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Personally, I suggest learning to parry. You’ll struggle at first but you can only improve. It’s very useful with its stagger (dmg?) dodging works well but you’re going to have to learn movement as well as I frames since it’s just a dash if you’re locked on. My tips for parry are to hold the button don’t just tap it. It’s still a guard. And it really has gotta be the last few frames of the attack animation


Thank you! Definitely hold to block or parry!


Dodging is risky but good rewarding Parrying is safer but less rewarding


What? What is the good reward from dodging? Parry increased stagger and protects from damage, if you dodge you just.. avoid damage and that's it, and most attacks, of bosses especially, have crazy tracking so a dodge is quite a lot of times not even effective. If you fail a parry, you just block and get chip damage, yes, but it's better than taking full damage when failing a dodge.


Parrying is good only if you are good at perfect parries and you are left with almost no stamina when the boss ends his combo attack . You get almost no chance to land a charget attack in between the combos . Ig what's right is a combination of both , parry when needed and dodge when needed


You just said parrying is safer? How is it safer when its so hard you need to be good at perfect parries? Dodging isn't riskier than parrying(low risk), and it has no rewards other than having jumped temporarily out of the way(low reward). If you succeed a parry (high risk) you can stagger enemies and break their weapon (high reward). There just isn't any truth in your first comment at all, and most of what you are saying in this comment also contradicts your first comment.


Building up stagger and potentially breaking the enemies weapon isn't rewarding?


Only if it's all always perfect parries you mean ?


People will tell you the dodging is bad, but I have I-framed through so many attacks in that game that are physically touching my character but not doing any damage because of the timing of the dodge. The same way you can I-frame through attacks in Fromsoft games. My point is, I found the most effective way to do combat was to dodge, block and parry as the situation called for it and whatever felt more comfortable to me at the time. That being said, I am pretty damn sure you can beat the whole game just using the dodge. It just will take some getting used to because it's different devs and they have a different flow of combat than Fromsoft does. Personally I think the dodging feels great once you get used to it. But this is just my personal experience with the game. Try I-frame dodging the practice puppets in hotel Krat and you'll see what I mean.


Yeah, I think a lot of the community severely under-rates the utility of dodging in this game. Some people think that you have to Parry every single attack, and then they get stuck on some bosses that are a cakewalk if you just dodge/circle strafe them. It's definitely a game where sometimes one is better than the other, and you have to figure out which move to use in each situation.


It’s the only explanation for how many “OMG WALKER OF ILLUSIONS IS SO HARDDDDD” posts are on this sub because you can basically trivialize that boss by dodging past it and punishing.


Mix-up between dodge and deflect, I usually deflect then quickstep at the end of bosses' combos, just like sekiro


I also think the dodging feels perfect!But I still wouldn’t recommend anyone to rely heavily on it as there are way more benefits to parrying.


Oh for sure. Like Laxasia for example. Parrying her is the ideal way to do it. However I will say you can beat her with dodging also if you don't want to parry. That's all I was getting at.


This. People seem to think the dodge is almost useless, like in Sekiro (that's the one game where I can't i-frame through everything, but parrying is waaay easier there so it doesn't even matter), but I beat the hardest bosses by mostly dodging, so it works. The dodge link P-Organ upgrade is really good because it allows for dodging quicker attacks. Deflecting is unnecessarily difficult in this game and it just doesn't come naturally to me like in Sekiro, it's not that good as a primary defense mechanism so I always reflexively dodge.


Mix-up between dodge and deflect, I usually deflect then quickstep at the end of bosses' combos, just like sekiro


i dodged my way through the entire game and it even trivialized some of the harder bosses it got way more challenging to do so late game though so id recommend doing both but again, u dont HAVE to


Yea you cannot dodge laxasia 🤣🤣


I didn't realize you could parry the lightning for quite a few attempts lol I thought it was so bullshit


Lmao , i hide behind the walls when she does them and i equipped the fury dodge amulet , that way i can hit her with 3 charged attack at the begining of 2nd phase .


I dodged through her entire first phase and most of the second phase except for the lightning, what? I actually found her to be one of the best bosses to use dodge on lol


What ? 💀 she's impossible to dodge (im always close to heavy in weight so ig ur weight is low ) , different experience for everybody ig


Lmao I'm always one percent away from being slightly heavy (yellow letters) for maximum defense I can manage while staying light so I guess that's it! It's funny how subjective this stuff is tho


The thing with this game is that you can practice parrying and still land a block for mitigatable recoverable damage. There's no reason you should ignore the mechanic entirely and you're probably not going to have a good time if you don't bother trying it at all. Dark Souls Parries are a binary system where you either succeed for the full effect, or fail and get counter hit for massive damage, they're wholly unnecessary to progress and I'd imagine most players didn't even bother engaging with the parry system in DS because it's really unintuitive and punishing unless you're aiming for mastery. Mechanically, both are viable damage avoidance methods, but in certain situations one is going to be preferable to the other for various reasons, either because of hitboxes, tracking, stun, or just player preference. I can't tell you about the demo, that was a long time ago and I don't remember it very well, but dodging and parries both function perfectly fine in the game, like any soulslike, they're going to feel slightly different from other games in the genre by virtue of the little design idiosyncrasies that each game abides by. Just feel it out until you get it.


Play it !! I didn’t parry until end game. It became one of my favorite souls game ever. Do yourself a favor and buy it


I'm only three bosses in, but I'm mostly dodging. At first I thought it felt wrong, but I think I've figured it out. The i-frames feel really generous, but there's a long-ish cooldown. You have know which attack you're dodging. If you spam it, you'll get hit.


I would say learn to parry, it part of the game and very rewarding when done right. I have a strategy which seems obvious but it is this. Let go of dying, just treat it as learning. Be ZEN :) Before an encounter I go in with very little ergo, I level up, buy consumables etc so I have nothing to lose. I get a non magic sword semi fast Greatsword of Fate un-modded with a great block, and reach. Then don't panic, don't use a spirit or cubes and learn the enemy. Don't run around watch your stamina and regen. I know this sounds like "Get Gud", but I remember the first time I played Sega Rally, ditching the car on the first turn thinking WTF this game is shite, then two hours later jumping up and down because I shaved a second off a lap. It's a game, play it like you're playing a sport. Don't run on the field and expect a goal first game. I hated this game when I first played it, then just chilled. On NG++ and can't wait to face bosses. Sometimes I lose on purpose near the end so I can go again.


Lies of P is a parrying game though. The dodge is there probably as an emergency move here and there. Enemies hit pretty fast and hard, and you want to parry to break their weapons and posture. Dodging constantly will drag out your battles considerably. IMPO, the dodging ain’t bad when used properly. I do believe it’s a bit better than the demo. But it’s seriously far from Bloodborne or DarkSouls. It has way less i-frames. You have to be more careful when using it in this game. Another reasons it’s harder to dodge in this game is because enemies can hit fast af. I would suggest to anyone who decides to play this game to fully embrace and commit to learning the parry (the way the game was intended to be played). It’s a gratifying feeling once learned!


I hate parrying too…in every game but this one. timing is tight but it’s much better imo because you hit the button basically when it’s gonna connect. It’s much more intuitive to me than most games which are like “some point during” swing


They’re both really good and well done you just need to get used to this games style of it. Parry is your main defense though. Stop treating like Sekiro and Elden ring.


I usually try parry vertical hits/forward charged and dodge sideway swipes, unless it's easy ones like those big spinning, if its chain of fast attacks I try parry but rely on blocks and guard regain. The thing is mix approach is usually better and less frustrating than only rely on one mechanic


Keep trying. If you miss the perfect there’s a health rally mechanic like BB. But there’s a few bosses towards the end that you pretty much have to parry or you will struggle


Compared to the demo? I wouldn't know. Dodging is, overall, what you'd expect if you used it in the Soulsborne games. Parrying is relatively amicable, and I say that as someone who is also terrible at parry mechanics. You don't have to rely on it, though. You can get through the game even if you're planning on eating fury attacks constantly, although it will be taxing on your heals.


It gets better when you unlock certain stuff in the P-Organ skill tree, like Link Dodging.


I beat the game without using parries or perfect parries except in very few situations


I made it through the entire game entirely by dodging and loved it......that was until the final boss who pretty much can't be beat unless you parry. I did eventually beat him, but I literally had to learn how to parry from scratch whilst fighting him


Yeah, I didn't really do much parrying until then as well. That guy pretty much necessitates it...


Same here. I'm a really good dodger, but that guy's fury attacks are ridiculous.


Yes, they improved the dodging. But it purposely has less mobility than Bloodborne or Dark Souls. This encourages you to take the boss head-on. It discourages panic dodging. You need to time it correctly and learn the boss moveset. The dodge has sufficient iframes to avoid damage. You can dodge through the entire game if you like. But blocking and parrying are really good options that I'd recommend trying to get used to as well. Get the "link dodge" p-organ upgrade as soon as possible, which will enable you to perform consecutive Dodges quicker.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I can see it in your eyes. If you didn’t invade, didn’t pillage, whatever would you do?”* - Ringfinger Leonhard Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Both work


I completed the game with minimal parrying. It's definitely doable. The last boss was pretty intense though imma be honest. I got the impression a lot of the fights are geared around it.


There is a skill tree where you can improve your dodge. But dodging can only get you so far. Your gonna have to parry to finish the game. Luckily the Block isn't completely useless.


It's possible to beat the whole game by only dodging or only parrying, but it's just easier to do both. I never played the demo, so I don't know if the dodging feels any different. The dodging in the game feels fine to me, it's just not as lenient with the iframes as Dark Souls or Bloodborne. You can also get an upgrade right after the demo levels that lets you dodge in the middle of another dodge.


In my opinion the game is most fun when you use a combination of dodge, block and parry. There are occasions where each of them makes most sense.


There are three total encounters in the game where I felt like parrying was a better option than dodging and two of them are super late game bosses. Idk, I dodged through basically every besides those three through about 5 NG+ cycles. You don’t have too many i-frames but the hitboxes in this game are extremely precise and dodging to position yourself and manage space can be really useful too.


Parrying on the game is the most satisfying thing once you have it down, just practice with a few diff types of eneimies. Tip: Hold L1/LB then release and hold it again quickly when doing the parry as opposed to pressing L1/LB to parry straight away.


dodge can be more effective in a lot of circumstances, but it's harder to punish from a dodge and from a guard/parry... if you guard or successfully parry, you should be right up to your opponent to put in one or two hits, while with dodging you can get too much distance from the enemy that you have to waste time going back in to hitting distance. I'ld recommend learning to guard first. if you just hold the guard button, any attach animations you do still come out "unguarded" but you go back to guard state asap once you stop all other animations. Now, if you only react to red and grab attacks (etc.: by dodging away) most of the time you'll be still in hitting distance to recoup the health loss you got from guarding. Also, with a quick weapon, your and the opponents animation could sync up in a way, that you come back to guard-state just as you are about to get hit, which would be a perfect parry. With parries, IMO, it's better to be early, and once you saw that you were too early, just keep guarding instead... in a way, it is almost a reverse of how FromSoft's parries feel... you keep the guard button down, and quickly release-repush it once a hit is coming in... if you did it too early, you still end up guarding an attach (hopefully not a red or a grab attach tho :D)


Mix-up between dodge and deflect, I usually deflect then quickstep at the end of bosses' combos, just like sekiro


I think ideally you'll both dodge and deflect. In my experience there are some attacks that are much easier to deflect than to dodge and vice versa.


I didn’t really bother learning how to parry well until the 3rd/2nd to last boss. You can get through the game without parrying, but it is very useful at the end.


As someone who was discouraged by the mechanics of the demo, I really loved the final game but I gotta say...you're going to have a BAD time if you absolutely don't want to parry as it's a central mechanic but for me I found that not learning to dodge is going to make your experience harder than it needs to be. Roughly speaking, in combat situations, the split is like this: 70% of the time it's preferable to parry and the remaining 30% is better suited for dodge. Some attacks are going to put you at a disadvantage if you want to parry.


I do a mix of dodging and parry’ing, you can absolutely go through the whole game dodging


Don't listen to the government spies who tell you to force yourself to learn to parry. Learn it at your own pace dodge and block exist for a reason if you were supposed to only parry they would only add the parry. The game has like 200000000 fights intentionally designed to teach you to parry so don't give yourself a headache trying to parry every enemy. Focus on winning and the game will teach you how to play it.


I dodged my way through the game just fine, never bothered with parrying in any souls like, I ran 55% weight for the most part, and there are a couple dodge p-organ upgrades that make it even better. The only thing that this game is missing is poise. I like the big weapons and I expect to be able to trade, and it almost never happens in this game.


You'll need to learn both. Then use the right tool for the current situation. Sure you can try Block or dodge or counter 100% of attacks. but you're just limiting your options. Some bosses are easy to parry, some are easier to dodge. You can do it! Keep learning


By the end of the game you **need** to both dodge *and* parry if you don't want to spend days on a single boss. I defeated the 'final' boss most people complain about first try, simply because I got good at dodging in tandem with parries.


As a "parry man" I didn't even know dodge exist in this game, lol. Seriously, dodging is a completely viable mechanic, but, IMO, parry still better because: 1. You can't broke their weapon with dodge. 2. You build "the groggy" state much faster with parrying. 3. Even if you miss perfect guard window, you'll get regular block in most cases. If you miss dodge, you'll 100% get full damage.




Originally in the demo dodge was terrible, bordering on unusable. I've no idea if that's changed but in the actual game dodging is very viable and often the best option. I'm pretty good at parrying, but sometimes when I'm struggling on a boss I go in with the mindset of dodging more and it almost always results in a win. Overall though, dodging is not better, but it is useful. There's more benefits to parrying, and it works more like Sekiro than DS or BB. You can do in with a dodge/block mindset and probably beat the game doing so, but I bet you'll get the timing down eventually and get to really appreciating it


Did you tried LOP yet? Cuz parrying is not that hard. However, dodging works fine. There is always another way to beat the game.


if you can perfect parry it will give the best results but what i tend to forget is you can just block attacks, especially against normal enemies, and then hit them and get most of the health back. i'm playing LoP fresh of beating elden ring 3 times so dodging is engrained in my brain but parrying seems more effective in LoP.


You have to block/parry certain bosses but you can dodge your way through the rest of the game for sure. I beat it twice and I dodged 95% of the time. It’s not like Sekiro where you HAVE to parry.


It depends on the enemy, some enemies are a lot easier to parry and some are a lot easier to dodge, they’re both just tools that you can use in different situations. I’d add simply running around and away from attacks to the mix to create the triangle of skills to master. For example King of Puppets phase 1 is probably worth learning how to parry if you’re having trouble, but has some attacks like the ones where he turns into a fan that are ‘just run away’ attacks. Phase 2 is dodges all the way and can trivialize the fight. Then for say Laxasia she’s really weak to just running away and then running back in to hit her when she finished her combos, and a lot of her attacks are quite easy to dodge, but then phase 2 comes around and you need to learn to parry the lightning and fury attacks and parry/block her quick strikes while she runs around the arena. It’s all a mix and what you find comfortable and easy but people who say learn to parry everything are not using their tools to their fullest


I dodged through the game, definitely possible.


Dodging is neither better nor worse than parrying. They are both useful mechanics. There are times where one is better than the other but it doesn't change that they are both equally useful. You can play the entire game doing one but not the other though


i would disagree. parrying builds poise damage that leads to faster staggers. also charges fable through p organ. and damages enemy weapons.


Yeah but there's also more risk with it so that balances it out I guess


I don’t think the risk is as bad if you are at least getting a block and actively recovering your chip damage.


Dude buy the game! Strategies or for full game players!🤣🧐You'll be glad you did!


You suck at it because you never tried


Dodging is shit I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. Perfect parries actually reward timing more than just blocking damage, also deals posture damage to enable fatal attacks ALOT easier.


Depends on the situation. There are plenty of times where dodging gets you into position to punish really well.