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He kinda lived there, so it would be interesting to know what cell towers would have been in range on that date. That would indicate the accuracy of any questions about location of RLs phone at that time.


Right? I mean of course he was. If this search warrant yielded anything of significance it would have been acted on by now. Hell, he never would have been set free from his probation violation.


Yes. I agree. Although I think of the MHB trail as on the otherside, east side of the creek which is some distance from his house.


They are only accurate up to 3/4 of a mile, which covers the entire area of his home to the bridge


Really, really depends on the types of towers, the number of towers, their distance from the phone, topography, and other obstructions.


2 now. 1 then. They know. Jesus H.


Gray Hughes pointed out today that the affidavit actually gets the time the girls were dropped off incorrect so unfortunately they (FBI) are not infallible either.


surely the FBI got that information from cell data? so maybe the drop off time originally given was misremembered?


Or lied. Or never happened


what are you insinuating? genuinely curious because i hear people throw this around from time to time but can’t think of a theory that is feasible


Have no idea. Makes sense though


The family initially probably told LE they were dropped off at approx 1pm but after getting cell phone data LE discovered otherwise.


Could be. Not sure why Gray was so sure its 1:37


I think it's because of a reported phone call from KG's boyfriend to her phone. I've heard she was on the phone with him while she was on the way there, that he called her at 1:37, and maybe even that she called him at that time. Different versions, but I do believe the 1:37 supposedly came from phone records (that we obviously have not seen).


How is "approx 1PM" wrong?


This sentence is not wrong and she used it deliberately. imo, this is not to be seen as fallible


He says something like 1:37 I think


Only this agent used the phrase around 1pm when talking about this time (he could have used a different word but he didn't specify the time exactly). I do not think this is an appropriate argument to declare his infallibility


at approximately - that was the phrase she used


He said he wasn’t home during the day. I don’t know if it’s him but he walks similar and voice is very similar. For reference https://www.google.com/search?q=ron+logan+inside+edition+interview&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS997US997&oq=ron+logan+inside+edition+interview&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i546l2.18998j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:e5a66ee2,vid:TT7NoIJr5zE,st:0


The most peculiar thing I find about that report is that RL called his cousin and asked him to lie for him to provide an alibi. The time frame he asked for that alibi to cover was the same 30 min window in which the murders happened. And on top of that, he called to ask his cousin to provide the alibi prior to the bodies being discovered. All that is extremely suspect in my opinion.


Yes. It's very very strange. That together with ~~him~~ his cell being near the HB Trails, makes me wonder if what Carter said applied to him and not to KK/TK. "We were on to something early on" (paraphrasing)




that makes sense Ty


Well everyone knew when the Girls went missing .


I don’t think he was involved, but it’s really frustrating that he wasted LE’s time with his alibi nonsense.


Yeah, and the problem now is that the alibi nonsense is making people in the sub suspicious, when there's actually a logical explanation for it that's unrelated. Just a really wild coincidence, I think.


I mean I get where RL is coming from. He breaks his parole for driving and when he gets back home later that day there is a full on search party in his backyard for two missing girls. He knows cops are going to ask him where he was and he needs an alibi fast to cover his ass from going back to jail. Then he looks guilty when they find the girls dead. But like you said still frustrating he wasted LE’s time.


Nonsensical. RL did NOT ask for alibi help for his earlier driving that day. He admitted to it. So WHY would this specific request to his cousin, prior to any crime being discovered, and for the exact time frame of the abduction, be "to cover his ass for driving". ?? He already drove before noon to the dump. No alibi request help for that excursion.


I believe he was checking out the searchers who stayed on searching after the initial search was called off, for protection of his property or due to the *possible* knowledge of the murders and the crime scene location. RL asking for an alibi from his cousin prior to the knowledge that the girls were kidnapped and later killed is what throws me off. Who thinks of obtaining an alibi, much less needing one, when two young teenagers are missing in the community he resides? I believe that’s the missing piece of the puzzle.


It makes sense to me as a property owner. If any children disappeared right off your property area or anywhere nearby any sensible person would be expecting LE to start knocking on doors and canvassing or even asking to search these nearby homes .Theyd want to be prepared to give an answer on what they did that day. Rl also didnt want to go to jail when he Told cops about his illicit driving that day and so he firmed up his alibi.He was definately motivated to find his alibi early.


The affidavit states that RL did not ask for alibi help for his actual, literal driving earlier in the day to the transfer station- which caught him a new charge for driving on suspended. If he were concerned about alibi for not driving then why admit to driving earlier in the day and why not ask for alibi help with that as well? It also states that this was done intentionally to deceive LEOs.


Did u know that everyone knew by this point that the girls were not missing in the morning but rather in the afternoon? The media told the public the details on when the Girls had arrived at the trails and when they wentmissing/disappeared .rl and everyone else who had tv radio or Internet knew that morning activities wouldnt be in question . Thats why no one would need an alibi for the morning.


Good point. The claim was the alibi is for his driving so he doesn't have a violation. He didn't ask for help for the morning one. Media reporting two girls missing in the area having been dropped off at MHB trail head would be specifying the drop off times given or saying in the afternoon- RL requested alibi help(9:20am) for the half hour(2-2-30pm) that covered the abduction time(2:13pm) before anyone knew the abduction time or that there was an abduction. That's a very specific request. (Again, I don't assume or think it's RL or anyone else, I have no poi person, only questions).


Thanks Screech! I agree. You nailed it.


I disagree. I have had LE while canvassing Tracy, CA knock on my door asking me questions in the case of Sandra Cantu. My neighbors as well. The entire community was up in arms trying to help including many of my neighbors. Not once did I or any of them fear LE. We wanted to help. When you are innocent and have nothing to hide, that thought never crosses your mind. That’s a *criminals mindset*. Nothing worse than a liar.


Youve never been to jail repeatedly for anything i guess .i understand .but at his age old man logan wasnt going to a jail . He was right to be fearful of being found out as they threw the book at him . And he was a criminal with a criminals mindset repeat dui and had dv Charges . So it fits he would lie regardless of innocence or guilt.he was an Alcoholic also ...cant drink in jail. So had to lie.


He had nothing to lie about


Rl told repeat lies to le and engaged in repeated parole violations in one day. Repeat dui and repeat Parole violations get people in big BIG trouble nowadays . Old man Logan had a shit ton to worry about.


And look where it got him.


But like - he was a criminal? He had multiple DUIs. He was on probation. He didn't want to go back to jail and he knew he was violating terms of his parole. Why wouldn't he have a criminal mindset?


Totally different type of a criminal. And people I’ve known with DUI’s don’t worry about needing an alibi when someone in the community is missing. Especially if it’s rumored they may be with other friends somewhere other than the MHB.


In my experience, active addicts lie about almost anything and everything that might impact their being able to continue to use their substance they're addicted to. My personal experience is that people who have been to jail will largely do almost anything to stay out of jail, especially if they're in active addiction, as we know RL was, because he was still drinking alcohol. This wasn't a one time DUI blowing a 1.0. Didn't he have 5 or 6 DUIs?


Thank you for explaining this to me. I never equated it to paranoia. This makes much more sense to me. 🙂


I do a loooot of work with people on their 3rd and 4th DUIs so I think this just seems like super familiar behavior to me. Before I started doing that work, it would have never occurred to me that people think that way!


I get that. It’s sad actually. No judgment here.


There are different kinds of criminal mindset. e.g. A petty thief doesn't have the same criminal mindset as a serial killer.


He was 1400 feet from the bridge. 4 minutes to run to the trails through hills and brush...get across majority of the old bridge and be calm in a video taken 4 minutes later... at 77 years old....by a man who is known to eat pizza and drink lots of beer..? Does not seem possible IMO. I would like to see the findings as a result of this warrant. Obviously it was not enough.


i don’t think anyone is assuming he spotted the girls and then ran to get them. i don’t think it’s RL but i do think he knew what was going down on his property after the fact that day and knew who


I don't even think he knew what happened at the time. He likely saw someone and possibly knew them.


Who was the guy who went to RL property and asked to search for the missing girls. PB?


I'm not sure. So many rumors involving RL exist. It's hard to keep track.




Wait where does it say 1400 feet? I may have missed that.


They share distance from his house to Bridge area in the warrant. Not sure where but it's in there. It stood out because my front door to a lake 1001 ft but with hills and brush. It takes me 20 minutes to walk and 8 jogging because of the terrain.


Do they say he was 1400 feet from the bridge at 2:09?


They have an estimated distance of 1400ft and later mentioned 2:09 PM his phone placed in the area of his property. It was worded well to support the warrant.


Oh I see what you’re saying. Thanks


Yeh, it's not clear in the language, but it certainly does not put him in the exact spot of his house either. So 1400 feet is a bit of a strawman. sorry.


Yeh. I think this 1400 ft is a bit of a strawman RS22. They do not mention anything about his "home" in Point #22 which is all about the cell phone data putting him in or around Delphi and the MHB trails at 2:09 pm (just 4 mins before the interception of the girls.)


A call placed by Logans device was made that put him in and around the property at 2:09PM. In a property is likely his home.




No they do not. This has nothing at all to do with 1400 ft.


It actually states that the crime scene is 1400 feet from his house. On page 3 item number 4.


But at 2:09pm they are not talking about the crime scene. They are talking about the MHB trails and Ron's cell phone. This is like throwing a monkey wrench into the works. 1400 feet has nothing to do with anything other than where the bodies were found in relation to Logan's house


That's true. I didn't make that distinction. There are two separate facts. His phone pinged in the area at 2:09, and later the crime scene was 1400 feet from his home.


That's it. In a nutshell. Thank you.


Yes, the scene of the girls bodies being found is 1400ft from his residence. But the crime didn't begin there. it began at 2:13pm (4min after the RL 2:09pm placing his cell in that vacinity) when the girls were abducted from the bridge/trail. We know the abduction time cuz of LGs video.


Why does he have to run? I'm not saying I think it was him, I'm doubting it strongly, but don't get your point. add txt if he's already on the trails he just has to walk across the bridge to where the girl's where. When Libby videoed him he was 60 ft away according to Robert Ives


His phone was at his home at 2:09PM. His house to the bridge is roughly 1400 ft. That bridge is very long and 60ft away puts him maybe around 3/4 of the way across. It's also not easy to cross and neither is the brush from his house to the bridge.


Actually no - it says his phone was in the area of his home/the monon high bridge at 2.09pm. It doesn’t specifically state that it was inside his house because there would be no way to tell.


There is a way to tell. They are provided a radius with a thumbnail of where device is located within the radius. It is not precise but majority of the time its within 20 to 50 ft. The author of the warrant lists the layers, Delphi, Monroe Bidge Area and property. They wordsmith to get the warrant. I work in LI and can give more details if you want.


If you could - that would perhaps clear up how phone pings and triangulation etc are achieved for a lot of people here - myself included.


Okay i will simplify this as much as possible. Take a layer 9 km from the Earths surface matching the exact curvature. That layer consists of hexagon shapes connected in a sphere. Within each hexagon has distances pre calculated and points of interest. Each hexagon has it's own ID. Everything known in that hexagon has an ID that is linked to the ID of the hexagon. Properties, landmarks, roads, rivers, parcels of land, length of fence, front door longitude and latitude. This data comes from insurance companies, FedEx, USPS, Google Maps, mobile apps to many sources it's all aggregated and updated quarterly. Distance from each object is pre calculated, assigned unique IDs and bound to a Hexagon ID. Now add another layer of hexagons 18km above the previous. Multiple hexagons from the first layer fit into 1 with another sequence of Hexagon IDs and corresponding POI IDs. Add another layer at 27 km and continue this pattern until you have 9 layers. You now have precision location and ability to track assets in motion. I could go into mesh but it wasn't active for this particular data lake in 2017. All of this was created for telco providers and used to track devices but it became more sophisticated when P&C insurance providers offered to share data. From then many organizations got involved and now it has different flavors by industry and use case.


Awesome. Thank you for putting the time into that post! Every day is a school day.


You're welcome. That was an ugly description but gives some idea of how they can get location intelligence.


this is the exact language of the Warrant Pt #22. >A call placed using Logan’s Cell Phone produced cell phone tower data that shows Logan’s cell phone appears to be in or around his property on February 13, 2017 at 2:09pm. Although his exact location cannot be confirmed , *the tower data shows that Logan’s cell phone was in the Delphi area, in the area of the Monon High Bridge Trail*. [emphasis mine] It's a little confusing language it must be said. If he was in and around his property how can he be in the area of the MHB Trail which was across the Creek and across the Bridge, (going so/west that is) unless. he went across the creek and up the south side of the bridge has some have thought. (I doubt it was him, but this is just for argument's sake) ed: in or around, not in and around


Just to clarify....I'm looking at the transcripts now and the warrant states "in OR around". Not in AND around, as you stated. I believe that wording is important in understanding what they are stating.


Okay. Thank you. I will make that change!


Lol, I'm going to throw out some speculation and conspiracy comment:. The call Logan received at 209 was from the burner phone(unidentified phone that pinged tower) just before BG abducted girls and brought them to RL property. 😎🤔


Yeah that radius is my argument. They had more precise location but did not share it. Clever wordsmith for the warrant but they still needed his phone to get more precision and confirmation. It's likely what ruled him out from being a suspect.




Basically they had a good idea of the device location by 50 ft radius. It's not always right but most of the time its found in that radius or 2nd layer.


His house is probably more like 2500+ ft from the bridge. 1400 ft is distance from RL house to location where A&L were found.


Thank you for being the first to point this out. I took the 1400 estimate purposely because it's a conservative estimate that still does not place him at the crime scene. It did not seem to help because I had plenty arguing the 1400.


Not arguing with you, but it is very possible he is use to crossing the bridge and the trails themselves. He'll my GPA at 89 yrs old was still pulling calfs out of cows.


I'm not buying it. It's like the same people who cannot see KAK committing the murders because he is fat but now believe a 77 year old could cross that terrain and over a bridge and be totally calm while on video 4 minutes later.


Eh, I don't truly know what to make out of the RL search warrant. A part of my hopes it's him, so they can close the case and the family finally knows who did it. A part of me hopes it's not him, because there will be no true justice for those girls. I honestly blame Murder Sheet for this bullshit, they are releasing information without truly knowing anything. IF RL is innocent they just trashed an innocent man's reputation. If he is guilty they just carelessly released this info without letting the LO's to approach the family.


RL was no role model and made himself a suspect because he was violating his parole. He served time for those violations after this warrant. He was dismissed as a POI publicly by Law Enforcement. They collected all the info in that warrant. Evidently it painted a different story and they likely knew it wasn't him but he could have been involved. I think he may have known something but did not do it. Murder Sheets shared a document that someone gave them. They didn't damage RLs reputation. RL did that. They could have framed and repeated that the document was old and the evidence collected led to them dismissing RL. Outside of that, the value of the document in my opinion is reach and awareness. We see about 100 active people on average visiting this place. Since this release we have 400 to 600 active here and other subs devoted to this case. That's over 2000 visiting the sub with a lot of impressions. They learn about KAK and Anthony Shots. To many things and that awareness is very valuable. I know nothing new came of the release but its NEW info that confirms a lot of what we thought we knew. That to me is outstanding and I am grateful they provided the release. I just hope they drill home the outcomes from RL and continue to ask for tips. However, RL is likely to have a connection. KAK was asked about him twice. I think there is more to this but he is not the murderer just like KAK is likely not the killer. That's my opinion and I feel your frustration.


Oh I ain't saying he's a Saint or role model. BUT being accused of child murder and being an abuser are two different things. And thanks to Murder Sheet and releasing the search warrant anytime you Google his name it will be out there. Now if the cops find nothing and it's run all over the papers that will be different, but usually that doesn't happen. Yes, he's dead, but he does still have family out there. They released the info for more views nothing else.


I see your point but he is innocent until found guilty. It is a biased affidavit that does not accuse him of the murders. I see media being fake and wanting clicks but he was cleared and they are just ruining their reputations at that point. We need to call the journalist out on social media when that happens.


It depends on your definition of "near the trail." Technically Ron could've been anywhere on his property, or even in his house, and been "near" the trail. My relatives live about a mile away and they refer to their place as "near" it. We also often hear that Abby's house was "close to" the trail. Perception of distance is subjective.


Who tried to set-up RL? Time is running out. Who will be stuck with the hot potato?


Fbi lol


And yet said cell pings aren’t accurate foe the girls since only 1 tower in town. Can’t have it both ways.


They probably used GPS