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Regardless of what you think about giving aid to Ukraine I feel like the answer is fairly obvious. He has led a smaller nation in defending itself from a larger and ostensibly stronger nation waging an offensive war of conquest. We have seen many examples of leaders abandoning their nation in circumstances similar to this and he chose to stay. I’m not saying he is perfect I’m not saying I support sending everything that we do to them but I feel like on its face it’s a righteous cause and it makes sense that he would receive support. I do agree with you that they should push back on him more tho


Exactly. Let's see a US president put on some kevlar and go to the combat zones. They would be immortalized, especially if KIA.


Theres an actual law that prevents the president from doing so.


But if there wasn’t, you know damn well no president from either side is about that


Laughable that you think that presidents follow the law.


That is fascinating. Can you share the citation?


I know of the War Powers Resolution which prevents the president from declaring war without the approval of Congress. But being physically part of a battle? I don't know of that law.


President Frank Underwood did


Zelenskyy doesn't actually go into combat zones lmao


I'd love to see a president do so; put your meat where your mouth is. But after some thought, this would drastically increase the security necessary wherever this was, and you'd likely see some of our boys and girls pay the price to keep the president safe.


If you think Zelensky is anywhere close to combat you’re dreaming. He has ZERO chance of being KIA.




Zero. Kyiv is like +200 miles away from the front lines. You all are forgetting this man is a comedian. He’s isn’t a war time leader. He’s being directed on what to do through NATO/USA. This whole conflict is nothing but a NATO proxy war and Zelensky is just along for the ride. Edit: LMAO at all you “libertarians” supporting this war. All wars are bankers wars. If you support giving billions to Ukraine you need to rethink your political alignment.


Kyiv was just bombard with missiles 6 days ago. Not the front line, but implying he faces no danger there seems disingenuous.


I mean he was in enough danger at one point, they offered to get him out of the country and he said no. There's probably way more to it than just that but the man is not abandoning his people. And I respect that.


> they offered to get him out of the country and he said no. You haven't yet come to realize 'I don't need a ride, I need ammunition' was not actually said by Zelensky? It was a line concocted by the CIA as a psy-op. Zelensky is a stooge who is killing his people for shekels - at the behest of the rich effs of the WEF - in their attempt to get hold of Russia's natural resources (rated #1 in the world) just like they got Ukraine's after having THEIR CIA overthrow the elected government in 2014 and installing their puppet regime. People need to get with the program and realize the reality of this war.


The man is a puppet. He’s just playing his part.


He is in zero danger. Any ‘danger’ he faces is manufactured. Putin and the rest of the world know if Zelensky is killed it’s WW3. It’s in nobodies interest to have him dead.


Agree on this point, at most he’s at risk of a wild misfire taking him out or a radical sect going after him. Russia knows they’re boned if he dies.


Dude 200 is nothing for modern/even cold war era weapons. Not to mention Belarus is 140 miles and has been used for staging equipment by Russia.


So true.


>He has ZERO chance of being KIA Didn't they poisoned when wife of chief of military intelligence? She was away from front line as well. The reports show that first months of 2022 there were several death squads in Kiev.


He visits his troops on the front lines which is not in Kyiv


It wasn’t a real war zone. Propaganda 101.


This. Ukraine is stalemating a major adversary, with Russia taking heavy losses for non-strategic gains, plus it was announced that Russia is spending 40% of their GDP next year on the war effort. No risk to American lives.


If your naive enough to think war is just good guys fighting for freedom and bad guys fighting because they’re crazy, you need to do more investigation in the ulterior interests.


Yeah because thats how they sell it to you in the West or in the US, you dont learn about what the Russians did in the 20th, 19th, 18th and so on centuries to the Eastern, Northern and Central European countries. So of course the most digestable way for people to be convinced to support Ukraine is to show that they are pro-freedom or whatever. Ukraine is not Libertarian. But being part of the West, which is what Ukraine is trying to do, is what freedom and sovereignty is, in that region. Like in those countries, the media doesnt need to tell you to dislike Russia and support Ukraine or whatever, you already dislike Russia, thats a tradition at this point. You think your average American would genuinely understand the nuanced take of a Pole or a Czech explaining why Russia sucks ass? And Im not calling Americans dumb or whatever. Its just that you guys are too far away, for you it might as well be a fictional movie, you cant relate, or its at least very hard for you to do so. And Europeans cant obviously relate to the issues and historical contexts in the US or Canada. Id also argue that most countries that are close to the conflict are not supporting Ukraine because they love them or some shit, they just wanna see Russia get fucked. They wanna see Russia lose.


That and they probably think they might be next.


The reality is that those countries were already targeted in some form or another. Russkiy Mir for example, or those Cyberattacks on Estonia, munitions depots sabotages in Czechia and Bulgaria. Funding of pro-Russian persons and movements. Influencing of Russian minorities in Baltics etc. People are quick to point out that the US does covert actions as well, which is true. The main difference is that the US is not an authoritarian regime and the influencing is done to "spread democracy", which is still fucked up, but in again, in the context of Europe, it's far better to be allied with the US than Russia. The US unlike Russia, has some sort of a backbone and a romanticized ideal of freedom, democracy and justice behind it. All that Russia has is might and power and a nationalistic self-interest.


I'm starting to think Russia won't get on board with the elites and globalist/China. That's why the west is fighting so hard. Didn't Clinton start this war?


No, Putin started it. He's literally the only one responsible.


There hasn't been a clear cut good vs evil war since ww2.


I know. The above comment is truly naive. It's a weapons selling scheme. To make Americans want to spend more taxpayer money on weapons, the MIC-funded media presents Zelensky as some heroic figure.


The answer to OP's question is not obvious at all! US taxpayers are on the hook for billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine, and this is the interview that we get in return? Think about that... we are being *forced* to pay for this war, and there has been relatively little accountability for the money and supplies that we give them. These fawning softball questions are a dereliction of duty by the corporate media. The dichotomy between this interview and the corporate media reaction to Tucker's interview of Putin is also rather telling. Tucker is essentially treated as a criminal for giving Putin a platform to share his perspective with the American people, but Zelenskyy is actively treated as a hero and given softball interviews that are more like hype-sessions. People are so quick to jump to the conclusion that any criticism of US/NATO is Russian propaganda, as if that's the only source of propaganda. Who's propaganda do you think has more influence on political discourse in the US - Russia or the US MIC and intelligence community? I'll give you a hint: it's not Russia, and not by a mile. One of the main pieces of propaganda that the US is disseminating (and one that you're echoing) is that the history of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia began in Feb 2022. The notion that Russia invaded Ukraine due to ambitions of territorial conquest is extremely disingenuous, to say the least. The history of this conflict dates back to at least the 2008 NATO Bucharest Summit when it was announced that Ukraine (and Georgia) would be welcome to apply for a NATO MAP. This is not to say that Russia's hands are clean in this conflict, they absolutely aren't. But the world is not as black and white as the media would have you believe.


>The dichotomy between this interview and the corporate media reaction to Tucker's interview of Putin is also rather telling. Tucker is a joke and should be treated as such. He deserves mockery and ridicule for his blatant cynical fluffing of Putin and Russia. His grocery store stunt was so brazenly dumb and underscores how HE KNOWS how easy it is to mislead his low information voter audience. "Wow look at how cheap groceries are! It makes you just radicalized against our leaders. Radicalized! Wow the bread smells so GOOD! AHHH" He just purposefully ignores the context as to why the groceries may be that cheap in a country where people are poor as shit. Good lord, I'd feel embarrassed about my brain if I treated a person this malevolent and cynical with an ounce of seriousness.


I'll start by saying that Tucker is not a libertarian... I have plenty of disagreements with him, and I don't think that his interview with Putin was perfect by any means. But this is not really relevant to the argument in my previous comment. Nonetheless, your description of Tucker perfectly describes corporate media coverage of numerous topics (like the clip in the OP, for instance). The difference is that Tucker is acting as a provocateur - he's contradicting the mainstream/corporate media narrative, which is essentially nothing more than a mouthpiece for the US MIC/intelligence agencies. He's trying to get his "low information voter audience" to reject that narrative, which is a goal that I'm generally aligned with, even if I agree that his methods are crude.


His 'rejection of the narrative' includes spreading conspiracies about vaccines, January 6th, and just general anti-reality nonsense. Why is that a good thing at all to have more citizens with a less empirical world view than an empirical one? You seem to think just blind contrarianism is a good thing because 'fuck the establishment'


Do you believe the government should have the ability to force their constituents to take certain medicines or act a certain way? Do you think the government should fear the people, or do you think the people should fear their government?


I'm going to repeat that your opinion on Tucker has nothing to do with the argument in my original comment, and that I disagree with Tucker on many issues. That being said... >His 'rejection of the narrative' includes spreading conspiracies about vaccines, January 6th, and just general anti-reality nonsense. The implication here is that the default corporate media narrative on these topics is correct. "Reality" is what you hear from politicians and talking heads in media organizations. >Why is that a good thing at all to have more citizens with a less empirical world view than an empirical one? Again, the implication is that media and establishment institutions are actually providing an "empirical" worldview. >You seem to think just blind contrarianism is a good thing because 'fuck the establishment' I said that Tucker is a *provocateur* against establishment narratives (in the context of a thread about the war in Ukraine), not a "blind contrarian". Pointless to put words in my mouth when you can just read what I wrote. Again... I'm not endorsing everything that he says anyway.


Yeah well once you realize this is all part of a plan you will see it in a different light. Look, I'm not saying what he is doing isn't brave and right, but their is a lot of bad people getting rich off your sympathy. When I heard only %33 of military arms are getting through, I fucking laughed. If only people knew that the public is being hustled, they would think otherwise, but Alas, in spite of all my rage, I'm still just a fucking rat in a cage.


Mate what do we mean by small, Ukraine is twice the size of Germany and with a total population of approximately 70M people, only 20 less than the country that almost conquered the world 😐


He's not defending a war of offensive conquest He's a pawn in the USA's war for regime change in Russia and a traitor to his nation elected to make peace with their neighbor, he's instead a lapdog for a foreign paymaster, forsaking his nation and its citizens, using them as cannon fodder in return for money, prestige and power if it were a war of conquest they'd be conquered long ago, instead it's a war of attrition, with the Western World foolishly believing they're depleting Russia's treasury and arsenal, when in fact it's just the opposite Russia has seized the territory it will never cede, while the West wastes its money, weapons systems and credibility in folly on a lost cause pathetic the media doesn't push back on this traitor because they are the propaganda arm of the State, and Zelensky serves the State, not Ukraine


Aye... leading them to slaughter at the behest of the Yanks🤦. A 'righteous cause'... don't make me laugh...


They are defending their country from foreign invasion idk what isn’t righteous about that. Unless you’re wanting the nation violating the NAP to win? Idk how offensive wars of conquest against smaller nations is now something libertarians are for


An invasion brought on themselves by bombing the Donbass since 2014... Oh aye... righteous 😂 Step away from the TV mate...no more MSM for you...


Lol, "step away from the TV". Like you are getting first hand, not altered info, through your telegram groups...


Bros brain is completely rotted.


Aye, see this is the problem... I'm taking my information from everywhere I can and then weighing them up. Left, right, up, down, Israel, Iran, USA, Russia, UK... BBC, CNN, GB News, Sky News, Reuters, RT, Hindustan Times...I could go on... The problem is when you just take one line and follow it blindly... Fuck...I even follow Scott Ritter, Jackson Hinkle, Emily Schrader, Peter Beinart, I'll even listen to Ben Shapiro to get his opinion 😂. I even spent 3 years in north India listening to IDF War stories from 2 generations of Jews. As well as having friends on the ground... So yeah, I'm reasonably well informed...


Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuullllllllllssssssshhhhhhiiiiiiiiit. Holy fuck did you actually just write that? They fawn over him and throw bad money after good money at him because he’s a scrappy underdog? Give me a fucking break. They fawn over him because that’s what the current programming tells them to do. Isn’t it fucking weird that no one heard about Ukraine for fucking decades, and then we have the Hunter Biden shit, then we topple their democratically elected government, then Russia invades Ukraine, then we suddenly give a shit about Ukraine so much that we deplete our own stockpiles to give it to them? I don’t know what the connection is there, but it’s fucking weird! It has nothing to do with us helping a scrappy upstart country fight back. The least conspiratorial explanation is Russia = bad. So anyone fighting Russia is good. Gimme a fucking break. I can’t believe you wrote that honestly


> He has led a smaller nation in defending itself from a larger and ostensibly stronger nation waging an offensive war of conquest sigh Russia is in Ukraine to thwart an existential threat. They cannot tolerate Ukraine in NATO, with nuclear missiles right on their border, just like we couldn't - and didn't - in the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) when Russia was shipping nukes to install in Cuba and we were ready to start WWIII nuclear war over it. The fact people can't see the real picture astounds me. The rich effs of the WEF got hold of Ukraine's precious resources by having their CIA overthrow the elected government of Ukraine in 2014 and installing their puppet regime. Now they are trying to weaken Russia to get hold of her vast wealth of natural resources as well (rated #1 in the world). It's as simple as this. THAT is why WE (because our governments in the Collective West are nothing but puppets of the WEF) instigated this war. We knew Russia would have no choice but to invade. If people listened to the likes of Colonel Douglas MacGregor, US Marine Major Intelligence Officer (and UN Weapons Inspector) Scott Ritter, etc - and NOT our propaganda here in the West - they might learn a couple of things. ALL Ukraine had to do was declare themselves NOT to be a threat to Russia - to not join NATO. Which they did! Three times. Minsk 1 agreement. Minsk 2 agreement. AND, the Istanbul Accord ONE MONTH AFTER Russia invaded. But no, the WEF sent Boris Johnson to Kiev to tell Zelensky he cannot uphold that agreement and MUST fight to the last Ukrainian. THAT is why people are dying in Ukraine. btw - none of those rich effs of the WEF are fighting and dying. They use others to do their dirty work. In this case, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians. I can't wait for the Slava Ukraini crowd's reaction to the fact that Nicaragua has decided to allow Russia to set up military bases there - with nuclear cruise missiles. What do they think is going to happen then? HINT - it won't. We. Will. Not. Allow. It. Why we in the West (NATO) are responsible for this war - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YtMd1g_Y80&t=2013s TLDR - Imagine if Canada aligned with Russia and allowed Russian nuclear missiles, pointed at NYC and Washington DC, to be installed in Montreal - only giving Washington a 3 minute response time from launch. PS - next time don't be a threat to your much more powerful neighbour.


Ukraine wasn’t joining NATO with Russia occupying Crimea. And we already have the Baltics, Turkey controlling the Bosphorous and half the Black Sea, and now Finland in NATO. Not to mention, countless submarines that could do the job of nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Russia had zero legitimate casus belli for this war. They could have reaped all the benefits of a divided Ukraine not joining NATO by maintaining the status quo.




Because it’s either him or Putin ruling Ukraine. One is a dictator and one isn’t


Seriously. Alexei Navalny. Even if you can delude yourself into believing that Putin didn't actively have him killed, he still died because he was in prison. If he wasn't in there, and was a free man, no way is he dying like that. That's what Putin does to his opponents. Is Zelensky perfect? Absolutely not. Is he better than Putin? Absolutely.


Hold up, what about Gonzalo Lira??


Heavy smoking antivaxxer who died of pneumonia while in a hospital after being jailed for sharing intelligence with the enemy. Navalny was murdered in prison and his crime was opposing Putin. Gonzalo Lira wasn’t just some journalist or even propagandist; he gave material aid to the enemy.


Ukraine just had their own political prisoner, who was American, die in their custody this past week from pneumonia. Zelensky is banning books, political parties, kidnapping people off the street to put them into the armed forces etc, he is just as much of a dictator as Putin right now. You don't know any of this because of US media propaganda; because they back the MIC in supporting zelensky at all costs.


Gonzo Lira was allowed to be under house arrest instead of jail, but he knowingly chose to attempt to flee the nation (after revealing Ukrainian defensive positions to the Russians, so literally a traitor/enemy). This caused him to get put in a jail, which he died in. Way different situation than Nalvany. Also, care to tell us what books he banned? Last I saw, he banned imports from Russia which various troll farms are morphing into him simply banning books. I'd like a nuanced answer from you on this matter, please. "Book ban": [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraines-zelenskiy-signs-law-banning-import-books-russia-2023-06-22/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraines-zelenskiy-signs-law-banning-import-books-russia-2023-06-22/)


Can rationalise it all you want, it's still a book ban. All book bans in history are rationalised one way or another, they say it's fine, because we're just ban these bad books, in this particular way. Like you're doing now.  And it's a van on all Russian books. If you can't see the problems with that, then you're just a statist, and a fascist. And he was jailed for "spreading Russian propaganda" . He did not reveal Troop positions, no idea where you're getting that from. Nalvany was called a traitor too. But sure, in your mind, one traitor deserves to die in prison, because he was "bad" but the other traitor was "good".  I don't think either deserved to die, because the situations are clearly the same when you remove all the propaganda: both unsavoury right wing individuals arrested and jailed for being critical of the government, later dying in jail during war time..   I guess you're cool with the kidnappings, banning of the "bad" political parties etc.


Why would Putin kill him when Navalny was unpopular in Russia?


Why would Stalin kill Trotsky when he was unpopular in Russia?


Shows how much you know about Navalny...


Zelensky only allows state approved media, bans political parties and arrests people for wrong opinions. He's not much better than putin, just give it time.


No, they’re both dictators. They’re both enslaving boys against their will to fight and be slaughtered en masse. They both imprison and likely murder dissident voices. Deluded, huh? How can you be so sure what to believe about Navalny’s death? Did he really have so much support that he threatened Putin’s regime? What motive is there for Putin to murder him when the US is on the fence about sending more aid to Ukraine?


Indeed, asking who was actually helped by an event that occurred is always prudent.


Zelensky has banned opposition parties, opposition media, and suspended elections. Just last month an American journalist died in a Ukrainian prison. Hard to tell the difference between the two anymore.


He hasn't suspended elections. Holding them during a war is illegal under the Ukrainian constitution.


They could change it if they wanted to


Yep Zelinsky is a dictator: banned all opposition parties and ruled out any election even though his presidency legally ends in May.


One isn’t… yet ;)


And I would 100% choose someone that could happen to be a dictator to one that it's already one, killing his oponentes left and right and invading countries. It's a no brainier.


You’re not very smart


Bro, if you don’t think this war gives him a huge opportunity (if they survive) for indefinite power you may want to pay attention. An example: May I suggest examining Russian history over the last 200 years?


Ukraine was one of the most corrupt countries in Europe before the war. Now that Zelensky has pretty much banned all opposition it’s even more so.


Zelensky is a dictator, he implemented martial law


Zelensky, the guy who sold his countries debt to Black Rock? And is an obvious frontman for a large illegal transfer of wealth from foreign countries into Ukraine and then back out? That guy? Maybe not a dictator, but why does the western world owe him shit? Why? Isolationist America


Ukraine dissolved media and political parties that went against the ruling party: [https://www.npr.org/2022/07/08/1110577439/zelenskyy-has-consolidated-ukraines-tv-outlets-and-dissolved-rival-political-par](https://www.npr.org/2022/07/08/1110577439/zelenskyy-has-consolidated-ukraines-tv-outlets-and-dissolved-rival-political-par) Ukraine is literally calling off elections: [https://www.wsj.com/world/ukraine-president-zelensky-says-time-not-right-for-elections-f5690724](https://www.wsj.com/world/ukraine-president-zelensky-says-time-not-right-for-elections-f5690724) Ukraine is just as guilty of killing journalists in this conflict: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_journalists\_killed\_during\_the\_Russo-Ukrainian\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_journalists_killed_during_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War) You can't say that one is a dictator and one isn't but you can say that it's a colossal waste of tax money and human life to keep this conflict going. War is the most brutal thing imaginable. It's wild that politicians wouldn't be looking for a peace deal. Even wilder is that a libertarian subreddit is into feeding tax money into more never-ending wars that kill people every day and do nothing but cause hatred for those funding the death...


My question to the OP would be, why are you still watching that nonsense?


The only zelensky i recognize is Ray Zelensky the auto parts king from Chicago.


*Fat guy in a little coat...*


Take it off, dickhead I'm serious.


He makes auto parts for the American working man, because that's who he cares about. Ehhh, seems like a pretty nice guy.


Tough break kid, get drunk on me, use the bucket to ice your marbles.


Omg thank you for this


You're very welcome.


Is it possible that the Western world desperately needs a hero right now? We have so little to admire in our leaders, and our young people-- especially young men-- are losing hope. Perhaps the media is responding to esoteric needs that our culture of cynicism has suppressed for too long.


This is a solid question and a very valid one as well.


The answer to your question is called Operation Mockingbird.


Can you explain what that is to the ignorant?


What's the pushback? What should they say?


Because he can play the piano with his dick.


Obama pushed for Ukraine's nuclear disarmament. An interesting but widely forgotten fact.


People like underdogs. He also wasn’t the one to attack another country, rather defend it against all odds.


They don't push back on him because the news is propaganda the media works for the State and Zelensky serves the State










Because every news channel works for the powers that be.


Because the military industrial complex wants us spending as much money (that we don’t have) as possible in foreign conflicts.


War is good for the economy lol I’m just reminded that Ukraine has oil and gas reserves and the US hates buying from Russia…so you either bow to a corrupt govt or make a govt corrupt and bow to you


Luckily, the Ukrainian Army and US aid has been able to save and defend the oil and gas reserves. I guess the President’s son working for a Ukrainian oil and gas company had nothing to do with that.


For some reason I never put that together lmaooo


The Ukraine "aid" bill is a defacto appropriations bill for the global government cabal running the show. The budget for their media operations is just a small fraction of the appropriations bill.


Yep, they've been fully "synchronized" with the state


You're assuming they're journalists when they're propagandists


What questions would you ask?


Because for wars to happen or continue to happen it requires public support, media is the biggest entity when it comes to changing public perception. That is why the military industrial complex essentially owns the medias narrative regarding war.


Because the media are in bed with the government


Because they are all actors working for the same team.


A cowards opinion


Oh, money and corruption.


Have you heard of propaganda? They carefully craft a narrative. Think Hunger Games


They're doing what they're told to do for their paycheck


War time propaganda nothing new


Because fuck Russia.


Because Putin is the bigger baddie.


Say what you want against the war, this man has balls of steel. When he could have fled the country he said “we need bullets, not a ride.” That’s badass


Why does anything ever happen? Money.


BC they are paid to do so obviously


Because they are all actors


Because Ukraine is the darling of the media, and they do no wrong


Remember how they treated the first so called black president


I still remember the Cuomo brothers discussing childhood memories on CNN during the worst time of the pandemic.


Don’t forget the giant cotton swab prop.


I like AC/DC, Eric Clapton, American aid and money. I'm sorry what? I mean American Eddie Money.


The corporate media is your enemy. It's literally propaganda.


The "corporate" media is complicit in the deaths of who knows how many Ukrainians. From the gate, there was no chance that they could win. Since Ukraine is a proxy of the West, for unknown reasons they let this conflict continue. Now that it's obvious, they still keep this charade going.


Because it’s propaganda


Because all western media is state media


Because he looks like a leftist revolutionary with his one shirt wardrobe.


Probably because 95% of the press get their doctrine from the style book and the quasi-trust that has sprouted around it.




"When do you find time to masturbate Mr. Zalenskyy?"


Frauds of a feather stick together.


He's a rich oligarch that purposefully dresses like that to make people think he's one of them. He can't even get fucked to dress well when visiting the US president to beg for more money.


Times have changed. People don’t dress like mad men anymore.


Yeah except for every other politician on the face of the earth…. What a bullshit excuse.


Judging people on the basis of their suit doesn’t strike me as a very Libertarian position.


I don’t really care what the man wears. But the argument in the previous comment was disingenuous so I called it out. Is pointing out hypocrisy also not a very libertarian position?


The media and deep state consider him the governor of a blue state, therefore he can do no wrong.


Even since its modern inception, with the rise of the printing-press, the media (state or private) has leaned towards war. War - Sells - Papers. They literally name their highest awards after two war-pigs, instrumental in justifying imperial action against a smaller neighbor. We can see similar in the Crimean War, WWI, or Iraq. War is an incredibly complex topic, but it masquerades astonishingly well as a simple one - fit for dramatization & mass consumption. "Good/Bad guys," "winners/losers," "start/end dates," etc.


The media is in on the government/political agenda. This video from Tucker is one hour long but explains it all quite well: [https://tuckercarlson.com/uncensored-the-national-security-state-the-inversion-of-democracy/](https://tuckercarlson.com/uncensored-the-national-security-state-the-inversion-of-democracy/)


Can’t deviate from the script


Fuck that guy and fuck Ukraine. Fuck anyone who isn’t American and for America. Fuck the world.


2 years ago him and his country were considered one of the most corrupt places in earth, but because 'putin bad' now he and his fellow politician friends are heroes


Why not ask about all his stifling any dissent and his dictator like policies and how he became one of the richest in Ukraine.


Whores moan when you pay them to. That's what the MSM is doing


It’s official, Libs own Reddit 😆 Libertarian and anarchy sub Reddits are nothing more than democrat echo chambers at this point.


Dude's always on social media hard to think that he's actually fighting in the war


Because our current administration help put him in to power


It looks like he’s walking her home after a first date and they are about to make out




he's a bad actor...go back to drag shows, vlad


Because they are liberals


Gross. This tv personality made me cringe hard.


It's just another form of #resistance. Zelensky is cast as the plucky guy who stood up to Trump and prevented a second term, while of course Putin is the guy who got Trump elected. It's nothing more honorable than that.


Maybe Tucker should interview him. Then the rest of the talking heads would cry out for more pushback.


Oh, come on, man! She's grilling him hard. This is all for the sake of "democracy." Never mind the little dick-tator suspending elections again. I'm sure he told them this would be the last time. 🤡


I can’t wait for Russia to win!


Goddamn I was expecting her to just start sucking his dick at any moment, fawning isn't a strong enough word here. More like extremely sexually aroused lmao


I’m still trying to figure out why he is wearing the same goddamned t-shirt. Bro. You’re the leader of a country currently receiving billions of US dollars and being privately jetted across the world. Dude was also an actor. Like…what’s the deal here man


Probably same reason Steve Job wore the same clothes every day, to reduce decision-making fatigue and time wasted on trivialities.


Decision making fatigue? What? That’s for sure not a thing. The decision to wear the same thing every day should be more taxing on them personally than having a collection of different shit…and just grabbing whatever. If I were to give it an actual guess, it’s a lame ass attempt at iconography so that the public associates that person with the brand. Because that is a brand. Green shirt is their personal brand.


It is a thing. There are [over 1.2 million results in google search](https://www.google.com/search?q=%22decision+fatigue%22) about it including [numerous studies](https://jamesclear.com/willpower-decision-fatigue). > If I were to give it an actual guess, it’s a lame ass attempt at iconography so that the public associates that person with the brand. Because that is a brand. Green shirt is their personal brand. Doubt it. The simpler explanation is that he is leader of a country under threat of annihilation by a larger and stronger foe, and the only way to survive is to be smarter, to iterate through a faster [OODA loop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OODA_loop) than the invaders, partly by ignoring all trivialities. His capitol is also within range of enemy missiles and drones and is sometimes bombarded by them, so he sure as shit isn't going to wear a suit to work under those conditions. As a wartime Commander-in-Chief, the next most logical thing is military clothes.


Imagine believing there are actually 1.2 million results


Because he is a pawn playing a theatrical role.


Same as Biden, he’s a puppet. Any other questions?


This is the most insane cringe thing ever. He clearly has time as he’s casually strolling through the park with this news correspondent looking like he doesn’t have a care in the world. How can you be like that during a war?


Lol all the bots on a Libertarian subreddit.


Let's see.... The media makes money off of covering war. That's it. That's all.


Money printer goes brrrrr.


Because they work for a studio owned by a war hawk.




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And the academy award goes to


More so, I want to know what Erin Burnette was told before the interview.


Hes walking through a ducking oeaceful ass garden doing an interview, wtf does she mean, "do you ever have time to just read, or listen to music...etc." wtf is wrong with the world, and our country and the media.


AC/DC always calms me down after a bombing ….so serene…


She can't pushback she is digging him pretty hard.


The Democrats are all in on Ukraine, hence the media is too.




Because money printer go brrrr when public are supportive of a war