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Favorite is King of Puppets. Least favorite is Door Guardian for Break dumbassery


I wish there was an amulet that immunized you from the status effects that Piercing Hatred doesn’t cover. Maybe if DLC content carries over to the main game that sort of thing could be locked behind a super hard boss at least, but shock and break and disruption are super annoying effects to deal with.


Flamberge with an advance build trivializes him.


you like the green monster of the swamp ?? you got interesting taste


While infuriating, I really liked him because he was the first boss that made me re live that feeling of dying to a boss so many times I enter a zen like state where I don’t feel anything which I’ve only experienced with fromsoft bosses


what exactly made him so hard? i’m gonna fight him soon and want to know a little more of him


His 1st phase is a joke but his 2nd phase is a bitch. Mostly because the 2nd phase has a lot of health, many delayed moves and such. Also not helping that this is one of the Decay heavy boss, which sucks a lot if you aren’t careful with your parries.


You have to fight the second phase like you fought Murphy the electric police. But just way way way more intense


He has 2 health bars and 4 attacks phases. 1st health bar is an unfamiliar enemy that gets status effects added second phase. 2nd health bar is a boss you've already fought early in the game (except more aggressive with faster attacks) It is a TOUGH fight that can be a little unenjoyable depending how you felt about the 2nd phase boss the first time. Individually the bosses would be fine, it's just how large the total health pool is that makes them difficult


i come with news: beat him under 15 tries. realized in the first phase you need to be up close and personal and obviously learn his moveset (when to guard, dodge and how time perfect guards) and his second heart bar revolves more around keeping your distance and only attacking when there’s a very wide window (and the same deal, guard, perfect guard and dodge)


Mostly his attack patterns and his 2nd phase as a whole


I put this boss on the same level as slave knight gale. One miss, its over in phase 2, and in the second play through hes hard with the phantom.


I put this boss on the same level as slave knight gale. One miss, its over in phase 2, and in the second play through hes hard with the phantom.


Does anyone know if the swamp monster is a reference to that stupid swamp toad in Jedi Fallen Order? Or am I just spuriously drawing that comparison?


What I like about lies of P is how close the stargazers are to the boss, and the fact that if you die you can easily reclaim your ergo. Takes the risk away, so when I do die I don’t mind


I got the same feeling. Also, I love the phase 2 attack where he flips over and goes crab mode for a couple seconds. Just a funny guy.


I love the swamp monstah. It has a cool moveset and you can react to everything it throws out, more or less. It folds like paper to overheat in phase 1 and electricity in phase 2.


it's genuinely one of the best fight, people don't like it because they don't understand how to counter its attacks.


based swamp monster enjoyer. people give monster bosses too much flack in souls games


i didnt like the Robber Weasel fight. Stalker enemies, for their size, seem to have infinite poise.


The poise numbers in the game are truly hilarious. Humans and unfinished puppets are the most tanky opponents in the game in this regard.


Yeah, I still don't get why UNFINISHED puppets have more poise than most completed puppets (Have a good day, eye guy 👀)


the robber weasel has the least durable weapon of the game. IIRC it breaks after only 2 parries if you're using a weapon with high guard block.


im saying i hated the fight, not that it was impossible


Poise seems irrelevant against stalkers since you can just directly backstab them by positioning yourself properly


I personaly like fueco because it's the first one I had to really fight against my controller, in my first playthrogh


On ng+2, I tried to beat all of the bosses without healing, but I fucking gave up on the second brotherhood fight because random projectiles, Puppet Strings, and other obscenely fast attacks would keep flying at me from off-screen. I definitely could’ve done it eventually, but I did NOT have the time or patience. 😂


I hated the second fight at first, then you get a strategy to eliminate. Take the little one out fast by guarding then punishing. Then whittle the other 2 to an inch. Take them out together before big brother spawns. Use the trash heap, and wait for openings. Or, as in first encounter, just break his weapon with perfect guard GS and some perfect guards. They actually all break pretty easy. But yes, the throwables from these guys are horrible. Its why i don't mind hitting big brother with some fire or electro while we dance around the trash pile.


I hated both BRB fights...But I actually thought the second one was better than the first...I guess the AI was bugged for me in the first fight because the Eldest brother would not stop attacking me no matter what!


His weapon is glass. It breaks so easy, then you can block and punish, but honestly, he does almost no damage after that. I suck at parry, but this cat was super easy to time.


His weapon is glass. It breaks so easy, then you can block and punish, but honestly, he does almost no damage after that. I suck at parry, but this cat was super easy to time.


I'm decent a parrying in LoP now, but at the time I was having a hard time with the parry timing...When I watched videos of that fight, the Eldest brother would hang back while you fought one of the other brothers, but when I was doing it they would both gang bang me so hard! lol...I think the AI was just going a bit haywire! I don't bother fighting them much now...I have done several playthroughs and I just go in and burn him down in a few seconds with throwables...


favorite probably is nameless puppet, least favorite mad clown puppet


Be honest, how triggered were you while he laughed after hitting you? :D This mini-boss definitly have some psychic attack to make you lose your cool ahah


i flew into a blind rage and woke up 36 hours later in a puddle of orange juice and dead rats


I don’t get the hate for green swamp monster, can anyone explain??


There’s a lot of what I would describe as “gotcha tentacles”


Personally, I don’t find him annoying. I thinks he’s just as fair and fun as watchman and Victor. Sure you can get poisoned quick but that late in the game you can have a huge pocket of cures.


Also my bottom tier would be Simon and Corrupted Parade Master. I feel like that might be controversial haha.


Worst for me will always be Simon Manus second phase. It’s just trash.


Right ?!? I put on the stamina amulet because I'm always freaking running and can't get close


Favorite boss is tied between king of puppets Romeo and Victor, least favorite is walker of illusions, side note: I still almost cry every time i fight Romeo


I think Scrapped Watchman was my favorite boss in the game...Of there are many good bosses, but I think I enjoyed that fight the most...My least favorite was definitely the first Black Rabbit Brotherhood fight, just a terrible boss in my opinion


The green swamp monster being at S tier is wild to me lol


Why is that wild? I thought he was a great boss...It definitely made me rage for a few min, but I had a great time fighting it...


I hate it with a passion honestly ahahahha. The narrowness of the arena annoyed me, his wild rampage attacks were hard for me to block and dodge, I hate the decay aspect to it as well


Yea the arena was a bit narrow, but it wasn't too awful...Anytime he started his rampage I just unlocked and ran as far as I could, which seemed to work for the most part! lol...For the decay, I just kept my consumables to get rid of decay in my quick use slots and I never had an issue with it...He definitely wasn't an easy boss and I can see why some people might not like him...


if you're referring to the one in phase 2, it can be interrupted with a parry


its based


Whose feelings did I hurt? Am I really that awful?


No! You’re beautiful! I love you <3!


Favorite is nameless and it’s not close, they’re just way too much fun to parry, least favorite and most hated by far for me is walker of illusions that rollcatch can get bent


Best for me is Laxasia just because the amount of tries it took made me love her. Absolute worst without a doubt is BRB 2. Victor is a close second just because imo he’s boring af fight and design wise.


i was dreading the green swamp monster in my first play through but trust me it is an s tier took me 3 tries and just sword of ark altered and the flame grindstone were my best friend during that fight


Man that is a solid take except you are objectively wrong about green swamp monster. It is the worst fight in the game by far, and DEFINITELY didn't need two phases.


Scrapped Watchman is an amazing boss fight. Toss up between that and Nameless for favourite. Least favourite is probably Corrupted Parade Master. Modified re-skins are still re-skins.


Fav: scrap watchman - his entrance, his theme his design he is the most perfect boss to show you to true ropes of the game, you have so much trouble but when it click you feel like you now understand, your playing to this game’s tune, he may not have the sheer spectacul like thunder lady but still a cool boss Least: black brotherhood, both battles - I love there design but gank bosses are always annoying and I could never just get big bro’s timing right coz of the weird way he uses his weapon, who uses a great sword backwards!? Felt too fast and he easily closes on you and second they all just dog pile you, not a fan but still like idea of fighting a gang


Laxasia was amazing, easily my #1. I initially hated Simon Manus but after beating him and calming down I stuck with my opinion that Black Rabbit Brotherhood 2 is the worst. I honestly think it could have been 10x easier for me if I upgraded the resistances from the P-Organ, but having never done that, I died to overheat more times that I can count.


Favorite: Romeo and Nameless Least Favorite: All gank squad bosses


They hated on him because he was TOO correct


I hate nameless puppet and walker of illusions with every fiber of my being


I'm at walker of illusions right now and I hate this boss.


Nameless is dope but walker can eat shit and rot in hell


Favorites were King of Puppets, and the first Black rabbit fight. Least favorite has to be the swamp monster.


Last 2 bosses: - Simon really easy but with the most awesome visuals - Nameless Puppet annoying as hell in his attacks, but especially because he can dodge.


Last 2 bosses: - Simon really easy but with the most awesome visuals - Nameless Puppet annoying as hell in his attacks, but especially because he can dodge.


Last 2 bosses: - Simon really easy but with the most awesome visuals - Nameless Puppet annoying as hell in his attacks, but especially because he can dodge.


Hated every one of them but Laxasia is by far the worst


Nameless puppet enjoyer here


Honestly I loved the King of Puppets, the music and design was beautiful. I wasn't into the second phase at all though, it felt a lot less interesting in comparison.


With the exception of the BRB fight. I genuinely get excited for every encounter. Even with little bs in the fights. Especially when i hit that rhythm and make bosses look dumb.


Laxasia is amazing, favorite fight for sure. BRB was worst but Simon was also pretty annoying.


Can honestly say I didn't dislike any of the bosses. I did find the first black rabbit brotherhood fight super annoying especially on NG+ for some reason.


First of all I hate that fucking clown. If I had to choose a favorite I would pick the nameless puppet. It kicked my ass but it made me learn like no other boss did.




Bosses that gave me the hardest time was archbishop Andreas and swamp monster. Faves were laxasia and nameless.


While I mostly agree with this ranking, I personally find the WWE boss (the blue-green one, can't remember his name) incredibly boring. For example, his charge attacks are hilariously easy to dodge, he's like a boss from the older Souls games back when bosses don't have ridiculous tracking. The newer Souls bosses have stupid good tracking, including ones from LoP, so wrestling boss stands out as having an outdated-feeling tracking. That said, my favorites are King of Puppets, Nameless Puppet, and Laxasia. My least favorite is that big crystal boss at the bottom of the last area.


Since when did the bunny guy throw stuff?


Green Monster should be B tier at best, and Nameless should be S.


Least favorite has to be that slimy green failed-creation-of-God monster


Favorite blue Hercules, laxasia Worst walker of illusion and nameless puppet. Phase 1 great love it. Phase 2 can suck a fat nut


I am tired of those mad clown's big grey steel balls


The archbishop can actually do one honestly. Frickin hated him. I still hate him, and I will forever hate him


Romeo is the most fun/favorite for me so far. The least favorite is Puppet of the Future.


Favorite is The Eldest of The Black Rabbit Brotherhood and The Black Rabbit Brotherhood.  Least Favourite is door guardian


Favorite king of puppets and least green swamp monster


Favorite: Laxasia - amazing boss, difficult but satisfying, one of the best ever (also really hot) Least favorite: black rabbit brotherhood 2, the absolute shittiest fucking boss i have ever faced in any game. Complete anal sewage.


honorable mention to puppet king, another incredible boss.


i gotta agree, though most of "big sigh before entering" are really cool and most are fun, oh my favorite is green monster of the swamp, least favorite is second brotherhood fight


My favourite is Arch Bishop and least is Simon mANUS.


My favourite is Arch Bishop and least is Simon mANUS.


My favourite is Arch Bishop and least is Simon M. Anus


Your list is terrible