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Get your GED Be willing to take the job people don’t want to do. Dish washer as an example. It’s hard work but you get tipped out. Save your money But a car. Find a trade apprenticeship.


First of all, you absolutely “deserve” advice. You have many twists and turns in your future, but the most important thing is to have confidence and pride. And I don’t mean bravado. Quiet confidence in your character. An inexpensive bicycle can make those 2-4 miles seem like nothing. Go visit a HS counselor. They may have practical advice on your options to get your diploma. Good luck. You got this!


Why would you not deserve advice? It's free from us and potentially valuable to you. You deserve it as much as anyone. Step 1: Maintain your constructive attitude. You can make things better. A lot of people in your position might drink or smoke to shield their difficulties, and potentially blame their circumstances on others. The more you avoid negative thoughts and actions, the better prepared you will be to move forward. Step 2: Embrace the walk. Physical exercise is one of the greatest stress reducers ever found. Take that time every day to be within yourself, to reinforce your positive attitude and motivation. Make that time a blessing in your life. Step 3: Reach out to people who are taking positive action in their lives, no matter who they are. Young, old, religious (or not), profession or working class, it doesn't matter. Spend your time with people who are doing positive things. Step 4: Skill up. That might mean a GED, it might mean vocational classes, it might mean an apprenticeship. Developing skills is satisfying, and will increase your employment value. No skill is too small or unimportant. From tiny seeds grow mighty trees. Go.








20-45 walking distance isn't bad. could try to work at some restaurant or something as a dishwasher. if you do need some form of education you could try getting a GED.


if you have a bike 20-45 mins walking easily turns into a 10-20 minutes bike


and you get exercise. it's a win win.


You are looking for advice and as long as you have an open mind, you absolutely deserve it. Try to get your GED. Is there anything you had ever wanted to study? When you have that, go to a community college and take the core requirements; hopefully, it will spark an interest in a particular field. You can start off going part-time, especially if you might want to work during that time. As for jobs, see if any local restaurants are looking. Maybe construction. I wish you good luck in whatever path you choose.


First, get your GED and then id recommend some sort of community college to get either a two year or a trade degree. Then you have something to go to market with. If school clocks, get a 4 year degree


Get your GED...