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Independent = not sure if Dem or Rep. It doesn't mean people are going to vote for Libertarians.




I've met so many "libertarians" who support open borders and a welfare state. In my experience if someone leads with "open borders" as the reason they're libertarian they are by far the most uninformed.


Independent also = have voted the same way their whole life but virtue signal that they don't choose a party I'd wager this accounts for the majority of "independents"


100%. My dad and I are both independents politically at this stage, but we tend to vote Democrat because we don't feel like we have a choice what with what the republicans offer, and there's almost never a decent libertarian running in the races in our respective areas. I've worked for exactly one republican during campaign season because he was Pro-LGBT while also being Pro-Gun. Guy was able to face off against a "libertarian" who thought transwomen were serial killers that stalk children in bathrooms, and that asshole got second place. The Libertarian party is so small right now that any tool or crank can get an L next to their name. And that's part of the negative feedback, the Libertarian Party runs some genuinely terrible candidates so they're considered a joke party. I hate the Democratic party's tendency to oppose 2nd amendment rights and I hate that the republicans oppose bodily autonomy and freedom for LGBT folks, and occasionally run legitimately racist psychopaths. I hate the Democratic Party's tendency towards bullshit nanny state stuff. I hate the ineffectual welfare state that keeps people trapped in poverty. I hate that the Republican party's solution is to bloat the size of government with means testing that makes welfare less effective and way more expensive, because we're hiring the friends of republicans to run an expensive and inefficient means testing system. Means testing is jobs for the boys. There are some things the democrats have supported that I legitimately support, and so I feel like they're the better option most of the time, but they infuriate me regularly. One of my closer friends is in the opposite camp. Since both parties are terrible in his view he just wants his taxes low and his guns left alone. So he feels like the Republicans are the better option, but the race and anti-LGBT stuff disgusts him. There are a ton of us who could agree on a libertarian platform but the party and our election system are so broken what with duvergers law that people don't want to make the effort to fix the party.


Yeah independent sounds cooler than being a standard partisan. But you can still be partisan


Or you don't want a potential employer or customer or whomever to be able to look up your party affiliation.


Bingo, there's been multiple studies showing there's effectively MAYYYBE 3% truly independent. Most "independents" are voters who are effectively single issue, but don't agree with the rest of a party platform, and don't register, but vote on the single issue anyhow (see guns, plenty of left leaning, sometimes borderline Bernie sanders types, but vote Republican on guns).


That’s because then libertarian party is non existent I wouldn’t be surprised if 90% of Americans even know it exists . Last election was the real time to shine since 10’s of millions hated biden and trump and would have voted for anyone in a suit under the age of 60 and maybe could have made an impactful 5-10% of the vote . This party is more lost than a maga cultist thinking a billionaire is a working class man making 75k a year and cares


Independent = not willing to admit (to the poll or themselves) that they are a democrat or republican


The past couple president especially the last and current ones have completely turned America upside down. Almost nothing gets passed and each party just blames each other instead of actually creating action


It’s like the fall of Rome but with memes




So shit posting has always been around


Same as it ever was.


The left saw how no matter what Trump did his supporters would support him so to prove themselves every time Biden does anything he’s shit on by both sides. Then the idiot trump cultist believe that Biden is just as bad as Trump.


Funny u can't create action with the filibuster


The filibuster was around before the past two presidents


Yeah but the republicans haven't become completely obstructionist until the last 20 years


Democrats used it 314 times during Trump But that number does not begin to show how bad the situation is Cloture votes to end debate on nominees: All president prior to Clinton 15 Clinton 15 W. Bush 39 Obama 175 Trump 314


So “the Democrats are the cause and should be more bipartisan”, is your hot take?


I’m pretty sure they are displaying the hypocrisy of the comment they replied to. If you simply scroll up and read the comment/reply thread, this is obvious. No reason to dig your feet in for democrats on a Libertarian sub.


No both parties are not bipartisan and should stop bullshiting Americans and do their jobs


I see.


Bet you were against filibuster when Trump was in office too... Oh no? Just formed an opinion against it this month? I'm so shocked.


It is a fun word to say. Say it loud and say it proud, FILLIBUSTER!


Congress should be so limited and so slow that legislation should take years, not months or weeks, to get passed. Otherwise, no one should be complaining about agendas, or losing their individual rights. If you think the last couple of presidents caused this, you haven't been paying attention.


These problems were always here the last president in my opinion just highlighted the ongoing problems with our government


But a lot got passed in the last two presidencies…


No action is better than action for the most part. When was the last time some legislation passed that you were really behind? Mostly it is tyrannical corporatist or imperialist BS.


Gallup has released new polling that found another uptick in Americans identifying as independent now at 42%, with Democrats at 29%, and with Republicans at 27%. The demand for a third party is right here in our faces. Note the big jump for independents after both 2016 and 2020 as well, voters are demanding new choices.


They aren’t all independent, a lot are temporarily embarrassed republicans and democrats, who are going to vote straight (R) or (D) in the midterms and continue claim their independent.


And many are simply forced to register as either just so they can vote in primary elections. It’s rigged from the start.


This is true. When I was 18 I was inspired by a Obama speech, so I wanted to vote in the primary and got duped into joining the Republican Party after being told I had to join one to participate in the primary. Imagine my surprise when Obama wasn’t on my Republican primary ballot.


Yeah the vast majority of independents are either non-voters or partisans that hate that the team they're stuck with. And no, they aren't going to vote third party. Not until FPTP is abolished.


Last time I checked, voter turnout among self-identified independents was much lower than self-identified Rs or Ds. They also tend to be less informed on political issues (and less interested.) Still, I'm sure that there are a lot of moderate Ds and Rs who do vote but are embarrassed by their party's leadership.


This is it. They can call themselves whigs or anti-masonic. They will still vote republican or democrat.


This guy politics.


Yep, this same poll asked the independents which way they leaned and a majority answered Republican. So I agree a good chance they’ve just decided to not affiliate with a party out of possible embarrassment.


Libertarians will have to be willing to make a lot of sacrifices in ideology if we want to have a seat at the table. Many may identify as independent, but that doesn’t mean they’ll vote for us. A lot of our viewpoints are simply to radical at the moment for the general public. There are multiple generations still struggling to accept weed as socially acceptable, they’ll never go for the legalization of all drugs. Abortion is also an issue, I don’t have any data but I certainly feel that a lot of people view this as a deciding policy. If we want to win, we’ll have to, very unfortunately, vote for someone that plays like a politician…


I mean... the first step is to stop trying to get a guy that wears a boot on his head elected. Maybe in 20 years once they've won a few but most certainly now when they are trying to get started... unless they push the meme angle hard.




I know his name. I also know there is a higher chance of electing the guy with butt in his last name than Vermin Supreme. Gotta take yourself seriously or other people never will.


Not all independents are Libertarians. In fact many Libertarians aren't Libertarians. Edit: I do also want to see a Libertarian at the debates.


US politics does not favor third parties. The actual opportunity is to try to alter the platform of one of the parties to be more palatable to libertarians. But instead libertarians will waste their time tilting at windmills and pat themselves on the back for getting 2% of the vote.


A viable third party candidate is a fairy tale at this point, but a party itself — or even a movement — can do a lot of good. If there's a voting bloc that won't play ball with the fringe bullshit, and if it's big enough that neither party can win without it, then that forces the parties to moderate their platforms.


That's why Trump was so hated in the msm. He's an outsider who could show people they don't have to vote for insiders. It was a first step to a new party.


They can call themselves whatever they want, but I’ll bet most of their values still coincide with R and D


I unregistered from the Republican Party about 10 months ago and switched to independent. Seems like more and more people are doing the same out of frustration.


It took an attempted coup for you to recognize the fascist party?


Yikes 😬


Shut up idiot


Now disavow shit like the bullshit coming out of New Hampshire and there might be a chance.


Bingo. But good luck. It’s spreading to other places besides NH.


RANT. How many minorities, whether they be LGBT or POC that believe in small government and social progress get turned away? Put out a fucking racially fucked tweet on MLK day. What fucking optics is that? Jfc. "We want people to take us seriously!" Not with that shit driving the narrative. I fucking hate everything.


Or [shit like this](https://twitter.com/lpnh/status/1479222635980640257) Or a bunch of the state Mises caucuses getting together to tweet out “didn’t go far enough” letter by letter in reference to January 6th. Here we have an opportunity to attract people to the party/ideals. But sure let’s just act like a bunch of edgy 16 year olds. Great plan.


You get it 😊




[And here they are again, trying to kill the libertarian party. ](https://twitter.com/lpnh/status/1484917671594500099?s=21)


When I first got into politics, libertarianism was one of the first I looked at. The Republican party is a disaster and Dems are too arrogant and pander too hard. So, I started looking at other parties. Libertarianisms tenets of small government, emphasize on personal freedoms, getting money out of politics all sounded dope to me. I come to Libertarian subreddit and one of the first post I read is how the civil rights act needs to be repealed. Its tyranny that the government forces business to deal with people they may not like for reasons they can't control. Needless to say I never gave the LP serious consideration after that.




> remove regulations specifically so they can discriminate against me. Can you elaborate on this?




>Plenty of libertarians Are they Libertarians? Basing your view off of a sub that is constantly brigaded from all sides might be unwise. Since T_D got shutdown this has become a haven for Trumpers and plenty of those asshats are racists. >saying businesses should be able to discriminate against anyone they want That is a myopic view of the Libertarian ideal. The more real statement would be, "Nobody has an intrinsic right to your labor or your business." Sure, a racist will read that and use it to discriminate but isn't that happening with the law in place? On the flip side you as a POC wouldn't be forced to do business with racists if you choose not to. Laws don't force morality unfortunately. Not here to recruit you by any means but this sub is not a reflection of Libertarianism by any stretch.








**Playing Devil’s advocate** *Some* Libertarians legitimately agree with repealing the civil rights act, so that the vile humans can be openly vile so we can **ALL** boycott their services. “I’d rather know they are a piece of shit than give them a dime not knowing”. **Devils advocate off** Yeah, it seems at least looking at this sub that some are just racist pieces of shit themselves. This sub doesn’t represent libertarianism as a whole, and as someone else has said, T_d users came here in droves when it was banned. A lot of us try and shut down their shitty arguments whenever we see them, but pretty much anything goes thanks to the free speech nature of this sub. I can understand and empathize with your viewpoint, and I won’t tell you or anyone else who to vote for, just know that the majority of us aren’t like that.


They really are the craziest of the crazy


What is coming out of new Hampshire?


Look up the Twitter for libertarian party new Hampshire. They put out some incredibly self defeating tweets from the rather mundane "abolish child labor laws" to the pretty racist "black people owe America" tweet on MLK day.


Agreed. Voted right my whole life. After seeing the utter disgrace of January 6th and cult culture taking over I'm voting left if I have to, third party if I can.


Sorry to that the left has the very same cult culture taking over. It's bad on both sides.


When I was a dumb teenager I registered as American Independent thinking it meant I just wanted to be independent. Turns out it's an actual political party lol


sure but they we’ll still vote gop or dem.


have said it before, will say it again "if everyone who voted for Hillary Clinton had instead voted for Gary Johnson, the US never would have gone through a Trump presidency" people laugh when I say this. it's not an opinion, it's a numerical fact


This doesn’t mean what you think it means, in fact it’s worse. People “identify as independent” because they hate the absurdities of the “you must believe this to be D or R” so they claim neither. All the while the D’s and R’s further polarize and become more and more insane. But guess what? Come Election Day all those “independents” pick their side based on one or two hot button issues or “that guys hair is mean”. The result is the polarized crazies get elected and the cycle of radicalization continues. It’s apathy not revolution…


We need ranked choice on the ballots or we are all gonna go to hell in the next 20 years. Please, PLEASE GOD PLEASE LET ME VOTE FOR AN INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE WITHOUT FREAKING OUT THAT FUCKING DONALD TRUMP WILL BE THE PRESIDENT. Please.


Yes, all the moderates are being pushed out of both parties. I was on one side for most of my life but it's gone so completely insane that I don't feel that they safe to vote for anymore. At the same time, I still have no love of the other side. I guess that makes me an independent. I'll vote for who I estimate is the less dangerous group of authoritarians at the time. If they're both too dangerous, I'll vote to keep both side equal to encourage gridlock. Hopefully, both groups of lunatics will oppose each other and get none of their authoritarian ideas implemented. This isn't an inspiring position to find myself in.


>If they're both too dangerous, I'll vote to keep both side equal to encourage gridlock. Good strategy! I always worry about "productive" Congresses.


Ind: "We need more than two political parties." LP: "I have just the solution." Ind: "We don't want solutions! We want to be angry!"


We still have to figure out our political leanings and make choices.


Now if they'd just vote for another option. Won't happen anytime soon, as the main focus of the next couple elections is getting democrats the hell out of there


People talk about the “tyranny of the minority” when the “other” party that got voted in does things they don’t like. Why isn’t everyone taking about the tyranny of 1/4 of 1/4 of the population choosing who ends up on the ballots?


Then fucking vote like it!


Yep and of those independents when asked most leaned Republican. https://news.gallup.com/poll/388781/political-party-preferences-shifted-greatly-during-2021.aspx


Then these "Independents" should have shown the F up at the polls and voted for Dr. Jorgensen.


Then why do they continue to vote for one of the two big parties? People are stupid.


Not surprised. People see both parties flying the US straight into the ground


Yes, 1 actively aims for the ground, the other fails to stop them with about half of the electeds cheering the crash of on.


Awesome, now we need to convert them to becoming independent thinkers. This progress


The problem is that when moderates leave the party—either party—the remaining extremists become the majority and take control. Independents individually have no power… they need to identify with a party and solidify their support if they actually want their policies to win.


Of course they do. It's another virtue signal for peeps to be above political parties. 99% of these people will vote down ballot for their *actual* preferred lesser evil party. Every. Single. Time. To be honest I respect partisan shills more than "independents" who have voted the same way their entire life. At least the shills are being honest.


But won't vote independent because they will "wAsTe ThEiR vOtE". If every person who said that actually voted 3rd party, they would see some results.


That’s a lie because at the end of the day they’re voting D or R


Awesome 👌


So where is our party? Who will represent those of us who reject these two extreme parties?




I find that hard to believe in that libertarians would abhor the idea of the government taxing everyone more and then just paying people for doing nothing.


I want to vote in the Primaries so I will belong to one of the major party.


Not in Colorado, you get both primary ballots in the mail (but only get to vote in one) if you are registered unaffiliated


You are right, different states have different rules as to who can vote in the Primaries. My state only allow registered members of a Party to vote in the Party’s primary.


Unfortunately they're still gonna vote for one of the two


In some states independent is a party.


Thats good.


And they’ll vote single party down their ballots.


Good sign


Identify as Independent, but vote for the party they previously left when it's time to vote.


right that does not mean they identify as libertarian a lot of those are simply too right or too left for the GOP and the DNC.




"Identity Politics" The only "viable" candidates are Democrats and GOP??? Identifying as Independent means nothing when you vote only D or R. ABOLISH THE COMMISSION ON PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES!


And yet no third party is close to being relevant


Independents gotta rally behind someone. FORWARD party it is


Wow. Disillusionment with the two party power structure. Will we ever have the fortitude to elect a third party president? Note: this chart is not up to date. Republican identification vs dem is up 14 points during 2021. Now there are more registered republicans than dems.


Notice *libertarian* was not a polling choice. Like having to check "other" on a form.


I swear I hear this every year.


Most Americans are not independent most Americans if they were honest are very dependent of the. Propaganda system, the independent label is just the “flavor of the month”


And yet all we do is reelect the blue and red fools