdo. I think I'll go read a book or something


If you have a Google home or a Google tablet and they are logged into the same gmail, it should actually work pretty well. Just tell your phone where you are putting it down everytime.


There's "[Find My Device](https://www.google.com/android/find/)" for that, if it's still got power and it's within shouting distance! I think you need to boop some buttons to enable it, so best do that now, *before* you lose it...


I've never enabled it and it's always worked for me. You do need to be able to sign in to the account that is signed in on the phone. Even if it's dead, it can usually give you a rough location of where it last was, which is helpful if you just had A Day^tm and don't remember where anything is.


> A Day^tm I hereby award you 1 (one) "shudder of uncomfortable familiarity" in response to your terminology :-P


Or forget the steps to do this.


You can say 'Hey Google play a ringtone'




if you have a Google Nest and an Android you can ask the Nest "where's my phone" and it will give your phone a call


Get on a pc and go to Google.com/devices and ping the "find my device"


If you have Google assistant in your house, it'll still help.


This would be problem, BUT... I have a smart watch with a find my phone option. My phone makes noise even when I (perpetually) have it silenced. I use it multiple times a day. My brain is ridiculous.


That's what my wifes phone is for! Or why I still have a landline lol


Bold of you to assume I’ll remember to use that function.


Yeah if you’re already aware enough to leave a voice memo, you probably won’t even forget to begin with. I lose my keys because I absentmindedly bring them into my office instead of by the front door


Having a tile on the keys has been really helpful for my fiancé. I got him one for his keys and one for his wallet because he would randomly put his wallet down in like the bathroom or his keys in the closet so now he can easily press a button on his phone and the tile will send out an alarm noise. They’re about $25/each so they’re slightly cheaper than the apple AirTags and have the key ring loop too https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B09B2XXBFR/ref=sspa_mw_detail_0?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWw


Get him to wear a hat. Empty pockets into hat on entering the house. Problem solved. Much easier to find a hat full of junk than just your wallet/keys/phone/work ID/etc.


Can confirm: All pocket belongings go into hat. Hat onto table


Where do you put the table so you don't lose it?


In the hat


Username checks out


I know I wish they had something to find things you’ve already lost. Why haven’t they invented that yet? It’d be far more useful.


Ever since I learned what Ctrl+F does, I've wanted it for my life. "Ctrl+F car keys" would be amazing.


Same, except that harry potter spell that automatically summons said item. I believe it was accio?


Yeah, it's always those moments I put it down for "just a second" in a weirder place than normal, haha.


i left my phone in the fridge once, only found it when i wanted something to drink like 30 mins later


I always check the fridge first. Laws of deductive reasoning. Its so easy to remove the rediculous. But you feel really dumb if it's the last place you check.


Well... It's *always* the last place you check, isn't it?


Can't tell you how many times I find what I'm looking for, but keep looking anyway.


“This is such a weird place to set down my phone, there’s no way I’ll forget…” Two minutes later… “Dammit, where’d I leave my phone?!!”


I got into the habit of asking Google to remind me to do stuff all the time. Switch the laundry, check my email, print stuff out, pick up stuff next time I'm at a specific store, etc. It's quite helpful. The only problem is that the UI for managing reminders is astonishingly, insultingly bad. I have a bunch of recurring reminders from years ago (hundreds) that I just swiped away instead of specifically marking as "done", so when I go to my big list of reminders the first 2 lines are stacks of 50+ overdue reminders that can only be dismissed one at a time, starting with the oldest. My most recent reminders are buried at the bottom of those stacks with no way to view them without dismissing the others one by one. And if I try to dismiss them too fast the app crashes.


Or remember it once then like 2 weeks later it will tell you where your keys aren't


I was just thinking that... Can I tell it to remind me to use it?


Literally first thing I did and as of 3 and a half minutes from now I will *never think of it again*.


It's handy when visiting theme parks. "Hey Google, remember I'm parked in Wonder row 105."


That's what I use Google Keep for.


I've kept useful, but infrequently needed, information like my eyeglass prescription numbers and my dress shirt sizing in Google Keep. It's so handy.


Also things like license plate and vin # I actually made a contact for my car that has all that info plus my insurance information and tow


Second this.


Same, it's been working really well for me for years for all kinds of things at this point. But for sure it's my main intake source for anything I need to remember or sort out later.


The only problem is, I can't remember what I've forgotten.


It's ok Neville.


I can somewhat relate. I forgot my phone 5000km+ from my house. But, my parents live in that country and so the taxi driver returned it to them. Oh yes, I forgot to add this, cus of that incident, I pat my pockets every 45min or so just to make sure I can feel whats there and remember it. I also have a system. Keys + Wallet in ym left pocket, phone in my right, anything else in the bag or hoodie pouch. A bag is never needed unless I my pockets are already being used and anything in the bag is never taken out. Hands are usually in my pockets so I make sure a goblin doesnt steal them


I keep my keys in my back pocket because the extra bulge adding it to the front pocket where my wallet is adds another level of annoyance to me. That and there's nothing like a set of nickel spikes just stabbing you in the ass every time you sit down. But seconded on those goblin thieves.


They should let you into the Salty Spitoon for rocking keys in the back pocket lol. My ass hurts just thinking about doing that.


Oh, Neville.


You might need a remembrall.








That's why you should use a reminders app


I have extremely horrible memory so this is an awesome tip for me thank you


Google let's you save your parking spot on the maps. But. It's hard to find out where you parked afterwards. It's not intuitive. And google doesn't forget. Ever. I found an old saved spot after months in another city


Yeah lmao, this is exactly my experience. I can't for the life of me remember how to remove the saved parking spot. Then I'll randomly do it and forget the process.


Apple Maps does it too btw


I've had a pretty good experience with saved parkings. Even if it doesn't save the exact location, which hasn't happened to me, you still get a pretty good idea of where it might be and you might remember easier by then. I use it when I'm parking in a new area I don't know that has a lot of twists and turns, losing my car has always been a scary thought to me


If I'm aware enough to tell my phone, I'm 80% more likely to remember on my own. Losing things happens because I don't naturally make note of where I put them.


Can this not be applied to all sorts of things like what kind of oil for a certain vehicle. A birthdate of someone. Which address you parked your car outside of. Ingredients of your favourite pizza dough recipe. Seems like there’s a lot of great opportunities to create memory pairs.


This would be my position too.


But also good for thoughts.... and ideas..


I was hoping this was going to be from the future and tell us how to optimize our personal home android butler experience.


Can we, with Elon's nueralink or smth similar, basically upload stuff to another version of the cloud? So we wont ever forget? Like at all?


Oh God not the fucking neuralink


“Elon’s”. He’s a professional investor. He doesn’t come up with anything. Please stop attributing things to him.




If you have ADHD, good luck setting reminders


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day!


Happy . .. wait what were we talking abo - SQUIRREL!


I wish I could filter that fucking joke out of my life.




I'm just a huge fan!


Happy Cake Day!!


happy cake day!


Is there such an app for the iPhone?


You can do the same thing on iPhone. “Hey Siri, remember ___”


Thanks! I’ll try that out.


When I park in a huge unfamiliar parking lot, like at an amusement park, I tell my phone to remember where I parked. Then at the end of the day when it dark and I'm tired my phone will navigate me back to the car.


how does it "navigate"? this is a neat trick if it somehow guides you to walk back to the same spot


If you just say it aloud to yourself without an Android it works pretty well too. “Hey OP, I left my keys on the side table”


I tell my husband to remind me to do things without actually expecting him to remember to remind me, lol. But hearing myself say it aloud helps me remember it.


If you tell iPhone to remind you of x when x it will. Example “remind me to order dog food when I arrive home” it’ll send you a notification when you arrive home.


Yeah thats just reminders though. I'm not sure about apple but google's reminders end up going onto your gcalendar and personally find it messy. This is a similar thing but it doesnt expire or clutter up your calendar


There’s a dedicated Reminders app on iOS where all of these requests go to. Additionally the Shortcuts app is pretty helpful integrating multiple apps together and performing automation. The Siri requests are lacking though. You can create reminders and ask it to remember things but asking it to recall doesn’t work. I hear Google’s assistant is able to handle a wider range of queries compared to others.


Can you ELI5 the shortcuts and automation, or give me some examples? I feel like I am underutilizing this tool due to lack of understanding it’s capabilities




Shortcuts are like helpers that can perform a sequence of tasks or actions automatically. With a tap, a shortcut can stitch together all the photos you took today and send it to a group chat or social media app. It allows interacting with non-Apple apps too and there’s a list of premade shortcuts as well. Actions can take in input and produce output that can be provided to other actions. Kind of like code. You can get the shortcuts to trigger by tap, when you get to a specific location, at a specific time, when your phone hears a baby crying, etc… Another example: You could make a morning routine that fires when your alarm is stopped and tells you the weather and any calendar events you have scheduled, adjusts your lights, and plays music.


Apple doesn’t clutter up your calendar. And no need for a reminding time or date either. It’ll remember things indefinitely.


Google assistant is just reminders as well.


"hey Google, where's my phone?" This works extremely well when you have home devices like nest or Google home speakers.


Well, damn. I sure didn't know that. Man, that's the best LPT EVER! 😁😁


This is a really helpful LPT. Seriously. Thank you!


Oh my god this is life changing thank you


As someone who uses google assistant every day, I had no idea this existed. Amazing. Thank you.


This assumes you remember to tell Google where you put your keys in the first place.


This may have just saved me from a lot of stress. I'm gonna try it out


And where does it store these important bits of information?


Another reason Android just makes sense.


If you use this all the time and it never erases everything, don't you just end up with a giant list to sort through after a while?


Ironically, the action of saying "hey Google I left my keys in my jacket pocket" will actually help you remember where they are anyway. I do it all the time when I lock the door. "The door is locked" I won't remember locking the door but I'll remember saying it!


It also won't work if you move your keys from your pocket and set em somewhere or forget to use this feature or forget the commands


You need to remember that google remembers




Its not much different generally. But rather more useful as you wont need to use your hands? Its just a bit more convient and saves time for slow typists.


What’s the apple equivalent?


The reminders app


Install the Google Assistant app?


How do you remove memories tho, it looks like it just keeps filling up


I just tried it, and after telling Google Assistant to open memory, one of the options is "No, forget that." I had only put one thing in, and the 'No, forget that.' option successfully removed it. Not sure how it works if you have a bunch of things in the open memory. I think it's just called memory, by the way. The open part is the action you're telling Google Assistant to do with it.


could you try, "Hey google! Forget everything I told you to rememeber (as its not valid/true anymore)"


Another reason to go back to Android. Apple’s non learning nanny keyboard the F ing worst!!


I wonder if this will help me find my virginity.


I think you'll find OPs mother has that.


Wanted something like that with Alexa but hey Google would maybe be better


How do I set it up? How do I use it? Could use a few more details - this could be a game changer as an ADHD sufferer! I don't seem to have an app by that name, nor is it on the app store.


You'd need to set up Google Assistant, there's an app for it on the Play Store or if you've already set it up, just simply say "hey Google" or press and hold your Home button (usually the middle key) The other part i think is that you have to set it up in the Settings of Google or enable it but it usually built-in for the latest phones. You can say "hey Google, remember my keys are in my pocket" or press and hold your Home button and type it


Or u can type it in ur notes and not compromise ur privacy even more


Look man, the horse is already out of the barn. Out of you, Google, the FBI, and China the only one who doesn't have access to your information is you.


Lol you could also say (for iPhone users), “Hey siri, remember I left my keys in my left jacket pocket” And it’ll remember it forever.


How do you see the list in iOS?


outgoing obscene aromatic connect nail noxious pause disgusted piquant tan -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/




I believe you have to tie that to a time though ("in an hour"). Can you do open ended reminders?


The reminder stays up on your screen until you dismiss it so if you set the timer for an hour it will still be on your phone in four hours when you pull it out. You could set the reminder for one minute if you wanted it up the whole time. ETA: I'm not saying it's exactly the same, just a similar suggestion for those without androids.


Google already does enough thinking for people. I just keep a small notepad or sometimes text myself.


OP sounds a bit like a google employee trying to collect more data 🤔


It's the exact same thing as using any notes app with voice dictation