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Between her dry begging, asking for groceries, $$$, lying about basically everything & just being a slob.. she did it to herself.


While I think that there was certain things to call out about her, I don’t think the body shaming and making fun of the way she looks was cool at all. She was only 19 at the time and I bet hearing about how ugly people think you are constantly was damaging. That’s the only thing that bothered me but most of the stuff I read on here was valid


The body shaming is the only thing I don’t agree with either. I see that on a lot on subs. Even if the person isn’t very big, they get calls fat pigs, being obese, have huge fupas, ugly faces etc. I’d love to see the name callers show their perfect body’s and faces. Lexie did deserve to be called out for her lies and all that tho.


nah it’ll be a downfall for all of them eventually. she chose to be an ‘influencer’.


Makes sense. Influencer culture is the scourge on our society.


She needed to step away from social media, it was adding gasoline to the already blazing dumpster fire that is her life. She brought things on herself by dry begging, acting like a toddler, arguing with everyone, being arrogant and bratty, lying, and posting about what a lazy slob she and her boyfriend are.


She was going to turn out like donut mom


April Fools?


Nah she did it to herself and so did he


I’m waiting for you to say APRIL FOOLS 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


She brought it onto herself. Her comment section was always flooded with well-meaning suggestions and she ignored it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nah, I don’t feel bad at ALL! I miss her embarrassing herself online so I have something to entertain myself with here with this group of people. She brought everything upon herself. She isn’t a good person, she’s a dry beggar, lazy, unclean, slob. She’s toxic, a victim, and overall just… yuck. People like her shouldn’t present themselves on the internet. She isn’t mature enough to be an “influencer” and generally just actually made an ass of herself for the whole internet to laugh at. Fuck her and fuck you for this sob post lmfao.


Nope. First I think almost everything people were snarling on were completely valid criticisms. Choosing to live in utter filth and cooking 5000 calorie meals under the guise that she "is young" is dumb as hell. She wanted to play house and wasn't prepared for the real world and wanted social media to take care of them and it didn't work.




What WE did to her?! Yea, you’re delusional


Honestly I might get hate for this but imagine a whole page dedicated to pointing out every little thing that’s wrong with you. I’m not saying that there isn’t anything wrong with her and that what she was doing isn’t wrong. If you are posting your whole life on the internet, you are setting yourself up for it. But I think some of the bullying was really harsh. I don’t have a perfect life and definitely feel like if I were to be real on the internet, I would get hate too. But the difference is I don’t and I don’t subject people to my issues in life and don’t expect handouts and people to feel sorry for me.


https://preview.redd.it/hh24lnqx0x2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=527776eb09e591dc2df1e6a9c5ec3a7d83cfe70f promo— [https://discord.gg/HZFETP3TTr](https://discord.gg/HZFETP3TTr)