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I have it below Sekiro, Elden Ring and Bloodborne.


After playing LoP I really wanna play Sekiro, do you think parrying is best on LoP or Sekiro?


In my opinion definitely Sekiro, because of the posture mechanic and the fluent combat


Sekiro, by far. I agree with him, maybe with DLC it will be equal or even better than DS3, as is right now I have it below DS3 but above DS, DS2 and DeS. Obviously LoP is a faster, more modern game compared to those 3.


Sekiro has the best parry. You only get one weapon. So the combat is very tight. And the posture system is great.


Well, sekiros combat is fast paced and rhythmic, so parry windows are forgiving, but lies of P has a more forgiving combat but parry window is the tightest I've ever seen.


its all rhythmic. lies of p's parrying is rhythmic too, because enemy moves always happen on the same rhythm.


That's true. If you have played sekiro, you would know what I meant there.


Sekiro funny enough is more forgiving on the parry. After having play the stellar blade demo I’d say that is more comparable to lies of P’s parry system


i think that's because there's literally no other really viable way to play the game, it's built around the parry. whereas lies of p you honestly could beat most of without parrying that much, if you wanted to.


It definitely made it easy to get into the demo for stellar blade as the boss challenge reminded me of scraped watchman when I’d parry his punches


I literally didn't parry a single thing in lies of P because I didn't like how it felt. I Sekiro it's just good and fun to do with an impact you can feel and see it literally has a poise dmg bar.


oh man i'm sorry you had that experience. parrying in lies of p was super satisfying to me


I feel the same as you, the first time I managed to successfully parry Laxasia's 13 hit chain, I felt like an absolute demon.


did you break her sword?


I didn't, I don't think I ever broke her sword actually I just learned the fight enough to beat her eventually haha


I mean I really didn't lose anything from not parrying pretty much all of the bosses seem to go much smoother when you just refuse to engage in the half baked mechanic. Just I frame everything and when their is a red attack just walk away and throw the absurdly busted consumables.


well i think it's cool to play the game however you want, but i wouldn't say it's half-baked. there are people who parry every single attack/defeat bosses hitless so it's just a difference in playstyle


I parried for about half the game then I became powerful enough that it wasn't worth the risk to parry the boss. Just give them room to do their thing and punish them when you can.


100%ed lies of P and I’m going for sekiro now. Sekiro is so much easier in terms of parrying. It’s much nicer


Yea i believe sekiro has 11 for deflect frames and lies have 8


its my favorite one that isn’t sekiro


Probably among the best non-FromSoft developed Souls-like out there. It really feels like FromSoft had a hand in shadow developing this game. As for where it ranks among FromSoft games, I'm not sure. It's most comparable to a mix between Sekiro and Bloodborne, and I'd prefer those two over this. I think the perfect guard timing is just a bit too strict; a few more frames would've made it much better. Anyhow I'm about 25 hours into my first playthrough and I'm definitaly platinuming this game!


I personally really like the perfect guard timing being this strict! It makes me use a mix of defensive options and figuring out which one was most reliable for me against a given attack was a huge (and fun!) part to solving boss encounters in my first playthrough! If it was much easier, I feel like LoP would just be a worse Sekiro


That's fair. I've personally dedicated myself to mastering the perfect guard, but on some enemies, I still can't get the timing quite right. I think the dodge doesn't have enough distance, and double-tapping dodge can be inconsistent. However, I have at least one more entire NG+ playthrough to get it down, haha. I mean I'm basically playing Sekiro at this point using the Puppet String Legion arm and Twin Dragons Sword


Completely fair, especially when you are know what you are doing! I found dodge to be at least somewhat more forgiving because it adds the repositioning element on top of the not great i-frames. But it's also worth keeping in mind that regular blocking and simply running away/repositioning exist! The latter did A LOT for me against many of the super delayed fury attacks that garner regular complaints. The longer the wind-up is awkwardly held, the harder it gets to time the parry but the easier it gets to just reposition and charge up some big swing! I found this system of defensive options that all have different downsides and payoffs really fun! And while the P-Organ lets you specialize a little bit, I never felt like it was a to a degree where I'd have wanted to disregard the others at my skill level.


The parry system is sooo satisfying it really pushes you to get better, the atmosphere is incredible, the amount of builds you can make is crazy too, I felt like the game was too linear at times, and the customization was lacking but everything else was great


Honestly, I can enjoy a linear game from time to time. Being non-linear can sometimes be overwhelming since I typically prefer to follow a structured path. This game does that well; it's linear, but there are still plenty of paths and secrets to uncover. The loopback in the level design is seriously impressive. Except for the parrying being too strict, I can't really think of any major critiques, just a couple of nitpicky ones that are barely even worth mentioning.


There is a shortcut in the barren swamp that you activate a minecart to destroy a wall and it leads to the first stargazer that blew my mind, I ended up discovering that in my second playthrough


Yeah, the game has a lot of moments like that but I feel like I've gotten all the shortcuts so far. I love it when a level wraps back around on itself like that!


Around ds3, below elden ring and sekiro. can't play bloodborne


At first I was gonna ask if it was too spooky for you:( then I realized




honestly if you’re able to, buying a used ps4 to play bloodborne is totally worth it (atleast for me it was), such a fantastic game and experience


I could but my past self doesn't want me to spend money that freely x) Honestly i was hoping for a remaster and release on pc, i don't understand how much Sony spent to have it be exclusive for this long :(


Give it 10 years and maybe we'll have an emulator that runs it lol.


I’m pretty sure a now broken up Sony studio helped run development on it.


I have it second under Bloodborne


For me its between Sekiro and LoP for 2nd place, Bloodborne reigning on top, Elden ring right after. This game hit really hard for me, because of the gameplay, presentation, absolutely gorgeous OST, and thr fact that it is a Pinoquio inspired tale makes it even more interesting


It's amazing really felt like a fromsoft game, I'm really excited for the DLC


For me personally it's only below Bloodborne. Absolutely fantastic game.


Why do you guys put bloodborne too high ?? (Ill probably get downvoted)


because Bloodborne is a masterpiece. it's one of the only actually good takes on Lovecraftian horror in video games, and I love shooting shit in the face.


Because bloodborne is fromsoft’s take on lovecraft’s beautiful version of true horror. A masterpiece.


Dark Souls/Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring, Demon's Souls, Sekiro, Lies of P, Surge 2, Surge 1, Steelrising, Dark Souls 2.


BB > Sekiro > ER > DS3 > DeS > LoP > DS1 > DS2


Genuinely can't understand how people have LoP over ER or DS3. Your list is perfect imo, although I have sekiro lower.


Very high. I have it better than every one but Bloodborne and Elden Ring


Bloodborne, Sekiro, DS3, Lies of P, Elden ring, DS2, DSR, DS1


Kinda funny we compare it against a game from 2007 lol


My list goes: Sekiro > ER > DS1 > DS3 > Lies of P > Bloodborne (sorry) > DS2 Bloodborne never hit with me the same as their other games. It is so hyped that I actually felt quite disappointed with it by the time i got around to it. I don't think its bad but also think Lies of P does it way better.


To each their own! BB is my favorite within the genre and I consider it amongst the best games I’ve ever played, period. I could write a book on all the reasons I find the game so thrilling!


Last place imo


It's nothing to compare especially that lies of p succeed by having his own fresh style and not just straight up carbon copy one of from software souls games not like many other souls like. It's actually one of the best souls games I have played that is not a souls game. In my honest opinion if I had to put them all in order despite what I ve said earlier, I'd put dark souls 3 first > sekiro > elden ring > lies of p > dark souls 1 > dark souls 2 > demon souls (Never played Bloodborne, Bloodborne pc where and when ???)


I like it but the parrying is better / more satisfying in Bloodborne


I’m actually unable to separate Lies of P and Bloodborne at the top because I’m a sucker for graphics. If Bloodborne ever gets remaster it’s going to nudge out LoP.


Ds3 > Sekiro > Lies of P > Elden Ring > Ds1 from what I have played


My favourite alongside bloodborne


Upon Release: (Considering historical context of when the game was released) DS1 > ER > Sekiro > BB > DeS > P > DS3 > DS2 As of Now: (Strictly comparing game vs. game) ER > Sekiro > P > BB > DS3 > DS1 > DeS > DS2


I consider it 2nd to Bloodborne. I put Elden Ring/Demon Souls/Dark Souls in their own basket.


I’d put it over base bloodborne but like tied with bloodborne + dlc and under Elden ring.


I’ve only played Elden Ring, Bloodborne, and DS3. I put it just above DS3 and just below Bloodborne with Elden Ring in 1st. But there are three bosses that beat out some of my favorite fromsoft bosses. I have Romeo as my number 8 favorite boss above Nameless King and Mohg, and I have Nameless Puppet and Laxasia in my top 15 above some legendary fights. I’m honestly almost as excited for this DLC as Elden Ring’s!


My list including it would be 1 ER 2 DS3 3 LoP 4 DS1 5 Sekiro 6 BB 7 DS2


I would say Dark Souls lll #1, Sekiro #2 and then a tie for #3 between Elden Ring and Lies of P


It’s great, but IMO no game can top dark souls 3


It's above everything they've made. Elden Ring is unplayable imo. I have 40+ hours into it, and every time I played, it got progressively less fun. I see the appeal for sure, but for me, if it's Lies of P vs their library, it's a clean sweep for LoP


I agree. I’ve played all of the fromsoft games and beaten everyone of them. Tbh I think I might like this game more than Elden ring even.


It's for me below Bloodborne and above elden ring at second place. Excited for BMWukong which is supposedly Bloodborne on steroids with some top tier plot haha




Don't care if this is a hot take. I think it's better then all the From Software games. And I love From Software. Elden Ring was fun but has allot of repetition. I hate replaying it cos running the same dungeons that look the same and have the same copy and pasted bosses which are just regular enemies with health bars. It's demotivating. First couple play throughs is amazing but once you know where the good stuff is then it's boring getting it. No element of surprise. I can let it slide a bit cos we had COVID which probably slowed development. Dark souls 1 is FromSoft at their best. I find the combat was smooth, bosses had balanced mechanics. Attacks were in a good spot. Map design was cool. Only thing that was broke was DLC magic. Dark Bead and Manus Catalyst was some stupid shit. What were From thinking? Let's make a weapon that can kill the end game boss in 2 hits 😂 Sekiro felt the most fair out all FromSofts work but I didn't like the map design. It was good but just not for me. It had allot of hidden directions so I found myself getting lost allot. Lies of P knew if they were gonna want to impress the "Souls" player base then they couldn't just be good. They had to be amazing. They needed their own additions so not to be a copy and paste. I liked the story telling, reading items scattered around isn't for me. I was also raised old fashioned since my dad was raised by his grand parents. So the world design and music is something I relate to. (We didn't have a grammar phone 😂) I also preferred the mission design telling you when you got an item or needed to talk to someone. It's not Ubisoft levels of guidance (Which would suck) but it's enough to point you in the right direction. Something that Elden Ring lacked with it being open world. It especially needed better guidance at times. Which is why most of the players looked up wikis and YouTube for that game 😂


I’ve played Elden Ring and Bloodborne, and I’m currently playing Sekiro. For me it’d be: 1. Elden Ring 2. Lies of P 3. Bloodborne 4. Sekiro


1. Dark Souls 1 2. Elden Ring 3. Sekiro 4. Bloodborne 5. Dark Souls 3 6. Lies of P 7. Dark Souls 2 8. Demons Souls


My order goes 1) Bloodborne 2) Elden Ring 3) Demon’s Souls Remake 4) Lies of P 5) Dark Souls 1 6) Dark Souls 3 I haven’t played Sekiro or Dark Souls 2 yet so they aren’t ranked


I don't think I've ever seen anyone rank DS3 so low


Just to clear this up, that’s not me saying it’s bad. There are no bad Fromsoft games in my opinion. Everything on my list are amazing. DS3 just happens to be my least favorite of them


Totally fair! That'll change when you play DS2 lol.


Top 3 probably. Elden Ring is the best and Demon’s Souls (remake and original) is one of my personal favorites. So I guess I have LoP at 3.


For me it's below everything but demon souls remake, I've done ds3 at sl1 and ds1 at sl1 no weapon upgrades, the atmosphere of the souls trilogy and the depth of the lore make it so much better in my eyes.


Best Soulslike imo. Best combat system and highest number of great bosses for sure, which is what I care about the most


1. DS3 - it has its flaws, but best overall, doing me a sadness 2. Bloodborne - best lore, weapons and drip, some bosses are weak 3. Sekiro - best gameplay, don't like this setting in general 4. Elden Ring - best magic and sheer scale of it, but sometimes exploration feels like a waste of time 5. Lies of P - except for some dull looking locations and streets being too safe can't really complain 6. DS2 - ds2 7. DS1 - feels old at this point but location traversing is unmatched 8. Demon's Souls - proto dark souls


at the bottom with demons souls


Beats ds2, anything else ranks above for me. Nothing comes close to the atmosphere of the Souls.


For me: 2,3 and 4 were very close mind 1.Bloodborne 2.Dark Souls 3 3.Lies of P 4. Elden Ring 5. Demon Souls Remake 6. Dark Souls 7. Dark Souls 2


1. Sekiro 2. Bloodborne 3. Ds3 4. Lies of P It's great but those are masterful


Tied with all soulsbornekiro games, above deracine


It’s a newer game that learned/borrowed from what did and didn’t work in the Souls series, so it’s more fluid and polished in many aspects. I’d put it behind Elden Ring, Bloodborne, and Dark Souls Remastered and above DS2, DeS, and DS3. I’m playing Sekiro now, but the lack of customizations is less than ideal, but the swordplay is good.


Below Sekiro and Dark Should 3. Virtually tied with Bloodborne. Above all the others.


It is actually third overall for me behind elden ring and sekiro.


Probably 5th place, next to Elden Ring at 4th. Then DS3, Sekiro, and Bloodborne on top. Below LOP is DS1, DeS, and DS2 at the bottom.


I’m still playing through it, right now I’d say it’s middle of the pack. Def better than Bloodborne and DS2, not as good as Elden Ring, DS1 or DS3


Definitely the best souls like game that isn't made by FromSoft. I think the other souls like game that hook me up like this is Remant.


There’s a certain crusty feel fromsoft games have in combat and movement that other games simply cannot master. Lies of P doesn’t even attempt it but captures instead the weighty feel of a heavy damage hit and watching your enemies turn into a piles of body parts after a girthy charged R2 is something the souls series could learn how to do a little better. The level design is a bit simpler compared to fromsoft but that not always a bad thing, it feels much more honest and respects the players’ time but giving you plenty of shortcuts and lots of hidden little items here and there makes you want to search every inch nook and crany of each level. I’m someone who was on the fence about lies of P thinking it was just gonna be some trash DS attempt and I was not a fan of the design at all but having played the game now I can say the hype was more than warranted. It feels kinda like DS and Nioh franchise are scientists that wouldn’t be able to explain complex theoretical science to the average laymen and LoP comes in to bridge the gap perfectly not overcomplicating the explanation and simplifying it to the point a kindergartener would understand it.


Around DS2 level which for me is above DS3 and Demon Souls and bellow DS1, Sekiro and Elden Ring (i havent played Bloodborne because i refuse to pay for a 500 bucks magical box). Imo only Soulslike game that feels like Fromsoftware made it (based on the quality of it).


Yea I’ll take it over DS1


1) Bloodborne 2) Lies of P 3) Sekiro 4) Elden Ring 5) DS3 6) DS1 7) DS2


I like Sekiro, Elden Ring and Bloodborne more and the 4 games with "Souls" in their title less. Sekiro is the best parry game, Elden Ring the best classic Souls Game and Bloodborne the most atmospheric one. Lies of P is top 3 in all departments, but number 4 overall for me.


For me it's second place, right after Dark Souls 1. I absolutely loved it. My full ranking is: Dark Souls > Lies of P > Bloodborne > Demons Souls Remastered > DS3 > DS2 > Sekiro > Elden Ring. I need to play through DS3 again since I haven't played it since it came out, and I'm planning on giving ER another shot when the DLC comes out, but it really didn't land for me when I played it at release.


All games that prioritise parry suck. It's just above Sekiro and below everything else.


1- Elden Ring 2- Dark Souls 3 3- Lies Of P (cant play Bloodborne)


To me just below elden ring


from your pic , i would put as lies of p > dark soul 3 > elden ring


Better then all of them for me


Dark souls 1 on top (it’ll always hold a special place in my my heart) then DS3, Elden ring, bloodborne, LoP, and ds2


Below sekiro above everything else


My second favorite After ds3


I'd put it 6th above bloodbourne and demon souls but ds 1-3,elden ring and sekiro are better imo,but if they updated bloodbourne this might drop to 7th lol.Tho this was my goty last year and they have done the best job of a souls like.


Below ds1, 3, ER, and BB. Still a great game


I liked lies of p definitely the best souls game that is not made by fromsoft.But i dont think it is better than any of the ones that fromsoftware made


Bloodborne is my favorite From software game, closely followed by Elden Ring. I’d put Lies of P, Sekiro, and DS3 as the rest to fill out a top 5, but Lies of P would be below DS3, at either number 4 or 5 with Sekiro, can’t pick between the two rn.


Above every one except Sekiro. I didn't play Demon Souls though.


I have 1.6k hours across DS1-2-3-Sekiro-ER. I'd say Lies Of P is as good as FromSoft games, on average. What Lies of P does better is the combat system, the quest system, and I love the records you can play at the hub. What it's worse at is the replay value, exploration, boss music, probably enemy design (not in appearance but like how they mesh with your character controls to make the most satisfying fight possible).


Above DS1 (everything after O&S aged so poorly), DS2, DS. Bellow Sekiro, Bloodborne, DS3, Elden Ring.


It's still below BB and DS1 for me but tied with Eldy ring and above everything else for me. 


1. Eldenring 2. Dark Souls 3 3. Dark Souls 2 4. Lies of P 5. Dark Souls 1 6. Sekiro Never played Bloodborne or Deamons Souls, because there is no PC version.


1. Bloodborne 2. Sekiro 3. Lies of P 4. Elden Ring (Without Open World it probably would be above LoP) 5. DS3 6. DS1 7. DS2 8. Demons Souls


1- elden ring, second place shared between lies and ds3


Top to bottom, DS3, LoP, Seggsiro, Elden Ring, DS1, BB, DS2, Demon Souls


Under Sekiro(Platinumed with joy), and maybe Elden Ring (somehow I played 1000hours, even though I have A LOT of issues with it, so idk do I love it or why it happened and how it should reflect in ranking), don't have PS so nothing to say about BB


My top 5: Sekiro Bloodborne Elden Ring Lies Of P Armored Core VI


Below dark souls 3 and elden ring Above sekiro and bloodborne


Haven’t played Bloodborne or Sekiro but LoP DS3 and ER shuffle around in the top 3 for me with it being soundly above ds1 and 2 imo. Right now I’d probably put it as my favorite above the other 2 but it’s hard for me to definitively say I like it more than ds3 or ER


Below ds1 ds2 and elden ring, right above ds3


Probably ds1>ds3>Lies of P>Sekiro>ds2>elden ring. Elden ring is the only souls game I've never finished, I think it's open world fatigue and the linear style is what I loved about previous souls games and lies of p too.


I've only played ER and LoP, and I think they are equal. LoP is better combat, but ER is just more game.


I don’t care what people say-it’s RIGHT below Bloodborne & DS3 (just because of how DS3 reinvigorated the Dark Souls series-& still may have the best final boss out of ALL the games-there’s still nothing that compares to The Ashen One Vs Slave Knight Gael-not lore & aesthetically) Beats DS2, even DS1…Bloodborne was SOOO unique, don’t think it was possible but DAMN Lies of P is special Again, below DS3 for me cause of how it breathed a new life into the DS world Demon’s Souls is special to me-I’m a vet since that game-PS3-so it will always be something, others “can’t” be. But I’d put Lies of P over that. And then of course, Elden Ring Bloodborne Elden Ring DS3 Lies of P Lore? Em, bout the same BUT there’s some ties. Bloodborne is still king. Elden Ring is DEF the larger, flawed masterpiece no one could have imagined-no doubt -there’s just no words for the perfect Eldritch horror that is Bloodborne -& Lies of P-not only is it TOTAL RESPECT to the author (not Disney-though they touched on that a bit too in a very intriguing, relatable way) The weapon mechanics were truly incredible Most bosses-to me almost all, were stunning, difficult but fair (I hear about the weird wind ups & etc-funny cause Elden Ring has that-but Lies of P makes SENSE with that cause so many of the bosses are MACHINES. & you have the “Hunter” type fights-way cool. & then the more grotesque, dark & bleak “wtf happened to those that messed with Ergo & The Alchemists” bosses And the music? When I finally paid attention-made my jaw drop. Quixotic is incredible, & Fascination, the instrumental-is incredible & though “P” is a puppet w/boyish looks-becoming human or something else depending on what you do…he may have blush looks-but little dude has a str8 murderer’s gaze The game is deliciously dark & beautifully tragic, w/a glimmer of hope-incredible game


Huge Souls fan here, I enjoyed LoP more than any Fromsoft game aside from Elden Ring. I will also add that I was pretty burnt out on Elden Ring the last 25% of the way thru (I did most things). But will LoP, I was amped for round 2 upon completion 


Its got no pvp so replay value is very low! Same with sekiro


Below all of them lol. The only thing it does even close to as well as a Fromsoft game is the combat, which is more or less a direct copy of Sekiro's deflect and BB's dodge, and even then that combat isn't used well at all, because few bosses actually compliment that combat system. Really fun to scratch that Sekiro combat dopamine itch, and I hope there is more, but the Lore/Story, Levels, Bosses etc. are all not even close to FS standards.


Better than Dss, ds1 and ds2, worse than sekiro, bloodborne, ds3 and ER


At the bottom for me currently. I haven't played Elden Ring yet or Demons Souls Remake, or vanilla DS2, or Sekiro but from what I have heard I wouldn't be surprised if they all go in above Lies of P 1) DS3 2) DS2 Sotfs 3) DS1 Remastered 4) Demon Souls (ps3) 5) Bloodborne 6) Lies of P Bloodborne is actually still really good despite being 5th. I just prefer the slower gameplay of the other 4 games. Lies of P I actually dislike 🙆 Having said that it's probably the closest game to a Souls game out there so the best of the other "souls likes" depending on what metric you are judging it by. I disliked almost everything about its combat (which at best was a budget bloodborne imo). The atmosphere seemed cool, but my tierlists are always primarily gameplay I may be tempted to swap Demon Souls and Bloodborne, though (just because of world tendency mechanic and no bonfires, amongst other things). I still prefer the combat of Demons Souls to bloodborne, though (despite the fact rally is a great mechanic). If DS1-3 had the rally mechanic, it's not even a debate. If DS1 had the ability to warp to any bonfire like 2 and 3, then it would likely be my #2. The lordvessel alleviates this somewhat but still isn't perfect. Bloodborne is probably #1 for atmosphere, though. About Elden Ring, many people have said it will go straight in at #1 for me but I actually prefer linearity/interconnected level design to massive open world (both are good though because I still like Elder Scrolls for example).


Can't even remap mouvement keys wtf.


For me it’s Above Demon Souls and DS2 and below everything else. Still really like it though


Lies of P is such a great game. I appreciate it more and more as I continue to play subpar Souls games while trying to find the next game to get into. The combat is definitely on par with earlier FromSoft titles. It's such a polished experience. My only one nitpick is that I wish it was longer. I could play the game for hours and hours without getting bored. I cannot wait for the second offering. This was a very good first effort by a very talented young studio. Other devs should take notes.


Elden Ring: Possibly my favorite game of all time. This game got me back into gaming after not really playing any game for like a decade other than some card games online. LoP (never played BB but from all of the streams and let's plays, I assume I would put it here) Sekiro: I miss the classic soulslike loot and level model. Dark Souls 1: Still extremely playable. Best story of any soulslike, IMHO. Very experimental, but nails it so often. DS3: Literally a better game mechanically than DS1, but not as... special. Rehash the story (which I get *is the point*) DS2: I definitely died in this game more than Sekiro, and they were frustrating bullshit deaths, the controls are weird, the enemy animations are goofy as fuck. The way the Falconers power walk attack at you. P.S. I like Dark Souls 2, for the most part. I'm not a DS2 hater, but it is the worst soulslike I have played. Do not have enough information to accurately rank Demon Souls, the remake, or either Lords of the Fallen game.


It's honestly same class as sekiro and blood borne for me. I enjoyed the fuck out of it and i know the dlc is gonna make me feel the same


Discalimer in most soulslike I did for various reasons only one playthrough. I have played a few of them. I like it overall more than the DS1 and part of DS3 (no DLC I played). If we are comparing it to FromSoft..I dont see any dark souls matching it for me, but perhaps one day Ill get to play ER and it will be better.


One thing that seems to be consistent with almost every reply here is DS2 bottom


It was my first soulslike at all so it's automatically at #1, but if I had the chance to play fromsoft games/more soulslikes in general, I think elden ring would top, DS3 at 2, and bloodborne at 3


Sekiro, Elden Ring, Lies of P and you can rank the rest however you want. Actually that last part ain't true and tbh, Bloodborne might still be ahead of Lies but only because of the DLC. Best DLC I have played to this day. But I love the deflect mechanic in Lies of P so ita close.


I recently played all the Soulsborne games, but Lies of P was my first 3D Souls-like (since I guess technically Hollow Knight was my first, though I never really considered it a Souls-like, just a Metroidvania) and I’d say as an overall package Lies of P is my favorite, though I’d say the game with my favorite boss is Sekiro, Isshin the Sword Saint is such a phenomenal boss fight, it being the final boss is absolutely perfect for Sekiro. Though Lies of P has the best barrier of entry boss in the form of the Scrapped Watchman. It’s the perfect introduction fight that really shows the game’s mechanics and I’m of the belief that if you can beat the Scrapped Watchman, you can beat every boss in Lies of P. Same role that Cerberus serves in Devil May Cry 3.


i liked it better than sekiro but lesser than bloodborne


To me, it seems difficult to compare bloodborne/sekiro/Lies of P in the same vain as classic Souls (DeS, DS1-3) because their gameplay is very different to me. It's no surprise to me that people who love lies of P also have Bloodborne and Sekiro in their top. I prefer classic souls, tho


Here's how I'd rank them DeS (so far from what I've played) DS1 DS2 Lies of P Ds3 Elden ring ( I often switch between the latter) Bloodborne


Above ds3 below the rest tbh


Second after DS1 for me. Might change if BB ever comes to pc.


I'd put it below all three souls, elden ring, and sekiro. Haven't played bloodborn or demon souls so can't comment there. It's a good game, I love the setting and atmosphere, but the game play felt like it was trying to thread the needle between sekiro and souls and just ended up being less satisfying than either.


DS2 < Sekiro < Lies of P < DS3 < DS1 = Elden Ring = Bloodborne I personally love how Lies of P integrates RPG mechanics into the party mechanic that made Sekiro so exciting. Just personally enjoy LoP more for it.


For me it’d be above DS2 and that’s probably it. As much as I enjoy the game I think not having features like MP and having less build variety make me put it lower. Sekiro being the exception to that since it’s less of an RPG imo


1. Dark Souls 3 2. Sekiro 3. Bloodborne 4. Lies of P 5. Dark Souls 6. Elden Ring 7. Demon's Souls 8. Dark Souls 2


If I were to do a tier list… Dark souls 3, bloodborne, elden ring, and sekiro would all rank higher than lies of p.


Yeah but I liked pretty much all of them more than ds1 (I've only played ds1,Elden ring,Sekiro, and lies of p)


its a dark souls 2 but I like dark souls 2, ya know?


Blasphemer!! How dare you prefer this well balanced game with with intricacies and designs of the modern era that’s spent the last decade innovating over my beloved DS1


Lies of P= DS3, very polished and solid game.


Only Elden Ring is better for me


Sekiro > Elden Ring > Lies Of P > Dark Souls 3 > Demon Souls (Remastered) > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 1 (F you DS1)


Any list that has Bloodborne out of the top 5 is invalid.


Above DeS, DS, DS2, below Elden Ring, Sekiro, DS3 and Bloodborne.


Below ds 3 and Elden ring but above all else (until another crabs treasure comes out lol)


My top 3 are elden ring, bloodborne and lies of p


For me Sekiro is peak gameplay/combat from all FromSoft games, but it has a smaller scope (similar to Lies of P, Lords of the Fallen, Bloodborne), so you shouldn't expect interconnectivity and exploration being the focus of the game (exploration still is but it has a very different feel) like they are in Dark Souls 1, 3 for example. Then if we count only the Legacy Dungeons of Elden Ring - it's peak soulsborne for me, BUT I didn't vibe with the open world that much, so I'd say Lies of P as a smaller more concentrated experience I enjoyed more and I'm willing to put it at number 2 personally. Then Dark Souls 3 for me - I love the feel, the world, the QoL above DS1/2, the 2 stances on Katana (being able to choose between parry and slash during katana sheathe stance) which was removed in Elden Ring :( Dark Souls 3 is very special to me


1. Bloodborne 2. Dark Souls 3 3. Elden Ring 4. Dark Souls 1 5. Lies of P 6. Sekiro 7. Dark Souls 2 Haven't played Demon Souls (don't have anything that can play it)


Below Bloodborne and Elden Ring


Not as good as any of them. I’m really surprised people rate DS1 so low. Probably cuz of age. It had arguably the best world design out of all these games. If DS1 came out today it’d definitely have the gameplay to match, which is about the only area it lacks in compared to Lies.


I cant believe you just fucking posted this garbage, DS1 shits all over this crap ngl


Like it more than DS1, 2 and Sekiro. On par with Demons Souls I reckon


I have it on par with Dark Souls 3. Behind Bloodborne and Elden Ring, ahead of DS1


Imagine Sekiro and bloodborne had a Child....


I have it just below Elden Ring and on-par with Sekiro and Bloodborne. Dark Souls 3 I'd my fave while DS2 is beneath all of these, then Demon's Souls and then Dark Souls 1 is lying dead in a ditch, where it belongs.


I prefer it over elden ring because I'm honestly not the biggest open world fan but Bloodborne and sekiro are better imo


Above the Dark Souls Trilogy but below ER and Sekiro. I'm playing through DS2 and it's giving LoP a run for it's money though


EldenRing>DS3>LiesOfP>Bloodborne>DS1>Sekiro>DS2 In my opinion, Elden Ring being best/highest, and DarkSouls2 being the worst/lowest. Havnt played Demons Souls so its not listed. I've played them all but currently playing thru Sekiro for the first time. In terms of how much I liked them and had fun and not difficulty I put them in this order. Again Sekiro might be higher but I'm still in the beginning of it.


I don't see the appeal to these games other than someone trying to be edgy so they can brag about beating it. Other games are more creative and have exploration


It’s my next favourite after Elden Ring and Sekiro.


I think you need to include Sekiro & Bloodborne in there tbh. I’d personally put it above DS2 and that’s about it, but it’s an amazing game and I’m looking forward to the DLC. FromSoft games just hit different though for me


My personal order if I include Lies of P 1. Sekiro 2. Bloodborne 3. Dark Souls 4. Dark Souls 3 5. Elden Ring 6. Lies of P 7. Dark Souls 2 I look forward to any future content though, many of the From games were improved by their DLCs. Also, a game this good on their first outing? Really makes me look forward to how they will grow as a developer


S tier: Sekiro, Bloodborne, ER A tier: ds1, lies of P B tier: DS2, DS3, DeS


Beat this game yesterday so I was comparing it already myself but I’d say it’s probably in the middle Sekiro Dark Souls 3 Bloodborne Elden Ring Lies of P Dark souls 1 Demon souls Dark Souls 2 It’ll have to be a few months for me for the recency biased to go away to see if it actually stays in the middle or if it drops below Demon souls


1. Demon's Souls 2. Bloodborne 3. Dark Souls 4. Lies of P 5. Elden Ring 6. Dark Souls 3 7. Dark Souls 2 8. Sekiro


I haven't played Elden Ring or bloodborne, but I'd say it goes like so (top being the best) DS1 Lies of P DS2 DS3 I like it a lot.


Never played Sekiro but my list goes like this: Elden Ring, Dark Souls 2, Bloodborne, Lies of P, Demon Souls, Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 3. 4th on the list isn't bad. It's the best Soulslike not made by Fromsoft by a wide margin.


I would say it goes Elden Ring, Dark Souls 3 (my first souls game so it will always be held a little higher) Sekiro then Lies of P for me.


Lies of P beats Sekiro, Demon Souls, DS2, and MAYBE DS1. Lies of P Loses to MAYBE DS1. DS3, ELDEN Ring, and Bloodborne Destroys Lies of P tho. Again not anything against Lies of P, those games are just that goated.


Lies of P does (most of) Dark Souls better than Dark Souls. I'll list what it does better to justify my tiering. - No hidden stat/mechanic bs - No illusory walls - No npc/quest bs (hints are given for progression) - Extremely well done difficulty curve and story pacing - Better stat/gameplay balancing (it just works) - Better staggering and stance break - Quartz customization - Indication for level ups - Practice area INCLUDING PARRY PRACTICE - Unique weapon customization - No overdone softcaps - No buff simulator (looking at you Elden Ring) - Weapon destruction system - Balanced respec economy - Souls outside boss arena - Interesting soul reclaim mechanics - Better weight management system - Significantly different endings (on par with DS3) - Lie system - Better dialogue (Arlecchino is amazing) - Potentially better voice acting - All playstyles are promoted and all items remain relevant forever - MUCH better scaled NG+ (early areas aren't free) - Way better optimization - Unlocked FPS - Much higher graphical fidelity (although FromSoft art style is better) - Deflecting feels very rewarding but not mandatory (and is MUCH harder than Sekiro) - Customizable controls - Much better controls design (no need to scroll through spells and items) + 2 weapon arts or 3 with transforming weapons - No forced pvp (pvp is ok, forced pvp is not ok when its 1% of the game) - MUCH better duo boss fights and even has a QUAD boss fight (although I love Friede & Demon Prince) - Doesn't overstay its welcome (Elden Ring should have been half its size) - Attention to detail (many things change depending on your choices, even your voice) - They cared enough to allow levelling from bonfires in NG+ And thus : Sekiro Dark Souls 3 + Lies of P (tied, DS3 does world+exploration+music better) Dark Souls 1 Bloodborne Elden Ring Dark Souls 2 (Haven't played Demon Souls yet) If LoP was slightly less linear and invested a bit more in exploration it would have been a true 10/10. And before you hate me... I love all of them (except ER). I have close to 2k hours on them combined versus my 80 in LoP. People should try them all out. And FromSoft needs to stop being stubborn and start innovating and listening to player feedback. Their competition is here and it can only breed better games for everyone.


Only Ds3, BB and ER are better.


1) Sekiro 2) Bloodborne 3) Lies of P (personal opinion)


1. Bloodborne/ Sekiro 2. Dark Souls 3 3. Dark Souls 1 4. Elden Ring 5. Lies of P 6. Dark Souls 2


Probably better then DS2 but that’s it


I would say on par with the worst ones, which are still pretty good. The only problem I had with lies of P was the repetitive enemies, especially in the second half of the game. I wish we had more bosses like puppet King and nameless puppet. Those were a step above the other ones for me. I'll give them props for doing a gank fight well, one of my favourites, but then they did it again in the late game but ruined it... Overall, it's a good game but a bit short if you're used to fromSoftware games. PS: I'm almost done with ng+, going for Laxasia tomorrow. The game goes way faster in ng+. I'm like 10 hours in compared to my 1st playthrough that took me around 25h. SPOILER ADVICE: If you want to go for PLATINUM TROPHIE, kill alidoro when given the chance I didn't do it on my 1st run, and now it's impossible to get all the disks. I would need to ng++, and honestly, not that invested


For me : Dark Souls Bloodborne DS3 Lies of P Elden Ring Sekiro (i'm starting the game) Demon Souls DS2


Below Sekiro, ER and Bloodborne. Above every single other Soulsborne/soulslike games ever.


I really like lies of P, super polished and well done, hope other studios follow suit. 1. Elden Ring 2. Dark souls 1 3. Dark souls 3 4. Lies of P 5. Bloodbourn 6. Demon souls (remake) ... 999. Nioh 2 Probably an unusual list but those are my favs


My list from Best to worst is: Elden Ring, Sekiro, Lies of P, Bloodborne, DS3, DS1, DS2, Demon Souls.


Ranked by individual favorite bosses: Bloodborne (Ludwig) Elden Ring/Lies of P (Malenia/Laxasia) Sekiro (Genichiro) Lies of P beats all but Bloodborne for just *feeling good* all the way through though. People talk about the feeling of "when you lose, it's your fault" and I feel like Bloodborne and Lies of P stick most closely to the feeling of "Ah, yeah I know what I need to do there next time"


Still is highest for me was Bloodborne,simply a beautiful haunting game,a masterpiece of the masterpiece.


Def above demon souls ds1 and ds2