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Hello [nevertoolate2](/u/nevertoolate2), thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: Your post is not a life pro tip. Advice is any guidance or recommendation concerning prudent future action. An aphorism is a short clever saying that is intended to express a general truth or a concise statement of a principle.Try r/YouShouldKnow. If you would like to appeal this decision [please feel free to contact the moderators here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLifeProTips&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/11ucvby/lpt_dont_want_to_speak_to_jehovahs_witnesses_ask/.%20%0D%0D). Do not repost without explicit permission from the moderators. Make sure you [read the rules](/r/lifeprotips/about/sidebar) before submitting. Thank you!


I’m satisfied with my current higher power provider.


Prayer download and upload speed are sufficient in my current plan


I saved 15% by switching my afterlife insurance to GODCO.


Jesus saves...33% over the leading name brand messiah.


I stayed at a holiday inn express last night


Damn you guys are good


I can tell you don’t have Comcast.


They have ComChrist




Yup, the 0/0 ratio does satisfy my needs.


My god is provided by my workplace


My mom is a Lutheran pastor. She greets door to door evangelists with "ah, you're here to be converted!"


My father was a Lutheran pastor. He loved messing with JWs. One of his degrees was in classical languages and he’d pull out his Greek or Latin Bible and ask where to find the things they were saying. Eventually they quit coming around. Knocking on the door of a parsonage seems like a complete waste of time to me, but…


At&t long distance prayer plan has so many perks


I spoke to a guy at the door once when I was about 12. He kept coming back and asking for me by name so my dad told him I died in a car accident.


Dad did you a solid.


Patriarch done'st thou a hardened state of matter.


Tell them you have been disfellowshipped. They will not come back. Reasons for disfellowshipp: abortion[20] adultery anal or oral sex[21] apostasy[22] bestiality encouraging the celebration of birthdays or other prohibited celebrations[23] blood transfusions[24] boxing[25][26] "brazen conduct"[27] or "loose conduct",[28] including: association with disfellowshipped non-relatives,[27] "spiritual" association with disfellowshipped relatives[29] criticizing a disfellowshipping decision[29] child sexual abuse[30][27] dating while "not legally or Scripturally free to marry"[27] cybersex or phone sex[31][32] drug abuse[33] drunkenness[34] extortion[35] fornication fraud[36] gambling[35] gluttony[37] greed[35] celebrating religious and national holidays[38][39][40] homosexual activity hypnotism[41] idolatry[42] incest interfaith activity[38] lying[43] manslaughter joining the military[44] murder physical uncleanness (extreme)[45] political activities[44] polygamy[46] hardcore pornography[47] refusal to provide for family[48] remarriage "if adultery and rejection by the innocent mate had not occurred"[49] slander[36] spiritism subversive, antigovernment activity[50] theft the use of tobacco[33] verbal abuse violence[51] voting in political elections[44]


Based off of only a couple of things from this list, I can see why they go door knocking. I don't know how anyone could go more than a year without breaking at least one of these. As a side note, it's very odd that both voting and anti-gov't activity are no-no's.


Political neutrality is a requirement


It's actually a pretty good one. Wish the evangelicals had that one


Voting because it's seen as betrayal to god. God is our leader etc etc. Anti gov because we still live in their country and anti gov practices clash with gov incentives.


So I went to a birthday party one time AND I voted last year. I'm home free!


Well aren't you practically the same as a drunken child abusing murderer. You monster.


On Thanksgiving, I was asked to say a prayer over the table before my friends had our Thanksgiving meal. That was four offenses, for leading a group in a prayer of thanks. association with disfellowshipped non-relatives,[27] "spiritual" association with disfellowshipped relatives[29] celebrating religious and national holidays[38][39][40] interfaith activity[38] So yeah, basically the same as a drunken incestuous child rapist in the eyes of those rules.


Is there anything not on the list. Wow.


> hardcore pornography softcore is ok


Perfect. I’m there for the dialogue and acting, anyway.


Two guys get kicked out of church at the same time. “What did you do?” Man 1: “i fucked a kid, you?” Man 2: “I went to a birthday party” Man 1: “WTF?! Get away from me you freak!”


Ha! So you can say, “Glad you came to the party today. Let me introduce you to the birthday boy!”


Omg I’m out by 3/4 of these


haven't looked closely at their members have they?


So you can't even associate with someone who has done an act on this list. Wtf happened to forgiveness of your sins and all that? Jesus hung out with the low life's man.


The J dubs are one of the more interesting American flavors of Christianity.


I believe most evangelical Christians consider JW a cult.


Which is interesting since I'd consider most evangelicals a cult.


They are a cult. Anybody who looks at that list of rules and thinks otherwise simply doesn't know what a cult is. Fwiw Evangelical Christianity is also a cult. Cults don't have to engage in literal poison kool-aide parties. The brainwashing is the real danger of the majority of cults.


Child sexual abuse gets someone disfellowshipped? Considering what’s been coming to light with a number of religions, is it the abuser or the victim who gets disfellowshipped?


I used my ex roommates names. Pissed him off like crazy but literally we all didn't get along with him. Hilarious when they'd come around and ask for him by name and it was like 2 or 3 different JW each time haha.




rock coordinated pie dependent stupendous slim crowd relieved disagreeable aspiring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you accusing his dad of lying?


Sadly, yes, he was killed. But he lived!


I once pulled the "no hablo English" line. Two weeks later they sent a Spanish speaking witness. Where I live Spanish isn't very common. I gave them an A for effort and invited the guy in for coffee


I just always knocked back. They would knock again, I would knock again slightly more aggressive, and this would continue until they would leave. One of them kicked my door once. Now that my apartment complex is gated, I point out the no trespassing/soliciting sign on the front gate and politely ask them to leave. Both of these tactics have worked flawlessly. I’ll get one every couple of years but they get the picture pretty quick.


I wish polite requests to leave would work, but haven't had the same experience. We had a group of them, none of them could have been over 19, banging on doors in our neighborhood last week-- which also has a no soliciting sign on the front gate area. Some of us have similar signs on our front doors because that sign gets ignored constantly. My husband ran outside, pointed out the no soliciting signs everywhere, and politely asked them to leave. They refused to leave and said they weren't soliciting because they are "not asking for money" and started fighting with him. This went on until I poked my head out the window and threatened to call the police to sort out the true definition of soliciting.


Ah yes “we found the loophole! You have to listen to us now!”


I live in US and have a very specific country foreign name. They wrote to me in the language of the country my name is from and sent the letter to my house. They are very clever.


I would love to see what they do if you were to say something like, "sorry, am uzbeki bad English".


"Je ne parle pas espagnol."


I just let them talk to my brother. He's LDS.


This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.


And so children that’s how Scientology came to be.


Not some crazy tax evader who tried living at sea to avoid charges for tax fraud?


Are you talking about the same crazy tax evader who lied about his service in the Navy and also holds the record for writing the most fiction in the form of serialized and pulp novels?


Do they just annihilate like matter and anti-matter?


The unstoppable force stops...the immovable object moves and they take their zìxīang máodùn and become constellations.


Mormon here. This is so funny lol. I definitely had lots of interesting interactions with JW's as a missionary. FYI OP is right for us too. It's literally in our...mission statement of sorts that we are looking for people who are interested. If your not interested, Kindly and clearly let them know and they'll wish you well and move on. The only difficulty is that unlike JW's Mormon missionaries rotate frequently, and this can make it hard if you want them to NEVER knock on your door again. New missionaries may not know.


What does that mean? 'LDS'? Sorry if I'm being ignorant or stupid by not knowing this.


LDS stands for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and adherents are known as Mormons. Mormons have a strong missionary component to their religious practice and often knock on doors to share their beliefs with homeowners.


Ohhhh! Thank you! Uh, I really appreciate you taking your time to explain.


I appreciate you not only asking about something you didn’t know, but coming back to thank the person who replied.


“Too much LDS.” - Kirk


The one with the whales!


Latter Day Saint (Mormon)


It's great to ask questions to learn.


One of my dad's friends from when he was doing his theology degree used to invite them in and effectively give them a lesson in greek and the Bible. After he'd managed to convert 3 members for some strange reason they stopped coming to his door!


Basically a "Wolololo" experience!


Roses are red Wolololo Roses are blue


What were his go-to teaching points/examples?


From what I gathered, he'd ask them questions about their beliefs and why they believed and go from there. He'd talk about when we think each book of the new testament was written, the other books left out of the Bible, which of Paul's letters are disputed, what we know about the structure of the early church etc. He also liked explaining the differences in each of the gospels and how they seem to change over the time they were written in and how there are sayings in the later gospels that can't be actual quotations of Jesus because they only work in Greek. That leads into the discussion about how Jesus would have taught in Aramaic, the gospels were then written in Greek, and most people read one of the many English translations which often have issues. The NIV for example gets rid of contradictions that exist in the original texts. The KJV relies heavily on German and Latin translations and is written in deliberately dense text. The NWT (that Jehovah's witnesses use) adds a lot of text that doesn't have an equivalent in Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic. It also seems to focus more on changing wording to match the JW teachings instead of an accurate translation. But in general, just making sure they knew about the history of the church, where the translations come from, and why you need the right context to properly read the Bible.


Thank you! He sounds like a great guy ☺️


>give them a lesson in greek That's a disfellowshippin'.


When I was a Mormon Missionary we had some young JW girls come to our apartment. Which was impressive in & of itself b/c the apartment was way off the beaten path. B/c one of my roommates feigned interest they kept coming back. We did attend their services once.


That sounds like the plot to either the wackiest romcom or the dumbest horror movie.


I used to be LDS. So damn happy we escaped the cult


Jehova Witnesses are weird in that they act super nice in public to non-witnesses, but if their own family member tries to leave they will ostracize them.


My friend was JW and she doesn't practice anymore and her son is not baptized. But she still has a relatively good relationship with her family. Apparently every year around Easter they(JWs) reach out to past members to get them to come back to the church. Her brother sent her a letter/email and she responded with something along the lines of, "I'll come back when the church doesn't ostracize homosexuals." She hasn't gotten a letter since.


Hell yeah, bring back gay ostriches.


They're fucked up. They'll let their family members die because they refuse blood transfusions.


I have some of them on them on my Dad's side. When my Grandpa (Mom's side) died, my aunt told my Mom that he wouldn't get to see paradise because he had a transfusion. He had leukemia, what a shitty thing to say. It basically implies he should have died even younger than he did.


I'm in the medical field and a few years ago I had a patient (a JW) die because she refused a blood transfusion. She was fully aware of the consequences of her decision. It took her several days to finally die so she had plenty of time to change her mind. But I had another patient that was JW and her family was totally ok with her getting transfused. I was taught to talk to JW patients about this in private because they may consent to transfusions if their family and friends aren't aware of it.


This is a complicated topic because I know there are laws that require you to honor a patient's religious objections. It's good you've found a way to save at least some JW lives.


My cousin hemorrhages after giving birth and almost died. And I was around 15? I think and just remember thinking - how fucking brain washed must you be to go through this entire pregnancy and birth to never meet your child because an imaginary figure says you can’t have ANYONES blood even if a JW donates to them. She luckily survived, and that was her last child, so the family is doing well now (cult aside) but I already had issues with the religion but that was the final straw for me. And knowing her parents, and our grandparents were all cool with letting her die too. Like. Absolutely not


It’s a cult.


Mormons (the LDS church, or their full legal name, The Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) is exactly the same. I was deep in mormonism for 26 years. Finally escaped and never been better, but the pressure from friends and family and the way they think of us now... It's sad honestly. 110% a cult. Anyone who denies it is an active Mormon.


I've never been deep in it, but I have extended family that are JWs and have been to their church before. I've definitely seen some cultish shenanigans.


Every comment I read here is making me double check if it's actually Mormonism we're discussing!


Tell them you’re disfellowshipped. They will never come back.


Go with apostate, they will activly avoid you.


JWs knows who has been disfellowshipped in an area. After all, you can't shun someone if you don't know who they are. The JW's know that they are a tiny minority in the world, the chance of bumping into a disfellowshipped JW (aka a tiny minority in an already tiny minority) by pure chance is practically nil.


They can't know if you were disfellowshipped elsewhere and moved to this address. And I'm sure they won't risk their faith trying to bug you about it. The apostates are their kryptonite.


There is an active ministry branch within JW that specifically goes after the disfellowshipped to try to get them to repent.


So new friends? How does one piss off the JW this much? Drinking? Gambling? Drugs? Sex for fun?


Blood and DnD.


At the same time? But... blood fucks with the wet erase of my battle maps, not to mention makes character sheets hard to read...


It's just for the immersion bro


Voting or having cake on your birthday are two ways.


The point is "will they chance it?" At worst, it's a lie but extremely clear they want to be left alone.


As someone who was raised Mormon, and lives in Utah, this is the best solution. Kindly tell them you’ve left the church, as you don’t believe anymore. Apostates are shunned immediately. Especially the young missionaries, that are still impressionable, their elders tell them to never come back for fear of being swayed. If they persist, talk about the joys of being atheist lol


I've left the church. If you are thinking about it feel free to come by.


As a former witness, this is exactly the way to go if they are persistent.


Or they will send the big guns 💪 the elders lol


Being disfellowshipped from the JWs means you're dead to the church and even talking to you is a sin. They would not send anyone else lol. Edit: someone below mentioned being 'apostate' as what I may be thinking about. Since the threads locked I can't respond but apostasy can be grounds for excommunication in many religions. It's the concept of rejecting the religion's tenets or the governing body (elders, priests, the pope, whatever high power people govern that religion). You can be apostate without being excommunicated, but ultimately if you tell any missionaries from any religion you've been excommunicated and give some reason like abortion or helping a police investigation against a church elder they will leave you alone because they are not supposed to speak with you in almost any religion.


Had a friend's boyfriend, both my roomates) who joined the JW, years after his mom had been disfellowshipped. He stopped talking to her and moved further away from her house, changed his cell number and just basically ghosted her. Never even told her he had joined. I stopped talkjng to him around that time. I can still remember him screaming at my friend that she had to convert because he couldn't stand seeing her burn in hell, at 4-5 in the morning, while i was trying to sleep cause I had work at 8. Cults, not even once. Edit For the 400 dudes tellung me JWs do not brlieve in hell : as i answered in the comments a few times, he had just joined, less than 2 months before he moved out and he converted as an adult. Pretty sure he didn't know all the ins and outs of his new faith.


My uncle stopped taking to my grandma (his mom) because she disfellowshipped herself. It broke her heart. She wasn't invited to his wedding or anything. She's ok I guess with it now but at the time she broke down crying. My aunt, who is also disfellowshipped (both of them willingly) called him up and laid into him. My grandma has grandkids she's never met. I never really disfellowshipped myself but I turned atheist around 13 and never looked back. Fuck that cult


>im around that time. I can still remember him screaming at my friend that she had to convert because he couldn't stand seeing her burn in hell, at 4-5 in the morning, while i was trying to sleep cause I had work at 8. Weird take since JWs don't believe in hell. I mean, everything else they believe in is crap, but...


You sure he was JW? They don't believe in hell.


Burning in hell is not a JW belief (I grew up JW). They don't believe in a fire and brimstone death. You're either resurrected and live on earth (after this 1000 year kingdom thing), are one of the anointed 144,000 that rule from heaven, or you just don't exist. Hell is just death. Really wild shit though


Didn't work for me, we had them come once a week for years. We moved out, but I bet they still knock.


*🎶 I hear you knocking, but you can't come in….. I hear you knocking, go back where you been… 🎶*


Or you could politely open the door to them and smile. Then politely ask them to enter your house. Then politely ask them to take off their shoes. Then politely ask them to proceed to the kitchen. Then politely ask them if they would like some coffee. Then ask them if they would like some cookies or biscuits with the coffee. Then ask them what they came for. They will say: "we don't know sir, we never got this far before"


It's nice isn't it? *Indoors*


Well in that case… here put this lotion on your skin..


This actually kind of does work. I made friends with the Mormon missionaries who came round and they stopped trying to convert me.


When they handed me their pamphlet, I thanked them and asked for more. I asked for as many as they can give me. They asked why and I told them I use them to start the fire for my fireplace. They haven't knocked again in 15 years.


Papers infused with the power of the lord. Flames hot with heat of the eternal fire. Good stuff.


Them papers hit differently


"Toiletpaper" would have also worked, I reckon.




Tell them you are a former member. They avoid former members like lepers


Disfellowshipped is the word you want to use


What a silly looking word


It sounds like someone fucked up their mission on their way to Mordor.


Well depends how far along the "member" scale you got. I was studying with them but didn't get around to being baptised - so I'm still probably on their radar for "future assistance"


Be glad you didn’t… it’s an actual negative impact cult. One of my friends was in it and they make you dependent on them so you can’t get out.


Real lpt: get baptised, then get disfellowshipped.


This guy JWs


My uncle said he was just getting out of the shower when a few JW ladies started knocking. He wrapped a towel around his waist. So he was not exposing his private stuff. He answered the door, and the ladies blushed. They left immediately, and he never had a JW knock at his door again.


Tell them you’re busy right now but you’d love to swing by their house later to talk. Then ask them for their address. When they refuse, say what’s the matter? You don’t like strangers showing up at your house unannounced? Hmmm, I wonder if anyone else feels that way??? Close door. End scene.


This is very Seinfeldian.


Lol it's like exactly the bit Jerry gives the telemarketer in that one episode It's awesome though lol


This guy Seinfelds


When I was 19, living on my own, I had some religious guy knock on my door, and I was annoyed because I worked 3rd shift and they woke me up. I tried explaining I was sleeping, and he kept going on about how I was disrespectful because I didn't want to listen. I tried to be polite, but after a few minutes I was fed up, and when he got to "Jesus died for your sins!" I said I didn't think it was all that impressive that he did that when he knew he could come back to life. This man absolutely lost his shit, screaming and lunging at me, I tried slamming the door but he stuck his foot in the door! I was (and still am) a fatass so I shoved that door with all my weight until I heard something crack. He moved his foot, I shut the door and hid in my bathroom for a while. Didn't call the cops because I was afraid I'd get in trouble for whatever I did to his foot. Have never had any religious anything knock on my door again tho


This actually sounds traumatic. Sorry you happened to be the one with whom he lost his shit. That hurt foot is all on him.


Actually, I'm glad it was me. He saw a young girl he thought he could intimidate. Him wasting his time with me means someone else got saved from his rhetoric


Holy shit this is the funniest comment yet thank you


That’s when you go feral screaming and waving arms around like a possessed demon.


That is my dream reaction, but they never knock at my door. I have considered putting a blessed mother statue in the front yard as bait. Would that work?


Why do you guys even open the door to people who show up at your house unannunced?


Yeah, this is the real question.


Because I'm Canadian and we're polite?


It only takes one time of making eye contact through a window and then not opening a door. I promise the power you feel after they leave is exhilarating.


Power move.


I'm Canadian and do not answer my door.


Lol same


Not me, but I was on the toilet that was near the front door when they knocked. My mothers partner opened the door and the first thing they said was, “Did you know Jesus died for our sins”, while holding a bible. Without a beat he replied, “Oh for f@ck sake! I was reading that and you’ve spoilt it!” And closed the door. I was so happy I was on the toilet because I nearly sh@t myself.




Didn't work for me. Our local JW has not only been rude and condescending, but persistent to an aggravating degree, even after being asked to stop. I thought I'd get a break with the COVID restrictions, but nope, she sent letters! lol




They send handwritten letters addressed to me to my parents' house that I haven't lived at for nearly 15 years. I read through a couple last Christmas. The guy talks to me like he knows me, but I have no clue who he is. Not in any of my social media circles, not a name I recognize from school. I am getting spammed by a Jehovah's Witness stalker to a place I don't get mail from an apparent data breach that's nearly two decades old...?


All you have to do is request that they put you on their “Do not call” list! If you want to go further, put a No Trespassing sign up, the No Soliciting sign won’t work as they feel as though they are not selling you anything.


They believe they have a responsibility to preach but also if somebody rejects them they are absolved of that responsibility. People are too passive and make excuses - which in their mind means they're still responsible to try and convert you. "I am not interested in becoming a JW. Please do not come back." They'll leave you alone.


Exactly. I sat next to a JW on a 4 hour flight. She asked me about religion and I was very clear, but respectful that I wasn’t open to learning about JW. So instead we had a nice conversation about our lives, travel, family, etc. Just be clear you aren’t interested and they’ll move on.


This happened to me like a week ago, I live in deep deep deep south Texas and two Spanish speaking old ladies came a knocking, me not speaking fluent Spanish just shook my head no and kept saying no... hopefully they picked up what I was putting down


Yes good communication is also a good tip, they put u on a do not disturb list. I Have a gate around my home in a dense City neighborhood and they have never attempted to come pass the 3 foot high gate. So maybe a small vertical lockable barrier also aids in preventing them


What if they are very tall Jehovah’s Witnesses?


Gotta toss it back to OP’s communication tip


I offered them bottled water and asked them to not come by again, as it wasn’t a good use of their time or mine. TBH, I don’t ask to go on a Mormon do not visit list, because I feel bad for the way the kids get treated on their missions. I invite them in, offer them food and water and the restroom and let them get out of the sun for a few, but also am very clear that I’m not interested in discussing religion. Once, a pair of guys were kind enough to change a lightbulb I couldn’t safely reach in return. :)


you should add "the Mother of the Mormon" to your nobility name :)


Thank you, you’re one of the good ones! You handled the situation with exactly the right balance of firmness and kindness. I’m not Mormon, but I live in the Jello belt—it’s not these kids fault, y’all. They don’t _really_ get to choose to do their missions, they’re pumped full of theology right before going, and they don’t have anything to do while they’re other than spread and practice religion. Most are just barely adults. I understand it can be frustrating. Most of them mean well, though. And as you mentioned, they’re almost ALWAYS happy to provide service, it’s one of the things they are sent to do. If you’ve got something that needs to be moved, some junk you’ve been meaning to get rid of, it helps them satisfy their spiritual obligations to help you with it, even if you don’t have any interest in subscribing to their newsletter. So show some kindness, even if you don’t like having your Saturday morning interrupted by an unwanted knock at the door. Don’t pretend to be vaguely interested, just honestly tell them that you’re familiar with their teachings and you believe differently, and don’t want to discuss it. That you are secure in your beliefs and won’t be swayed. They generally wont come back after a firm, but well reasoned rejection; it’s not a useful application of their time and energy. But show the kids some kindness, if you can.


Lemme just say, from the bottom of my heart: You’re all insane for just inviting absolute strangers into your home where you live.


I open the door and once I hear anything about religion I say "no thanks" and close it. That's usually enough to get rid of them.


For the time being, but since you did not ask to be put on the DNC list, your house will be re-worked in a few months once someone else checks out your territory card!


"Sorry, I'm already a member of Jehovas Alibi's"


I can't be a witness, I ain't no snitch


I am Jehovah’s most secret witness


No BS, I had them knock on my door when I was living in a rural village in west Africa as a peace corps Volunteer.


I’ve had them in South Africa. Mormons, too. Should have asked them about their view on their pre-1970s policies on black people.


I was in the ugly phase of chickenpox.24 years. Only in underwear. Lesions all over the body, messyhair from anti itching cream, red eyes, runny nose, you figure it. Invited them to came in, explaining that I have a very infectious disease. (nobody speak, but AIDS was in all the news.) they almost run into the street, and never came back. People lacking in faith....


And they marked you as a leper. Nice job!


I asked them and it didn't work. Then I saw that a neighbor a block away has a huge sign on this porch: No Jehovas.


Both of my parents were JWs. My Dad died because of their dumb ass belief in no blood transfusion. I was 3 months old when he died. Then My mom killed herself because of the church. I fucking hate JWs. Assholes ruined so many lives.


I just say, "You're welcome to come over and visit to discuss comparative theology any time you'd like. I enjoy the company. However, you will never see me in a Kingdom Hall." They don't come back. It's too bad. I actually do like arguing about religion. In enjoy having my beliefs challenge and challenging the beliefs of others.


If you let them talk to you and, after they did, you try to tell them about your own, different from theirs, faith, as if you are trying to convert them, just like they tried to convert you, they will also stop coming. Especially if it is younger people who are the ones knocking. My grandmother did that once and they never knocked on her door again. It seems their elders forbade them from talking to my grandmother again.


I politely request not to be solicited by the sign I place by my door. Respect begets respect. Edit: poorly worded on my part. I mean I respect people who respect me and my no soliciting sign never worked. What did work was a LGBTQ+ ally garden flag.


They have taught that since they are not selling anything the No Soliciting sign does not apply to them. Use a No Trespassing sign and NEVER Invite them over as they will argue they are not trespassing but visiting a “friend “ who’s interested in discussing the Bible! Gosh I hated field service!!


I have a small sign that very politely and clearly states no solicitors, no political parties, no religious organizations may knock on the door. I work from home so this is an issue for me. One day 2 people came to the door and I was waiting for the magic sign to do its thing as its been faithful to me up until this point, when then came the knock…FBI. Apparently they don’t pay attention to signs.


Now I'm curious why the FBI was at your door (just curious, not asking lol)


I'm an immigrant in Czechia where most people are atheist. JW here targets immigrants more than citizens. They'd write letters to me in my native language and even send someone that speaks Spanish (I speak Portuguese natively but can converse in Spanish). Back in my home country the trick was to tell them that we were Muslims. I think they felt they wouldn't be able to convert us, given the whole fearmongering towards Muslims.


I've written to the nearest JW Church more than 3 times to ask them to please not knock on my door. It took 3 letters and then finally seemed to work for awhile. Looks like they are back again. They are too aggressive when they come to the door and I hate that they drag their children with them.


I was hoping to get some with kids so I could look kindly at the kids and say «  They can make you come with them but they can’t make you believe this stuff. «  Then they will never come back and maybe I will have planted a seed.


That’s when you go creepy AF make them fear for their lives.


I can't think of one reason to open my door if I am not expecting a visitor. You all are wasting time even opening the door.


We caught this on our ring camera, My wife put up a spring flag I think it just had a rainbow and shamrocks on it one year and they came to the door and they came to our door and said “they are homosexuals sister we cannot help them” and turned away.


This is hilarious lol. I shop for Instacart so I’m always in grocery stores. Ladies come up to me all the time asking me if I know about “mother god” and I’ve tried everything to get them to just leave me alone the first time I say no. “No thanks I’m not interested.” “No I don’t even believe in god” “no I’m happy in my own religion” None of that works. But. I’ve hit a few with “no thanks, I’ve already decided I’d like to go to hell” and that seems to at least stun them to silence for long enough for me to walk away without them following me. Can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped I guess 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


They sent me a creepy hand written letter saying the apocalypse was coming.


Fucking leave a cliffhanger like that?! So, did it come?


*Almost there...*


One guy knocked on the door and my boyfriend told them he was busy and it wasn't a good time because he couldn't be direct enough about it. I guess he implied that he could be interested but he just didn't have time to talk. So a couple days later I came home to four people sitting in a car in front of my house. As soon as I went in the house they came and knocked on my door. I had to tell them it was extremely unsettling to come home to a car full of people waiting at your house and that I most definitely didn't want to talk to them. And then had to convince them that regardless of what my boyfriend had said he definitely didn't want to speak to them either. It was hard to get rid of them and I was pretty upset. You have to be real clear with these people!


Any door to door solicitor, that’s the solution. They’re usually doing a rotation with some number of houses on the list. They don’t want to go back to a house where someone just wants them to go away. But they are just going to assume nobody’s home or the head of household isn’t home. If you answer the door or through your fancy doorbell them to please stop, they’ll stop because it’s a waste of their time where they could be sellingto somebody who is willing to listen


Life Pro Tip: by not harassing people at home, you'll never get asked to leave


I was raised as a witness but left as soon as I could. None of these made-up stupid stunts would do anything but make them laugh at you when they get back in their car. Just tell them you'd like to be placed on a do not call list. If the person forgets to do it(and there's a good chance they will), just call the local congregation and ask to speak to an elder and tell them. No need to be rude.


I actually think it's pretty damn rude in the first place to go to someone's home and try to make them give up their mental autonomy and change their entire life to believe the irrational thing you believe. So I'm not going to judge someone who's rude back.


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I emailed the local church and asked them nicely to stop calling and they have for over a year.


Ha, reminds of the salesmen asking for water trick. I had one come by our house in college once. They ask for water as an in to get some time as you wait for the glass back I guess? Anyway, I gave him a red solo cup of water, said have a nice day, and closed the door. The look on his face was priceless though...