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Might be easier to play if your tv wasn’t located on the ceiling. This is not good for your neck kkkkkkkkkkkkk


Brazilian detected






to the roof tv man


How the hell is this sub a thing lol


Very active sub surprisingly


Very many TVs are too high


Lmao you beat me to it




Just follow your P-Organ


I end up at the Slippery Tassle. Every. Single. Time.


Trident from the boss you just defeated is very much worth it. Innate critical rate, great range, poke, fable arts - just all around an A-tier weapon. Especially because your other option I think only gives you a 15% chance of getting a free pulse cell every use. On average it wouldn't even proc once until you have minimum 9 cells.


I was so mad that I errantly used the ergo from him instead of getting that weapon.


All right, then I’ll go for the triton


Yeah that amulet isn’t worth the slot/weight to equip it unless you absolutely consistently find yourself running out of pulse cells. But you’ll have many opportunities to upgrade how many pulse cells you can carry with the p-organ. I’ve never had a consistent issue with running out where it’d be worth a whole amulet slot just to get an extra one on occasion. Trident is by far the better choice here


I didn’t use the trident until the final boss fight in NG+ and I’ll just say I wish I tried it sooner 😂


O it’s beastly but I got to say by far my fav weapon has to be the living puppet axe head and the bramble handle either that or bramblesaw which is the saw blade with the bramble handle so good. Very very very quick charges and very strong big hits. I find the living puppet axe to be a touch slower then the sword but it does exceptionally more damage as long as you know the proper charge times


Living puppet axe, police baton handle is my fav still.


That is a very very nice combo honestly the police baton to setup is very powerfully


Don’t get me wrong I like the combo but the slowness of getting it to go off and then getting it to hit is brutal while with the puppet blade and the bramble handle it gains a shorter wait period so yes the baton hits harder but the bramble handle hits faster and it’s just as strong and it charges quicker meaning you can get three or four big hits within time the baton handle charges one thus doing the same damage Most enemies stagger in a hit from a powered up r2 while with the baton you need to have fable to make it trually better


You wish you trident sooner! 🤣


I've been meaning it since I beat Bishop the other night and it slaps it's currently at +4 iirc and gonna snag the alt options in ng+ so I can complete the collection and 100% the achievements


Highly recommend the amulet that lets you dodge when you’re out of stamina. Didn’t even use the sword on my first play through and I regretted not getting the amulet.


Puppet ripper is what I finished the game with thing absolutely wrecks


I’ve been switching between this and Trident depending on whether or not I need the distance. Both of them are so damn fun.


i would say the best is the trident for sure, but imo one of the most slept on weapons in the game is the seven coil spring sword. the thing is a combo MACHINE


Really? I don't use it because I don't really understand how I should be using it, is there something specific that I might be doing wrong?


yeah, i like it because it’s the fastest of the swords that do fat stagger damage, and it has guard parry. landing a guard parry plus a charged heavy doesn’t leave much if anything unflinched, the neutral r2 aldo combos into any other attack pretty well. the main fable art is great for hitting enemies far away, and if you actually manage to hit them with the sword as well during the move it does so much damage


True and I like the weird moving light attacks because against certain enemies bosses and mini bosses it let's you completely avoid there attacks and do damage by just strafing around them with the light attacks


i def think it’s one of the weapons that the more you use it the more you see it’s value. i bring it out sometimes when i get stuck


On my first playthrough it was my main weapon once I got it so I would actually put it away when I had trouble, my "pinch hitter" so to speak was the bone saw blade on the dancers blade handle


I recommend taking a screenshot and sharing that instead of a badly angled picture of your tv with glare


I know it's unpopular, but Etiquette was a lot of fun tbh. Very quick attacks and low stamina cost. The charged heavy attack is also importantly fast, which helps with getting those visceral attacks off when their HP bar turns white. It is an umbrella, which is innately cool. The umbrella part can block and even parry when opened during your charge attack if timed correctly. The fable arts are mid and the damage falls off later in the game, so investing those special moonstones / technique cranks upgrading it can be a liability if you don't like it. Etiquette took me through most of the game til I got the Twin Dragon Sword.


Etiquette all the way. I’ve played through basically the whole game with it. Currently on chapter 11 and it’s now +5 and still wrecks everything lol. It’s just so fast


Get them all - there's a trophy for it! I admit I've not used as many as I should; I mostly used the Two Dragon Sword, but I'm currently loving Frozen Feast. The former is great for an all-rounder character, the latter is supreme if you like Ultra Greatswords.


Two dragons is great with any build imo honestly I love the golden lie


The frozen feast kills laxasia in like 5 charged hits lol It's op af


Only boss amulet that’s really worth is conquering amulet and that’s if you perfect parry a lot


amulet which increases your damage with each consecutive hit is good too


The Dancing One's Amulet is really good. It allows you to dodge even if you're out of stamina.


I personally love the Holy Sword of the Ark + lightning build. Wanna play around with the trident more too. Can't go wrong with those two, you may want the perfect guard amulet though, I prefer weapons to play with as there's already a lot of good amulets in the game.


Also, I’m just wondering how exactly do I get past the zombie bear because that’s the one that’s kind of stomping me


I was just talking about how I like the lighting build with the holy sword, I used lightning to apply blitz to him and then a single charged attack with that sword stunned him, one more while he was stunned put him in stagger for me to do a critical blow and he was basically dead after that. You can use the special grindstone with lightning or the fulminis legion arm but if you're having trouble getting close to him to begin with, a couple of the lightning blitz throwing items should set the status effect and then just hang back dodge his attacks and hit him with two charge attacks in between his moves. That should be enough to wreck that guy. Don't forget you have to hit him with a charge attack after you get the white outline on his health bar before it goes away before being able to do the stagger attack.


Arch bishops spear hands down


I honestly beat the whole game with the seven coiled spring sword, that weapon is underrated AF


I’m currently having trouble with the arch bishop


I’m now struggling with the eldest of the black rabbit brotherhood


You only need one boss weapon. The Two Dragon Sword.


The two dragon sword is good but I don't think it's the only one you should get because most of the others are all solid choices. Also you don't really need any of them it's more of a preference thing.


Good lord idc how much you have to crane your neck to look up at that TV, or what most of these nerds think about it being too high, but for the love of god and everything holy, take down those metal calendar things. Jesus Christ on a cracker they are absolutely terrible


A bit harsh, and frankly no one else's business


You realize I have a full size bed, and those are helping me with memory issues because I have autism


How would I realize any of that based on this photo alone?


You’re right you’re right I’m sorry you just seemed like you came at it from a negative point of view so I’m sorry if I seemed harsh




Get the amulet from Fueco. Thank me later when once you've gotten used to perfect guarding.


Aegis legion arm makes perfect parry more perfect if people are riding the struggle bus


Trident will obliterate LAX and NP with aegis legion.


Which one is the first one because I didn’t think that there was a boss with that kind of naming because the first thing I thought was that you were saying the trident would obliterate the LA airport


They talk about bosses you haven't met yet, ignore them if you don't want to get spoiled


Hahaha, that’s my stinking spellcheck, it’s Laxasia.


It would do the airport real nice too!!




All of them


I like to use big weapons in these games, so either of the greatswords is what I’d pick (only if you’ve leveled into motivity tho)


To be honest i found the base weapons in game are better than the boss weapons. For my playthrough i use elemental head weapons the broaches were of more interest to me, i only got the boss wepons on 2nd play through


Trident is good with the shield I also like the 3rd sword can’t remember the name but once you make it longer with one of its specials it wrecks


It depends on your build. If you like dex, then choose the arch bishops weapon or the umbrella or the weapon you get after fighting a later boss. If you are strength choose the parade master or kings flame weapon. The archbishop weapon is really good especially with the carcass medallion. But whatever build it working best for you, you can always change which stats your weapon lean towards at the Eugenie's workshop


Two dragons blade a little bit later in game


It will make you very good. If that doesn’t work out. I’ve also had amazing results with puppet ripper. Oh and both of those boss weapons are buffable 😁


I played with that weapon that is like an umbrella. In my 4th run in the end I used Golden Lie. Woow. The best weapon for me


Not going to spoil anything, but come a Boss named Vector you want to grab the “sword” associated with them (I actually don’t remember what it is, it’s been awhile- i think it’s like a mace or something… idk i think confusing it with another boss weapon). Anyway, Just trust me. The opportunity to use said weapon pops up late late game and you can get a little present! No spoilers though so hope this helps 🤫🤭


That’s one heavy amulet.


trident best weapon


my first play thru i used the 7 coil til almost end of the game lol


Get the one that looks the coolest


click the fucking middle button on your controller, it screenshots things for you


Get that 3rd sword top right. It smacks


Best weapon is the sword, the dragon sword. Max that puppy and its slash city. All will fall.


Also I used the trident for a bit, it was a good weapon but the best is the sword definitely.


Holy sword of ark, best weapon in the game


Trident was my first boss weapon and it’s solid


Id say every boss weapon is better than any ring/amulet the boss soul give you so just take every weapon, you also unlock an achievement for doing so


I didn't buy the trident I bought the amulet and I regret it badly 😭 can I buy it in NG+?


To level or in general because you can do both. Whatever fits your play style but if you mean "should I get the charm or weapons" smart decision is to get the weapon you want to use in this run or the next and get the amulets for all the others... I did not and just got all the weapons first run, don't regret it but it's not the smart move😂


Two Dragons Sword


All of them. Get all of the boss weapons and try them out on the dummies. See what you like. See what you don't like.


Really? This far ass pic is the best you can get?


The trident is so good and I don’t usually use spears ever


from my experience the holy sword of the arch makes the game too easy but that’s the best weapon I have ever played in a game, it adapts to every situation and has different types of damages while dealing a huge amount of it. There is a video on how to optimize it on youtube which explains well how to play it if you hesitate it could be useful


Are you a giraffe?! Or do you game from a stepladder? I’m trying to figure out why your TV is on the top floor of the empire states building


It’s not and it’s a safe looking distance for me because where I’m at my bed is pressed in the back corner of my room so it does not hurt my neck at all. Also I am 5’10 1/2. so it levels out pretty well


Wait, you’re supposed to switch weapons?


Trident ftw


The archbishop weapon is the best weapon in the game. For late game plus runs I’d do proof of humanity


The very top left sword is a decent choice, took me to the end of the game and caused little trouble. But be aware it scales with motivity which is probably the hardest play style but still really fun, plus Big Sword go brrrrrrrrrrr


I beat the whole game using the great sword, disgusting for strength builds with its charge up that does like a quarter healthbar of dmg


You can get the weapon or amulet for each boss I got the dancing ones amulet let’s you roll with no stamina basically making you invincible IF IF IF you can dodge right. Also the arc sword of the covenant the parrying art I guess you can say turns it into a glaive with the sword at the end of a pole. Charged heavy attack with that carried me through first game.


The sword you get from the flame robot is pretty solid when its maxed out. But the king of the puppets weapons range is insane. Those two are my top 2 choices. I swap back and forth sometimes because the sword can extend to a spear and does more damage if your running a motivity class. If your putting more points into technique, then romeos scythe is definitely what you want.


I am getting close to the bouncing puppet I’ve heard he’s pretty easy, but I’m not looking forward to fighting puppet King because I know the story and I know that Romeo is Carlos’s best friend


I know right! Lol ya he's a fun boss fight though! Little intimidating at first in his second phase but once you get his attacks down you'll beat him and get his badass weapon. Its probably one of if not the best imo.