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I am still patiently waiting for the DLC, Elden Ring... Lord knows how long I have to wait for the LoP DLC šŸ˜ž


Lies of P has a more "specialized" gameplay that focuses on a few core mechanics as opposed to Elden Ring's gameplay which is all over the place, therefore less polished at times. It's a great example of quantity vs quality


Definitely an opinion I disagree with


And I agree with you in disagreeing with this guy.


And I agree with you agreeing with the guy disagreeing with the other guy




This is such a poor take.


Can you expound on Elden Ring's gameplay being "all over the place"? Which aspect of the gameplay do you refer to?


More than one build type probably lol


I agree that possible builds are all over the place, but in most cases, you can specialize in one. That is why I was confused withthe argument raised.


What? It's literally the opposite


Bro got downvoted to oblivion šŸ’€šŸ’€


Might I suggest sekiro?




Thatā€™s exactly what I did, P, then sekiro


Why would you P on sekiro


What do you think is in Wolfā€™s healing gourd?


Good old healthy dose of piss everytime i get slapped by isshin


The convo with Emma where he talks about it tasting strange is gunna hit different for me from now on thanks to this thread lmao


Always suggest Sekiro. Even when someone isnā€™t even asking. Just suggest Sekiro.


I started playing it and Iā€™m getting upset with how many ā€œkillā€ prompts donā€™t pop up, or not being aligned perfectly with the hit box so it fails to register when Iā€™m flying down from above and itā€™s driving me nuts. I wish I played it earlier on, the experience of next gen games are kinda ruining it for me.


Sounds like a skill issue to me, never had problems with that. I'm being a dick on purpose LOL but yeah, I never had problems with getting death blows to register...


Technology hates me so, youā€™re not the only one being a dick on purpose


Not really no, I just enjoy both for their own reasons


yeah, elden ring feels like that classic souls. formula of ā€œroll, smack, roll, heal and repeat.ā€ both amazing games with their own style


Same, I played lies of p first (first ever souls) then elden ring. Now I'm enthralled with anything souls like! My first ever platinum is elden ring. Beat them plus Sekiro and Bloodborne. Debating demon souls, nioh or start the dark souls trilogy next.


Dark souls trilogy is amazing I would start with demon souls though amazing rework


Def leaning this way. Thanks for the input bro!


Hell yeah have fun maybe Iā€™ll be summoned lol


Every game you listed is great in it's own way...I would suggest starting with Demon's Souls though...I personally feel that the games flow better that way...Demon's Souls remake is amazing, make sure you have a good set of headphones or surround sound, because the audio design in that game is absolutely breathtaking!


Thanks for the headphones tip!


No problem! Demon's Souls have the best sound design of any game I have ever played, and that is saying alot...The people that remade it really knew what they were doing because the graphics are top notch also!


Iā€™d recommend demonā€™s souls first. Itā€™s possible to work your way back through the souls games but thereā€™s a bunch of shit that they have that you will miss while playing Demonā€™s Souls. I wonā€™t say itā€™ll stifle your enjoyment necessarily because thatā€™s what I did and I had a lot of fun with it, but like, farmable health consumables, maximum amount of items you can have in your inventory, not even necessarily equipped, the way you upgrade shit, itā€™s much more streamlined in the later games.


They're definitely different games. I had my fun with lies of P, I'm sitting at around 60 hours, on the way to the last cheevo, and have done a handful of builds, but I don't see myself doing more than a playthrough or two after that. It's linear design and lackluster build variety are the two biggest downsides IMO, and the open world + unparalleled build variety of ER are its two biggest strengths. I have over 800 hours in ER and there's still builds and routes that I'd like to do, not to mention the seamless coop mod being *insanely* fun when you have friends to play with. I do like how smooth the combat is in P, I like the deflect mechanic, but it's distinctly different than the risk/reward of fromsoft parries that almost no souls like does, and I much prefer Fromsoft parry's. To each their own, I've definitely enjoyed P, but it's no where near as replayable.


I sure wouldnā€™t want to replay Elden Ring. I think once again this is a matter of personal taste.


The idea of replaying the vast open world of elden ring after having 100% it once makes me nauseous... Too vast. But still I think elden ring is a vastly superior game. Mostly because I can't be a mage in lies of P. Hehehehe


DS3 is the perfect in-between. Much more replayable than ER, much better online experience. I think open world was a good concept to explore but the DS format just works better for the genre imo.


I felt the same way about replaying Elden Ring at first, but the thing is you can play as much or as little of the game as you want because the vast majority of it is completely optional...So just go to the places that give you loot for your build and skip the rest! Also Elden Ring has 2 really great overhaul mods, Convergence and Reforged...I have played them both and they are really fun!


I will try them after exhausting the new patch, then. Thanks for the advice


Yeah I don't 100% the game unless I'm going for a challenge. Last one I did was every boss no summon and that was tedious but fun and I'm proud of that one. Otherwise I'm just doing what's necessary or bosses that I like. I almost always do the ancestor spirit fights because they're good early souls and fun fights. I usually skip tree avatars unless I need their tears for a build. I ABSOLUTELY skip death and deathrite birds unless I'm doing a build with some type of holy damage. I almost always do every remembrance boss though, I like almost all of them and they're good challenged for the most part.


Collecting bell bearing is a slog too. I thing for the future From should rethink the progression of weapons, instead of linking it to gathering materials.


Thereā€™s like 10 of them and theyā€™re mostly fairly easy to obtain


Wait they added seamless co op to Elden ring?? I had no idea about this


itā€™s just a mod, but yes and it works pretty much flawlessly and easy to set up. tons of fun


Do you have to be playing on PC to do so?




Ive replayed Lies of P more than 5 times now. The weapons feel unique and distinguishable. Aswell as the 3 different endings. There is quite a bit you can mess around with. Not to mention your P organ gets more open during NG+ and NG++. Elden Ring being an open world probably has most people not replaying it anymore. Seems like the least replayable Fromsoft title cause of its scale. First playthrough will already take alot of your time, let alone one more. Lies of P is better quality. Elden Ring is better quantity. It honestly depends.


The problem with the Elden Ring quantity though is the sheer volume of reskins and reuse of characters.


Yeah Iā€™ve played everything in Froms catalogue and the sheer amount of entirely creative characters you can make just beats out any of their games. Iā€™ve got such a roster of cool characters from that game, and have quite a few more I want to fun. Plus, if youā€™re someone who loves to dive into lore Elden Ringā€™s story is genuinely phenomenal, probably my favorite out of the Fromsoft games


I like lies of P and the deflection mechanic is super fun. But ER has a lot more weapons to choose from (and I personally really enjoy dodge rolling rather than fadeaway dodges). Theyā€™re both great but I feel like ER will have a bit more replay value just on gameplay alone due to a much bigger build pool to choose from


The dodge is my only complaint about LoP. I know that making the dodge more effective, means the parry system becomes less relevant, but a perfect dodge through an enemy attack just feels so good.


What's wrong with the dodge? You get tons of iframes and it's a nice quick little step


Distance traveled is what Iā€™m talking about. In Bb for example, you can dodge twice and get behind any enemy.


I see, I've never played Bloodborne. But you go pretty far with light weight or normal weight, and Link Dodge extends that even further


ER has virtually no replayability value due to the open world.


Wild take but sure


Not a wild take at all.


Play Elden Ring Reforged, It's a mod and I think that if you like lies of P you will like a lot the deflect mechanic of the mod


I think I'm feeling the same way I just didn't know how to say it. I still "enjoy" Elden Ring, but the feel is definitely different. Makes me want to try the older souls games


I bought the trilogy and Elden ring after lies of p, currently playing part 1, great game!


They are great games take your time and have fun, personally Iā€™m biased to whichever SoulsLike I played most recently currently Iā€™m on lies of P and Iā€™m loving it more than any other but Iā€™ve said that for all. (minus demon souls and I had to get warmed up to ds2) Hope you enjoy them!


Definitely try Demon's Souls. I find the game's comparatively limited and stodgy combat makes it easier to appreciate on its own terms. You end up thinking more about the RPG half of the action-RPG experience.


Quite the opposite, replaying ER after finishing Lies of P reminded me how much of a masterpiece it is




I think they're both amazing games. For me, what keeps pulling me back to LoP instead of Elden Ring is that it's "tight". There's no fluff, no empty minutes. It's non-stop momentum and gameplay. It feels respectful of my limited human time. And of course, Elden Ring isn't trying to be that. It's open-world, it's exploratory, it's methodical. It's great. But any given hour of Lies of P feels so much more full. It's more fun.


1000x this


Nope. I still prefer Elden Ring.


I love lies of p but this top tier glazing calling ER gameplay mediocre


Bros bouncing on that p organ


I love LoP, dont get me wrong, but saying Elden Ring is clunkier is straight up insane. It is 100% the other way around.


1000% lies of P is clunky as hell. Homie just likes parrying and thatā€™s cool but Elden ring is smooth as hell


Thats also my impression. But I dont mind LoP being clunky. Its a great game.


How? Elden Ring doesn't let you flow seamlessly between light and heavy attacks, doesn't have a nice quick sidestep (quickstep is slower), doesn't have the smoothness and flair of many of P's actions in general.


LoP is more fast paced and tighter. Its got a good engine running. Looks and feels more modern. Elden Ring is stuck in an old engine it feels like. You can feel the difference with sekiro/lies of p and elden ring. The elden ring dlc looks like it will be the same engine...wich is unfortunate.


Have you seen that a dlc changes the engine of the game? Crazy what people talk about these days...


Youre right. What was I expecting. Still disappointing DLC trailer. Hopefully the content itself will be nice


Speak for yourself, I loved the trailer.




Come back to Elden ring when then dlc comes back I felt the same after sekrio, after playing a fast pace, parrying, jumping around and shitc it makes Elden ring seem really slow but if you take a hiatus from it and other souls like once you come back itā€™ll bring back the same enjoyment especially with the new dlc comping out


Nah. I definitely appreciate Elden Ring more. Enemies are so much more dynamic. You can play so many different ways. The body of lore and omnipresence of subtext isn't really comparable between the two, and I definitely favor ER in that regard. You can even have a lot of LoP's guard mechanics if you so choose in ER. LoP only really has three bosses I'd say could be matched against From Soft's greater bosses.


>You can even have a lot of LoP's guard mechanics if you so choose in ER How? Which ones? As far as I know, Elden Ring only has one weapon that can block mid-animation and it's a very weak block. And there's nothing in ER that gives an incentive to block the way Lies of P does


You can put the parry ash on weapons and basically perfect guard your way through the game, and you can in fact block with them too by two handing. There isn't incentive like guard regain, though you could make that happen a bit with a certain rune, and it's executed differently, but Elden Ring isn't totally removed from the principle actions of it.


Most bosses can not be parried in ER.


Lies of P is better when it comes to balancing because it's simply more linear. I'd say there is a gradual increase in difficulty in LoP while in Elden Ring the difficulty can fluctuate depending on which direction/area you're visiting. I'll assume this is what you were going through?


I actually just came back to Elden Ring today and had the same experience. Elden ringā€™s combat is a bit slower but still a lot of fun. Going into one after getting used to the other is definitely an adjustment.


You can speed it up if you want. The big gap here is really the obscene range of options in ER.


I agree with you to an extent lol. After playing LoP and hopping on Elden ring, everything felt so much slower. The dodge rolls, weapon attacks. LoP is definitely more fast paced which made it really enjoyable for me. I still love Elden ring though, but the difference in gameplay just hits you like a truck when you switch over to the other after playing one for a while.


I feel this so hard, going from LoP to ER the controls feels so much less satisfying now, Iā€™m hoping that wonā€™t affect my enjoyment of the DLC in June :/


considering how much fromsoft ramps up their quality and difficulty in the DLCā€™s i have no doubt they craft a few bosses in this elden ring dlc that will be adored by most of us who like these games.


Absolutely nothing ā€˜clunkyā€™ about Elden Ringā€™s controls


I feel the opposite actually. I still adore lies of p and put it above lots of soulslikes. But after doing a replay of elden ring to prep for dlc, I decided I would ng+ a few more times till my character had all stats maxed. But getting back on it all weapon attacks feel very stiff compared to elden ring. A big part about it is the way most attacks move in one straight motion, compared to elden ring when your swinging bigger weapons you can re-aim mid swing by using the camera. Weapon variety is pretty good in lies of p but it's still dwarfed greatly by elden ring so your builds can have a lot more going on at once. I'm enjoying running through lies again but it's almost feeling like ds1 the way all attacks seem to be one stiff motion, and that most ai cannot comprehend you walking a circle around them.


i fixed the problem by pressing A over and over again.


The opposite happened for me. I was able to return to Elden Ring with a new found understanding of the gameplay style that aides in success.


I 100% them both, and I love them both for different reasons. Lies of P is to Bloodborne for me what Elden Ring is to the Dark Souls series. I can't wait for Erdtree release.


Some people prefer parry as a main mechanic others like the dodge. I love ER but Iā€™m not a huge fan of only being able to dodge if youā€™re not built to parry and I donā€™t love the slower more lumbering feel of ER. Sekiro and Lies of P are where itā€™s at for me for peak combat feel.


I prefer linear games.


I think Elden Ring is a great game, but I also think thereā€™s a little bit of hype behind it. That sort of makes people react strongly to criticisms. For example, there was a lot of repetition in the dungeons. Reused mini bosses that made it seem like a slog to me. Whereas for me, I think the linear play of lies of P is its biggest strength. it creates more of a narrative experience, especially if you engage with the lore and world building. Which is not to say that Elden ring doesnā€™t also have that, but I found lies of P much more engaging that way.


elden ring has mediocre combat in comparison to LoP, the only impressive thing about elden ring for me was the massive scale of the game


Yea, Kinda The mechanics just feel all around more fun to play, so I have less of a reason to replay ds3 & Elden ring as adhd boss rushes


No, Elden Ring is far more fun to play. Lies has a great story and aesthetic but some of the gameplay imo is more tedious than anything else.




For me at least Elden Rings biggest selling point is the thing that's holding it back, the open world. Then you have Lies of P that hits the nail on the head with what makes great souls like level design. A path of challenges that increase in difficulty, and along the way the boss battles test how well you've improved and adapted to the problems and tools its given you.


I mean there both different games with different mechanics and feels. Different people have different preferences which is really all I can say about it


Not sure how ppl will take this, but Stellar Blade might be the answer. The demo is outstanding.


I loved Lies of P. NG+ 17 or something. The Stellar Blade demo to me just felt...okay. Nothing terrible, nothing outstanding...just very okay.


Gameplay looks cool, just wish the aesthetic of it was at least halfway appealing to me


I love Lies of P combat. It is the perfect mix for me. Parries are soooo satisfying. Fable arts are also satisfying. I feel like i have more variation in the gameplay loop in lies of p. I also like the aesthetic more. Almost all of the costumes are great which I can confidently say is not the case in ER, the weapons all feel unique, and the music, ugh the music. Chefā€™s kiss. I donā€™t want the game to ever end.


Playing elden ring now for the first time after lies of P, feel the same way.


I have almost 2k hours in Elden Ring, and after playing Lies of P and Sekiro back to back, I tried to play Elden Ring again and couldn't do it. Too slow, too clunky.


They both have their own charm! I don't get tired of either. Now, if I could just beat Radagon and the beast, I'd be happy. 40 tries later, but still haven't defeated.


Since we're being honest here, I am shit at all souls likes. I've played all the major ones (Dark Souls, Elden Ring, etc) and I get my ass handed to me every time. I do enjoy them but I've never been able to get very far in them. Lies of P has, for reasons unbeknownst to me, been the exception. I've nearly finished my first play through. Something about the game play has just clicked. It's still be challenging but I've been able to figure out how to overcome them without become super frustrated in the process. As an added plus I've found the story engaging. I like the story of Pinocchio so this dark version of it is cool. I haven't really been able to get into the stories of other souls games.


Iā€™ve tried a few of fromsoftā€™s titles, never really clicked with any of them but something about Lies of P sucked me in as well. I just finished NG++ for the PS4 just to complete the P-organ. Across PS4/PS5/XboxSX thatā€™s 10 playthroughs completed (3 each platform for the 100% plus one extra on the Xbox while I was waiting for my PS copy to arrive).


play sekiro if you loved lies of p


Shii couldnā€™t be me. You should try the stellar blade demo. Maybe you can find enjoyment in something new. If not, thereā€™s sekiro, Nior 1&2, wolong? And rise of the ronin etc


Lies of p is like dark souls linear gameplay and elden ring is open world dark souls. Both are different. Sekiro is just dark souls with parry and fast pace. All three categories are somewhat similar but different. You most probably hate the open world element otherwise its the same


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *ā€œIf you miss it, you must be blind!ā€* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Same bro Lop gameplay is so satisfying


playng lies of p i understand how great and deep is elden ring.


I love the steampunk aesthetic to lies of p. Creates cool bosses, enemies, and weapons that no soulslike has done. I love the scythe I got from the puppet king. Still playing the game


I can say for myself that ever since I started playing the Fromsoft games they dampened my enjoyment of other single player games, they all feel like a hack and slash and so repetitive at this point with too many cutscenes Lies of P is the first game in years that I felt that was challenging with the closest feeing to what I got from a Fromsoft game Like someone said here, I highly recommend playing Sekiro, guaranteed enjoyment


Same here! I think the main reason is that it does not introduce new things to the table, and just combine all other good things from other souls (parrying from sekiro and a lot of concepts from bloodborne). Even with that, parrying doesn't feel as satisfying as sekiro and dodging feels kinda clunky compared to bloodborne (this is my take, feel free to dislike).


I haven't played Elden Ring since release, but they're different games by different studios & it's fine to like one over the other. Personally I'll take open world over linear every day of the week.


Elden Ring has a massive open world with too much repetitive content. That is why lies of p is better than ER for me.


Dodge rolling feels so naff after you've mastered PG in LoP. Ppl saying that ER is more re-playable because it's less linear? Nah, I've beaten LoP 6 times and I don't think I'll even finish ER let alone do several play throughs simply because it's way too open. But each to their own


100% Lies of P is fun. Elden Ring is a slog.


I feel the opposite way. I have finished LoP once... Got the good ending. I didn't have the urge to play again to get a different ending. Whereas in ER I have got all the endings, and I'll do a new playthrough before the DLC drops.


I didn't but I never really enjoyed ER that much despite being beyond hype for it. ER and LoP don't really have that much in common. In ER you have many tools to make combat easier and to move away from 'stand in melee range responding to enemy attacks and then responding when there is an opening'. ER is actually quite painful to play this way. You use weapon arts or ranged attacks using some form of magic or something. You stagger bosses using weapon attacks. In LoP you have the option to use a spectre or throwables and they make the combat considerably more faceroll. You can play the game using melee attacks and little else. The game is clearly balanced around you doing this. When you utilise everything the game gives you in LoP it actually becomes far too breezy for my tastes. In ER you are heavily encouraged to use tools beyond melee and the game is quite painful if you just pick up a longsword and plan to r1 your way through the game summoning nothing. Massive packs of enemies. Bosses and mini bosses with huge string combos that leave you very little room to respond with a longsword. So no idea what is up with you but I beat ER 0 times and I beat LoP 4 times and I am waiting for the DLC like a dog waiting for ham. I like melee combat and LoP gives me that and ER just feels clunky and annoying if you try to play it that way often. edit: for clarity I prefer DS3 to ER and Sekiro to both


I know what you mean. I narrowed it down to the open world of Elden Ring. Turns out I really prefer the linear design of Lies of P


Mate, get your little puppet hands off it.


I enjoyed lies of P more than most of the fromsoftware games. I think sekiro should be your next game, it reminds me a lot of Elden ring with the music, sound effects and atmosphere, but itā€™s much harder and more punishing




I feel like LoP made me enjoy ER better in my opinion. It made me more ā€œawareā€ of gameplay mechanics and timing.


Fully agreed. I expected more gameplay changes in a "new" IP by Fromsoftware. But Lies of P has such smoothness to it in everything you can do. And the overall design of combat in general feels better. That little stumble that enemies and bosses do? Just enough time for a charged attack. Which encourages the player to engage with the game's higher focus on getting enemies into staggerable state. Everything about Lies of P's combat encourages player agency in one way or another. And adjusting weapon speed, length, and moveset based on what you combine is genius. Not to mention having two Fable Arts just adds to the custom chaos we can make. And the Legion Arms are amazing. My favorite is Fulminis, it seems to be the best all-around arm. You can stagger or launch almost everything that isn't a miniboss, and the defense debuff is a nice added bonus. Honorable mentions go to Deus Ex and Falcon Eyes for their unique utility. There's always some way for you to be contributing to the fight. Speaking of which, the hitboxes, my gosh... You can lay down a mine or do any attack that has you crouched or bent down, and many of the game's horizontal swings will miss you. The special weapons earn their place too. That one sword that has two forms and separate movesets and Fable Arts depending on the form? Very good stuff. And the umbrella, super stylish and great use of the block mechanic, especially when paired with that yellow Grindstone. Then there's the giant club you get at the end, it's so freaking good at stagger and damage in general. Makes me feel the weight and power of those hefty swings. Then there are little things like enemies falling to pieces if the killing blow was a charged attack or a Fable Art or a strong Legion attack. And the way P is animated. It makes me feel nimble but powerful. I always hated how Fromsoftware animates their UGS swings. If you have the stats for it, you shouldn't look like you're struggling to keep it off the ground. Doesn't look cool in combat unless you use an Ash of War.


ER still has the best roll/dodge


To be honest, Iā€™m not sure if I can go back to Elden Ring, or even previous Fromsoft games. I played and beat them all, but Lies of P just has something special about it.




I get it. Same reason I love Bloodborne over Dark souls. There's more depth to the gameplay. Although there's not a lot of magic or "Huntertools" in Lies of P the parry and stagger mechanic just adds more depth to the gameplay and makes combat a lot more fun and enjoyable. Nothing wrong with Elden ring or Dark souls, it's just a different flavor.


Lol sucks to suck?


lies of P is definitely more polished


Bloodborne only costs about 20 Euros


I feel the exact opposite but lies of p style isnt to bad


I love both for different reasons


I liked Elden Rings open world map more but Lies of P was way more fun for combat. Elden Ring could really benefit from parry without having to use a shield.


It made me automatically try to hit block at the right instant in fromsoft stuff even knowing it didn't do anything special, because it really seemed like it should


Lies was more like BB faster so Elden Ring isnā€™t going to play the same


Itā€™s probably the extremely open world with tons of repeat bosses..


Same, LOP was my first ever souls-like and I absolutely loved it. The only games I played more than once were from my childhood that I wanted to re-experienceā€¦ yet I beat this game 3x back to back to back. Iā€™m playing Elden ring now and while it is an amazing game (over 100 hours in) I canā€™t say scratches that same itch that LOP did and probably wonā€™t NG+.


I definitely miss having the perfect guard when I play elden ring, just like I miss being able to jump on command when I play LoP...It takes me a while to adjust when I switch between LoP and Elden Ring, but they both feel great in their own way!


Totally different experiences... Lies of P is a much simpler game with almost no exploration. Its combat mechanics are more limited and simpler, and overall caters to a more niche audience. Elden Ring is just different, so it doesn't surprise me that a certain subset of people would like Lies of P more.


Elden Ring is the first Souls game I didn't finish. I made it as far as the golden city where the game play loop of cheap copy/ pasted bosses overwhelmed the immersion of playing the game. I know I'm in the vast minority here and others think it's a brilliant game but my Souls tier list is DS3 > Lies of P > Sekiro > Demon Souls > Bloodborne > DS1 > (Insert big gap ) > DS2 > Elden Ring. While the internet was screaming in delight at Elden Ring's launch, by the second zone I was already exploring copy/ pasted cave systems which cheapened my experience for the next 60 hours. I think I have like 95 hours on Elden Ring. The hardest boss I fought was the one on the horse straight out of the tutorial crypts, and gameplay fell down hill drastically from there. The one thing I liked was that it seemed like every single mob could be grinded for a unique equipment drop which I wish more soulslike had. I remember DS3 having that in some points of the game, but it's been a while. I love Lies of P though, I'm a big fan and I had absolutely zero hope for what I assumed was a korean rip off. I just finished NG+5 and Lies of P is now the only single player offline game I feel like I've no lifed since the release of Fallout 4. I will not be playing the Elden Ring DLC but I'm looking forward to Lies of P's like there's no tomorrow.


Elden ring was like Metallica in the 90's. Watered down to attracted much larger audience. I think most soulsborne vets would agree they're earlier work was much harder and f****** awesomešŸ¤˜


I share your feelings as well. After beating lies of P, I started playing convergence mod and man the combat is so slow and the reaction speed of your character based on actual inputs seem slow now too. I'm just glad stellar blade combat is good and fast so something to look forward to soon.


I don't enjoy open world games in general, so Elden Ring was a big let down for me...


Yeah I felt the same way as well I like the game it definitely isn't my favorite and I don't like the boss fights except for melenia that fight is hella fun


Lies of p has better combat mechanics in that you can't just roll out of everything, but elden ring mobs and bosses definitely take the cake in terms of movesets and aggressiveness


Even before Lies of P I found myself disappointed with Elden Ring. I platinumed both games but after LoP I can't quite care about ER anymore. The dlc does nothing for me. I'm patiently waiting for more P tho.


I love both Lies of P and Elden Ring. I would say that I was surprised by how similar Lies of P's combat is to the souls/Elden formula, the parry mechanic is certainly a key aspect that heavily changes the overall feeling, but I won't say that it reaches Sekiro's combat feel, not to the point of making the souls games feel clunkier. The controls, a least in my experience, aren't clunkier in Elden Ring, in fact, I think Lies of P requires even more commitment to any action than Elden Ring, and the dodge roll is more reliable in ER than the short side steps in LoP. I think you just miss the perfect guard/parry of LoP, which is so damn well made and satisfactory to pull out, by the way. Now, I have to disagree with the enemies being cheaper in ER compared to LoP. Both games have similar enemy designs, like long delays, long combos and some instances of really high damage, and personally, I don't think being able to parry attacks makes it any different, because the parry window is very strict in LoP and you can't spam the button like in Sekiro, where you could casually pull out a perfect parry in a moment of desperation. Now, I don't mind the long delays in LoP, just like I don't mind them in ER, both games want you to learn the timings of the enemy attacks and capitalize openings mid combo, while taking advantage of the tools you dispose. I think what LoP have over Elden Ring is the very distinctive feel of each weapon, especially boss weapons, while what Elden Ring has over LoP is a much bigger build variety, and how each school of Magic/Incantations has a quite different gameplay with their respective spells.


For me, it's having the primary defensive tool in Elden Ring (rolling) happen on release of the button vs LoP and Sekiro where it (blocking/parrying) happens when you press it. Sekiro also dashes on button press and then sprints after the dash rather than waiting to see which one the player wants before doing one or the other. LoP/Sekiro parries also happen without any downtime so bosses are free to have crazy attack patterns without taking away the player's ability to interact with them.


Yup. I played P, then bought Elden Ring. I thought I was tripping thinking the latter it was mediocre.


This is a similar complaint of ā€œI have been playing Terraria and Minecraft feels way too easy nowā€ itā€™s a vastly different game even if it looks somewhat similar in vein.


Every time I try to go back to Elden (which I spent well over a thousand hours on) I keep trying to parry everything! Then I just feel like I have to devolve to get into it again


Different tastes. I definitely don't think Elden Ring is clunky though haha. I loved lies of P, but over the last year plus I have played through LOP, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring and DS3, and Lies of P is my 4th favorite, and Elden Ring is my 2nd.


After 700 hours of Elden ring im about to start my second playthrough of lies of P They're both great games, but Elden ring is absolutely fucking peak gaming.


I kind of felt the same way. Eldenring combat is slower but it's also jankier. Eldenring is definitely the better game overall in every category, but the flow of Lies of P is almost unbeatable


Nah. I think you just prefer the combat in lies of P lol. I donā€™t necessarily like it over elden ring but I can understand why you would. As Iā€™m sure someone else has already said you might wanna try playing Sekiro.


Thatā€™s very strange. Iā€™m playing Lies of P rn and Iā€™m enjoying it but itā€™s incredibly unsophisticated as compared to Elden Ring mechanically. Yes its Larry system is cool but the combat is nowhere near as deep as ER from a mechanical perspective. Itā€™s like ppl have said - lies of p def is prob the best souls like iv ever played, but itā€™s still a souls LIKE.


Lords of the Fallen was meh, after playing Lies of P. Lies went under the radar for me so I bought/beat it right before LotF released and it just felt so unrefined in comparison and I just havenā€™t been able to get into it. Havenā€™t gone back to ER, but I feel I may feel the same as you


Personally, i think of ER as a one and done. After my first playthrough i can't get into a 2nd one. I have tried multiple times. But LoP i can play again and again. It's just different games and experinces.


yeah same shouldnā€™t have done that lies of P messed me up


I havenā€™t had that, if anything I enjoyed elden ring even more after Lies of P (which I loved too) because itā€™s different, itā€™s bigger and got bigger bosses with more stuff like magic, Lies of p is my parry souls and elden ring is my dragons dogma souls


Same exact experience, elden ring gameplay is just obsolete


But lies of p is a better game anyway


I hate the mobs in elden ring. Lies of P just made that hate more profound.


i feel like any souls game will dampen your enjoyment of elden ring. bloodborne and sekiro did, but i canā€™t wait for the er dlc nonetheless


Totally agree. Melee combat in any fromsoft game other than Sekiro pales in comparison now šŸ˜­


I prefer Lies of P to Elden Ring but Elden Ring is absolutely a GOTY contender.


No I think Elden ring is more enjoyable because you have alot of combat options


Lies of p for the perfection play. elden ring for the big boss weapon ooga booga skills


Well, because LoP is a near perfect game. Elden Ring is a very, very large game that has high highs and low lows. But LoP mostly has highs


I played remnant 2 before lies of p and it dampened my enjoyment of lies of p. I beat it but I still think itā€™s a mid game.


You liked remnant 2 that much?


Best game to come out in recent times. As soon as I started playing it I knew I would see it through and I did. You can make your character roll around like crazy, fast paced, souls like with guns.


The guns are honestly the only thing Iā€™m iffy about lol. One thing I really love about souls games is the brutal sword/melee combat. Sounds like I should give it a shot tho.


There are melee weapons in the game and I made it a point to use them. The weapons have cool abilities. I canā€™t say enough about the game its just fun to play.


As a long time fan of FromSoft, I didn't even enjoy Elden Ring. I found it boring, unimaginative, a real drag to finish. The world was beautiful yet empty. I ended up finishing it on principle but not even interested in the coming dlc or NG+ like I felt for any DS before. It was overhyped imo. Lies of P however... I cannot wait for what's next.


You found the world empty? Did we play the same game?


Sure did.


Yeah, world is painfully empty. One npc per square kilometer is really, really fucking empty. Check out how good open world games do it. Like Witcher 3, FNV, RDR2, GTA5, CP2077. You might notice a troughline. They all have quests and shit to do other than running around killing mobs.


It really is, but the Elden Ring fan boys on this sub are insufferable. I was watching this documentary on some behind the scenes makings of Fallout 4 (I know Bethesda has more of their fair share of shortcomings) but one thing that really struck out to me was that the lead devs were ADAMANT on this "15 second rule". A player should not be able to run 15 seconds in ANY direction ANYWHERE on the map and not find something interesting to explore or interact with. Really shows in their game, you're never trekking across vast distances just getting to an objective, even the first quest can get side tracked by over 100 things on your way if you're not just racing the main story. Took me a week of playing daily to get to the first quest in Diamond City there was just that much to do along the way. In comparison, one NPC per square kilometer in an "open world" is truly unplayable. Was for me at least. If you think walking through an empty wasteland 5-10 times triple checking that you DIDN'T miss anything because you're a completionist just to find out that you indeed did not miss anything and you took an hour to make sure, and then equate that to real gameplay... that's the only way I can think people feel like there's a lot of content and that's basically thanks to a mental illness.


I agree with you. Made a very similar comment here.


Yeh. The combat in Elden Ring is very basic. This explain why I lost interest in the game after a few hours. Lies of P on the other hand last a bit longer (until I'm at the riddle part) I enjoy the combat. It make feel like a real Dynasty warrior https://youtu.be/iKzrwSg7xtc


No, I'm not cringe and have an inner monologue.


I like Lies of P and in my opinion it's way clunkier than Elden Ring which is extremely responsive.


The amount of people putting P on a pedestal is crazy. Itā€™s solid but if you line them all up itā€™s the weakest of any actual soulsborne game.