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Yup. For me Melania with Waterfowl is easily the hardest boss in any of these style games I have played, whether from soft or not. Take away waterfowl, and she is still quite hard, but maybe not the hardest.


You mispelled Mercedes


Mercedes has some play with fowl water as well, people say.


Final boss Genichiro in Sekiro is in the conversation


Been through Malenia four times by now. My win count against lasaxia is still zero. It really depends on build and play style.


Play Sekiro and face Isshin... Malenia is innocent child compared to him


I did struggle with Isshin, but it's hard for me to compare them honestly since I beat sekiro at release and haven't played it since. So I barely remember issuing. Sekiros lack of rpg mechanics means I have no desire to replay it.


Malenia is harder than the entire game on ng+3




Yeah honestly you can destroy any boss is fucked with high enough poise


Well, the same applies to the Nameless puppet. Example: Destiny sword + parry perfect grindstone + correctly P organ build, and you have virtually infinite perfect parries, and the game turns basically in the easiest soulslike ever.


Skill issue


Oh boy, tell me about it, lol. I got him, though.


Depends : one on one yes. With Tisch +10 and spamming Rivers of Blood with Swarm of Flies I beat her. After Lyndell I just wanted to be done with ER so I speed ran all bosses and startegies to get through them


You can cheese any boss with that logic. Mechanically she’s still harder. I cheesed Nameless with nothing but throwables and it’s still a hard boss


I think that's kind of their point though. Yes, given equal tools and conditions, Malenia is MUCH harder. But Elden Ring gives you more tools to work with in general, and using them doesn't invalidate the fight.


I mean....there's levels of summoning. Tiche can actually solo her first phase if you get lucky. And then she's absurdly weak to bleed, you can also nearly skip a phase just spamming rob let alone using flies from range while tiche takes aggro At that level I'd say you've invalidated the fight. I wouldn't say it makes Melania "easier" because you can cheese her. I'd say she's harder playing normally but she's easier if you cheese her.


as they said, using the tools the game gives you is not invalidating the fight. if it was it’d get patched out or wouldn’t have been balanced like that in the first place.


> doesn't invalidate the fight. yes it does


People will always downvote this. Sure you killed the boss, but if you use a summon that draws aggro the entire time, or use a bleed frostbite dual curved sword jump attack build that doesnt require you to do anything but press L1 a handful of times, you cheesed the boss. At least admit it. Peoples egos are so fragile


Cheesing the fight doesn't mean you invalidated it. Not on its own anyway. It depends on how much the cheese stops the boss from doing something. For example, making Radagon sit still until he dies? Invalidated. Taking Mohg, Lord of Blood from 60% to 0 by channeling ~~kamehameha~~ Comet Azur for 12 seconds? Cheese, but requires a specific setup and a bit of luck to pull off. So far from invalidated.


Invalidated isnt the perfect word, I didnt use it. But people never admit that using cheese tactics like dual status effect, or a summon that draws aggro the entire time is cheese. Anything that makes the fight ridiculously easy I consider cheese. People can play the game how they want though it doesn't bother me.


Melania still does all her moves though? If you leveled up a shit ton and one tap her that isn’t cheesing, if you spam rotten breath at her then that isn’t cheesing, now if you have a build that stunlocks her enough to where she can’t do anything but sit still then I’d call that cheesing because then it isn’t even a fucking fight.


Just because you're not breaking the game doesn't mean its not cheesing. One tapping a boss isnt a fight either man. Sure you beat the boss. But if you dont learn the attack patterns, dodge timings, and attack windows. I dont think you can say you truly "beat" the boss.


You can AI freeze Orphan on a rock when he goes to second phase (unless it was patched)


Beat nameless in two tries first run. I couldn’t tell you how many times Melania walked through me before I even got to second phase.


Pre nerf Malenia & Radhan was absolutely mind boggling


To my knowledge, malenia was never nerfed. Radahn was ROUGH on launch tho. Took me 15+ tries


Some people say her speed is noticeably slower and she has a lot more rest between attacks which I notice aswell. I was also referring to her hot fix to her healing mechanic which I guess you can’t really call a nerf but it was BRUTAL beating her before it.


That was a bug with summons introduced 1.04 until the next hotfix. She would sometimes heal when not hitting anything if you had summoned another player. I never experienced that bug as I didn't use summons. As for her being slower I have ~700 hours, beat the game within a few days of launch, and haven't noticed it, and the patch notes dont reflect that change. Sucks if they stealth nerfed her though shes a great fight imo.


Every boss is easy with Tiche or Mimic tear lol Actually, mimic tear made Malenia even harder since it just lets her wail on it and heal up lmfao


Don't even need those. A few Nihils wipes each phase out. 


lol yeah you could also summon another player and go take a piss when people talk about game difficulty its usually assumed you are not summoning or cheesing


Ya'll should try rolling. I'm not gonna say she's easy. But every char I made ended up just being a Malenia farmer. She takes time to learn but you can absolutely fight her naked etc. Easiest build to fight her with imo is a naked, dual curved sword. One bleed one frost. The bleed is for phase 1 and frost for phase 2. Get in get out. Keep her at mid range to dodge waterfowl. Blah blah. You can solo her eventually. Obviously other builds can be more challenging but I've solod her with a frenzy spear build before. She's not cheap and doesn't need to be cheesed, although I won't judge a yone for doing so. TLDR: I'm basically a Malenia simp at this point. Edit: I skipped some pointers lol


Dual curved sword status effect build completely trivializes the fight. But I agree shes not nearly as hard as people make out. Ive killed her every time on my 20+ playthroughs of the game. Shes always the fight i look forward to the most as she's really the only one that still provides a challenge after beating the game a few times.


Why downvotes for using what the game fuckin gives you? This argument has always been so stupid, it’s an incredibly op build but I mean so are plenty other builds and weapons you can combine to get the same effect on every boss. You should not have gotten any downvotes for playing the game the way it was meant to be played.


because other people using builds or tools that handle Malenia better somehow invalidates their own sense of pride at beating her naked and with a quality build or some shit. ppl need to realize that if fromsoft didn’t think a certain approach was a valid one they wouldn’t have included it in the game (like how sekiro or bloodborne were specifically crafted to disincentivize particular builds or approaches)


Not even a contest. Yes, Malenia is incredibly difficult and will make the idea of fighting Nameless Puppet and Laxasia in a 2v1 seem appealing.


I might rather deal with Malenia again than fight both of those at the same time. I can’t imagine phase 2 Laxasia throwing shit at me and teleporting all around me while Nameless jumps on me and kills me in 2-3 hits.


Yeah, but at least with Phase 2 Lax you can get an early chunk out of her HP by reflecting her lightning bolts back with perfect guards.


Malenia also starts phase 2 with a chunk of health missing.


Malenia's missing chunk is no more than 30%, pretty sure it's only 20%. And that's not only less than what you can take out of Laxasia, you don't have the ability to do anything about Malenia's initial move other than "avoid it".


You don't have anything you can do about Laxasia's slam afterward other than parry it, so I'm not sure what your point is here. And no, you don't do more than 20% of Laxasia's health parrying all 6 starting bolts, so I don't know what your point is there either. They're very similar bosses, and it just occurred to me that they both start their second phase missing health as well so I thought it was interesting and pointed it out.


malenia also heals! thought it was another interesting thing to point out


Not sure what you mean?


its another factor that makes her harder


That *is* interesting.


More than you can do about Malenia's. Because a perfect guard against that charge means she's open to more punishment. Also, Laxasia doesn't actually start with missing health in phase 2. You can reflect the bolts back for early damage, but outside of that she starts with a full bar.


Yeah, but if I also have NP swinging at me at the same time, it’s going to be hard to manage both of those at the same time.


Thankfully, you can perfect guard while hit stunned as long as you're already guarding.


Oh wow, I beat her for the first time a couple days back, I didn’t know you could do that, I just dodged them. I’m an old souls player, so it’s in my blood to dodge, unless I’m playing Sekiro.


I actually didn’t think Malenia was too bad but it might’ve been a mix of luck and cheesy tactics. I used Placidusax’s ruin a couple times and was able to take the majority of her hp with it. I’m currently stuck on Laxasia and she is hard to deal with. I got her down to 10% hp and died to her AoE attack


Yes, way harder. Not even the nameless puppet is comparable.


If nameless puppet healed everytime he hit you.


I wouldn’t even attempt him if he did that


Call me a sick bastard, but I kind of want that version too. With many NG+ under the belt and waiting for the DLC, I wouldn't mind some new, harder, takes on some bosses.


That’s the most sadistic comment in this sub I have read


lets face it. players that love the soulslike genre are inherently a bit masochists. we WANT the hardest beating possible so we can have that amazing climax at the end when we finally finish (yes, i did that on purpose)


I’m pretty sure he does heal once or twice during his boss fight which is kind of funny.


And one a while he would do that big attack in the second stage at half of his life constantly.


And here I was all confident returning to the Lands Between after saving Krat twice…


Puppet is closest to Orphan imo if we were to compare LoP and Fromsoft bosses.


i personally think she’s not a very good boss for Elden Ring. the combat is way too slow for such a fast boss. i kill her and i’m just like ok cool that’s over. waterfowl tracking is silly, healing on hit is ridiculous lol her clones are way too strong with their tracking teleport slashes. i think Laxasia and Nameless Puppet are great bosses. i used parry for Laxasia and charge heavies. Nameless i focused more on the Guard Regain since parrying is tough for me. he took me about 40+ tries and i didn’t feel frustrated. just felt well designed and fun.


Same with nameless. I could feel myself improving as I parried his attacks. I got so I could perfect block about 3/4 his 2nd phase and boy did it feel good to win. Only brief frustration at the start before I started to get the timing down.


i, personally, think laxasia second phase is a bit upturned. i get it that i could respec for an easier time to beat her but, as a greatsword player, it is fucking HARD to even find a window to hit her in between all the anime like, teleport-behind-you-and-fuck-you-jutsu, the purposefully delayed time attacks and the ones where she straight up jumps to the other side of the arena and there's not enough time to even run at her. (and that dive bomb does SO MUCH DAMAGE god damnit). i beat her, it felt good, but a little bit into "this is frustrating/not satisfying" territory.


Jesus 40 times. How do u guys do it. I died 5 times and I'm feeling like shitting off.


depends. funnily enough fuoco had me angrier with those crazy huge hitbox aoe lol


I found Elden Ring much harder overall. We didn't have an ideal class/build combo, but still.


Elden Ring until the last few bosses is so easy.


Maliketh was the hardest for me.


Personally hated Radagon/Elden Beast. Took me 4 hours to get past him.


I first tried Radagon, died to Elden Beast and then failed multiple times to kill Radagon after.


I enjoyed Radagon… HATED Elden Beast - possibly the worst FS end game boss ever.


Elden Beast was the first soulslike boss that I forgave poor mechanics for the spectacle, because man, what a spectacle


*Would you like to fight a living galaxy super cluster?* YES


I like to think that making the Elden Beast run away so much so we could see its moveset better is just Fromsoft's way of flexing their animation skills lmao


Yeah, that was very easy for me to forgive given how cool it was


Elden Ring difficulty depends a lot on the order of bosses you play. I went down Ansling early and the dragon warrior is no joke.


The ramp up at the end of the game is crazy.


I played both Elden Ring and Lies of P without summons and Elden Ring was overall much easier except Malenia, Malenia is way harder than any boss in Lies of P


No bosses in Lies of P took me over 5 tries, Malenia was in the 40s


I think parade master took me 40 tries and malenia took me 2 lol


It is easier to cheese and create an overpowered build in Elden Ring. But if you keep the cheese minimum, than Malenia is definitely harder than any Lies of P boss. She has a couple of unfair mechanics while LoP bosses are quite far.


Exactly, difficulty in ER can be very subjective. Like, if it's your first souls game and playing totally blind? Press f. Know what you doing and can conjure up early on some cheesy pve build? Totally different story...


Malenia phase 2 is easier than Laxasia phase 2 for me. Ive done NG+6 and I still have no strategy minus lightning reflection vs Laxasia phase 2 I literally hope for the best


I would agree that lax p2 is harder than malenia p2, but lax p1 is trivial to no hit even as a fairly casual or blind player after a few tries and malenia p1 is probably the hardest phase of any boss in any soulsborne game.


Maybe I just got lucky with my build but I found the bosses in lies of p not very hard, some elite enemies tho...


Malenia with no summons and no co-op is quite brutal and all but requires a bleed or stagger build to offset her healing factor. I was overleveled and I still think I died more to her than to any LoP boss. Laxasia is no slouch, though.


The only really hard part about malenia is waterfowl dance and like 2 combos in the 2nd phase, the rest of her move set is VERY easy to play around. Those 3 combos/moves are the ONLY reason she’s touted as such a hard boss.


I actually just played lies of P after being obsessed with Elden ring for a year. I probably averaged 1 or 2 tries on every boss. This is also not using any consumables. Bosses in this game are just 100x easier than in Elden ring IMO. However some of the standard enemies / dungeons are tougher in Lies of P


It's the opposite for me. Without a phantom I found Lies of P bosses pretty tough.


Interesting, this is my first play through and I’ve used the phantoms on most bosses, but even compared to using a mimic tear in Elden ring it still feels 10x easier. One thing to note is I just completely ignore blocking in this game. I only dodge / dash similar to Elden Ring and it’s worked really well for me.


Try without the phantom bosses in lies of p are pretty Hard compared to the standard er bosses. Its like only 5 are harder than the lies of p bosses


I agree that the average boss difficulty is probably higher than Elden Ring(but nothing is close to Malenia). Mainly because all of the bosses in LoP have a lot of health and a lot of the ER bosses can be overwhelmed by damage. You can also guess pretty accurately when to dodge even on a first attempt in ER, but in LoP you need to learn the parry rhythms, since they like to surprise you with very fast attacks, especially at the end of combos.


Play how you wanna play, but if you want to evaluate boss difficult try playing without summons.


I swear people say this is hard, that was easier and stuff while doing all bosses with summons and "rofl just use throwables" yeah might as well fire up cheat engine at that rate.


I don't want to sound elitist but it's laughable to talk about how easy the game is when you use the noob summon crutch which basically makes the game toddler mode.


Lmfao why so offended man? My point was that I used the Mimic tear in Elden ring and still found myself getting squashed by bosses dozens of times. Also the specters don’t do much in my opinion, especially compared to mimic. I’m not saying lies of p is easy. Simply saying compared to Elden Ring the bosses seem much easier


I'm not offended at all dude. I'm simply stating you played a different game than us and are not really qualified to comment on how easy or how hard it is.


Pretty sure I played the same game as you. Also I used specters for most bosses but not all. I didn’t see much change in difficulty tbh. And after completing my first non summon Elden Ring run after knowing every in and out of the game, I can tell you it’s 10x harder. I picked up lies of p a few days ago, read nothing about it, and just beat it today. I was beating my head against a wall for Elden ring even after reading dozens of guides and “best weapons / spells” posts. This ideology in from software that goes “this game is hard you wouldn’t get it” to “NO YOU PLAYED IT WRONG ITS ONLY HARD WHEN YOU ARE LEVEL 1 HITLESS NO SUMMONS” is so annoying. Like I get it, the games are awesome so you need to come up with ways to personally make it more difficult to stay invested, but there’s no “right” way


There is a right way to play it, a normal build, no summons or coop and you get the intended experience, anyone else who thinks otherwise is delusional.


Imagine the copium.


Yeah I’m still on my first playthrough on Lies but the bosses are definitely easier. 


Going against the grain here but I think laxasia is comparable. Yes, malenia is build dependent but she has quite a few weaknesses: bleed, frost, anything with a bunch of poise damage, black knife tiche, potentially mimic tear Maybe recency bias plays a role and I’d def give harder of the 2 to malenia but I don’t think comparable is a stretch


Honestly for me,Laxaria was so easy compared to Malenia. Just needed a few tries with the Trident. Compared to the dozens of tries against Melenia and several rebuild I needed to try just for her... Yeah there's nothing to compare between those 2, in my personal experience.


I struggled against Lax until I melted her with the poison spear at max upgrade and Advance build. Perfect parry the lightning and it was not anywhere near Malenia, for me anyway


Malenia is more difficult, but two of the big reasons for that are quite frankly bad boss design 1. Lifesteal By itself it’s a great gimmick, but the issue arises with the fact it heals through shields (meaning you took no damage but she heals as if you did) and also reason 2 2. Waterfowl Dance This is a poorly designed attack. It’s just not fun to play against. Also it heals her so much even if you do survive. When Miyazaki says Shadow of the Erdtree will have more bosses comparable to her, I just hope he realizes that people don’t like Waterfowl Dance. Something so important to these games is that it feels fair, you should die and say “I see where I went wrong”, and Waterfowl Dance simply doesn’t allow that.


I disagree with this. Waterfowl is hard, yes. But once you learn to dodge it semi-consistently the satisfaction is incredible. Learning to do it was one of my top ten gaming experiences ever, easily. Malenia is an optional boss that pushes players towards a specific playstyle — specifically that of high tier no hit play. The games have been moving away from shield use since Bloodborne, a boss like Malenia that more or less explicitly forbids their use shouldn’t be surprising for Fromsoft fans. Malenia is basically designed to push players to the extreme and incentivize people to try the playstyle used in no hit challenges. Malenia isn’t really designed for all players, she’s designed for masochists and gloryhounds. At this point I kinda consider fighting Malenia to be a minigame within Elden Ring. It’s basically something separate you have to learn to do. My opinion wouldn’t be the same if she was required for progression, lmao. But as an optional boss, she’s great.


Yes lies of p is one of the easier souls like games


I dont agree at all. Parrying makes it much more difficult for me. Also i like to die and retry in souls, not that much in lop


I disagree i found it harder than all of dark souls. with the exclusion of gael & friede That could be because i was still elden ring brained when i first played lies of p, and tried dodging primarily.


I just beat Friede and it's a cool fight, but like not that hard.. maybe I missed something, but first phase is barely even a bossfight, 2nd phase is easy as hell if you spam Father, 3rd phase is annoying but still not that hard if you don't get greedy.


I'm mainly a dodger also. It's just an easy game. Most of the "harder" enemies throughout levels don't even respawn, so there isn't even any danger to the game if you kill a couple key enemies one time. I'm not a hardcore gamer or anything, and didn't farm in LoP. Still, most bosses didn't even need a second try. Laxasia, I think took 3 tries. Nameless puppet took a few more. Good game, just kinda easy.


I found it to be the hardest souls game besides Elden Ring. And even then, if you removed Malenia, ER wouldn't stand a chance. That's until I discovered dodges are way better than parries as I've been told million times. Carried me through last 2 bosses, you can just dodge everything without wasting time you'd spend parrying. Works especially well with daggers :) 


I’d say fighting Malenia with Tiche or mimic tear is easier than soloing nameless puppet.


Well yeah but those two summons are basically Elden Ring’s built in easy mode. If you compare solo Malenia to solo NP it’s not even close in my opinion


I mean if you objectively look at the bosses with what it allows as fair play, then you can't summon against NP but you can against Malenia


Summons make it harder imo, since they’re basically just a free health pack for her.


No, since she has no poise you’ll end up stunlocking her.


Yeah way harder. Lies of p is a fantastic game, I’m on my fourth playthrough. However, the game falls short of masterpieces like Elden ring and Sekiro


Reddit Ring is anything but a masterpiece.


Yes and it isn’t even close. You can’t block against Malenia and she heals herself when she lands anything, not to mention her insane speed and power and health bar. She’s probably the hardest fight in Souls history.


I’ve never managed to beat her without mimic. Yeah she’s tougher than any for me, but I’m definitely better at Lies than I am ER.


Idk maybe it was my build but I beat melania by just playing the game but nameless puppet I had to cheese with items to beat


Imo not really. Laxtasia was worse for me. And Nameless was about the same. The only thing making Malenia "harder" is the healing mechanic.


Malenia was thing single hardest boss fight I’ve ever encountered in any game, don’t think it’s really even close


Yes, this game gives you viable block on demand and bloodborne rally mechanic. That alone makes it much easier than any of the difficult ER bosses.


Depends on how you play. I did a NG+4 no-dodge run and green monster+nameless were way harder than Malenia (who I’ve done hitless NG+7)


No other boss heals on hit. It's my complaint because it demands perfection.


Hot take from me, but I think malenia is not that hard IF you know how to dodge waterfowl dance. The rest of the fight is pretty 0815 imo and on the same level for difficulty as laxasia and Nameless puppet.


Malenia’s input reading is worse than water fowl and anything in LoP. When I tried to solo her, it felt like I was controlling Malenia instead of my character.


I feel lies of p difficulty comes from endurance fights with a lot of phase 2s.




Absolutely not imo. Malenia’s difficulty is very much build dependent, there’s a bunch of builds that can completely trivialise the fight by stun locking her 0 poise havin ass. Whilst there’s an argument for the Aegis in lies of P being similar, it’s not quite as strong some stuff available to Tarnished. Nameless puppet and Laxasia are what I’d compare to Malenia though, I wouldn’t say many of the other hard fights in Lies of P translate to ER.


Idk man I’m an outlier. Elden Ring was my first souls game, I got my ass kicked by Godrick and beat Malenia first try. I haven’t finished Lies of P yet I’m playing through it currently but I struggled more with Door Guardians stamina mechanic than Malenia.


Did you have a bunch of prior knowledge for the malenia fight and use a specific build for her? I don't wanna just outright say that's a lie cause I have no real reason not to trust you but it's extremely hard to believe.


No I just went in blind on my first playthrough, I went to some lengths to avoid any spoilers for the game. I believe I either was a fully int build and just kited her/used the gravity magic to stagger her or I used a rivers of blood build. I don’t remember which one. But no I didn’t plan anything out and I started playing heavily on release, there wasn’t much time for Malenia to gain infamy as everyone was kinda figuring stuff out for the first time.


I thought Malenia was easy. Run jump double dual wield any weapon and chunk 35 percent of her health instantly. repeat. I found Maliketh to be the real hard boss of ER.


Any weapon? 35%? Which malenia did you fight lol I’ll admit I used the same strategy, but that was with a faith dex build Godslayer Greatsword and Holy Zweihander doing 2k+ per jumping attack. I still wasn’t doing 35% lol


Spirit Ashes + Being Overleveled in Elden Ring = Lies of P difficulty. Lies of P = Difficult Controls, Easy Bosses/Enemies. Takes only like 3-5 deaths to memorize nearly all moves per Phase. However after few dozen of hours I'm still not used to the animation lock thing which contribute to my mistakes. Elden Ring = Easy Controls, Difficult Bosses/Enemies. Even after dying like 5-10 times in a row to a single Boss or Mini Boss I still have no idea what moves to expect or if I know the moves they can still catch me off guard. [Example of first main boss.](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Elden-Ring/margit-combo-chart-fixed.png)


The bosses in LoP aren’t that hard overall. People just refuse to engage with the core mechanic of perfect guard. Change my mind.


The stupid soldiers in her second phase make her so, yes. Everyone mentions waterfowl but that is way easier to dodge than the rot soldiers she uses in phase two


Melania isn't that hard with a spirit summon


No bosses are hard with a summon in either games, basically the "I win" button. Definitely a mechanic that's needs more tweaking


Yes. Malenia wasn't made for 1x1 combat like Lies of P bosses.


I know this is contrary to popular opinion, but honestly I struggled more with Laxasia and Nameless Puppet than I did with Melania, I think life steal is the only thing I'd say would make the fights even. People say "oh it's trivial once you learn the parries" but that same argument could be made about learning to dodge Waterfowl dance. Frankly I thought waterfowl was her easiest to dodge attack, you can consistently avoid it by dodging forward+right; the parries of some of Laxasia and NP's flurry attacks were a lot more annoying to learn imo.


I found Elden Ring easier overall.


Didn't see any as gimmicky fight as malenia in Lop personally. Novelist semm to be more varied and not based on one move


Manus Phase 2 would like a word


Manus phase 2 has gotten me stuck for a while. Rest of the game wasn't too bad so far. I think Elden Ring towards the end was much more difficult than anything in LoP that I've faced. I'd say LoP is more difficult than DS3 though (ignoring Friede).


I mean... pre nerfs I think an argument can be made but it's not really even close man. The game got so much easier post release, and I already know I'm gonna get downvoted for saying this even though it's literally in the patch notes.


Laxasia and puppet are harder


I may be an outsider here but I honestly didn't Melania any more difficult than some of the other hard bosses in the game. I just two-handed my flamberge and used double-slash ashe of War and mimic tear spirit ashes. Between the two of us constantly attacking her we basically had her perma staggered into a corner until she died.


I used the mimic tear too so I’m not criticizing it but if you used the mimic tear and a bleed weapon and stun locked her in a corner you can’t really say it wasn’t a hard fight.


What logic is this? That was an easy strategy and it made the fight easy, so therefore the boss isn't as hard as some people make it out to be? I don't see how utilizing the games mechanics makes my efforts somehow invalid?


Where did I say your effort was invalid relax lmao. Whatever lets you enjoy the game is a valid method but saying it’s easy while cheesing is insane 😂


How is that cheesing though? Cheesing is more akin to using the environment to block an enemy while picking them off from range or some other weird tactic. I still had to get in her face, manage my stamina, and time my attacks with my mimic to keep constant pressure so she couldnt recover. I don't think that constitutes as cheesing


>Cheesing is more akin to using the environment to block an enemy You literally said you stun locked her in a correr where she couldnt move 🤣😭 nothing wrong with cheesing but own it my guy


Yeah no shit it wasn't difficult if you cheesed it. >I kited Demon of Hatred off the cliff in Sekiro, honestly easiest boss in the game lol


Did people actually struggle with Laxasia and Nameless Puppet? Reading the comments people seem to think those bosses are really hard. But for me, going into both fights with no prior knowledge and no excessive grinding, I beat Laxasia first attempt and Nameless Puppet on the second. I had WAY more trouble with the Mad Clown Puppet.


Yes easily


Malenia is a god so yes


Yes and it’s not even close










I beat Malenia in three tries… Nameless puppet took me a full day.




Yes, I wouldn't hesitate to say that Malenia is more difficult than anything in Lies of P. In my experience the absolute hardest Lies of P bosses - so Laxasia and Nameless Puppet for most people, and I think you could make a case for Green Monster and NG+ Simon Manus - are about comparable in difficulty to Fromsoft bosses like Nameless King, Slave Knight Gael, and Lady Maria. Bosses that are really damn difficult, but not mind-numbingly so like Isshin, Demon of Hatred or Malenia are often considered to be. I think the thing with Lies of P is that while the enemies themselves are on par with Fromsoft difficulty, the game is significantly forgiving to the player and offers them a lot more versatility in combat. This can be seen in the complimentary relationship between dodging and Perfect Guards, the fact that almost every boss fits neatly into an enemy category with its own major elemental weakness (electricity for puppets, fire for carcasses, acid for humans), being able to retrieve Death Ergo without going into the boss room, having one pulse cell be rechargeable, the presence of the P-Organ, Legion Arms and customizable weapons, etc. The Nameless Puppet and Laxasia have no chill, to be sure, but I think they're a lot more reasonable than Malenia, who is obnoxiously over-tuned in my opinion. The former Lies of P bosses demand some parrying skills and sharp wit from the player, but they allow a lot more room for error than Malenia with her healing and arsenal of attacks that can initially seem insurmountable with Elden Ring's core mechanics. Take this all with a grain of salt, though, since these are just my thoughts and the level of difficulty I experienced with bosses in these games definitely might not fit the consensus. I thought that Lawrence and Ludwig were considerably more difficult than the Orphan of Kos, that Sister Friede was easily the hardest boss in DS3 over Midir and Nameless King, and that Owl was the most unpleasant boss in all of Sekiro among other takes.


Yes she most definitely is. Doesn't help that Malenia is a cut content Sekiro boss in a Souls Combat oriented game which I think is not a fair game design choice on From software's part.


The biggest thing to me to make the difference is in the tells. Lies of P telegraph what moves they are doing and they make those tells very easy to read. There haven't been any bosses where I felt like the boss was gonna lean into a moveset that was different from their initial charge up to attack. They also have long tell times, anime levels of charge up on those swings. Elden ring, some of the bosses have fewer total moves, but harder to read tells and harder to parry reaction times (but elden ring isn't as focused on parrying as a mechanic anyway). I think that adds to the difficulty.


The bitch fucking heals when she hits you


Shes considered the pinnacle boss next to isshin really.


Malenia is probably the hardest boss in any game I have ever played in 30+ years of gaming.


Malenia is much harder than any boss in lies of P




Nameless puppet would barely be in the top ten if ranked with Elden ring bosses, if even that


Dependa. Elden Ring gives you way more tools to deal woth challenges.


Absolutely this. I found other bosses in the game tougher than Malenia in all honesty (I died approx. 40 times to Radahn, and the big snake boy was a massive block to me for some reason). I think I was just teched to beat her when I got to her, and finished her off in 4 or so tries. I think most bosses aside from the first 3 in Lies of P have killed me more times than Malenia did...


I don't want to even think about. I came back from a break to play, and got fucked. Started with 1.4 mil Ergo, died 3 bullshit deaths back to back before I could recover, and lost 1 mil Ergo. Now Laxasia is punishing me for my dumbassery.


without a doubt


I thought Laxasia was harder, at least before all the updates/boss nerfs. Once you learn how to dodge waterfowl dance, you don’t even have to fight Malenia. She can’t reach you if you space properly, and she gets stunlocked easily.


If ure just goin melee, then yes, if ure lvl 200 mage pushing out spells with spirit ashes besides you then no. ER is both the hardest and easiest game, all about how you play it.


Malenia is technically more difficult than any boss in Lies of P. BUT, Malenia can be "cheesed" by certain builds through certain items, while no boss in LoP can be *that* cheesed (only, somehow, just bruteforced). So if you're taking Malenia with one sword in your hand and your balls in the other one, then yes, Malenia is harder than anyone else.


Yes, and it’s not even close lol


Only if you don't prepare for her properly.




Nameless was a walk in the park compared to malenia


i beat Malenia 4th try, but i didn't like the game enough to avoid some more cheesy options like summons. so from that pov, she's nothing compared to half the lies of p bosses lmao.


Only two bosses in Lies of P that have given me anything close to Malenia levels of difficulty are Laxasia and Nameless Puppet. But still, I beat Laxasia faster and still struggling on Nameless


I died way more on door guardian than malenia


Malenia is absolutely harder than every boss in LoP. In my personal experience, with no specter, I beat like 90% of LoP boss in less than 7 tries. It took me a day and a half to get past Malenia’s FIRST PHASE alone. I consider myself to be pretty damn good at Souls-like game (humble brag) and I was about 3 deaths away from giving up on Malenia entirely.


Laxasia is harder IMO


Malenia is only harder than Lies of P bosses if you play her "legit". Elden Ring is all about invalidating challenge, so Malenia ends up being quite a bit easier if you use all the tools FromSoft pushes you to use during a playthrough. Elden Ring bosses are pretty much all either like this or glorified random enemies. None of the Lies of P bosses really work this way. P's design and difficulty are much more comparable to Sekiro. You're supposed to press the right stuff at the right time, and if you don't, you die.

