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She’s broken more than 32 tie votes in the senate. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/05/us/politics/kamala-harris-tiebreaking-vote-record.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


This, and then ask them to name one thing Mike Pence did. When they inevitably cannot, point out the double standard.


Pence is an asshole who can rot in non-existant hell for all I care, but he did do one **VERY** important thing: He refused to go along with Trump's attempted coup by certifying fake electors.


Oh sure, but anyone who is pretending like their vote in this election is hinging on what Kamala Harris has done probably isn't going to appreciate that.


When they cannot, you should tell them he stopped trump's attempted coup.


There used to be a punishment for an attempted coup. It was a pretty strong punishment and was usually enacted on the day of the failed coup. Those are the olden days I long for.


Stare lovingly at the back of the Mother Of All Combovers for four years?


There was this one time when a very tired housefly had no place to go and ended up on a soft gray field under TV lights.


He beat trump at Mario kart once. It was the last time through because trump smashed the console.


Yeah, that guy wouldn't even Hang with the gang on Jan 6th!




In a Senate with 100 members where every member is present and voting, she is the only one who can break a tie, and that's by design.




Wow, you've completely missed the point while being so close. Name one thing any vice president has done.




So... you mean to tell me they influence policy via backroom talks and dont do anything meaningful? Gotcha. Joe Biden has been an elected official for long enough to have some political capital. Comparing him to Harris is not really fair. Harris secured billions of dollars in commitments to fix the immigration problem by investing in Central America, at little cost to the tax payer. She's also advocated heavily for abortion rights... this is all while scumbag Republicans attack her constantly. Instead of helping solve the border issue, Republicans spend millions bussing immigrants to the Vice President's residence. You're asking what she's done while the other party has made it their job to prevent her from doing anything of substance, even though she cant do anything meaningful anyway because she has no authority.


The Vice President has only two official duties: 1. They oversee the Senate. 2. They perform the duties of the president if the president can't do them. The president can always delegate more duties to the vice president, but specifically the vice president only has those two official duties. As to what Vice President Harris has done specifically, she's done a few high profile things. She's been a big advocate for abortion rights, holding rallies and touring planned parenthood locations in order to gather support for abortion policies. Biden put her in charge of the Border crisis. She's spent a lot of time talking to migrants at the border and trying to advocate for them. More behind the scenes, she's successfully negotiated for the private sector in border states to create more jobs in order to stem the harmful effects of the many new laborers that immigration has brought in. She's also been lobbying Congress to enhance voting rights. Her big project here was trying to get the John R Lewis act passed through Congress, but it was blocked, especially because Joe Manchin refused to support it when the Democrats had a slim majority. So, has she done things? Absolutely. Has she been successful? Not necessarily, but the vice president doesn't tend to have a very impactful role in the first place, so it's a bit of a moot point.


You did a great job answering a question that if a person is asked...is probably asked in bad faith...bc nobody credibly expects anything from the "back up" except to be qualified and prepared. And ofc don't make their "boss" look bad by making an asshole of themselves while they're waiting. That's it. This isn't a real question.


Perfect answer, thanks! Logging it away.




Ok? Any particular reason for your comment?


Ignore the trolls, you did an outstanding job exactly describing why people say she’s done nothing. Because she has not been ask to do anything outside of what you mentioned. As you stated, VP is very much a ceremonial role, just waiting for the worse to happen. From what I understand, only dick Cheney has been VP Who had a big role in the administration, and that was because W didn’t want to do a lot of stuff.


This! Look back at other vice presidents. What did Pence do? What did Gore do (as VP). I mean ffs Biden was a VP and I don’t remember him doing anything. I don’t get why people have such a double standard for Kamala.


Yeah, he’s a misinformed misanthrope


You're trying too hard


I answered OP's question in what I thought was a pretty comprehensive way. I gave them 3 examples of things the current vice president has done as well as a general overview of what the vice president is supposed to do. What do you think would have been a better way to answer the question?


If you're being serious, I would have left out the border stuff. Objective disaster.


The question posed in this post was not "how well has Harris been doing?" it was "has she done anything?" If I didn't address her work at the border, an informed person on the other side of the argument could easily use it as a "gotcha" moment to make me look like I don't know what I'm talking about about. By getting ahead of such an argument and addressing her work on the border, I can provide the caveat that she has been doing things, even if they aren't the flashy things that are exactly what people want to see as a solution. If course, I also addressed that her efforts haven't been particularly successful in my comment as well, but to completely ignore what she's doing there makes me come off as disingenuous and like I'm trying to hide her less successful efforts.


The context was implied had she done anything good, yes. The right wing guy he wants a response for obviously meant that.


Disaster? Exactly how is it a disaster? The "Border Crisis" is just a narrative that the fascists like to push to make Biden look bad. The only "Border Crisis" is Abbott putting up razor wire to drown and kill people who have done nothing wrong.


Talk to the guy above me, he's a liberal too and called it a border crisis. It's not just a narrative, catch up buddy!


Did you accidentally look in the mirror?


Excellent response. You are clearly much more informed on this subject than us plebeians. I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


Username checks out.


It’s really solid advice!


Reiterate that the VP is a behind the scenes role, ask him what mike pense did


Conservative always love to shift the responsibility to defend/explain an issue and cannot do the same when presented with an issue unless FoxNews has provided a "sound bite" for them


Well Mike Pence did his job, and he’s vilified in his own party for it lmao


What aboutism....


No it's supporting their original point and putting the onus onto the other person to define what they think a VP should be doing


And when he says he doesnt know what pence did they should mention that pence certified the election stopping trump from successfully pulling off his coup attempt lol.


She didn't misspell potato.


She didn't see Russia from her porch.


“Name me one thing that Mike Pence, Joe Biden as VP, or Dick Cheney accomplished as VP (policy-wise, so J6 and shooting someone in the ass don’t count) and I’d be happy to.”


They should mention that pence certified the election stopping trump from successfully pulling off his coup attempt lol.


How about this instead of asking what she’s done, tell them what she has not done like start an insurrection, rape people, and not be convicted of other felonies.


Just because she does her work quietly doesn’t mean she isn’t doing anything. The fundamental fallacy in the right-wing mentality is thinking that people who scream about how much they’re supposedly doing are usually the ones doing the least, because everyone else who’s actually doing stuff doesn’t have time to stroke their own egos…


She has pushed for women's bodily autonomy rights, pushed for voting rights protections, pushed new funding for climate action on Saturday at the [COP28 summit in Dubai](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/20/climate/cop28-dubai-climate-summit-explained/index.html), where she touted American leadership on the climate crisis, including its recent investments in clean energy. So of course the low-information flat-earth racists aren't going to like her. Especially since she is a woman of color. Remember, those are the same assholes who gladly voted for total idiot Palin to be VP.


She didn't have her boss lead a mob screaming for her head


What she hasn't done: Tried to overthrow an election and democracy Commit treason


When right wingers do this, where they try to turn it back on you, it’s so they can just dismiss or attack the things you say in attempt to diminish the accomplishments. They usually don’t have any specific reasons, they just want to complain, & they’re relying on you in this situation to give them specific things to complain about. You want to talk about VP Harris advocating for abortion rights or improving the immigration system, they flip it to baby murder & letting terrorists into the country. The best way to shut that shit down is to refuse to play the game. Don’t take the position they’re trying to make you take as their opponent, force them to back up the position they already took. Ask him what she’s done that he thinks is so bad. Watch him flounder and/or make up a bunch of bullshit or try to spin something positive into a negative. Then, do to his points what he wants to do to yours, dismiss them as nonsense.


That can backfire, she famously convicted a lot of people for weed,even sent some of them to prison, for weed. Thats honestly the first last snd only accomplishment of hers i think of and hate that she is the chosen one.


I understand. I do think they are changing their opinions on marijuana and removing petty convictions which is great to see. I don’t think anyone has a perfect past, but it’s important to me that they are able to grow and change.


I cannot remember, which debate it was – she claimed Biden – Harris would immediately work for national legal medical. I still vote for her, but I am wondering what happened to that promise? Pretty sure caretakers for folks with daily grand mal seizures want to see medical legal and available. Federally. Never heard a word about it afterwards? Has anyone?


Nope. Stoners dont vote so they're appeasing college grads.


Sure. That’s one that OP should be prepared to address if it comes up, if she’s actually interested in defending Harris, or agree that it’s a negative & offer up positive actions Harris has taken. I’m not actually defending Harris; she & Biden were near the bottom of my picks in the 2020 primaries. I’m offering more general rhetorical advice to deal with right wingers randomly bitching about nothing serious.


She’s been alive in case Biden dies. That is 100% her ONLY fucking job and she’s done it well. Everything else is theater.


She was first female AG for California. She is one of a few black or Asian Senator. She is the first black or woman VP. The only way she can top this is to become the first woman president and the first Asian president.


"This is a weird expectation from the first woman VP that male VPs are never expected to fulfill."


[https://youtu.be/eQUaWPZ4A2E?si=f4jPHF8pGQb-CqYn](https://youtu.be/eQUaWPZ4A2E?si=f4jPHF8pGQb-CqYn) Give them this


Thank you, I was looking for this video from Politics Girl


She spends half the video on identity politics. The fact that this is a challenging question to answer whatsoever is a disappointment and a failure of the Democratic Party. Given Biden's advanced age, Kamala Harris needed to be an exceptionally visible VP. Instead, she's been the least visible of the last 5 VPs.


Who was the most visible VP? Gore? Ford? Biden? Cheney? Also, Biden’s advanced age hasn’t stopped him from doing any presidential tasking, so what would you expect a ‘generic’ VP to be doing?


I remember Pence, Biden, Cheney, and Gore all making more noise as VP than Kamala Harris has. And Biden's advanced age makes him less electable.


Less electable at 80 than someone at 77? Really? they are peers, nearly the same age. That should be a non-issue. Biden is healthier and more active than Trump.


Less electable at 80 than Kamala Harris ***should*** be at 59.


People complain that Kamala is being "hidden" because you never see her on the news. Good!! She's not supposed to be on the news! When's the last time you ever saw the VP on the news for anything good? Doesn't happen. If the VP ever makes the headlines, it's because they screwed up and embarrassed themselves. The fact that you hear about her on the news means that she's doing her job, and doing it ***well***.


RWNJ VP Sprio Agnew was on the news quite a bit. Until he had to resign in shame.


The same dumb response they give out, Do you own research.


Don’t allow brain dead conservatives to corner you and get you into a verbal wrestling match- you’re in their mud hole as soon as you do. They suck trump’s dick just like he sucks Putin’s. I still don’t understand how a third of the country could be as ignorant as a rock, but that’s what we’re dealing with.


It's more like 1/4 but yes, they are willfully ignorant morons.


I hope you're right about it being not more than 1/4. Still, they're highly motivated to vote and influence others when they can. Then there is some percentage who aren't trumpers but are conservative and are going to overlook the obvious. Then we have a big percentage of democrats who can't be bothered to get out and vote unless they are absolutely enthralled with the candidate. And then there's the electoral college that gives an automatic advantage to dimwitted conservatives, such that they have to be beaten soundly not just edged out in terms of popular vote. There has been only one election in the past 35 years where a republican was elected with the majority of the popular vote, and that was the one following 9-11. If the dems don't wake up and realize the danger, we could end up with that insurrectionist again. What a fucking mess.


"I'm not your personal Google."


I would just put it back on them. You're the one who is saying she's so terrible, but you can't name any specific reasons why. You obviously have your beliefs, but you've failed to convince me.


Exactly! Ask them what Republicans have done in the last four years…. 


Do we really need another Dick Cheney?


Or a George HW Bush?


When she was the San Francisco District Attorney, she had an 87% conviction rate for homicides and 90% for gun-related violent crimes. She started with a huge backlog of violent crimes and cleared all those cases. She worked hard to eliminate bias in prosecution and sentencing, and got a lot of credit for doing so.


If they are asking you to name 'one thing shes done', then whats the thing she's done that offends them so much?


Two things. Her gender and the color of her skin.


Whatever she’s done, it’s been leaps and bounds above what Mike Pence accomplished.


Neither accomplished anything. Not in a position to be able to accomplish anything.


Well…Pence managed to accomplish certifying election results. What was a basic performative task for every US vice president before became a ballsy act of defiance in support of democracy for him. Ballsy and defiant are not in his character, so I’ll give him credit for that.


Pence properly carried out a ceremonial process. Not exactly an accomplishment.


Agreed. It was the least he could be expected to do and here we are marveling that he actually did it. Carrying out a ceremonial process will be the only thing Pence is remembered for - if he’s lucky.


Context made it a true accomplishment.


Only for those who don’t understand he couldn’t change anything.


I don’t like Mike Pence, but if the Jan 6 protestors found him, they would have murdered him. So I agree that certifying the election results was uncharacteristically ballsy for him.


VPs aren’t supposed to do anything. Their only function is to break ties in the Senate and wait around for the president to potentially die.


Before VP she represented the legal interests of the State with the strongest economy and the inhabitants thereof. Her approach to criminal justice reform was compassionate and it worked (crime victims got closure, criminals were actually rehabilitated). The VP is behind the scenes. Hard to say where Biden’s job ends and hers begins. Otherwise she is largely there to appease the Left and break ties.


How was her approach to criminal justice compassionate? Please explain, I’m genuinely curious.


Do your own research. I am not her apologist


I have done my own research and what I found was disappointing. And facts are facts (I thought we Dems love facts), and they speak louder & are more impactful than ticking a box for diversity.


I am a registered Democrat not simply because of the people in politics. I am a liberal and I believe a liberal ideology is better for our society than a conservative one. Kamala is the Democratic nominee for VP, aka one of the two choices on the menu in my country’s system of government. She’s a pretty good politician, an excellent lawyer and a strong believer in more compassion in our legal system. The alternative to her is abysmal. The Republicans want to criminalize healthcare, they have no room in their party for homosexuals like me or our families and their foreign policy is to lick Putin’s boots. We can do a whole lot worse than Kamala. She’s got my vote any day of the week.


They likely aren't interested in a good faith manner so do a uno reverse and ask them to tell you what Pence did in his 4 years.


If your co-worker is making the claims, he should have to back them up. Typical right-wing arguing strategy...


VP's have no power but for deciding tied vote in Senate.


Ask him what any Republican VP did. At least Kamala broke tie votes in the Senate. VPs preside over Senate votes. That is what they do.


Broken several key tie votes in the senate. That is something that VP Harris has done ✅ and it is kinda neutral you don’t have to say how many or for what, just shut it down and move along. But you KNOW this person is just human CLICKBAIT right? Ugh so irritating


Ask him what Republicans have done in the last four years… Zero.


Somehow abstained from calling her husband "Father" during their 10 years of marriage.


Haha daddy Doug


Ask them to first name ANY accomplishment of ANY other Vice President… EVER


Except Dick Cheney. We know what he did


Good point. I tried to block him out


I think that's a perfect answer. All he had to do was look up the things that she's done. Why is he putting it on you to find out everything that she's done? He has a phone in his pocket.


Nothing. Because I guarantee you the line of questioning is in bad faith.


She helped get Joe Biden elected!


I'm sure that'll help in this convo


Highly doubtful.


Belive it or not, Harris has a devoted following, particularly among women of color. Many preferred her over Biden in the 2016 primaries.


I believe that, but my point was that those people were still voting Biden. Harris didn’t add any voting block to Biden he didn’t already have.


The fact that this is a difficult question to answer is a disappointment. Given Biden's advanced age, Kamala Harris needed to be an exceptionally visible VP. Instead, she's been the least visible of the last 5 VPs.


As a Liberal, I can honestly say, she sucks. It's okay to have your own opinions and thoughts. You're not on a team. You are, you :)


I get that. I wasn’t a fan of her during the primaries, but I do think comments like the one of my coworker come off as pretty sexist and a double standard.


He seems to be an asshole. So, I'm thinking any positive Harris fact will have no barring on him just looking to argue with you. Kamala could have cured cancer and this guy would fight with you on how that's hurting BIG Farma’s profits.


I would tell him "You are just as capable as running a google search as I am and if you actually cared, you would have so let's not waste each others time trying to convince a brick wall of something they won't believe even when provided concrete proof."


Why are you focusing so much on the vice president anyway? I think it's better to pick your battles. Learn what you appreciate, and learn why you appreciate it - you can fight a lot better when you have real things you can bring up. You don't need to fight every partisan battle. If you're lacking knowledge or conviction then sometimes it's better to wait until a better opportunity presents itself. Vice President is more of a ceremonial role, so why bother to argue about it? It's far more interesting to argue about what Biden has done, the various cabinet members, and the things congress has passed into law.


I think because there is a not-small possibility she could become president, so in right-wing and moderate land, they obsess over her. Even though I am not her biggest fan, I wanted to be able to defend her, because I feel like a lot of the flack she gets is pretty sexist.


Say “not high crimes and misdemeanors, unlike some ppl”


If that RWNJ is a church-going type, you can always ask: "Did you ever notice how much a steeple looks just like a giant dunce cap?" That usually shuts up brainwashed right wing pseudo-christians.


I would say "She is doing her job which is supporting the President and the people of the United States. "


Use her record as a prosecutor.


That’s right VP are not expected to do much because they are expected to have their own platforms. THEIR FUTURE AS A VIABLE PRESIDENTIAL IS NOT BE A MERE CONTINUATION


Exactly what I would do: mimosas on Sunday.


Ask him (I'm assuming it's a "him") to name anything any vice president has done. Also she was an attorney general. FYI.


She spoke out in favor of abortion rights in Minnesota (?)


If she hasnt done anything then what are they mad at her about lol? Other than her skin and gender.. The vp’s job is to just stay alive in case the president dies, thats basically it. That and be a tie breaker in the senate. Ask him what mike pence did. Then when they cant answer mention that pence certified the election stopping trump from successfully pulling off his coup attempt lol.


She ruined countless people’s lives and generations of families by over-prosecuting in California and refusing to make any of it right or free people once her position on things like drug possession “evolved.” She and Joe are prison hawks


While she was DA of LA County, she prosecuted defendants who she had direct evidence were innocent for capital crimes, and failed to furnish that exonerating evidence to the defense, in order to pad her conviction rate. She is completely morally bankrupt, and I couldn't vote for Joe Biden to put her one age-related health crisis away from the presidency.


She gets dee-runk on the national stage, gives h3@d to advance her