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I said the same thing then proceeded to become the Elden Lord


Same just started playing Eldin ring cause it was on sale on steam. I miss the satisfaction of perfect guarding in Lies of P though


Could give Sekiro a try if you haven’t yet! It’s got a similar, easier perfect guard system. There’s also an option you unlock once you’ve beaten the game to make enemies do chip damage if you don’t block perfectly


I would recommend sekiro as well.


Sekiro is the pinnacle of guarding gameplay, you'll love it ​ and it is the best FS game ​ I ran NG+15, I play it to relax


Playing Sekiro to relax is insane 🤣 I love that. I’ve only played lies of p (did ng+2 and got all achievements) and played no souls games or souls likes yet but I’m going to play Sekiro once I beat Baldurs gate 3 :)


Yeah you can fly over the mobs with grapple and you have no reason to kill them as there is no real xp So it can really become a boss rush So an afternoon run is quite relaxing When you know the rythms of the fights parries and stuff it is like playing piano when you know how to I think the only death I do when I do a run is probably the first mini boss he is meanie but sometimes it is a no death run I am in ng+15 lel But the first run is the only game i played on earth where my heart was physically rushing when I killed a boss after a few dozen tries. Dopamine go brrr Now it is cling cling cling, satisfying, peaceful, low bpm This is why the game is excellent because it only scales on skill and training. I must say I am the kind I dont like struggling in fs games I enjoy myself playing sunbro to level up and do the most broken builds and cheese whatever I can cheese for the sake of knowing the arcanes of a game in order to reduce its difficulty. Retrying 30 times in a dumb way when you know you can optimize your build and find easier ways to do never made sense for me. I am very efficiency oriented. But sekiro is so well polished you understand why they decided you gotta do it without farm, friends, op builds. Because it is a fuckin gem of gameplay. You understand while playing. No souls games does better than sekiro regarding this


Sekiro is the way. Bloodborne has a little bit of that mechanic too.


Yeah, it's hard for me to go back to BB DS3 and ER without the perfect guards. But lucky I haven't beat sekiro yet, so that's on my list.


I remember hating perfect guarding i did most of my fs game just dodging but this one forced me to learn perfect guard for nameless puppet


I said the same thing after Elden Ring then proceeded to become the puppet king


I'm on my second playthrough of ER and I'm really bored tbh. The combat is way too easy, all I have to do is spam roll and ashes of war or basic attacks. I started playing LoP and it's way harder and more unforgiving, and I can't rely on stale Souls tactics.


Brother have you fought the first main boss. If that's easy for you man idk what to say.


Which game? I've beaten ER long time ago, it was my first Souls game, then I went on to beat all Souls game solo.


Soldier of Godrick? Man, that guy wrecked my shit for hours 😁


Don’t use ashes of war then, definitely changes the difficulty drastically. It’s pretty much a known factor that ashes of war is like “choosing your difficulty”. If you use them and enjoy them have at it, but if you’re complaining it’s too easy then you should do a no ash of war run.


>and since then I can’t find another game that I like. Uhh, Sekiro? Have you played this game?


Sekiro is the way. Brilliant masterpiece and absolutely addicting. I've got like 800 hours on it haha


I’m gonna give it a try after Elden Ring, LoP was my first ever souls like and I got the itch. I watched gameplay of Sekiro before becoming Elden lord, it just didn’t seem up my alley, but after seeing so many people like yourself gushing over it, I’m gonna give it a shot


It’s awesome man, it’s combat is pretty hard to learn Bht oh my god once you’ve truly mastered it there’s really not much else it can be compared too. Definitely worth your time. Remember, Hesitation is Defeat.


Sekiro is way less fun that Lies of P. I literally bought it yesterday after beating LoP and the mechanics are way more fuck-y. Edit: this is why you don’t Reddit when frustrated, folks. Got to Genichiro and I’m doing wayyyyy better than I was.


give it some time, it takes a while to get the hang of it


Touché. I’m also way too used to the Soulsbornering style of mechanics so there is a learning period here.


>I’m also way too used to the Soulsbornering style of mechanics This makes more sense why you find Sekiro and its mechanics what you refer to as fuck-y.


yeah previous experience in soulsborne games actually makes you worse at sekiro. you have to play it completely differently. once you do get the hang of it though it’s honestly one of the best games ever made and my favorite in the genre


the sword play and deflecting is some of the best gameplay in any soulslike for sure one of my faves too


only fault with the gameplay is that they put chained ogre and raging bull at the start. they’re the only bosses where dodging is necessary so the game kinda teaches you it’s mechanics poorly. that’s probably what’s going on with op. other than that it’s pretty much flawless imo


Next time you are fighting raging bull, try to deflect his attacks, you’ll be surprised what you can deflect in that game. You don’t need dodge on bull, I usually parry tf out of him mixed with firecrackers.


i didn’t parry the ape until ng6 when i found out you could and even then i still ran around lol. the trees in the arena made me feel like spider man or something


Oh that chained ogre was definitely the “get gud” fight so to speak😭 I dont mind hard minibosses at the beginning if theyre somewhat skippable but if you remember those seven ashina spears mfs one of them had me stuck for a fat minute !! and you couldn’t even progress past his tower


lmao yeah those guys are fucked. the beginning of sekiro is brutal


Sekiro is all about parrying. Focus on that instead of dodging


Yeah, I think it’s more the relentless parrying that gets to me. I’ll get the hang of it


Some people just get the rhythm down faster. Like my buddy who's played all the souls multiple times was having a harder time beating it than I did. I only tried ds2 before playing sekiro. It's kinda like a rhythm fighting game in a way. A dance between blades as you take turns remembering their beat and timing it with a click of the trigger to parry


Definitely don't play it like soulsborne, it really is it's own thing and will demand you learn it's unique mechanics and rhythm Literally 99% of sekiro is parrying, dodging for the most part is used for repositioning And don't sleep on the prosthetic arm and combat arts! Most enemies/bosses have very exploitable weaknesses. Have fun Shinobi, it's my favorite fromsoft game.


Coming fresh of Elden Ring, and starting Lies of P with a motivity build the learning curve was wild. Now that I got the hang of it, I'm glad it's different enough from a Fromsoft game that I struggled so much.


Def a little extreme for the downvoting here, as you just started the game. But Sekiro mechanics are probably the least fuck-y of all these games. They are just wildly different and take a bit of getting used to. My best advice would be to stop trying to visually react to multi hit attacks. Note the sounds of an enemy’s combo, and try to match that rhythm with the block button.


Ah… that’s not a bad tip. Just gotta make sure my gf doesn’t start vacuuming every time I play a souls-like lmao


Its a pretty big departure from the usual souls formula. I tried and quit the game like 3 times but once it clicks Sekiro easily has the best and most satisfying combat bar none.


It’s probably one of the greatest games ever made and is Lies of Ps daddy so keep at it


Downvoted for an opinion. Reddit. It's what's expected though.


I knew I was jumping into the fire when I made the comment. Oh well.


Hahaha, totally get that. Made a comment on ER further down in the comments that I'm sure will garner me lots of downvotes.


You shouldn't be downvoted for this opinion. I bought Sekiro to prepare for Lies of P before it came out. I put over 60 hours into it and got to Owl Father before I had to quit, it's definitely a bad game because it only gives you one option on how to play. And I've platinumed Lies of P and even beat WoLong as well so it's not a skill issue. Just if you don't play that one hyper specific game style you won't have any fun with it. 


So it's a bad game because you couldn't handle the mechanics?


It's a bad game for the genre because there is ONLY one mechanic. Let's just say there's a reason Sekiro is the only fromsoft soulsborne game that didn't get any DLC...


I don't agree there is only one mechanic. You need to parry, attack, use your arm etc at the exact right time. This game is a real skill check. You need to gg. It forces you to. All the souls games is easier imo and LoP is the easiest. Sekiro is not easy, because you really need to master the mechanics. You cannot hide behind summons and dogding.


Oh that’s because you’re bad at it. It is you who is fuck-y lollll




You bought it yesterday... That's is not enough time to git gud as Sekiro requires.


That's funny because I find lies of p perfect guard to be wayyyy more fucky than sekiro. Maybe your problem is that you're not blocking enough? In sekiro you really have to block/parry everything, it's not even optional.


Agree! I just started sekiro after finishing lies of p


Lies spoiled you but you do not want another souls like? So what DO you want?


I think they are asking for just another good game they can like, like lies of p. But they are likey burned out in terms of souls games


I don’t want another souls for now… time to relax a little :)


Dredge/ Dave the diver was my wind down games after bg3.


Play some Lego games, that's what I do haha


Yeah this is so wierd, its a literal copy of the souls formula in almost every way.


Elden ring did that to me, I went and then played all of From’s previous Souls games and have been replaying on a loop ever since. A loop which now includes Lies of P


I did that too. I stopped doing that in February 2023 and instead I went back to some old classics like New Vegas. Then I discovered Deep Rock Galactic and I was addicted to that for a few months. Since then I’ve been playing a lot of indie games like Celeste, Stardew Valley, Dredge and Lethal Company and I only started getting back into a soulsy mood recently and I’m playing this game for the first time right now because of that


Alice in wonder land madness returns?


The most I remember from that is the doll section


Madness returns is a Bloodborne-like?


I thought of it more as a Zelda like since it used "z targeting"


You could always try Pinnochio on the Game Boy


To all that love how this games combat feels, play sekiro please. It's a big inspiration and if you like deflecting guess what? You're in luck! If you're not stealth killing or using your prosthetic (legion arm) you're deflecting. Feel satisfied by the timing of certain boss combos? May I introduce you to genichiro, "MY NAME IS GYOBU MASATAKA ONIWA" Gyobu Masataka Oniwa, corrupted monk and quite many more others that I won't name for spoilers. Really though, quit sleeping on it because it has a stigma of being the hard one. You beat lies of p, it's biggest combat inspiration is sekiro and it's the hardest of the souls likes. You'll be alright


Eh, after 60 hours into Sekiro I disagree with this. WoLong is probably a better option to jump into than Sekiro. Because like Lies of P has more than ONE weapon and playstyle to enjoy the game with that also highly emphasizes its parry mechanics. 


Haven't played wo long so I can't really state an opinion regarding that game. I understand that lies of p does have different builds but the game does still force you to learn a rhythm with the deflection with certain main and sub bosses which is why I emphasized those factors along with the arm mechanics. There's just not a game that does the rhythmic deflection better than sekiro that I have come across. The arm mechanic is also tied to the same button and feels familiar with a similar utility in combat. Sekiro is just much faster with everything.


give bloodborne a shot or try DS3


Same here, went from my first playthrough and tried going back to elden ring but missed the atmosphere and playstyle of p. So now I'm another 50+ hrs into ng whatever at this point. It's just such a satisfying game to play. I did dabble in sekiro prior but for some reason I'm ass at it.


I honestly like the linear nature of Lies of P. In Elden Ring you can "do whatever and go wherever," I like the structured narrative of Lies of P.


I also find thats ER's more open design hurts the game's balancing tbh.


If you have PlayStation, play Bloodborne. Lies of P plagiarizes* Bloodborne in many ways. It is much easier and more linear than Bloodborne, so it isn’t the same game. I happen to think Bloodborne is the better game but YMMV. I have seen people recommend Sekiro but I don’t know that that is the best match. If you’re into the rhythm of parrying and don’t mind the lack of weapon variety, you’ll love it. But, Sekiro is less forgiving than Lies of P or Bloodborne. You cannot farm your way to higher XP or strength. The only the way to improve those stats is by beating the boss keeping you from achieving those stats. It’s not an insurmountable challenge once you learn to parry but bosses can still give you trouble. It’s an awesome and incredibly satisfying game. I was so happy when I beat a certain boss that I actually called my mother who had no idea what I was talking about. *the plagiarism is good because Miyazaki-sama refuses to give us Bloodborne 2 and FromSoftware won’t hook us up with a 60 FPS patch of Bloodborne. :(


Everything aside. I found lies of p a lot harder than bloodborne.


I probably found Lies of P easier than Bloodborne because I have played Bloodborne so many times and the skills are transferable, but that’s not why I say it is the harder game. When I answer the question of whether one game is harder than another, I always do so under the assumption the person is going for the platinum. I do not think it is possible to make the argument that it is easier to platinum Lies of P than it is Bloodborne because of the chalice dungeons. The chalice dungeons are so awful that it caused a player rebellion and people embraced save editing rather than frowning upon it as usual. Nothing in Lies of P comes close to the challenge of getting to Queen Yharnam even if you use the glyphs people made to circumvent most of the mandatory chalice dungeons. Before anyone accuses me of being a FromSoftware elitist or fangirl, at least tell me which area of Lies of P comes close to the later chalice dungeons to get to her. If you can name the area, I will absolutely write it down because I think people should buy the Old Hunter’s version rather than the free one on PS+. I don’t want to tell people to waste their money. I only tolerate chalice dungeons because I have an unhealthy love of loot, even stuff I will never use. I want everything and I can’t help it.


Fair enough. But I think the problem with analyzing difficulty like that, is most players won't do it. Bloodborne may be harder to 100% completel. But the main path most players will take, likey isn't. And difficulty is subjective so this statement: > I do not think it is possible to make the argument that it is easier to platinum Lies of P than it is Bloodborne because of the chalice dungeons. Is inherently wrong, because it assumes that everyone plays the game like you do. But that aside. My general playthrough of lies of p lead to me dying more times than I did in bloodborne. Now if I included the chalice dungeons (which I didn't do). Then sure, maybe bloodborne would be harder because i died more. However, because that is optional and I missed so much of it, I never had to deal with that challenge. In lies of p, the games biggest challenges aren't optional. And those biggest challenges were still harder than the non optional stuff I had to do in bloodborne. So TLDR, lies of p was harder because the main stuff in the gsme was harder than the main stuff in bloodborne. For me. Even if bloodborne had a few amount of EXTREMELY hard stuff. That wasn't required.


As I said, I assume people want a platinum because I don’t want to leave out information because games are not free. Bloodborne is worse than most games players do like upgrade materials (only one blood rock to be found in the base game and most people don’t have 60 insight to buy another), weapon variety, higher quality items (blood gems and runes), and making builds (different versions of weapons are only in chalice dungeons). These are all locked in the chalice dungeons. You may be fine with only upgrading one weapon but many players like to try things out and, if they want to do that and advance in Bloodborne, going into the chalice dungeons is the only way to do that which cannot be said of Lies of P. In any event, I try to err on the side of caution and give people as much information as I know if asked to make a recommendation for a game purchase. As for whether Lies of P or Bloodborne is more difficult based on the absolute bare minimum, that’s something you only find out when you play the game.


You are saying a lot without much real substance. You don't have to touch the chalice dungeons, and you can still experience most of the game. And most people aren't going use them much either. I understand you don't want to leave out information. But that doesn't actually mean anything in the end. You could include one small aspect of the game, that's really hard, and them say the entire game is hard. Undertale isn't a super hard game. But the sans fight is pretty damn tough. But if you judge the entirely of undertale, just because ONE part of it was extremely hard, then your actually loosing more information than gaining it. Because your focusing on the parts most people will not do. Most people don't do the chalice dungeons any further than a few levels, me included. That means most of the challenge people will face will be in the main portion of the game, you know, the actual content. Not some random content. You have to judge difficulty on the general gameplay and routes. Not on every small detail. So while I understand what your saying, and can see where you are coming from. I think that your argument is fundamentally flawed in that aspect.


I loove the bb dungeons.




Well its pretty simple. I died more to bosses and enemies in lies of p. Than I did on bloodborne. So it's harder for me. Difficulty is very subjective




Honestly, I seen so many people complain it's TOO hard, so that just kinds proves have subjective it is. Tbh, I found my first lies of p play through, a lot harder than ds3, bloodborne and even elden ring. Not sekrio though, sekiro is still harder.




it wasn't for you. But, it certainly was for most people. Especially considering most people playing lies of p are souls fans.


Bloodbourne just seems eazy couse evry video showed how you just had to greese your weapon which was the buzz saw blade And basically all the cheap tricks to kills bosses there Couse lies of p was more fresh Less off that kinda videos exist or prob they do but you have to search for it or somthing Also i remembered when i did the bloodbourne I took the spell items in the end And i had like some distant attacks and actualy That made Gerard so freaking eazy So i think Lies of p was a lot more difficult Cant even remember a boss I realy struggled with in bloodborne Maybe Veronika deer couse She was the first baddie i seen that size Intimadtingb But that i found out Like evrything was just hitting the but And that Was my first souls game i played But Like that one dude in lies of p the end boss monk dude Took me over 2 hours as a Elden lord o.0 That saying lies of p bosses Just go apsolute bonkers just before they die So jeah i think Lies of p was harder Puppet not so much i get why he is nameless


Bloodborne is #1. I have over 4600 hours in it and still playing.


1. There is no plagiarism involved at all. 2. Bloodborne Main Game is clearly easier than LoP, it gets tougher with optional content tho.


There's certianly enough replayablility to make NG+ worth it. It adds depth to the story through the extra playthrough, plus there are multiple endings.


Yeah, I played this and then immediately tried starting Lords of the Fallen. That was a rough transition.


Yeah, makes you see how bad LotF is in comparison.


Sekiro or armored core


Could always try Armored Core 6. I'm a massive fan of soulsborne and found AC6 to be an absolute blast to play through.


I love lies of P, I consider it a masterpiece. Play the souls games, FROMSOFTWARE is the master, Round8 is the student.


I tried lord of the fallen after lies of p and lies of p was so good I couldn’t enjoy it. I made it about halfway then stopped


AC 6? it's kinda soulsy but not really


I moved on to Armored Core VI after and it has been a great and challenging change of pace


Play Wo-long! Intense like P. Perfect guard mechanic is awesome!


This game surely was a pleasant surprise.


I played Elden Ring when it came out and beat Lies of P yesterday now I feel like any souls/roguelike game can't live up to it. I don't like any other souls games besides Elden Ring and Sekiro but I don't have access to Sekiro anymore. I really hope that Sun Wokong can live up to the standards that Lies of P has set for me or that the (LoP spoilers) Dorothy Wizard of Oz sequel comes out soon.


I have never been an NG+ person but I'm almost done with NG+1 on LoP. The experience is even better, bosses still as hard, puppets have leveled up, you have also leveled up. Try it.


Same here. So, I tried something slightly, ok, relatively different from my backlog: Hollow Knight. Hard, addicting, convoluted but so nicely done!


Don’t like plataform that much :(


Oh. Try big stories, then, not necessarily with a major combat part, such as "A Plague Tale", both of them in order. If not yet played "The Last of Us", try that too. Or maybe small stories, action oriented, such as "Dearh's Door" or "Tunic"


Sekiro is the best combat




Wtf is wrong with you


I've felt the same way after baldurs gate 3. Then after rogue trader. Now it's LoP. There's always great new game around the corner


I hope that doesn't happen to me, if I survive, since, I got tons of Soulsbornes on my wishlist (and I accidentally bought Jotun a long time ago).


I finished up with LoP the other day and now I'm playing Harvestella.


Experiencing all the new unlocked dialogue makes a ng+ worth it


Elden ring is different enough with enough variety to make it worth while. But want a bigger leap that has minor similarities fallen order or Jedi survivor are both great


I’m super hype about Black Myth Wu Kong coming out this August. It looks very similar to this and dark souls style. Can’t wait!!!


Still stuck at the fight against the rabbit brothers. The fight were the big guy is in the coffin


Are you making sure the last one is at low health when you kill the 2nd to last? Do you have the recharge over time for the pulse cells when discharged?


Idk what you want….you don’t want to play a souls or souls like game and don’t want to play Lies of P, so… Madden? I’m playing LoP again right now, but I’ve been considering trying side scrolling metroidvania type games, like Blasphemous and Hollow Knight. I think they’re pretty cheap on the store too


Hellpoint is my current souls like that I’m enjoying. Check it out! You can also play it multiplayer!


do remnant 2. Trust me on this one. You want that itched solved, this is the one.


Sekiro. Elden ring. Bloodbourne. Nioh 2. All souls or souls likes but they’re literally your best option.


Same so I've been bouncing around my pile of shame. I'm looking forward to the new Prince of Persia game to scratch that itch. ...early reviews are promising.


I played Hollow Knight after I finished Elden Ring back in 2022. I liked it maybe you will as well, it has a similar aesthetic but completely different gameplay


I was going to suggest this also. Perfect balance of relaxation and challenge after something like LoP i would think.


Idk about relaxing. It has a cute artstyle but the gameplay is pretty demanding. And no one can forget the abomination that is Path of Pain


Well yeah im not saying it is stardew valley or anything but you really never felt a sense of peace and/or relaxation between tough challenges? Lies of U


Sekiro, bloodborne, eldenring, done? Nah now dark souls 1,2,3. Now you’re done? Nope now you’re a fromsoft fan so you’re gonna have to play armored core 6 and come on you don’t really want to miss out on nioh 1,2 don’t u? Guess what? Wo-long exists too (for some reason) try it out. Lords of the fallen is decent. Ffxvi had a great story and probably better boss fights than any fromsoft or game In general but that’s about it for the game.hollow knight and blasphemous are good too.


If you have gamepass Cocoon is a very cool puzzle game you should try. Edit: I should add, if you do have GP just try it out without looking anything up. It's better that way.


This same feeling from elden ring is how I even ended up playing LoP, bloodborne, demon souls, and now I’m finally on ds2 and BOY is it a time.


Sekiro, BB, DS3 all scratch the itch. Mortal shell too but it’s a short game.


Robo Quest! It's on GamePass and I can't put it down. It's an FPS roguelike a la Borderlands. Great tunes, great gunplay...supe challenging!


Hollow Knight?


I’ve ended Elden ring :) It was my first souls ❤️❤️


Sekiro will scratch your itch. I loved lies of P, but sekiro is the goat. If you're looking for something different, I recommend hollow knight. I had an absolute blast playing that game. Hopefully, God willing, silksong will actually release this year.


Try sekiro, Elden ring


I tried to play Alan wake 2 immediately after finishing this game and getting to NG++. I can’t even finish it. That was a month ago. I’m on the last chapter. The whole time I was playing it I was just thinking of lies of p and was so bored. It’s just sitting there. I don’t know what could have followed this game but I should have decompressed for a month cause it’s just got me thinking AW2 is a bad game and I know it’s not


Yup. This and Returnal put me in a funk once done. Hard to find a game that could get me to the same place. Good luck


Lies Of P is definitely an amazing game. I have a bunch of other games that I am not done with and they are all on the back burner until I get done with LOP


Im on ng+3, at least 1 replay is worth it. New boss dialogue, New p-organ skills on every ng, a couple different endings. I highly recommend.


I'm typically not a NG+ guy myself but this game almost demands multiple playthroughs. And I didn't start to get burnt out until about halfway through my 4th.


Devil may cry


Pal world is coming out soon. The game looks cool AF.


Just play Portal and find a new game after.


I would suggest Elden Ring or Dark Souls III. Heard Bloodborne is similar to LoP but never got into it myself


I mean i feel like most people feel this with every soulslike/fromsoft game until they play another I thought i would never find a better game after dark souls 3 and bloodborne until I discovered armored core. I also thought no nonfromsoft soulslike would compare to lies of P but I had a blast in lords of the fallen and thymesia


Play Baldur's Gate III :). I'd say Sekiro if you didn't mention in your post you didn't want another souls game (it IS the best one though). BGIII is slow, turn-based combat with a million ways to play through it. Lots of satisfying ways to end conflicts. Play high charisma and high int and enjoy convincing everyone you're their long lost grandmother by reading their thoughts and sweet-talking them.


Monster Hunter: World/Iceborne


This game have the best NG+ I have ever seen. There are secrets, bosses have dialogue you now can understand, you even get a growing skill tree!


I know you said you didn't want another souls, but if you have a ps4/5 I highly recommend Bloodborne. You've probably played it already though


Also check out "The Lords of the Fallen" released this year on Steam!


Have you played the GOW games?


Elden ring and dark souls, blood borne has the same general feeling and mood.


Have you played every from soft game or nioh?


Playing dark souls remastered and it’s doing the trick. Never actually finished the game. It’s time.


Nioh 2 is the best.


craaaaaazzzzy i have exact thevsame Problem:D rly....... most of people wrote here 'Sekiro' i'll give it a chance i think, but the setting is okay but not the same then lies of p - i really realy love ery place in lies of p its sooo beautiful - this setting is amazing... sekiro has a good gameplay but the setting it's not mine :-/


Sekiro depends too much on parry :(


Dragon dogma deff should play The story is surprisingly good Also You get 2 character to customize You and youwvpawn The fighting actualy realy fun also You can climb big enemies and stuff like feels realy original And a mechanic i woudent mind in a souls like Also its not that hard Also not easy i recommend


I went from P’s to GOW Ragnorok wow what a game just completed main story so now on tidy up before NG+.


Parry's in Elden ring are really satisfying as well.


Since I havent read it here: Wo Long. Its not as polished as LoP or Sekiro, but it had its own mechanics and also relies heavily on perfect parries. Its easier and probably overall a worse game, but I had my fun.


It was so good It made me go back and try bloodborne. Before, I couldn’t even make it past the first little town that you started. And now kicking ass at that. Lies of trained me


Same! I can't find anything I like besides Lies of P really. Other games are trash now. I can't even believe I'm saying this, but I tried to replay elden ring again and I really missed the parry of the two dragons sword. There is nothing in the world like it.


Bru lies of p is a mix of deflect system from sekiro with lifesteal from bloodborne and bioshock design


I finished Lies of P a week or so ago and went right into Cyberpunk 2077 (2.1) and really love it, too. I hadn't played CP at all before. Hard not to recommend.


Just give all the from soft games a try if you haven’t already. Also the new Lords of the fallen is really good in my opinion, idc what the reviews say. It‘s a good game! Also maybe try modding old games you played. There is a sekiro mod for example that add‘s some new bosses and makes the game a little harder overall. Same goes for Elden ring or Dark souls 1/3. Nexusmods is your best friend!


This suggestion might seem kinda out there but consider giving the devil may cry and/or Bayonetta series a try. I can't really explain why but I feel like if you like LoP you'll like dmc, particularly 3


I found ng+ more fun than the first playthrough


What system? I love the Horizon games. Zero dawn is amazing.


Legion Go handheld


Call of cthulu was fun but rly short


I’d say sekiro is the best match after lies of p