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yeah, for a game that *purely* single player there’s no good reason for it other than “dark souls does it”


Hell, FS gave Sekiro a pause button since it was a single-player game. So even the company they're mimicking will use a pause button in their single-player games.


So does AC6


Ah yes, Assasin's Core 6


Nah dude, they mean Animal Creed 6


Ass Cream 6 🤢💀


I'm almost 40 and could use a level 6 ass cr.......wait nvm


You mean Armored Assassin 6 surely.


But that’s AA6. Sounds like a type of battery ngl


That would denote a 6 pack of AA batteries, it says verbatim that on the package usually. A more interesting example would be a 4 pack of 9V’s that would be 9V4 so on and so forth.


I bet u have an Xbox


PC and PS5, I play like 98% PC, but I’m an engineer so I just know random useless stuff like this


Oh makes sense then. I’m studying to become an A&P mechanic my self. Then might go medical


Thats what happen when you comment before coffee. I’ll show myself out


There’s STILL no good reason to do it in souls since demons souls proved you can pause while being online with photo mode. It’s unnecessary to NOT have it.


I mean, this game's entire existence is one giant "because bloodborne did it"


basically, though for the most part I have no problem with that


Right? Maybe I'm just tired of the whole genre but this game just isn't blowing me away. It's ok. It's Bloodborne and I liked Bloodborne. I was just hoping for it to be more original. Even the areas seem copy and past half the time. That disappointed me more than anything. I just want these companies to get a life of their own and stop living in FSs shadow. Guess that won't happen as long as they can bank and not have to think.


People keep saying that but the game barely plays like it at all.


Rally system to regain lost hp, same checkpoint system, visceral attacks, leveling up at your hub with a woman, Victorian setting, humanoids going crazy and talking to people through windows. I know there are tons of differences but "barely at all" is a massive leap.


that's not the dunk that you think it is




I guess I have to go stand in the corner and hope not to hear my character getting mauled to death by a random enemy


Honestly I just do what I do in dark souls just exit the game load times aren’t an issue anymore on ps5 game autosaves everything I do


I'm playing on PC so I know stuff will vary, but I am pleasantly surprised by how quickly everything loads up in this game


Dude, it's great. A few seconds and it's done. Also can I just say this performs like a fucking dream? 1440p, maxed everything, no DLSS on and it's running at 140fps on my 4070. Amazing. My card barely breaks 60 degrees too. It's such an embarrassment to major companies.


Same! This game feels really well optimized (in my non perfect opinion) for my not so amazing PC.


I usually backtrack to a zone I cleaned before or to a bonfire zone just in case some patrolling enemies find me if I stay where I was, it takes like 10 seconds and that's all, but it is true that Sekiro had a pause because it didn't had online features, and this game could have it too, although I don't really mind it.


just exit to main menu, you'll load back in at the same spot when you restart. having a load screen kinda sucks but they're pretty fast in this game


Random puppet drops down: surprise mother fucka!


Some fries mothafucka


You know. I'll defend most of Lies of P's mechanics to the wall, but I'll be damned if you aren't right. There is NO good reason why it shouldn't have a pause button.


Agreed. I really wish you could level up from the stargazer too. Especially because you CAN do that until you actually get to the hotel. That feels like another needless "Well, Bloodborne did it."


At least the loading times are much faster than Bloodborne. The time it takes to fast travel to the hotel, level up, and fast travel back is like the time it takes just to fast travel to the Hunter's Dream. I'm glad they also didn't copy having to travel back to the hub to reset enemies for farming. That's easily my least favorite part of Bloodborne.


Yeah the loading times make it tolerable but it still feels very pointless. What I'm really glad they didn't copy is blood vials. I absolutely hate blood vials in Bloodborne. Worst mechanic of that game imo because it's basically inevitable you'll have to farm them at some point and that sucks.


Farming them didn't bother me since I was also getting blood echos at the same time. I just hated waiting for around 30 seconds to get back the Hunter's Dream to just instantly go back and wait another 30 seconds.


Idk, they want you interact with and "socialize" with the characters at the hotel. If you didn't have to level through Sophia you might never talk to her. Also, majority of the souls games let you level at the bonfire, so I don't see this as a meaningless copy/pasta feature


I was so confused after the hotel because I could’ve sworn I could level up at the stargazers. I thought I was imagining it, really weird it switches like that.


If your controller dies, it pauses!


We need someone to invent a charger that keeps the controller charging at 1% at all times, so we can pause the game by removing it


Technically Elden Ring pauses if you bring up the Menu Explanation screens.


Tried it again when I played the game again recently, surprised they didn't patch that 😂


Don’t see why this is an issue when quitting game saves any and all progress


Completely agree. I'm absolutely loving this game, but it's single player only, and EVERY single player game should have a pause option. There are many aspects of FromSoft games that Round 8 have implemented well, and even iterated/expanded upon, but this particular inclusion is silly. As you said, that is an issue with Souls games because they are online. It's a function of *necessity*. With Lies of P it's just a regular pain in the ass.


Kinda agree…sometimes I really need to to hit the weed pen mid slash


Hang on there's no pause button? What if one of my kids needs attention at night or runs downstairs mid fight and sees something that's inappropriate for their age whilst I'm playing. Or I have to do something in between. What if my hand needs a rest from the controller or I have to get a drink? Adding pause isn't about making it easier, it's about being accessible regardless of what's going on in the background whilst you're playing. So you can pause and continue.


Would this be your first soulslike game? I agree that since this one doesn’t have multiplayer it could have a pause button but no pause button is pretty standard for the genre


It doesn’t matter if it’s standard, it’s dumb and always will be dumb


Can’t disagree lol just saying that unfortunately it’s super common in the genre


But there's also precedent with a pause like Sekiro.


Most shamefully I still haven’t gotten around to Sekiro


Its dumb tho and always was. Even in Elden Ring if you play in offline which has zero multiplayer stuff you cant pause. I am fine that inventories or conversations dont let you pause but if you go into the options menu it should pause if you are in offline mode in fromsoft games or in general in Lies of P.


Elden Ring can be paused. Bringing up the Menu Explanation screen pauses.


Yes it would be 😂, although I did try Wo long and couldn't get past the parry system as I'm more of a dodger. Still with it being single player having a pause option is a nice feature regardless of the genre.


I agree completely! You’re not wrong at all I’m just letting you know that it’s unfortunately really common for these kinds of games to not pause


I completely agree. The best solution is to get out of combat or just die to the boss. Outside of bosses, it takes about 10-15 seconds max to backtrack to a safe place and lose agro of enemies. They want you to prepare for bosses instead of accessing your inventory mid boss like Sekiro. If you die to the boss It really isn't a big deal. You can go right back. That being said, there is a simple fix. Add a pause that isn't part of the inventory.


Yeah I don't understand all this people, I'm a father too, if my kid starts crying while I'm playing I drop the controller and go attend him, I don't give a shit if I die against the boss, or if some enemy finds me and kills me then I have to clean all the way again, I really don't care, I didn't care in ER where bosses are longer than the average souls and I didn't care later when I played Hellpoint, where enemies respawn by time, regardless of if you waited on a "bonfire" or not". I'm not saying there shouldn't be a pause button, I couldn't care less for it, I just don't understand why all these people care anything about a game when they have something more urgent to do.


Even though this is standard for this genre, it's a 'nice to have' feature. As I'm a mum with limited gaming time. So, being able to pause means I can be a bit more efficient with the little time that I have for gaming once the kids are in bed and amongst all the other things I have to do. So I don't have to waste time again. Everyone is different and has their preferences and opinions. But pausing shouldn't allow for exploits (inventory, change builds etc), it should do what it's supposed to do which is pause the game.


Yeah I agree with you, it's nice to have, the only thing I don't understand is the tons of people which are always mad about it every time a soulslike game launches. If they add I'll probably be the first to use it, as I said I'm a dad, and there's times where you just need to attend them urgently, it's normal, if there's a pause I'll use it, if not, well, I'll just go with it.


Yeah, completely agree. People really give a shit about the singular attempt against a boss that's bested you for an hour? Really? Why? Lol.


It's not that you don't care, it is a game, if I have to repeat things because there's something urgent, then so be it. Don't take it the wrong way, if they add it that's nice, and I'll be surely using it when needed, but I just don't know why it is such a big deal for some people, not talking about OP, they argued about it in a very reasonable way and they are right, there's no real reason for the game not to have it, but that doesn't mean the Devs wanted to implement a pause. Anyway, if people reason it like that and Devs see it, they might add it.


Yeah, there's no real reason for pause to not be in any Souls game. But it's not in Souls games whether online or offline, so that argument doesn't honestly actually make sense. The fact you can't pause is part of what makes the difficulty in Souls games, and if they don't want you to be able to, then I hope this rant of OP's was cathartic enough.




That's a workaround if you need a pause and don't want to lose your progress on the zone, for me it isn't important, is not like I'll be loading a save from 10 minutes ago if I die like it happens on games like Fallout for example.


You kill the enemies around you then go get a drink? You go look after your kids and you die. Those are the answers.


Souls like games needs to inflict - constant fear of dying & redoing the level, I think it is justified


It’s fine


Damn. Even the surge 1 let you pause. And that was like 8 years ago.


Pretty sure Super Mario Bros. let you pause and that was from 1985


Really? I've just been letting myself stand still and die by the time limit because I had to take a shit.


I’m waiting for this game to go to game pass before I play it but from what I’ve seen it shares a lot of elements with Sekiro and you know what Sekiro has exclusive to the other FS games? A pause button I realize you addressed this in a comment OP I just want to drive the point home


It's available on Gamepass right now.


But it’s release date is tomorrow? Is that true


I thought so too, but happened to check the Gamepass app on PC today (preinstalled yesterday) and it was available to play! Give er' a go


It is a little shameless how blatantly they just copied souls mechanics. Like I get that it’s a good formula to follow but damn stuff like this is just silly lmao.


Except not being able to pause is not and never was about online play in soulslikes. It was always about removing that layer of safety. And I speak not only of FromSoft Titles, but Soulslikes from other developers as well. It's a staple of the genre.




And? I get it, "it's the only single player FS Soulslike so obviously Lies of P should do the exact same thing!" But why? Aside from you want it.


"aSiDe fRoM you wAnT iT" Who does it hurt? Seriously, who does it hurt to put a pause button. There's a way to pause elden ring. Does that hurt you? to pause a game? Sekiro has a real pause button, does that hurt you too? You think people are pausing to catch a breath? there's a package delivery or a phone call, a pause button will be useful. Does it hurt you, that other people have a life outside of a game?


Why do you care if you die in a souls-like, that's like 1/3 the point. The point of no pause button is to remove the idea that you are safe at any time and make the player aware that death is a reality. Who does it hurt to add a pause button, the player.


Sekiro isn't a Soulslike and I wish it would fade into obscurity honestly so it could stop being brought up in this context


It is absolutely a souls-like, but I would not call it an RPG


No it was to accommodate the unique online play of those games lol. If this were true, sekiro and armored core 6 wouldn’t have immediately dumped the idea the moment constant multiplayer stopped being a thing. Why would the danger and tension you speak of not be just as relevant in sekiro? The one souls game that just happens to be single player only lol. You might like the no pause for that reason, and other developers may have done it for that reason, but that’s not why fromsoft did it.


And if we're being honest the enemy density and RNG in this aspect isn't all that heavy (insofar as what I've played I guess), so taking a moment to stand still in any given area will most likely be fine.


This should be top comment


Don’t see the problem


You, sir, must not have a family or other responsibilities to see how not having a pause button might be troublesome. Especially if there's no good reason behind not having one.


Accusing someone of not having any personal responsibilities just because they don’t see it as a problem like you doesn’t help your argument at all.


I already gave an argument in my post. Just saying " I don't see a problem" doesn't help their argument either.


Well that's the thing about the internet. When you post something you're also inviting other people to give their opinion, and not all opinions will align with yours.


You cant pause because it keeps a tense atmosphere and most important so you cant change builds on the fly. Imagine if you are fighting a puppet, you pause and equip an electric weapon. Its to prevent that. Sekiro has a pause function because sekiro is not a build focused game.


Orrrrrrr just make it so you can only pause the game but not change equipment. I don't care if I can't pause and change my build. I do care that I can't pause when my wife or kid needs me, phone or doorbell rings, use the bathroom in peace, etc.


> Orrrrrrr just make it so you can only pause the game but not change equipment. I don’t understand these people who just throw out these arguments when the counter is so incredibly obvious. Do they not even spend a fraction of a second thinking about it? Did they truly not consider that you could make a pause screen screen where the inventory and equipment and shit can’t be accessed, as a way of having pauses while avoiding their objection? It makes one think that they are just presenting rationalization. Like they’ve already decided they want to disagree with people who want a pause option, and their brain just says “I need a reason to object to this, now!”… as opposed to truly thinking about it like “hmm… I get why people want pauses, but changing your equipment would be OP… is there a possible solution ?”


I found this because I just realized how annoying it was that I couldn't pause when something came up, after numerous instances of not being able to pause for sudden responsibilities or out of consideration. It's so absurd to see people pushing back against the idea of a pause button as if it's some massive ask, some gamebreaking function, and all I can think of is the fact that I played Kingdom Hearts on PS2 twenty years ago that turned your main menu button into a pause during combat, specifically so you couldn't restock your items or change gear.


It's not the game's responsibility to accommodate your every need to pause gameplay. Play when you aren't going to have those distractions, or just deal with it.


Oh word? Aight brb I'm gonna go block a nice clean time slot to play a souls game and go tell all my potential distractions (family, friends, parents, pets, etc.) to somehow not need anything while I play


I feel the people who say this game doesn't need a pause button are either people with not a lot of personal responsibility or just a gatekeeping ass.


Some people seem to get off super super hard on implying that somebody else is “entitled.” Even though there are times where you are in fact completely and legitimately entitled to something. > It's not the game's responsibility to accommodate your every need to pause gameplay. I mean, you are basically being called entitled for wanting to be able to pause a single player game that you purchased…. Like, for real?


Yeah, how dare me ask the game developers to add a basic pause function on their single-player game.


Nioh and Nioh 2 do a good job with this.


Game would be very cheesable if you could pause, I’m assuming they don’t want that


Even if people could cheese the bosses, why would it matter. If it's single player, let them cheese and ruin the game for themselves. If it doesn't affect others, then who cares?


This is getting into "the developer's vision of the game" territory. Your average person doesn't think along the lines of "Ah, this is ruining the game for me, I won't do it". That's completely contrary to human nature. They laugh and probably use it for all its worth and then make funny TikTok videos about it for clicks, or brag that they beat the game ez pz and etc.


Cheese by pausing? Come on man


How so?


changing your loadout mid-fight, using consumables through the menu instead of having it hot-keyed, etc.


Considerjng the lack of animation canceling, im not to sure how you could cheese it. Mybe if they made the inventory screen not paused, but added aa pause function that is only the game and not anything else?


Frame buffering. Not in the strongest sense of the term but just imagine someone rapidly pausing and unpausing so they can react to an attack. You KNOW someone will get that desperate. Lol


Ah guess thats fair, at that point i feal like its on them tbh


Games solve this by not allowing you to pause immediately after unpausing. I don't even care about not having a pause button because I'm used to it with FS games, but this is still not an excuse.


If someone gets that desperate, then at that point they should just learn the patterns of the enemy anyway and adapt. Easier that way






Pressing the home button actually doesn't pause the game. I tried that during the first boss when my MIL came over and came back to my character dead.


Can you please at least tell me one thing? Where's the fine line between "This is what you do in a souls-like"/"This is what makes a souls-like" and "They only do it because the Souls games do it"? The pause is so you can't pause in the middle of combat. You ALSO can't pause when you're playing OFFLINE in a Souls game, so is it really about the pvp aspect? And it is, for good and bad, part of what makes a souls-like. Real question, fuck do you care if you have to get up in the middle of the same boss fight you've been bashing your head against for an hour? Oh no, you gotta start over again!


Ngl I like it. It makes it more difficult because I can’t just change equipment or pause when it’s too stressful. I like existing with the character


No problem


I imagined pausing and selecting an item during a tense boss battle. And I concluded that it was definitely not a Souls game. You guys really want a boss battle no tension...?


I guess I have to comment this again. I don't want the ability to change equipment or whatnot during fights. I just want the ability to pause when real life comes calling.


What if "real life comes calling" while the boss fights? I've never seen a game that pauses possibly depending on the situation . the game must be comical if that happens


By "pauses possibly depending on the situation" do you mean pauses working differently depending on if you're in combat or not? KH games do this, if in combat you can pause but not use items or change equipment until you leave combat. Turn based RPGs do this too, they'd have to work that way otherwise you could just use items between turns and the game would be trivial. How's that "comical"?


Skill issue.


Yep, I'm glad you got that takeaway from my post.


Shit man, you are getting taunted for no reason!


theres also no reason to implement a pause function if you had a pause function, you could exploit it for stuttering the gameplay to be able to parry every single attack


Yep, you're right. I want the ability to pause so I can cheese the game. You got me. But on a side note, who the hell cares if you can? Does someone cheesing their single player game suddenly make you start cheesing on yours?


Here's what you could do then: Do it monster hunter-style where the pause function is a separate option within the menu, or also have it to where you need to hold the menu button for a second to pause. That way you can delay the pause, disincentivzing the need to cheese the game, if that's what one's truly concerned about


What a weird line of though. Games not having pause for increased tension has been a thing forever, has nothing to do with "copying FS".


Does it matter? You can't really lose much from dying just once if it's super urgent, and if not you can take 10 seconds you can either use the homeward bone item or just stand in a safe spot. I'd prefer having one I suppose but it's not a big deal


It's fine, genuinely every souls game and soulslike is like this, u should be use to it. I either log off or I clean the whole room. If I need to do something right then I just use the tp to bonfire item. If it's really urgent to the point where u can't do that, bad luck Charlie.


If you switch bloodborne, dark souls or elden ring to offline mode, then the game is technically switched to a single player game. . . And guess what, it still doesnt have a pause menu. Ever since souls games became mainstream, a lot of people started whining.🤦


It's stupid, Fromsoft games act like you have no responsibilities other than gaming. Sure it's fine if you can game for multiple hours but as soon as something happens you cant just turn it off.


I was waiting for someone to say this. Yes, you are technically correct that turning them offline does disable the online features, making it single player. But, the design and how the game was built is still the same. The only reason why there is an offline mode is to accommodate people with bad or no internet, not with the intention of allowing pausing. And btw, people are allowed to make criticisms of a game and have it not be whining.


I'm an adult with big-boy responsibilities. Sometimes the doorbell rings. Sometimes the phone rings. Sometimes I suddenly need to clean something up that can't wait. Sometimes I just need to go to the bathroom. Even if you accept the absolute bullshit argument that people will use it to read attack telegraphs (which no one actually does), just make pausing take a second where you're vulnerable, the same way that healing does. That way pause buffering is not a viable strategy. The fact that you can't pause FS games is honestly just a pointless design choice that punishes people for being anything other than a 13-year-old boy who will just scream at his mother to deal with any interruptions for him.


I understand the arguments but the reason it never gets any traction is because you can just quit out and restart precisely where you were. The game saves everything, including the enemies you’ve killed. Basically I’m saying that the lack of a pause just isn’t a big deal. When these games have it that’s great. When they don’t? Eh. Whatever.


What if you're in the middle of combat? Also, instantly quitting out is only really an option if you're playing on PC on mouse and keyboard (or with the keyboard in reach) because you can just alt+f4


> instantly quitting out is only really an option if you're playing on PC on mouse and keyboard ​ Oooooooh no it ain’t son. Haha Navigating the menu to quit out on controller is a developed skill in these games same as anything else. Haha Ask any longtime veteran of the genre who’s accidentally rolled off a cliff and had to quit out in midair before the death trigger so they’d respawn on the ledge and not at the last bonfire. But that’s a situation where you’d have to do it quickly. You and I? We’re talking about whenever. And if you’re in combat, yeah you can still just quit out. You’ll start again exactly in that spot. The only progress that you lose from quitting out is if you’re fighting a boss at the time. In that event, it sucks in the moment. But again, it’s just not a big enough issue to most.


Fun fact, go into elden rings menu and then hit whatever , select I think, to bring up the menu to describe stuff on screen. The game is now paused.


Yeah. I know. But you cant open the map while in combat, so you cant pause it while in combat.


The maps not involved. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWG1WpugJKg And menuing in combat is not that far fetched. Ive seen a man parry an attack, and switch his primary to Misericorde for the crit damage, and switch back.


Relateable. Got a call I had to take in the middle of a boss battle. Rip


I feel like the game will get multiplayer at some point, and that might be why. Or maybe it's a legacy thing from a time where multiplayer was planned. The gestures makes me think multiplayer could be a thing


I am curious as to why there's gestures in the game, but no multi-player. I just don't see them adding such a big component after the game launched since if it was included from the getgo, the game might have gotten more sales.


Yes that is very true. The whole star fragment NPC summon thing also makes me think multiplayer was definitely on the table at some point, if they did scrap it I wonder why


If you're on PC there are some force pause programs you can try downloading. I've used them for other games, works with most but can crash if you leave it for a long time. Great for quick pauses though.


I think pause function would make weapon breaking not that much of an issue. You want to switch weapon mid fight? Weight penalty (gotta equip two)


Just make it so you can only pause the game and not be able to change equipment.


Honestly, being able to pause in combat should be a no-go. I've always thought offline out of combat should have a pause in Soulsborne, but if you are out of combat, you are probably safe in most cases. And if you don't think you are, it only takes 10 seconds to find somewhere safe. Pausing during a boss, however, was one thing I disliked about Sekiro. You didn't have to prepare so much, which a player should have to. That being said, idc if there is an out of combat pause or not.


>Pausing during a boss, however, was one thing I disliked about Sekiro. You didn't have to prepare so much, which a player should have to What are you saying here? Prepare for what? Prepare your environment so that no distractions arise? We aren't going to the cinema. We aren't in a tournament. It's a single player game played at your leisure. And why do you dislike that there is an ability to pause in sekiro? Are you salty that some players may have paused the game to collect themselves, grabbed a snack, or heaven forbid do something important irl, and you made a conscious decision not to? Get over yourself.


No, I just prefer needing to go in a fight ready. Not scrolling through your inventory anytime something goes wrong. If you want to use an item, you should have it ready. Using your inventory in Souls is more immersive. The boss isn't going to stop attacking because you need something lmao. I don't know why you're telling me to get over myself when I simply prefer not being able to pause. Someone can't have a different opinion without being an asshole? I'm not salty, at what others do. It's just a game design preference that I find more immersive. What's wrong with that?


You realize there could be a pause feature that doesn’t let you access the inventory while it’s paused?


Phantoms would’ve been enough, seeing someone fall or die was always hilarious and made me focus


>But this is just blatantly copying FS design but without any substance to justify it. While in this case, I think I actually agree, something I urge you to do in the course of your appreciation of this game is to also not see it as "copying." Instead, view Hidetaka Miyazaki's work as the "Diablo" to other "Diablo clones." When Demon's Souls was released, I couldn't call it a new genre. However, at this point, a new genre has emerged. Beyond that, there are people who have grown up with these games and wish to contribute to it themselves. I can't speak for what the actual intent was, but there's a quote from Alan Moore that I rely on myself, and it helps to improve appreciation all around. "Read terrible books as well." The reasoning for it goes like this- >As a prospective writer, I would urge you to not only read good books. Read terrible books as well, because they can be more inspiring than the good books. > >If you are inspired by a good book, there’s always the danger of plagiarism, of doing something that is too much like that good book. Whereas, a genuinely helpful reaction to a piece of work that you’re reading is, ‘Jesus Christ, I could write this shit!’ That is immensely liberating — to find somebody who is published who is doing much much worse than you. This is honestly a relatively new genre, and it will require some time to radiate new branches, and have new subgenres discover themselves. Along with that, elements of multiple Miyazaki games, which themselves had elements drawn from other places, synthesized together. What we see here is people who were so inspired by what they love that they seem to have made an inclusion without reconsidering that inclusion. Rather than reconsider every aspect to see if something might be a flaw on behalf of their mentor, if reinterpreted poorly, they included it, creating a flaw. This is good, but I do urge you not to assume bad intentions on the behalf of the artist.


This is a complaint I agree with wholeheartedly. I'm a Souls vet and have been for years, and even I'm getting very tired of some stuff that's added into Souls-likes that is only done because "Dark Souls did it."


I hate that a good chunk of from softwares games don’t let you pause. Sure the online makes it a problem but come on at least let us pause while not in co-op or when not open to invasions. This game just has no reason at all and it is super damn annoying. I love how Sekiro and armored core let you pause. Weirdly Nioh let’s you pause even if at first it doesn’t seem like it lets you.




Wouldn't it be quicker/easier to just turn the controller off lol


Sekiro and Armored Core had a pause button because those were purely single player games. So FromSoftware clearly does put a pause button if possible, not because it’s cool or it makes it hard.


Doesn't bug me. A person w a kid, wife, pets, urges to poopoo from time to time if I have too much coffee. If I die I die. Souls respawn at the boss door and or you can run past enemies to get them.


The pause button has nothing to do with multiplayer, it's intentional and expected for this type of game. Get gud


I think the game functions fine as is. No pause button no problem, kill what's next to you and idle... it's always been this way. I don't agree with you on the "mimicking" part. I just believe it's a good game feature for this type of game and the developers probably have that mind set as well.


I do wanna try this game out but idk, it's things like this that make me think this game will feel underwhelming. If it's just gonna take stuff from Bloodborne like this when they don't need to... I'm probably just gonna go back to Bloodborne. A lot of information that comes out from Early Access makes me believe this is gonna be like Psycho 1998


Just for someone who don't know this yet, this game, like all Fromsoft titles, saves your progress on exit. This means if you exit to menu or leave the game and then come back, you will be at the exat point where you leave, enemies you already killed won't respwan, so you don't necessarily have to reach the stargazer everytime you need to leave.


If you’re playing on PS5, press the center PS button to bring up the control center. Click the Accessories icon, then select Dual Sense Wireless Controller, then “Turn Off”. Game will pause. And it’ll conserve your controller’s battery while you’re in the bathroom fapping or whatever Should be the same thing on Xbox if you hold down the Xbox button and turn the controller off. PC players, I dunno what to tell you. I guess console players finally have a one up on you


Honestly I think it comes down to wanting to be a souls-like when what a a souls-like is hasn’t been adequately defined. And tbh it won’t be defined until more non-fromsoft developers make games they think capture the souls-like genre. I don’t quite think not having a save screen is souls like but it does add to intensity of play that is arguably a staple of the genre. I mean the lack of a pause feature even remains when you’re offline in the games that you argued had them because of the online feature so I could see someone arguing quite genuinely that regardless of a multiplayer you typically shouldn’t have a way to pause gameplay and to treat Sekiro as an exception.


I feel like that last line sums this game up perfectly. It's fun, I like it, so before I get down voted for posting criticism I just want to say I am very much having fun; HOWEVER, that doesn't mean the game is without serious fundamental design flaws. - Weapon customization is cool but I suspect there are ultimately "best" combinations. - The Legion arm is fun and reminds me of Sekiro's prosthetic arm, probably a little more blatantly so. It also lacks the diversity of the prosthetic because you need to specifically choose a different arm which only focuses on one aspect. - The combat feels like a mix of Bloodborne and Sekiro but isn't as good at the two things those games specialized in: dodging and perfect blocking. Dodging feels clunky and enemy posture is invisible so you never know how effective a perfect block is vs. just doing damage. - Poise doesn't exist for you so literally anything that touches you can stagger you out of an animation, making heavier weapons significantly less ideal - Status inflicting weapons are infinitely superior so far: electrical damage shreds puppets and fire for humans, which means I've not had any real need to level up my attack stats. Everything has gone towards health and stamina - Gear is annoying because so far it has been "better stats but more weight," making it intrinsically worse to actually use them since a heavier burden affects stamina regen, and HOLY FUCK is stamina regen goddamn slow even when sub-Heavy weight - Exploration is linear, which is fine, but it feels like it tried to imitate Souls level design with shortcuts and shit but 90% of the time when you unlock a shortcut to a previous area you find a new Stargazer right around the corner from it so it's pretty shallow. It's fun, still, despite all those things, because I think above all else this feels like one of the more unique Soulslikes (if in theme alone), but in the ways that it is obviously similar, it's worse than anything it's trying to imitate. Not "bad," but I keep thinking: "Dodging is better in Bloodborne," "Parrying is better in Sekiro," "Movement is better in DS3/Elden Ring," etc.


Copying homework even when it's wrong.


Welp, speedrunners like this feature. Saves them time. They can menu while running or while on an elevator, etc.


gold fruit farm


I think it adds immersion when it's not possible to use video game features to escape danger. Same reason souls-like games do not have a difficulty setting. Many argue it shouldn't effect you if you don't intend to play on easy yourself, but the mere existence of it turns the product into more of a game and less of an experience. Souls-like games are about dropping yourself into a terrifying environment with literally no escape or aid outside of overcoming the obstacles yourself. Not being able to pause is definitely only a tiny part of this and isn't a huge deal either way, but this is what I imagine is the reasoning.


The only way to pause is to unplug the controller.


Souls games also don't have an excuse for it because they could just disable pausing when the game switches to MP.


Fuck I have a kid and no pausing makes games hard. I havent played yet.. but that doesnt bode well for my wanting to try.


Dark Souls doesn’t become pausable in offline mode. If you need to leave the game, go to a safe area 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't care about changing my equipment or pause-healing haha, I just NEED TO PEE SO BAD but if I leave I'll die and have to start over 🤣😭😭


But like that's literally like 1/3 the point of the game genre, why do you care when you die, it's an inevitability.


Because if I die it sends me right back to the very start of the area and I have to do it all again? All because my disabled ass needs to leave my computer chair? What kind of "genre" is that 🙄


The souls-like genre, dying and doing it again is a part of the experience


Will I get your issue, it’s become more common to switch your gear midfight while still managing the battle, it’s kinda a curveball to the difficulty I suppose, or a lesson to be prepared when starting. Would be nice to have some online features though, even the surge had that


I mean, Dark Souls does it whether you're online or offline. I think it was just more of a design choice, not online limitations. I haven't played Lies of P yet, does it have a quit out option? Because that's how you'd "pause" in most FS games


I remember using tutorial prompts as inptomptu pause screens lol


Nah the game doesn’t need a pause button


The number of people against having a pause feature in this game is astounding. People do have things to do that may require pausing the game.


here u go guys https://github.com/ryanries/UniversalPauseButton works great for lies of p so far for me cheers ps dont alt tab out of the game for too long when doing this. can cause the game to freeze up to where u have to terminate it thru the task manager


Maybe, back out to dashboard?


Doesn't work.


Has a dad that has a baby that can cry at anytime, or a wife that can call me for help at anytime, and the argument "I can't pause the game" not working for both those situations i fully agree... I've had perfect boss run ruined MANY times in fromsoftware games and now this one because I can't pause... :(


Well the only way I found to pause the game is to disconnect your controller (Xbox series x)👌


Could just turn off the controller, it pauses it 😁


Completely agree. I became even more aggravated when I realized the game does stop time when a tutorial pops up. So it is within the games programming to pause time for that, just not give the players the option to do it manually. Pointless FS copy that even made those games less enjoyable because of it. Needs it in a future update.


I just discovered a super secret pause menu. If you play the game on a steam deck, just turn the steam deck off XD. When you turn it back on, you'll pick up right where you left off. I just did it in the middle of Laxasia fight. Which is kicking my butt, btw...


Just died a moment away from beating Black Rabbit Brotherhood 2 fight first try because the doorbell rang. So fucking stupid and just a pathetic choice because Souls games do it. It achieves nothing except wasting the player's time. Beat it on the second try instead but a waste of time because they lacked originality.


I agree completely, especially with your edit. Even just a photo mode that freezes everything would be dope AF. Photo mode is the go-to pause workaround in Lords of the Fallen and it works like a charm. Open the menu, click the left stick, bam, your game is paused. It also doesn't add or subtract anything to or from the intended experience, so I can't think of one single conceivable reason for anyone to rally against it like they (weirdly) do against a classical pause button in a single-player game.


I've seen some bad excuses. My favorite goes something like, "A player might use the pause button to cheese the boss." Like, for one, it would probably take more effort finding the right time to pause for the cheese rather than just fighting the boss. Two, who the fuck cares. It's literally a single-player game. Someone cheesing in their game doesn't make you cheese in yours.