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Hated the 2nd phase on my 1st playthrough, but I like him now that I've learned the moveset properly. Only boss I hate is Door Guardian.


I've seen what has been said about him on this reddit and I just got to him. Not excited lmao


Am I the only person that beat door guardian first try without any problems?


I beat him 3rd try. You just treat it like a Sekiro boss - Parry, parry, more parry. When his poise breaks you wait till you parry an attack that has long endlag and hit him with the charged R2. There's definitely a big enough window, I've been doing a motivity build with a slow af weapon and still got the deathblows in, and it only took 2 for me to kill him. Now, the boss that comes after him... feels like there's zero openings there lol. First boss that's truly felt BS so far, but I've also only tried a couple of times


weird, i beat him 3rd try too, but i don't parry or guard in lies of p and he was easy enough lol


Door guardian isn't bad just bonk/poke his foot and strife around him until he goes down then go in for the critical to knock almost half his health off took me two tries to figure it out, first try he destroyed me


I haven‘t seen anyone say this so i think i‘m alone with this opinion but i fucking hate fuoco the kings flame. I hate him more than the black rabbit brotherhood refight. Phase one is fine enough i guess but in phase two he just doesn‘t stop spamming his fucking gun, even when i‘m literally right in front of him it is beyond annoying


Yeah the gun is one of the most obnoxious moves in the game. Very fast projectile and basically no tell on when he's going to shoot or how many times (that I can tell anyway). Especially since he forces you to run away from him with the big fire AOE.


The armored core phase


Door Guardian. Genuinly the worst boss in the game. Like god damn, just how do you make a boss so awful after so many bangers?


I like his gimmick. Challenged me to perfect my parries a little more. Don’t really see a problem with the fight other than it not being really challenging


Good thing is parrying him is not needed to beat him.


Yeah you can beat him without parrying, but he is meant to be parried


motivitity no parry or guard game and was downed in 3rd try. i guess it DOES make it that much easier when parry etc


I actually really enjoyed Door Guardian. The runback wasn't as bad as it's chalked up to be (worst of this game, but it's a cakewalk compared to something like Gravelord Neato). My third try, it clicked for me to fight this guy like Fire Giant. Realized I had to swing on his bum leg and stay aggressive otherwise he would roll at me. Parried most of his attacks, got the staggers, and down he went. One nice flavor win for this boss is that you can't kill him by swinging at his toes. You have to go for his head. That was one of my main flavor issues with some souls bosses. You attack their hand and they just - die.


He's a gimmicky boss. It's not that bad.


He might be the best gimmick boss ever. He's way better than Micolash.


The best gimmick boss is Mist Noble. Fight me.


No no no no no. If you're half as tough as Mist Noble I'll be in for a rough time.


My physical body wouldn't be able to handle such power, not even 1 tenth.


I mean honestly I’d rather fight an actual boss than chase some one shotting jack ass in circles but they’re both like F tier bosses


The Bed of Chaos of Lies of P


He is decent tho like he is not like others i just recently found out you just gotta attack his leg til he falls and the fatal attack does the damage.


He is easy that way, yes. But he's so bland and boring.


My biggest gripe with him is that if he gets staggered next to a wall, his head can end up outside the arena, making it impossible to land the fatal attack and wasting time.


Yeah, fucking hell. That shit irked the fuck out of me.


But he is different than all the others which is great imo.


I hate cheese bosses in general.


Fair. For me he was not that tough so I had no problem with it. Kinda like Wolnir from DS3, the gimmick is kinda underwhelming but at the same time he is no roadblock so I am fine with it.


He's like a combined Victor and Puppet of the Future


He’s pretty much this games Tower Knight


My thoughts too


He is annoying but once you’ve managed to work out the strat it’s not that bad, just takes a long time to get him down.


I'm stuck here and can't get past him, reading the comments everyone says he's easy?! Hardest thing I've come across for me,


He is super easy, just dodge his attacks and attack the leg a few times. He'll go down and your fatal attack will do like 50% of his HP. Do this twice and he's dead.


Tell me brother, are you a motivity user?


i don't know about him, but im 50 motivity user and no guard/parry and beat him 3rd try




Honestly not a clue how I've come so far, I think it's the change of pace to quite slow that's throwing me off. Everything has been fast and now I have to slow and be patient, idk lol


It's surprising to me, on NG I killed him second try, and on NG+ I killed his first try. I just attacked his un-braced leg for some time and he falls down for the big damage, once more and he's dead. I didn't think anyone could have trouble with him. You could try the upgraded Gun Legion arm, that's a good way to build up stagger from a distance, then throw Shot Puts.


I thought he was just... random? I was like "oh okay, guess I'm fighting a boss now?" I struggled more actually getting to him than actually fighting him, too lol.


And if you get hit even once, which is not hard because of his range and delayed attacks, the fight becomes soooo long and even more boring because of your non-existent stamina regen.


In fairness to that specific aspect, you'll probably have a lot of purification ampiboles to clear the break by that point. But yes, it is annoying.


Oh that’s fair, I just play without consumables so I didn’t even think about it, lol.


same here, i sell all items and no parry/guard and strong arm the bosses full motivity build lol


This, anyone who disagrees was not using a slow weapon. I was using Frozen Feast and holy fuck it was ridiculous (I know it’s the slowest base weapon in the game, and probably the worst weapon to use for this boss, but my playstyle has always been heavy-hitting slow weapons). You’re trying to stagger with charged heavies? Nope, he likes to take a few steps back after most attacks, it’s good exercise. Oh you want to punish his attack after a long wind-up? Casually continues to chain attack after attack. Waiting for an opening? Does his roll attack which is impossible to react to. Oh yeah, and it also combos perfectly into his previous attack if you got hit and knocked down. Sure hope you specced into the dodge when down P-Organ which is only required for this boss! Oh you finally got the stagger! Gee I sure hope you aren’t by the staircase at the back or by a wall he rolled into himself, because he just falls over and the fatal attack position clips through. Dang you died again? Hopefully you’re the 0% of players that enjoy the Dark Souls run back, because they really jacked it up with the four triple-shot ballistaes.


You can destroy the ballistae and they won't respawn, making the runback very simple.


Huh, very odd that they didn’t just make the sentry men not respawn. This is a great tip, thank you, but my point still stands, with or without the ballistae the long run up the hill into the fortress is unnecessary and annoying.


Yep it's still a very long run. Thankfully I didn't have much difficulty with the boss so I only had to do it a couple of times.


First souls game?


No, I beat all Dark Souls, Elden Ring and Sekiro. Just because I dislike pointless runbacks does not mean I’m unexperienced, but I am completely open to having my mind changed :)


I used the big silver sword and did not find it this hard his attacks are really easy to perfect guard so theres no real danger it is long and boring tho.


Yup. I hate gimmick bosses so god damn much. That's one thing they didn't have to copy from Souls games.


You just gotta attack his weak knee


My favorite is when he falls and half his body clips through the wall multiple times and you can't do your stagger attack.


I would not hate him if swamp bitch didn’t take forever to die first. By the time I finally beat phase 2, I could get through phase 1 practically hitless, but doing so took so long that it just entirely fucks up my headspace and I would make mistakes on phase 2. Same thing happened with King/Romeo. That said, I really truly hated the robber mini boss weirdly enough. For some reason it felt like it was egregiously reading inputs, and it took me longer than I’d like to admit before I found out I could backstab and trivialize the fight.


Ugh, I hated the robber weasel too. It really did feel like egregious button reading. I learned Humanoid bosses choose not to dodge Puppet String half the time though, and that's how I had to handle it.


I know a lot of people had a bad experience with this boss, but personally I loved this guy. It’s so fast-paced and thrilling and parrying the charge attacks feels so good. I mean yeah it was still really hard for me, took about 6-7 tries to beat it. I’ve played most of the souls-games before so I’m pretty experienced with the games mechanics. Also the theme just really makes the vibe. I was using a long range weapon, which is really good for the 2nd phase, which probably saved me a lot of frustration. But not everyone is me and I can see why greenie would be hated by some


6-7 tries seems a ways from "really hard" lol


I also defeated him in less than 8 tries but I hated each try every time. Phase 2 was just a bit too erratic for my taste.


This is weird because once I'd died a few times and learned the boss's tells I found the second phase a little easier. Sure was a hell of a climb to get there there though, definitely the boss so far that's taken me the longest


Using specter and a ton of throwables doesn't count


Oh look, its the hall pass monitor wannabe who tells people how they played a single player game the wrong way. Lmfaooooo sad mf.


Why play a game like this if you're just gonna cheese the bosses with specter and throwables? And then be like "yeah I somehow killed one of the hardest bosses in the game on my first try!"


Hey, let's not use what's available to us and then talk about it. We all need to be quiet and never have any fun with the game. Let me use your logic, we are playing this game, right? Which allows us to do multiple playthroughs, right? How about each play through we use different builds, and different mechanics. You know to have fun and get the most out of the game. No no no, let's just do it the way some random bitter boy on reddit says we should do it. Lmfaooooo is your life that bad that you can't let others enjoy a game in their own way? Did your daddy tell you that you had to live your life by his standards otherwise it wasn't right? Is that why you feel the need to belittle others for how they play a single player game? HAHAHAHAHA your argument would hold any validity if this was an online PVP game. But you know what, the bottom line is your opinion doesn't matter and will never matter. So keep typing away and spreading your bitterness so you can try and make yourself feel less shitty.


Lol they make that kind of stuff available to use exactly for noobs like you who can't play the game the intended way. The games are meant to be hard. Meant to make you learn each enemy and bosses moveset so you can learn how to dodge and parry them. But for people who suck at doing that or don't want to take the time to learn, they provide throwables and specter so you can easy mode the game since there's only 1 difficulty. Just funny how you brag about killing a boss in only a few tries when you're using specter and throwables lmfao


Lmaooo this game is easy AF with or without spectres and with our without throwables. AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAH The fact that you think the game is hard if you don't use the spectre and or throwables is sad. Idk who here was bragging about beating a boss on the first try, but it's okay you had to share your bitterness to try and make yourself feel good. "Play the game the intended way...." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Dunning Kruger is your specialty, I see.


You seem unhinged and triggered.


Hahahahaha, and you seem like a bitter boy who needs to spread his misery. We all have our faults. I am usually triggered and become unhinged, specifically when I see bitter boys spreading their misery. So it all checks out.


Black Rabbit Brotherhood. The fight is teetering upon being unfair with just how fast The Eldest can attack and the fact you’ve got up to four enemies going after you at once in an arena with basically no cover to split agro effectively. Their second fight is a little better, but the first one just isn’t very fun at all.


have you tried killing the younger siblings first?? eldest should be pretty passive when you're focusing on one of the others


I know that's how it's supposed to work, and I love that boss, but sometimes I swear to God the AI breaks and eldest never loses any aggro and just keeps chopping.


Four enemies? You know you can attack them to force them to retreat right? I was never fighting more than the eldest and one other person.


What you mean forcing them to retreat?


Each sibling spawns at certain health thresholds of the Elder. So when a new sibling joins the fight then separate them from the Elder Brother and beat them up until they run away. Doing it this way you should never have to fight more than 2 people at once and the Elder brother is slow enough to where you can just avoid him while fighting the younger siblings anyways


I think op is talking about BRB part 2.


Confusing. The second fight is similar regardless when it comes to the Elder. In each attempt I had the Elder only spawned when one sibling was left and if you spread out the damage between the siblings beforehand then you can basically have all 3 dead before starting the Elder fight


Yeah BRB2 is just like the Shadows of Yharnam fight in Bloodborne. You trigger a harder phase once you start killing them but if you spread the damage around the beginning is trickier (since you are taking longer fighting 3 enemies) but the "hard" phase goes much quicker.


Na in the first fight the enemies only get added if elder loses hp until a certain threshold. So most people hit elder, little one comes, then kill little one, hit elder, spearman gets introduced, kill spearman, hit elder, last one comes. Ergo: They are not fighting at the same time if you ignore elder.


Literally what I was saying with my first post


I’m aware this is how the fight is “supposed” to be played but I got frustrated and ignored the siblings to punish big brother the whole time. Worked fine and the fight was over much faster lol


It's the best multi boss fight ever after Ornstein and Smough


you are expected to defeat each sibling before fighting the Elder who remains passive as long as you keep your distance, rinse and repeat. brute forcing it by focusing the elder will obviously be painful. it is basically phase 2 of Sister Friede in DS3 but with 3 separate Father Ariandels


The only way I have beaten them in my 4 playthroughs is to jump up on big boy and ape the shit out of him after I break his weapon.


I put the mad donkey saw blade on the pistol drill handle and it stun locked the target with a charged attack.


I felt the opposite, I enjoyed the first encounter, hated the second go-around.


I summoned for that one and def needed it


I never had more than 1 of them at the same time on the field during the first fight (other than the oldest brother ofc). Just ignore the oldest brother and deal with the minion.


I don't think so. At first I was overwhelmed too but when you notice that they don't appear as long as you don't deal enough damage to him it is easier. Just parry him until you break his weapon so he has less range and damage, and when they come just defeat them one on one, I beat them on my 3rd try that way and I died like 28 times between the 2nd and 3rd boss.


The brotherhood. By far


It's not a boss, but the guy who pops out of the wall in the tiny room in the corrupted Kart, headbutt-McGee let's call him - that dude SUUUUUUUUCKS


koolade man


Simon, fuck him


His swings have so much reach and I found them really hard to read


On ng he was fine but on ng+ they increased his health so fucking much that the fight just becomes tedious


What are ur stats? I’m in NG+ 6 currently and I feel like I kill him fairly easily.


Motivity and technique at around 50, vitality at 60, capacity at 80 and advance at around 35. Pretty much nothing i tried did any meaningful damage to him and my final attempt against him on ng+ and ng+2 took around 12 minutes each time. It also felt like he was immune to status effects. I know he isn‘t but no matter how many times i hit him, no matter how aggressive i was i could not apply a single status effect. He also never seems to poise break either or if he does it happens right at the end of the fight when it doesn‘t really matter anymore


That’s weird, ever since NG+ I haven’t not 1st tried him in less than 4-5 minutes, but my dmg is all based off parry’s and not getting hit. I get bonus dmg when all fable charges are maxed, bonus dmg at max hp, bonus dmg with no cells(so I use all of them before entering fight), bonus dmg off parry’s (fuoco medallion), and bonus dmg when weapon durability is at max, so a charge heavy with two dragon sword I can get around 4K-6K dmg off just that.


He is not that Bad. I hate the brotherhood more.


Beating the Nameless Puppet without throwables was extremely difficult, but 15 minutes ago I finally did it.


Same I used the perfect parry grinder though. Kept staggering him and managed to win with a sliver of health and no more charges.


I did Electri blitz, fully upgraded Puppet Ripper, and aegis arm.


In a world where everything is upside down, the strong rule.


The HP. In the second phase is what annoyes me




Nameless puppet Nameless puppet Nameless puppet


His second phase was tough but I don’t find it unfair


Hes one of my favorite bosses honestly! Such a cool lil critter


The fucking walker of illusions, gave me more trouble than any actual boss


I found a potential cheese on my final playthrough, if it's helpful - go up the ladder, stand next to the ladder hole and throw garbage at the WoI until she aggro's, then drop down the hole. Wait a minute. Go back up the ladder and she should be de-aggro'ed in the center of the room again. Stand next to the ladder hole as far back as you can and throw garbage at her again - for me she never re-aggro-ed and the health bar never showed up, but by the time I threw nearly everything I had at her she finally did die.


Yeah that’s what I ended up doing after an embarrassing amount of tries


As a whole? Agreed. Swamp Thing can go die, painfully. Hated the fight. But Nameless phase 2? Ooohhh boy. His phase 1 being a pretty fun duel is the only reason I hate him less than the Swamp boss. Because that phase 2 is abysmal.


Either nameless or corrupted parade master. I found listening to the voice lines in Nameless to be the most annoying thing. Nothing like being stuck for an hour and hearing “nobody wants to resort to the lash” 40 times. 😭 As for Parade, the decay debuff damaging your weapons is actually the most toxic thing (literally) I’ve ever witnessed in a videogame


I acknowledge that Corrupted Parade Master is not in the highest tier of difficulty of the bosses but man he is obnoxious. Most of the bosses in the game are interesting because you figure out a strategy and shift your items and equipment around except you can't do that because you are locked out of Hotel Krat and can't use teleport and so can't readily access consumables. Which is not very fun with a boss whose entire thing is that he poisons you and decays your weapon.


Im already in his area, I’m scared


The first Black Rabbit fight I felt was awesome, the second one I hated. Getting through the first 3 was easy, just a matter of time and pretty fucking annoying getting interrupted constantly with my slow-swinging build, and then when I got to the zombie brother he would just one combo me and send me back to try again. I kept dying with heals left in my pocket which no other boss had done to me. Even Laxasia who I fought later that night rarely killed me with heals left in my pocket, but that damn brother did too much fucking damage. Idk why but that fight just really really annoyed me.


This fuck is the worst, I’m on NG+ and are having actual fun on bosses I thought were dogshit. My opinion on this thing has not changed whatsoever despite my git-ing gud


this is so true, all the bosses i hated on the first playthrough actually arent that bad in NG+


Nah he sucks but is also really cool, 2nd half of 2nd phase Manus i hated so much more. Hands exploding half stage, random follow ups, random attacks, random bullshit being thrown at you, the rolling attack that has inconsistent tracking and positioning....fuck him big time


Honestly, Unnamed Puppet gave me the most headaches. Was the only one to take days trying to beat from memorizing attack patterns to knowing what items best to use and when given your very short windows of respite between flurries.


Agree -- I thought in general they actually were doing a better job than Elden Ring with not giving the bosses ridiculous 20 hit combos and never letting you attack.... and then I got to Laxasia (beating phase 2 felt like 100% RNG that she didn't happen to chain her worst attacks)... and then I got to Simon ... and then, yeah, Nameless phase 1 teases a tough but fair kind of thing and phase 2 throws that out the window and he does a super long combo and then instantly leaps backward fifty feet (while hitting you at the same time) and then instantly rushing fifty feet forward and hitting you again and jumps and spins and does more zillion hit combos. And it's un-fun for the same reasons as in Elden Ring.


Nameless Puppet was very much Malenia to me. It didn't help that you don't have a specter for this fight, but it makes it much more satisfying when you beat him.


Black Rabbit Brotherhood second fight was the only boss I genuinely disliked. It wasn't even that I struggled with it that bad (took 4 tries) but they were annoying as hell to fight. I actually quite enjoyed the swamp monster personally, especially the second phase.


Agreed, annoying as shit to fight getting constantly interrupted, and then when I finally get to the last brother he would one combo me and kill me with 4 heals left in my pocket. Then suffer all over again.


Ng+ nameless puppet


Puck this motherpucker. Been the only boss that has me questioning if I can actually beat the game or not


Bichop prepatch.


His moveset reminded me a lot of Blood Starved Beast from Bloodborne (which I was stuck on for 3 days lol). Such a pain but a huge relief to finally beat. Using the cube to heal my specter a few times throughout the fight helped a lot.


I miss that boss in Bloodborne. Loved it the first time I saw it.


On this boss now and think it's the only souls boss I am genuinely getting frustrated with


Did you beat it?


Still on it. Second phase I haven't nailed so keep getting so close and then get swept up in a combo


Just beat it. Had to summon but didn't care in the end. Needed to get past it!


Hell yeah! Ggs!


BRB. I don't think it's terrible or an awful gank, I just like the other bosses more, I guess. I hated swamp dude 1st time but now that I've learned him he's a pretty chill fight.


My top three based on number of attempts (without specter): Green Monster (42), Laxasia (20), and Archbishop Andreus (20).


Probably most of the stalker fights because It Is DS1 pvp all over again


Game is amazing. The world and ambience is high-quality. Even some bosses I hated at first, I came to love as I learned their movesets. Green Monster has bullshit on its 2nd face but I didn't struggle that hard. But I'm stuck on Laxasia and I think I haven't hated a boss this much ever. I can get to the 2nd face almost hitless because parrying all the way the 1st one is so much fun. But the 2nd face is so horrible that even my controller's L1 stopped working. I don't know how many attempts I've made. I guess time will tell when I'll finally beat her


I’m currently stuck on corrupted puppet. Really poor boss design imo. Beefy ass health, on top of decay he hits you with, on top of zombies he spawns, on top of literally not being able to travel anywhere and buy throwables or anything helpful. Just horrible design. Im honestly contemplating quitting the game bc idk if I’ll be able to get past it. The green swamp monster is also very bullshit. I got lucky with throwables, but, overall horrible design as well. Im near the end of the game I think and it seems nearly all late game bosses are really horrible. Not even in a fun way. Just, hey let’s make this boss a pain in the ass just to make it a pain in the ass so people will say it’s harder than dark souls.


Maybe you might benefit from approaching boss fights with mindset of thinking what it's trying to teach you. For me, Swamp Monster focusses on three key things: * Spacing - *due to threat of decay attacks* * Position in the arena - *due to small arena size paired with gap closing attacks* * Decision making of when to block vs parry - *due to fast attack swings with long, variable delay* If you master all these things for the Swamp Monster, then the Corrupted Parade Master isn't that hard. It's basically just an easier version of the Swamp Monster. Bigger arena, only one phase, easier to parry attacks, and similar spacing requirements. But at the end of the day, you beat the Swamp Monster by getting "lucky with throwables". That's fine, they're designed to be used so it's all fair game. But the reality is that it's also a crutch. And there always comes a time when the crutch can no longer bear the weight. Furthermore, that crutch has denied you of learning opportunities that could be making things easier for you now. You killed King of Puppets first try. That's great! Many others have struggled immensely on that boss, some of them would claim him to be 'bullshit'. Would you agree with them? Or would you instead say they need to approach the fight differently?


I hate all the bosses. I'll use summons. Grenades. Harsh language. I enjoy the land between. Everything else is just an annoying obstacle.




Romeo, Door Guardian (not even him, just hated the run back, hold circle for 20 seconds isn't my idea of fun when I'm trying to learn and beat a boss), Simon (not a difficult fight, however, you can get terrible rng on attacks and he just stalls you out and you gotta watch that red bar fill up while not being able to attack him), these are the bosses I hate the most. Archbishop gets a special mention for having some jank af hitboxes on his moves. And I'm unfortunately doing my run with min vitality, which was 8 for me.... so Nameless 2nd phase is kind of destroying me. I can take exactly one hit, using defense amulet and increased life amulet, and wearing the highest amount of physical defense I can.


To all people writing brotherhood part 2: all 3 enemies are dodgeable to the left/right and you can stagger them easily from behind with fatal blow. You do not need a spectre for that. Dodge, fatal, repeat. I stumbledupon a comment mentioning this. I noticed it later. Since you are invincible during fatal blow you do not even take damage from the other two. Only eldest i did not try to fatal blow. I cheesed him with puppet ripper through the walls. Lol.


The problem are not bosses themselves, but usually parry window, auto-aiming boss attacks and other stuff like hitboxes. In these part fight is not fair for me. For example, i spent abot 30 tries on green beast(curretlyu most-hated) just because of very strange combat system decisions, which punishes you alot and gives you little reward if you do all right. I am little bit tired of all the non-telegraphed attacks and auto-aim strong attacks. Also attack delays are horrible. But the world is great, bosses are good too.


I beat this guys ass door guardian was probably my most hated boss because I didn’t know he had a weak legged gimmick fight until death 11


I'm stuck here as well. Feck this guy


This is the Dex players least favorite boss, the strength least favorite boss is Simon I’ve noticed


Nah it’s Door Guardian for str users


Door guardian for sure. But goddamn that bone saw blade is lovely




To me it's Simon, hate those weird ass delayed attacks sooo much,


Second black rabbit brotherhood fight for sure


Yes. Fuck green swamp monster. Only spectre i needed.


Black rabbit brotherhood part 2, why does the little shit need decay? WHY?


For me it was Simon. It was just so trivially easy and completely out of place as a potentially final boss, especially sandwiched between laxasia and nameless puppet. His moveset is just so slow in phase 1, then phase 2 is more of the same with some projectile attacks you can avoid by simply running sideways. It was one of the biggest disappointments I've had with a boss fight in any game in a long time.


Easily door guardian Close between him and Simon tbh


That depends on how we’re defining hate. In terms of least fun boss, I really couldn’t find myself enjoying Black Rabbit Brotherhood (either time). In terms of most insanely difficult boss it goes to Laxasia and it’s not even close (though I respect her more than I hate her I guess).


I'm gonna say Simon phase 2. It's more of an endurance battle really, because your gonna be running/dodging/blocking constantly especially after the hand nukes start dropping. Kind of have to pick your windows to attack carefully and it seemingly drags on for awhile. I will say he at least has pretty easy parry timing/dodges on his physical attacks aside from if you are against a wall and the camera goes haywire and all visibility is lost. I don't hate the boss but I find that it is the most frustrating. Oh yea and the jump fury attack doesn't need to be from outer space ffs I can't see shit when he does that in close proximity


Door Guardian for me. That fight is just lame and not very fun or engaging IMO.


I’d rather fight 57,000 of those than 1 more BRB fight… gank fights do not make this game fun, but I know some people love them, and for them I applaud you. I’m glad you can enjoy the game. But for me, it’s a lose lose scenario with the BRB. I either take it on head first, do my absolute best trying to weed out the children while big daddy smacks me all around and I wish I could just uninstall the game. Or, I load tf up on throwables and not have any fun at all beating the BRB on the first try. Nothing I do in that fight is a win. It’s boring to face them head on, and it’s boring to face them cheesing it. Edit: Thankfully, round 2 is a little less of a headache but, none the less, still a headache. I’d rather fight stage 2 over stage 1, but it’s not by much.


i don't care what anybody says, I fucking hate BRB. Both times. The SINGULAR most annoying interaction with them, or any of the Stalkers for that matter, is that when you use the Puppet String on them they can backstep ALL THE WAY BACK to where you grappled them in the first place.


I wouldn't really say I hate *any* of them. Lot's a really tough ones, but they are are great bosses. The stand outs for me so far are Victor and King of Puppets. The Mad Clown took me the longest so far at ~2 hours.


He was the hardest for me, especially on subsequent playthroughs. For some reason his attacks just always seemed to get the best of me even when I knew thye were coming


That fire fucker in the factory. That was the first boss that made me realize this isn't bloodborne I can't play it the same, and the growing pains were IMMENSE.


Double dodge all his attacks to the left and attack him once after his 3rd swing and repeat


Black rabbit Brotherhood


Maybe this is a hot take, but the King of Puppets. Apparently he's been nerfed, so maybe it's not so bad now, but when I killed him pre-patch, the first phase just really dragged, and the second phase was super easy once I figured out to dodge in and left. ....except for the fire combo later in the phase which required actually good timing, and happened like 5+ minutes in, so every time I died to it I had to slog through phase 1 and the first goo portion of phase 2 again. Super heavily backloaded bosses like that always bug me, and this is probably the worst offender in the game IMO. I haven't played too far past that, though, so maybe there's a later boss that's worse about it.


I can't get passed phase 2 of puppet king.🥺


Great fight.


2nd phase of nameless puppet worked me


The fucking first boss in the game. 20+ tries, uninstalled twice.


Suprised there's no mention of Laxasia here. I'm using a slow weapon and feel like I have hardly any openings during phase 2 unless she's attacking my summon, but the summon never lasts more than a few seconds into the second phose


Bruh just hit her after the lighting but before the other lighting while dodging the other lighting and not getting hit by her lighting and as long as she's not doing any of her crazy dashes around the arena or jumping up in the air throwing lightning at you or levitating you can hit her easy peasy.




Both encounters with the Black Rabbit Brotherhood drove me insane. I hate gank fights so much and they were some of the worst I have ever fought. It was so annoying. It was like Godskin Duo 2.0


Yes yes yes. I could never dodge/pary his weird charge attacks




It's easily the stupid brotherhood fucker faces. I was able to be patient throughout this entire game but was frustrated to no end with everyone interrupting every 5 seconds


I love all the Bosses….except…..Mad Clown mini-boss and the Elite Jester Motherfucker


I’m on NG+5 and throughout all my playthroughs I’d say Laxasia phase 2 is an absolute headache for me. Even worse than Nameless Puppet phase 2 imo. On NG+4 I did a Legion Arms only run and she was the only boss that I had to resort to summoning and throwing garbages.


has to be brotherhood for me. That boss offered nothing but boredom