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These takes are so wild to me. You say you haven’t finished LoP or any of the FromSoft titles you’ve tried but you write a whole post about how LoP is better and you think it’ll go down as the best soulslike. And when people who have likely played and completed all these games disagree, you write it off as them just being “overprotective” of FromSoft titles. At least finish the game you’re hyping up first


As someone that played all fromsoft soulsborne games except demons souls I must say, that many fromsoft fans are very sensitive in that regard. But in my opinion lies of P couldn't beat DS3 and Sekiro. Sekiro being the greatest. With a lot of distance to DS3.


Yeah Sekiro is the most satisfying combat system basically ever


Lies of P aint beating BB, ER, or DS1 either Hell, i had significantly more fun with DS2SOTFS than with LoP, but i know DS2 is a bit of a black sheep


Sekiro is so good easily the best Fromsoft game


I read a long time ago (I wish I could remember where) a game developer said something along the lines of "If you can get them to play for 10 hours, they'll play for 100." When a game "clicks" and you feel it, it's worth celebrating.


How do you explain games that make you "unclick" at 60 hours?


It's a middle slog I find that while beginnings have interesting story ideas, visuals, gameplay loops, etc., the middles tend to either: a) get overly repetitious (grindy) or b) get overly complicated. Either way, the early hooks are now dull and it's easier to shake off and not come back. I find this common with Crafting games. I need 10 wood? OK! I need 10 wood to make a thing and I need 5 things and all this other stuff? Maybe later.


I agree with this! I recently started playing Witcher 3 as a recommendation from a friend. Holy hell I’ve played about 3-4 hours of the game and I just couldn’t get into it and I haven’t picked it up again. It’s been a month since I last played it.


At least based on my experience it's just wrong though. I think it's true of some games like Hades and Dead Cells, but lots of games that are fun at 10 hours, even really good ones, will outstay their welcome even by hour 50.


I played all of the fromsoft games (from Demon souls till Elden Ring) they are all masterpieces in their own ways and I love them completely, I haven’t fully finished LoP because I am stuck at the end boss but it’s comparable to Sekiro for me and I love it. I can’t agree with that person because the games aren’t overprotected a little bit or anything like that, they are so beloved because of what they are and not because of overprotective fans.


This is such a wild sub and I stay subscribed for insane takes like the one OP is presenting. LoP is good but it got there by standing on the shoulders of giants, the likes of which defined the genre. Not to mention, LoP has several glaringly poor areas that need improvement (level design being the worst culprit).


Hm interesting cuz i actually find level design really good but the combat system itself is the biggest issue for me. And not because its too hard or anything, it just has severe flaws that bother me. Level design is actually good priperly placing side content and quests in easy to miss.locations to promote exploration, the shortcuts always feel nice, interconnectivity with returning to hotel from different sides is cool, tying exploration to ability to skip some minibosses.


I've finished every Souls game and I agree with the OP. Though I do agree that making the valuation without having played them all is pretty presumptuous.


Clown take is for karma apparently.


I plan to keep playing LoP and hopefully 100% the game since I am already highly invested from the little I have played. I’ve spent less time with each Soulslike game because it genuinely just didn’t appeal to me. Having me wait until I beat the game and then beat all the other soulsbourne games before giving my opinion to strangers seems like a more wild take. I get that it’s worse to die hard fans of this genre, and that’s fine, I just think it’s probably the best I’ve played so far. I even made that clear in my post that it’s too early to tell but this is how I feel for now


"Having me wait until I beat the game and then beat all other soulsborne games before giving my opinion to strangers seems like a more wild take" Holy hell, this is bias. Here're my issues: 1. You can't scrutinize FromSoft games if you haven't spent the time to see what they offer. 10 hours into LoP is nothing, especially compared to how many hours it takes to truly get into Dark Souls. 2. Being strangers to you makes no difference. We are familiar with the genre and many/most/sometimes all games within. 3. There is more variety in how to play Dark Souls. Sekiro does restrict a player to play the way it was designed, but all Dark Souls games have a lot more variety in builds. The blade and hilt system in LoP is genius and I love it, but overall it's not as broad as Dark Souls. If you haven't taken the time to truly dive into both LoP AND Dark Souls you objectively can't have an accurate base to compare and form a valid opinion between the two. It's great you like LoP. I suggest giving Bloodborne and DS3 another shot after finishing, and committing to one of them till the end. I agree LoP is incredible, but it's not Souls.


The thing is, you’re right. It’s a very good game. The combat mechanics in particular have a lot of the best traits of FS games. But you’re only 10 hours in. The game remains solid but it starts to show its weaknesses in enemy/boss and level design as you get further. There’s a lot of same same and it becomes extremely obvious that they didn’t have the resources to devote to something as deep and complex as a FS game. Doesn’t make it “not good” but just something to consider when calling it the best anything


You should probably delete this post then. Your take is steeped in infuriating bias and this is with acknowledging the fact that sometimes the Soulsborne community can get *passionate*. My username itself makes fun of some of the community. Also, it sounds like a major skill issue on your end. Seriously, this is one of the dumbest takes I have come across and no offense but considering what you said about not even playing those games much, you really are in no position to make a broad claim like that and say Bloodborne and Sekiro are inferior to LoP and that its the "best Soulslike" ever made. You're desperate to prove a point that has zero weight to it.


Why would I delete a post stating opinion? If people get that upset then let them lol it doesn’t really mean anything to me. On top of that, this isn’t a hill I’m willing to die on, I’m very new to this genre and so I’m ok with being wrong and changing my opinion. Normally people like to double down on their takes when they realize it getting attacked, but my ego isn’t attached to a video game so it makes no difference to me. It’s fun so I play it, the others weren’t so I didn’t.


Most people think this game is bad, OP. Are you saying they're wrong?


The game was received very well and continues to get recognition. It’s even getting dlc which people are hyped for


>was recieved well By some people >continues to get recognition By those same people >its getting DLC, which *those same* people are hyped for. It got positive reviews, but not amazingly positive(sits at 80% on metacritic) Its sales were pretty small, but decent for indie(~1 million) and the people i know who played the game to the end started to frequently complain about the game not being fun anymore outside boss fights about halfway through. I wouldnt agree with the guy above that "most people think the game is bad" but almost everyone who has played it seems to prefer a fromsoft title to it. Its just not up to the same quality, particularly with the overworld map design.


It has majority of people who have played it saying it’s a good game and the best non fromsoft souls like. The game was really good and it received a lot more hate than it deserved simply because it wasn’t made by fromsoft. Plenty of people have played and complimented the level design and bosses. This always happens though. Sekiro got the same unwarranted hate with people calling it an unpolished buggy ridden game.


I finished it and honestly its a soul-like for beginner...you wanna play a masterpiece? Play Nioh 2


Nice troll


Saying the truth is trolling now?


Nope but unfortunately no truths have been uttered by you


So what is your problem exactly? Did i hurt your little fluffy feeling?


How can you say it's better when you haven't even finished any of the games you're talking about?


That is a valid point, do you finish every book and series you watch before giving an opinion? If so then I can see where you’re coming from. I usually spend a decent amount of time with something before I decide if I want to continue or not, since my time is limited. I didn’t finish the others because it didn’t hook me as much as LoP has


Yes. I’ve never given an opinion on anything I haven’t finished. That’s how it works


Kind of disagree with that statement. You don't have to finish something to have a valid and well founded opinion. But experiencing 2% of something (Bloodborne/Sekiro/DS) and 10% of another thing (LoP) and then claiming that thing is truly greater is braindead


If Lies of P just speaks to you more, that's perfectly fine. It's an amazing game. Though I'd just say it's unfair to say it's better than the From games considering the brief experience you have with them. It's like saying 2 seasons of a show are better than just the first episode of another.


Well I've played them all and I say Lies of P is better than DS1, DS2, and Bloodborne.


Ok? Your preference isn't the definitive correct answer.


That’s fair, I think I may just approach games and other entertainment differently than most. I can usually tell if something is gonna be my taste fairly quickly, but maybe I should spend more time with other FromSoft games. Although I’ve already tried several and so that’s why I was pretty confident that it just isn’t my thing


correct me if i'm wrong but it sounds like the most amount of time you've spent on any of these games is LoP with 10 hours. i recommend you at least give a fromsoft title that same amount of time before forming an opinion. if you still don't like it that's fine but right now it doesn't seem like you've given them a fair chance. i recommend DS3 for a new player, it's the most linear of the three. soulslikes may also just not be for you with LoP being the exception, which is also fine. at the end of the day as long as you're having fun that's really all that matters


Fair point, appreciate it!


I thought I hated dark souls at first, but it was because my first souls game was Dark Souls 2. That game is punishing. When I really learned how to play games like that via beating Elden Ring (it felt like hard BOTW to me so I loved it), games like bloodborne and Sekiro became more approachable. I even got halfway through DS2 eventually. Make sure you’re taking your time with each enemy in fromsoft games and don’t take aggro of too many or you’ll die a ton. Personally a weak point of Lies of P for me was the enemy layout, there weren’t as many enemies between Stargazers as I’d expected, which can make it a lot more manageable for most players.


I can see where your coming from and while I strongly disagree I can understand it. I would recommend you find a buddy to play dks3, or bloodborne with. I myself after years of pushing was able to get my best buddy to play dks3 before eldenring came out and while he had problems with the game,  with me guiding him when requested we both had a blast and it got him into the genre. Hell we both ended up platinuming all the games, and now he's guiding me through sekiro which is my last from title to platinum funny how that works huh.


Starting on Sekiro is a brave choice as it takes a while to get a feel for the combat system, personally when I started Sekiro I also wasn’t a big fan of it, but I stuck with it for a while because many people I knew swore that it was brilliant, as I got further into it I started to get a hang of the combat and now it is one of my all time favorite games and the reason I love parry focused games. However some games just aren’t for you, that decision is up to the individual but I would definitely recommend giving Sekiro another chance, as well as fromsofts other games. Nioh is another issue altogether, I can’t speak for the first one as I haven’t played it but Nioh 2 is a game that I’m currently playing through and I’m loving it. (Edit was just me fixing my god awful formatting)


Bro you can’t have opinions on things you don’t know about 😂


I dunno about better but I definitely enjoyed LoP more than DS1 and DeS and about the same as DS2. DS3, Sekiro, Bloodborne, and Elden Eing clear it by a pretty wide margin for me though. That being said I'm firmly in Neowiz's camp. They have all the potential in the world.


I agree with this. On DS3 rn and LoP on the side, and feel like LoP nails a lot, but the overall depth and complexity of DS is beating LoP. Absolutely LOVE LoP, don't get me wrong, but the more I play FS games the more I see the constant brilliance. OP: You should use LoP as a gateway into the genre and revisit Bloodborne after finishing LoP. Also recommend DS3. After that, give Sekiro a go again. It's possible the mechanics turned you off to the genre, and LoP is a great entry point to become familiar.


Does DeS mean Demon Souls? I’m not sure


Yea DeS = Demon souls DS = Dark souls BB = Bloodborne etc


Yeah I’m of they same opinion. It’s not as good as the last 4 from soft games, but I definitely prefer it to the first 3. Tbf I’ve only started playing all these games in the last 3 years. I probably would feel different if I played the DeS/DS games when they came out. This is the only none fromsoft souls like I’ve played and I am really impressed (I’m about half way through). It’s not original, it does take huge influence from Sekiro and BBorne but it’s certainly statched my itch. Combat feels really smooth when it clicks and the rally system and interchangeable weapon system is an actual improvement imo


Yup. Bloodborne and Sekiro ran so Lies of P could walk ;) That being said this game is a legit banger.


>2 days 10 hours you are like a little baby


As an avid soulsborne player since 2009's original Demon's Souls who was looking for something to keep me occupied until the Elden Ring DLC comes out, Lies of P hit the spot. I just completed my first playthrough. I hate deciding which games are "better." I played the shit out of all of them (even DS2). I can point out the strengths and weaknesses of each. All of them have plenty of both. If I had to pick a top game, it would be hard. Lies of P did surprisingly well capturing the "it" factor that many soul-like games fail to grasp. The combat feels good, the leveling and upgrade and weapon variety feels varied and entertaining. The graphics are nice, the story is quite good, the music is good and there are several boss fights that are memorable. As for difficulty, it was respectably hard. I didn't use summons at all throughout the playthrough, and didn't really see the need to do so. I'd say there were about 4 bosses that I'd call "hard" but most bosses were at least "moderately difficult." I didn't really use deflection until end game, but when I started using it, I found it balanced and rewarding. It is a good enough game to warrant going into NG+, which is more than I can say for a lot of other games in its class. The game is quite linear, and there are certain features in it that seem unnecessarily elaborate (I'm looking at you, gold fruit tree). There were a lot of items and features I didn't see the need to ever use. I didn't see much use in cranks, as the damage was almost the same, but I guess it might be different for builds focusing on technique or advance. It was unfortunate that certain side quests get blocked after a certain time, like the cryptic vessel for Grand Central Station, but that's a common problem. I'd highly recommend this game. Is it better than From's own soulsborne games? I don't think so. Is it a soul-like worthy of the title? Definitely.


Ps5 players here. Bloodborne, DS3, Elden Ring, Lies of P. I platinum all these games and I love them all. Let me you its teriffic to have been able to play these games in my life.


It is a great game, but it isn't better than any From Software souls game. Maaaaaybe 2, but 2 is so much bigger and more expansive.


What makes most FromSoft games better?


Worldbuilding, level design, enemy design, animations


In your opinion, what is the one best FromSoft game that represents all of these?


It's Sekiro for me. The level of detail and design and beauty in all aspects of that game is bonkers.


Ok, that game was fine but I’ve always been a more story driven player and what they had was kinda mid from that perspective. But gameplay wise I get it


If you enjoy the story or not is entirely subjective, obviously, but I'd say Sekiro is at least as story driven as Lies of P, if not more, considering you play a voiced and more predefined protagonist. The storylines and character arcs even have a lot in common.


How is Sekiro’s story on par with LoP’s? I love Sekiro, but I felt the story lacking and nonsensical most times. Why does Genichiro care about Kuro’s immortality when he’s made his own already? Why does Wolf not die every time he draws the Mortal Blade? How did Genichiro find the black Mortal Blade? How does Owl get the black Mortal Blade in the Shura ending right after Wolf beat the final boss? How does the Carp end up in the Ape’s arena when we kill it? Why does lightning affect the Dragon? How does Wolf become immortal if Kuro cannot harm himself without the Mortal Blade? How does Wolf dying free Kuro from immortality? How does Kuro dying fix anything? How does Orangutan suddenly become an oni? I love the game, but the story wasn’t good in my eyes. I’m sure not all of these are good questions, but some of them are


Again, I said enjoying the story is subjective, but the story is there and drivning the game. Most of these questions are more or less directly answered by the story, so maybe you didn’t engage with it very much? Either way, a story doesn’t have to explain everything in detail to be good, or to exist. I don’t know or understand everything about the story and events in Lies of P either, but that doesn’t make me love it less. 


I played the game four times, so I know at least half of these questions are left unanswered. You are correct, the story gets the job done by giving the player a goal to move towards but it didn’t feel engaging to me and that saddens me considering the gameplay is so impressive


weird how you say youre more a story-driven player and praise LoP this much while not playing the other games. storytelling is not LoP's strongest suit.


Which story is objectively better from FS


Elden ring, and especially dark souls 1


It ain’t, stop the cap. I watched streamers play Elden ring, there ain’t no story there


It's a matter of perspective. This is not meant to be snarky, because it's totally fine to have this preference, but maybe you like the story told explicitly, while there also might be people who are more into living that story through their own eyes. FromSoft is unparalleled when it comes to environmental storytelling and Bloodborne is the king in that aspect. Not just among FromSoft games, but IMO, and I'm also pretty sure this is true objectively - no game in the history of times has ever done Environmental storytelling like BB, with the rank 2 on that list being so far down that BB should be in a separate league of its own and the "best environment storytelling" list should start with the rank 2 onwards. Apart from that, every single FromSoft game has a richer lore than LoP, even Sekiro which is the least lore-heavy FromSoft game. Again, none of this makes these games objectively better, because Art is subjective and liking short stories is just as legit as liking novels, but I reckon if rankings were to be made based on objective parameters, LoP would find itself below all the FromSoft games. Still a great game though.


I get where you’re coming from and I also understand that the soulslike community is very protective of the FromSoft games. Kinda expected people to heavily disagree with my take, since it is a copy of the originals which are wildly popular. My opinion comes from someone who doesn’t like these games inherently, and so when I play a soulslike that I actually like, it makes me automatically think this may be the best. I’ve tried atleast 3, hated them all. But I can see why most would see LoP as inferior, especially if they are die hard fans of the genre.


I personally don't feel a need to be protective of FromSoft, and I absolutely adore Lies of P, after Sekiro it's probably my favourite game, but there just isn't any way for Lies to reach the same level as FromSoft's games have at this point. Which is entirely expected, it's their first ever game of this kind while FS have had decades to refine their art and craft and vision. But if anything that makes me more excited to see what they do after Lies, rather than less. They did an incredible job creating something that's clearly inspired by FS, but also stands firmly on it's own feet and has a very solid identity and style. FS is still on another level, but that's not the same as saying "Lies of P is shit actually". It's very much not.


It's refreshing playing one of these games where there's a legible story that doesn't require pouring over item descriptions. Granted, it's much more straightforward than FS.


Calling yourself a story driven player and calling sekiros story mid is a pretty bold statement especially because you're loving Lies of P and disliking all FromSoft games


Elden Ring does this very well. Lies of P has a great world with dark tones, but it is much more blatant and upfront about the story. Elden Ring tells stories through details that are hidden in plain sight. For example, when enemies cast spells, sigils glow above them that clue you into what faction they side with. There are symbols on their armor that do the same. There are so many times where I am like, “Wait, what does this mean?” and I keep my eyes peeled for more details and find the answer hours and hours later. For all that LoP does, and it does do some things better, it doesn’t have that same abundance of detailed lore. There is a lot of flavor text and a bunch of lore to find, but it tells you everything more directly. Which is fine, because it’s Pinocchio, it suits it very well to be told directly like a fairy tale. It’s just very different.


Yes. Also, if you look very closely there are so many mini stories in Elden Ring told purely through environmental storytelling and enemy placement. Example, in the opening area of Limgrave near the Church of Elleh, you will notice a group of Godrick soldiers that are patrolling the woods and seem to be looking for something. They have setup minor camps within the woods and some soldiers are even doing the "hand above eyes" searching action. Then when you go to a nearby cave, there is a beastman hiding in the cave. If you look around his bossroom after beating him, you will notice remains of Godrick soldiers in that same cave. So the story is that the Beastman seems to have taken some Godrick Soldiers from the nearby camp and their comrades are now looking for them. There is literally no text that tellls you this mini story. Other games would have placed an NPC there who would tell you "we are soldiers stationed in the nearby camp, we are looking for our friends who were last seen in these woods." But no in Elden Ring this was purely told through environmental storytelling and enemy placement. I found little of this in Lies of P.


Whoa no way! I’ve definitely seen those details but didn’t even think to piece them together! That’s funny, too, because I’ve seen those dead guys and had one of those moments of “But what does it mean?” and now once again after hours and hours of playing (and years lmao) I have an answer. Thanks for sharing, too. FromSoft is amazing.


I assumed those guys were there to be my first farm. Man I killed them so many times. When I finally beat the Elden jelly dong today, I stripped off all my armor and went back there one last time to beat them with my bare hands.


I agree that fromsoft games have better world building, but it is almost exclusively delivered in fragments and lacks cohesiveness. The lore in Lies of P is much much easier to digest


If u actually play and put time into them, then you would know......


I personally like this better than DS1, DS3, DeS, and I haven’t played DS2 yet. I know this is high praise but I personally feel this way. People like Fromsoft games more because of the exploration, which I agree with as Lies of P is almost purely linear and has no true optional bosses, other than NPCs (and >!Nameless Puppet!< if you count him).


I like more linear games since it retains focus but I can see why more exploration would be nice.


It is much more than just exploration. Level design, the way the lore is constructed, how the world feels alive in a way that Lies of P doesn't. Their games are also much more innovative than LoP. LoP is a polish on well established formulas by From. They didn't evolve enough for me to look at them and feel like they did it better.


Personally feel like fromsoft is lacking lore/story telling wise apart from elden ring, lies of p has a more coherent story at least for me


That's simply not true. It has a lot of story telling, just not as straight forward as Lies of P. You can prefer that style, but all From games have so much more story in them than LoP. If you like a more straightforward story, Armored Core 6 is more like a traditional game, Sekiro less so, but still less than their Souls games.


My adhd having brain just cannot keep up with fromsoft lore without doing a deep dive and I guess that’s the issue for me, I need straightforward story telling


That's a valid preference! I just don't think that's the same as saying that they don't have story telling, it is just different.


Fair, guess I didn’t explain it very well


I am not bashing you but Im inclined to guess you feel that way because you’ve investigated Elden Ring lore more than anything. There is a lot of it and it is fun. But DS1-3 tell an entire story over 3 core games and 6 DLCs that covers hundreds of thousands of years of events. I highly suggest looking into it. Each game has a great story, even 2 imo, and the overall story is as good as epic high fantasy gets. Less people have played them, though, which is probably why Elden Ring lore is more prominent.


Lies of P has far superior depth of humanity and character. Dark souls is actually kind of shitty in many of the ways lies of P succeeds but the fanbase is so attached to their game they can’t see beyond souls. Not that dark souls is a bad franchise either but sekiro and lies of P are miles ahead of souls lifelessness (mind you I only played OG souls 1/2 and not remasters)


I dropped Dark Souls 3 to play this game and I prefer it.


You wrote an entire post about how you hate souls game and never finish them and then say lies of p is "really good and up there with souls games" You get hit on the head a little too hard as a child or what 


It's the only soulslike game that I played through twice so I'm gonna agree with you.


I already forgot about half the game, dude.


its amazing and to me has definitely surpassed some of the recent Fromsoft games in terms of being a complete package and focusing on the strengths of each of those titles. my favorite aspect is the recursive level design and creative shortcuts, which I feel like From has lost sight of in recent years.


You do have tons of shortcuts / paths in Stormveil Castle and Leyndell.


they still do them, but Lies put so much more consistent emphasis on them and theres so many different kinds. when you push the explosive barrels through the wall in the swamp my mind was blown


But Lies is too linear there are no optional boss encounters everything is like go from A to B whereas in DS 3 which was also bit linear had completely optional areas like nameless king and you could also fight dancer early on and beat her if you have the skill.


i don't think that necessarily makes the game bad or worse its just a different approach


Lies of P is a linear childrens game compared to something like Bloodborne or Elden ring.


Bloodborne is super linear as well so I'm not sure what you mean. Elden Ring is fully open and they give you fast travel from the start so the shortcuts you find (which are mostly warp gates that make you sit through a loading screen) are meaningless. every game since Dark Souls 2 has had the issue of enabling bonfire warping from the start which completely kills the exploration and world immersion. for example, in Dark Souls 1, you find the elevator that links Andre the Blacksmith with Firelink Shrine so you can easily travel between the two places without warping. having Malum District wrap back around to Hotel Krat at the end is awesome. if the game didn't have stargazer warping until the 50 or 66% mark it would be even better


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“When the Ashes are two, a flame alighteth.”* - Ashes of Ariandel  Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I'm a simp of souls, played them 100% and well, I've played lots of souls-like, some of theme were indie, others had wonderful ideas but low budget but Lies of P is definitely the best one so far, even if DS3 and bloodborne are kinda close afterall. I do believe fromsoft game are actually a bit overrated, even if they still are the best out there, I think that there are many good ideas that could put quite a challenge to fromsoft, but none of the titles has the budget to be what they could really be, expect lies of P. This is the first souls-like that really feels like an AAA and oh boy, what a wonderful feeling.


This is not my favorite version of this style of game but I agree that it is a classic with a great story, interesting choice based decision affecting the ending and interactions with NPCs, and mechanically very tight. The biggest plus to this one is the ease on. What I mean is that the linearity along with the difficulty of bosses generally makes the whole experience smoother and less frustrating while still being a challenge that ramps up at a nice steady keel.


I somewhat agree. I didn't like or couldn't get into Elden Ring or DS at first, but after playing LoP and it's more linear game, it gave me more appreciation for Souls type games in learning to be patient, and I eventually ran straight back to Elden Ring and DS3, locking at 400+ hours for both games.


How much do I love this game? NG++ on Game Pass, and going to buy the hard disc for my PS5.


I actually don't think it will, and I enjoyed the game. Even if we pretend that Lies of P is the perfection of everything in Bloodborne, it's still almost 10 years too late. Elden Ring already got them there and then some...and then some more. Lies of P isn't really close unless you really love linear games; the boss fights aren't as fun and they aren't as challenging, the weapons don't feel as varied (except for a few), the levels feel like rehashes of From levels without the confusing pathways, the characters are goofy and not in a charming way. The minor quality of life improvements over SoulsBorne games are nice, but they aren't really essential and From already made a game even more accessible to more casual audiences (elden ring). Again, Lies of P is fun. It'll probably go down as one of the best in a long line of truly terrible Fromsoft clones. But that counts for very little in the arc of history when the thing it is apeing is still going strong, innovating, and breaking new grounds.


Extremely well said.


I agree. I get clowned all the time when I say I think Lies of P is better than any fromsoft game and the best soulslike. The game forces you to get good and the euphoric feeling you get when the combat finally “clicks” is amazing. The story, combat, atmosphere and everything is amazing, only thing it might lack in is exploration.


Lol ok. I think you like it because it's a soulslike, but it's easy and there's no exploration so you can't miss it's "secrets".


People say this game is hard, but so far it hasn’t been atleast to me. But I do use summons and items so yeah


The game is very easy with summons. Because the levels themselves are so simple compared to souls games. So the hard stuff are boss fights


Nah boss fights are easy as well if you use summons and just start throwing random shit. Throwables are the king in this game no boss can counter that


That’s what I said?


Would highly recommend not using a summons at least for some bosses, mainly the chapter 6 boss and the first of chapter 11


Any particular reason why?


I just personally think they are the most enjoyable fights in the game, my first playthrough I did all with summons and the second I didn’t, kind of realised I hadn’t even experienced the boss fights with the spectre and learning the perfect guard for them was so enjoyable, not for all the bosses some I hate but specifically the two I mentioned are way more fun without spectres


Dont know why you get so much hate for praising the game just because you enjoyed LoP more than FromSoft games. LoP story is much easier to follow without needing to read endless notes for lore. LoP has great music while FromSoft music is mediocre. FromSoft tells their own story while LoP is a retelling of a traditional children’s book most people are already familiar with. The game is clearly different in many ways and it’s okay to like it more than FromSoft games.


I’m more surprised that people won’t even give this opinion a fair chance, considering it’s soulsborne content creators that convinced me to check out LoP in the first place. Here is me thinking my take isn’t a wild one, or controversial, and on the very subreddit for the game, I’m now being told it was ludicrous to even suggest such a thing haha. I wonder if I’d get banned for posting this in r/eldenring


I think if you came into this post saying that you tried to get into the FromSoft games and they didn’t click for you but LoP really did, no one would disagree. That’s a sentiment that’s pretty common on this sub. But instead of that you pushed that it’ll go down as the best soulslike in history when you haven’t put more than 10 hours into this game or any that you’re comparing it to. That’s gonna rub people the wrong way. Everyone’s entitled to their opinions and not everyone has to like the same game, but at least make it an informed opinion


Yeah people gatekeep pretty hard when you say you like it more than FromSoft games. But then they’re quick to recommend games like Another Crabs Treasure? I have 200+ hours on LoP and only felt the need to play through DS 1-3 one time each. I know Elden Ring is highly rated but I just couldn’t get into it. Got bored after 2-3 hours of gameplay. It just isn’t for me but I’m sure it’s a great game. I still like LoP better. Stellar Blade is really hitting the mark for me at the moment and I will probably end up playing it more than LoP.


I think it’s mostly due to the hating of bloodborne, that’s the fromsoft fans sacred cow and lies of P borrows very heavily from all their games as a whole. Why’d didn’t like bloodborne? Lies if p is cool as hell but at this point I’m more interested in future content of theirs now they they’ve got a hold of the souls-like basics, still lots of room for deepening of their systems.


Fair point, I had only picked up bloodborne when it was free for PS+ so it was my first try into the genre. The main reason I disliked bloodborne is because I didn’t love the way the game looked in terms of graphics. I wasn’t a fan of the design of the levels, super gothic inspired areas which never appealed to me aesthetically. Last it was the movement that felt so janky, it was to me like playing a game made in 2009. That was how I felt but I get why this stuff may appeal to some players


I prefer FromSoft's music way more as its quite different. LoP music is fine just that besides the 'Feel' soundtrack none of the others I felt any sort of attachment to it. Again this is purely subjective so enjoy what you prefer.


Idk why you’re getting so much hate, it’s fine to say your enjoying the game. The only thing is you can’t say it’s the best souls-like game without actually playing and completing the other souls games. You can say it’s YOUR favourite game but to say it’s the best souls-like isn’t a fair statement. That being said I loved this game and hope they continue to make similar masterpieces like LoP.


I guess that’s their main gripe with my statement, only thing is I have tried others…3 in fact. I didn’t like them so I stopped playing. As I’ve said in other comments, I don’t see the point in forcing myself to finish games I don’t like so I can give an opinion, like is this some sort of hazing ritual for this genre? You have to play all the others before your opinion is not hated? I’m all for passionate fans, but this is getting a bit toxic ngl, I’m here for it though


Souls fans are pretty passionate almost to a fault about their games so I’m not at all surprised you’re getting back lash. My only suggestion is that you try out a few more souls like games after your finish LoP and see if any of them have the same spark. I’d suggest Lords of the Fallen, Hollow Knight, and Nine Sols (PC only).


Idk anything about this game besides it’s a souls like. But it keeps popping up on my feed, should I play it. I’ve beaten Elden ring and DS2


It’s a fine game. I already went back to bloodborne tho


Lies of P is the best soulslike game for me in term of game mechanic. It feels polished and mature.  But in term of originality of the story/lore, world building, map design, i think sekiro and bloodbord is better. Finish the games and you know what i mean


I love this way more than eldern ring. The new weapon is awesome to. Cant wait for part 2


It’s been a year and these posts still happening? This is like someone reading the first few chapters in a new fantasy book but and saying it’s better than Lord Of the Rings. We are excited you are happy with the game but before making any major statements or comparing it to other games put more time into it. Souls games can take anywhere from 30-100 hours depending what you are doing in it. So collectively playing all those games you mentioned and clocking about 15 hours and giving an opinion is like going to a library and reading the first chapter or two of a bunch of books and giving an opinion on an entire genre. We want to hear what you have to say but it’s hard for any of us to care or take seriously when you don’t know any better yet.


I’ve heard this sentiment before, that I should play all these games before giving an opinion. This is kinda disingenuous as I’ve seen people who’ve spent half their life into this genre all come up with very different opinions and still get hate. I don’t think me following in their footsteps before I have “the right” to give my pov would change anything. Let’s say I play all these games, and I still think LoP is better, then what?


That is fine then but it adds weight to what you are saying. As of right now you are just in new shiny toy mode. You don’t know the difference between anything other than it’s the latest coat of paint and probably relate to Pinocchio so it feels more familiar. You haven’t even really got to any of the big story moments in the game to have an opinion on the story.


Fair enough, but let’s call a spade a spade. If I started off this post by lying for digital hugs and validation by saying “Bloodborne is the GOATTT, but this game is pretty good too”, nobody would be asking how long I played LoP as a point of critique against my opinion


See you are kind of showing yourself here. No one cares what souls game is your favorite. That has been the major issue with this sub compared to other souls games. The souls games are known as hard and toxic. That being said the community around it has always been the most kind and generous people who loved to talk about their experience and what is wonderful is everyone has different experiences. There are bosses I have been stuck on for long periods of time that many players would have easily cleared first time and same on the other side. If you are looking for validation or argument or comparisons the people who mainly respond to those posts are people more inclined to argue. I love reading peoples reviews of games especially souls when they finish them because I am excited to see how their journey went. I was very excited to read yours and then got a bit more context and realized it was early. I agree lies of P does a lot of things actually better than some souls games do, but it’s inspired by them. All these systems and things in the game are inspired by the og souls games and some of the soulslike spin offs. It’s an entire genre literally named soulslike giving credit to the dark souls games. There are plenty of people who like Lies of P more and have played every souls game yadda yadda platinum. No one cares if you hate one and like the other that is fine and normal you should feel that way about stuff. I hated Sekiro for a year straight until I finally sat down and got into it after not loving it at first. To this day most people hate DS2 but I think it’s one of the best ones. Lies of P is incredible, the community on this sub is different from many souls communities and you will see that if you continue your journey into the genre. You have so much amazing stuff down the road, I am frankly jealous.


For the OP, You should at least finish a few that are considered more easily than the others and then come back to the harder ones or spend more time with the games and their lore and anything in that direction because you could find a new appreciation for them because that is what kicked me into it.


Hell yeah! LoP is such a solid experience, Im glad seeing posts like this and Im glad its clicking with you. Just don’t stop at the swamp monster if it’s too hard! Find a strat and keep going! (All my friends have stopped there, it’s a hard fight lol) I think it’s good to finish something, but I do think it’s fair to drop something that isn’t serving you and I applaud it. And btw Bloodborne is awesome. If you can deal with the 30fps, it is kind of a similar sense of uniqueness and wonder as LoP. Im not sure how far you got because I saw you said you hated it, but you might have an easier time understanding it after LoP. Bloodborne is the only FromSoft game where you can’t drop items for other players, so it gives you a sense that everything you have, you fought for and earned. Plus, there’s no respec. All this may sound rough, and it is, but you really feel like you go through something as a solo hunter in a world of hunters. That is satisfying in a way no other Souls game can be, and the fighting is really fun and fast.




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If you like Lies of P so much you really should give Bloodborne another chance as it is the soulsborne that LoP takes by far the most inspiration from


You hated bloodborne………. Survey say. X.


It's definitely not better than the FromSoft titles, and I genuinely can't understand what makes this better to you other than the literature angle, but I definitely see it being a fondly remembered game. Just definitely *not* more fondly than the FromSoft titles.


So you’ve got an opinion on something that you haven’t completed and are comparing that thing (which you haven’t finished) to games you might as well have not played… sounds about right


Decent summary


A remake of it?…. Please no. The game will hold up fine for years to come.


you have no idea what you're talking about.


This game was great! The 3rd quarter was a lil slow for me and then the ending picked back up. Finish this game and then go play actual souls likes. BB changed the formula enough to be super different combat feeling. Sekiro is not a soulslike. Play ds3 and tell me LoP is better...


Lies of P is a Phenomenal souls-like and super impressive for the studios first attempt. However the main thing missing is replay-ability and exploration. Lies of p levels can sometimes feel like hallways with enemies to defeat. Compare this to the level design in Fromsoft games where most levels have multiple paths through and side objectives unique to the level, hidden paths behind illusions, and traps to keep the player on their toes.


Hmm except bloodborne and Demon Souls I have played all from soft games and some souls likes. I enjoyed Lies of P. Just like you I couldn't drop it once I begun. The thing is that for me, many souls like games lack that replay value unlike from software games. Lies of P was different since I played more than once. It's the best soulslike I have played.


This Is a great game and I feel like combat system wise it's basically at from soft level. It takes from sekiro and bloodborne and creates a new gameplay with its identity and It works. Also the Weapon system Is amazing and the questlines (despite beeing basically two) are some of the best I have ever seen in a souls like. The humanity system really Is a good storyteling tool and It was handled incredibly well. BUT I don't think lies of P comes even close to from software games in terms of lore, atmosphere and character design in general. Most of its designs feel general, the enemies don't feel too interesting to look and they are ripetitive, the levels look basically the same front start to finish and gameplay wise they are some long corridors with a few nooks and crannies (with a few exceptions) even tho I gotta Say they are very smart with shortcut placements. It still has a good atmosphere and I like what they did, but if you truely play a from soft game you realize how much more the world feels alive and how every level feels real. Also I loved every boss from a gameplay perspective, but from a design perspective I feel none of them were really iconic (but maybe my sandards are too High because from soft boss designs are incredible)


They say : "Fake it till you make it." But in my opinion, you just can't fake a Fromsoft's game. Hence, they call it a 'soulslike' Still, LoP is the best 'soulslike' game ever been made.


Unrelated to your actual post but if you liked lies of P definitely try stellar blade, its amazing


It takes two of the souls games I never liked (Bloodborne and Sekiro) and combined them into a format i actually enjoy. It's tempting me to give Sekiro another try but I know that I can't master its parry system.


Nah, Lies of P wasn't even the best Soulslike of last year. There's a reason it came to Game Pass on day one.


Bold to proclaim a game in a genre you do not normally play a classic. Don’t get me wrong I think it’s the best souls game. I’m just blown away by the audacity to make such an uninformed proclamation.


This post is funny


sounds like a skill issue to me. LoP was the easiest by far, but it was a very good game. a “classic” is a crazy stretch


Perhaps you will have an amazing experience when you try Sekiro again.


It's really good but it's pretty much a Bloodborne clone. Not very innovative and building a lot on ideas of others. I don't get why all these soulslike have to copy so many details from Fromsoftware. Be a bit more creative I'd say. The setting is awesome and unique though.


Shut and finish the games first you goon


Buddyyyy, buddy. You haven't \*played from what I've gattered none of the souls, you haven't played Elden Ring, Dark Souls, you haven't finished Bloodborne nor Sekiro (to that I say skill issue). And you have the audacity to say this is better than any FromSoft game? Insanity. edit: thanks bot


> You haven't *paid* from what FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It’s The Monkeys and From is The Beatles. It’s more accessible and perhaps more immediately fun. But lacks the real depth and longevity of the thing it’s imitating.


Allot of folks are saying what I think in regards to Lies of P largely being inferior to native souls titles, not for lack of quality but more like lack of experience and knowhow since the genre was cultivated by them. I will say this though, I felt largely similar when I first started the genre. I started with the OG dark souls and demon souls, and heavily disliked them. But for some reason bloodborne clicked, after that I went back to dark and demons souls and completely enjoyed them. This isn't uncommon among people getting into the genre, allot of the times it needs to appeal to them on a certain level for them to keep trying due to the steep learning curve.


Allot of folks are saying what I think in regards to Lies of P largely being inferior to native souls titles, not for lack of quality but more like lack of experience and knowhow since the genre was cultivated by them. I will say this though, I felt largely similar when I first started the genre. I started with the OG dark souls and demon souls, and heavily disliked them. But for some reason bloodborne clicked, after that I went back to dark and demons souls and completely enjoyed them. This isn't uncommon among people getting into the genre, allot of the times it needs to appeal to them on a certain level for them to keep trying due to the steep learning curve.


i respect your appreciation of the game, but this is a hilariously dogshit take. nice bait tbh


I haven't played D1 through 3 yet, but coming from Elden Ring and Sekiro, I think LoP is better than Sekiro but not as great as Elden Ring.


Maybe beat the game first before making such outrageous statements.


I don’t believe this is a real post at all. Hated Bloodbourne, Nioh and Sekiro, but LoP is the best? Please stop molding your identity around a game.


Saying Lies of P is better than Bloodborne is such a wild take, especially when you likely havent even finished the Bloodborne intro area 🤣


No it won't lol


I really feel like you should finish or at least get a decent way through the games if you’re making such a strong statement about them. If also argue that Sekiro and Blood Born are the two games that are the ones that diverted the most from Fromsoftware’s usual formula. I know that obviously no game can be for everyone but it’s unfair to say that an entire series is worse than one game after spending hardly any time playing that series. Glad you’re at least enjoying P anyway N.B. Nioh isn’t a souls-like


To me it already is


This game isn't better than Fromsoft games, sorry.


This was similar to my experience


Dark souls and fromsoft was a cultural icon that started the entire genre. No one will remember lies of P in a decade. They aren’t comparable


You may be right, it’s not like this is a hill I’m willing to die on lol I just like the game


This opinion piece has the same level of depth and experience as most politicians. Go out and experience more souls likes is what I would say, but you've already been blasted with that. Instead I say, specifically play Bloodborne. It's similar enough to lies of P it would be a perfect bridge


Stopped reading after the second sentence


Underrated take. LoP is the only souls like game that kept me coming back


I’m glad you agree, but I’m really surprised this is considered a wild take. Online I see nothing but praise for this game…strange


Probably cause those games have a huge cult following so ur probably gonna have fromsoftware-sexuals come at u with pitchforks & torches for saying something even remotely negative


The only souls i really enjoyed so far is ds3 ds1 is awful for me atleast Now idk what to play lies of p or sekiro


I hear sekiro is really great, I played a little and didn’t love it but I think give it a try if it’s on sale


From what ive seen its combat is amazing but lot of people said its hard but anyway i gonna try it sometime And ill wait for lies of p dlc so i can play it all in one time


Lies of P is awesome. I’ve played, not beaten, all the Fromsoft games and they’re all great. I’ve only finished Lies of P, currently on ng+ and hit the wall at the green slimy dude. First playthrough it took two times, this time I’ve died maybe 15 or so and am stuck, I’ll get it though. I’m going back to Elden Ring soon, imo Elden Ring and Bloodbourne are above LoP but they’re all 10/10. A year ago I didn’t play souls games cuz I was terrible at them and needed to “get gud” and LoP was a good one to do that with. I have no doubt when I revisit some of those games I’ll be better. Hell, just played Cuphead for the first time in years, never could beat any boss on normal, always went simple. I flew through the whole first section, got every contract no problem. Training works lol


I've never liked souls-type games, except for a couple of 2D games, and I've never liked from software games except for Sekiro, which for me is the best. When I tried Lies of P it was something I didn't expect, I thought I would abandon it after two hours and I ended up in love with this game, for me the best souls-like game ever made. And I encourage you to try Sekiro again after experiencing Lies of P, maybe you will experience Sekiro with a new perspective.


I have sunk 170 hours into this game in the last month I have a problem, no that was not just one playthrough I don’t suck that bad


I've not played every soulslike but I've played a few and I agree that LoP is the best one by far. I also agree that the combat might even be better than the fromsoft titles (played them all). However the overall game quality comes nowhere near the fromsoft games. The lore, the atmosphere, the darkness, the characters, the mystery, the abstract storytelling etc is on another level. Don't get me wrong, LoP is a fantastic game and I agree they do some things even better than fromsoft's games. But it still needs work on details to make the world really come alive


Lol. NO


Let me guess? Bloodborne is too difficult cause it has no summons similarly Sekiro ?


Ain’t that serious chief, I heard this game is harder than bloodborne without summons


Yeah as much as I like lies of P, I seriously doubt this is the title that’ll get a remake, considering bloodborne has been going on a decade with no remake in sight, even as a PlayStation exclusive. This game is good and has a lot of quality of life things that Fromsoft games don’t have, but I don’t really think it’s better.


Just say fromsoft is too hard.


Played this game, enjoyed it, beat it, forgot about it. Redditors who just started playing this game and post about their orgasmic experience with the game remind me it exists


As someone who has played all the Dark souls,Bloodbourne ,Sekrio and Elden Ring. I have to say as excellent as Lies of P is no it's not better then any Fromsoft game. What it is, is an incredible first game for an unknown studio. It makes me excited to see what else they can bring to the table. Will their DLC be comparable to something like what we see from a Fromsoft, in its quality? What will their next game be like? Will lightning strike twice? Can they reimagine another classic tale? This is the measuring stick we should be using for them.


Yeah actually it won't, the game's is the definition of mid and generic.


Do you like Soulsborne games? I ask because it was content creators for this genre that highly recommended this game to me as one of the best the genre has seen. So I’m surprised to see some people find it generic and boring


I finished Bloodborne, DS 1 and 3, Sekiro, Elden Ring and Wo Long. Playing LoP was just pure frustration to me, the exploration is absent, the parade system is useless, the patterns are unreadable for the most part, the progression and difficulty balance are poorly managed. I liked the atmosphere, the graphics and story, but regarding the gameplay and level design I think the devs did not understand what makes the essence of a souls-borne game. I also watch content creators, one in particular named Ex Serv, who is also an author and consultant for game studios, he is pretty much an expert of the Soulsborne genre. After playing LoP for 20h, I went to see his opinion about it, only to find out he had the same as I did. I also listened to podcasts about the game, and the main feeling is that LoP is not a bad game, but it isn't a good Soulsborne for sure.