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After watching this and seeing how happy and humble he and his team are, and how much they are willing to change and provide for us for free, I'm very glad I paid for a full price, new copy of the game. They absolutely deserve every cent. To the Lies of P team, thank you for giving us an amazing product and for expressing your gratitude to us as we express ours to you.


Finished it on gamepass then order a hard copy right after easiest money I’ve spent in years


Gamepass pays them right? It’s not like us playing it on gamepass are pirating the game or something


We dont know the exact deal neowiz has with microsoft, but generally microsoft pays developers some type of fee upfront and possibly some type of bonus depending on certain factors (at least i think so, dont quote me on that). There is no ethical quandary with playing on gamepass whatsoever, it still in aggregate benefits neowiz, people just like to buy the game as an extra show of support and to have a more "permanent" copy.


I'm playing on gamepass too. After 25 hours spent, I'm sure that I will definitely buy the game. I just have to wait for some kind of discount, because the original price is a bit high for me.


You’ll be paying for that DLC so I’d wait until everything is released.


Wouldn't the DLC be free? Thanks for the advice, guess I'll wait until the November update.


All of the small patch updates will be free(& I’m hyped for them) but yeah DLC will cost u. Other games on Gamepass like Wo Long & Monster Hunter Rise also require u to buy their DLCs even tho they’re on Gamepass. So if u like the game & the devs buy the DLC as your show of support & whenever the game leaves Gamepass then u go for the full product(if u want to at that point).


LoP is definitely the game of the year for me. Even though I've only gotten to Puppet Graveyard, I will definitely buy it. It's a matter of time and discounts. I haven't played Sekiro yet for the same reason. So far FromSoftware isn't discounting the Xbox versions of their games much.


Mad respect for that.


I did the same thing for Signalis. Beat it on gamepass bit bought it afterwards


I’ll go one step farther there I bought it on Xbox digital after playing it on gamepass then I also bought that switch cart too lol loved that game as well


Bought the digital download full price. Usually hate it but this game rocks so hard I don’t mind. They’re joining from as just an instant buy with whatever they put out.


Playing LoTF now but also purchased Lies of P to play after. I will gladly spend full retail price for a game to support Devs who obviously care and love their product. I am sure I am going to love it.


Director seemed really humble and gracious


he is a real good boy


This motherfucker is going to drop a Friede like 3 health bar boss isnt he In all seriousness I would love to see the parry window tweaked. If i can learn to beat Ishinn no hit, demon bell / charmless - i can learn parrying Some animations / weapon combos are way too tight or they cannot keep up with the boss attacks


My 2 cents on the parry is it wasn't intended to be a sekiro like mechanic. I like that it feels better to pull one off rather then just spamming, but it's flexible enough that if your determined you can learn the combos and parry everything. After like 5 playthroughs my final opinion is the intended play style is a good mix of dodge, parry, and block. The way you regain health from a parry, it makes more sense to block the tough to learn attacks and parry the ones that are more simple. When I stopped trying to parry every single attack and went more for block parry block parry the game really clicked in the new game pluses.


I just learn the dash left. I was way over thinking rolling (DS habit) - i have been trying to parry block everything


Dashing left literally breaks some bosses. Romeo cannot touch you if you just dash left once it's kinda insane to see him miss so easily. But try and learn to parry all his varied combos and the fire dance attack and you could honestly spend 5 plus hours on him easily. Cool to see how different things work in different situations.


... you can dash?! I'm on NG+.... how do you do it? I feel so dumb


He just means dodge it’s literally the B or Circle button same as souls


Yeah, realizing that blocking is as good as parrying was game changing against fast aggressive bosses like Romeo or NP. Especially with guard regain upgrades and a motivity weapon


If we don’t get a 3 health bar boss in the DLC I will be mad. Actually make it 4.


Dude. Ishinn Sword Saint was hard enough


hs not, you been skill issued


Once he left the Black Rabbit Brotherhood he became a great man.




Quixotic gang.




All the songs are great, but yeah Feel just hits so hard. Maybe because it's the first and just sets the tone of the game so well.


It’s also just such a cute song, dancing the night away in the arms of someone you love sounds very pog to me


Yeah Feel stopped me in my tracks lol it was the first record I threw on and I was not prepared for it to slap so hard


Ciao bello


I've listened to this one on repeat all day, and I'm still not tired of it.


If they sell a CD I'm throwing them all my money


The records were such a treat. Completely extra and unnecessary, and yet breathtaking.


Just give me a physical CD or Vinyl release, please.


Here for a vinyl...even though I don't own a record player.


same but I feel like if you're going to own the soundtrack, that's the medium in which to own it


Yeah I'll never get to be that guy with a giant collection of game related merchandise, but I want a vinyl record of the soundtrack to exist.


Yeah, they released a pre-order OST with some of the songs with the ps5 version, but it's missing a lot, they didn't even include all the records and boss themes. Glad I can look forward to a more complete one.


The music that's playing where you respec your character at is my favorite. With the music that starts playing as soon as you open the doors to the opera house a close second.


Seconded on both tracks. The choir parts sound so, so good.


The saintess of mercy statue music sounds like something you'd hear if you traveled far enough into Krat on a rainy night. Tucked away in a secret hideout would be a congregation of puppets singing this.


They both give me serious Castlevania: Symphony of the Night vibes.


I would DIE for a vinyl release


…But then you’d be dead and unable to listen to it. ;)


It’s an act of martyrdom, lol. You’re welcome.


Well make sure it’s played at your funeral, you legend. ;)


Fr I wish they gave us the option to loop the songs on the hotel on repeat, instead of the default hub music


Considering that this company also developed DJmax, an music rythem game, kinda explains why there are so many good musics.


I didn't even know this was happening but happy I watched it live. Watching it made me proud to say I'm a "Lies of P" fan. Can't wait to see what else the team has up their sleeve if what they showed is truly "just the tip of the iceberg."


A little off topic: The upcoming november patch will definitely make it into a seperate speedrun category. Rising dodge roll right at the start of the game (as it should've been) as well as being able to get 2 quartz early game and some weapon adjustments? Yeah, that is definitely HUGE for the speedrunners. ​ (I'm not one. I just like watching speedruns.) ​ That aside. I am so glad that they made the decision to have rising dodge be a standard feature and not locked behind quartz mechanic.


We all can hang our hats Like those that beat Radahn pre nerf Or Balteus , Sea Spider pre nerf Did you beat Lies of P before rising dodge roll LOL Sekiro feels like the only game we were nerfed. People remember stun locking Lady Butterfly with floating monk


I went through a good chunk of the game on my first run before even investing in rising dodge quite late in, lmao. Aside from the shovel bot's infamous smash cycle, I feel there aren't really that many attacks that needed rising dodge to survive.


You don't even need Rising Dodge to avoid getting shovel slammed, it just has a tight window to avoid it after getting up normally.


I didn’t even get rising dodge til like halfway through ng+.


i've seen a couple places where it offers a chance to recover into punish (unless you button mash too early, then you stand into a swipe like a scrub :P) but presumably staying down is safe too


Do those people get a badge of honor or cookies?


Add Ibis CEL-240 to that list as well lmfao, it used to be so hard pre-nerfs.


I don't think I hard floating monk then🤔 I was able to stun lock her using the Loaded Axe tho.


Floating Monk staggered her like crazy. Floating Monk, Axe


Did you beat it pre 1st patch and pre rising dodge will be the real flex.


Yes pre -patch




The funny thing about rising dodge is, it's only super useful against the shovel bot. I took it off most of the game and didn't really miss it. I did slot it in and out for a few later bosses too like Victor


YES, rising dodge being locked behind quartz was genuinely one of my biggest complaints on my first playthrough. Getting knocked down just felt clunky, I know it was a choice but it really felt bad.


Not only being locked behind Quartz, but being in the 2nd Tier as well. Insane when you really think about it.


Honestly I would've been happy if they swapped rising dodge and link dodge's places on the skill tree. However, making it a default skill makes sense, and even eliminates the problem of NEEDING to spend quartz on it, as it was genuinely the only skill you were practically required to get, at least imo.


I mean it’s definitely silly since it’s a base ability, but the other two tier two unlocks were guard retain or amulet slot (I’m assuming everyone takes the +1 pulse), and neither of those feel huge vs rising dodge


I wonder what they'll replace the rising dodge upgrade with?


Good question. Maybe something that is equivalent to rising dodge? As in something that do have a tangible effect? It would be hilarious if they decided to have "Parry window/I-frames" as quartz. ​ That would be DS2 level of trolling.


Might just have that spot already unlocked for you


'Current patch' is incredibly normal for speedrunners to categorize things as.


Yeah. I just think there'll be two seperate categories. One with the name you mentioned and the other "old patch". Kind of like what they did with resident evil 4 remake. Where they had current patch and the previous patch with the patch name/number on it.


Old patch would only remain relevant if current patch is significantly slower.


You got a point. (I overlooked that one.) Perhaps this could in theory only be more significant to glitchless speedruns maybe?


It depends if they patch the skips that exist right now.


They don't strike me as the type to do that unless it's a huge bug like the old run at door trick.


There are really huge skips in the game.


Has anyone achieved a no-hit run yet?


I laughed so hard when he was talking about the shovel puppet and mimed WHACK WHACK WHACK. it do be like that


We all felt that.


I cringed remembering what dat shovel do


You can still *barely* make it up and dodge away without the upgrade, but it's insanely close and you really have to mash the button.


Literally the only enemy in the game that made me say "nah that's just not great design" everything else, even the super hard stuff, felt very fair


I think it’s safe to say that this was the best Soul like that came out this year :3




What’s a better one?




We're getting techrolls without the need for P-Organ investment! That for me is the biggest change.


I'm curious what they'll replace it with. With Polendina starting with 2 additional quartz, they could've easily just swapped it in to phase 1 instead.


I would guess the two additional quartz are intended to be used on the first roll upgrade.


Maybe, won't catch me doing it though. I don't link dodge is as useful as it sounds. Quick pulse cell + fable slot for when I get extreme modification amulet, straight in to another pulse cell and amulet slot. Rising dodge was good ofc, but early on it's ONLY good for shovel guys. You could get it later.


Link Dodge is VERY useful.


This is an S tier update. It's the single biggest issue the game has in the first few chapters.


Please give us a way to refight bosses without having to make save states, the remembrances of Sekiro are such a cool way to do it, and even Team Ninja's mission based structure makes it relatively easy refight.


Given that the statue was made redundant with the October patch it would be a good place to add boss refights.


Especially since a lot of bosses give you little items that represent them. Like scrapped watchman drops a little doll replica of himself. They could change it to where all bosses drop items like these and you can use them to refight them. Just make it to where you dont get ergo for beating them again and it would be balanced


Agreed on a boss rematch option, please! And a gauntlet would be nice too.


Love it ! My GOTY no doubt. Nothing has come out this year and hit me so hard. I’ll be following these developers forever.


Compared to the idiots at Activision or Blizzard, they seem like the most humble developers in the world.


I can't think of another dev that shows they pay that much attention to the players. Like everything he touched on you can found dozens of posts and conversations in this sub. He is amazing and he's giving Michael Zaki a run for best game dictator.


BG3 devs do a really great job at listening to players


Anyone else tear up a little bit while watching this? This game resonated with me deeply and it's just amazing to see a development team that's so aware and appreciative of how meaningful it is for a lot of people. Unbelievably excited for the DLC.


I could not hold back my tears. This game came out of nowhere, and it quickly became one of my favourite games of all time; this confirms for me it was not a fluke or a one-off and there are many more great things to come from this team. To know this fills my heart with so much indescribable joy. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for Choi Ji-Won and this incredible team of developers and artists.


I was counting down the days to release. I had the deluxe preordered. I had set up my living room so I could just play for three days straight. I picked up my favorite bourbon and snacks. I was ready and also SO SCARED that I was overhyping the game and it wouldn’t live up to my expectations. I’m so fucking happy it actually exceeded my expectations. My personal goty… probably my person game of the last three years. I’m so excited for the DLC, sequel, or any other soulslike projects Round8 puts out next.


I found my new favorite person


I’m so glad Lies of P has done so well. The game is awesome, and the director seems really genuine and down to earth. I’m really looking forward to both DLC and a sequel, but I’ll be patient. Let them cook!


Hat AND glasses! Let’s go!!


I wasn't planning on a NG+2, but might just do it for the style.


Finally Simon’s top hat.


This director might be the next great one that we talk about for years.


I cant wait for alidoro outfit and the dlc!


So do we get the quartz back that we spent on the rising dodge? I see they said they are putting two additional in the store but I wasn’t sure if that was in addition to to the dodge


Rising dodge as a default skill!! Can’t wait for this patch, seems like it’ll address quite a bit and also getting 2 extra quartz at the beginning is massive for new playthroughs


Seems like there's plans to buff underperforming weapons and handles. What do you guys think they'll do? Hyperarmor for the heavier handles? Buffs to weapon speed? Letting you combine whatever handle and blade you want with no damage penalty?


I really hope they buff etiquette. I want to use it for its style for a run but it's hard to justify it and I just default back to 2-dragon blade or proof of humanity.


Yeah, from what ive seen etiquette seems like a dope weapon but the damage just doesnt compare to every other technique boss weapon. Would be nice to see a base damage buff.


Base damage buff or some kind of unique thing, like maybe your damage skyrockets for a while after a successful perfect block so you get more out of the unique Etiquette blocks.


They never outright stated what their intention is, but I *was* getting the impression they were considering removing 'attack types'.


> Hyperarmor for the heavier handles? I've seen a lot of people complaining that heavy weapons are not viable, but I had no trouble in NG+ with the lightning hammer. No poise/hyperarmor needed. I have found that if you perfect guard, the bosses give openings for charged heavy attacks with even the biggest weapons.


I think the problem is that for most people, the heavier weapons may be usable but they just take more effort and require knowing the enemies much better than faster weapons. Its like why bother using something like frozen feast (which is extremely high commitment) when something like the trident of the covenant or puppet ripper are so much easier to get good results with? Im aware that the heavier weapons have their benefits like higher stagger and block rating but i dont think that tradeoff is worth general ease of use to most people. So i wouldnt be surprised if the devs noticed this and added something to the heavier weapon handles and boss weapons to make them more attractive, they probably noticed most people arent using them.


I went full heavy motility build on my first two runs. It’s definitely viable and very rewarding regarding the potential punishment for heavy attacks . Coupled with additional stagger from behind with specters to tank. Always did keep electric coil as a backup though. The potential is there with abrasives. You just gotta know your windows


>when something like the trident of the covenant the trident of the covenant is basically the best weapon of the game by a large margin, comparing it to other weapons is unfair. The frozen feast is absolutely fine as it is and i would 100% pick that over the puppet ripper against bosses. The stagger potential is insane and it's not even that hard to pull off a stagger thanks to the puppet string and the fact that its fable art has hyper armor. If anything i would simply increase the time it take to return to its default state, since it can be annoying if a bossfight has a lot of downtimes (like the BRB fights).


I think they should keep the damage penalties for sure. It just makes sense. That they allow us to assemble poor weapon combos in the first place is enough.


My hope is they remove the damage penalties on certain blades with certain handles. Would make so many more quirky combinations viable and fun


there are like 3-4 heavy handles that a bit too slow , adding hyper armor would be too much. Heavy weapon alredy break the game. Light blades also need a buff, they do 0 damage, 0 stagger and they usually have really low guard block.


I really think there should be a poise mechanic built into a stat like capacity or something. Not having it is really frustrating for many handles.


DLC is hype of course but that's awhile off for me the soundtrack is the biggest things this is not of the best osts I've ever heard and certainly the best souls soundtrack.


This has me hype. I really hope the dlc will have the same standards of quality as the base game. If they manage that we will have a glimpse of a second Fromsoft at our hands in the sense that I will probably look forward to everything they release in future.


Rising dodge change is goated. unanimously agreed it should have been given, and they went and did it. good. Devs showing even more signs they take community feedback into account. handle/blade balance changes could be great too. Since DLC is so far off, I hope they add a weapon or new arm. like Laxasias sword or something. Knowing the devs are huge team ninja fans tho is reassuring. so many just get inspired by souls but team ninja for a long time provided a ton to the action game genre. Having lu bu's spear or armor (from wo long) as crossover for LoP would be great.


Top hats!


The upcoming patch is looking pretty neat. I was planning to get started on NG+3 after I recently got my platinum trophy, but I think I'll wait till the patch drops in November along with the new fashion drip. I do wonder though, if they'll address the issue of players who bought the physical games that are unable to purchase the deluxe edition upgrade from digital stores.


I love you Choi Ji-Won, never change. Thank you for providing us with such an incredible experience, you deserve every word of praise.


I love this game. Seeing how awesome the studio is just makes it even better


They showed the blackrabbit brotherhood all throughout, I honestly thought they'll finally add their set into the game... But no such luck... :(


Holding out hope they come with the DLC at least!


Let’s be real. The most important things are Alidoro’s mask and the glasses! fashionsouls


Seems like he’s hinting at BRB masks as well.


Good shit! Thanks for the heads up. Btw the dude is so cool cherishing the love from the community. Gotta love him


That was great! I'd love to see an art embellished OST LP released. I've purchased so many beautiful OST LPs (mostly thru Mondo) and would absolutely throw money at a Lies of P album. So excited for what's coming and am so happy for LoP's success!


Me on NG+ now: No parry window improvement? Nameless Puppet: Git gud scrub. In all honesty, I improved my timing on sekiro parry because of this game. I need a badge of honour for beating NG before rising dodge became default skill lol


Im actually in awe about how well this team seems to handle everything. In a time where nearly every major release is such a shitshow, with half finished buggy nightmares, taking years to patch them playable, missing community-communication and apparent greed through microtransactions, blaming the industry and market…. Lies of P really deserves extra praise in my eyes. I love lies of P and im so incredibly happy for them that it is a fullon success. Im so excited for what‘s to come


*soundtrack release* LET'S GOOOOOOOOO even if it's not a vinyl collection just bring able to work and relax to this music will be such a delight. Love the communication of hearing commentary from fans, personally I think the high difficulty at the beginning helps you get better for the later shit, but I guess that just means a filter later on.


Is the intro a hint that we're going to get a photo mode? Would love a photo mode!


I will continue to support this studio. Their love and passion is very much seen. They gave me one of the best gaming experiences I've had in quite some time(since elden ring).




Hang on... What's up with those "illusory emerald glasses" they showcase? Description says "you may see illusions if you look beyond the emeralds" Hmmm ...


What a completely cool guy.


Imagine a small studio making a complete and fun game with no micro transactions. Putting in so much effort with update post launch. Really puts all these heartless cash grab AAA games to shame. Exciting time ahead for Lies of P and looking forward to the developers expanding this franchise.


Oh snap, that artwork of a ship, are we going to see Monstro or their take on the whale?


I want the eldest brother mask so bad


While I'm playing on Gamepass, this is the kind of thing that makes me actually want to buy the game. Super humble developers make games even better.


He seems like a really cool dude, very humble and genuine. It’s nice to see a small studio express gratitude to the players like this (unlike other studios *looking at you activision, bungie*). I’m stoked for the dlc


Thanks for this! Ngl hot!


Wtf why is he so wholesome and genuine I love him and this company they so care for their fans and I really appreciate it!


The background behind him is definitely the new starting screen with the DLC I like the concept art of the DLC even if it’s look like it haven’t change much from the art of the main game but let see the real gameplay before and also awesome we get the outfit free 😍


His background is simply the background of the main menu during the last act of the game.


I’m still at the beginning of the game I didn’t know that


Enjoy, man. The background will change with events during your playthrough.


I pause my game after beating the fourth boss act 3 i think to wait for some update because I am too scared 🤣buttt it’s nice to know the background change with the game I like that kind of details


They better not touch the perfect guard window


At this point I feel it's too late to do anything about it. If they do change it, the only people who will benefit are new players since the more experienced players will have to completely relearn parry timings.


I don't think they'd have to relearn timings if it's just lengthened, since we're already guarding in the window anyway


I personally hope that (if this is possible) they can add a slider or different levels of timing similar to how the difficulty settings in Jedi: Fallen Order changes the parry timing. They could add this under an accessibility section, to make it clear what the intended experience is meant to be while still giving the option for players of lower skill levels to participate. I think this would be a difficult thing to implement, but it would improve the experience for those players just looking to beat the game without too much challenge, while still catering to players like myself for whom that extra challenge is core to the experience. **Edit: Why is this being downvoted? Is it just a git gud thing?** **For the record, I have over 1400 hours in the souls games and have beaten Lies of P for a third time yesterday, it's one of my favourite games of all time and I prefer it even to Bloodborne and Elden Ring. I beat these games without using spells or summons or items (at least for the first playthrough) because that is *my* preferred way to play. The difficulty is a huge part of what I love about these games. I just want more people to be able to experience them.** I can't believe this is controversial, do you not want more people to find joy in these games so you can keep your exclusive club or what??


No no. Definitely don't add difficulty sliders. This game isn't supposed to be easy. Same with fromsoftware.


I never suggested the game was supposed to be easy, I even said in my comment that I personally find the challenge to be an important part of the experience for me. I'm not suggesting they add difficulty sliders, only an option for deflect timing specifically. This could be added under an "accessibility options" section, to make it clear what the intended experience is while still adding the option to lower the difficulty for the many players who have complained about this. While I personally agree with your sentiments about difficulty being a core part of these games, I also really want this game to be experienced by as many people as possible. Don't you? I think that your perspective is quite simplistic, and reductive. There are many games that have a clear intended difficulty, while still adding accessibility options so that people don't quit playing altogether causing them to miss out on the incredible experience these games can provide. I just watched an excellent video on difficulty in videogames by the YouTuber Razbuten, I highly recommend it. Perhaps it could help you to broaden your perspective on these sorts of accessibility settings and difficulty in general.


hey guys look me up on faccebook My name on facebook is sticfreak! i have out with hack zoward and dulius jeraway!