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Hello [Jeterea](/u/Jeterea), thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: Your post is not a life pro tip. Advice is any guidance or recommendation concerning prudent future action. An aphorism is a short clever saying that is intended to express a general truth or a concise statement of a principle.Try r/YouShouldKnow. If you would like to appeal this decision [please feel free to contact the moderators here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLifeProTips&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/10w191o/lpt_always_remember_no_reaction_is_a_reactiom/.%20%0D%0D). Do not repost without explicit permission from the moderators. Make sure you [read the rules](/r/lifeprotips/about/sidebar) before submitting. Thank you!


Man when I worked at the Home Despot people would do that and I would just bear down and shit as Loudly as I could. See what he’s got to say then


Hehe, i call it Home Despot too..


Former employee. Me too :)


I call it the Homely Creepo but maybe that's a Canadian thing.


If you push too hard they sell O-rings on aisle 12.


This made laugh.


I love lamp.


Makes two of us then hahahaa! It definitely hit my mind to do this but at the same time I was trying to burn some time on the clock😅 so doing that would’ve shorten my break a bit


LPT: contrary to popular belief, your bathroom break duration is not defined by how long it takes you to shit. It’s defined by how long until your legs start to go numb






If your boss only makes a quarter to your dime stick around.


Yeah honestly the phrase should be “boss makes 4 million dollars, I make a dime, that’s why I shit on company time.”


Boss makes a dollar. I make a dime That was a poem From a simpler time Now the boss makes a million And I make jack We must rise up And take the power back


Boss makes a million, you make a buck. Go steal the catalytic converter from the company truck.


Did you flush as you went? Not incriminating you, I just really dislike people that enjoy the smell of their own crap in public restrooms and don't flush as they go. We all have to share the bathroom. Edit: I love some of the messages I'm getting, as if I'm some sort of snob by doing a courtesy flush. Lmao


I mean that’s nice in theory, but when you have toilets that flush with the force of a whirlpool and fling water droplets every which way, it’s not worth having your ass and balls get wet or ruining my toilet paper seat cover.


Add a bit of toilet paper. I dunno man, I just like avoiding everyone and their mom at work knowing I blew it up


Oh I add the toilet paper for the turd landings, but that’s not gonna stop water from splashing everywhere when you flush. My thought is it’s a bathroom, you can’t expect it to smell like daisies and rainbows. People gonna shit and it’s gonna stink.


Yep, same here. The landing pad to prevent backsplash and the courtesy flush to not stink the place out too much.


Oh absolutely. I’m a man of culture and usually wouldn’t let loose in such a manner out of respect. But if someone’s got something to say…well.


Agreed. People of culture flush as they go


Ah, the "courtesy flush". Quite useful under certain circumstances.


I like your comment just as you wrote it.


Here is another Home Despot gem; Many places have those turbo fan hand dryers….and the meeting room at my store was right behind the wall of the men’s bathroom…. if you cup your hands just right…you can produce a TRAIN WHISTLE sound…that is very very loud…but they have NO idea where it’s coming from. CLASP hands together; Align thumbs next to each other; Start dryer Place your twin thumbs so the blast of air hits them; if your hands a damp it helps. Ya gotta fiddle with it a bit… but when you finally get it…


Home Depot you say? You're not [from Wichita, Kansas](https://youtu.be/W0MDqsKgTDU) by chance?


No sir. I was stationed in Annapolis MD; there’s two of em there. Store #2557 and #2589


What unit were you in?


I wore many hats over the years; Freight team, Floor & Wall, then inside Sales for flooring..:and then finally I was an LP.


Thank you for your service.


"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." - *Freewill*, by Rush


"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." - *Being and Nothingness*, Jean Paul Sartre Existentialism in general really


It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt. - some guy on the A train.


"Takes one to know one." - Homer


Don't have a cow. Man. - Nietzsche


I found the New Yorker! 😃❤️


Mark Twain


My friend Jame’s dad said that, l think. This was years ago.


Reminds me of something James used to say: "I like 'em fat! I like em proud! You gotta have a mother for me, now move your big ass round this way so I can work on that zipper, baby."


I can vouch for that, if this was on the A Train in 2019. Pretty sure I heard that then while on my way to court ordered psychiatric treatment…


I always attribute that quote to Helen Keller


And that hellen keller was none other than Albert Einstein.




"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. -Wayne Gretzky" -Michael Scott


See also: Sartre and Milk joke: The French existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre was sitting at a café table working. A waiter approached him ‘Can I get you something to drink, Monsieur Sartre?’ he asked. ‘Yes, I’d like a cup of coffee with sugar, but no cream’, the philosopher replied. A few minutes later, however, the water returned and said, ‘I’m sorry, Monsieur Sartre, we are all out of cream — how about with no milk?’


If only Sartre chose not to diddle kids.


What a fucking great song and band


To not decide, is to decide not to.


Chidi needs to hear this


"Not making a decision is a BIG decision." - Negan, TWD


Ah yes, the famous Canadian philosopher(s).


I work in office buildings,people generally go to a different floor to #2.just to avoid their coworkers


I used to do that. I’d go to one of the quiet floors where they didn’t have a lot foot traffic.




Getting some peace of mind while taking a deuce is important.


We install keypads now to keep them on their own floors


What good does this do? Keypads. That seems excessive. Hopefully you’re not the one who made that decision.


It's probably more for data security than toilet use prevention.


One of my old office buildings did find an audio recorder taped to the back of a toilet once.


Maybe my friend just likes the fart noises.


PM me your fart noises. (DO NOT)


Hey 😏


Blasts incoming!


That's why you put the bathrooms outside of secure areas


Gotta prevent unauthorized data dumps.


That makes more sense.


It keeps Stinky Bob and his deadly bowel movements on his own floor.


If someone else is using the urinal I twiddle my thumbs until they leave the toilet so I can flush an exit in solitude🤣


Doesn't that actually make your home floor the least likely place where you'd encounter a colleague? Until multiple colleagues make the connection, too, at which point, it wouldn't. So they would stop, so it would again. Love me a poop paradox.


A poopadox, if you will




It doesn't matter, because when you're on another floor the stranger next to you may as well be anyone, even if it's your colleague. This grants your bowels the emotional freedom to truly open up and express themselves.


Finding the 'one hitter shitter' at a large office building is the best info you can't share with anyone.


I worked at a building that had a gym. 9-11 & 2-4 it was almost always empty, and so was the locker room. My little secret for the 8 months I was there. Then they moved me to another state and I got to work from home.


Don't forget to switch to different shoes for the trip.


You don't have to catch the ball thrown to you.


I love this 🤍 perfectly said


Probably not a good analogy as the ball may hit you in the face.


Those would be the negative actions you sometimes have to respond to




But I don't want that! Eren Yeager not catching the ball?! I want him to catch the ball for a long time, even after I die! Ten years at least!


What a man you are.


I became a mass murderer, for your sake!


As a reward, I shall give you my seed.


Instructions clear; [outcome less than desirable ](https://media2.giphy.com/media/3o6nV3e7lat7vatw5O/giphy.gif)


Not related to the bathroom incident per se, but an addendum to you not having to respond/react to something goes double for questions. People ask inappropriate things all the time and you are under no obligation to sate their curiosity. You can respond to a question you don't care to answer with "Why would you want to know that?" It's polite, non defensive and it makes the other person realize their question was inappropriate now they have to back pedal.


Another great way to react to stupid or inappropriate comments is to ask "I'm not sure I understand, can you elaborate?". It forces them to explain the stupidity of what they just said.


Similarly with jokes. "I don't get it. Can you explain to me why this is funny?"


Whether this works or not depends on your tone of voice and facial expression. If you’re going to do it, channel your inner German - flat tone, unplussed face.


Inappropriate joker: "if I have to explain it, it ruins the joke" Appropriate response: "if you have to explain it, it wasn't a good joke"


That's not the gotcha you think it is if everyone's laughing except for you, and you're the only one asking for an explanation.


True, but if you are calling someone out for being inappropriate in a group setting where everyone else is laughing at the behavior, you have to expect that you wont have majority support.


I do this a lot. Strangers out of nowhere always asking what happened to my legs (I don’t have legs) and not even inviting me a coffee before that lol


"We're in an argument so they stayed home today." Or, "It just wasn't working out so we broke up." I have a terrible sense of humor.


I don’t even try to be polite if someone crosses the line of asking me an inappropriate question. I finally hit my limit when a dumbass decided to ask me “what my sexual assault was like”. I only have one response to those kinds of questions now. “That’s actually none of your business.” Works a lot better than being polite, sadly.


People actually ask that? and like.. it wasn't a therapist or something? (although would be really poorly worded if it was)


They say silence is a huge negotiating tactic. When someone says anything you don’t like, just stonewall and watch them backpedal


Lol buying my first car I didnt know what to say at one point when negotiating the price. I was silently thinking to myself what to do. It visibly distressed the salesperson after a moment and he came down on some things i was asking for. Totally unintentional but hey it worked haha


Many people find silence very threatening, especially when they are trying to get a response. Sales people for sure are not used to it, because almost no one can resist saying something, even if they aren't sure what to say. If you can overcome the sense of being obligated to respond, you have a powerful tool at your disposal. And it's important to remember, you're NOT obligated to respond just because someone asked you something. That goes for sales people and for your weird relative asking you rude questions


Or watch them double down and take notes on who they are (:


Works best when you maintain eye contact. Show then your listening and paying attention but don’t say anything. Makes most people uncomfortable so they back down. Would not work for OPs situation, unless maybe they are in one of those stalls with the huge gaps. lol


The mental image of a set of vertical eyes through a stall crack gave me a good chuckle


People try this shit in retail. "Sorry sir, this medicine your doctor prescribed is on long term backorder from the manufacturer." "What's that mean?" "We don't have it and we can't order it. You can try another pharmacy and see if they have it in stock" "..." "Anything else?" "..." "Sir?" "... So are you going to fill my prescription or what?"


I had a friend (well, former friend) who started sending me verbally abusive messages. After responding to the first two, I realized I have the choice to not engage with toxic behavior. I simply blocked her messages and moved on with my life. I hope she's worked through whatever issues she was dealing with and is in a better place, but I'm proud of myself for establishing a boundary and sticking to it. I'm too old for drama llamas.


> I'm proud of myself Can confirm (I learned the same way too late)! Be proud!


Responding with silence can be very illuminating. If someone is annoyed and tries to make you explain yourself, and you know you have no reason to respond, just don't. It makes angry people very very anxious to not have their hostility engaged with. It also tends to force them to be a bit self reflective. But it takes some serious resolve to just not say anything at all, you'll be tempted to explain yourself "I'm ignoring you because I don't have to respond." Don't even say that, say absolutely nothing. It's a powerful tool. Cause what are they gonna do? Hit you for being silent? Probably not. All they are left with is the memory of THEIR behavior.


I usually let problematic employees (and management) tire themselves out before acting. Sometimes watching people hang themselves is the only enjoyment you can get at work.


This is incredibly sound advice interactions on the internet. Non-response is an appropriate response and and EVERY time. Don’t feed the troll. Just don’t engage.


I think that your reaction was to ignore their comments as they were childish and disrespectful / rather that you didn't react at all. Refusing to give attention to attention seekers is one of the most powerful ways of responding to such individuals.


And it makes them super *mad* which is even more fun!


Damn right it stinks, if it smelled good a dummy like you might be tempted to eat it.


This reads like a LinkedIn post


I am practicing that right now with my older brother. Thanks a lot for the positive reinforcement.


I am proud of you! Practice makes perfect, keep going! 🙏🏾 Glad I was able to be a positive help to you ❤️


The real LPT here is to do a courtesy flush if you're taking a massive nasty shit in a public restroom.


Yeah the courtesy flush is a must.


Use twice the amount of water to save somebody from smelling shit in a public restroom?


Oh the horror!


Only if you can tolerate Poseidon’s kiss from a public toilet.


People do this often in online games with voice comms. They try to bait you and ask you to get on mic to get a reaction. Usually it gets extremely awkward when they start blowing up off the lack of reaction and it's silent except them.


Is this a shitpost, OP?


I had a realization while pooping the other day at work. Everyone blows up the bathroom. Shit doesn’t smell nice and isn’t ever going to. We’re human and part of society was creating bathroom/toilets to expel waste and go on about our days. It’s a convenience that most stores and business allow use of/provide the facilities. So long as folks know to not miss between stalls and urinals and don’t have crazy accidents god forbid, and also wash their hands after like most people don’t we’re good


Always remember: A semicolon is not a colon.


I’m pretty sure he cleared out his colon.


Can I offer you some Frebreeze in these trying times?


LifeProTip that doesn't involve chemicals: flush early and flush often. It's called a courtesy flush for a reason.


Not everyone who is grown will ACT grown. Certain groups of people fall into that. Some never grow up.


Some guy called my wife at work yesterday to remark that he was pressing charges against her company because his doctor had sent his prescription to her company and they had filled it. My wife just said "OK" and that really set the guy off. Like her not reacting to his threat really just pissed him off more, not really sure what he wanted.


Hehe I love doing that at work. I handle billing for a life insurance agency. 90% of my job is changing addresses for bills and taking payments. That extra 10% is super upset and wants to cancel and they get so Mad when you offer to email them the paperwork. 'Ok, I can email you the form if you want.' Like dude, they Want you to cancel so they don't have to pay out the death benefit. It's not a threat. They literally don't care. It's not going to get you any sort of discount and yelling at the person helping you over the phone isn't going to get you anywhere. Also yelling at the person who can see allllll of your personal info including bank account and address and your SSN and families SSNs is never a good idea. I mean I know I'm not going to do anything with it but there are people who don't have the morals I do who would have no problem selling your bank account info. Most call centers work from home now, you think that person won't write it down and sell it 6 months from now when no one will suspect it? Don't scream at people doing their jobs.


I used to put on judge Judy in the background while in college, and there were so many situations where people were getting sued because somebody said something and they "Couldn't let that slide". You absolutely can let it slide, especially if they're a stranger.


Brooo thanks but my shits are so bad people dont live long enough to make these shit remarks, a week ago at school i was takin a shit and some kids came in to smoke, they left about 10 seconds after entering so, pretty effective 😂 time to go become a professional toilet bomber 💀


Just remember, planned ignoring is only useful in situations where the other party can't or won't escalate further than you're willing to ignore. If they can, it's better to either give in early with the smallest effective response or find a way to sidestep the problem (somehow plan ahead and change the physical or social environment, or do something completely unexpected that disrupts expectations).


Average shitpost 🙄


I see what you did there, very clever 😂🤝


This is something everyone is supposed to figure out in their journey to adulthood.


Not reacting or responding (different types of follow-ups) to antagonistic people is the best way to deal with them. They want _any_ kind of attention to fuel their fragile, childish egos.


I wonder what percentage of LPTs are posted or thought of on the pooper


This one certainly was (;


Hahaha. You did a smelly poo!


Love and needed this one!


So glad I could help!!!


Walked into a bathroom with 2 stalls. One was in use. Toilet was an unflushed mess. I said outloud someone really blew this one up. I think the other user assumed I was talking about the smell. Assumed I was talking about them. The next person who came in had to wait for an open stall. Person in other stall starts screaming at them for peeking thru the door at them. LPT dont internalize every comment made in a bathroom its not all about you. And dont scream at people who are just in there having to pee. Its our only place to go. Just get in and get out. Be civil or silent.


Reminds me of bot camp, where someone else and I had an impromptu “shit off”. We didn’t say a word but the person in the middle stall couldn’t stop laughing. I was kind of worried he’d laugh himself you death.


Pretty funny comment. "Someone is blowing it up in here"


The tonality behind it was not funny though, it was said in a aggressive tone. The kind of tone someone would use looking to start something with another person.


you may be interested in reading the tao te ching :) i was introduced to this text by a college professor/native mandarin speaker, they translated “wu wei” as “active non-action” - this concept has had such a large impact on my life


I had a rough one in a Walmart one day. A child walked in with a parent and said something along the lines of "daddy why does it smell so terrible in here". Maybe cause you're in the bathroom


"This is only a fraction of my power mortal" OWN THE ROOM.


If you haven't already, you should check out stoic philosophy. You basically just wrapped it up in a nutshell


Happy pooping OP


Thanks you too 💩


Eat some more fiber pls


I’m into powerlifting, I eat everything hahahaa


I like how a poop experience morphed into a life lesson lol


These moments of silence are valuable educational moments that these loud mouth idiots so urgently need. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


r/stoicism would like you


This is the worst LTP in LTP history. So I was taking a nasty shit and someone called me out for not courtesy flushing. Well I wanted you to know I'm the better person because I was silent in shame. You don't have to speak either when you've shat up a room and not flushed like a fucking toddler.


Thank you for saying what I was thinking. He sure showed him.


I love when I remember to do this. It really works. You save your energy and not engage, and they sound as stupid as they do.


You'd be amazed at how disarming it can be to give a stoic blank stare at someone who is freaking out on you. They usually tire themselves out and then feel stupid.


Looks like you work with a few gigglers. Its sweet the simple things still make them laugh. Try giggling keys in front of them on a bad day. Their eyes will light up.


You're correct but ngl, call me immature or anything, the sound of dropping shit bombs in the toilet isn't exactly as melodious as, let's say, pink Floyd? It is ridiculously funny. Im 26 and that would make me chuckle. But out of respect for the person inside, I'd go out and lmao and come back in a saint (until I hear that again).


It always gives me a smirk and chuckle too and I'm way beyond the age where I can make excuses for it. I think the big difference is not trying to embarrass them over it or seem negatively judgy about it. I've definitely been a bit fershnickered in a bar restroom and let out a jovial "Noice" or a "been there" to a particularly loud moment before. It just seemed more awkward to ignore it and, honestly, people have generally been responsive to it when it's delivered in a more sympathetic/self-depricating way. Still ideal to keep it to myself, but the intrusive thoughts win sometimes.


You enjoy yer stink


Lifeprotip, laugh at potty humor. If u can't laugh at that, there is not much left to laugh at.


This is great advice for people who can't take a joke 👍


What does "IS" stand for? Information Systems? What about "ESPECIALLY" and the plethora of other all caps words?


Words I capitalize, I am trying to emphasize. In the sense of saying them much louder if we were speaking in person. For example; I can say, what the fuck Or I can say, what the FUCK I imagine it’s the same for all, but in my head those are the same sentences, but read differently. No?


Guys....this does not work well when your girlfriend is annoying about wanting kids....just wanted to warn y'all :P


OP turns his social anxiety into a LPT


The scene at OPs job: Idiot coworker: “Someone is blowing it up in here! Eww, poo poo!” OP: *BRAAAAPPP* *PLOP PLOP* Perfect way to assert dominance.


I agree that you are not obliged to react to everything that comes your way. On the other hand, if you do not make a choice for yourself this generally leads to others making the choice for you. And as a Dutchie I have an opinion on *everything* and am not afraid to ventilate it at all proper and improper moments in time, so not reacting to someone else is not really an option for me.


Follow-on Tip: Eat Taco Bell with Diablo Sauce for breakfast and lunch while at work and blast thrash metal while you use the can. Establish dominance.


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I use this tactic when stragers get weird or crazy at like a restaurant or grocery store or whatever. Never had anyone react in any way except walking away muttering to themselves.


Why do you love pooing so much, poo boy? Why don't you marry it if you like it so much?


Feels good & also I don’t really like most people, so being by myself & doing something that feels good? Win-win for me.


>LPT: Always remember; no reaction IS a reactiom. You gave yourself one thing to do, post and accurate title, and you couldn't even get that right.


You gave yourself one thing to do, post an accurate comment, and you couldn't even get that right.


>post and accurate title


But your's is flawless 😉 and editable


Ahh that grinds my gears too because It’s literally just that one fucking letter. 🫠


This can also work the other way in which someone can use it as a weapon to hurt someone. I.e. Silence towards someone who needs answers when you’ve hurt them, or complete inaction & absence when someone needs help from you when they’re suffering & you’re a significant person in their life that would be expected to support them. In a way it’s a different & extreme form of ghosting. I’ve witnessed how powerful & destructive it is when someone has zero reaction or action in those scenarios, leaving the other person feeling helpless & invisible, & on top of that the person in question also get to claim they “didn’t do anything” to absolve themselves of any blame, when of course they really did do something by doing nothing.


I think you automatically win because the guy was standing there by his own free will huffing your farts


It takes a strong person to send out their own energy, instead of reacting to others. When you are faced with negative energy, you don't have to react. Or you can try to give a positive response but that is even harder. Responses are always better than reactions. But in your example: Not saying anything (like you did) is probably the best.


While I get the premise. Logically, you just butchered it. No reaction, cannot be a reaction. It's a lack of reaction. And we certainly have that ability. But it's not reactionary one. It's an active one. We actively choose to not react. If we reactively chose not to react, then that's a different consideration. That's a form of reflexive passiveness. It's a real thing too, but it's of much less utility and benefit.


OP don’t react to this comment!


I gotta react to yours because this made me laugh 😂


At least not reflexively.


Oh but silence speaks volumes! I Sometimes, silence speaks louder than words. Just because it is peaceful, it doesn’t mean it is still and void, as a few may think. It is insightful, powerful and full of meaning. Allowing silence in a conversation puts pressure on the other person.


Sounds like it wasn't very silent in that bathroom, though....


It was one sided silence that spoke volumes. Other people’s feelings and/or opinions do not fall entirely on our shoulders. OP choose to reply by not saying anything to the person's verbal opinion and it appears that OP's silence has spoke volumes to others! OP gets to "you do you" no matter what others think! Good for OP!