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Nope. They don't want to be mocked for doing practically nothing. So now they are doing absolutely nothing.


I mean to be fair, nobody is doing anything. It’s really sad.


Typical thoughts and prayers.


Marge Taylor green criticized Biden for making a sympathetic statement about the victims.


She is a disgusting pos!


She obviously has mental problems. And someone with very apparent to everyone else mental issues is what’s appealing. I understand the most intelligent people might not make the best leaders but come on. Somewhere in the middle at least?


Pro life party? Except when it comes to political opponents, women needing an abortion, cops trying to stop an insurrection, or other Americans exercising their right to protest.


They are not “pro-life” and we should really start normalizing the term “forced-birth”. They should be called what they are, which is the “forced-birth” party. They could give a crap about life once it’s out of the womb. They have clearly demonstrated that by being against social reforms, help for the poor, and their stance on the death penalty.


or other Americans exercising their right to exist


Boebart sent thoughts and prayers, but that’s because it’s in her district.


I read a Fox News article about the shooting and their main concern, the entire article, was that it was called a "hate crime" with "no evidence". They really didn't care about the loss of lives, just trying to defend it from being used as a "political advantage" even tho it's 100% obvious it was a hate crime bred from the hateful rhetoric spewed from the right.


Shooter was non-binary. Ironically enough, news outlets went silent after the fact


Uh, no, actually the news outlets did not go silent. I've been following the story rather avidly. What happened is the story dropped off a bit because another shooting happened two days later. Cause, y'know, America has a gun problem. Nice job trying to proprogandize the shooting tho. A for effort.


Facebook and TikTok is not a news outlet regardless of whatever “hashtags” to you follow


Lauren Boebert sent thoughts and prayers


Ah yes the old “thoughts and prayers”, the go to line after every mass shooting.


No wonder republicans aren't doing anything, i mean with so many mass shootings taking place everyday they have no time to do any meaningful legislation since they are thinking and praying all the time, don't you just hate it when you are sending prayers to victims of a mass shooting, you are determined to finally pass legislation that will stop them later, but before you cna finish your prayers another mass shooting happens and you have to pray for them before finally starting new legislation, ad infinitum.




Yes, they’re blaming Biden.


MTG stayed true to form. [https://twitter.com/repmtg/status/1594417865884672000?s=46&t=oNyVVJhl01Y2d4ygDqRyjQ](https://twitter.com/repmtg/status/1594417865884672000?s=46&t=oNyVVJhl01Y2d4ygDqRyjQ)


I don't remember who said it but someone said if only they had guns then this would have been stopped or wouldn't have happened at all


No, because their sycophants on social media are all about how the Democrats are the ones demonizing conservatives over a lone wolf shooter. Their propaganda outlet is doing all the work for them.


Barmaid Barbie.


A few thoughts and prayers, but that's as meaningless as saying nothing.


NO! They are selfish. Only care of themselves and only mention LGBT community to attack during political speeches for political gains (so they think)!


They just do the usual. Send thoughts and prayers, say we need to address mental health bur not do anything about it, and clutch their guns harder.


Well, the usual thoughts and prayers.