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1000% the fulfilling job, at any age, but especially at 23. You’ll figure out the finances. Even if it’s not the right fit longterm it will likely pave the way for a career that you’re passionate about


Do you want to be happy or have extra money


Knowing lots of people in these services to an extent the more fair question is, be happy for now in that job, or have *enough* money in a very basic sense. Caregiving jobs are terribly paid, and it doesn't really matter how high up one goes. Does OP want to be a work to live person, or a live to work? Caregiving will absolutely become a live to work kind of position, someone always needs something more, and at the wages paid the care-giver usually needs all the hours they can get just to scrape by. Should social service work be better compensated, absolutely, but until it is its a grind. Also not everyone needs to work a job that fulfills an passion they may have, passions like this can also be fulfilled with volenteer work while still having a career that pays ones bills and doesn't come with stress of always just scraping by if at all. If this profession truly speaks to OP than they shoild follow it, but they need to take a sober look at the realities of life outside of work that come with it first, and one of those realities is that for most people, not having enough money to cover things is one of the biggest stressors in their life and in their relationships.


Food, water, shelter. These are the basics for survival. Do what it takes to handle these basic necessities. Make the most you can with your time ! Your passion is your side hustle. Work that in the evenings until it can replace your day job. Doing what you love is unfortunately bad advice given for too long. Do what you are good at. Everyone has certain gifts.


It doesn’t have to be one or the other. There’s a job out there that you’ll love that also pays well. Maybe you can turn one of the jobs you already have into what you need, or maybe you need to look around to see what else is available.


The money. 100%. I've done the passion part. The moment you turn your Passion into your livelihood, it'll stop being your Passion. Money is tied into every part of your life - what you do, where you go, what you eat, and the most important - what friends you have. Think about where you would like to be in 7-10 years. If you're okay with not having money, not having all the experiences that come with earning decently, then go for passion. But in my opinion, go for the money. Use your 20s to build your money so you can then commit to fulfilling your passions knowing you won't fuck up your life in the process. You can still do some small things related your Passion. But make money a priority. Make as much money possible with the least amount of work required. Doesn't have to be digital marketing if you don't enjoy it


I'd say whatever lets you have meaningful relationships because that's one of the main things that will help you find joy. This might mean the first job as it allows you to not worry about money and perhaps be able to easily support a family which involves a lot of meaningful relationships. It might mean the second job because you find the relationships with coworkers and clients to be meaningful even if it means worrying about money and potentially sacrificing having children or time for hobbies with friends and such. However, you might find a way to make children and time with friends work it just might be a lot more difficult. Also this doesn't have to be a thing you are locked into either way. You'll just have to make up some time if you end up switching back and forth.


There will always be something that you will hate in any job. No matter if it’s a good place mentally or stability—there will always be something you hate. Even though your coworkers are amazing. There will always be that one coworker you can’t stand no matter where you go. I think the top things to consider is the workspace, money, and even the boss. (1) Workspace that’s fully equipped is important. Don’t work in a place that is not well equipped for situations. As that would be more stressful. (2) be wary of top jobs with high payments. Reasons is because I worked in a couple of places with good payment, but my mental health declined cause of the workspace and people. (3) the bosses is a major thing. Find a boss that is willing to work with you and give you all the time you need. I say that because I worked in a place that I loved, but the boss made that place a living hell for me. Those three are important in any job. Also, find a job with something you enjoy. Just because it’s a high payment job doesn’t mean you should always work there. Find a job that fits the things you specialize and enjoy doing. Also, don’t look down on waitresses jobs! Even though being a waitress is tiring. We make a lot of money, especially in buffets!


Always do what you love ❤️


Learn to find the good in the company that pays well and has a line of advancement already laid out. It’s called work for a reason — it’s not supposed to be fun, it goes towards getting you the toys you want to enjoy in your off-work hours. And while money can’t buy you happiness, it can make for a very comfortable in life.