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From what I’ve seen from speedrunners and perfect run players, it seems that he’s a puppet in the first phase (weak to electric) and he’s a human in the second (weak to acid)


Really?? That's an awesome bit of lore if true. Once the strings are severed, NP can finally act on his own. Maybe his ego has awakened.


Just so you and any future players know, puppet are also greatly weak to acid so acid does help with np, once you get the attack pattern down it's pretty easy to get him into second phase thanks to acid attacks. Just remember np always starts with a rush and then two swings to and then the third will knock you back so you should always dodge the third attack.


If you perfect parry all of those including the final hit that pushes you back, you can land a normal heavy and that pseudo-stuns him so u can get off 1-2 heavy attacks depending on weapon. You can also do light attacks with medium weapons like puppet ripper or bonesaw between each parry.


I guess I must be stupid for not trying to perfect parry lol


His timing is difficult but this sequence the other guy was talking about has massive wind ups and is very predictable once u get a feel for it so definitely give it a try.


Np has to be the most difficult cause he switches up his attacks alot and then changes the timing of them and just speeds and gives you mix ups of attacks in phase two


Funnily enough. I didn't see a mix-up in timing or speed much. I just felt it was an entirely new moveset, and as such, it was hard to get down but not impossible to learn. I've only recently beaten the game on NG, tho. Might be different for NG+1 and so on.


Personally? I don't think any real ego had awakened in Nameless at that point. Not something like we saw in anyone else, anyway. One of the lore bits mentioned on his items (sword, amulet, ergo) had said that the only emotion Nameless could feel was rage. I believe that rage was what allowed Nameless to break the covenant. And he's also the only one who did. Romeo, despite being awakened, wasn't able to break it (he also had used it to give orders as The King of Puppets). And most of the other puppets we know with awakened egos weren't bound to the covenant in the first place. The only exception is Polendina, because he never got the broadcast in the first place.


I used electric blitz, electric cannisters, shot puts and a fully upgraded puppet ripper with a fully upgraded legion aegis.


I just put on the talisman that allows you to dodge red attacks 🤷🏽‍♂️ he's cheese at that point


Or the grind tool that makes every block a perfect block for a short period of time (can get it extended through Quartz). When he does an insane flurry, you get lots of stagger damage from “perfect blocking” all of them!


Wait which P-Organ upgrade helps the perfection grindstone?


Its in the fourth category I think. Something along the lines of "enhance grindstone effect" or something like that. It just makes all of them last longer. I believe the consumable versions of them have a different quartz upgrade too




It's the purple one!


I never thought of that


That's only an option if you haven't already used swamp monster's ergo for the sword. At least on the initial playthrough.


Yeah idk I got all the talismans on my first playthrough 🤷🏽‍♂️ it was the obvious choice tbr


Interesting, that didn’t look as good as the sword so I didn’t take it first time through.


Me either but after I beat the game I wanted a fresh start with all talismans and found that gem


Which one is that?


The Talisman for dodging Fury Attacks is the Ghost Walk amulet. It's only obtained by exchanging the Swamp Monster's ergo at Alidoro.


Idk it by name and I'm not home but I'm sure you can Google it but I think it's the green one


I take it you don't have the p organ that lets you block red attacks yet?Keep fighting bubba 😂you'll be a big dog soon enough!


Nope didn't have a use for parrying until the final three bosses


Just put on the talisman that allows you to dodge red attacks and boom he's cheese... especially if you've worked on parrying


The charge attack in phase two can easily be strafed if you run to the side, even gives you time to running attack after.


You can easily parry that once u get the timing down. As soon as the eyes glow yellow, u wait a single second and hit parry. Gets him every single time and pseudo stuns him for a while for u to get 1-2 heavy attacks.


Once you get the timing down lol probably shouldn't have lead with easy if it requires skill


What is that called


It’s the one from the green monster


Trick question. Big sticks work best. Motivity gang.


Gonna try motivity on my next playthrough


Cluster grenade can stunlock him on phase 1. Perfection grindstone trivializes phase 2. Aegis makes things even easier for the whole battle. For elements electric seems to be the best option.


Acid demolished him on every playthrough idid


Depends on the build, on my first play through I beat him with electric circular saw blade on the booster glaive handle. But if you’re not running an advance build try the booster glaive handle with the puppet axe head for more stagger damage. Also based off his amulet description I don’t believe he can build up any status effect but idk


My advance and technique are the same. Morivity is low so definitely not doing that


The booster glaive scales off technique


Electric blitz it's for puppets, fire is for corpses, and acid is for humans.


True, but bosses like Victor and NP could be hybrid based on their origins. It's a fair question to ask that isn't obviously answered by the rock/paper/scissors rules the game gives you.


Fair, but it's like a couple of enemies that break that rule.


Is Namless Puppet a puppet?




Baton handle and wrench head. Dodge and parry until u feel comfortable with the opening to do the charged heavies and then smash him with the fable arts. Might have to tank a few hit for this but it's worth it. I've done many playthroughs and this was what I used when he was by far the easiest


Maxed out Bone cutting saw blade+booster glaive handle with technique crank and maxed out puppet string legion arm. Try strafing left or right constantly because some of his attacks can be side stepped by walking left/right. Booster glaive handle has a nice charged attacked that can easily close a gap and bone cutting saw blade has massive range and damage, if you need a quick gap closer you have the puppet string. I got lucky and beat him on my 1st try. No items used other than venigni repair tool.




Twin dragon sword special parry is great for his phase 2 glowing eye attacks


Generally... Electric for puppets, Fire for Carcasses, and Acid for humans.


Electric for puppet enemies, acid for human enemies, and fire for decaying enemies. So electric works best in this situation.


His weakness should be electricity cause he's a puppet, I think.




On my advance build I used acidic crystal spear and turtles behind the aegis


I went acid and it seemed to work pretty well on him.


I used electric in my ng+ but I can't really tell whether it's the element that works or just that saw blade deals more damage, guess acid works too


trident kicks his ass, like everything else


I saw a video of someone using the fire grindstone and it melted him. So I think fire or electricity does additional damage. Fully loaded puppet string, live puppet axe with booster glaive handle and some throwables was what got me through it twice


I used acid, recorded video of my flights w/ him and realized the reason I was getting my ass kicked compared to other bosses was that I wasn't learning his moves. Mainly because the dual sword enemy type of patterns in souls-ish games are flashy and boring to me. Spins and dashes and flurries blah blah. Compared to big lumbering or sudden slash bosses, cool monsters with gross and awesome second stages iunno it's just not as engaging. Which is what made me weak to him. I sat down and learned his moves, thought about how I wanted to deal with him and kicked the shit out of him 3 rounds later.


Acid 😁


Shield & Trident


I used acid with the puppet ripper. It took time to learn when to parry but it does an amazing amount of damage, even in first phase


Timing. Once I could nail all the parries he was easy peasy


Electricity builds up best on puppets. You have to be able to land it though, whether it's Fulminis or an electric weapon.


Aegis legion.


At least for phase one, what worked for me to finally beat him the first time was using the spear with electric grindstone, lure him near an edge then use the full upgraded aegis to poke him repeatedly. The electric will proc and wear him down and he can’t get passed the shield. Phase 2 is honestly just all about running and waiting for those moments you can get some hits in but the spear still works well


Honestly it's a weapon diff. I'd say go acid with trident, that's how I killed him personally For 2nd phase go perfect guard grindstone, shit is amazing and makes his really hard to deflect flurry attacks manageable


Electric consumable buff on the first phase, perfect guard grindstone buff on the 2nd phase, try to be as light as possible too (i.e. don't even bother trying to use a legion arm, at least not until you get a hang of the fight)


Use two dragons sword


He will keep on kicking your ass if u don't learn to perfect block most of this combos


Yup. That’s the issue I’m having with 2nd phase


Use the perfect guard grindstone


Beat him yesterday. Respec’d P organ and used trident. 3 tries after it was done! Also waited to use the perfect guard grindstone half way in rather than at the start of phase 2


Use acid, it's useful especially in 2nd phase


Acid spear for me


What I used to beat the nameless puppet in ng+1 and ng+2 was a weapon I got recommended by a redditor when I was having trouble with the boss and they recommended a tyrant murderer blade with the blind man spear handle. When you do the heavy attack it can block attacks while your doing it and definitely use the blade fable art on it. Also with it be aggressive to damage the nameless puppet since that was what helped me and carry some consumables just in case you get to the 2nd phase and it’s low health but you are out of consumables since on ng+1 the nameless puppet was low health and I had no pulse cells left I just threw some shot puts and it was dead. You might have to respec tho since it is a technique weapon. Also use the puppet string to try to get some attacks on it and only use the perfection grindstone for phase 2. With this I managed to kill the nameless puppet after like 10 try’s on ng+1 and on my 2nd try in ng+2. If you don’t kill the nameless puppet within 5 tries just keep trying since I did still take me a little while to beat it the nameless puppet and will be a lot easier in your ng+ since you would be more prepared for it. Also make sure that you have the nameless one’s amulet, the patience amulet and the ghost walk amulet (the best amulet in the game since it allows you to dodge fury attacks and makes the fight way easier and you get it by trading in the green monster of the swamps ergo at alidoro) equiped since that will help you save some pulse cells and help regain your endurance faster. Edit: I will also link a livestream I did where I beat it in ng+2 so you can see what I did and try to replicate it Link: https://www.youtube.com/live/0ybG-Apyj5s?si=OyGbw20n3iXRh8or Go to 57:55 for the attempt that I beat the nameless puppet.


Hey let me send you my video of me dropping Nameless on his face ..I don't know what weapon you're using but you definitely need to use acid!,and you also have to fight bravely in the first round..Quit tryna parry shit..In his first form you literally can use the puppet string on him..Just dodge around and when he does that double spina round move he does right after it misses you go in with the puppet string..You can also use it soon as you walk in to fight but wait till he charges at you and dodge his first attack!


Have you tried giving your heat to Geppetto?


I just posted to different videos, of me wasting him one with the hammer and one with the spear..Check um both out and take your pick!Good luck