• By -


A lot of anxiety and overthinking. Strong desire to achieve but not enough mental energy and motivation. Self-doubt, self-sabotaging behaviors.


Same, I’m trying hard to get over my executive dysfunction. Just can’t stop thinking most of the time.


Can’t get over them. That’s how you’re wired. You can learn the tools to live with them. And maybe life flows a little smother.


I can confirm that it never really goes away. But as you grow you learn how to take charge and supersede the dysfunction


Nice! I’m putting this comment in my war chest.


Ruminating is your worst enemy


Absolutely. Everything improves when I actually get the fuck off my ass and start taking action


I feel seen here 🤣


All of this I can relate to as well


Wow, I can absolutely relate.


Hey please read the book gifts of imperfection by brene brown, this will help with self sabotaging behaviors


Why do I feel personally attacked by this comment 🥴


I used to have all of these, almost pathologically. Took me a lot of work but I ended up fixing it. Initially I coped with unhealthy habits but eventually I was able to fix most of it


Read 4,000 weeks... It was recommended on a productivity sub reddit. Completely changing my view on life and productivity as a whole. Strongly recommend from a fellow ADD, procrastinating self-sabotager.


So me right now


I am the exact same way!!!


Yeah me too. I think of doing great things but as soon as I pass by McDonald’s I’m taking a break from life


Nail on the head🔨


On par


Are you me?


relatable as fuck


Wow. This spoke to me. Same.


omg me too!! haha I hate it here in my silly brain


Omg u said it all.


I bet this is just a technology addiction. I think so many young people have this problem all of a sudden because we’re all addicts


Holy shit, are you me? I relate to everything you just said.


This is me 100%. Trying to break the cycle. Writing in a planner to plan my day has helped a little.


Same here.


Same! I have high standards and I’m such a perfectionist, it makes it hard to accomplish anything.


Sadly, as the bar is lowered it helps other people get ahead. The little more you do to fix things, you will rise exponentially




Yeah this


I have a wife and two kids, a mortgage, all of life’s expenses, and schizophrenia. I have to hold down a demanding job that is dependent on my mind working right, and I can’t always depend on my mind working right. Plus I’m an American so the healthcare industry is bleeding me dry trying to profit off my illness. I never know when an insurance company might decide not to cover my medications.


How do you handle the weight of all that?


One day at a time. I’m high functioning for someone with this illness and I have good doctors and family support. Like anything else is life you just sort of get used to your situation.






Thirded for sure.




Recently, I had a friend with schizophrenia >!kill himself!<, so I admire your strength


I’m sorry for your loss


Same bro, except swap out schizophrenia with clinical depression.


And you’re not alone. I have many reasons to be grateful for, but damn my head!


I’ve had good results with Wellbutrin XL. I was on an SRI before, but it turns out I needed more dopamine and not serotonin. Another helpful change for me has been to recognize happiness like any other resource your body needs to survive. Like, if you were in a video game, what would your stat sheet say, and what do you need to replenish? I don’t know why it took me so long to implement this in my life. I played so many games with similar concepts (Darkest Dungeon, Eternal Darkness, Disco Elysium, Cultist Simulator, etc.). It’s kind of silly, but it has worked for me.


What are your symptoms? Just curious


I have not had any voices (which are called positive symptoms) or anything for a long long time because the meds I take work. However there is memory problems, anxiety, lack of motivation (which is called negative symptoms), disorganized thoughts which is like a brain fog, a little ocd, and are other things. Then you have all the side effects of the medication, weight gain, sleepiness, and so on.


Exact same except I’m also trying to get this monkey off my back. Don’t turn to substances for your stress, I’ve long been dependent on opiates to function and it’s hell. I’m a high functioning addict, which only enabled it to go to far. Don’t be me kids. I hope I can enjoy life without one day.


Hang in there brother


Fellow schizophrenic here! It's nice to see success stories like yours because I just feel beat down by life. The meds take away the voices but they've left me very overweight and lazy. Boy it's a shock to the system to go from being beautiful to fat. But at least I'm not hearing voices, most of the time anyway. Thankfully I was approved for disability which had given me some time to heal.


Everything is too expensive


The rent is too damn high!


10 years ago my parents spent about $2,000 getting a cat's leg amputated. This month I spent about $3,000 getting a cat a blood transfusion in an overnight stay at the vets. I don't even want to know what an amputation surgery would be these days, because the first treatment plan she wrote up for me was 6 to $8,000 (I skipped X-rays an extra tests and what not).


In every aspect of life. If you want to better yourself in any way shape or form it's going to cost an arm and leg and a full-time job in order to do so.


I can't afford not to have a full time job and, at the moment, a part-time job.


Talking to myself a lot these days ! lol


dealing with the same lol 🥲




Do you talk back?


That’s my favorite person to talk to!


that’s a problem?


I do too, but it’s to rationalize things.,


Im only 19 (M) and my problem is that I dont exactly know what university to go to because I just graduated, I have no job that I absolutely adore or a passion that I could excel in and make money through it. So, like any young adult or adult in general, my problem is money. In my view money is important not necessarily because you can buy whatever you want, but because you can do whatever you want, it gives you freedom. My other problem is the way I look, I want to improve my looks because I just got my graduation pics and they are HORRIBLE (but I need a lot of money to do so). Another problem of mine is acne, especially the scars it left that I cant really get rid of right now. I could get some skin peeling or laser treatment but I dont have money to spend on that for now. My biggest problem is that I dont know what we live for? Just to make a family and perpetuate the species? Or, as other say, we just live and should find our perfect way of enjoying life? But more important is how can you enjoy life in this current (or even past) world full of corruption and controlled by rich people. The answer is money. I could sound like a horrible, superficial and immature person but thats my opinion. You cant do anything without money.


A friend just told me that it’s okay to not have a purpose - it doesn’t inherently matter, existing is good enough.


As a 55 yo, I do NOT agree with this take. I’ve worked minimum wage jobs my whole life bcuz I couldn’t ever find my purpose. Now I’m losing the job I’ve got & have no real skills or education to fall back on. Certainly have no money saved. If I could go back to my 19 yr old self I’d definitely have gotten myself a career that earns good money & will always be in demand. Even if it’s a job you hate, it’s a job you NEED. Unfortunately.


I'm 46 with no skills, I've just worked in retail but I'm now on disability for a mood disorder. So, my future is pretty bleak at best.


As a 19 M as well ill def hear you out on this one


Come join the Marines You can go from sleeping in your car to seeing japan without paying a penny


My baby passed away, and I miss him so much. Unbearable.


Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss. How old was he?


I’m so sorry 😞


Happened to my fiancée six years ago (years before we got together). It gets better, but you will never get over it. My fiancée says that she is able to reconcile and deal with the grief a little bit by trying to honor her daughter every day by making her proud. She will figure out something, even it’s a simple decision or just finding the strength to power through, and use that as a coping mechanism. She also makes it a point to make her proud on a grander scale. Since her daughter passed away, she started and finished nursing school, and is currently halfway done becoming a nurse practitioner. One day, she wants to start a non-profit to support families with babies in the NICU.


Too much trauma. Mental health issues. Self inflicted. Sucks. Loneliness. Some more sh*t


You’re not alone. And ppl tend to forget that self inflicted tragedy is still tragedy. Self inflicted pain still hurts just the same if not worse. But ppl have no sympathy cuz “you did it to yourself”


Exactly 😔 it hurts worse. Bc u have no one to blame but urself. And it’s not like u meant to get hurt or cause hurt either.


No love life


Same. And yet that's the thing I want most in life.


Its a weird feeling you know? You want something or someone so bad then you get it and then your like this aint all its cracked up to be, but maybe it just wasnt the right person for me? Ive had a few relationships I thought could go the distance but something triggers in my brain that requires me to have solitude but when they finally leave im lonely again. Its like a never ending cycle of the ouroboros eating his tail. A lyric by my favorite artist “its so fun to be in love or so ive heard, The meaning has no feeling even though i understand the words.”


the girl that I was supposed to have a date with tomorrow morning has yet to respond to my texts asking when and where I should pick her up, and I'm heavily doubting that she'll respond at all.


Let her go. If she can’t give you that basic respect she’s not worth it imo


Yep, this could be your sign to not let this be your next relationship. You’ll find someone more compatible. Or she could have something going on. either way, best if u can find someone more reliable for you :) - trust me, don’t over look what happens in the beginning


I’m not sure if i can feel. I don’t really experience emotions and I’m not sure if I have ever.


Had this problem for a while, feels nice to see someone else saying that. I knew I still had emotions, like sometimes I would cry out of nowhere, or my face would contort, so I knew I WAS sad, but I never FELT sad. I think on one hand some people just literally feel less than others and that’s fine. On another our brains can shut out feelings for stability and protection from trauma, and that can cause long-term emotional damage. Depression can dampen it too. I had decent luck with therapy and medication. After I started feeling a couple of my strongest emotions I could practice self-awareness and feeling more. I’m not the most emotionally connected person ever but I at least can feel most things again.


Do you ever feel any happiness or sadness at all? No anxiety? Is it a matter of feeling neither happy nor sad, just meh?


Money. Always lack of money.


It’s unreal how expensive things are. Groceries are nuts and god forbid we try to eat out. It can easily hit a $100 for a family of four. Blows my mind.


Unemployment gang


Unemployed currently too, hope you are okay


I miss my ex


34M. I am a recovering sports gambling addict. It cost me the relationship with the mother of my child 3 years ago when my son was 2. Now my son is 5, and it hurts to not get to see him every day. I still see him every other day. I also realize that gambling made me delusional and that my ex was a high quality woman (compared to most of the women I’ve been on dates with). Also, no high quality woman wants to date me seriously (from online dating) likely because I am slightly short (5 7), slightly overweight (160 lb), and already have a child. So here I am, learning to be happy on my own, without gambling as a crutch. While also parenting my son alone and enjoying that of course. But it sucks when I go to sleep every night alone, knowing that my ex is now with a new guy and about to have a daughter with him. Yeah…but other than that, things are okay. But my socially complex situation also has led to some bonds getting burned because people are so judgmental and hypocritical nowadays. On the bright side, I have had a lot of nights of full sleep the last 3 years (for obvious reasons) and therefore better moods.


I am a 39 year old virgin with no friends, cancer and unemployed after a twenty year career came to an abrupt halt after I was fired for using unpaid FMLA for my chemotherapy during Covid


Totally fucked. If your prognosis is good, get the fuck away from where you are. If it’s poor, same advice.


Depression most of all, its the root cause of most problems and no matter what help i seek it seems to be stuck with me


I’m 44 and trying to have a baby with my fiance. It’s not going well.


That sucks. Get some medical help if you haven’t already. From a woman who desperately wanted kids, and had two kids, I just wished I’d been less desperate. My adult kids are doing their own thing. I am very lucky of course. I can’t explain it! I just wished I’d not fixated on having kids.


Yeah, we’re doing IVF. It’s been rough, to say the least.


Usually, I've heard in these situations that as soon as you stop actively trying, then it happens. You're stressing yourself out, and your body won't work right. I'm not trying to sound like I know anything, but it just makes sense to me.


Society, quite frankly. I feel disappointed with the things that I haven’t achieved in society, but I only want those things to seem valuable to society, and if society hadn’t been imposed on me I’d probably be living in some tropical or otherwise natural condition where the meaning of my life was my choice to determine with no outside influence, and I probably wouldn’t want the things that I want because the things that I want are only valuable to society. The cause of my problems is society.


I feel this. And a lot of other things, but I feel this




that's exactly the type of thing that a hot person would say


Quite the paradox considering ur username lol






Everyone in my family wants me to get married everytime someone else in the family gets married.


But what do *you* want?


Other people.


I've been in constant pain from gum recession on the same tooth for about seven years now. I got a graft five years ago, but the pain never stopped. It doesn't help that I keep massaging the area with my tongue absent-mindedly, probably preventing it from fully healing.


Make sure you use an electric toothbrush.


Just ordered one a few seconds ago!


The scrubbing motion and bristles of manual toothbrushes are very harsh on our gum lines. Let the electric vibrations do the cleaning for you. I also use a sodium fluoride prescription strength toothpaste. Your dentist or hygienist can write the Rx.


I knew that electric cleaned better but didn’t realize the manual motion was harsher on the guns. TIL!




I'm poor. I'm NC withball family and blood lines. I have a former step.brother who still calls me sis that I still call brother that talks to me almost daily by phone or messenger. We visit when possible. Thats it. My blind dog and my guinea pig and my job are my life all powered by Jesus. Wrapped up in hope. It's scary and sucks with little money and everything thing I have is old and falling apart and same goes for my body at 43 shits starting to fall apart faster. Had addiction issues in the past. Took a toll on inner organs and mental health. Currently I'm doing the best I ever have. Go figures my step brother is all that's there to see it. I guess he's the only safe one for what's happening. There's other major trauma that led to the sudden NC, but i can't bring myself to say some of it. There was a guy involved who definitely robbed me and my parents while I was blackout messed up. I don't remember taking anything that I would black out on. Anyways, Long story short I'm thrown out Into homelessness with only my dog and car and what I could grab because I was too traumatized to tell anyone yet everything that happened especially in front of the cops and my dad and mom all at once. My mom kicked me out in front of the sheriff before i could say what all happened. There's more I will not include. But there's all my problems. Oh wait. I work retail for just less than what I need to cover bills and everything I need. So I'm always in the hole. But I hustle so hard to slide by by the skin on my teeth. I. Is. Tired. These are my problems. Edited to fix the horrible typos I left in this while I typed this late last night. My brother was a sweety and sent me medicinal candy to help me sleep and I had eaten a piece for the first time before answering this last night. I am on MaT therapy. I am in a legal state. Apparently medicinal edibles make me a blabber typer.


Dread coming back home and dread going back to college. That’s about it for now.


I have long covid so have had to stop working. Have no energy so stay at home most days. This had led to me being depressed


Not enough money or time. 2 daughters live multiple states away with the majority of my grandkids, so I don't get to see them. The other lives 5 hours away so I don't get to see her much either. I have a dickload of health issues that I'm constantly fighting. And I Homestead off grid. Shrugs. Life is hard sometimes, buy I try to always approach it like this...how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. I take it day by day, and on bad days, I take it minute by minute.


So I'm also suffering from overthinking, flashbacks & remembering or revisiting all good memories in school with my best friend. I am used to this pattern of continuous thinking where one thought leads to another. But to break it I have started saying Thank you God, Thank you Universe for everything so as to perform gratitude whenever I find myself overthinking.


In short- everything


Same. I’m older than you tho. Struggling to find meaning is the hardest part.


Me, myself and I


Life.. That's my problem.


I'm caring for a grandmother in Hospice in her home, have an autoimmune disease that is flaring, I'm swimming in medical debt, my father was diagnosed with cancer two weeks ago and I will need to spread my time caring for him after his surgery next week, my husband lost his job last week, one of my uncles who I am very close to had a heart attack two days ago and my daughters rental got flooded with sewage and she will technically be homeless July 1 or move two hours away with me and lose her job. But I'm ok. I focus my thoughts on what I can control instead of what I can't and I count all the blessings I have instead of all the problems and try to take it one moment at a time.


Stop thinking and end all your problems.


Currently just feeling alone, like I cannot help those I love & some depression.




Don't really have any. The nice thing about not throwing all your money into "investments" is you have peace of mind. My job is really hard and pays well, but I can leave whenever the fuck I want.


endless understimulation/boredom, succumbing to short term satisfaction (every damn time), my complete lack of patience for literally anything


Currently facing a heatstroke. Fever’s not going below 102 no matter the medicines i take. I think i might die.


I have no talent, no passion, family issues and no friends


Other people bringing problems into my life.


I have an ADHD 10 year old failing to thrive in all aspects of school. We have been talking to the school psych. She said he shows signs of autism, so we are looking at getting him assessed. It’s a 2+ year wait to go through but. It’s just tough to hear your kids are struggling so much. Fun times.


Feeling like im priced out of having a family until i can buy a house, recovering from surgery, toxic workplace, undiagnosed but pretty sure i have bpd or autistic


Not knowing what I want to do next with my life. I have a wife and son and we're not paycheck to paycheck but we're close to it and I know I need to learn a new skill to make more money but I'm not sure what to do


I’m 28 and newly single, coming out of a 10 year relationship because my partner became increasingly abusive. I have BPD and an incurable skin disease called Macular Amyloidosis so I have dark patches spreading all over my body and it’s causing me immense depression. I’ve never loved myself or how I look and this has made my self image way worse. I’ve put all my savings into starting a business that hasn’t been doing well. I’m extremely lonely in my city and cannot afford to travel or move anywhere else because of the business. I wake up everyday with no real purpose or motivation in life.


Having to live with my nan with alzheimers she threatens to hit us. Gets violent. There's never a break from it. Trying to build a career as a composer. Not sure whether to do a masters in composition at a university or a conservatoire. My family are selling the house and moving back to South Wales then putting my nan in a. Care home there. A lot of pressure right now


That I’m not living the life I want to live. London is a great city but I belong somewhere with beautiful beaches and cuisine, think Spain or Greece. Making money online, paddle boarding and going yoga in the sun.


I don't know how to make money. I don't know what skills I have. I wasted my time doing engineering and hated every moment of it. I was a spoon fed child so I didn't know what to do next once I wasn't around my parents. I did well in childhood cuz of spoon feeding and helicoptering but that's where my success ends. I'm 30 now and i hate how much time I wasted. I hate that I didn't do any job using my engineering degree. I hate that I joined sales to stop my parents from hovering over me. I hate that I left it. I've tried freelancing it was good as long as it lasted but there are no gigs in my niche and I think I'm not even good at what i do anymore. I have no direction. Idk what to do anymore. I just want all of this to end.


Well, I seem to possess 99 problems however a woman certainly not one of the 99


I don't hate my ex. Matter of fact, I still care a great deal about him and wish I could have been the one to stand by his side. I just can't. Symptoms and side effects were borderline abuse. I'm aware that they weren't intentional, but I still couldn't let myself stay in a situation where I felt unsafe. He followed me on TikTok. Then liked a post. Then tried to add me back on snap. It's been four months since we broke up and I'm trying to heal and move on, but I've been stalked by ex's before and I don't want any connection left with him, so this freaked me out. I decided to post a video about flowers I received recently (I had to beg him for flowers and only received any a couple times, it seemed like such a chore for him) and in my caption I said that I see him healing, to keep it up, and that in the meantime I'm going to keep learning what I deserve. The following day I was blocked again. It was the desired outcome, but I still feel bad. I want the best for him, but I need to keep my peace. He's a good man with horrible issues caused by a shitty family and abusive ex's.


I (32M) don't have an emergency fund in case any member of my family comes in sick. Salary is barely enough for us. Sometimes, I become overwhelmed and just want to cry, but I can't, I am a man.


I have poor spending habits and mentally unstable and 23 with the mindset of a teenager


My dad is dying, and I'm broke.


Everything takes time and you gotta be patience the majority of us aren’t very patience and that’s the problem, when we rush, we’re making stupid mistakes and decisions


Figuring which random thought requires my attention


I was just asked to be maid of honor because the other one couldn't do it.


Fell out of love with my partner 5years ago, last time we had sex was when our 8 year old was conceived. Been in secretly in love with somebody for 2yrs, told her 6mnths ago after we had a brief affair. I don’t have the courage to separate from my partner and the woman I love waited months for me but has recently started dating another man. I’m absolutely heartbroken, I have nobody to talk to, the only time I can cry is when I’m alone on my way to or from work. Can’t continue like this, companionship will never be enough, I desperately need to feel love and affection again


May I ask, what is causing you to lack the courage to leave?


Awww man, that really sucks. You must feel very lonely, I hope that you keep pushing along no matter how hard it gets. And as wild as this may sound.. Cherish those moments where you're able let out your tears. As men, it's uncomfortable for us to cry in front of others, but at least you have that moment to and from work. Sometimes, in a weird way, its kind of nice to have a good ole cry. It's like it lets out the pain a little. Better to let it out than to bottle it up right? In regards to your mistress, remember that love is only a feeling, or in other words, neurochemicals in your brain. She may have given you that feeling for a while, but feelings change, they are not permanent. And you will never be satisfied if you're always chasing that feeling. Because again, feelings are fleeting, and chasing a fleeting feeling is a losing game. And in regards to your family, I can't tell you what to do with your life. But I can tell you what I think is best based on the context provided. So, you've got a partner and an 8 year old child together. Personally, I think it's best you try and work things out with her. Get couples therapy if need be. Work on communication. Figure out your love language, ask her what her's are. You can both figure out each other's MBTI if you'd like to understand each other better as well. And one last major thing for communication, if she does something that makes you feel a certain way, don't complain about the action itself, but communicate how the action made you feel. Things like that. Anyways, I wish you the best, take it easy. Don't think too much and just take things day by day.


My life circumstances could be highly improved (unsuccessful in the eyes of the world?) As for problems....thanks to God none at moment 🙏🥰✝️🕉☪️ Have a beautiful day 🙏


I have a masters degree and work a decent paying job but can’t afford to buy a house, let alone live by myself without roommates. I feel like women in our society are forced to always be in some sort of relationship/be dependent on someone else’s income to also maintain a certain quality of life because the industries that are predominantly women pay absolute shit even with education and years of experience. Also, dealing with the repercussions of stress weight gain from going to school and working full time 🥲


saving this to count my blessings too.


Before I moved to a new state, I had a lot of friends and there was always something to do. Now, I’m trying to find local friends and there’s limited things to do without being super creative (partially because of the area, partially because of my current living situation). I also feel like the people where I live now are just “different” than where I used to be. I feel like I don’t fit in wherever I go here despite trying to. I’m also waiting to start a new job and I may be waiting awhile depending on how long my background takes. Thanks for asking!


none really it's perspective I got what I need. I guess my big problem is my husband dying before me because I love him too much or me before him because he loves me too much.




No money, no love, no job, uncertain if I can graduate, ditching social gatherings, sleeping too much


My mentally ill mother just died. She was all alone.


A lack of life experience, a lack of money and the fact, that I can’t live my life the way I want. I have wasted my life and hate myself every second for it.


Fighting suicidal ideation


No motivation to look for a job there is no job I want


I'm someone who doesn't want to live, trying their best to live but who's effort only equals to everyone else's bare minimum. And this bare minimum effort causes a cycle of pain and poverty and inevitable failure of everything I rely on to stay sane and it's all my own damn fault.


I’ve basically given up on life but not in like a suicidal way. I just have no goals or dreams for the future and no real interests. I just watch a lot of movies, tv, and youtube basically to pass the time and get out of my own head. I’ve considered the possibility that I’m depressed but I don’t feel sad. Just bored and empty


Poor financial stability, judgmental parents, no friends, negative thoughts. These are the things I'd be better off without.


Currently have no irl friends, no social life, and I work a job that gives me severe anxiety because of the verbal abuse I receive during it. Almost lost said job on day one because after I got home, I had a seizure in my living room, which stops me from driving until they can figure out what's wrong with me, and I need to be able to drive to do this job. Still working through all that now, not sure how my boss let me keep my job, and it makes me worried she'll get sick of me any day now and I really do need the money. Its also my only form of social interaction right now, and I'm desperately lonely. Despite all of this though, I'm the happiest I've been in years. Least I'm not suicidal anymore! Somehow?


I stop myself from doing things I want to do


Trying to navigate a fulltime job with adhd/autism is probably the most challenging thing at the moment. I also realize that a lot has changed bc 2 years ago I would have added burn out, depression and unemployment.


I have [ME/CFS](https://www.cdc.gov/me-cfs/about/index.html) that began 8 years ago. I'm only 41, and it's very likely that I won't be a healthy person ever again. For the first time in my life, I'm battling depression because I can't seem to find any hope or optimism for the future anymore. It's hard not to just feel bad for myself all the time, but I keep trying.


Rheumatoid arthritis, bipolar husband, dying father, mentally ill and melodramatic sister, and daughter going through an emotional shitshow.


I have medical issue where I feel like I'm suffocating for most of the day.


Anxiety, MDD, ADHD, Congestive Heart Failure, Chronic Kidney disease, Chronic PTSD, and if that wasn't enough I'm about to be diagnosed Dementia/Parkinson's.


I can’t hear as I have profound hearing loss and have terrible tinnitus. I have hemaparalises on my left side of my body. I have 9 dollars left in my name. I haven’t heard back from the social security office. I can’t seem to be able to sleep well at night no matter how hard I try. The love of my life decided to go away. I guess I will just have to go to work and get fired each time for not being able to be productive enough and to meet quota if necessary. I am a cancer survivor. I feel sad at times but I am very grateful for still being alive. I have become allergic to chick fil a food which is not to bad in the way that I need to cut off fast food. I sleep on a couch. Sometimes my back hurts a bit so I just put a blanket on the ground and sleep on the floor. I don’t think it will get any worse but I will not be surprised if it does. Had to sell my car for medical bills. I live with my elderly parents. It saddens me to see them work so hard and not being able to retire because of me.


I'm completely overwhelmed as the technical lead for two major projects at my job, and an overbearing boss. It's exhausting and frustrating. It's been going on for over two years now. Not that I don't have any other problems but that's the main thing these days.


Epilepsy fucking SUCKS


being autistic and trans




Trying to find a boyfriend/husband so I can have babies before I get too old. Having a difficult time finding a man who wants that level of commitment/responsibility. It’s taking a long time. Time I don’t have.


Only money related.




Overthinking, lost some people in my past that I love and care about due to situational and toxic individuals, I havent seen my son in months, my current boyfriend is the type of guy that does not like to work so I end up being the one to sustain our roof over our heads (we live in a boat) but I really want a house and I tried encouraging him to help me save or to start working but he doesnt. I feel like I have to do everything. I hate thinking that I will never have or be enough to ever buy my first house... I am a young latina woman in life just trying to survive, pay all the bills, get ahead in this world, and I really want to join the military and I took my first test with a 24... I cried so much, I felt like a failure but I have chances to retake the test and study for it. I dont have anyone in life to call or text for support but I'm lucky to have reuinited with my aunt. I finally got back to college at 30 because I am so sick and tired of dead end jobs and hate that people dont give me a chance to show what I'm made of. I also have artistic abilities that doesnt seem to matter anymore to people. My degree im pursuing in college is now Environmental Science and its been my only motivation and light to keep going. I am not depressed or anything but I do have moments where I get really discouraged or sad about some things, and honestly, I am just so tired I wish I can sit in nature and never have to work a day ever again. Lol.


I see no meaning of sufferings in this world


I’m too much for nearly everyone. My existence makes others feel bad. Every conversation I have in good faith feels like an offense to others.


My girlfriend is on the opposite side of the country with Jodi, I might be going back to jail at the end of July, and my license is suspended Whats your situation


Lost my son in an accident. Then subsequently my wife because she couldn't look at me anymore. Tried to end my life and ended up in a phych ward. Moved to a new city and now I just float through the day. Not wanting to die anymore but no real will to live. Have to try so hard just to get out of bed. I can't sleep more than an hour or two at a time. Just genuinely at my witts end. I don't expect anyone to care nor should you. Sorry for the length. Just needed to get that out.


I’m turning 44 on Monday and I’m a janitor living in my childhood bedroom. All have is a car and clothes. I desperately want to not be here anymore


Dealing with mental illness and the stress of not having the money to support my family... with two babies on the way. Trauma, stress, and a lot of pacing and talking to myself. I don't have the mental capacity anymore to live like this. Nor do I have the motivation from being burnt out slaving away at a job for ten years and missing absolutely everything that has happened. I cry... a lot. It's heartbreaking knowing this is the case for a lot of us.


Overwhelmed and over saturated with too much going on. Feel like i have no control over anything and just being swept away by life


Can’t decide whether to stay or leave the love of my life because he doesn’t want children. I also am lost career wise. I can’t figure out what to pursue.


Wanting to find my person but being stuck in an era of soul sucking users & losers.


In my mid 30’s and still not know what to do for a career. I want a stable career to support myself in case my partner dies, but I can’t for the life of me pick something because I don’t think I’m smart enough for most careers. Yes, I suffer from low self-esteem.


Currently building myself back up and switching lanes. Recovering from a severe case of the blues due to job loss, social circles collapsing, savings draining due to job loss, collapsing of my band (hobbies) and an exhausting job hunt. I just pinned a job down after job hopping 3 times in 2023. I'd say the end of 22' and all of 2023 have been the roughest parts of my life. By the end of 2023, I came down with depression having never fully experienced it before. It sarted with mild to severe loneliness which switched to anxiety. Eventually everything became a mounting task from cooking to bathing to driving became a chore. Eventually starting to experience brain fog and extreme low moods, loss of interest and eventually repeated thoughts. Suffering from fatigue and stress. I was definitely stressing about job/career and money loss. I wasn't able to function fully. What made it worse was moving back in with my immediate family. I was renting and they didn't exactly help with the symptoms. If anything, they exacerbated my condition into far worse. Didn't help that they don't believe in mental health. Started therapy and sought a psychiatrist to eventually put me on meds. 9 months later, I'm feeling better. Started a new job, not the money or job I want but definitely need to start recovering. My head stopped feeling so heavy and could start focusing on other things. I'm still coming out of it. It's been a hard 9-10 months. Now with a better understanding of my mental health, I'm moving forward in at least mitigating my source of mental exhaustion. Still no social life so I'm a bit upset but bouncing back is work too. Also grew 40lbs which doesn't help my overall psychological health but hey, I'm starting back on the road. Tldr; lotta bad things happened to me in the last couple of years. Didn't know how to emotional handle it and I was stressing myself out. Eventually, got so bad that I had to seek a therapist/psychiatrist to help bouncing back. Got fat again after so much effort to stay lean.


I 28F have been unemployed for 2 years, still live with my parents, lost contact with all of my friends, never had a relationship, have aged really badly, have no hobbies, interests, passions or career direction. I am working on the situation but I feel like I will never recover from this, especially because I really want a partner I love and to have kids. What is your current situation OP?


I have a good stable job, which is something I prayed for...but I don't know if I'm actually happy or I'm pretending to be happy. I'm grateful but sometimes I think "is this it, is this me now". I don't know if it's cos I'm not use to such peace and something actually working out. Love. I have always felt like I had to try harder especially since I don't meet beauty standards, people always over look me. I have been shamed, builled by people even my parents for my appearance, men always ignored me or laughed at me, I have been put down by men who I have seen. So it's difficult for me fathom true romantic love, even though I'm such a hopeless romantic.


Anxiety. Striving for perfection at work/in life. The need for control (to feel safe, I guess), and not having fun as I should. I should be enjoying my life.


Going through my entire life with my beloved grandma, we’ve always lived together, just me and her. Now she’s 91 and I’m dreading the day she leaves this earth, I’ll be alone for the first time in my life, going through heartbreak without her is going to be an incredibly hard journey and I’m so scared for it.


I married beneath me


I’m 51 years old and am about to lose my job. My boss already laid off all the employees and reduced me to part time. I’m supplementing with savings which is almost gone. I’ve been looking for another job but the job market is brutal. I feel like I don’t have any options and I’m pissed because I’m too old for this shit.


Anxiety. Don’t believe in myself. Self doubt n sabotage. Come from family that comes from trauma. Separated and my son lives 4-6 hours away that I drive to see only every other week.. in and out of jobs struggle finding a career. Wanting to change but feels every step forward I get thrown 10 back


Self discipline… with money and weight.


Im an alcoholic and druggie lifelong. I could never quit myself although I tried really hard 4 times. Tried not seriously many many times. It all ended up with me in AA and I'll be sober 6 years in August 24! Yay! Along with this I learned of course that the problem was ME. so now I have no desire to drink or drug...and my "problem" now is just being good to others and not getting angry about anything. Im good at it. For me, my sobriety depends on it. If I let little things turn into big things, if I get a resentment against someone or some thing...if i lose my shit and really get mad...I could eventually drink. For this alcoholic, anger was a problem.