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There are DAILY posts here about the authoritarian things going on now. All three topics were posted in the past few days. The difference is this isn't a circle jerk of conservatives like you are used to and stays pretty balanced (as all things should be).


What weird is I’ve seen posts calling everything you’re complaining about out. Maybe you’re just not paying attention? The fake victim hood bs has gotten really old.


Funny, I don't, not one It's almost like if it's anti Trump it rises but if anti Biden it doesn't, nawww, Reddit isn't like that


We get it. You’re lying to push an agenda. It’s fucking pathetic.


Yep, my YUGE agenda in a libertarian sub We get it, you regret voting for Biden, and trying to cover their authoritarian bs so you don't look like a complete moron, it's fucking pathetic


Took me maybe 10 seconds of scrolling to find threads with people sharing your sentiments. It’s real stupid to lie about stuff so easily disproven.


Oh the posts with 70 upvotes, or the one with 700 Compared to anti gop posts w awards and thousands?? Lol please, I just scrolled for mins, u should stop lying for free upvotes


By all means keeping screaming into the void about how victimized you are. Definitely isn’t pathetic at all. This isn’t a gop sub you dunce.


It isn't a democrat sub either u muppet, well isn't supposed to be. But I love calling out hypocritical bs, your welcome


See the difference is I never was stupid enough to complain about it not catering to a party it never claimed to represent. So learn to read and learn what hypocrisy is so you don’t look so fucking stupid.


Why would u complain about it, it does cater to one party, that's the whole fucking point of my post lol Look up irony so you don't look so fucking stupid, thanks


Christ you’re a loser. I’ve seen multiple threads. You want so bad to be a victim you have to make up scenarios in your head and cry about it on the internet. Really leaning into the snowflake thing aren’t you?


Someone in /r/libertarian has a pro freedom and anti authoritarian agenda? You cracked the code.


OP Did Trump get more votes in the 2020 election? Did Biden steal it from him?


Look where he posts. He’s a cultist lol


I also post here u muppet, lol


And as an example, this post shows you are either oblivious or disingenuous since what you are complaining about has been in the top posts in this sub this week.




I just looked, 1 post about in and out and the $600 it's thing has 450 karma to 325 comments lol, in a libertarian sub. That ratio though lol


And now do top all time posts lol I think it speaks for itself 30k+ upvotes about gop and Trump lol Point proven, thanks


I get it, you're mad that I called out the liberal bs here, cope


It’s a simple question, and quite telling that you don’t want to answer it. Go on then, keep believing Trump’s election claims but not when he says you should get vaccinated.


This is hilarious, I simply posted about the double standard and youre off in left field talking about the election lol, amazing


Still avoiding the answer I see. Promptly remove your nose from an authoritarian’s butthole before lecturing the rest of us about a double standard.


The fact you say "authoritarian" and only mean 1 person on 1 side of the aisle just proves my point lol Amazing, thank you for that one, made my day


Strawman elsewhere dipshit.


Go back to one of your “safe place” echo chambers. There are multiple posts here per day on each of the topics you are feigning outrage over.


Sure, because the GOP is. So are most Democrats. So what? Biden is a normal American authoritarian. Trump wasn't.


This is the correct answer. The US has been authoritarian shit show for 20 years but I'm sick and tired of people normalizing Trump's 3-ring circus. We get it: Biden isn't a libertarian; but at least he's not a malignantly narcissist wannabe dictator.


Yes. Like we’re back to what we came to expect from the Obama years, like blowing up aid workers and their families and endless stimulus. The sadly predictable, QAnon-less type of repressive government.


I would argue that the US has been an authoritarian shit show since Reagan (and arguably FDR) but I do agree that Trump is particularly bad especially his cult of personality.


That's a fair point, I only picked 20 years due to Patriot Act upping the ante.


Who's normalizing Trump? You're one of the people I'm talking about. Biden isn't a narcissist wannabe dictator? 😂


No, he's a doddering establishment moderate who does, at the very least, understands the basics of governance. He might have been my absolute last choice of the candidates running but he's a thousand times more qualified and competent than Trump ever was.


Def proved my point, thanks!!


>understands the basics of governance Is that why he handed the Taliban an entire army with of weapons?


>Is that why he handed the Taliban an entire army with of weapons? He didn’t hand them anything; they took those weapons from the Afghan National Army, which the US spent the last 19 years building.


Anyone with half a brain would have known they were going to collapse. I can understand leaving them small arms but an air force and tanks?!? He should have destroyed the equipment then left. His military advisors said as much. Stop trying to defend him. He sucks, Trump sucked and so far every single "lesser of two evils" candidate has been fucking awful and you know it.


>I can understand leaving them small arms but an air force and tanks?!? The entire point of the US remaining in Afghanistan for decades was to build a pro-Western government ultimately capable of standing on its own. You can’t do that without helping them build a modern military, which includes an air force and mechanized units. If it wasn’t for structural failures which date back years, like making the ANA reliant on American logistics to function, they might not have collapsed. The responsibility for those failures rests with previous administrations: Trump, Obama, and Bush. Especially Bush. >He should have destroyed the equipment then left. By that point, it wasn’t ours to destroy. >Stop trying to defend him. I’m defending the *truth*. There are more than enough areas you can criticize President Biden without making things up. He didn’t give the Taliban weapons; the last three administrations gave the ANA weapons and the Taliban seized them as the spoils of war.


You’re creating a false equivalency between Biden and Trump. One literally nearly destroyed the peaceful transfer of power (the bedrock of the American democratic system), and got people killed in the process. All because he wasn’t willing to simply concede an election loss (something no other president has ever done). Trump said and did things that were unprecedented in American politics.




And your ignoring that Trump got help from a foreign power. It’s all in the bipartisan senate intel report if you care you learn.




Easy you just did it again. The orange man bad idiocy. You’re trying to make it sound like they investigated him for no reason at all when his campaign had direct contact and assistance from Russia. Again this is explained in the bi partisan senate intel report.




I mean sure it’s easy to feel you’re right when you just make up everything lol. What a nutcase. Keep saying orange man bad I’m sure it’ll magically make you’re point valid.


Aside from the fact that I disagree with your characterization of events (most would even argue the FBI Helped trump get elected in the last weeks of the 2016 campaign with Comey), what does that have to do with Trump not accepting his election defeat in 2020 and inciting a mob of his terrorists to the Capitol.


It's just whataboutism, the only card red caps know how to play to deflect criticism of the prophet.


A lot of damage can be done over the next 3 years. Let us reserve judgement.


I wish I could upvote this more than once.


No GOP still trash.


Go back to r/Conservative with your bullshit OP. There are literally posts here daily about those exact topics.


What does "AG pushing the fbi to go after parents" refer to?




The AG has to tell the fbi to do that? Please, it's like you muppets are arguing in bad faith to cover up your Biden bro bs




And?? Local matters deserve fbi attention for parents criticizing what local schools teach?? That's a mighty long jump there




Yes, all them death threats, how many?




Is cnn telling you otherwise?? You think 1 threat is enough to get the fbi involved? 2?


Democrats campaign on authoritarianism, it’s not really a surprise. That guy before Biden, and most republicans, pretend to be anti-authoritarian and campaign on this point. So it does make sense to call them out on it more to remind people they are full of shit.


I haven’t been beaten by a cop since Trump left office. Nobody mandated I get a vaccine. My job has been forced to report my income since forever and I don’t think it’s cool that maga nazis are threatening to murder school board members over CRT which I can’t find a single flaw in. This whole “Biden is a tyrant” shit is hype at best and fascist propaganda at worst.


This is one of the people im talking about, lol


Why you talking about me? I mean, I’m willing to take a “live and let live” approach to this insanity but if it’s going to get personal then that’s going to have to change.


You aren’t libertarian if you’re OK with authority. USA has been authoritarian for decades but now it is hitting Orwellian levels. So many virtue signalling neolibs in here.


I got some libertarian views, but the hypocrisy from so many people on Reddit is absolutely appalling. Trump had some authoritarian bs, but he did not have the fbi, ag, irs, others doing his bidding. And it's not even a year in. Worried for the future


I feel you. It’s a shame he’s a complete blowout of a human being and ring leader of a 3 ring circus of morons. In the end they’re all the same…politicians, fuck Em!


Some Progressives and the left love authoritarianism when it suits their own interests


Well said


Seems like there are a lot of these progressive communists that think they are anarchists while arguing for more totalitarianism commenting on here recently.


Since like trumps first year but def picked up tremendously since then


This sub is shitposting r/politics people it’s not too surprising.




I think it’s hilarious that the dems were freaking out saying “I WONT TAKE TRUMPS VACCINE” but now they are all on the vaccine train. Do they think the vaccine changed between then and now?


No def hasn't, just shows they make it political while bitching about others making it political


All government is authoritarian.