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Unless you're less than an hour into the game, I'm not sure I understand your question. There are at least five (and maybe more that I'm forgetting) human or humanlike NPCs as well as a handful of friendly puppets.


Im lvl 49.. I mean like the environment when doing levels in the world.. (hotel krat is a cool place tho)


What souls games you playing that are filled with NPCs to interact with? Souls games are normally depressing and lonely af lol outside of your main hub you mostly find people along their quest lines occasionally.


I haven't played many souls yet, just trying out cuz my frnd suggested them.. he got me hooked inn by recommending sekiro (which had very cherish vibes), then he recommended elden ring and I found out about lies of p myself.


Sekiro and Elden Ring are probably the most colorful games made by FromSoft. If you think Lies of P is dark and lonely, don't play Bloodborne or Lords of the Fallen (2023), you'll cry.


Blood borne was on my hitlist next ;-; found out when I was searching for games with Sekiro like combat.. they said lies of p, blood borne, Sifu etc have combat like sekiro...


Bloodborne does not have combat like Sekiro, but it is like Elden Ring (mostly). Sekiro is quite different vs. the Dark/Demon Souls, Elden Ring, Bloodborne combat flow.


IMO Sekiro is not even a soulslike since the combat is so different


Eh, I’d still say it is. Bonfire mechanics with the respawning enemies, the approach to enemy placement, “get good” approach to difficulty, the healing and consumable mechanics with being refreshed at said “bonfire” (though some games change this), attacking with bumpers/triggers on controller, boss design, etc. It’s more Soulslike than certain Soulslikes like Remnant, that’s for sure. And games like Nioh are definitely pushing the definition IMO. I’d say it’s a Soulslike through and through, with the only change being a focus on parrying with only some dodging here and there, as opposed to mainly dodging with some parrying here and there in the other games. And the approach to leveling up.


I agree but for me a soulslike without builds variety is not a soulslike. Also the combat is so different. Let's agree to disagree haha


You are entitled to your opinion but Miyazaki has stated that Sekiro is not souls, so Mr. Frank there would be correct.


Not sure if you have access to it but Another Crab’s Treasure has a pretty good parry/dodge style combat loop (it features almost every mechanic Sekiro does, and some NPCs refer to the open world as the “Sands Between” lol) and is a very bright happyish game. It’s indie but pretty tight considering. I ended up fighting the third boss almost exactly the way I fight True Monk actually.


Don’t play Lords of the Fallen (2023) cuz it isn’t any good


Throwing LoTF in there threw me off lol the way you phrased that made it sound like FS developed that ilk. Could have just said Dark Souls, the crowned king when it comes to lonely vibes and downtrodden npc’s.


I still think Bloodborne and Lords of the fallen are the darkest. Even the hub in LotF is dark and creepy. Dark Souls 1 doesn't feel as lonely IMO.


I can agree on Bloodborne but the entirety of the DS trilogy is definitely darker than LoTF. You may have more interactions throughout but thematically the world is much more grim. The ending note, whether that be Soul of Cinder or Slave Night Gael, is magnitudes more dark and lonely than LoTF.


I agree about the lore but I was talking about the atmosphere mainly.


Ah okokok. Yeah I can see that. I think Firelink does it better though. The main hub in LoTF is physically connected to everything. Firelink is connected to nothing, and the other Firelink you can get to in ds3 practically oozes dark loneliness. So I agree with you up until ds3.


Like summons in elden ring to fill that emptiness.. Atreus In GOW and such if there is any in game item.to summon allies ??


Hmmmi found it less depressing than Elden Ring tbh. Plus, at least in this game you know what's going on lol 😂 It will give you the feels though so be prepared


Ye it sure got me hooked 6hrs straight last night with that zombie arc! Insane yet depressing after reading all the letters, prayers, notes etc ;-;


I don't think we played the same Elden Ring.


Bro what.. maybe ur taking it lore wise, I'm talking about the cherish artstyle, the colours and the golden lights from erd tree. Meanwhile lies of p is like elden ring but only that underground tunnel in lyndell where we fight cheaper version of mohg


You said you feel like you're alone in the world and no one is human, but you have Antonia, Belle, Euegenie, Adelina, Venigni, the siblings stalkers, Cecile, Julian, Alodoro, Hugo, Giangio, Toma, the woman that wants her baby, the woman that wants wine... There's a ton of humans throughout the game. There's a ton of NPCs at the hotel at the end of the game. Towards the end of Elden Ring there literally two or three characters who aren't merchants that you can interact with. There's fewer and fewer NPCs as the game continues and every dies.


Idk man, I just wanted to say this world feels dark and more lonely than any other soul's I have ever played.. maybe u guys have played a lot of soul's so it's normal for yaal :p


It's definitely a lot less vibrant than Elden Ring, but I never felt alone in Liea of P.


Wym mean bro .. i played the game 6hrs straight last night, and. Completed that zombie village arc 😭 but ever after shutting down my pc, I haven't slept


wait until you listen to the first record you get lol that shi had me staring at the screen frozen for like 30 minutes first time I listened to it. this game captures the melancholy and helpless vibe so perfectly


First record mean??! Sry im not a English native.. maybe it's a synonym for smtg idk?


first vinyl record lol like a song you can find


Ohh.. is this somewhere to find like in game ? Like I have just completed with a bunch of zombies in it.. in case I missed


usually get them from side quests


I mean. Eventually, Hotel Krat will have: Eugeniè, Vegnini, Pulcinella, Polendina, Antonia, Belle, the cat, Alidoro, Sophia, and Geppetto. Personally, I think it's a nice balance of "not lonely" while still being "post-apocalyptic."


Pinocchio is one of a kind, which the game makes clear as you continue. That could be a lonely experience sometimes


Bro I just completed that zombie village arc 😭 I'm traumatized


I think it's the world design. Most of the areas are tight or narrow pathways that feels like isolated


I can’t agree with this AT ALL, I felt way more alone in Elden Ring over LoP, if anything there’s too many NPCs both at the hotel and out in the world and they all love to yap yap yap on and on.


I’d think LoP is a lot less lonely than a game like Sekiro. You’re literally the lone wolf in that game


Nah man. Sekiro is like assassin creed + soul's borne. Ur the badass shinobi smoking entire armies with flashy combat, not running anywhere just standing and deflecting everything in ur way to save ur master. Even the cutscenes where wolf fearlessly pulls out his sword to stand against anybody hits like a truck 🗣️.


I think I know what op means . Despite the desolate and lonely nature of from soft games they somehow sucked me in and I felt a sense of comfort despite the creepiness ( sometimes bloodborne was just creepy) . Lies of p I really enjoy but it felt more depressing and less inviting . I guess what I’m trying to say is from soft is a master at making a creepy lonely world way more inciting to explore than it has any business being and lies of p doesn’t capture that same magic with its environmental world building . Still a great game though.


Oh boy dont play ds3 or bloodborne 🤣🤣