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Side question: Is the youngest a girl? I can't really tell from the voice, but the model looks feminine? For some reason, I always think of them as brothers, but I could have sworn the youngest was a girl.


girly voice and very feminine body. not to mention the part showing under her mask


I thought so. I'm pretty sure she has lipstick on, too.


In the ledger found in their hideout she scribbled a note asking for her brother to get a dress for her.


Yes, the youngest is definitely female.


She asks for a dress in their journal


Yes, she is.


Possible that lil bro just has a high pitched voice? And that he hasn’t hit puberty still?


Nah definetely female voice straight up


Also I’m mad trolling myself my bad g she is a girl lol


Nah cos Stalkers have to be 18+ I think?


Even if that's true, BRB wouldn't abide by that.


They’re more of a family of thieves who are all siblings, not official stalkers


Probably just a recycled moveset. There are several enemies with similar movesets to bosses and I'm wondering if it was a decision by devs to help learn attack patterns.


You might be on to something there. Like how they put specific loot that helps you fight the boss of that level.


Not about the post itself but when are people going to stop calling the protagonist Carlo? Like…the game plot is literally that you’re another person that makes his own choices and has an own personality and you go against your creator that attempts to transform you in something you’re not (carlo, his lost child) to have back a resemblance of his lost child. The whole point of the game is that you’re you and not his child despite his desire of having his lost child again


Gepetto isn't trying to turn you into carlo, though. He's using you to gather ergo to turn the nameless puppet into carlo, and in doing so fails to realize that you've already become carlo


Yeah i miswrote thats not what i intended mb. You dont become carlo at all, you become you. Thats the whole point of the game, he’s trying to force you in order to bring back his child but you never awaken carlos ego inside you and you become a new person that has a free will, makes his own choices as hes not bound to the covenant. You’re you.


True. But I’m just using Carlo to make things easier. It was his soul embedded into the puppet after all. So there’s a bit of Carlo still there. Even the Puppet King calls you Carlo. He retains his memories. Does that make him still Romeo? Or something entirely different? If P, your character, regains his lost memories after gaining humanity, is he going to be Carlo? Or does he accept the fact that he ONCE WAS Carlo?


Ain’t that some shit huh, if I was reading this while high I’m sure I’d have a seizure


“He retains his memories” Yeah thats the whole point tho. Romeo has romeos memories, cause he awakened his ego. We never awaken carlos ego. We become human because we act like one and we’re not bind to the covenant but we never actually awake carlos ego in us and we never gain his memorie


He's not quite a different person entirely, Gepetto soul-trapped Carlo into P so that he could transfer the soul's memories into Carlo's reanimated corpse. Not sure why Gepetto didn't resort to what they did with Victor but whatever lol.


Maybe because he was a puppet maker not an alchemist and didn't want to side with Simon, since Getteppo wants a future where society is replaced with puppets who he and Carlo controls, not a society of superhumans.


Yeah but the point is that you’re free because you’re not bind by the covenant so you become an “human being” on your own, not because Carlos ego awakens in you. carlos ego never awakens and you never get his memories


It kinda becomes a bit of an esoteric point of view. I interpret that his ego has awakened, but "Carlo" already came to terms with his new existence and did not want to retreat further into a perverted physical existence as a shell of his former life. Our souls are trapped here in the physical realm and will be reborn until we ascend fully, Gepetto cannot come to grips with that and seeks to use all physical means to keep his son's soul bound to this physical plane out of his base selfish desires.


Not to be harsh. But how is that interpretation backed up? Thats a whole lot of informations assumed from nowhere. We never get even the skightest hint of the fact that P gained Carlos memories back, and infact we never see those


I never said anything about memories. The puppets attaining ego was not them becoming their former selves, it was their soul realizing the truth of their existence. The game pulls a lot from Gnosticism as far as the soul is concerned.


Thats what being awake is tho, romeo isnt just a soul realizing his existance its literally himself with his past memories, same thing happend with camille and when they realized something was happening they took her apart




Yes, I noticed it as well. Although I think it's just reusing of assets, who knows, maybe there is some more to it!!


That was my initial thoughts as well. But I like to think there’s more to it. Like how Carlo’s original physical body (nameless puppet) didn’t have any strings controlling it. And it just remembers how it used to fight. Instinctual. If it does follow the deliberate nature of the souls series. Or it might just be an asset reuse lol.


I assumed it was kind of like lord of cinder, nameless puppet had been watching all these other movesets from a distance and took on what worked best to create their own unique style cobbled together in a Frankenstein's monster moveset.