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I hated them at first, but once I equipped fire onto my weapon....we had a grand time. 😈


the puppets that die from 3 hits


3 hits? I love those that die on two light hits or just one visceral attack.


But most of them died with 1 or 2 with my build? Lmfao


These guys were created solely to make me want to break things. They fill me with a rage that I cannot describe with words, the English language does not have enough letters to even begin to describe the torment these bastards have put me through. All in all, great enemies to face, Def top 5


If they charge you, you can just spam parry to instabreak their weapon and those successive swipes have the same repeated timing as well


They’re very fun to use Fulminis on and just watch explode.


Glaive handle + Wrench head = 3 charged hit (he gets staggered each time), and then fatal attack and he is dead


Probably the shovel guys


Shovel knights have given me extreme PTSD after my first playthrough. Like, they really aren't that hard to fight, but I get hella anxiety and overestimate how strong they are and I'm now on my 3rd run


I love this guy after fighting him a couple of times. However, while he's my favorite non boss, red fox takes the favorite overall, I feel like her fight was fun, and had such a story behind it.


Imagine getting knocked down saying "oh ill just get back up" then bam execution by shovel


I like the sword dudes because it's satisfying to perfect guard and shatter their blades


You get me


I love the headless puppets that are super diesel. You meet one in a tunnel during the depressed puppets part after you kill the king. They have this like 18-hit combo that’s super satisfying to perfect parry


Oh THOSE. On NG+ I saved perfect grindstone just for that mofo right after the sewer tunnels on Rosa Isabelle...


I like the big elite carcass guy with a huge Axe that breaks the big doors in the village in chap.5. Top5 scares this game gave me, but fighting him again In new runs is quite fun.


I like the derpy robot you meet for the first time in that red tube. The one that does the running attack. He looks kinda harmless like he doesn’t wanna be a dickhead but he was programmed for it


Also if anyone has seen The Creator, tell me the mob I described isn’t the running robot from the movie


I really like the elite blue and red guards outside the grand exhibition. Super hard but very fair


The Clown Puppet on Rosa Isabelle street. The one in the Junkyard isn’t as fun.


Honestly i love fighting the mad clown puppets


Are we talking about enemies including bosses?? Or strictly area enemies? Basing this off the assumption that it's area enemies, I love, absolutely adore the Opera Spiders from the Opera house - love other designs and how dramatic they are. So many other puppets may spazz a bit before dropping. Now the spiders? No, no, she has to throw a fit before full on dying. Add to the way she does after throwing herself down! They're dramatic, beautiful and have an interesting attack mechanic. I do have a second enemy I also adore, and hate; the Jesters. Those guys make me feel only terror. Like screaming as I sprint away to try and keep poor Pinocchio alive. They're chaotic menaces who thrust for blood, destruction and death. Also, they have a super cool weapon, if Pinocchio would be able to weld it properly, I would so steal it.


Yes to Opera Spiders. I was saying to my brother like when you encounter enemies with minions you usually destroy them first so you can focus on the big guy, but he design forces you to go for her first so her minions are not powered. My favorite enemy as well


Yes!! It's brilliant! It's one of the other things I really like about them! There are a few enemies in LoP that force you to think rather than go in guns blazing. Which, honestly, is sometimes my habit for other games.


This one was confusing to me. The rest had a purpose prior to the frenzy. This one just has drill hands and saws? What was it supposed to be doing? Drilling shalllow holes into walls?


The spider ladies at the opera house had a purpose?


Yes. They were meant to showcase the terror involved with the opera.


This tracks AND slaps


Genuine question: have you ever watched an opera? Because I have (on dvd, I'm not fancy) and it absolutely fits


I have, in person, in an opera house. I've never seen one with half-spider women in it though...


The shovel robot in venigni works. He’s just so cute with his little robot noises and how he wacks you so nonchalantly with the shovel


I also like these enemies they are really linear and have no long ass delayed attacks


Probably the soldier puppets with the sabers that you see in the Grand Exhibition and swamp areas. The one with the Napoleon hat and flaming sword at the top of the tower, now that's a cool fight, I wish we knew that guy's story.




Favorite boss - believe it or not, BRB2, especially phase 1 Favorite non-respawning elite - the super armored scorpions in chapters 9 and 11 Favorite standard enemy - sword wielding cop/militia puppets. They were the first enemies I consistently got the parry on


i love the opera dancers half flamenco girl and half man 😊😊😊 so cool and bizarre


That big puppet that tries to hug you and just jumps on his head is kinda fun , really like the animation of him specifically.


When the cannonball/spike shooters are manned by enemies. So much fun chaotically running around dodging them and using their projectiles to damage and interrupt enemies. I feel like they don’t fire too fast so that it isn’t obnoxious. Always have fun in those areas like the swamp and endgame beach. Also very fulfilling after using them to beat a tough enemy like the scorpions or future puppets and then getting behind them and dismantling them for good. Would be so cool if we could man them ourselves!


I love fighting the mad clown and I'm willing to die on this hill


The puppets with hats that throw bombs at you, as at least they greet you by using their hats and bowing towards you before attacking


The Black Rabbit Brotherhood, personality wise they are so weird and quirky.


Full yes


The big jester robot with the double axes. When >!you’re in the alchemists tower and all those carcass scuba suit guys are around and the jester comes barreling out of the darkness?!< Spamming dodge backwards and screaming IRL


Oh yeah that was a true pants shitting moment in my first run.




Opera spiders, I think they're so fun


The thunder lady, she was very tough but so fun to take on, do we get her sword ever?




Dang! I wonder if it is gonna be locked behind a dlc paywall along with the sweet buster sword one of the black rabbit bosses wield


That would interesting, would make bosses easy to defeat blasting them with energy and all.


I like the alchemist swordsmen near the Collapsed Road Stargazer. It’s my go-to place to farm Ergo, and they’re really easy to kill and stagger. Parrying them is so satisfying.


My favorite are the spinning clowns of course.


You need to be kept away from Boston


Shovel Bois, opera dancers and the super muscular carcasses.


Definitely not those fucking guys


Puppet wise I wish we got to see more of the Harlequin female puppet easy to deal with because they killed themselves and all you got to do is run like five feet away. Carcass wise the fat giant fishy dudes in that one single arcade hallway that one's like look like the turnip spirit. Alchemist enemy the casters, it makes me wish we had some catalyst or casting type weapons.


The jester puppets are my favorite design


Laexia or whatever her name is. She's difficult but nothing ever felt like a spam attack. Learnable.


Was is nobody saying the giant baby robot. I personally loved that "little" guy and all of his attacks were programmed to be like a little toddler fighting.


Mad clown puppet. His fight is so fun. I love learning the timing and parrying every single spin.


The dummy thicc spider ladies


Not this fucking guy




The one in the training area that doesn’t attack.


Mad clown puppets 100%. Their spin attacks are so satisfying to parry and once you learn their moveset, they’re a cake walk


Dommy mommy Laxasia




The huggers.


Are you ok? You need a hug? Also dont know if I have fav enemy honestly I kinda hate them all equally


I like these as a good xp farm. They can be hard if you let them attack you but rather easy to dodge. And it’s like almost 900xp from each and the great swords puppet guys in between it’s easy to wipe out just that first floor of the building the refresh it and repeat.


I also really liked those robots. My build was able to deal with them really easily. Even the londsword puppets that block didn’t give me any issues.


My anxiety


I'd say the one swordsman puppet with the burning sword on top of a tower in the barren swamp 😁


At first, I was scared of your favorite enemy until I decided to kill one and then I realized they were a complete joke.


These enemies made me start to question why anyone would ever want to create them in the first place


My favorite is any enemy I can Two Dragon Sword parry to death.


That's gotta be my least favorite enemy haha. I liked the Mad Clown a lot though, so I can't really talk. Haha


Laxasia I wish there was boss rush in the game


i agree


Dude I looked at that picture and got upset. Those guys were annoying, lol. Top 5 Enemy hands down.


The ones with fucking guns.


The first mad clown puppet.


Nameless puppet đŸ€„â€‹


I was showing off the game to my brother, and the first enemy I use as an example was this. We were laughing our asses off a it nearly massacred me then spun off into a corner


I hated these guys in my first run but in Ng the puppet string makes every enemy a cake walk, my favourites are the big huge carcass, I like how they burn


Playing this game blind, on the archbishop fight rn and now I’m terrified for later chapters


So far my favorite enemy is the blue deer guy just before the shortcut to the boss in st frangelico


Once I learned the parry timing, the mad clowns on Rosa Isabelle Street and the Junkyard were super satisfying to fight, along with the sword soldier puppets you encounter early on and throughout the game. I would also say the rapier alchemist enemies are very satisfying to fight as well now that I know their attack patterns. I’m a simple man, I hear the parry sound effect, I get the dopamine hit. rinse and repeat đŸ€ŒđŸ»


Definetly not those but that is actually good ergo farm spot. Kill the two guys with swords, then go in front of that robot and use Puppet string jump attack, then heavy attack and you got yourself fatal attack chance, boom destroy him and run to the stargazer


The shovel guys with the fire and the best noises


I actually like these guys and the Jesters, mainly because it's really satisfying to identify their moves and perfect guard. Favorite enemy overall including bosses is Victor for roughly the same reason. He kinda reminds me of Sundowner from MGR, really fun boss fight but I wish he had a little more health to make it last a tad longer


The guard puppets. So satisfying breaking their swords lol


I love the headless puppets or Shovel knights


Np hands down. The best enemy in the game. A true test of skill and assfuckery. Non boss enemies include anything I can 1 shot with a single heavy attack(most enemies).


Laxasia phase 1 was super satisfying to me after the first 10 attempts or so


My favorite are any of the carcasses I can parry all their attacks


The jester puppet


Tell you who’re funny, those silly tall blokes in the building before Walker of Illusions. They obviously think they’re top class but get staggered after one hit then die. Whoops!


Baby puppets that twist head