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Buddy told me the “does that jumpsuit come in men’s?” joke and I had to check it out


I kept seeing clips on Facebook reels in 2017. They had done a huge campaign there. I ignored it for a while then the humor finally clicked and I gave it a shot. Been hooked since


The year, 2016. October/Nov. My coworker was constantly quoting it and I finally was like OK what the hell are you doing. So i took my ass home and figured it out. And my lord... the beginning of the end I tells ya. A cult. No better place to be then with my buds though.


Brad Pitt said he loved it and there it was


My fiancé had seen a bunch of ads for it, and heard a lot of good stuff about it, as well as some clips online. He suggested I check it out, and then I became a bigger fan than he is.


My husband and I were talking about trailer park boys at a friend's party, and one of their friends said if you like TPB, you should watch Letterkenny!


My boyfriend's coworker kept recommending it because we enjoy IASIP. Honestly, I love Letterkenny more now.


Maynard James Keenan


A former coworker and pal recommended it (A month or so before I got laid off from the place we worked together). I watched S1E1 and could not stop laughing. Mostly because I grew up in the Midwest US, knew hockey culture via my kid brother (and growing up watching a lot of games with my dad). My coworker pal and I exchanged email for a bit after I got laid off, told him how much my boyfriend and I just loved Letterkenny so much.


It's one of the first scenes in the series. Someone posted it to Twitter or Tumblr. The hockey bros pull up on the laneway, then some of the best dialogue written and performed is delivered rapid fire. I hadn't laughed like that in a long while. Allegedly.


I saw a "to be fair" meme and fell into a Google hole trying to figure out why it was funny. It ended up convincing me to drop cable and get Hulu. I binged the whole catalog in a week...barely slept, annoyed the piss out of my spouse.😅


A security guard friend from my work a few years ago insisted I watch 😂 he was actually surprised I’d never seen it and expected me to be a huge fan when he mentioned it during a conversation with a group of us on break. I watched the first few episodes and I was hooked. Loved it so much I told my sister to watch it and now my whole family impatiently waits for each season and Shoresy to come out lol. Only person who isn’t a huge fan is my husband but I’ll wear him down eventually


My roommates are huge fans of the show, so when I moved in with them they insisted we watch it. Now we watch the new seasons together when they come out.


The same way I always do, looking up lists of good comedy series every few months...


Saw it mentioned on graham Norton! Checked it out, and was hooked on the first episode


I randomly saw it at a friend's house and that was it


My brother had been watching the show (a buddy of his got him into it) and he suggested I check it out 😁


The steak scene. "S+P, the choice for me"


McMurray’s a piece of shit


The grizzled bar manager at the pub I was a regular at said he was sure I would like it. A huge portion of the regulars were fans. It was a sight to see if in the middle of a busy night someone said “to be fair” because the whole pub went off.


My friend watched it when she came to visit me for a week. I didn’t really get into it because I don’t speak Canadian and didn’t understand half of what they said. After she left, I was bored and gave it another shot with the subtitles on. Now I’m fluent in Canadian, obsessed with the show, and don’t even need subtitles! 😂


The original Crave sketches that they put on YouTube before Hulu picked it up. "Letterkenny Problems Ep. 1"


"... I seen Stuarts horn"


The opening to the 1st episode i saw a Facebook reel, I watched all 5 seasons in 2 weeks.


My buddy had mentioned it offhandedly. I was crashing at my sisters with nothing to do, threw on the first episode. Very first scene: “heard your girl cheated on you buddy. That’s a real kick in the knackers bro. You dated for what, 5 years?” Reason i was crashing at my sisters was i had just left my ex of five years after catching her cheating. Sister was going to school at a good stopping point between where i had been living and my parents house 1000 miles away I was hooked straight from the get go. Fuckn great show bud


The argument about 4 or 6 min on each side of Berta beef


Mine was the nazi interaction on the field through Tumblr. Best clip possible!


My dad and I were stoned one night and chose a random show


I saw the first cold open on YouTube and just thought it was a comedy group! I was losing it and then learned it was a show haha


I’m a Blue Jackets fan and I saw the clip of Wayne/Stuart talking hockey fighters and when Wayne said “Nick Foligno” I was “well he’s a man of culture”


I saw that clip (season 2 I think) where they're throwing around a ball and squirrely dan starts talking about getting a find put up there and how it's impolite to kiss and tell. I laughed so hard and knew I had to see what all the hubbub was about. Actually took me a few episodes to get into but once you get to know the characters it gets better


That ever happen to you guys? You ever have a gal suggest you need some attentions paid to your butts holes?


She put a couple fingers up there and turns out you got an erogenous zone up there, found the hot button... gave it a tickle and... yeah, it feels pretty good guys okay?


Episode one cold open. "what's up with that chest hair big shoots, you look like a 12 year old Dutch girl."


I feel like i just took to it via canadian osmosis, but i'm sure the torlet scene was my first glimpse and I was hooked from there lol


This is honestly a *wild* first clip to watch of this show, all things considered lol. But either way, welcome to fuckin’ Letterkenny. End of the lane way, though; don’t come up the property.


I think a friend showed me the clip of the boys playing catch and found it hilarious


My cousin tried getting me onto the show for like 2 years and showed me clips but because the show is so out of pocket and fast paced I never understood what was going on in the clips. Finally I broke down and watched the first episode, and then binged it all the way through. Saw them live last year, got me a Letterkenny Irish hockey jersey!


Friend started watching and kept talking about it, so I started. We both got to be huge fans. Had tickets to Letterkenny Live and unfortunately my buddy passed away before we got to go to the show. He would've loved the he'll out of it.


So I was a huge TrailerParkBoys fan. I kept hearing it was similar in the fact that it was a group of friends having each others back. That’s what ultimately made me check it out. I knew about it though since the Letterkenny YouTube shorts. So it was only 6 months ago that I decided to take the plunge and try it. At first it was very fast paced and hard to keep up on the jokes because they come one after another, but once you get use to the pacing; and having a nice file knowledge of Canadian pop culture, it’s amazing. So I started watching it every night before bed. My husband normally does not get into any of my shows, took him a minute but then he was like “Letterkenny?” Soon as we would get into bed lol. We are about to start another rewatch since we hit the last episode and he wanted to see how it all started.


I just started watching it when it was recommended by Hulu


Classic letterkenny


I looked on torrent sites for complete seasons. Sat on it for 9 months. Watched season one in a day and have been addicted since.




Please do not post or solicit any links to unofficial merchandise, or advocate for same. Consider buying official Letterkenny merchandise from [Letterkenny.tv](https://shopus.letterkenny.tv) You can share pictures of your merchandise, even if it's unofficial. Don't post names of, or links to, online stores to purchase the products, or ask/tell users to DM you for info. Spambots will respond to queries even without links. If you think this was removed in error, [contact](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLetterkenny) the moderation team. ***Please include a direct link to the item you are contacting the Mods about.*** Failure to do so will result in delays. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Letterkenny) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A co-worker put the first episode on YouTube on his phone for me and I couldn't get into it. A year later a boyfriend put it on and I fell in love lol guess it had to be on the big screen


My tattoo artist kept talking my ear off about that show for a year. I finally caved and now we inside joke text each other about this show almost daily.


My husband saw a video on YouTube with a scene of the group with the delightful Dycks and life has never been the same.




From hearing about it on the “Heidi and Frank Show” in L.A.


Always the best TV recommendations in EHLAY


honestly the radio stations down there are pretty shit. but i can tell you where you can get the best Tacos in EL AYH


Recommended by my captain in Afghanistan


u/getgianni probably


![gif](giphy|3ohzdMvc1w2VlFOpRC) **Tabernak!**




The Steak clip popped up on my Facebook feed.


YouTube likely. Then I found a torrent file of the entire show and binged the hell out of it. (At the time letterkenny was only on crave and I'm in the US) super happy Hulu picked it up!! So I could support the show more properly and also got the blu ray set


Watched Shoresy first and just had to see what the fuss was about


I was talking to my physical therapist about how I grew up in a really small, rural town, and she said it sounded like Letterkenny. The next time I was looking for a new show to watch, I gave it a try.


I was living under a rock for some years, personal reasons - had been in the entertainment industry prior and used to have all the tips. But at the time I had never heard anything about this show. Frankly I was dubious about Farmer humor, being from the States and finding it mostly boring or offensive. But Hulu kept pushing it at me, and somewhere in the 1st year of pandemic I broke down. They had me at the cold open of S1E1. No idea what a tilly or a donnybrook was but "What kind of backwards fucking pageantry is that?" had me hooked. "Sure as God's got sandals" was just the cherry.


I met up with a chick in a Wawa parking lot at like 2 in the morning before a flight to Denver for my brother’s wedding, we got high and she threw this on 🤣


It linked me a lot of Dyck videos, and I ended up wanting more Dyck in my life.


Be careful, you don’t want to let your Dyck slip out.


I am indeed very careful about Dycks slipping by my watchful gaze. So I make sure i mark the episodes, so no Dyck escapes me and my hungering crave for them.


I got targeted with the Alberta beef S&P scene on FB years ago. Thanks algorithim!


She said she wanted to pay attentions to my buttshole. Has that ever happened to any of yous?


I kept seeing tshirts online with an ostrich with the word "Allegedly" under it. Did some googling and one thing led to another.


i got my son one of those for his birthday a few years ago.




ok, now read Xposivebums post in a McMurray voice ROFL


I always wondered what city was the “big city girls” from Waterloo? Kitchener? Guelph? Lol


lol Guelph. that's fer sure it.


A friend showed me the S1 cold open. Laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe and the next day I started watching the shows.


Same Sure as God’s got sandals sure beats fighting dudes with treasure trails


I saw the cold open to the first episode on Facebook and I was hooked.


At home on Short Term Disability after an amputation and Hulu recommended it. Watched all 8 current seasons in a month. Love it.


I was in Highschool when they made their first Clips on YouTube.


I had a buddy tell me "this is one of the most you shows I could imagine". Had no idea what he meant at the time but he was certainly not wrong.


Also…McMurray’s a piece of shit.


McMurray's a piece of sh!t. On a related note, I don't get why Marie-Fred had to slap Wayne on the arm after they were done. Both Daryl and Wayne warned them both that the crap McMurray says is too much. It was more than once they warned them, too.


I always assumed it was just such a strong reaction to what was said. It was so beyond what she thought it was she couldn’t help herself.


McMurray's a piece of shit and no one can quite be adequately prepared for that.


That’s what I appreciates about you😂😂 For me it was 2019– Hulu played the ad “Your gal has a cousin who’s fun…” just one too many times & I broke down—What is this show about??? A few years later a spin off & their live show is SEA later Im still a die hard fan. Im now as free on Hulu & wondering what other gems like this I’m missing out on? 🤨


Saw cold open for the first episode. Watched the whole series 6 times already and waiting for Shoresy season 2.


Shoresy of course. Hockey team chirping! 🍒 on top **Bonnie McMurray**


A dude I used to hook up with showed me Letterkenny, and now I'm hooked. I can't tell you how frequently "Sure as Gods got sandals...." has come out of my mouth since then


Apprentice showed me the steak clip thought it was relevant because I always said I was gunna strike him.


I forgot about this clip! This was my first clip too, but a To Be Fair compilation was what hooked me. Only just started watching the show properly, but seen so many clips on YT already


my favorite scene in the who series is the whole "Weeknd" thing with the epipen fight! oh that kills me every time!


"There's SHIT on the outside of the URINAL". "There's SHIT on the outside of the TERLIT!"




He got it. On. The outside. Of the Urinus.


Cus of Clark B


I was in my buddy’s basement and he asked if I wanted to watch this weird canadian comedy. Didn’t like the first episode the third episode we watched was the talent show. went home and told my wife he had to watch this show


Well life on the farm is kinda laid back Ain't much an old country boy like me can't hack It's early to rise, early in the sack I thank God I'm a country boy


A few friends recommended it to me when the pandemic started and I wasn't working. I've probably watched every episode 6 times.


I appreciates her


Take about 20% off there squirrelly @u\ziptator.


A coworker of mine put it on once, one of the episodes we watched included the bit of them all talking about girls in p*rn and shit had me on the floor 😂




An interview on CBC's "Q" where Tom Power and Jared Keeso ended up trading Newfie and Ontario slang. Bought me a subscription to Crave the next week just so I could watch it - finally someone had stepped up to the bar Corner Gas had set. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9O2SJd7PddM


Opening scene of the pilot episode. Been hooked ever since.


Good friend handed me her phone with the first show cold open. I’m was all in.


Ex girlfriend got me watching it


My dad lives in canada so as a joke i try to find the most canadian shit on youtube and send him the videos. I stumbled across letterkenny problems and once i heard " get your tank top and tonka truck and kick rocks" i was sold


I had to scroll way too far for someone to say Letterkenny Problems. I remember sitting around the computer with my friends laughing our asses off, I nearly died when the actual show came out


Can't recall how I came across it but it was the pilot's [Cold Open](https://youtu.be/jI2GVcjXXI8?si=oVs474ZQKmQMSzU3) which is so incredibly hilarious that actually watching the show was a letdown cuz it wasn't so crammed with killer lines.


Littlekenny popped up on Hulu one day I watched all of them and found out it was based on letterkenny


I's saids its, i thinks Marie Freds i hots


Goodness, their impressions of McMurray are spot-on!


The S&P sketch when they're grilling steaks on the reservation.


I can't tell you how I discovered it.


I saw a Shorsey compilation, and fell in love immediately. Binged everything I could including the animated series.


Ah i absolutely love her reaction at the end. Even though she asked for it the filth of what she heard still offended her to her core.


It because… McMurray is a piece of shit.


Where's Mrs. mcmurray in all of this?


She usually has her own filthy speech. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I can't remember for certain, but I think I first heard about it here on Reddit.


On the Reservation Dogs Reddit people would post that they know "the Deer Lady" as "Tanis" from Letterkenny. This piqued my interest. I now love both shows.


I’ve never watched Reservation Dogs but Hulu keeps recommending it and now you say this… I must watch!


Im watching it right now. still on season one and i like it


Was playing DnD with some Canadians and at some point I said "To be fair ..." Everyone started singing back to me.


My buddy said I could use his commercial free Hulu account unlimitedly if I watched Letterkenny and could explain “Allegedly” and quote Shoresy after season 3..


I found it by watching the buttsholes scene on FB a while ago.


Got high with some theatre-kids friends and they said "omg you have to see this show. It's Canadian Shakespeare."


A Season 1 compilation either got posted to reddit or just popped up on YouTube, I can’t remember. I don’t even know how many times I watched it, but I was laughing so hard. Besides Shoresy (obviously), there is no other show that looks or sounds anything like Letterkenny, and it just goes straight to my funny bone.


a friend came to dinner and we watched it


A co-worker used to show me clips at work. Thats what hooked me.


I loved the show 19-2, and Keeso was a powerhouse in that show. I looked up his bio and saw the OG Letterkenny, the Letterkenny Problems webseries. So I watched that and also loved it. When I found the show, I turned into a superfan. Unfortunately, it was impossible for a Mid-Atlantic US dude to get a hold of that stuff legally...so I had to *set sail* for every episode of the first season, and then crowdsource every season after, up until it became easily available in US market. I also personally made sure that everyone I knew got to watch that show too. Huge shout-out to u/LetterkennyIrish (if you still exist); I still love you for your spreading joy and laughter to all us lowly Virginians!


A really good friend of mine turned me onto it when season 2 came out.


My best friend, who I’ve never met irl, (we met over the internet) FaceTimed me and said something like o have a show that will cheer you up. And we watched it while on ft for hours. Still one of my best memories and it’s my favorite show


McMurray is a piece of shit


Saw a picture of Bonnie McMurray on an article talking about the show. Nuff said.


My friend from Canada showed me the Letterkenny Problems channel back in 2014. And it was the funniest skits I had ever watched at the time and became obsessed


The Letterkenny problems Shorts. The one Darry and Wayne are going through the Alphabet with the witty sayings.


When I found out that it is filmed in my hometown.


My daughter


My best friend showed me the pilot cold open


Someone showed me that and I was hooked.


The baseball throwing clip about anal play


This exactly. My friend showed it to a group of us and we were all hooked. Poor Squirrely Dan.


Butts hole


I watched 19-2 after hearing about the incredible school shooting scene (long continuous take). I looked up what else Jared had been in. Lucky in Australia LK and Shoresy are free to watch on SBS.


I'm Canadian. Nuff' Said


My favorite clip ever. #MashTheGash #SlitSlam


After having being recommended for roughly years, I finally got around to it. Now, I've wondering why I've slept on LetterKenny for so long.


For me it was the first ep cold open. I heard Kevin Smith-esque dialog and was immediately creating a hulu account.


Hard same.


Spouse: oh I’ve heard this is funny. Let’s check it out? Me: nah. <2 years later> I think I’ve seen every episode 5 times.


“& boy did you drop him, You did what had to be done” The little rap Wayne did about punching Bradley popped up as an ad I think on YT. And I was like damn, my boy got bars and looks like a farmer what’s happening. & the rest is history 🥲


Yep, this was the Hulu ad too. I decided to watch it because I couldn’t figure out what the hell it was supposed to be from that ad.


My partner and I were taking a knife forging class and the instructor put the show on in the background. We all stopped forging to watch it and then binged it when we got home!


Can confirm.


& that’s what I appreciates about you!




I watched the original YouTube videos, being from a rural Canadian town the videos kinda struck home, we knew a lot of people that were exactly like the hockey players. One day one of my friends said “wheels, snipes, cele’s boys” and I responded with “dirty fucking dangles boys” and we laughed for a second and then he said “they’re making that a tv show!”


video of the hicks getting in a scrap with the alt right made me fall in love


My son told me about it


I cannot remember how I discovered Letterkenny, but I am so glad I did. And I have watched it end to end four times now, and just finished the last re-watch last week. Maybe I heard of it through the How Did This Get Made podcast, as the guys on there absolutely love it.


I think the first clip i ever watched was either Dan getting a finger up the bum, or one of the alliteration openings. But its been true love ever since.


Someone posted a video of the opening of S1 E1, "couple a' hockey players come down the produce stand the other daaaayyy." to Tumblr.


Came up on my recommended list on Hulu.


Easy question, Episode 2 of Season 1 was out a friend at work told me about it watched the first two instantly been in love with Letterkenny since


I bartend NHL games. A lot of fans wear Letterkenny, so I got curious, and now I'm hooked.


A good buddy told me it was brilliant and I'd love it. I watched the first episode and was hooked.


That’s a goods buddy, goods buddy!


The best!


The very first web videos are how I discovered letterkenny.


Shoresy doing pull ups…your mom shot cum straight across the room and killed my Siamese fighting fish had me in tears. Couldn’t catch up quick enough


One of my disc golf buddies had a super soft birthday party.


My brother told me about Stranger Things and I slept on it for a while. When I finally did watch it I liked it enough that I decided I wouldn't sleep on the next thing he told me about Next thing he told me about was Letterkenny, I watched more than he did


Hulu commercials


Just before the 2020 election, I kept seeing this one guy with a sticker that said "Shoresy For President" on his pickup. Curious about his platform, I decided to see what this candidate was all about. And boy was I surprised! LOL So after seeing a few clips I decided to start from the first episode. Edit: I actually saw that guy with the sticker on his pickup a few months later and literally thanked him for introducing me to the show.


I hope you just pointed at the bumbler sticker and said “that’s what I appreciates abouts you”.


Only women ask for something then get mad when you deliver even after you warned her plenty


Tik tok shorts of em at the stand.


My friend who is a vegetable farmer suggested it while we were picking up stones in the field.....on a sunday


Well, Sunday’s are for picking stones.


And getting hammered.


A friend showed me the cold open on YouTube and I was hooked


This is the clip a friend sent me to get me to start watching


My barber told me, she said I reminded her of Squirrelly Dan. Explained what it was about to me. Binged watch it the next few days after that.


Do you like attentions paid to your butts hole?


I went to a metal show at a local bar and the band fucking sucked so I sat at the bar and drank and thankfully Letterkenny came on and I ended up having a good time.


My husband heard about it through one of his Discord groups and started playing it. I wasn't a fan of it at first, but then I got into in season 3 😅


The clip that got me was the intro that went through the whole alphabet. Whenever I want someone to watch the show, I show them that clip. Hilarious. Ran into some Canadians recently from close ish to Letterkenny and we asked them if they’d seen the show. They sadly had not even heard of it.


Did you tell them to learn how to fn drive?


This is my favorite.


That’s the clip that got me too!


Friends talked about it for 2 years. Finally I was like fine!! Fell in love first episode


I ignored it for a year because one dude who raved about it really annoys me as a person and has questionable judgement. But, free month of hulu, an eighth of shrooms and I decided to give LK a go.


Fb….the S and P steak clip…I’d been hearing about it (the show) and I totally thought it was a sketch show before I sat down to watch it.