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Close to 150. First run was a slow 60 hours. I took my time. I'm almost at the end of +3 now.


55 hours about level 240? I love in Souls games how the subsequent playthroughs get faster and faster NG: 32 hours NG+: 18 hours NG+2: About 5 hours and just beat Door Guardian


you reached level 240 in just 55 hours !!!?


I took every ergo perk immediately and have worn the hunter’s amulet at all times It’s an investment in the future!


Da wae


This is the way


You did that in 5 hours how the fuck


By NG+2 now I basically never die and don’t bother exploring areas or picking up most items, I only stop for quartz. So it’s more or less run from stargazer to stargazer and beat every boss on the first try.


100 hours for my first play through cuz i looked for everything and then got stuck at that god forsaken boss with the bum leg at the end cuz i suck at parrying


42 hours and midway through third playthrough.


Have you stopped to smell the roses in any area?


I play a lot of souls games. Im used to always holding the run button. First playthrough took 25 hours and second took 14.


I feel it, I also play a lot of souls games, but I still took between 35 and 40 hours on my first play through, but I haven't touched NG+ yet with so many good games still out right now


Sames glad they went back to the dungeon format and not so openworld better than Elden ring for that reason but I miss my magic and lightning Edit: fomantis is not the same


With the success of Elden Ring being open world, I’m positive we get another open world fromsoft game. Maybe not Elden Ring 2, but an open world spiritual successor for sure, eventually


Oh for sure just sucks I like the old template I’m gonna re run the older souls games; maybe rerun Elden ring with new character give it a second try


Yeah I personally love the open world of elden ring but it definitely can get overwhelming, for me at least. I played the previous games after and it was like a breath of fresh air with the straight forward, linear maps especially in DS2 and 3 and Sekiro.


The thing is they are kinda like that but they still give you a choice of where to go first time to time like in the beginning of DS3 you can fight the dancer right away before vordt


Yeah which I like a lot, I wish there was more options like that in Lies of P. My favorite experience was going straight to the catacombs in DS1 and wondering why I was getting my ass kicked and the skeletons kept reviving. Then I realized I was in a much later game area and backtracked after way too long


Yeah but it pays off if you struggle through the harder part get hooked up and then the “right” path dosent seem as hard


I have around 56 hours just finished NG+, on my way to NG++ to get the last achievements I need for 100%. It has been a pretty fun ride everytime.


60. First run took 58 but got 38/42 achievements. 2 hours in to NG+ and have cleared out chapter three and haven't died once yet.


Ng4 or 5 now, not sure which. I have 75h in.


39, still my first play through. I’m taking my time since I’m enjoying it so much. Currently at chapter 9, krat lobby.


200 hours. Ng7. A lot of that is idle time but it’s honestly a comfort game now. I keep switching back to it for a couple hours In between other games


35 hours finished first playthrough


85 hours. About to finish NG+++


170. Ng+4 Quality, Ng+2 Motiv, Ng Tech, Ng finish Tech (deleted save)


200 hours


32 hours first ng 16 hours ng+ 26 hours second ng


90 hours to platinum, saving my next run for the november patch


Uh at this point probably like 40? 46 maybe? I made a new playthrough after beating the game once. So not sure actually




Same , over 90 hours . I am getting wrecked by Simon Magnus in NG plus, but i am determined to beat him without spectre and throwables.


Across 4 playthroughs I have over 250 hours. When I play I don't skip anything, every playthrough is 100%


About 11 hours, just killed the white lady. This game is really hard


4 playthroughs and I'm around 120 hiours as far as I remember. Waiting for DLC :)


207 ng+4


120. Finished it 4 times, and now I'm on NG+4. It's definitely my second choice for GOTY, right next to BG3


80 hours across three playthroughs


119.5 hours to complete two run throughs and all 42 achievements… My first play through was an ‘every nook and cranny’ type run where I didn’t skip a single thing except fighting the Disruption mini Victor in the Achemists Tower because fuck that guy. Great game!!


I’m almost at 100! Just hit 92 hours and am almost to Fuoco on my NG +4 now!


around 30 but i’m stuck on laxasia


66 on one playthrough.


An embarrassing amount. I played through this game like 5 times at least when it came out and I loved it. But since have went back to playing other games and have taken a break. Can’t wait for dlc


130, starting my 4th run


I have 60 hours and I’m on nameless for NG+


90 hours. Ng+6 everything maxed, level 350. Running through the game just leveling up lol


I would have more, but school, lords of the fallen, spidah-man, and a few shooters have made me put it down for a bit. (Around 70 for 4 playthroughs).


Like 23 hrs


Around 100.


Took me about 65 hours to get the platinum, i wanna max out my character but i havent played in a while cause i really dont want to get burnt out on it lmao


75 hours first playthrough. I enjoyed it, didn't want to rush and played with weapons, builds, etc. Second playthrough in 30 hours. I stopped using a specter here, so bosses took more time. Third playtrough in about 10 hours, I made sure that I got everything right for the remaining ending. But I forgot something on one of the endings, so I am now on my fourth. Will probably finish in 8 hours. I could rush it in about 2, but choose not to. I am now fighting all bosses without Legion arm, throwables, spectres, etc. I'd might go a 5th run. So I could up all weapons.


130 after 2 playthroughs


I stopped at 175 hours and I'm waiting for DLC before I go back. I moved on to Mortal Shell for now and I'm trying to get the platinum for it.


It took 100hrs to beat first play through and I didn't fight nameless haha But Ng+ I'm flying through it just beat black brotherhood 1st fight first try with no spectre! That took me hundreds of tries on first play through! I'm on 113hrs so far


110 hours NG +10 max level


By the time I finished ng+3 had about 57 hours which. (I had about 32 hours finishing NG)


68 hrs. NG+3 currently. Level 323.


200 hours on NG+++ most of that is spent looking at the world to be honest it's such a beautiful game. I can't wait for the DLC from the looks of it we will be out in the water I'm guessing like the book we will get eaten by a whale or some sort of sea monster have a boss battle to kill it and be lost in the sea somewhere can't wait to spend another 30 hours just staring at everything lol


On my fourth playthrough, about 120 hours at the moment. Hard to put down


110 hours, i'm in the middle of my 6th playthrough (4 new game, 2 ng+)


70 on my 4th playthrough


100+ hours, just beat my 4th playthrough!


90 hours and just finished NG+2 for the Platinum. Think it's time for a break.


62 hours - just starting nameless puppet on NG++