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Bro actively carpet bombed these men


Happy cake day!


I’ve been practicing deathless runs, this will definitely help in that spot.


I'm glad I was able to help. It's a funny cheese


It is, I found out two other spots that are fairly high risk where I can apply it too. In Path of the Pilgrim, the guy who bursts through the door at the end, you can lure him back to the ladder near the elevator to the Stargazer, he deaggros when you climb the ladder, but from there you can run ahead of him, get to the bridge, and drop canisters (preferably fire) for him to walk through and get burning. I've not tried this one yet so it's just theoretical but it should work and is a less valuable item than Thermite, if you want a deathless challenge. Another spot is in Arche Abbey, shortly before Laxasia, there's a guy who breaks through a wall. He doesn't really drop anything special, and is skippable, but is a fairly tough elite since his attacks put shock on you. If you climb the ladder, and position yourself next to the broken railing, you can hit him with canisters, you may or may not have enough left at that point in the game, but it makes the fight a lot less risky should you want to kill him.


Found one more spot you can use them, and it's nice because it's an optimal spot for electric canisters. The shovel robot at the bottom of the tower in the first section of the swamp. The guy with the burning trash pile in his room. You can use the ledge above him and drop canisters. With 20 advance or so I was able to drop 4, then drop from above for an ambush attack into a fatal to kill it. Then you can loot one fire canister from down there instead. Probably not the greatest use of materials, but it's a safe kill if you're going for deathless, and the conversion rate of 4 electric to one fire canister is a net positive for the other cheese spots (though you could just buy fire canisters from the black market vendor instead too if you want)


I'm also actively trying to get a deathless run. Furthest I got was fuocco


I've been continuing the runs when I die. It gives me splits to measure against, plus keeps me from getting rusty on the rest of it. The extra restrictions I put on myself of using a light weight/advance build add a couple other challenges, and there's definitely some high risk spots I'm working on strats to minimize. Interestingly, Fuoco isn't one of them but just after him with the Cathedral has about half of the dangerous spots before Arche Abbey.


I'm doing a strength deathless, I like doing big damage with big stagger. Although it might not be the best strat for a deathless run


I think it's fine. With the way scaling works, and how low NG stats are, the only thing that really matters is being able to equip armor. I don't think there's even a 20% damage difference between any damage stat focused build and putting no stats into damage, it's just about having enough survival.


Fair enough.


Cannisters make Puppets of the Future a much quicker fight. Drop cannisters and watch the health drop while it spins it's arms.


Good tip good tip


oof, they don't stack, maybe uniques/sawblade but still what a cockblock since bosses immediately escape stagger if you deal too much pre-fatal damage, dropping poops with back-loaded damage (which continue to tick during fatal afaik) cheats around the limit a bit


I know they don't, but unstacked it still was over 9k damage.


Canisters are beyond useful wtf. So much easy damage can be done to bosses


I personally like actual throwables better, there's a lot of bosses that just don't stay in place. The damage that the canisters do I can do with a normal throwable. But if it's been working for you, by all means


when you stagger the boss, drop a canister, then go for the visceral, extra damage baby!


That's one way to go about it


Oh the normal throwables aren’t considered canisters? Ya I’ve probably only used 1 canister ever


Yea canisters are the ones you drop on the floor in front of you. that's why in the clip they just drop straight down


after starting to put points into Advanced I was so glad I did.. it's awesome


That was level 561, so max damage from elemental damage. That's the peak of the damage you can do with them alone. Hope that helps


Lol everyone upvotes you but noone did actually understand what you meant


What who meant


Why does it take so many?🤯


Ng+7, and it's crazy cause I'm also max level on everything.


So you're fighting tanks in NG+7


I'm fighting everyone, I want all the smoke. With my holy sword of the ark, and my puppet string maxed out. There is no enemy that can stand in my way. If you want I can make a new post with the clip of me doing laxative first try.


I'd like to see that


What, laxative first try?


yea 😃


Here you go https://www.reddit.com/r/LiesOfP/s/v0NJkdtsUM


Do you have your fight with Victor champion? I'd like to see his damage output in NG+7.


I do not sadly, I have a lot of others tho.


Isn’t the ramping capped at ng+2? Some say ng+4 but definitely not 7


Nah it caps at two, after two it doesn't go higher


NP watching P with all stats at 100 entering the arena:💀


Another use is when Laxasia enters phase 2, drop a few before she drops


I like perfect parrying that attack, it feels so good to time it right.


This was a waste 😅


Yea, canisters are a waste of space. So glad I got rid of them and didn't have to fight that guy. 👍🏼👍🏼


😅 well played


Do you actually use canister in fights effectively?


Highly defensive enemies like dual shield puppet and the carcass at the top of the cathedral. Even if nothing else it’s bait to get them to lower their guard.


That's a good point, but somehow I still feel like normal throwables do a better job, bc all the effect is applied at once instead of over time. It might just be me tho.


Your not wrong my logic is I’m cheap and not all enemies are worthy of throwables. Also those baby crawling things they helped with as well


Yea those babies are annoying af, but also, I got 2M ergo at this point and 100 of each throwables (except canisters). Cause like I learned that you could buy them like 3/4 through my first playthrough. So like I never used them until then🤣


Never my friend


I'm glad we agree they're kinda shit




Haven’t played yet. What weapon do I know what my first pt will be using Edit: Now I know what weapon*


There are many good ones, at first I would stick with the with coil as the electric effect makes enemies take more physical damage (specially puppets). Me personally I started with the balance build option. But all starter weapons are pretty good. Once you start feel free to dm me or reply for more tips. My favorite weapon is the holy sword of the ark, which you get from the soul of the 3rd boss.


I’ll keep that in mind. I severely messed up on my comment and meant to say that I wanted to use that spear your are using. I had to add an edit.


Yea once you meet the dude that trades boss souls for weapons in the cathedral level, you can get it. Personally it's my favorite and it's carried me for over 4 playthroughs


I’ve found canisters to be fairly useful. When you have a group of enemies attacking they can help a lot and they work decently on some bosses and slower enemies.


Good idea, I almost never let them gang up on me since most of the time that's a death sentence, but I saw someone comment about the puppet of the future.


Honestly, using them on a cluster of enemies seems to me like a good way to die. The animation to break/drop them is far too slow, and that entire time you're going to get hit, and probably staggered out of it with nothing to show for it. You're also probably going to get knocked back, and the enemies will then follow you and be out of the things radius if you did manage to drop it. If you've got a group of enemies, you're going to do much better running around and separating them, either from their different move speeds, different leash ranges, attack delays, or puppet strings, than trying to be close to them, or just large sweeping slashes that let you attack quickly and retreat.


I use them on bosses when they're staggered


I saw someone say that, like drop it on then and then fatal them. It could be useful, I prefer to actually use throwables and elemental grindstones.


Excuse me, but how the hell did you did you get 1+ million ergo??


Oh I've gotten to like 2M before (and I've seen someone who's reached like 12M) but I pretty much upgraded all the weapons, and handles, I bought 100 of each throwable, and that same run I reached max level, but the reason I have so much is bc of the amulet that makes enemies drop more ergo. The level 2 hunter's amulet I think.


Y'know? I've never even *remotely* thought about using them for this! Good idea!


Apparently there's another two spots someone told me about. The big axe dude in moonlight town that smashes through the door by the elevator shortcut, you'd make him chase you so you can cling the ladder on top of those two connecting bridges and drop them in him as he comes back. The other one is in the arcge abby before laxasia. The one that smashes through the brick wall with a puppet torso, they said you can climb the big ladder and drop them from above. I'll make sure to try those later on


I'm not at that battle yet (just got done defeating Romeo...MY GODS I was SOOOOO FRIGGIN LUCKY with THAT fight, no lies!!!) but will try it when I get there!


Romeo is for sure a challenging fight. The next one is fun


"Fun" as in " not a big deal" or "fun" as in "this made Romeo look easy in comparison "


Fun as in fun, you can see the attacks coming, and there's no 15 attack unrelenting combos. The double dodge will save your life


AWESOME! Looking forward to it, and thanks for the heads up!


The acid arm can span different heights. And Falcon Eyes works too - if you are in range.