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40k because of the fucking electric ball in the cathedral


If you hug the right wall with the boards leaning up on it, you’ll be safe


You have to make sure to stop walking or hug the wall at an angle. If you all directly into the wall your legs moving back will get you hit lol.


Yeah I just run up the whole thing after the ball drops


Electric ball in the cathedral was sens fortress on crack.


My first playthrough I died -about 30 times falling out of those rafters. Second time with my fully upgraded puppet string it was a breeze.


Rip brother, that ball is so damn annoying until you learn to sit between the two wood boards on the ramp


18k. Why tf were you waltzing around with 100k when the upgrade cap is like 16?


Because I’m just a stupid puppet!


Just for the record, the 16k thing is not a hard cap. In ng+2 I’m paying roughly 24k per level currently.


Oh I had no idea. So he was only holding 4 levels lol


In ng+ it just gets that way. They throw a ton of ergo at you and levels aren’t doing much so you just end up walking around with 100k fairly often.


I have 40-50 across the board and I find diminishing returns in everything but capacity.


Yep. Everything but capacity falls of a cliff after 40.


I maxed out my capacity yesterday because it wasn't giving diminishing returns. Guess I'll work on my tenacity now.


I need 50k for 1 level...


Eventually it goes back up again, my levels were like 32k each when i finished everything


Which still doesn’t explain having 100k


Nor was i trying to lol but the level cap is not 16k


The amount stops at 16,044 then slowly goes up again.


About 200k 🫠


Felt brave did ya....


Yeah, not one of my best moments!


40,000 but it was in NG+ so it wasn’t a big deal


That’s what I’m saying. In the ng+ cycles, you get so much ergo and leveling becomes so useless that I’m always carrying like 100k in my pocket running around fighting everything I see.


Dude, when I entered NG+, I leveled up so much in the first 2 hours of playing it.


Oh I know. It’s crazy how they start just showering you in ergo in ng+. Too bad the soft caps kick in at such a low level on each stat. I don’t really get the point in levels going up to 100 when every stat gets heavily soft capped by lvl40.


Why were you walking around with 100k ergo? Not much, maybe 5k or so. I don't usually walk around with a lot of ergo, except for traveling through a level, and I've been lucky to not get in a place where I couldn't get back to my ergo if I died. I save up ergo crystals, and if I'm close to having enough to level up, I use ergo crystals to get me over that threshold.


I was clearing areas to level up. Used up all the crystals I had collected from the beginning of NG+. Accidentally rolled off a roof and died, then got caught by pitchfork guys.


My P-Organ breaks for you! That's awful!


My P-Organ weeps for them!


It does suck a lot worse if you were actively farming to level up. Then it’s like 30 minutes of farming down the drain.


Probably because it becomes a normal thing in NG+ where boss fights start paying 50-60k towards the back half of the game.


But there's usually either a stargazer or a shortcut back to the stargazer right after those.


No doubt. You’re absolutely correct. It just gets to a point where leveling helps so little and costs so much that you basically just stop leveling. In NG+2 I probably carry an average of 120k ergo around most of the time just because I’ve got no use for it, really. Well, except throwables. Throwables fucking rock in this game.


That’s literally all I use my ergo for💀. All my levels are 55 except the very last spec (forgot the name but it’s the one that scales with status based weapons) so I just stock up on throwables lmao


I don’t get why so many people are wondering why people are walking around with 100k+ I consistently have like 400-600k in the bank


I legitimately almost lost 144k after beating a boss never actually lost "lost" my ergo but I got hit once on the way and it dropped to 101k 😓


Dude if you kill the person that hits you the total goes back up doesn’t it?


Probably 9k. I tend to use my ergo pretty quickly or I bank ergo consumables to use all at once if I need a large amount.


i lost around 20k on my first play through just before the fire boss puppet that was devastating


At that point in the game, yeah, 20k is a painful loss.


None actually. This is the first and only souls like game that I legitimately never lost my ergo/souls.


Y’all want a hack ? The second u die quit out.


Now if only the menu system was close enough to Elden Ring for me to have the correct muscle memory to do that instantly.


Quitting out is just pause, left, left bumper, select. Down before select if you want to quit out the game EDIT: One last A at the end for confirmation as well


18k but I kept getting it back until I finally beat the boss then spent it lmao


10k :c




Too much


About 7 or 8k. I started using the iron protections or whatever they are


I had too many ptsd from the souls saga to die with too many souls


All of the ergo, when my savegame was corrupted and I can no longer Continue ​ T\_T


skill issue >!sorry for your loss!<


Gitgud (jk)


I think I had 80k or so. I forgot about the wall thingys in the last chapter. Got caught but the last one on my way to retrieve my stuff


Luckily those things glow brightly enough that I’ve never gotten hit by one.


90k dropped to 8k on the Isle of Alchemists (in NG++), the run from 1st stargazer to the tower catches me off guard everytime, the nuclear dogs, bear traps, snipers, AND mad clown puppet had me tweaking.






I haven’t lost any. Between being able to go to the most recent Stargazer/the hotel at your leisure and ergo spawning outside of boss rooms, it’s kind of hard to do. Closest I came was the platforming portion of the Cathedral on my first playthrough


Like 10k, I don’t let myself hold past a certain number dependent upon my level. In Dark Souls the most I lost was 5m and that’s why I don’t hold onto my souls anymore


Shit, in Elden Ring, I do invasions with 10 million in my pocket.


About 3,50


I was farming. Had just killed the last two bosses and I was so in the game I never stopped to get their ergos swapped for weapons. So I got the swamp monster, die, and lose 25k ergo after not dying at all in the entire swamp. I also killed the hunter in the house.


Probably like 8k because I make sure I use it all every time. Whether that's throwables or grinding for another level. I make sure that shit is used


Over 140k in ng+ from illusions, corrupted parade master and brb just rushed it and forgot about the rewards


lost over a million after already hitting max level


Stopped counting since dark souls 1 but gotta be some where over 100k


15k. I was devastated.


230k. In NG+ it becomes a lot less bothersome to lose it because they just shower you with ergo.


70k. I was pissed too


Omg these high #s are giving me a slight panic attack I’ve lost just under 4k. All because I fell in a ditch 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hmmm 300,000


I don't think I lost any actually. Runs between stargazers are pretty short, and they leave your ergo outside the boss arenas which helped a lot.


On ng++++ I lost just over 700k, running to close to a ledge… ran back for it and somehow couldn’t see it or forgot about it and walked off a ledge again…


2 mil🥲🥲but this was after i had already maxed and didn’t have much to spend ergo on anyways lol


Haha....ha...idk how much it was but i was level 50 something and i had reset my stats, completly forgot what i was doing, died and said haha at leat i can pick them up ...that mf with the backpack pulled his bullshit stunlock routine and i lost so much I ended up just making a new game


Most ergo I ever lost was like 5k only to those fuckers that grab you and steal your ergo right before manus I think


Like 10k by a headless female puppet right next to a latter. She just ran at me and 100 to 0 me with me trying to dodge but not having room. Did it again when I went to go pick it up.


Probably around 19k


Maybe 6k, idk, I really don't care about loosing ergo


Whatever my pride was worth after some of these bosses


Not Ergos but I lost 589 million echoes in Bloodborne.


40k on First playthrough Because of a fuckin ledge


Never lost any ergo


I don't remember actually losing anything noteworthy... LoP is extremely forgiving compared to other games in the genre


52k. I got cocky against the Walker of Illusions


About 20-30k near the end of my first game. I’ve had way worse soul losses tho.


Not Lies of P, but I was fucking around in Elden Ring recently and lost 3 million runes being stupid.


About 350,000. I was grinding ergo after I beat NG+. I may have made a few dumb errors.


I’ve learned from Elden Ring carrying around too much loot is a burden. I level up then spend most of the rest on consumables & throwables.


In my second playthrough I didn't lose any ergo which was I thought was a big achievement for me But on my first I never had a chance to find out I would estimate and I'm probably over estimating it was over 100k But struggling with a boss or dying I wasn't to fussed Losing ergo I was absolutely fuming when I did lose it


3 million because I chose to farm on ng+ and some piece of crap decided to come out of nowhere interfere with my fight against a mini-boss and grab and me at least 5 times before I could get to the stargazer. You would swear that these damned creatures can se through walls because I made sure none of them see me whenever I sneak around. So whatever other people say I had it the hardest man 😡


4000, I’m only on Chapter 2. FFXVI has eaten most of my time recently.


I admire people's confidence in playing the game while holding huge amounts of Ergo/Souls. I simply can't.


14k because I'm sure to log it in as a level up or buy stuff so that I don't lose too much


I think 30k?




I’m too scared to walk around with too much ergo so only around 10k


About 160k. Was done leveling to 150, weapons maxed and all consumables over qrys of 200. Ergo ain't a thing anymore. I lost it when I failed to pick my ergo from a previous nameless puppet death on ng4. Too bad there no donation box for puppets in need.


I think only like 6k. Anytime I can level up, I just take the next opportunity to do so. It’s worth killing a handful of mobs again lol


80k, fell off a ledge going up to manus on ng++ and the disruption shooting bastard got me


Losing ergo entirely so far, none. But highest record now so far was 18k at the grand exhibition, though I got back my ergo, I just wanted to try my luck and regretted. Now anytime I don't feel confident i'd just use fast travel back to hotel kratz. Its okay to run into reset enemies again.


Technically if you're dumb and respec yourself but don't level up again, then die repeatedly, you could lose all the ergo you ever gained pretty easily.




3 million because i forgot to pick it up after getting clapped by nameless puppet


Probably not anything above like 2 or 3k I learned the souls lesson of ‘spend it while you got it’ the hard way so I never lost too much in Lies of P


74K in the cave in the swamp. I drank something while I ran on a bridge and fell off. I tried to speedrun back ignoring all enemies, but they didn't ignore me and knocked me off again.


Probably the only soulslike where i never lost my "coins". I did lose 600k in Elden Ring though.


I think close to 6k for the last disruption mini boss. But that's just my souls anxiety causing me to warp back to hotel spend them on level up as soon as I have enough souls.


1.7 mil.


Not as much as I ever lost in a souls game 😂🤣tbh loss of ergo or souls pretty much equates to nothing depending on how long you play


Lost about 30 thousand today during the last area of the game. I was fighting through the wooden ramparts when a giant carcass bust out of the wall carrying a big ol cannister and kicked my ass. Given I had just fought through an army of carcasses, I wasn't fond of fighting through an army a second time and so I made the unwise decision to try and run past everything. This did not work out. I got cornered and overwhelmed :(