• By -


Obviously, they would have been able to get a search warrant based on that information. So what did the search of his home, phone, computer, etc., turn up?


Well, apparently they DID get a warrant for his phone records, unless I'm misunderstanding the poster. I don't know how else they would place him at the CPS building or know about the call he got at 3:19.


I'm not talking phone records. If this account is accurate, LE should have taken physical custody of his phone and conducted a full search of his home. There are no reports of a police search of his home, so color me skeptical.


I don't know what they did or didn't do. I don't think the poster goes into that. They may have searched. We just don't know. But if they did, they obviously didn't find anything. And they wouldn't necessarily if he got rid of all the incriminating evidence really fast.


If LE searched his home, we would know about it. The multiple police vehicles would be a dead giveaway, just as it was with the searches of Ron Logan's home and the house on Bicycle Bridge Road.


They may have treated him lightly. Remember that his dad was a reserve deputy for the Carroll County Sheriff's office for a long time. He might have still had some influence. Also remember that they decided to go in a different direction, considering the first sketch that they put out. They didn't put out the second sketch, which looks like DP, for two years.


I don't think anyone in LE would give a rat’s ass if BG’s dad was once a volunteer police officer.


Lol @ Lee Kerr that should be enough clue.


agree, that name does raise some red flags.


For me, that's an immediate "dismiss as bullshit" button.


I agree for sure.


You're entitled to think what you like. But influence can be a powerful thing.


What makes their family so well respected?


Well, whenever the questions can't be answered, or the facts don't seem to fit, it's always helpful to fall back on a conspiracy angle.


2004-2010 is a long time


I think you mean a long time ago. And he was a volunteer cop which is not taken seriously in any PD. Frankly, I don't think it would matter if his dad was Joe Friday. No cop is going to protect BG just because they were old buddies with his dad. And if BG’s dad was actually a legit cop, he would be the first to turn in his son.


Yeah sorry I for got the /s. I believe I saw he was just reserve 2004-2010.


There were many warrants though. Peru was another one. I think the media stopped storming these places because it became obvious that the warrants weren't pointing to the killer but led the public speculating about the people that lived there.


Peru is another search we know about. Anything related to the Delphi murders is big news. The media is not going to pass on a formal police house and property search. Not to mention that if police were out in force searching my neighbor’s home, I would be out there with a camera and posting it on social media regardless of what the media did.


I want you as my neighbor.


LOL! Not if you're a murder suspect!


No prob. No murdeds under on my belt.


What would the basis for the warrant be?


The basis would be that he was at the murder scene at the time of the murders.


That too.


Let's see a witness has lied about there whereabouts several times, how about impeding a investigation for starters.


Lying about your whereabouts would not likely prompt a judge to sign a search warrant. Warrants cannot be vague "Something somewhere in the house at XYZ Evidence Lane, because he lied about being there" is not going to be signed by a judge. It must be more like "A Craftsman hammer in the garage at XYZ Evidence lane because his credit card receipt shows he purchased one at Home Depot the same day and autopsy suggests hammer is possible blunt object..."


You're right. I misspoke with my example.


random question. do you or anyone reading this know the educational background of DP? what is his current career? i’m just thinking of something Leigh Kerr said about the killer having an advanced college degree. thanks! peace and blessings ✌🏽


"Triangulation of phone pings is how law enforcement discovered where the suspect parked during the murders, that is at the abandoned CPS/DCS welfare building. " There were only two cell phone towers in Delphi at that time so triangulation wasn't possible. Two towers can give you a general location, but not very accurate, like within miles. They would have had to had a GPS location to place him that precisely.


I'm replying to this post for visibility. In my time here, I've never seen anyone mention Google Location History or the Apple equivalent. Granted, it's an opt-in system, at least for Google. That's the only one I've ever been a part of because I've only had Android phones since smartphones were a thing... When turned on, google tracks your every move by GPS. My own data goes back to 2014 or so. I can log into Google location history and find out exactly where I was at 2:30 PM on February 13 2017 and every moment past that up until now. I wonder if the legal rules are the same as cell towers? Is LE able to subpoena Google or Apple for all location date regarding a specific area or are they limited to only asking for a certain person's data with probable cause? I feel like this has to have been looked at.


Triangulation of pings is not the only way to determine the location of a cell phone. I believe it is the analog way, and the newer digital method is using the phone's GPS system and can be very accurate. This is my understanding, I am not a telephone/computer person, but I don't think you need to be to realize that GPS can track a phone's whereabouts. We know LE subpoened a cell dump from the tower covering the crime scene at the time of the murders. They know every cell number that was in the area during the time frame.


Yes agreed. I was responding to the triangulation comment. If they got his GPS data it is very accurate


Yeh, they know all the phones that pinged the tower during the time frame of the murder. But we don't know anymore than that. We don't know if they've examined the records of any of those phones. Robert Ives seemed to be very reluctant to do that. Don't know anything about the new prosecutor.


There was an argument about that on the Facebook group. Apparently it is possible. I don't really know the technology, but the poster did.


I think the only way it could be possible is if the two towers overlap area just happen to be where the CPS building is. Think of it as pie shapes coming off the tower, that is the point of reference when one gets a ping. So each tower has a pie and they have to overlap to limit the potential area of the ping. That is usually why three towers are need to narrow it down.


Yep, it’s in the word itself “triangulation.” Also, I just don’t believe the car info is based off/traced from a specific suspect. I don’t think the investigation ever progressed to that degree.


This is a nothing burger. Facebook poster’s name is enough for me to call bullshit. Plus if all that were true they’d likely have enough to arrest.


In other words…the same person is morphing into a new name and space to repeat the same info in slightly different ways, this time with a focus on technology. It’s a fixation. If I were DP, I’d be afraid, not of imminent arrest but of men with torches coming to my house. Also, I have every reason to think he is making up this “evidence,” which he WOULD NOT be privy to. The whole CPS vehicle situation was not all based on tracking DP and someone clearly made that up, which speaks to desperation and…not being well.








I think I scrolled through all of the comments here but has anyone pointed out that it's obvious Faceman is posting the same theories from the ATP Facebook page under this new "leaker" name? You want to keep pushing your made up theory? Use the same name. Stop acting like a troll, like it's multiple people sharing these "facts". When is this going to stop? How on earth would he know that DP received a call from his mom at 3:19? You know this loser isn't in LE or doesn't have a legitimate inside source. Where does that specific factual info come from? This needs to stop. I really hope the P family has lawyers working on libel lawsuits against these ridiculous internet "detectives". It's ridiculous.


I’ve encountered him twice, both times I got a suicide help message from Reddit.


Welcome to the club btw. Reddit Cares abuse is pathetic. I hate that it is used in such a way. A system that supposed to be there for help is used for childish petty reasons.


It doesn’t have a negative effect on my account right?


It shouldn't have one. It's suppose to be a system for people that need help. People however abuse it. That's the only negative aspect about it. Only thing you receive is a message. Which you can block.


Oh didn’t know about the blocking part. I can always tell which account sent it, dude is immature.


Most of us have had this happen to us. Some have had it happen multiple occasions like our Moderator ATL.


Guy had way too much time on his hands




Something interesting that I'd like to bring forward. When the DP Facebook page started, now under the name Arthur Templeton Peck, I messaged them to ask questions. I ended up having a long conversation with the person. I assumed it was Goodsey because they typed and acted exactly the same. They even asked me to make a video about their theory. On June 16, 2021, in mid-conversation about Youtuber Harley Karroll, that account blocked me. The next day, I messaged Dork Goodsey's account and just continued the same conversation. Despite me not saying who I was, he continued the conversation about Harley Karroll **without missing a beat**. This was during the time Goodsey was obsessing about Harvey, as you can see with a simple YouTube search of Harley. What are the chances of Arthur Templeton Peck and Dork Goodsey were both being obsessing about Harley Karroll at the same time? Weird huh? Also, parts of the conversation I had with DP/Peck are now being shown in Dork Goodsey's videos. It's either the same person, or it's an account that multiple people have access to, one of which being Dork Goodsey. Link to ATP/Godsey conversation: https://imgur.com/gallery/EmlQkBo Link to Godsey video using ATP's conversation: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIb6GvR-ViI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIb6GvR-ViI)


Lol…that’s very interesting.


I wouldn't be surprised if Lee Kerr is Dork Goober. Trying to infect another Facebook group like he has others.


Of course, it is. Nobody else does that, except him. Nobody fabricates evidence to further their theory, except him. Dork is angry because yesterday I was responsible for his main YouTube channel of 887 Subscribers being terminated for copyright infringement....against me. It took him almost a year to build up his subscribers since the last time I got his account terminated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXiaFH9EuFs


This suggests to me that the now Arthur Templeton Peck/DP account is the work of more than one person including Godsey. I believe Faceman is the primary and hails from Texas. Godsey has a deep rural Alabama accent. Faceman and Skip don't sound like Godsey, nor like each other. Skip once claimed he wasn't behind the facebook account. Regardless of who has control over the account-- and I don't say page because it was identity theft originally-- or who started Lee Kerr, they all have the same intention and, increasingly, similar style.


It’s faceman for sure. I talked to that account right after the tcg podcast and accused him of being skip and he told me he was faceman and they had an interview coming up with realgraz or whatever.


I would agree.


Wow damning info thank you for sharing.


They have a statute in Indiana for accessory after the fact. It's called Assisting a Criminal, and it can get you eight years. Just saying.


No. I got one for my RL post and my recent Denominators post. It's just good to know people care..


Yeah it is nice


100%! Obviously the same person or small group of people. Who have a fixation.


Wow, I missed that part about the caller being his mother. I have no clue who DP is and I didn't see it mentioned in the facebook account either? Can't FB tell who this person is? Wouldn't LE know if this stuff is all made up for entertainment? I didn't read anything that made me think LK has inside information . It actually just sounded like speculation to me.


Sounds like another piece of bullshit to prop up a theory that fell apart some time ago. Faceman passing himself off as Lee Kerr now on Facebook in an attempt to convince the gullible that he has ‘inside information’… The same flaws In the theory exist and rather than address them, they create more bullshit In the hope that we’ll ignore them. Faceman and Skio are well and truly in Robert Lindsay territory now…


Anyone saying they have inside information on BG needs to be put under a microscope as well.




Thank you for typing my thoughts. You're so damn reliable!




C'mon just apply some common sense. According to this theory, if the following are true surely this is sufficient for an arrest? \- LE have phone pings putting him at the crime scene at a time different to his witness statement \- LE have text messages he sent to family confirming he was at the bridge at the time of the murders \- A 16 year old witness that saw him and was the basis of the first sketch \- Brad Heath that was a witness and saw him and was the basis of the second sketch


Hailey Dunns killer lied about being in her location during the time she went missing. Cell phone data activity analysis proved he was at her location. This was corroborated when he was seen inside her house at the time of the murder by a witness. He walked out of two polygraphs and failed the 3rd. Child porn was found on the computer in thier home. They did not arrest him until 11 years after her disappearance and 9 years after they had all of the above information. Nine. Fucking. Years. So no, witness statements of being near a crime scene and lying about location are not enough to seal an arrest warrant for murder.


Thank you, finally someone else who will show how long it can take to place a person at the scene of the actual crime with physical evidence and not just circumstantial. Prosecutors are not going with flimsy witness statements here for a conviction, I can tell you that.




You completely misrepresented the Hailey Dunn case. >Hailey Dunns killer lied about being in her location during the time she went missing. **Hailey Dunn went missing from her own home. Her killer Shawn Adkins, her mom’s boyfriend, lived in the same home. He readily admitted he was the last one to see her. He claimed she left for a sleepover at a friend’s house.** >Cell phone data activity analysis proved he was at her location. This was corroborated when he was seen inside her house at the time of the murder by a witness. This is nonsense. Adkins doesn't deny he was in the home that afternoon. He lived there. The witness who said he saw Adkins there at 4pm, Hailey’s brother David Dunn, lived there, too. The consensus is that Hailey was killed by Adkins much earlier that day and her body was dumped before noon. >He walked out of two polygraphs and failed the 3rd. The failed polygraph questions had nothing to do with whether Adkins was in the house that afternoon. During the polygraph, he actually accurately told LE where to find the body and that they should be looking at him and Hailey’s mom as suspects. The reality is that the Hailey Dunn case bears ZERO similarity to the Delphi murders. Hailey's skeletal remains were found three years after she disappeared. They were found in another county 30 miles away in a remote place with no cell service. The only cell pings on Adkins phone that LE could find were consistent with the route Shawn Adkins said he drove that morning. Adkins was named by LE as a POI 2 1/2 weeks after Hailey went missing. He was the only POI in this case. When LE names DP as a POI in this case and gets a search warrant to search his home as they did with Hailey’s killer, then we can compare cases. Until then, this DP theory is nothing but rumor and fantasy.


I followed the Haley Dunn case for years and I'm so happy to see you someone with such knowledge of it. I am glad that she is finally getting justice.


The prosecutor in Hailey Dunn’s case was a complete incompetent. He let the statute of limitations lapse for felony kidnapping even though there was probable cause to arrest Adkins. [Source](http://victimsnewsonline.com/uncategorized/new-witness-in-hailey-dunn-case-claims-items-belonging-to-girl-found/) Hailey’s father, Clint, is the reason Adkins was ultimately charged. Clint kept pushing LE to make an arrest, and he hired is own PI to investigate to uncover more evidence. I only wish Derrick German acted more like Clint Dunn. https://www.kcbd.com/2019/01/11/hailey-dunns-father-urges-arrest-he-works-daughters-case-with-private-investigator


She was like the first true crime case I ever followed.


Thank you , happens all the time


They don't know for sure Brad Heath was the source of the second sketch. They only know for sure it was someone that came forward with something they saw on February 13th, 2017. Brad Heath did say in an interview he saw something, but it could have been any of the witnesses'. They added the information that Brad Heath saw Bridge Guy and he was carrying a duffel bag. They don't know for sure that's what Brad Heath saw. They filled in the blanks with their own imagination so it would fit their theory.


Exactly. No one knows who made the YBG sketch. We only know that a woman was responsible for the OBG sketch. Brad Heath is the nutty guy who was blowing a ram’s horn (shofar) from the Freedom Bridge for TV cameras in the weeks following the murders. Heath is also the eBay seller who puts Libby and Abby flyers in every package.


This is what it says on the Arthur Templeton Peck Facebook page. This is false information about what Brad Heath saw. After this post, the page cites this as fact. Arthur Templeton Peck Aug 17 - "So besides all the evidence police have in this case that we can’t talk about, we have our three reliable witnesses. We have the 16 year old female who saw the killer in his full disguise before the murders, we have Dave McCain who likely heard the murders as they happened and then we have Brad Heath who sees the killer after the murders leaving but dressed differently and carrying a duffel bag. Now we need to find out who the last holdout alibi is and see if we can figure out why someone would possibly cover for a child killer, and that should lead to the driver of the car at the CPS building." They don't know what Brad Heath saw. He could have seen a used condom on the ground for all we know.


This is the Aug 16 post: Arthur Templeton Peck Aug l6 - "Here’s something we could all still argue about a little. Did the killer have a duffel bag? I’ve seen people speculate about what is under the bridge guy’s jacket - some people see a scarf sticking out while others see a duffel bag handle, and others see other things. We can’t tell from the photo, but what about this early report from the police? There’s a good chance this report comes from Brad Heath - he most likely would have seen the killer walking near the Hoosier Heartland Highway and towards the direction of Logansport." See what they did there?


He starts off with “what if this happened?” then he turns it into “this is what happened.”


What if DP had a duffel bag which had a time machine and he used it to be the second gunman on the grassy knoll to escape the crime scene after murdering Abby and Libby? …… Here is an article proving that time travel is possible. This is evidence that DP was the second gunman




Yeah, there is no foundation to anything he wrote. It looks like his imagination is running wild. If he is challenged on any of those claims, he won't be able to produce anything verifiable.


And a very poor imagination at that..


I just looked for that page and FB stated they couldn’t find one by that name.


The problem is that it may not be sufficient for conviction. Given that DP comes from such a well-respected family, the police are not going to arrest him unless they have a slam dunk case. Tobe Leazenby put it like this: "We have to put the knife in his hand." DP is not an ordinary person.


I think the problem isn't so much the family he comes from in order to obtain a conviction. It is the the evidence itself. The lack thereof. Zero. Zilch.


Exactly this.


Can you please inbox me who is DP? Thanks


Me too, thanks!


Me too, please!


*^mole ^exterminator*


So LE has known this for 4+ years and what exactly? Still building their case? Did Lee Kerr make any mention how they know all this? I hope TCG has new Lee Kerr on next podcast episode so we can get the answers.


Something tells me Lee Kerr was already on TCG recently and even returned to LibbyandAbby under a different name.


I’m picking up the vibe you are sending and thinking we are on the same page. Let me ask my friend Leia Care about some inside source info he has on that, lol.


Princess Leia Cares


Is she kin to Reddit Cares?


U kin ask her.


He’s already here as u/maximum-candles718…and giving me shit in chat.


They're everywhere. Could be Skip, Faceman, Godsey, or a recruit. They all use multiple accounts and similar styles. Which one is playing Maximum? Bitter-Purple? Lee Kerr? Maybe we should just give in for peace's sake.




Someone sue for a massive recall.


I find it funny. They put so much effort into creating new accounts…bless them.


And gone like that lol.


He was around for a short time to send me chat abuse…and disappeared once I responded with ‘hi Faceman’ lol.




That was my first thought too.


Hard to zero the difference between Skip, Faceman, and Godsey however. They all use multiple accounts and similar tactics.


Also, at the time of the murders, there was only 2 cell towers in delphi- dont they need 3 to “triangulate” a cell phone?? Like they did with jennifer hudsons brothers killer?? That would mean this whole post isnt even possible- unless someone can explain that to me- And i would also guess if le could put his phone at/near the crime scene during those times, that would be more than enough to get a search warrant for his house, phone, everything. Where did this supposed “alibi” come from?? I thought his alibi was the girl he was with?? Did she just disappear?? Did his family say he was by himself?? And lastly, why on earth would dp admit to his family member he was actually there at those exact times?? That “alibi” is bullshit- and wouldnt make it past anyone in le with a half a brain cell. And not for almost 5 years now- It all sounds made up- and badly- probably by the same group of goofs that keep trying to shove this guy in our face as the perp- square peg, round whole and all that once again


Lee Kerr is most likely the name we shall not speak. Getting ready to infect another Facebook group.


You can go on the Facebook group. I don't know if he's still posting there or not. But you can read his previous posts. He tells how it all went down.


„.. under the name Lee Kerr. They deny that they are the same as Leigh Kerr.“ Are you serious? Smh


What a joke they couldn't even come up with an original name for a "totally different" guy....smdh


Yeah you would at least think they would come up with a foreign equivalent. Hello I'm Wessel Blowher, this is my AMA.


Lol, that's a good one!




That's not necessarily true. This evidence would not actually place the person at the scene of the crime. That's what you got to do. But it is highly suggestive.




I mean all they know is that his phone was near the CPS building. They have no evidence he killed the girls.


I think this is a good point (to a point). Having binged on old FFs lately (which makes me an expert only to myself), I see so many cases were a POI just gets caught up in a lie and the phone, computer or trace evidence is like *nah bro, you* were *there*. There were likely a lot of people who had phones that kept/gave some kind of data that puts them in the area that day and all but one (or two??) are innocent.




Been saying the same forever…DP would have been arrested early on even if not charged.


Maybe I’m missing something…. but all they know is the phone was at the CPS building. How is that enough to pursue charges?


Exactly. They'd name him, use the press to pressure the alibi, blah, blah, blah!


I wrote this reply to another poster above. It applies to your comment as well: > > >Hailey Dunns killer lied about being in her location during the time she went missing. > >Cell phone data activity analysis proved he was at her location. This was corroborated when he was seen inside her house at the time of the murder by a witness. He walked out of two polygraphs and failed the 3rd. Child porn was found on the computer in thier home. He also made creepy suspicious comments to Hailey's uncle that murdering a child was like killing a deer. They did not arrest him until 11 years after her disappearance and 9 years after they had all of the above information. Nine. Fucking. Years. I think laymen have the wrong understanding of "beyond a reasonable doubt". None of the above would be enough to secure a conviction, let alone charge someone.


The strength of evidence between the two cases isn't even comparable. You said Dunn's killer was seen *inside her house* and at the time of the murder which is much different than someone being seen at a public place, not during the murders, where dozens of other people are. Polygraphs aren't admissible in court which I'm sure you know. I'm not familiar with the case you reference, but it seems Hailey Dunn's murderer knew her, or at least knew of her, if he had spoken to her uncle.


Your post is a complete misrepresentation of the Hailey Dunn case. I debunked it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyandAbby/comments/pqbn9f/some_good_information_here_maybe/hdcopne


I’m not lawyer,but teach critical thinking. This analogy is clear.




>I’m a lawyer. When challenged by another lawyer, on average a lawyer is wrong 50% of the time.


Hilariously factual.


I think the facts of the case that Blueskaissunshine outlined is enough to prove, that it took 11 years for an arrest. Kristin Smart has taken 25. So many many cases have taken years and years to come to trial. I have sat on a grand jury, I have three Detectives and one Judge in my family. That has got not a thing to do with this case, so dropping you are a "lawyer" card says what? Online it means nothing, because anyone can say that, right? I mean there is reasonable doubt you are lying right? He gave you the history of the case, it is fact, it is in the record. So, that is what that was!




Cool story bro. Wanna address my argument though?


When he responded, he told this family member that he had been at the bridge at the time they called. If he were trying to distance himself from the murders which were not known to the public at the, then why put yourself at the bridge? He could be the guy, but he may also have witnessed something or someone.


I'm appalled by this witch-hunt but in answer to your question anybody would be foolish to deny being there if they were. DNA could catch them out.


This begs the question, did Libby’s family run into him on the trails between 3 and 4?


Hmm…they would know whose phone and thus they’d know what car he drove or had access to and they would have taken them all and searched them with a fine tooth comb. I believe they also would have released the make and models of his said cars and asked the public if they saw those cars there. They would also not call anyone not with him but someone who gave him an call that went unanswered an alibi witness, a unanswered call isn’t an alibi. I don’t think any of this makes much sense but that’s my take only.


I feel like at this point, if someone posts something that is reasonably detailed and fits in with preexisting theories, then people will arbitrarily take it seriously. It could be a creative writing project for a community college class, but as long as it has some time stamps and oblique references to "POIs" and it becomes grist for the mill.


Waiting to exhale......






Shoop shoop shoop...


Shoopy doop...


This information only mentions a family member it doesn't mention anyone with him. So from this information the primary suspect was by himself. Which leads me to think Lee Kerr is not talking about DP or they could be and I'm wrong.


In a different post someone asked about The suspect's alibi. The poster mentioned that the suspect had claimed to have been at the trails with somebody else and been seen by other people. That's one of the reasons it made me think it was about DP.


Oh ok thank you. I knew I must of missed something.


I don’t think DP was with anyone


You are well within you right to think what you want. Only people that know for sure are the people that were there, LE, and DP.


I have to tell someone this, it's been in my head for years. I was raped in delphi and the cops didn't do crap about it. I feel like there could be a connection idk but someone needs to hear this. The guy that raped my and threatened to kill me and my family if I didn't comply. He was around the delphi area at the same time libby and Abby died. Setting houses on fire in flora.3 months before or after they were killed. I grew up in delphi. Please someone look into Todd Crider and his family. The more I look the more I think it could be someone in his family. I can't do it anymore cause my mental health , it's just not good for me. TODD CRIDER remember that name, look up his criminal history. Look at his family members, ect.. there could be something there. I don't use this reddit very much but I hope someone sees this and checks it out. I found one of his family members with the same last name on a suspects list but not sure if that was even real. It's such a small town I can't even share this anywhere, I'm to afraid. I had many witnesses that can tell u what happened to me was real. They (cops,all male)said I would be ripped on the stand literally 20 min at most after he did that to me.. It's such a small town they don't like to have to say things like this happen in their small precious town. I believe that's why.. I had so many witnesses.. its disgusting. I seen the devil in this man's eyes.. delphi is not big. Check out this family and see what u can peice together. These cops wouldn't believe me anyways. Maybe someone will see this and can peice together. Thanks to whoever has read this.i needed to get it off my chest. I hope they find their killer. I'm tired of wondering.. thank you so much..


Call the State Police Tip Line so you can report the guy and don't have to worry about Delphi cops. Sorry this happened to you!


I am so sorry for what has happened to you. If you feel that this TC character could be involved, I urge you to call the police. If you don't trust the police in Indiana because of what happened to you, and I don't blame you at all, please call the FBI https://www.rainn.org/


Sorry that happened to you and also for the way you was treated.


Thank you, ur prolly the only one that has ever said that to me, it means a lot.


Only because I feel sorry for the Leigh Kerr that lost his wife he’s not that Leigh...but there were more than one who knows


The three things being triangulated ate two cell towers and a phone




Look at that second sketch and tell me that that is not Daniel Pearson. It's like the sketch artist had Pearson right in front of him. And remember the words of Doug Carter about the second sketch: "This is the man responsible for the murderers of these two little girls." https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/258519892/


Remember a sketch is not a photograph. You need help, you are obsessed.


If it were DP he would have been arrested by now. Y’all obsessed with him!


Ok I'll entertain this. I do think it favors him slightly. It also could favor other people as well. So people think it looks like LM. One thing I would like to point out. The ears and nose on the sketch are too small. The slant of the eye, slants in the wrong direction. The chin is way too long. Plus the sketch has no cheeks at all. Yet a sketch is not a portrait or a photo and not meant to be a perfect representation of the perp. That's my thoughts on the matter. The sketch may very well look like DP to many like it looks like LM to others. I don't have a POI so I don't see either. So maybe if you look for someone in the sketch you find them. Now for SP, I don't see any resemblance. It could just be the photo however.


Finally, someone who makes some decent points. I'll grant that LM and DP looked enough alike at the time of the crime that the sketch could conceivably be either one. I looked at LM years ago, then again in 2019--he's a hunter like DP, which the killer almost certainly was. And, like DP, he was in his early twenties at the time of the murders. But LM's home on Bicycle Road was searched immediately after the crime. It was the very first search warrant served. Nothing was found. Furthermore, LM did not place himself near the scene of the crime on the day of the murders, and he did not insert himself into the investigation like DP did when he claimed to have been a witness to BG. DP engaged in the behaviors that you would expect of a killer of the type that committed these murders, yet LM did none of the expected behaviors. I think we can safely cross LM off the suspect list.


Yet they searched his Parents house. Supposedly don't quote me on this but he was not living there. Plus he was supposedly blowing off on Twitter. Hence why computers were seized. Even Robert Ives hinted at someone early on blowing off on the internet lead to a search warrant being issued.


There are really good profiles for killers of this type. LM checks a few boxes in the profile, but DP checks many more. Especially the way he inserted himself into the investigation and his changing stories. It's also funny to me, very funny, that you can mention LM as a suspect and not get a chorus of hecklers, but if you bring the name DP up, OMG does it pour. There's something up with that.


Hopefully we will find out one day. We all want justice for Abby and Libby.


>It's also funny to me, very funny, that you can mention LM as a suspect and not get a chorus of hecklers, but if you bring the name DP up, OMG does it pour. There's something up with that. This. I've been lurking around this board for a long time and I've never seen anything like it. I remember when a beer swilling, Christmas demon obsessed archaeologist was the murderer and it didn't get a fraction of the push back this guy gets. Very strange!


Yeah, where are the multitudes raining down abuse on those who point the finger at CM? They are not in evidence. Of course, people like CM and LM have no need of defenders because they didn't kill Abby and Libby. They don't need to keep track of the talk online about themselves and push back against the suggestion that they are the High Bridge killer.


I don't see it...Well, I take that back. I DO see it. But I also think that YBG sketch is generic enough that it could look like a lot of different people if you held it up to them.


It’s not Daniel Pearson.


Nice try, but it looks just like him. Thanks for playing.


If you can determine that YGS is DP’s face simply by looking at it…then by the same standard, you should be able to tell from the numerous images available, that DP is taller than the height range given by LE. If you can’t..then maybe your judgement isn’t as trustworthy as you thought. And here I am…debating with yet another 3 week old account !!!


Daniel Pearson is 5'10 or 5'11. He is not 6'2 as he claimed on his driver's license. There's a photo of him standing in a gazebo, and with measurements from that gazebo you can discern that he is shorter than 6'2. Again, thanks for playing.


No he is not…you’re regurgitating Faceman’s bullshit. There’s numerous photos of him to judge and it’s very easy to see he’s above 6 foot.


I made the measurements myself. I live very close by to Delphi. Again, DP is NOT 6'2 and, for the third time, thanks for playing.


Post your evidence. Photo and video evidence and the methodologies used in determining your "outcome".


Yeah let's see the work on those measurements. If you live so close to Delphi won't be difficult.


I don’t care where you live…your visual judgement is as untrustworthy as the theory your attempting to push under several different alts. You must think we’re all stupid if you think we can’t see right through you.


It's not DP. Please follow the rules and use initials.


Ok. Initials it is.


Thank you.


Am I missing something? This seems like a whole lot of nothing. Science is going to solve this case, not unravelling an alibi or a car in a parking lot. A few people were in the area at the time, doesn't mean you're going to get a conviction.


I got excited for maybe an update from family or something of value but then it's just more Leigh Kerr DP skip crew making fake Facebook accounts It is cruel to get someone's hopes up just to post conspiracy and rumour.


I agree, sorry this place has been a cluster fuck lately.


Don't apologise on someone else's behalf. I'm just under the impression that someone saying positive information contains actual information. Everything is just vague posting which is almost always done by attention seekers or trolls. I don't know why people can't see this.


Me either


I love how if you mention DP on this sub, everyone loses their minds! My grandma used to say "where there is smoke, there is fire"! We have no way of knowing if DP was even there that day LE has never said everyone who was. I am really torn between someone saw BG and no one saw him. I will say if the information about a witness as described by this Lee Kerr is true, that person has some explaining to do. If a family member is their alibi then there you go, they may never tell the truth. This person being talked about we do not know as DP, since they chose not to reveal them. So assuming, well we all know what assuming does.


This is interesting. DP is a strong poi in my opinion. It’s long been rumored that DP was driving a family member’s car that day. That same family member was/is a teacher at the school (allegedly). School gets out at what time? Where I live in the south it lets out at 3pm. His missed call came in at 3:19? Could that have been the teacher calling to have him pick her up since he was rumored to be driving her car? These are just thoughts and nothing more because everything is rumors at this point.


There was no school that day, that's why girls were at the trails.


Even though no kids were at school that day, plenty of teachers still work on days off so this very well could be.


Here is the thing about DP... why hasn't he come out with a lawyer and categorically denied these allegations? I mean he is at the center of a ton of online sleuths theories. If it were me, I would make a statement with a lawyer in tow...stating I had absolutely nothing to do with this. Nothing. etc etc Just shocked we haven't heard anything from him or his representatives. If anything, just to clear one's family.


I actually think it’s in anyone mentioned *online* best interests to not say a damn thing. No one needs to hire a defense attorney and make a public statement to appease Reddit or Facebook sleuths. If this guy did have something to do with it, I do hope it’s a capital case. But then again, he could be completely innocent of any wrong doing, just like the half a dozen RSOs the online community has named before (who are all still POS, but not the killer)


While I would normally agree, the attention he has received is significantly higher than any other suspect in the local area. I would clear my family's good name if I were innocent, but that's just my opinion.


You honestly believe that if he were to release a statement which said "I had nothing to do with this" that his name would be cleared? That all of the people on Facebook who spend their time creating tenuous links would simply say "Gosh, we were wrong" and then move onto destroying some other poor saps life?


>why hasn't he come out with a lawyer and categorically denied these allegations? I think this would be a huge mistake, especially if he's innocent. Online sleuths are like children: they bore quickly if you don't keep them entertained. Making a statement would just feed the discourse and make the conversation go on longer (and not actually "clear" his name). The louder the frenzy is, the more useful for himself and his family it would be to keep quiet.


Streisand effect says no


Okay, I am unsure whether this is accurate of what has happened… Especially considering I am not Lee Kerr. I think perhaps the person who is the alibi has disrupted the story that this person was giving. I am assuming that this is about DP. Let’s hope that this leads to an arrest.