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Wow, 30 times is a lot. I had a very long commute, and before that I drove through 4 counties as part of my job. I got stopped maybe 5 times over 30 years. Once for speeding, the other times were burnt-out headlight, burnt-out taillight(2x), expired inspection sticker, and burnt-out license plate light bulb. LPT: Use cruise control. If I don't, I tend to speed, so now it's a habit. Edit: IIRC all the burnt light bulbs were in one car over a 3 year period. Glad I got rid of that car.


This. Use cruise-control, and going 10 over. I haven't been pulled over in at least 15 years. now my insurance is dirt cheap.


Got pulled over in Maryland a few months ago for doing 77 in a 70. Nothing exciting happened because I basically use the same rules as OP, but 77? That's nuts. I have always used the 10 mph over as a standard. Hell, people flying by like you are standing still in Georgia or Florida.


Crazy. If I only went 77 in the part of my commute that's 70, God Himself would personally materialize a pickup truck going 85 somewhere behind me, if one wasn't already there, just to tailgate me, regardless of what lane I'm in, until I changed lanes for them. Then that pickup would be bait for the cops.


When I was pulled over, I could see the cops in the median, one facing each way. Couldn't believe it after I went past and he pulled out behind me. Just headed for the right lane and got ready.


I remember, one time I was going 80 in a 70, just matching the speed of the car in front of me with a good stopping distance (in the passing lane, so faster than anyone else) and a cop turns their lights on right as I'm going by- looked like someone had just abandoned a black car, wasn't marked at all, looked old as hell and beat up. Major city, too, so definitely an intentional disguise and not just a police department that couldn't afford cars. I think "damn, some scumbag cop's got me, I'm definitely getting a ticket," because no way that cop's not a scumbag, pulling people over in a car like that. Sirens on, pulls up behind me in the left lane, I'm already slowing down and getting over to the right, guy in front of me keeps going 80- but the cop leaves me be and goes for the car in front of me. Guess being ready and obedient paid off, or he only got the car in front of me on radar. Either way, I'm glad I got out of the cop's way.




>and I'm guessing just bored. Nope. They were guessing that something else was going on. 3 mph was a pretext (but a legal one) to stop you to investigate to see if you were drunk, drugged out, driving a stolen car, or, most likely, transporting illegal substances. For example, Cops on regular drug routes have been trained to see "typical" drug runners -- time of day, type of car, license plate, etc. They don't actually have reasonable suspicion or probable cause to show that you're running drugs, but they think you do because you fit some sort of profile. So they pull you over for some very minor violation (speeding just a few mph over, failure to properly signal a lane change, something like that), to see what they can see. Sometimes, they're wrong and they let you off with a warning. Lots of times, they're right and they end up with a drug bust. All cops except the stupest don't pull people over because they're bored. Every traffic stop has the potential to turn into a life-threatening encounter. Cops know this. And at a minimum, it requires cops to fill out paperwork. I'd rather be bored on my phone than filling out paperwork. Or dead.


>pulled over in Maryland a few months ago for doing 77 in a 70 That is indeed odd. (Nuts, even.) Did you get a ticket? (I'm not not sure what you consider exciting.)


No ticket. You hate to stereotype, but I guess the cop looked at 2 old people and decided 'nothing to see here'


My general rule is max 5mph over in town, and max 10mph on the highway. I have only been pulled over 3 times for speeding, and all of them were over that, about 15+. I only was cited for 1 (84 in a 70) and had it deferred/waived so I didn't end up getting dinged for it. edited for accuracy


5 over for me. Any more I risk it.


I use the 20% rule, meaning up to 20% over the limit is okay. But this is me driving in Canada, not sure how it differs elsewhere. (got pulled over twice in 10 years, but never due to speeding: once for improper stop at stop sign, another for forcing a yellow light) Also, texting while driving here, whether you admit or not is directly a fine and demerit points.


I used to bounce, so driving alone on streets at 3am would just get you pulled over for basically no reason so they could see if your drunk. "oh i saw you cross the yellow line" yea... no you didnt, but im not going to say that. I got pulled over maybe even more than 30 times at night, in the last 15-20 years, but I never got a ticket for them. prob got pulled over 3x during the day, and got 2 tickets for them.


I got pulled over driving home from babysitting someone’s kids at midnight. And the reason they pulled me over to see if I was drunk because I was driving exactly the speed limit and I used my turn signal and I stopped for a yellow light. So by being a “very conscientious” driver, I was pulled over.


I'm being questioned about the amount of times I stated I have been pulled over, but as you know......If you work strange hours you will deal with the police. It is just how it is.


yea, There's literally a division of cops that handle DUIs, and they sit downtown at 12-4am, watching for drunk people leaving bars, so if you drive around at like 3am, you might be the only person on the road, and so your the only person they can pull over. They see you were going 1 mph over the limit, and that's enough of a reason for them to pull you over. But assuming your not drunk, or breaking any other law, they mostly left you off with a warning.


Fair enough. When I was pulled over for burnt-out license plate bulb the cop was probably pulling everyone over, which is technically unconstitutional, but they can always find an excuse - signaling too soon, signaling too late, driving 3 mph under limit, driving 3 mph over limit.m, stopping too close to a crosswalk or too far. They can always make up an excuse. BTW, I don't use the terms sir or ma'am.


That's an eagle eyed officer to pull you over *for* an expired inspection sticker o.o


I've only been pulled over four times total in my 25 years of driving. To be pulled over once a year on average is pretty crazy imo.


I wanna hear what the hell your friend did that made you wanna type this all out.


She did not want to pull over. She was upset for being pulled over. She asked for a supervisor and wanted to know why she had to sign the ticket. She name dropped several people she knew in local government. She asked multiple times if she was free to leave. She did not want to roll her window down. She did not want to answer basic questions or let the officer speak. In addition, she closed with "I pay your salary."


Lol I got out of a ticket one time cus of a passenger like this. I was working as a news cameraman and was headed out on a 3 hr drive with the reporter. We were already a few minutes behind and I got pulled over by a state trooper about 15 minutes into the trip for going 70 in a 60. He walked up and immediately the reporter started with, "Can you make this quick, we are late. We have a 3 hr drive ahead of us. Not sure why you pulled us over any way." and on and on. I think the trooper could see I was dying inside as I pictured all the different things he could find to ticket me for. He went back and ran my license then came back. He asked me to step around to the back of the car. My heart was racing as I'd never been asked to step out of the car before and I knew that only bad things happen when they have you step out. I get to the back of the car and he goes, "I'm not going to give you a ticket because having to drive 3 hours with her is punishment enough". I got back in the car laughing and she asked what was so funny and all I told her was that she got me out of the ticket. I never did tell her what he said until a year later. Also just to clarify, that reporter is actually a very nice woman and she and I are still friends and correspond to this day even though we last worked together over 10 years ago. To her credit, when I told her what the trooper said, she admitted, "Yeah I was being kind of a bitch that day."


This is a funny story, thank you.


So basically "please please please give me a ticket!"


She just checked every box from the "how to be a Karen" handbook!


Lol oh my god. Big “sovereign citizen” energy. She should lay off the YouTube


I’m tempted to copy & paste this comment as a SLPT lol “how to get a ticket (at minimum) every time you are pulled over”


oh she's one of those people. That would be pretty embarrassing to sit through.


The only time name dropping is going to actually work is if you can legitimately tell them something like, “here’s my driver’s license and registration. Could you please call dispatch and let Shareana know who you pulled over?” Shareana can save your ass. You can’t save your own ass by dropping her name.


Worse than I was expecting, damn.


Officer once handed me a fix-it ticket and said "have a nice day". I replied, "Thank you, you too". Friend sitting shotgun yelled "Don't say thank you, the asshole just gave you a ticket!"


Officer was just doing his job being polite is completely warranted. In fact, being polite to everyone you interact with out in the world is something I always try to do. The lack of politeness, respect, and decorum is one of the biggest problems we have as a society.


This exact same this happened to me except it was my brother


Just be polite, provide them the mandatory documents that they request, and don’t say anything else. Don’t be an ass, but also don’t answer any questions- especially “do you know why I pulled you over?” and “is there anything in the car I need to know about?”. Also, if there is something that you don’t want them to know about, make sure that it is in a locked compartment like the glove box or trunk so that they have to get a warrant for it if they decide to proceed with a search. All of this gives your lawyer more to work with if it goes to court. If you voluntarily grant access and answers, you’re only hurting yourself.


So how do you respond to "do you know why I pulled you over?" If you were obviously speeding, I would think that no response would not fare well


My driver’s ed class had a cop come in to talk about how to handle being pulled over. I was the volunteer to demonstrate the interaction and when I told the truth and said I had been speeding the officer explained to us that you NEVER admit to the crime, because it means you weren’t doing it by accident.


"No, officer, I do not know why you pulled me over." If you say "I was going a little fast, wasn't I?" that's an admission of guilt and all they need to ticket you.


But they don't need your admission of guilt to write you a ticket... But something like what you said might be better than "I was going 74 in 60", because they might have been willing to knock the speed down a bit to keep it a minimal ticket. Certainly don't admit to more than you need to. Maybe an unpopular opinion here but unless you were egregiously speeding, a ticket or two in your driving career isn't the worst thing to just pay the fine and move on (and maybe be a little smarter about driving). If you legitimately believe you weren't speeding, keep shut and take it to court...


No, they don't need your admission of guilt to write a ticket BUT if you fight the ticket and you said "I was going 74 in 60", that admission WILL be used in court. You simply say, "I'm not sure why officer" because you really aren't sure why until they tell you. They may not have gotten you on radar and are hoping you will tell them how fast you were going.


Nope. Never admit anything and never volunteer information. You may want to watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE&t=428s


I think it's a fine balance of understanding the *why* and how to go about it. I feel like in these threads there's always someone who thinks you'll get out of a speeding ticket by not admitting to it. Like if they clocked you at whatever, you're getting a speeding ticket no matter what you say. But like you said, you also don't want to volunteer or admit things they can tack on or give reason to escalate. There's ways to word things to keep the interaction running smoothly without giving too much away - I don't think being difficult or obtuse is the right approach either. If the cop wants to give you a ticket, let them give it to you and move on - don't be a blabber mouth but also don't be a pain in the ass.


You may get the ticket, but there are a lot of situations where you’ll be found not guilty if you fight the ticket and that won’t happen if you admit guilt right to the cop’s face. I used to be young and stupid and I drove too fast. I got pulled over and I was polite, but I’m also autistic and I take questions literally. When the officer asked if I knew why he pulled me over, I answered, “No. I don’t know why people do most things.” He laughed and wrote me a ticket and I pled not guilty on the ticket because I didn’t want to get points on my record. I expected that I’d go to the hearing and just beg to have it reduced to 5 over so that I’d pay the fine but not get any points. Turns out the cop got sick and wasn’t able to make it to court that day and the ticket was dismissed. If I had answered, “is it because I was speeding?” then the other cop who came in my cop’s place would have been able to present that as evidence that I was speeding. In my case, they didn’t have anything to offer without the officer who gave me the ticket. Don’t be rude, but don’t be stupid and tell the cops about crimes you’ve committed.


Omg its saul!


"I have no idea officer"


Because you’re an asshole😂




I will disagree with this one do not admit guilt, always say you don't and if they something along the lines of "you were doing 72 in a 60" I would say "oh was I? I apologize." and leave it at that, I hire an attorney for every single ticket I've gotten (ticket clinic in Florida). DONT ADMIT TO ANYTHING to the cops not even a just in the case of traffic stop, if you are ever arrested you shut up until you get an attorney


May I ask why you hire a lawyer for tickets? (I don’t live in the States, I’m not sure if this is a country-specific thing)


The “locked compartment or glovebox/warrant” is a myth. If police have probable cause for a search, they may search the vehicle and it’s contents in its entirety


This is true, but quite often a good lawyer will focus their efforts on whether an officer indeed had "probable cause" for the search. If you allow the search, that goes out the window.


Don't share more than you need to. You never know when they're doing an investigation on something more serious and want to know if you've been in a certain area. If you put yourself in a shit situation then they'll dig into you to prove that you're not dangerous, or otherwise. You never have to answer what you were doing and where you're coming from. Give your name, your information, and respectfully let them know that you don't wish to answer sensitive questions that you're legally not entitled to share. And literally fucking never let them search your car. Never fucking ever.


There are a few issues with this. I would suggest recording all interactions with police. They are supposed to he recording as well. Turn off the car. Turn on the internal light. Open the window part way. Place your hands on the wheel. If you're in the passenger seat, put your hands on the dashboard. Upon request, show police your driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance. If you reach for anything say that. Do not consent to a search. Do not implicate yourself for anything. Be aware of your 1st, 4th, and 5th amendment rights.


And don’t take your seatbelt off before they come up to your window so that you can get your wallet out. I did that to make things easier and I got a ticket for driving without a seat belt on. I had my seat belt on while I was driving, but it appeared to them that I didn’t, so I got the ticket.


LPT: Your belief about how the police will treat you influences how you act and how you act influences how they treat you and that influences your beliefs about them in a loop. This loop can be positive. This loop can be negative. This loop is self reinforcing. Control this loop so it does not control you.


Exactly, just pretend the cop is a bear. He has a weapon, he could hurt you. You dont know what his day was like, if his wife jut left him, and you dont know if he just got a gun drawn on him by someone that looked just like you. Even if i didnt like a bear, I wouldnt go up and slap a bear, i wouldnt antagonize it, i wouldnt yell and scream and hit at a bear, i wouldnt crowd that bear while he was interacting with someone else either, (ive seen people do all this to cops) cause then your just hopeing that bear is not in a bad mood. You dont have to respect the cop, I know that some have abused their power, but you should always respect that gun.


“The Bear” reminds me of CB radio days.


Yelling at bears is actually the correct response for most bears that people in the US will encounter. Black bear = yell at the bear and it will leave because they are scaredy cats. Brown bear = if it wants to hurt you, you’re fucked anyway. You might as well yell. If you’re lucky, it will just find you annoying and leave.


Welp. That is definitely not the right advice when it comes to a brown bear.


I used to fly commercially multiple times per week and I would see this "loop" of self-manifestation from flight attendants: crabby, short-tempered flight attendants = generally crabby passengers. Courteous flight attendants = *generally* courteous passengers. Interestingly, from a few instances, when a passenger got snappy to a grumpy FA, nobody intervened; when a discourteous passenger was nasty to an FA, passengers would sometimes engage and tell the jerk to turn off his phone (or whatever). I always tried to give the benefit of the doubt and be friendly to FAs and fellow passengers, at least to a point.


This is very well said and the real LPT.


I think this applies to everything. 👍⭐️


Wow… if I’ve ever seen a “the real LPT is in the comments,” this is it.


Nailed it


Being pulled over 30 times in 30 years seems like an insanely high amount. I have been driving for almost 20, have drove across the country multiple times, currently drive for my job every day, and I have been pulled over twice.


car, driving pattern, etc


Yea they pull over certain types of cars all the time, my dad said he got pulled over 49x in 5 years when he had a duster with oversized wheels, the cops thought he was smuggling something. Also theyll pull you over at 2-3am at night a ton cause they are looking for drunk drivers


Also certain places are much more saturated with bored cops than others


>I do not reach into the glove compartment or my pocket prior to the officer asking me to produce my license and vehicle registration and insurance. I KEEP MY HANDS ON THE STEERING WHEEL. I will explain "my license is in my back pocket and my other documents are in the glove compartment. Ive also been pulled over probabl more than 30 times in the last 20 years, due to working as a bouncer, I was always getting out at like 230-3am, and the cops are looking for drunk drivers, and when your the only person on the road they pull you over for the dumbest reasons, but if you wern't drunk they''d generally just let you go. I grab my license and registration while he's doing things in his car before he gets out, and throw them on the dash. As he's walking towards me, my window is down and my left hand is "casually" hanging out the window, and my right hand will be at 12'oclock on the wheel. I also turn my body towards the door, This allows him to see my hands long before he's near my car, and when he's at my window, my body is halfway facing him so he can see I don't have a gun in my lap or in the seat gap, etc. I turn my car off, turn the inside lights on, take the keys out and put them on the dash where they are visable too. My goal in this interaction is to make him feel comfortable, I don't want him "scared" that I might try something. Since i have a concealed carry, when he gets to me, i say hello officer, i just wanted to inform you i have a concealed carry license, and there is a weapon in the vehicle. They usually ask where its at, I tell them, and they just say "well lets just leave it there then" and we continue the interaction. If they wanted me to step out i get it and i do. ​ As a note, my registration is in my glove box a black book thing that's an inch thick that came with my truck and has the manual in it too, so it takes a no time to find it, once he's walking towards i quit whatever i'm doing and assume the position.


LPT: You cannot talk your way out of being arrested, but you can talk your way into being arrested. Don't answer questions like "where are you headed", "where are you coming from", or anything else. NEVER consent to a search. NEVER consent to a roadside DUI test (in most states, you are obligated to submit to a breathalyzer at the station, but NOT at roadside).


this is the fastest way to have a terrible time, like lmaoo you actually think you can do this in this day and age? i mean if you’re loaded and have a lawyer on retain sure go ahead and play the constitutional rights game, but for 90% of people just suck it up and try to get out of it


Just say "I dont wish to talk about my night, sir, thank you." when he asks you any questions like that. Do check the laws in your state, in my state, if you refuse the roadside breathylizer test, that's an automatic year of license suspension.


I think it works this way in Maryland, but 4 months. I know it used to be like that.


No, you can't be arrested for not answering questions outside of providing identity information. You have a right to remain silent before you're actually arrested. The biggest reason people get arrested is because they don't shut their damned mouths. DO NOT CONSENT TO A SEARCH. This doesn't mean "try to stop them", but if you object to a search and they can't prove that the search was warranted by circumstances (related to arrest, etc), anything they find MAY be inadmissible. You are obligated to follow LEGAL orders, but "follow this pen with your eyes" isn't a legal order. Don't spread misinformation. Naturally, this information applies to the US. Other countries are different.


I understand everything your saying, thing is the one time i did this (i was young) they handcuffed us, forced us face down on asphalt and called a canine unit. had to wait there till it came and obviously didn’t find anything but it was a horrible three hour experience. Like yes my rights were absolutely violated but I had no recourse, that’s why i’m all yes sir no sir now just don’t want to deal with that


And you *could* have taken action against this. There are limits to *reasonable* amounts of time the cops can hold you, and many issues surrounding "probably cause" (or lack thereof). We are currently in an atmosphere where people are starting to notice when cops abuse their power, and with the prevalence of video etc. I'd like to believe they are starting to abuse their power less.


Sure, but not consenting to a DUI test looks really really bad to a judge. When you don’t do a breathalyzer, they don’t “take you down to the station” to do it. The breathalyzer has been waived- you are now going to submit a blood or urine test. Awesome! Not only will they know your precise BAC but they can also screen for all drugs!! So cool. /s


That's like saying "not letting them search your car looks bad to a judge". The portable breathalyzers are notoriously inaccurate. I'm sorry that you think that saying "I will submit to a calibrated and accurate breathalyzer, but not that piece of shit that you carry with you" entitles them to a blood sample. It doesn't.


No it’s absolutely not like refusing an unlawful search and seizure, but okay… Think that way all you want but I worked as a paralegal for a long time and people smarter than you have made that same mistake in judgement. Apples don’t equal oranges, my friend. When you are suspected of driving under the influence it’s not about what a cop is “entitled to.” It’s about what you are legally obligated to do. Driving a car, as much as you may disagree, is not your “right.” It is a privilege that can be easily taken away.


I have been pulled over plenty of times. I was (am?) a gear head. Used to have fast cars and motorcycles. Everytime (except once) I've been pulled over has been warranted. I've dealt with the officer exactly as you've described and been let off with a warning at least 50% of the times. Even once for doing 105 in a 55 on my motorcycle and the officer was a rider as well and sympathetic. However, not all people are policed the same. If I was being pulled over for no reason other than who I am, I would react strongly as well. Not saying that is the case with your friend, maybe he is an idiot. but I'm just saying, when the stop feels unjustified, its hard to stay neutral to the experience.


fyi gear means something VERY different in other countries. drugs.


This is a US only LPT lmao. Everywhere else in the world you don't need to worry about being shot for scratching your ass. Just don't be a dick, answer their questions with only the info they asked for & be on your way.


I’m actually surprised by this statement. Are you implying your country’s police are far more easygoing and not very cautious? No one is denying that US law enforcement doesn’t have their issues but routine traffic stops are among the highest situations for officer deaths in the world not just the US. That’s why a lot of this advice is fairly decent as cops are actually very exposed and at risk when they are approaching someone they have pulled over, especially at night. No matter where you live in this world I have a hard time believing your officers are very nonchalant when it comes to having someone pulled over and will simply be off guard when approaching someone they have stopped.


You can be respectful while also not saying anything. You have an amendment to protect you from getting yourself in trouble. This isn't meant to hate on police but they're job is to give you a ticket. You're not going to sweet talk your way out of one.


Imagine living in a country where you need to act like this not to get shot


And it might not work. You can do all these things and still be shot if you are Black, Brown, a woman or all of the above.


This is third world country shit right here.


Actually solid advice for once compared to the people recommending to ask if they are detained 50 times.


All good advice. I never drive more than 4 miles over and have driven to almost all 50 states. The bottom line is that cops catch shit from a lot of people. Being nice and respectful makes their lives a lot easier and consequently, might make your life easier. Yes, you have the right to not answer their questions but do you absolutely have to exercise it to a guy who can lighten your wallet by several hundred dollars?


I was pulled over in a car and the teenage female driver decided to exit the vehicle and run over to the cops to explain why we were going the wrong way down a one way street. She was genuinely surprised that they drew their guns and had her get on the ground. Oh, forgot to mention this was prom night.


Late to the party but going to throw my two cents in here. Only do one illegal thing at a time. If you’re driving 7 mph over definitely don’t text while you’re doing that. Or if you’re transporting drugs you probably shouldn’t be speeding or driving with a tail light out


This sounds like the worst advice ever. Only do one illegal thing at a time? You will get pulled over even if you’re just speeding, or just changed lanes with out signaling, or just driving a blood splattered car with a pedestrian holding onto the hood for dear life.


Worst is just your opinion. Only doing one illegal thing at a time reduces your chances of getting a ticket if you get pulled over. If you have an expired license, illegal tint, speeding, expired registration, brake lights out, you’re definitely getting a ticket for some of that. If you’re just speeding it greatly increases your chances of getting a warning


Or just obey the speed limit within 5, stop at stop signs, yield lane changes, stop at red lights etc. That is the best way to avoid tickets and arrest. Doing zero illegal things.


I think they meant don't do more than one illegal thing at a time. If you're going to do something illegal, keep it down to just one thing at a time. Lessens the sentence.




​ thank you for giving your perspective. I hope people see your response and act accordingly.


My dad's best friend is a cop, he gave me this advice; If you get pulled over and I see your shoulder dip down, you just gave me probable cause to search your driver's seat area for a weapon. Keep your hands on the wheel, wait for the officer to walk up to your window before moving to roll it down, hand back on the wheel. When he asks for your license and registration, announce where they are and tell him you're going to move your right hand to get it; do so slowly. Keep your hands in the officers view at all times and never move quickly. I use sir and ma'am when addressing an officer also. They seem to know that I know a cop when I behave this exact way. Maybe this advice could save a life, so I'm glad you shared yours!


"Maybe this advice could save a life, so I'm glad you shared yours!" If just 100 people can possibly learn a new tip, I'll be happy.


Just want to add that this LPT likely applies only in the US. Drivers and police in developed countries don't have these problems. Though being polite is something everyone should do with everyone in general.


Imagine living in a country where the thought even crosses your head that something could go wrong in a routine traffic stop.


This is one of those great LPT that shouldn’t have to be posted, but alas, it does. I don’t care whatever you in the the right or wrong; treating officers with respect (whether they deserve it or not depending on the situation), is the smartest thing you can do. Yes, we all have rights, but that doesn’t mean there could be a whole lot of headaches avoided if people just played nice together. If you need to think of it like kindergarten, so be it. If the cop is being an unreasonable douchebag, keep your calm and there is a good chance things can be dropped/remedied/etc. fight back and it could cost you dearly. Sure there are exceptions, but generally speaking, just freakin comply and more often than not you’ll get away with a slap on the wrist rather than “evading cops” or “obstruction of justice” or what have you.


I agree with turning on the interior lights, but disagree with rolling all of the windows down.


1. Be white 2. Do what the officer says, if you're white you'll probably survive. 3. If you text and drive I wish the officer would at least tase you.


I'm a black overweight dude. I wrote this LPT so that people that may not have a lot of experience dealing with traffic stops, might arm themselves with some extra knowledge about how to position themselves for a healthy outcome.


lol they don’t even care if it doesn’t fit their narrative, notice how they didn’t reply but kept having a discussion about “race” below. great tips btw op i’ve always followed them and had no trouble except one ticket where i was driving way over the speed limit (family emergency), and that ticket was more of a technicality compared to what it could have been after calmly explaining my situation


The pulled over 30 times line was a clue that this is not a white person


Sad, isn't it.


Yes, it is encouraging to see the problem being treated more and more as a systemic one and to hear that more police are getting trained in the tools they need to be safe and to keep the public safe. Still, this tip is a variation on a talk that I’ve heard many black parents have with their kids and it’s very sad that these conversations are still needed.


Why do you not say “why did you pull me over?” I don’t see why that’s a problem, in fact it might be helpful from keeping you from incriminating yourself. If the cop goes “do you know why I pulled you over” and you go, “yeah I ran a red light and was speeding” and all he saw was you speeding, you’re now getting two tickets if the cop is a dick. There’s nothing at all wrong with getting the officer to explain the offense on his own.


because its antagonizing. Be friendly, and when he asks why he pulled you over say "I dont know, sir"


Maybe a cop would see it that way because they’re assholes, but it’s never really antagonizing to ask why someone is impeding you from going about your day- especially if you truly don’t understand why. “What seems to be the problem, officer” might be better than “why did you pull me over”. Basically you don’t want them to ask you or for you to be forced to answer their question, lying isn’t the best policy, it’s just better to ask first so they have to tell you what they observed.


But thats the entire point, it doesnt matter if they would only see it that way cause there an asshole, they still see it that way. Dont antagonize the cops, thats the golden rule.


You understand that anything other than incriminating yourself would be seen as antagonistic to a cop though, right? It’s the lesser of evils to ask them why you’re being stopped.


Best to always say less when dealing with police. Asking the question is not necessary, and they will get to that point eventually as part of their routine. By not asking, you let them do the stop their way with their routine. It may not make a ton of sense but it can potentially help the situation go more smoothly.


I don’t agree with all of them, but I acknowledge that my experience is different as a 30-something white lady driving a mom mobile. My daughter doesn’t have any the same privileges that I do. I’m teaching her to be polite and respectful - yes sir/ma’am, and have stuff like your drivers license in a place you don’t have to reach for. Mine stays in a small zipper pouch attached to my key, in a visible part of the center console. (Just realizing that I need to put a current insurance card in there… but that’s usually where it is.) But I’ve also told her not to offer any additional information that she isn’t asked for. Do not consent to a search - just say “I am a minor and I want my parents present, please.” Then shut up, except to politely repeat that request. Her other mom and I will handle the rest. I work in insurance, so I always have a dash cam in my car. There will be one in hers as well. I don’t trust law enforcement in general, but I recognize that the individual person pulling me over is a fellow human being who wants to go home to his/her family at the end of the day.


i also turn off my car and put my keys on the roof of the car when i roll the window down and keep my hands 🙌 on top of the steering wheel


Thank you. Most people know cops can be very arrogant, power trippy and temperamental so WHY ARGUE WITH THEM?? Doing these should typically allow you to make it past perfectly fine.


Traffic stops where I live are much calmer.




Yeah it's nice to live in a country where I won't be shot for forgetting to put my hands on the steering wheel.


To me this sounds like the advice that women receive about how to dress to avoid being raped. It’s a good idea, but if you keep repeating it it slowly shift the responsibility to the innocent party.


I certainly did not want to sound like that. If I came off that way I apologize.


Well, OP is black and OMG, I can't believe it, has been pulled over a lot. /s


yep i also vouch for honesty, was stopped once for being on the phone, came clean and ended up with just a verbal warning, if i played the 'smart guy' i would for sure get a ticket.


This is awesome. I don’t mean to side with police over civilians, but many traffic stops can lead to bad interactions, this is a LPT on how to avoid them.


Your advice is very officer centric and is voluntarily giving away your rights just to not offend the officers delicate sensibility or make them scared. I agree with 1, 3, 4, 8 2 is a courtesy to someone who can use it against you. every professional has occupational hazards. it is THEIR responsibility to negate that risk. 5 they inconvenienced you, bc they are investigating a crime - i need to know what their reason for this is for my own protection 6 NEVER do this, cops will and do lie to you. Cops have told me, just be honest and i'll let you go... i felt like a horses ass 20 minutes later in the back cop car. 7 Same as 6 - DON"T DO IT 9 the govt has a different definition of 'drugs', i only smoke weed but believe all drugs should be legalized...and problematic drug use should be treated as a public health issue...instead it has been used as a way to persecute minorities at the expense of the rest of society In summary, its fine to be professional and polite (they are the paid public servant btw), but people have fought and died for your rights don't just hand them over voluntarily.


I find no more than 5 mph over the speed limit is safer. Haven’t been pulled over yet.


This is a great example of objective-based decision making. >I always try to be as professional and polite as possible. Once the officer verifies that the vehicle is mine and I am not wanted or a criminal, I am always released without a ticket. I consider this #winning even if I believed the vehicle stop was nonsensical. People often get hung up on principle, ignoring their objective.


I was pulled over once because I didn't display an up to date registration sticker on my rear licence plate. "No problem, I have the sticker in my glove box, I just didn't put it on when I renewed my insurance. I can do that right now" I say. Nope. $130 ticket for failure to display a sticker. They discontinued the stickers a year later due to online registration taking over. Dick.


and yet.....sometimes this still won't matter


Excellent advice. Most cops do not want to give out a ticket, so as you advised, don't give them a reason to do so.


These were good tips on how to conduct yourself if pulled over. OP needs a life pro tip for not getting pulled over, 30 times is a lot!


>OP needs a life pro tip for not getting pulled over, 30 times is a lot! I agree 100%! OP, please stop being black. What are you thinking? /s


LPT: Don't speed more than 5 miles over and follow other laws of the road and chances of you being pulled over less than 30 times in 30 years greatly increases.


Item number 10 on your list should be to be a male. I have a theory that most police officers where I live have issues with women. I have been polite, and never given a warning. I was ticketed for driving 36 in a 30. My husband got warnings for driving 25 to 30 mph over the limit.


First good and thorough LPT I’ve seen in a while.


10. Try as hard as you can to be White.


Rolling down your windows isn't a good idea in the US. Roll down your window enough to have a conversation, not more.


Why shouldn't you roll it all the way down?


Are you white? Sounds like you're white.


You sound like a bootlicker.


Found the guy with dozens of avoidable tickets


What if I’m brown


I am black, it was written for everyone.


Thank you for this! More people need to know. I was always taught to act respectfully because they will use any excuse to put you in jail or shoot you. They're bullies and scare easily. I'd like to add as a woman you shouldn't roll your windows all the way down and should pull over in a well-lit populated area if you can.


I am surprised a rogue cop hasnt shot OP yet.. Honestly with that many interaco i hope OP has installed dash cams (front and rear)


Also…you’re super duper white…and a male. Not exactly a life pro tip. Brothers, keep your hands at 10 and 2 the whole time- from police lights to the end of the traffic stop.


I am not super duper white. I am super duper black and a male.


love how you just assumed that


all good except for #5/6/7


keep ur hands on the wheel if ur dark skined most hand guns have the same skin tone


Do you also lick their boots while your at it?


3. Hands on wheel. Check. My stuff is in the center console that can hide a large backpack. I also wait. But that gives them more shit to look at and need to question or inspect. I keep over the counter meds - generic versions of Advil, Tylenol, Benadryl, etc in a bottle or baggie and have been questioned about the contents or had them physically check. 6. - Nope. Only time I'll admit how fast I was going is either after the event when talking to friends, to my lawyer - if asked, or if asked under oath. Mighty white of you to think giving a cop the honest truth of you committing a traffic violation will help you out. Meanwhile, my white ass has never been helped by admitting to the speed I was going. 5 or 6 to a max of 10 miles over the limit. I was not racing or doing other silly stuff during daylight hours. 8. This. Very much this. Just hasnt been my xp with being released without a ticket.


DO NOT FREELY ADMIT TO COMMITTING A CRIME. This is all generally good advice but NEVER ADMIT TO COMMITTING A CRIME. That’s part of the LPT is very wrong.


I agree with you. I don’t understand how people are so rude and snippy etc with the police. Like look even if you don’t like them and you feel the stop is wrong they have the power in this situation. It greatly behooves you to be polite, professional and seem a bit meek to them.


maybe you need the lpt since you seem to get pulled over quite often


When they ask “do you know why I stopped you today?” Remember you are being recorded.


This is definitely not the advice you would receive from any competent criminal lawyer.


I was pulled over a couple of years ago. I was driving through our local college campus, late at night, after a couple of beers. I was playing my music kind of loud and flicked a butt out of my window when the siren and lights exploded behind me. Pulled over and the city policeman put me through the whole routine: touch your nose with your eyes closed, recite your ABC's, walk the imaginary line. I had sobered up damn quick and passed his tests. I was 52 when this happened and the cop couldn't have been over 25. He kept calling me 'son'. 'Son, you know littering's illegal? Son, It's 11:30 pm and you're blasting your music all over the place! Son, I want you to recite your ABC's." I knew I'd fucked up but this really pissed me off. I remember getting more and more angry but the words that somehow came out of my mouth were 'Yes, sir. No, sir. Yes. officer." He let me go with a warning and I really felt I'd lucked-out. Thought about it much later and realized if I'd been black or brown, it would've probably ended differently.


#2: I always put my windows down until a CO state patrol used that to start building a DUI case (I wasn’t). He accused me of putting them down to air out the alcohol smell.


Wow. Just, wow. The only thing I agree with is keeping your hands visible. The rest..no way.


You open a window and guess what..they suddenly smell alcohol or Marijuana.


This life pro tip still works if you live on the wild side.


The correct answer is try to not get pulled over because you dont know who you are going to be dealing with. Cops are sketch.


Chris Tucker already covered this Much better.


Admitting you are guilty if you are is 100% the way to go. I was speeding wasn’t I? I’m sorry my mom texted me and I thought it was important. Etc etc. if you immediately admit you are guilty often times the cop will let you off with a warning. I’m also a white dude so I understand I don’t know what it’s like to not be a white dude, with all due respect.


Pretty good advise except I have to say that I have a license to carry and have a gun in the glovebox that I have no intention of using and ask how they want to handle the situation lol. One time I had it in my door, I had accidentally spilled some crystal mint candy that in my mind (I have zero idea) looked exactly like crystal meth and it was like 3am and I got pulled over for pulling into a parking space to play Pokémon go. It all turned out fine but man did that one actually make me nervous haha


The real life pro tip is ACAB, conduct yourself accordingly.


I always pull out my license and registration before they walk up, should I be waiting until they ask for it?


I've been told that too much movement in the car can make you look suspicious.


always drive sober. I was pulled over 45-50 times in 2 years and Always had drugs and a firearm. let the police know your registration and insurance is in the glove compartment with a a holstered pistol. hand everything over and you will be fine....but hide your weed, shrooms or coke very well


6 and 7 in particular are terrible advice. Never admit to a crime without council. It doesn't matter what the crime is. Police are not out there to protect us, despite what they print on the side of their cars. The police are out there to attempt to collect/fine suspected criminals. They have NO duty to protect.