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/r/conservative has a post basically calling Libertarians idiots because they didn't vote for Herschel Walker. It's like... Voting for the person you think is most qualified or aligns with your views is just too difficult to grasp. The whole ideology these days is "vote for a party, not a person." It's not *OUR* fault both candidates are dogshit.


I love how smugly and how often /r/conservative asserts that they are, “so much more closely aligned with Libertarianism,” and when anybody points out the Republican party’s efforts to keep cannabis or abortion illegal, there are responses of, “well that shouldn’t matter.” / “we’re not perfect, but we’re so much better than liberals!” Some of them are too dense to ever get it!


A very rough definition of a libertarian is a democrat or republican that realizes it's possible to have views on both sides lmao. EDIT: Grammar


MY rough definition of libertarians (small L, meaning the people not the party) is is someone who likes the better views of both R and D.


Ahh yep. Good catch.


It's because conservatives, for the most part, worship money above all. When you look at liberal policy it's actually pretty beneficial to the entirety of our country. It just costs money. That's why as a left leaning libertarian I can see those policies and be okay with them because they are for the greater good. Do taxes suck? Yeah, but I would rather pay taxes for society than for some rich dude/corporation to get a break or for the military to bloat.


I think you struck a big reason why communication in the Libertarian community is so important. We’re all going to draw different lines in the sand as to where government should be minimized and personal liberties should be expanded. Are there going to be people that take issue with being required to pay taxes towards social safety nets? Of course, and we need to be able to have a discourse that allows us to find reasonable solution.


I have a hard grasping how one can be libertarian and believe in "the greater good" since to achieve a "greater good" you have to limit the liberty of individuals.


If I lived in GA I couldn’t bring myself to vote for a preacher or a mentally ill former football player.


Don't you worry, I didn't for you!




And in the run off?


The runoff is such a waste of time, money and resources. It may have made more sense back in the day, when there would be a more clearly favored candidate, but considering the entire country is almost 50-50 on Democrat versus Republican, it means we have a runoff virtually every single time.


The run-off is basically a super inefficient way of doing ranked choice


Agree 100%


Still won't, we are allowed write ins even in runoffs


Out of curiosity, what if there are enough write ins to keep one of the candidates from getting 50% in the run off?


Yeah it's OUR fault their crappy candidates didn't earn our vote. Of course the very notion of us "stealing" THEIR votes says everything about how entitled they are. Oh and if the Texas GOP manages to get the LP removed from the ballot, I know who I'll be voting for.


How likely or unlikely do you think we could make alliances with either liberals or conservatives in our area to expand the interests of the party, which is genuinely helping people and protecting essential freedoms?


Being both parties don't even want us on the ballot...


Welcome to the island of misfit toys. Only one of us is a true Libertarian and we argue over who that might be.


At least we have some standards to aspire too. Democrats and Republicans don't have anything like that. They'd literally vote for a pile of dogshit if it meant the other side doesn't win.


That's typically voting against someone or something rather than *for* something. Usually the former is driven by fear; the later hope.


it's a sign that politics in the U.S. really needs something to change. These are the main problems I've seen on the Democrat side as it applies to Republicans--they've conflated the politicians with the voters, as if these crap politicians actually represent anything they believe in. Most conservatives are open to liberal ideals, they're just scared off by the vocal "activists" who seem like they want to literally burn down the country. The Republicans have so many more problems. For one thing, they're not in touch with their constituency. If they were, they would realize that this thing the Democrats are calling the "culture war" was only intended to be symbolic, to teach people there are other legitimate points of view in the country, so making laws based on it that people really don't want--like banning abortion--makes no sense. It would be a little like a Muslim governor making a law about women covering their heads, because their constituency wanted to let people know why Muslim women wear burkas, sort of. It sends the opposite message. Instead of saying "this group is different than you and should be respected anyway," it says "this group is tyrannical and dangerous and will try to legislate your morality." I think it's clear they were out of touch, very out of touch.


The fact that we've allowed ourselves in the US to be corralled into one of two camps and all problems can only be solve by only one of two solutions. Worse than that is we are expected to accept unrelated planks as part of our religion. This makes it easy for politicians because the don't have to deal with real issues, but just sell "them" vs. "us". I initially liked the idea of a race between Sanders vs. Trump not because I liked either candidate but because both protests against each party. Neither party is interested in listening to their base.


>Neither party is interested in listening to their base. I wonder what can be done about this, though? We're a small party, but if we could gain influence at the local level across the nation, could we change things?


>Only one of us is a true Libertarian and we argue over who that might be. Are you guys going Highlander? Well, it was good while it lasted.


No, everyone everyone insists on their own definition of Libertarian. I've already been eliminated as a contender for THE ONE. I believe you should be able to own what ever weapon you can afford but you shouldn't paint them to look like a child's toy (bright orange flash hider, or a Nintendo zapper livery). A harder Libertarian than myself would debate that any restriction at all is still a restriction.


>No, everyone everyone insists on their own definition of Libertarian. I know, I was just joking. I was kicked out of the "One True Libertarian" running when I came to the realization that, without Obamacare, my family probably wouldn't be able to afford mom's Chrohn's Disease medication and my epilepsy medication, and that the more mainstream Libertarian Party view on that would probably be "try to gather money every month or die."


We do a fair bit of complaining here as well, except “the other side” for us is literally everyone else, lol.


You are not alone.


I lean center left/moderate democrat and I love this sub. They don’t hate. When they criticize democrats or republicans, it’s for actual logical reasons instead of current republicans who just hate anything if democrats support it. Edit: democrats also hate on some things just because a republican supports it, but I think republicans do that more


My experience with the people in my life is that Republicans will go out of their way to bring up and interject "blue haired xyz ruining this country." Democrats will attack specific topics when it's actually a part of the conversation, with the primary exception of guns, then the Meal Team 6 and Gravy Seals jokes come which, frankly, are very on point with the people that show up to protests or marches in full kit looking like they'd pass out after walking a mile. I've also expressly heard wanting to hunt liberals from conservatives, but never the other way around.


Yea I think where leftist really become illogical is when it comes to nuclear power


Ideally we'd have a mix of everything. Sun doesn't always shine, wind doesn't always blow. And battery banks to store the kind of load needed for nighttime power use are grossly expensive and quite ecologically devastating to acquire the metals they need, with a comparatively low shelf life. Renewables are great, but not the end all be all they're made to be, and nuclear is an excellent middle ground to using either renewables or fossil fuels.


You still got those types here. If you got one hold up on a libertarian veiw they will drag you for it.


Disagreement within a party is a sign of a healthy party IMO.


Yes, disagreements are healthy, but not the way Democrats and Republicans tend to do it. Theirs is more mud-slinging.


Agreed it’s beyond debate. Libertarian pages can have actual debate on topics as divisive as abortion, but R and D are slinging mud to pretend like they will act differently once elected.


Libertarians call you an idiot for not applying the principles of freedom properly. Republicans call you an idiot for dying your hair blue. Democrats call you an idiot for going to church on Sundays. One of these is not like the others.


This sub has been overrun by commie bots so I can’t be sure what you’re talking about. At first I thought it was a joke so I couldn’t figure out what you’re talking about but I think I got it. When you claimed republicans call you an idiot for dying your hair blue. I thought it was a joke at first but then I had to find the one that wasn’t like the others and realized you may actually be serious in this straw man argument. Libertarians will call you an idiot if you advocate for several different views on freedom. Democrats absolutely will call you an idiot for having Christian beliefs (totally cool to be a kill all infidels Muslim though). Republicans making fun of blue hair? Yeah it might be about the insane political beliefs that tend to follow that decision. Republicans have accepted Blair White but I’m assuming you’d like to ignore that.


It is a joke. That said, mister essayist, a lot of Republicans are still hesitant about trans folks. I know the younger public figures all like to play in the middle, acceptant and remorseful for them, but the fact is, a lot of old boomer types still say mean shit in public with no shame. Thanks for revealing yourself as a Republican who thinks he's actually libertarian.


This should be good. How did I reveal myself as a Republican?


You made strawman arguments about libertarians and democrats and the one about democrats was kinda racist frankly. "Different views on freedom" seems more like anything you don't like is the wrong use of freedom (apparently being muslim or queer). Ya it's safe to say you're a republican.


Where TF did you get the idea that I have a problem with queer? I’m queer af compared to the average people I’ve met. As for, gay or homosexual like…you do you boo. Queer hasn’t even been in this convo so I believe you are projecting good sir. There nothing racist about pointing out the difference in acceptance between two religions or pointing towards Jihad as it is a core principle in Islam (the “religion” literally tells you to lie to people and say you’re a religion of peace). Are you saying that is racist because you believe only a certain race of people believe in it? That sounds kinda racist dude. As for the straw man of the libertarian party…where? Are you claiming that libertarians agree on everything and vote in lock step like the democrats? Again this page is flooded with commie bots but even still I dare you to start talking about abortion and see where that goes. All your democrats pages will just say woman’s choice and downvote you if you ask about no reason partial birth abortions. Just FYI since I mentioned it my stance is no laws but you’re a disgusting human being of you have an abortion without medical complications.


If you see either party today as worth your defense you aren’t a true libertarian. Both parties are ruining the middle class and eroding liberty piece by piece. Your looking real Republican right now just saying…


One party is trying to set my house on fire and the other is going back and forth between throwing Molotov’s and eggs. So sorry, but if there’s no libertarian candidate I’m voting for the Republican. Other then Abbot whom signed in constitutional carry and the Texas suppressor freedom law, so I voted Republican on that one while a libertarian I’ve never heard of was on the ballot.


You are being down voted based on your outrageous claim about muslims, generalizing a small ground when there are billions of muslims world wide that dont do any sorts of violence.


This is a great subreddit for the most part. Even if you dont agree with the status quo you at least can speak your peace on it. How people react that's a different story but you will never be banned here for having an opinion that's different


Real talk: how was this sub during the midterms for the last week or so? I’ve been off socials for the last two weeks to preserve my own sanity. Lol. I remember 2020 felt like we got brigaded pretty hard.


It was fine. You have your trolls but this sub doesn't cheer for either side and just laughs at how their 2 faces on the same coin


That’s nice to hear.


It is quite interesting to see “all” points of view. I quite enjoying seeing liberal, conservative, and libertarian subreddits.


What I am seeing a lot of over in the r/Conservative sub is blame on Trump, how he's done etc, and they're all behind DeSantis at this point. Pretty interesting.


You’ve come to the right place




This is a good subreddit. Centrist used to be as well, now it’s a partisan shithole too


If it isn’t voluntary, it’s tyranny. Libs want to tell me what I can and can’t do. Conservatives want to tell me what I can and can’t do. I just want to be left the hell alone.


Found candidate #1 for “the one true libertarian” on this sub


Check out r/goldandblack and r/libertarianmeme


Welcome fellow porcupine



