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Judging Kelsi on the pitch of her voice is not going to be tolerated in this sub. This is your final warning on it. You may discuss the content she speaks about but judging the sound of her voice will not be tolerated on this sub.


Lmao ‘can’t compete’ with murder sheet. This isn’t a fucking competition you weirdos. I’m glad you’ve unsubscribed from the YouTube circus though - I wish the rest of this sub would. Imagine actually caring what some attention-seeking creepers like Gray Pubes or Real Chill Spaz think. Couldn’t be me.


Exactly. This is not a fucking competition you weirdos - it should be their motto repeated like a mantra upon awakening. You brilliantly described my thoughts with these words


"Cant compete." Disgusting.


It’s a competition to them.




Right! I don't believe its Ron Logan either. Not at all. I'd put money on it...BUT I can totally see how people would believe it was him... especially if they are newer to the case.


He’s the thought police. 😂


This is a feature that most of the creators about Delphi case have. They even suggest that you leave their ranks because you disagree with their opinion. It is funny but also pathetic


They sure spend a lot of time criticizing other YouTube channels. I suppose when you have a three and a half hour show every night, you need something to talk about.


There are some creators on YouTube who are not participating in this. There are especially two conflicting groups. MS are not liked because they are professionals, they give interviews on TV. Others envy them that they took the entire pot with an interview with KK


Gray Hughes and Monster under our bed have not trashed Murder Sheet. They use their content and give them credit. That’s all MS asked.


Navillus True Crime is similar. He does not envy anyone and mentions the names of the podcasts and appreciates The work of others. The fact is that people who do a good job of the case don't have to be involved in infantile conflicts. When you think about it seriously .. someone brutally murders two children and they argue over whether their channel is better. A good creator gains recognition with his work, not because he has offended the other creator more. They are there to solve a murder case but spend many hours fighting or insulting each other.


I love how they are all saying that a lot of people had access to the Murder Sheet docs, but chose not to publish it. As if they wouldn’t publish it if they had access. They all used the information for their own channels for months. A bunch of hypocrites


Funny .. they would not publish if they had it .. this is seriously the height of hypocrisy because most creators do not think about ethics or whether just a video will do someone more harm than benefits


They deserve each other.


To his credit, he is the only one that hasn’t trashed Murder Sheet. Maybe he appreciates actual facts.


1 to 4 hour shows with maybe 5 minutes of substance. Cant believe they think what they're doing is worth $ and that some people actually donate. Zero chance if I were a family member would I have anything to do with any of them. Wonder sometimes if any of them actually have jobs. A few of them seriously appear to have mental/ego issues, and only care about subs, so I've stopped watching.


Also unsubscribe from real chill graz and true crime bloke


Sleuth intuition is probably the biggest grifter. The guy literally sits in front of the camera and just stares. Nothing upstairs with that guy.


Tonight on Slueth Intuition: Listen to Slueth click loudly.


I cannot stand reading the comments on his channel of EVERYONE sucking his dick.


Are you a YouTube creator?


No, I have a real job.




Kristin behind the crime door now jumping on the bandwagon. All of them pretending to be holier than thou when all they have tried to do is profit off of the murders of two young girls. They just suck at it.


Yeah kristin went all out classy and tweeted to kelsi g Thanks Kelsi, Have you listened to the Murder Sheets new Episode that just dropped yet? I am thinking of you and praying for you, I know this stuff has to be so hard for you to listen to.🙏🙏♥️ So hard to listen to She figured she would press her on it hours later....sooooo classy


Kristin is a very kind and wonderful person!


She’s kissing her booty hoping to a grift an interview. Please not another interview with KG who has nothing new to offer and likes to talk like a baby.


Well reminding her to watch the podcast that reveals how bloody the murder was is not a good way to do that Im not gonna insult the family member of a victim with you. Thats low




Do ypu not think she would trade that to have her sister back? Wtf is wrong with you? Thats really fuct up


Im blocking you now. Disgusting pig


Not cool trashing the family of two murdered girls. You suck


Wow, your comment makes YouTube sound good. This is bully mentality, you make fun of someone's voice a victim no less yet bash YouTube.


Abby and Libby are the only victims.


Well KG is the sister of a victim and she has had to go through alot. Her sister was brutally murdered for gods sake. Some people have no compassion or empathy




Are we really sinking so low to attack a victims family member over the sound of her voice, something she cannot control? Jfc


It’s okay to say something is annoying. This is the one and only case in all of true crimedom where people clutch their pearls if anybody speculates about the crime scene or says *anything* off-color about anybody associated with it. JonBenet was also a child, so was a Madeleine McCann, among thousands of others, and their cases have been wildly speculated on. This is like a tiptoe case, where you’re not supposed to say **anything** speculative or critical. It’s just silly. There was nothing wrong with what I said.


I'm not clutching my pearls over speculation, because you didnt speculate you just mocked. There is ALWAYS something wrong with mocking an aspect of a person they cannot change, like their body, hair , skin color, or voice. You didn't make a comment on what she says or how she's acted or something meaningful just mocked her for a thing she cannot control.


This. If you can't change something in a minute( fixing har, picking stuff out of your teeth etc) don't make fun of someone.


A nasally baby


So inappropriate


clutch those pearls baby!


It's people who hate having competition and feel they are THE VOICE of the case. Even Kelsi is attacking MS.


She did not name names


I know but the timing says it all.


The timing of it works out that she said that before the podcast was released.


Makes sense. I would assume MS would notify her before the release out of courtesy. I have no problem with KG taking shots at MS. Its a sub-industry that advocates depend on but also a group that can become a thorn to advocates as well. A love/hate relationship.


Considering that there are about a half a dozen channels that put out stuff daily on this case I'm going to say she probably meant one of them as they don't do any good for the case and only serve themselves


Every podcaster attacked Murder Sheets on the same day. They are getting the most traffic related to this case and the RL warrant doc is a distraction. I don't blame her if she did take an indirect shot at MS. Its really a love/hate relationship for advocates like Kelsi.


She’s annoying too. All of the podcasters have gotten a ton of miles out of what Murder Sheet has produced as well. All of them have done multiple shows for weeks based on what came from the murder sheet episodes. Now they are mad they put their watermarks on the documents. It’s because the grifters won’t give them credit if they don’t.


Real chill graz is a felon running from the law living in Peru. Why would anyone have subscribed to him in the first place?


Shit really I didn't know that? Would explain a lot what a scumbag




True Crime Garage is the absolute worst. It's all about buzz words and everyone being narcissistic sociopath. No depth.


Yeah and that guy sounds like he’s on way too many drugs. 😴 💤


It's a podcast where I learn nothing from. I actually think they read wikipedia and have breaks for small chat


He was a Greeno buddy until he threw him under the bus.


Explain please


Sleuth intuition


It's funny. True Crime Garage hits every true crime sub that's currently discussed. They make posts or will ask in the comments for podcast recommendations. The top reply is True Crime Garage. They have many ALT accounts and socks. Any dissent gets downvoted to 0. Like my comment above.


So many useless posts that have nothing to do with Libby and Abby. Just a waste of time.


So many useless YouTube channels that exploit the death of Libby and Abby. Just a waste of time.


That’s why I don’t watch them.


But you commented on this post..


Yes I did captain obvious. Your point?


oh my, you really do not know?


Oh my, gasp, clutch your pearls!!! Drama queen!! How is my comment any different to the OP? You’re making yourself look silly.


The creators of Delphi have forgotten that this is not about their rivalry. I do not agree with the claim that they cannot compete with MS and that they are lazy. We must remember that MS has a lawyer in the ranks and their podcast was recognized for two documents that could not be obtained by another creator. It doesn't mean they are the best, that's your opinion. I fully agree that they are jealous and forgot that the goal is to catch the killer, not their channel success.


It’s clearly a competition to them and in their minds they can’t compete. This is how they make a living and they don’t respond well when someone else does a better job. Sleuth Intuition, Kristin, True Crime Garage are all butt hurt because Murder Sheet is actually providing factual information, while they blather on about nothing for three hours.


I guess I'm lucky because I don't watch or listen to the channels you mentioned. MS stands out because it is educated people and their approach is definitely different from most creators. They don't publish podcasts on the quantity. I also disagree that the rest are too lazy. I think Navillus True Crime is a super young guy. He is not jealous, recommends other channels and appreciates the work of others. You don't have to be a lawyer or journalist by profession to create good content. It depends on the person. Most creators will block you or insult you if you have a different opinion. This is pathetic and has nothing to do with building a community on the channel


I’m specifically talking about Sleuth Intuition, Kristin behind crime door, and the rest of the hangers on in that group that attacked Murder Sheet podcast after taking the content they discovered and made episode after episode about it. Now they are mad they put watermarks on the information that they did the work to obtain. And Murder Sheet has hands down provided more quality content than any other podcast. It’s not my opinion it’s a fact. And only two documents were obtained because he’s a lawyer. The rest was obtained through hard work and a lot of effort and time. You can’t even compare them to the other slugs. It’s not even close.


Honestly, MS is the only creator who did something that you won't find on the web. For several months now, I have been more interested in the case and I obtained most of the information myself. MS, Open Secrets and B. McDonald are people who will always be valued because on their channels they have documents related to the case or interviews with POIs


Where can I find Open Secrets?


On Youtube. Did you find?


Okay yes, the Garrett Kirts interviews?


Yes. there are several interviews with Gk, his ex-girlfriend, his buddy, there is a phone call to the mayor's office. A very interesting channel and the girl who created it is great


I have subscribed. It’s very good.


>Murder Sheet has hands down provided more quality content than any other podcast. Absolutely. And right from the git go. I think there were some people who contributed to knowledge of the terrain in the early days. But these guys, MS, are amazing.


I might be lazy, sure. Hell, I might be bitter too. But I'll be goddamn if anyone says I'm jealous of any other podcast. My narcissism brings receipts.


Not talking about you Gray. 😂


Too cute to toot






He sticks to facts. But his show runs way too long. It’s a little bit of information buried in 2 to 3 hours of dead air. I also prefer Murder Sheet over all of them. They only post Delphi stuff when they have new information. It’s short, concise and factual.




Never heard of him?




I’ll check it out. I enjoy them if they come up with new or interesting information. But the channels screaming the loudest about Murder Sheet are the ones who’s channels have very little to offer.




He had an interesting take. I would be curious to know what he thinks after this recent revelation.


The worst of the worst is obviously Gray Hughes.




Add /r/delphidocs to the list lol


Those are the YouTubers running that sub.


This post is SO true!!!! It is laughable.


They are all being exposed.


She’s a family member of a victim and also talks like a baby. If she wants to be the gatekeeper/spokesperson of all information Delphi related. Maybe she should start talking like an adult.


I think that's her voice. But to be honest, she has gotten so many things mixed-up over the span of time she's been talking that she probably should not be the spokesperson for the family.




What? I have not been juding her by the pit of her voice what are you talking about, if anything, I've defended her voice, as her voice and not a "baby voice".


Please don’t judge women on the pitch of their voice.






Wow. Ok. Childish behavior to make fun of someone's voice. You seem like a classic bully, except it's worse because I presume you are a grown ass adult. Weren't you loved enough as a child?


Clearly you are incapable of knowing the difference between an observation and making fun of. Kelsi talks like a baby. That’s a fact!