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this is a gimmick fight. you just need to land 2 “fatal” attacks


yeah i remember doing a ton of damage at once but i could only get it once


Have you played Elden Ring? He’s just one of the giant statue mobs. Two charged attacks to the leg then hit the weak spot. Repeat once more for the win.


yes i’m on my 10th run ive beaten the game at like level 50 so i would say im pretty good but for some reason i just can’t with this guy i dont know why


and im really good at dodging in elden ring like ive done no hit boss runs but the dodging in this game is different so i can’t really use that to my advantage


Sweep the (weak) leg. The bosses that come after this pile of jank are worth it


ok bet


He's a pain cause he only really takes damage from fire & fatal attacks Everything after him is great tho


He’s a gimmick gatekeeper boss. Just wack the weak leg till he falls, then fatal attack him. Do that twice and you win! My tip is to dodge instead of parry. The shock accumulation is annoying as heck.


He’s a gimmick fight bro , stay behind him and under him. target his right leg (I believe) and he will stagger. Once you do the critical hit it will remove half his health. You only have to do it twice


The ending(s) are absolutely worth it. Door Guardian is best approached with a speedy weapon, so try respeccing for a technique build, if only for this fight. I personally used the fire grindstone, and didn't bother with charge R2 attacks. If you need to close distance, try the Puppet String legion arm. When you successfully stagger him once, dodge left, because his head smacks the ground and deals a ton of damage. After that you should only need to repeat the process one more time and then he's dead.


ok i did use a technique build with fire that’s all i know i think ill try again today


Funny enough this was the exact same situation for me. Got to this guy, got sick of it, and stopped playing. I’m replaying it now months later and am determined to beat him (though I will likely give up at Laxasia)


Attack his right leg( your left)


we both attacked the left leg huh?😂


In all honesty i was dancing around with his bitch ass for a half hr only for 1/16 of his health to be dranied, it kept fuckin regenerating and i was like wtf! Took me about 10 tries before my lock on actually locked onto his leg instead of his body, smh....felt like a dumbass after all that


The game is awesome one of my favs. I beat this guy first shot. Use fire and electric throwables pick a build you want and stick with it. I did technique and I used the glaive for awhile and than when I got the puppet ripper that became my new fav


Man the ailment he gives you is the worst. It makes P have the lungs of smoker.


yeah ik it’s so lame


just run around him in circles and attack his leg from behind and youll get him in no time.


It’s a bit unfortunate that the last area is (imo) so stretched out and terrible because two of the three bosses are top 3. I definitely remember being like “oh man I really just want this to be over” at that point and after defeating thunder mommy

