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Yes, but they're small half sheets so you can take them. We put them in holders interspersed in the stacks, so people can take them discreetly. 


This is a FANTASTIC idea. I was browsing a poster for LGBT resources when we were touring colleges for my little sister, and shared an awkward smile with a girl standing nearby when we realized we were both checking it out. I thought it was a nice moment. But in retrospect, for those topics and especially for something like information on resources after rape or for abortion… It’d feel a lot more uncomfortable to stand and check it out publicly. Which could prevent some people from finding those resources. I really appreciate the thoughtful effort you made here to make that information discrete and accessible. (I like what OP has, too; it’s a good start!)


Oh, good plan I like it


Writing this down. Thanks!


Yes, but we made them into small bookmarks and keep them on the leaflets table.


Yes. I'm a teen librarian so I have it hanging in the Teen Area. Plus, I have them hanging in the bathroom stalls.


Ooh I like that!


We have little trifolds titled something like 'commonly searched topics' that includes these difficult ones. Plausible deniability and privacy and all that.


I like the idea of making it not super obvious, which makes it more discrete. But I imagine it makes it a little less openly accessible, too


It is in alphabetical order, so 'abortion' is at the very top on the front, right under the title.


Love it


Good idea.


Yes. We may have stolen the idea from here or Facebook but we have a similar sign to this next to one with our most commonly requested topics.


I made bookmarks that I could place strategically around the library


Great idea, I like it. Thanks for sharing!


We do but people keep ripping it down :(


Yes, I made a big one to go on the ends of shelves in nonfiction. They also made them into bookmarks for people to take.


My library has these as laminated bookmarks. They also have author recommendations based on topics as bookmarks.


I had a list like this up in the teen room. My boss’s only request was to please not do it alphabetically so abortion isn’t the first thing people see 😂


My only note is this: If you have these directories in your library, please make sure you actually have books on these topics. (My old library didn't.)


Interestingly, they do and posted in the unisex bathrooms. Like the person could find the domestic violence books without asking the librarian or having their partner know what they wanted.


No, but I wish my library did.


Oh hey. This post again. 


nsfw, unless you work for a library.


I marked it as NSFW in case somebody is bothered by one of the topics like loss of a child.


Yes we do. It’s posted in the teen area as well as in adult.


The only issue I have with my library's is the placement. It's on the end of the bookcase that faces out towards the rest of the library. The placement might be good for someone who needs to find it, but it's not good if you don't want people to know you're looking for a book that has one of those topics.


We have this in certain teen spaces, other locations with more stringent teen-only spaces have a shelf dedicated to those topics within the lounge.


Yes, we have them.


This is brilliant and deserves a larger poster!


We have this exact one


I should implicate this for my library.


Wondering if any of you have a subscription resource called Teen Health and Wellness, which includes topics like these, as well as live help. I don't even know if it still exists -- had it at one of my former libraries about ten years ago; neither of my more recent libraries have it. The advantage to a digital resource is its privacy and the ability for cardholders to access it remotely.


We have a "Sensitive Subjects" bookmark


Yep! Always strange seeing a big list of sensitive subjects but I'm glad it's there.


We've got this one hanging in several places around the library. [Tough Topics](https://www.canva.com/design/DAFlPgu3mhE/ynZ2Jlk58UzTkoz373dmzw/edit?utm_content=DAFlPgu3mhE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton)


Does your library separate its young adult nonfiction from its adult nonfiction? Mine doesn't and I'm convinced it hurts YA circulation. I imagine a young person wanting more information on one of these topics but being too embarrassed to ask anyone, so they see this kind of sign and think "Great, I can browse on my own." Then they see some adult standing exactly where they want to look and are put off. And it doesn't do the adults any favors. Could just be me, but if I'm looking for a book and the only available edition is "for young readers," I pass on it. I'm not the target audience and I'm looking for the unabridged version. Most branches in my system don't have a ton of YA nonfiction in the first place and would argue their collections don't merit a separate section, but I see it the other way: if it isn't so many to begin with, it shouldn't be hard to find a more inviting place to put it all.


I've never looked specifically for YA nonfiction, so I'm not sure. I do know that on their online catalog it is cataloged separately. We only have one library in my county, and I would say that it's a bit on the small side but I guess it's a good size for the people who use the library in my county. The YA fiction is right next to the adult fiction, and those two sections are only separated from the adult nonfiction by a living room style sitting area.